DD2 :: Volume #7

#348 Part 2: Enters the finals

Heard this sound, He Caitou has as if remembered anything, suddenly stopped the footsteps, walked toward the Zhao Shouze stump residual limb that side, has picked up that handle broadsword, gained ground asks to Ye Yulin that airborne dropped slowly: Referee, should this spoils of war be able to be me?” 听到这个声音,和菜头似乎想起了什么,突然停下脚步,又朝着赵守泽残肢那边走了过去,拣起了那柄大刀,抬头向空中徐徐落下的叶雨霖问道:“裁判,这战利品应该可以属于我吧?” The Ye Yulin corners of the mouth twitched, to be honest, He Caitou this forms of combat, even if he is also first time sees! But that valiant tactical rules, has made the deep impression on him. Tang Si and Tang Wu, he with that Tang Wu should be the same place. Moreover looks like, talent also very good appearance! 叶雨霖嘴角抽搐了一下,说实话,和菜头这种战斗方式,就算是他也是第一次见到啊!但那彪悍的战法,还是给他留下了深刻印象。唐四唐五,他和那个唐五应该是一起的。而且看起来,天赋也很不错的样子啊! Ok. But in the later competition, you can only use Soul Guidance Device that oneself manufacture as before.” “可以。但在之后的比赛中,你依旧只能使用自己制作的魂导器。” Good.” He Caitou respectfully follows the urging of Huo Yuhao, little spoke as far as possible, two shoulders carried the heavy artillery and broadsword separately, left office. “好。”和菜头谨遵霍雨浩的叮嘱,尽量少说话,两个肩膀分别扛着重炮和大刀,就那么下台去了。 He Caitou has left office, on competition stage after cleaning up, Ye Yulin again said: Second and seventh being taken to the threshing ground.” 和菜头下台了,比赛台上又经过了一番清理后,叶雨霖才再次说道:“第二名、第七名登场。” Huo Yuhao stimulates to movement the Humanoid Soul Guidance Device stride to forward, arrives at compared with the ringside in front of the time, Humanoid Soul Guidance Device both legs micro Qu, shoots again suddenly, bang, falls on the competition stage. This pure metal Outer Shell Humanoid Soul Guidance Device, saw that slightly is unwieldy, but the imposing manner is also threatening. 霍雨浩催动着人形魂导器大步向前,来到比赛台面前的时候,人形魂导器双腿微屈,再猛然弹起,“轰”的一声,落在比赛台上。这全金属外壳人形魂导器,怎么看都略显笨重,但也气势逼人。 Another side, to go on stage Ordinary Union blue skirt young girl. 另一边,上台的正是平凡盟的蓝裙少女。 The aspect was very disadvantageous regarding obscure chamber of commerce. They were eliminated one person, was killed one person. On the other hand, Ordinary Union at skill challenge tournament rank, although is not high, but is three females is promoted finally completely successfully. The luck is much better. 局面对于奥都商会已经很不利了。他们被淘汰一人,被杀死一人。相对来说,平凡盟在技巧挑战赛上的排位虽然不高,但总算是三女全部晋级成功。运气好得多。 Sonorous, sonorous and sonorous!” Steps the step, Humanoid Soul Guidance Device is arriving in front of Ye Yulin. “铿锵、铿锵、铿锵!”迈动着步伐,人形魂导器来到叶雨霖面前。 Ye Yulin nodded toward Huo Yuhao, another side blue skirt young girl actually likely was somewhat timid, walked gradually, walked with a self-important air, gracefully, was really I sees still pities. Her that seems on 18 and nine -year-old elegant faces, is revealing several points of panic-stricken è. 叶雨霖朝着霍雨浩点了点头,另一边的蓝裙少女却像是有些胆怯了似的,也是缓步走了过来,一步三摇、袅袅婷婷,真是我见犹怜。她那看上去不过18、九岁的俏脸上,流露着几分惊恐之è。 Ye Yulin said: Both sides usual name.” 叶雨霖道:“双方通名。” Tang Wu.” The Huo Yuhao desolate sound resounds. 唐五。”霍雨浩冷淡的声音响起。 I called Lan Ruoruo. Big brother, you and you like will not have killed me a moment ago. I a little feared.” The Lan Ruoruo tender body somewhat slightly shivers, elegant face were also many several points of paleness, as if feared really extreme. “我叫蓝若若。大哥,你、你不会也像刚才那样杀了我吧。我有点怕。”蓝若若的娇躯有些轻微颤抖,俏脸也多了几分苍白,似乎真的是怕到极处了似的。 Huo Yuhao did not speak, turned around to walk toward the competition stage that side directly. 霍雨浩却不吭声,直接转身就朝着比赛台自己那边走了过去。 beautiful does è entice him? Ordinary Union this miss also really found fault the person. Are the enticement that Huo Yuhao once the bitter experience arrived at few? Ju Zi(orange) and Wang Qiu'er, isn't which world certainly è? But he actually strictly adheres to the heart to the love. This Lan Ruoruo is the person who the place of Ordinary Union this sound è trains, in the Huo Yuhao eye, her soul was already filthy. This artificiality, cannot cause him to sympathize slightly. 美è诱惑他?平凡盟这位姑娘还真是找错人了。霍雨浩曾经遭遇到的诱惑还少吗?橘子王秋儿,哪位不是人间绝è?可他却始终谨守心中至爱。这蓝若若不过是平凡盟这个声è之地培养出来的人,在霍雨浩眼中,她的灵魂早就是污浊的。这番做作,更是引不起他丝毫的同情。 The Lan Ruoruo eyeground flashes through one to shame angry è, she always confessed the charm to be astonishing, the opposite party actually did not move. Simply is......, Snort. 蓝若若眼底闪过一丝羞恼之è,她一向自认魅力惊人,对方却一点都不动心。简直就是个……,哼。 At the same time is thinking, she also turns around to retrocede to go. 一边想着,她也转身后退而去。 Soul Guidance Device that Ordinary Union these three female ì Soul Engineer manufacture very much has the characteristics, the characteristics and He Caitou are clearly opposite, that is exquisite. 平凡盟这三名女ì魂导师所制作的魂导器都很有特点,特点与和菜头截然相反,那就是小巧。 Ordinary Union trains these outstanding young girls to come out, naturally must make them complete various goals, unwieldy and huge Soul Guidance Device does not suit them obviously. Instead is the exquisite Close Combat Soul Guidance Device effect is best. Therefore, these young girls walk, is one route in Soul Master, Min Gong. 平凡盟培养这些优秀少女出来,自然是要让她们去完成各种目的的,笨重、巨大的魂导器显然不适合她们。反而是小巧的近战魂导器效果最好。因此,这些少女走的,都是魂师中的一种路线,敏攻。 Starts.” Ye Yulin lifts off once more, but this time, his vision actually looking steadily firmly on Huo Yuhao. Which he must have a look at this young people able to achieve not to be possible. “开始。”叶雨霖再次升空而起,而这一次,他的目光却牢牢的盯视在霍雨浩身上。他非要看看这个年轻人能做到哪一步不可。 Starts with this, that blue skirt young girl moved immediately, dexterous ignition of tip of the toe in ground, looks like a blue è bird is ordinary, fluttered toward Huo Yuhao. Her movement is very lithe, seems seems like dancing lightly general. When she such moves to see, her long skirt is also very special. 伴随着这一声开始,那蓝裙少女顿时动了,脚尖在地面上轻巧的点着,就像是一只蓝è的小鸟一般,朝着霍雨浩这边飘了过来。她的动作十分轻盈,看上去就像是在翩翩起舞一般。而当她这么一动起来才能看到,她那长裙也是很特殊的。 The skirt pendulum flies upwards, under the group the fair flesh is partly visible, the long flowing silk inner sleeves of shoulder absolutely do not have the gable to live in the arm, the arm raise, the long flowing silk inner sleeves ripple, a pair also rocks just like the tender lotus root arm. 裙摆飞扬,群下白皙的肌肤若隐若现,肩头的水袖更是根本就没有包覆住手臂,手臂扬起之间,水袖荡漾,一双宛如嫩藕般的手臂也随之晃动起来。 Lan Ruoruo Soul Guidance Device, is a handle short-sword. Must know that the Close Combat Soul Guidance Device volume is smaller, in fact is more difficult to manufacture, particularly high level Close Combat Soul Guidance Device is so. Her short-sword is all over the body jet black, could not see that any Soul Power fluctuates. Sticks to above the wrist|skill, in movement that she dances lightly, actually cannot see. 蓝若若魂导器,是一柄短剑。要知道,近战魂导器体积越小,实际上就越难制作,尤其是高阶的近战魂导器更是如此。她这短剑通体漆黑,看不出有任何魂力波动。紧贴在手腕之上,在她翩翩起舞的动作之中,却是丝毫看不到的。 Sonorous, sonorous and sonorous!” The Huo Yuhao movement as before appears somewhat clumsy as, the stride walks toward the front, simultaneously the both arms lift, make one to prepare to want the posture of close combat. “铿锵、铿锵、铿锵!”霍雨浩的动作依旧显得有些笨拙似的,大步朝着前方走来,同时双臂抬起,作出一副准备要近战的姿势。 Formerly everyone saw, he absolutely did not have any Assault Soul Guidance Device on the body, only then at present this Humanoid Soul Guidance Device. Moreover, he is a disabled person, both legs Disabled, this can control Humanoid Soul Guidance Device to take a walk, looks like in many person eyes is not very easy. 先前谁都看到了,他根本就没有任何攻击魂导器在身上,只有眼前这一身的人形魂导器。而且,他本身是个残疾人,双腿不良于行,这能控制人形魂导器走动,在很多人眼中看起来就很不容易了。 Lan Ruoruo has not rushed to front of Huo Yuhao directly, but revolves him to be slow. But Huo Yuhao Humanoid Soul Guidance Device actually can only clumsy turns around with her movement unceasingly. 蓝若若并没有直接冲到霍雨浩面前,而是围绕着他缓慢接近。而霍雨浩人形魂导器却只能笨拙的跟着她的动作不断转身。 The brow of Ye Yulin started some wrinkles. It seems like that this Humanoid Soul Guidance Device really half-finished product! Although can through the thought control, but in the sensitivity, his mechanism installments eventually by far unable to compare with Core Formation . However, even if so, this Humanoid Soul Guidance Device also very much has been worth learning. If can make the large-scale installment, and provides massive Assault Soul Guidance Device, batters in the battlefield, is quite powerful. 叶雨霖的眉头已经开始有些皱起了。看来,这个人形魂导器果然还是半成品啊!虽然能够通过意念控制,但在灵敏度上,他那些机括装置终究还是远远不能与核心法阵相比。不过,就算如此,他这个人形魂导器也已经很值得借鉴了。如果能做成大型装置,并且配备大量的攻击魂导器,那么,在战场上横冲直撞,也是相当强悍的。 Lost also well, regarding young people, the temporary attack instead may promote him diligently. 输了也好,对于年轻人来说,一时的打击反而有可能促进他更加努力。 Lan Ruoruo was getting more and more near from Huo Yuhao, her dance also starts becomes is getting more and more undisguised, floating ù immortal of buttocks wave ǔ wave under complementing of blue è long skirt, is joined to elegant face that moving expression again, is very easily capricious. 蓝若若距离霍雨浩已经越来越近了,她那舞蹈也开始变得越来越露骨起来,臀波ǔ浪在蓝è长裙的掩映下飘飘ù仙,再配上俏脸那一个个动人的表情,更是很容易令人心猿意马。 What a pity, she cannot see Huo Yuhao to hide the look after mask. That is a pair of clear incomparable eye pupil. Light [gold/metal] è fluctuates in double pupil, simply does not have the half minute confused meaning. 可惜,她看不到霍雨浩隐藏在面罩后的眼神。那是一双澄澈无比的眼眸。淡淡的金è在双瞳中波动,根本没有半分被迷惑的意思。 Suddenly, Lan Ruoruo fierce lifts the longleg, her blue è long skirt swung unexpectedly completely, a tender body revolution, the fresh-faced outstanding buttocks completely presented in front of Huo Yuhao. Meanwhile, her tender body also suddenly revolution, just like putting on the variegated butterfly drilled from the Huo Yuhao body generally. 突然间,蓝若若猛的一抬长腿,她那蓝è长裙竟然完全荡了起来,娇躯一转,粉嫩的翘臀已经完全呈现在霍雨浩面前。与此同时,她的娇躯也猛然一转,宛如穿花蝴蝶一般从霍雨浩身体左侧钻了过去。 Has changed the average person, suddenly sees that beautiful scene, at least will stay on one dull. But this is also the opportunity that Lan Ruoruo must find. 换了普通人,突然看到那副“美景”,至少都会呆上一呆。而这也是蓝若若要找的机会。 Formerly all charming confusion when she drilled to Huo Yuhao behind, changed into the dense murderous intention completely, the ice-cold vicious vision twinkle. The tender body leaps. Both hands grip that handle short-sword, body two yellow, three purple, one black, in six Soul Ring, there are three to shine. All strengthens the Soul Power output. That jet black short-sword also turned into ī dark purple è, only then less than three cuns (2.5cm) purple è sword glow looks like the advantage tooth of poisonous snake is common, directly soared the Huo Yuhao cerebellum position to puncture. 先前的所有魅惑在她钻到霍雨浩背后的时候,已经完全化为了森然杀机,冰冷狠毒的目光闪烁。娇躯腾起。双手握住那柄短剑,身上两黄、三紫、一黑,六个魂环之中,有三个都亮了起来。全都是增强魂力输出的。那漆黑的短剑也随之变成了ī暗的紫è,只有不到三寸的紫è剑芒就像是毒蛇的利齿一般,直奔霍雨浩后脑位置刺了下来。 This strikes, fermented and gather the potential for a long time attack after before. Lan Ruoruo has the absolute confidence to own attack. Let alone Huo Yuhao is controlling Humanoid Soul Guidance Device seems that clumsy, even if Soul Master, this strikes the front in oneself, is unable to dodge absolutely. 这一击,是经过之前酝酿、蓄势已久的攻击。蓝若若对自己的攻击有绝对信心。别说霍雨浩控制着的人形魂导器看上去那么笨拙,就算是魂师,在自己这一击面前,也绝对无从闪躲。 The Lan Ruoruo strongest place is this Close Combat Soul Guidance Device striking power. Compares in Long Range Soul Guidance Device, Close Combat Soul Guidance Device attack prestige can be very strong. Her handle short-sword had sacrificed the abilities of all long-distance attacks, is containing the ability is dark is ì. Has the broken soul special effect. To all Soul Guidance Protective Cover and Paragon Protecting Cover, has greatly strengthened destruction ì, not only that to all metals, has the intense puncture effect. So long as were stabbed by it directly, that destruction effect even far ultra general seven levels of Soul Guidance Device. Must die without doubt. 蓝若若最强的地方就是她这近战魂导器的攻击力。相比于远程魂导器,近战魂导器攻击威能本就很强。她这柄短剑更是牺牲了一切远程攻击的能力,蕴含着的能力乃是黑暗属ì的。拥有破魂特效。对一切魂导护罩无敌护罩,都有极强的破坏ì,不仅如此,对一切金属,也都有着强烈的穿刺效果。只要被它直接刺中,那破坏的效果甚至远超一般的七级魂导器。必死无疑。 However, in the flash that she starts, the eye pupil of Huo Yuhao becomes is similar to the stars glistens suddenly generally. 但是,也就在她发动的一瞬间,霍雨浩的眼眸突然变得如同繁星一般闪亮。 Saw that handle short-sword must stab his cerebellum, suddenly, Lan Ruoruo sees eight spoken parts light simultaneously one behind Huo Yuhao bright, an impulse is following. 眼看着那柄短剑就要刺中他的后脑了,突然间,蓝若若看见八道白光同时在霍雨浩背后一亮,一股冲击力随之而来。 This impulse seems not very strong, takes cultivating of her six rings Soul Emperor as, backlash one foot of but by that impulse being gone against. But the body of Huo Yuhao simultaneously has also moved ahead one foot. Two chi (0.33 m) distance, regarding Soul Master and Soul Engineer is not anything. May probably kill regarding Lan Ruoruo this strikes, is actually unbearable. 这冲击力似乎并不是很强,以她六环魂帝的修为,只是被那冲击力顶的后退一尺而已。但霍雨浩的身体也随之同时前移了一尺。两尺距离,对于魂师魂导师来说都不算什么。可对于蓝若若这必杀的一击来说,却是咫尺天涯。 The purple light dodges, fell on the vacancy. But also at this moment, Lan Ruoruo only thought that at present a flower, formerly also clumsy the extremely form unexpectedly disappeared before him. 紫光一闪,已经落在空处。而也就在这时,蓝若若只觉得眼前一花,先前还极为笨拙的身影竟然就那么在他面前消失了。 Thinks audiences who Huo Yuhao must suffer a loss, coagulate in this moment expression completely. Their surprised seeing, Huo Yuhao is controlling Humanoid Soul Guidance Device has made a movement of turning around by an extremely clever place. Turns around meanwhile, the back ray blowout, simultaneously the waist side also ray spouts, the entire body from the sky drew a strange arc unexpectedly, after changing to Lan Ruoruo, actually flank. A fist directly soars the Lan Ruoruo shoulder bang to go. 原本以为霍雨浩要吃大亏的观众们,在这一刻表情全部凝固。他们吃惊的看到,霍雨浩控制着的人形魂导器以一个极其灵巧的地方做出了一个转身的动作。转身同时,背后光芒喷出,同时腰侧也有一道光芒喷出,整个身躯竟然在空中划出了一道诡异的弧线,硬是转到了蓝若若后侧方。一拳直奔蓝若若肩头轰去。 The response of Lan Ruoruo is also extremely quick, lost the Huo Yuhao form, she takes her left leg tip of the toe as the axis, the whole person revolves turning round for one week, simultaneously after the upper part supine, happen to avoids Huo Yuhao this fist. Simultaneously in the hand on the short-sword pulls up, delimits to the arm of Huo Yuhao. 蓝若若的反应也是极快的,失去了霍雨浩的身影,她以自己的左脚脚尖为轴,整个人滴溜溜旋转一周,同时上半身后仰,正好避开霍雨浩这一拳。同时手中短剑上撩,划向霍雨浩的手臂。 Where Huo Yuhao will be hit by her! On the arm lifted, made way her short-sword, simultaneously the right leg swept away, swept to her support leg. 霍雨浩哪会被她命中啊!手臂上抬,让开了她的短剑,同时右腿横扫而出,扫向她的支撑腿。 This time did Humanoid Soul Guidance Device, which have the half minute clumsy flavor? Spirit hole simply with Soul Master not different. 这时候的人形魂导器,哪还有半分笨拙的味道?灵窍的简直就和魂师无异。 In the eye that Ye Yulin looks at the extraordinary splendor again and again, this boy, is playing the role of the pig to eat the tiger unexpectedly! 叶雨霖看的眼中异彩连连,这小子,竟然是在扮猪吃老虎啊! The Lan Ruoruo close combat ability is truly strong. Under the disadvantageous aspect, can control oneself as before, the latter supine body left arm makes a movement of support, the tender body completes the arch, formerly support leg shot, kicked to the arm of Huo Yuhao. To take advantage of somebody's authority to avoid. 蓝若若的近战能力确实很强。在不利的局面下,依旧能够掌控自身,后仰的身体左臂作出一个支撑的动作,娇躯完成拱形,先前的支撑腿弹起,踢向霍雨浩的手臂。想要借势避开。
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