DD2 :: Volume #7

#348 Part 1: Enters the finals

Ye Yulin looks to He Caitou and obscure chamber of commerce representative, the sinking sound track: Both sides usual name, standing by. I emphasized that competition life and death, regardless, admitted defeat till a side or is the battle efficiency. If felt that is unable to defeat the match, earlier opens the mouth, in order to avoid from harming.” 叶雨霖看向和菜头奥都商会的代表,沉声道:“双方通名,准备战斗。我强调一下,比赛生死无论,直到一方认输或者是去战斗力为止。要是感觉到无法战胜对手,就早点开口,以免自误。” Tang Si!” The He Caitou sound is brief. 唐四!”和菜头的声音简短有力。 obscure chamber of commerce, Zhao Shouze.” 奥都商会,赵守泽。” Starts.” The Ye Yulin body lifts off suddenly, announced the start of this competition. “开始。”叶雨霖身体骤然升空而起,也宣布了本场比赛的开始。 This is not entire Continent youth high level Soul Master ī brave great competition that type compares notes to compete, but is the true life and death fight. This is the competition of underground world, may not have that many rules and protective devices. 这可不是全大陆青年高级魂师ī英大赛那种切磋比拼,而是真正的生死搏斗。这是地下世界的比赛,可没有那么多规则和保护手段。 The Zhao Shouze tip of the toe in the ground, overran in the He Caitou direction, the body raises rapidly three yellow, three purple six Soul Ring, is six rings Soul Emperor cultivates impressively is. In the hand a broadsword pendulum, on knife shines eye-catching yellowish red è flame, the brilliance is dreadful. 赵守泽脚尖在地面上一点,就朝着和菜头的方向冲了过去,身上迅速升起三黄、三紫六个魂环,赫然是六环魂帝修为。手中大刀一摆,刀身上亮起一层夺目的金红è火焰,光焰滔天。 What is accidental is He Caitou, does not know that he cannot adjust to release the fast è artillery, does not want to release, in hand heavy artillery not only has not sent è, instead has put, seems this everybody is too heavy, he a little could not shoulder. 令人意外的是和菜头这边,不知道他是没能调整过来释放速è炮,还是根本就不想释放,手中重炮不但没有发è,反而放了下来,似乎是这个大家伙太沉重,他有点扛不住了似的。 However, his Soul Ring also rose. 但是,他身上的魂环也升了起来。 Two yellow, two purple, two black. 两黄、两紫、两黑。 Saw that this increases, when six Soul Ring of best Soul Ring allocated proportion, under the stage piece of ā moves immediately. 看到他这攀升而起,最佳魂环配比的六个魂环时,台下顿时一片ā动。 Even if the best Soul Ring allocated proportion appears on Soul Master, is extremely scarce, let alone appeared on Soul Engineer. 最佳魂环配比哪怕是出现在魂师身上,都是极为稀少的了,更别说是出现在一名魂导师身上了。 Dusk Water Union here naturally pleasantly surprised occurred simultaneously, but actually changed as obscure chamber of commerce and Ordinary Union of that two sides match Yan È. 夕水盟这边自然是惊喜交加,而作为对手的奥都商会平凡盟那两边却都是变了颜è。 Under the stage saw He Caitou Soul Ring, Zhao Shouze on stage naturally also saw. Has a look at others, has a look at oneself this Soul Ring Yan È again, shabby! The unprecedented imposing manner released immediately. 台下都看到了和菜头魂环,台上的赵守泽自然也看到了。看看人家,再看看自己这魂环颜è,寒碜啊!原本一往无前的气势顿时一泄。 Although the imposing manner was somewhat suppressed by He Caitou Soul Ring, but the Zhao Shouze under foot step is actually not slow, quick broke through half-court. In the hand a broadsword pendulum, was a blade has divided toward He Caitou. 气势虽然被和菜头魂环有些压制了,但赵守泽脚下步伐却是不慢,很快就冲过了半场。手中大刀一摆,朝着和菜头就是一刀劈了出去。 Immediately. Sees only that yellowish red è the blade glow to delimit together the startled day rainbow, stretches across more than 40 meters distances unexpectedly, cuts to fall toward the He Caitou overhead. The broadness of that imposing manner, as if must cleave in two entire competition stage. 顿时。只见那金红è的刀芒划出一道惊天长虹,竟是横跨40多米的距离,朝着和菜头当头斩落。那气势之恢宏,仿佛要将整个比赛台都劈成两半似的。 The air instantaneously became blazing, Zhao Shouze this handle long blade very much had tasteful, do not look is only Close Combat Soul Guidance Device, inside had nine Core Formation . Under various amplification, the prestige of this enhancement flame blade can already very close seven levels of Close Combat Soul Guidance Device. Moreover the striking distance also compared with general Close Combat Soul Guidance Device long many. Is considered as is the Soul Power energy weapon. 空气瞬间变得炽热了,赵守泽这柄长刀可是很有讲究的,别看只是一件近战魂导器,里面却有九个核心法阵之多。各种增幅下,他这增强火焰刀的威能已经很接近七级近战魂导器了。而且攻击距离也要比一般近战魂导器长的多。算得上是魂力能量武器。 However. He Caitou does not worry, the under foot step moves, in the hand is entraining his fast è artillery, a transverse shift, has avoided this blade. 不过。和菜头却是一点都不着急,脚下步伐一动,手上拉拽着自己的速è炮,一个横移,就避开了这一刀。 flame blade cuts in the ground, immediately cuts a long gully, by the gully, all turned into red, and is melting rapidly. Obviously the high temperature of this flame blade was fearful. “噗”火焰刀斩在地面上,顿时斩出一条长长的沟壑,沟壑两边,全都变成了一片通红,并且迅速融化着。可见这火焰刀的高温有多么可怕了。 However. At this time, the audiences did not have the free time to pay attention to the prestige energy of flame blade, because their dumbfounded looks that He Caitou lifted up his fast è artillery unexpectedly, toward direction rushing of Zhao Shouze in big strides. 不过。在这个时候,观众们却没工夫去注意火焰刀的威能,因为他们目瞪口呆的看着,和菜头竟然扛起他那门速è炮,朝着赵守泽的方向大踏步的冲了上去。 Long-distance attacks Soul Engineer to deliver goods to the doorstep facing close combat Soul Engineer on own initiative, what situation is this? 远程攻击魂导师面对近战魂导师主动送货上门,这是什么情况? Under the competition stage, Huo Yuhao has opened eyes at this time, looks at the situation on stage, hides to reveal a light smile on the face after Humanoid Soul Guidance Device mask. If who regards the fool Second Senior Brother, that was the biggest fool. In tactical aspect. Second Senior Brother will not compare others to be bad! The effect that this wants is unexpectedly four characters. 比赛台下,霍雨浩此时已经睁开双眼,看着台上的情况,隐藏于人形魂导器面罩后的面庞上流露出一丝淡淡的微笑。谁要是把二师兄当成笨蛋,那就是最大的笨蛋了。在战术方面。二师兄绝不会比别人差啊!他这要的效果就是出其不意四字。 Zhao Shouze naturally absolutely cannot think that He Caitou will directly flush unexpectedly toward him. Moreover the rapidness of speed, is quite astonishing. Do not visit him to carry the huge fast è artillery, but the under foot actually very moves fast, rushes to the line, unexpectedly gives a Zhao Shouze illusory fuzzy feeling. 赵守泽自然也是万万想不到和菜头竟然会朝着他直接冲过来。而且速度之快,相当惊人。别看他扛着巨大的速è炮,可脚下却十分飘忽,奔行起来,居然给赵守泽一种虚幻模糊的感觉。 The Tang Sect secret art Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track step, that may, not only Beibei and Huo Yuhao their meeting! He Caitou crosses the threshold such a long time, two Tang Sect secret art that he mainly cultivates are Purple Demon Eyes and this Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track step. At this time healthy heavy artillery. ī that Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track actually as before displays is wonderful exceptionally, not only that on his shoulder the muzzle of that heavy artillery also finally started to have the ray to flash before. 唐门绝学鬼影迷踪步,那可不只是贝贝霍雨浩他们会啊!和菜头入门这么长时间,他主要修炼的两项唐门绝学就是紫极魔瞳和这鬼影迷踪步。此时健康重炮。鬼影迷踪却依旧施展的ī妙异常,不仅如此,他肩膀上那门重炮的炮口也终于开始有光芒闪现了。 Being in a daze of Zhao Shouze is also only the flash, the next quarter, in his hand the broadsword sweeps away, the blazing flame knife edge has cut around the middle toward He Caitou. 赵守泽的发愣也只是一瞬间,下一刻,他手中大刀横扫,炽热的火焰刀刃已经朝着和菜头拦腰斩去。 At this time, He Caitou was away from him also to have probably about 15 meters. He has the confidence in a series of fast attacks, cuts to kill the match. Zhao Shouze does not believe that in this case the He Caitou fast è artillery can send è to come out. 这个时候,和菜头距离他还有大概15米左右。他有信心在一系列快速的攻击中,将对手斩杀。赵守泽也绝不相信在这种情况下和菜头的速è炮能发è出来。 However. Also when this blade sweeps away, he actually discovered. On He Caitou mouth were many a cigar, an all over the body pale [gold/metal] È cigar. His honorable mouth and big mouth is smoking like a chimney. golden light has also shone from him along with it. 但是。也就在他这一刀横扫而出的时候,他却发现。和菜头嘴上多了一根雪茄,一根通体淡金è的雪茄。他正大口、大口的吞云吐雾着。一层金光也随之从他身上亮了起来。 The fast è artillery lifts up high, He Caitou withstood sweeping away of this blade with own body completely. 速è炮高举,和菜头完全是用自己的身体承受了这一刀的横扫。 Works as!” In the crisp whining noise, He Caitou rushes to line as before, but that blade glow actually passed over gently and swiftly from him, was blocked by [gold/metal] è light barrier completely. “当!”脆鸣声中,和菜头奔行依旧,而那刀芒却是从他身上掠过,被金è光罩全部挡住。 Paragon Protecting Cover? 无敌护罩 He violates a regulation! This is the first idea in Zhao Shouze heart. But, float actually slightly do not interrupt the meaning of this competition in airborne Ye Yulin. Also at this time, 15 meters distance had pulled closer. He Caitou medium speed è Soul Guidance Cannon sweeps away unexpectedly, was really works as the great column to be ordinary, pulls out to Zhao Shouze. 他犯规!这是赵守泽心中的第一个想法。可是,悬浮在空中的叶雨霖却丝毫没有要中断这场比赛的意思。也就在这个时候,15米的距离已经被拉近了。和菜头手中速è魂导炮竟然横扫而出,真是当巨柱一般,抽向了赵守泽 Zhao Shouze is surprised, hurries to keep off with the broadsword, he after is close combat Soul Engineer, to own body ability is very confident. 赵守泽大吃一惊,赶忙用大刀去挡,他毕竟是近战魂导师,对自己的身体能力还是很有信心的。 What a pity, he actually does not know a matter. On this world, a person is called the talent different reported. 可惜,他却不知道一件事情。在这个世界上,有一种人被称作为天赋异禀。 He Caitou is one of them, although his strength impossible compared with the Wang Qiu'er that Absolute strength, but compares to general Soul Master to come, is larger many. 和菜头就是其中之一,虽然他的力量不可能和王秋儿那种极致的力量相比,但比起一般魂师来,还是要大的多的多。 Bang!” Zhao Shouze pulled out one that strikes to stagger with the blade, he only thinks transmits vigorously, the cutter bar instead hits directly above own chest. Hurries to open the second condition of sword, the entire tool bit all turned into dazzling yellowish red è. Although the sword under this type of condition cannot long-distance attack again, but will strengthen in the destructive power of short distance large scale. “砰!”赵守泽连人带刀被抽击的一个趔趄,他只觉得大力传来,刀杆直接反撞在自己胸膛之上。赶忙开启战刀的第二种状态,整个刀头全都变成了刺目的金红è。这种状态下的战刀虽然不能再远程攻击,但在近距离的破坏力将大幅度增强。 However, his next quarter sees He Caitou close combat Soul Guidance Cannon directly toward oneself, when the chest hits. 但是,他下一刻就看到和菜头的近战魂导炮直接朝着自己当胸撞来。 Zhao Shouze without hesitation sets upright the broadsword, must launch He Caitou close combat Soul Guidance Cannon with the blazing knife edge. 赵守泽毫不犹豫的一竖大刀,就要用炽热的刀刃去展开和菜头的近战魂导炮 However, flickers below, he already cold-hearted like ice. Because he saw that formerly the Soul Power ray suddenly erupted in the fast è artillery muzzle place was containing! 但是,在下一瞬,他就已经心冷如冰。因为他看到,先前在速è炮炮口处蕴含着的魂力光芒突然爆发了! The fast è artillery, as the name suggests, to send è to cast rapidly. In the battlefield, is used for the fire match. In this case, the sole attack might of fast è artillery will not be strong. Like He Caitou this seven levels of fast è artillery, the shells and six levels of High Explosive Bomb that might sends out is almost the same. 速è炮,顾名思义,以发è迅速而铸成。在战场上,是用来火力压制对手的。在这种情况下,速è炮的单一攻击威力就不会太强。像和菜头这门七级速è炮,发出的炮弹和六级高爆弹的威力相差无几。 Naturally, He Caitou this fast è artillery has also distinguished with other fast è artillery, that is the volume. 当然,和菜头这门速è炮也和别的速è炮有所区别,那就是体积。 The volume is oversized, is very unwieldy. But similarly, the volume and might are proportional. The shell of this fast è artillery, at least is the three times of sizes of normal speed è artillery. This might naturally is also to develop according to the situation. 体积过大,就十分笨重。但同样的,体积和威力是成正比的。他这速è炮的炮弹,至少是正常速è炮的三倍大小。这威力自然也是水涨船高 When the heavy artillery the great column sweeps away, shakes the match, second He Caitou aimed at the match to hit with the muzzle. 重炮当巨柱横扫,震开对手,第二下和菜头就是用炮口对准对手撞了过去。 This is an artillery! It is not Close Combat Soul Guidance Device. Is the artillery can send è. May be very obvious, Zhao Shouze after being shaken, subconsciously has forgotten this matter. 这是炮啊!怎么也不会是近战魂导器。是炮就能发è的。可很明显,赵守泽在被震开之后,就下意识的忘记了这件事。 Therefore, the knife edge of his broadsword yellowish red è cuts, normally, so long as in cutting can also be similar to cuts the butter to be ordinary, cuts open the rare metal of fast è artillery muzzle. 所以,他那大刀金红è的刀刃斩上去,正常情况下,只要斩中也能够如同切牛油一般,切开速è炮炮口的稀有金属。 Matter that but, He Caitou handles now, almost top with the fast è artillery round of è before him! Whatever, that is also an artillery! 可是,现在和菜头做的事情,几乎是用速è炮顶在他面前发è啊!无论怎么样,那也是炮! Therefore......, Bang 于是……,“轰” All person clear seeing, between He Caitou and Zhao Shouze, one group of intense rays explode instantaneously. The huge explosive force and repulsive force made the He Caitou whole person hold his fast è artillery flying upside down. 所有人都清楚的看到,在和菜头赵守泽之间,一团强烈的光芒瞬间爆开。巨大的爆炸力和反冲力令和菜头整个人抱着他的速è炮倒飞而出。 Zhao Shouze that handle long blade is truly strong, worthily is close seven levels of Close Combat Soul Guidance Device. That yellowish red è knife edge as before vertical in same place, formerly went against it to send è the fast è Soul Guidance Cannon shell to be divided into two. Shell that but, this divides into two, was actually bombardment maliciously on Zhao Shouze! 赵守泽的那柄长刀确实很强,不愧是接近七级的近战魂导器。那金红è的刀刃依旧竖直在原地,就连先前顶着它发è的速è魂导炮炮弹都被一分为二。可是,这一分为二的炮弹,却是狠狠的轰击在了赵守泽身上啊! ten million do not forget, this competition is different from the general Soul Engineer competion. Going on stage can only use Soul Guidance Device that oneself formerly manufactured. In other words, on Zhao Shouze, does not have carrier triggering Soul Guidance Protective Cover. This by the shell of cutting in half, it is also a shell. The bang on the body, that will also hurt...... 千万别忘了,这场比赛和一般的魂导师比拼不一样。上场是只能使用自己先前制作出的魂导器的。也就是说,赵守泽身上,并没有携带者触发式魂导护罩。这被切成两半的炮弹,它也是炮弹。轰在身上,那也会疼…… Zhao Shouze also flew, but, he flew was not the body, but was the hashed meat. 赵守泽也飞出去了,不过,他飞出去的不是身体,而是碎肉。 The entire upper part, the complete hour, the remaining two legs have only stood are in-situ. But his handle long blade, has swayed several, loudly reverses to the one side. Ray also along with it gloomy. The knife edge of yellowish red è, cuts directly in the ground, melted one piece. 整个上半身,已经全部小时,只剩下两条腿还站在原地。而他那柄长刀,摇晃了几下,才轰然倒向一旁。光芒也随之暗淡了下来。金红è的刀刃,直接斩在地面上,又是融化了一片。 Audience complete silence. 全场鸦雀无声。 Although all people know that the competition of this underground influence does not have the rule, may the so bloody scene appear before them , a living person, the upper part was been broken by the Soul Guidance Cannon direct bang, made most people not accept. 尽管所有人都知道,这地下势力的比赛是没有规则的,可如此血腥的场面真的出现在他们面前,一个活生生的人,上半身被魂导炮直接轰碎,还是令绝大多数人接受不了。 Suddenly, retches sound resounding continuously. 一时间,干呕声此起彼伏的响起。 The Dusk Water Union rest area, besides that vice- Cult Master, other people have stood. Even if hated Huo Yuhao and He Caitou that once 98 th , could not bear cheer at this time. 夕水盟休息区这边,除了那位副教主之外,其他人都已经站了起来。哪怕是十分痛恨霍雨浩和菜头的那位曾经的98号,在这时候都忍不住喝彩起来。 Can Long Range Soul Guidance Device also such use unexpectedly? Top round of è on others, this was also too valiant. 远程魂导器竟然还能这么用?顶在人家身上发è,这也太彪悍了。 With the aid of strength of flying upside down counter- shaking, but He Caitou, at this time already steady falling on competition stage. Looked that does not look at a Zhao Shouze stump residual limb, carries his huge fast è artillery, turns around to walk toward Dusk Water Union. 借助反震之力倒飞而出的和菜头,此时已经稳稳的落在了比赛台上。看都不看一眼赵守泽的残肢,扛着他那巨大的速è炮,转身就朝着夕水盟这边走来。 First, ended. Tang Si, victory.” “第一场,结束。唐四,胜。” --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- Sorry, was late. The body does not make the massage comfortably, just came back. 抱歉,晚了点。身体不舒服去做推拿,刚回来。 . .. . ..
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