DD2 :: Volume #7

#349 Part 2: Sacred angel

I have killed him, revenges for Huang the brother.” Huo Yuhao drinks one lowly, in big strides goes toward the competition stage on. That while he clashes, blocked look severe Guanglian to dodge, Third Elder that must begin. “我去杀了他,替黄兄报仇。”霍雨浩低喝一声,大踏步的就朝着比赛台上而去。在他冲出去的同时,也挡住了眼神厉光连闪,就要动手的三长老 Jumps, Huo Yuhao arrived above competition stage again. In big strides welcomed toward Ye Guyi. 腾身而起,霍雨浩再次来到了比赛台之上。大踏步的朝着叶骨衣迎了过去。 Ye Guyi coldly snorted, you and other evil generations, decide completely are cut by me under the sword.” Struck to kill Huang Zheng, making her oneself cultivate to increase suddenly a section, Soul Power that formerly consumed also restored, at this time confidence full house. 叶骨衣冷哼一声,“你等邪恶之辈,定会被我尽斩于剑下。”击杀了黄征,令她自身修为猛增一截,先前消耗的魂力也已经随之恢复,此时正是信心爆棚。 In the Huo Yuhao heart sighed one darkly, in the surface said: That must think you to have this skill.” 霍雨浩心中暗叹一声,表面上却道:“那就要看你有没有这个本事了。” Is Ye Yulin of chief judge face è somewhat is also ugly at this time, when Ye Guyi shows Angel Martial Soul, in his heart is extremely shocking. But his idea is also same as Huo Yuhao. This silly thing, how can before the wing is not abundant, shows own sacredly is ì in front of Evil Soul Master! Isn't this courts death? If can discover earlier her sacredness is ì, recommended directly to Crown Prince Your Highness, will resist a Holy Spirit Cult card in a hand as the future is the good matter? Now, perhaps is...... 身为裁判长的叶雨霖此时脸è也有些难看,当叶骨衣展现出天使武魂的时候,他心中是极为惊艳的。但他的想法也和霍雨浩一样。这个傻丫头,怎么能在羽翼未丰之前,就展现出自己的神圣属ì在邪魂师面前啊!这不是找死吗?如果自己能早点发现她的神圣属ì,直接引荐给太子殿下,作为未来对抗圣灵教的一张底牌是多好的事儿?现在,恐怕是…… Helpless shaking the head, Ye Yulin has thought. Holy Spirit Cult these people, after seeing this sacredly is ì, must be potential achievement. Such being the case, oneself sold to be good to result, once Tang Wu could not insist, oneself making use direct interruption competition, in any case Holy Spirit Cult must cause trouble, oneself may probably get down this Tang Wu. Cannot make him injure under that formidable Angel Martial Soul. 无奈的摇摇头,叶雨霖已经想好了。圣灵教那些人,在见到这位的神圣属ì后,一定是要有所作为的。既然如此,自己就卖个好得了,一旦唐五坚持不住的时候,自己就趁势直接打断比赛,反正圣灵教也要闹事,自己可要把这个唐五就下来。不能让他伤在那强大的天使武魂之下。 Thinks of here, in the Ye Yulin heart had to decide the idea, once more floating body, high sound track: Competition starts.” This time, he even continually makes both sides retrocede does not have. In any case competition already such at daggers drawn. That directly comes. 想到这里,叶雨霖心中已有定计,再次飘身而起,高声道:“比赛开始。”这一次,他甚至连让双方后退都没有。反正比赛都已经这样剑拔弩张了。那就直接来吧。 In the Ye Guyi hand the long sword shakes slightly, the sword has selected the past toward Huo Yuhao sharp. But at this time, in her ear actually has also resounded a wisp of slight sound. 叶骨衣手中长剑微微一震,剑尖就朝着霍雨浩点了过去。但也就在这个时候,她耳中却响起了一缕细微的声音。 How you can appear before the Holy Spirit Cult person sacredly are ì, you think that Ordinary Union can preserve you?” “你怎么能在圣灵教的人面前显现出神圣属ì,难道你认为平凡盟保得住你吗?” This sudden sound made in the Ye Guyi heart stare slightly, in hand movement, although was not slow, but in the heart also raised doubts, who was speaking with me? Why does this sound as if directly make a sound in my mind? 这突如其来的声音令叶骨衣心中微微一愣,手上动作虽然不慢,但心中也升起了一丝疑惑,谁在和我说话?为什么这声音仿佛是直接响在我脑海中似的? Is I, your match.” “是我,你的对手。” On the side of Huo Yuhao was saying to Ye Guyi, after the under foot was rapid slid, has avoided her sword. 霍雨浩一边向叶骨衣说着,脚下已经迅速后滑,避开了她那一剑。 Ye Guyi sneers, in the heart wants saying: This certainly is the Evil Soul Master deceitful ī stratagem. 叶骨衣冷笑一声,心中想道:这一定是邪魂师狡诈的ī谋。 „It is not the ī stratagem. That side has the Holy Spirit Cult five big powerhouses, five people at least are Evil Soul Master of Titled Douluo rank, at least one is Transcendent Douluo cultivates is. You think that the Ordinary Union person can protect you?” “不是ī谋。那边有圣灵教五大强者,五个人至少都是封号斗罗级别的邪魂师,其中还至少有一个是超级斗罗修为。你认为平凡盟的人能够保护你吗?” In so the situation of short distance, Huo Yuhao on own initiative connects Ye Guyi through own ī mental power, in ten meters range, nearly can achieve to read the degree of plan. Naturally, this is also because Ye Guyi has not stimulated to movement ī mental power fully with the reason that he contends with. 在如此近距离的情况下,霍雨浩通过自己的ī神力主动去连线叶骨衣,十米范围内,近乎能达到读心术的程度。当然,这也是因为叶骨衣没有全力催动ī神力与他抗衡的原因。 A Ye Guyi tip of the toe place, in the hand the long sword transforms myriad rays, covers to go toward Huo Yuhao, in heart surprised wants saying: Can you feel my idea? 叶骨衣脚尖点地,手中长剑幻化出万千光芒,朝着霍雨浩笼罩而去,心中吃惊的想道:你能感受到我的想法? Huo Yuhao said: My Lord Martial Soul is ī mental attribute ì, so long as you do not resist specially, I can feel the fluctuation of your thought that thus judges your idea.” 霍雨浩道:“我的主武魂是ī神属ì的,只要你不是特别抗拒,我就能感受到你意念的波动,从而判断出你的想法。” At the same time was saying, he is controlling his Humanoid Soul Guidance Device, treadons Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track, backlash fast, is fending the attack of Ye Guyi. 一边说着,他控制着自己的人形魂导器,脚踏鬼影迷踪,飞快的后退,闪避着叶骨衣的攻击。 Why do I believe you?” coldly snorted of Ye Guyi in heart. “我凭什么相信你?”叶骨衣在心中冷哼一声 To be honest, I do not know how should convince you. But I can only tell you, Holy Spirit Cult is our common enemies. I find out them compared with you. But the enemy potential is big, is not easy to solve. If you want me to prove, I only then defeats you first, then finds the way to save you.” Huo Yuhao somewhat helpless saying. “说实话,我也不知道该如何说服你。但我只能告诉你,圣灵教是我们共同的敌人。我比你更想出掉他们。但敌人势大,绝不是那么容易解决的。如果你非要我证明的话,那我就只有先击败你,再想办法救你。”霍雨浩有些无奈的说道。 The Ye Guyi eyebrow selects, disdains wants saying: Depends on you, wants to defeat me? Even if you are Evil Soul Master are impossible.” 叶骨衣眉毛一挑,不屑的想道:“就凭你,也想击败我?就算你是邪魂师也不可能。” Huo Yuhao somewhat helpless [say / way]: Kills the person arrogantly! You are long the patience. We like this agreed. I defeat you, you listen to me to arrange, I as far as possible will certainly protect you to be complete. You must understand that your sacredness is ì threatens regarding Evil Soul Master too in a big way, they certainly before your wing is not abundant must remove you!” 霍雨浩有些无奈的道:“自大害死人啊!你就长长心吧。那我们就这样约定好了。我击败你,你就听我安排,我一定会尽量护你周全。你必须明白,你的神圣属ì对于邪魂师来说威胁太大,他们一定会在你羽翼未丰之前要除掉你啊!” Good. You defeat me, I listen your.” Although in the Ye Guyi heart is thinking, but on the elegant face actually full is arrogant è. He does not believe one will lose to this disabled person. Formerly she little had not paid attention to Huo Yuhao, can manufacture Humanoid Soul Guidance Device to come regarding Huo Yuhao is very surprised. However, she actually does not think that this person can be own match. “好。你击败我,我就听你的。”叶骨衣心中虽然这么想着,但俏脸上却满是高傲之è。他一点也不相信自己会输给这个残疾人。先前她也没少注意霍雨浩,对于霍雨浩能够制作出人形魂导器来也很吃惊。但是,她却绝不认为这个人能是自己的对手。 Huo Yuhao no longer spoke, personal appearance backlash at the same time, sudden one rumbled directly. 霍雨浩不再吭声,身形后退的同时,突然一圈正面轰出。 In an instant, Ye Guyi only thought in front of one seems not a person, but is the high mountain that towers palatially, a fist of bright golden è enlarges in her at present instantaneously. 刹那间,叶骨衣只觉得自己面前仿佛不是一个人,而是一座巍峨耸立的高高山岳,一只灿金è的拳头在她眼前瞬间放大。 The intense [gold/metal] white è ray raises from her suddenly, in hand long sword sword glow four è, before sword point selects, happen to stabs above the fist of Huo Yuhao. 强烈的金白è光芒从她身上骤然升起,手中长剑剑芒四è,剑尖前点,正好刺中在霍雨浩的拳头之上。 Bites!” “叮!” On cultivating is, they are Absolute Martial Soul, Huo Yuhao have the Twin Martial Souls in addition to hold in Soul Power, must weakly in Ye Guyi. But the Soul Power amplifier on this Humanoid Soul Guidance Device actually played the enormous role. Both sides collide, Soul Power is equally matched. 论修为,两人都是极致武魂,霍雨浩魂力就算有双生武魂加持,也是要弱于叶骨衣的。但他这人形魂导器上的魂力放大器却起到了极大的作用。双方碰撞,魂力是不相上下的。 Ye Guyi only thought that a gang of powerful ī god fluctuates to head on, that Dominating the World dignity, as if must crash general her. 叶骨衣只觉得一股强悍的ī神波动扑面而来,那种君临天下的威严,仿佛要将她压垮一般。 Huo Yuhao present Dominating the World, underwent his unceasing improvement and initially Old Mu taught to his difference is very big. Therefore did not fear that the Holy Spirit Cult person looks. Meanwhile, this Dominating the World after improvement, displays even without Goddess of Light, the might is also huge, the effect that ī mental power occupies must greatly surpass Soul Power. This is originally the Dominating the World biggest difference. 霍雨浩现在的君临天下,已经经过了他自己的不断改良和当初穆老传授给他的区别很大。因此也不怕圣灵教的人看出来。同时,他这君临天下在改良之后,哪怕不用光之女神来施展,威力也是巨大的,其中,ī神力占据的效果要大大超过了魂力。这是和原本君临天下最大的差别。 Ye Guyi is not beforehand Lan Ruoruo, a back pure white wing show, Huo Yuhao felt suddenly immediately own ī mental power as if encountered a sacred barrier to be ordinary, was prevented completely outside. However, this fist also eventually prevented the Ye Guyi offensive. Made this Angel Martial Soul owner fall to draw back backward half step. 叶骨衣可不是之前的蓝若若,背后洁白的羽翼猛然一展,霍雨浩顿时感觉到自己的ī神力仿佛遭遇到了一堵神圣屏障一般,被完全阻挡在外。但是,他这一拳也终究阻止住了叶骨衣的攻势。令这位天使武魂的拥有者向后跌退半步。 While this opportunity, Huo Yuhao aura suddenly changes, grey è Halo appears instantaneously in his, his double pupil also turned into grey è. 趁此机会,霍雨浩身上的气息骤然一变,一圈灰è光环瞬间浮现在他脚下,他的双眸也随之变成了灰è。 Grey è Soul Ring? Ye Guyi was also startled, she never has also seen such Soul Ring. This type not normal , and has filled existence of evil aura, obviously is Evil Soul Master has probably! 灰è魂环叶骨衣也是吃了一惊,她还从未见过这样的魂环。这种不正常而且充满了邪恶气息的存在,显然是邪魂师才可能拥有的啊! Your this swindler, you clearly are Evil Soul Master.” Indignant thought of Ye Guyi in heart. “你这个骗子,你分明就是一个邪魂师。”叶骨衣在心中愤愤的想到。 Huo Yuhao helpless [say / way]: If I do not have such performance, you think that Dusk Water Union and Holy Spirit Cult person will trust me? Remembers that we formerly agreed that I defeat you, you listen my. Was careful.” 霍雨浩无奈的道:“如果我没有这样的表现,你认为夕水盟圣灵教的人会信任我吗?记得我们先前的约定,我击败你,你就听我的。小心了。” Clearly, the Necromancer aura that because Huo Yuhao releases, Ye Guyi plummets to his trust, in the hand the long sword shakes, the back holy wings launches, that feather, sends out gentle [gold/metal] Bai Èguang fog, the intense ray made her whole person as if transparent generally. Rich sacred aura implication, before the long sword refers, immediately, the innumerable sword glow fly è toward Huo Yuhao that evil intent fills. 很明显,因为霍雨浩释放出的亡灵法师气息,叶骨衣对他的信任骤降,手中长剑一抖,背后圣洁的双翼展开,那一根根羽毛,散发出一层柔和的金白è光雾,强烈的光芒使得她整个人似乎都变得透明了一般。浓郁的神圣气息蕴含,长剑前指,顿时,无数剑芒朝着身上邪意弥漫的霍雨浩飞è而来。 Sees this, Evil Soul Master face è under stage immediately became uglier. So pure sacred strength, even if under stage they, has felt one not to be intermittently uncomfortable. 看到这一幕,台下的邪魂师们脸è顿时变得更加难看了。如此纯粹的神圣之力,哪怕是在台下的他们,也已经感受到了一阵阵不舒服。 This Ye Guyi is two wing angels, already so fierce, when she cultivates to promote seven rings, when has Martial Soul avatar, will again likely rise two wings, to nine rings, might turn into six wings to flaming the angel. At that time, to Holy Spirit Cult, but was the formidable enemy. 叶骨衣才不过是两翼天使,就已经如此厉害,等她修为提升到七环,拥有武魂真身之时,很可能会再升出两翼,到了九环,更有可能变成六翼炽天使。那时候,对圣灵教来说,可就是强大的敌人了。 Moreover, appearance of Ye Guyi, has disrupted the deployment of Holy Spirit Cult completely, if helped her win the final championship, then, Dusk Water Union wanted to control the rare metal smuggling only to use. Although by the Holy Spirit Cult strength, with is not good, how after all crown prince Xu Tianran will support their, but when this will soon start the war, the depth offends the military and aristocrat, does not serve the Holy Spirit Cult benefit. 而且,叶骨衣的出现,也完全打乱了圣灵教的部署,如果让她获得了最终冠军,那么,夕水盟想要控制稀有金属走私就只能用强了。虽然以圣灵教的实力来说,用强也不是不行,毕竟太子徐天然怎么都会支持他们的,但在这即将开始战争的时候,深度得罪军方和贵族,也不符合圣灵教的利益。 Now looked that Huo Yuhao can win. That vice- Cult Master has thought that once Huo Yuhao falls into the inferiority, if she wants the means directly to meddle in the competition, although will offend that two sides as before, but always compares has no consideration for face completely is much better. 现在就看霍雨浩能不能战而胜之了。那位副教主已经想好了,一旦霍雨浩陷入劣势,她就要想办法直接插手到比赛中,虽然依旧会得罪那两方,但总比完全撕破脸要好一些。 Good strength sacred light! In Huo Yuhao heart secret imposing, the sacred aura that the Ye Guyi body lends, making his whole person as if bathe during was warm, but this warm actually seized every opportunity corroded to his within the body. If he is really Evil Soul Master, perhaps own strength large scale will be weakened directly. 好强的神圣之光啊!霍雨浩心中暗暗凛然,叶骨衣身上散发出的神圣气息,令他整个人都仿佛沐浴在了一层温暖之中,但这股温暖却无孔不入的向他体内侵蚀。如果他真的是邪魂师,恐怕自身实力直接就会被大幅度削弱。 The personal appearance retrocedes rapidly, the Huo Yuhao right hand lifts void, carries on amplification through the Soul Power amplifier as before, handle slender Staff appears during he grasped. 身形迅速后退,霍雨浩右手虚空一抬,依旧是通过魂力放大器进行增幅,一柄修长的法杖就出现在了他掌握之中。 Grey è Soul Ring ray twinkle that then raises from the under foot, but, this grey è Soul Ring turned into [gold/metal] È unexpectedly rapidly. 那从脚下升起的灰è魂环光芒闪烁,但紧接着,这灰è魂环竟然迅速变成了金è。 The [gold/metal] è halo, exaggerates densely Huo Yuhao Humanoid Soul Guidance Device with è, was different from formerly Dominating the World, this time, [gold/metal] Èbian must be profounder, but has actually filled with the Light aura. 金è光晕氤氲而起,将霍雨浩人形魂导器渲染成同è,与先前的君临天下不同,这一次,金è变得更加深邃,但却充满了光明气息。 This, Evil Soul Master under Ye Guyi or stage on stage, all are the dumbfoundedness of looking. 这一下,无论是台上的叶骨衣还是台下的邪魂师们,全都是看的目瞪口呆。 Did previous quarter evil aura imposing he suddenly become will also be flooding so rich Light aura? Actually does this trick change? 前一刻还邪气凛然的他怎么会突然变得充斥着如此浓郁的光明气息了?这个戏法究竟是怎么变的? When Evil Soul Master, vice- Cult Master forward steps one in great surprise, the low and deep incantation sound transmits from the stage. In Huo Yuhao right hand were many long handle Staff. 正当邪魂师们大惊之下,副教主都向前迈动一步之时,低沉的咒语声从台上传来。霍雨浩右手之中已经多了一根长柄法杖 Staff toward airborne one finger, immediately, flame of one group of pale è from the sky ripples, changes into together the form quickly, appears before the Huo Yuhao body. White è light screen left to exterior crest, blocks these supplementaries to have the sacred light sword glow. 法杖朝着空中一指,顿时,一团惨白è的火焰在空中荡漾起来,很快化为一道身影,出现在霍雨浩身前。一层白è光幕向外顶出,挡住了那些附带有神圣之光的剑芒。
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