DKOAD :: Volume #8 百族争艳

#687: Ancient times vestige

Lin Tian is staring at front tall and strong youth, seriously is somewhat surprised, the opposite party looks like him is younger, about 19-year-old appearance, but Mortal Body formidable could be called simply abnormally. His right hand back after behind, has grasped making a fist slightly, Divine Power flowing, the ache between right hands just now slowly has changed pale, no longer before such as, was like that fierce. 林天盯着面前的魁梧青年,当真是有些惊讶,对方看起来比他还年轻,大概19岁的样子,但是肉身之强大简直称得上变态了。他右手背在身后,微微握了握拳,神力流动而过,右手间的疼痛方才是慢慢变淡,不再如之前那般剧烈了。 Tall and strong youth apologized again and again, once for a while scratched the head, appeared very awkward, seemed very simple and honest. In this process, Lin Tian had known the name of opposite party, is called Fan Yingxiong. In the Fan Yingxiong words, when he was born, the parents hope that he in the future is becoming the big hero who is indomitable spirit, therefore names for the hero, about is surnamed, is Fan Yingxiong. 魁梧青年连连道歉,时不时挠头,显得非常尴尬,看上去很憨厚。这个过程中,林天得知了对方的姓名,叫作范英雄。用范英雄的话说,他出生时,爹妈希望他在日后成为顶天立地的大英雄,所以取名为英雄,合起姓来,就是范英雄 „Did benefactor, what you call? Big?” “恩人,你叫什么呢?多大?” Fan Yingxiong asked. 范英雄问道。 Lin Tian, 20.” 林天,20。” Lin Tian simple [say / way]. 林天简单道。 At just the right moment, I was just also full 20.” “真巧,我也刚满20。” Fan Yingxiong laughs foolishly. 范英雄憨笑。 They are the same age, along with conversation, quickly then gets to know each other well actually. 两人都是同龄,随着交谈,倒是也很快便相熟起来。 „Does Little Brother Lin, sit to our that? Let under our quite entertainment!” 林小哥,到咱们那坐坐吧?让我们好生招待下!” Some robust men invited. 有壮汉邀请。 Lin Tian thinks, nods, has not rejected. Initially fourth Heaven Domain, regarding this piece of Heaven Domain influence pattern , he although knows, but other things very much did not understand that something he wants to inquire these people just in time. 林天想了想,点点头,没有拒绝。初来第四天域,对于这片天域的势力格局,他虽然已经知道,不过其它一些东西则不是很了解,正巧有些事他想询问这些人。 At that moment, he along with Fan Yingxiong and several robust men, walks in the southeastern direction. 当下,他随着范英雄和几个壮汉,朝着东南方向走去。 Shortly, he strides in a very small tribe along with several people, inside has probably about hundred families, resides in piece of virgin forest mountain ranges, the air is extremely good, Spirit Qi is very thick, once for a while can hear the beast roar that nearby mountain falls hears. 不久后,他随着几人跨入一个很小的部落,里面大约有着近百户人家,居于一片老林山脉间,空气极好,灵气很浓,时不时能够听到附近山落传来的兽吼声。 flatter Li, how one is the blood?” “阿李,怎么一身是血?” Had anything!” “发生了什么!” „Don't you go to central subgroup to report something? How to receive such heavy wound?” “你们不是去中心主族上禀一些事吗?怎么会受这么重的伤?” In the small tribe, many people have encircled, sees several robust man whole bodies is being the blood, each one frowned. 小部落里,不少人围了出来,见着几个壮汉浑身是血,个个都是皱起眉头来。 At the same time, the senior head of the clan of small tribe also walked, lives in a fustic wood walking stick, on the cheeks full is the wrinkle, inquired how several robust man this is a matter. 同一时间,小部落的老族长亦是走了出来,住着一根黄木拐杖,脸颊上满是皱纹,询问几个壮汉这是怎么一回事。 Comes back from the central subgroup, runs into Ant Race one group of bastards, is very strong!” Several robust men cursed in a low voice, afterward has thought that introduced Lin Tian for other senior head of the clan and clansmen: Head of the clan, this is Lin Tian Little Brother Lin, before had been lucky Little Brother Lin rescues, otherwise, we did not come back.” “从中心主族回来时,遇到蚁族的一群王八蛋了,都很强!”几个壮汉低声咒骂,随后想了起来,替老族长和其它族人介绍林天:“族长,这位是林天林小哥,之前多亏了林小哥相救,否则,我们就回不来了。” The small clan and tribe people are not many, in addition also more than 200 people, knew after Lin Tian has saved several robust men, each one appears very grateful. 小部族人不多,加起来也就200余人,得知林天救了几个壮汉后,个个都显得很感激。 Little friend, many thanks!” “小友,多谢了!” The senior head of the clan walks up. 老族长走上前来。 Old gentleman should not be impolite, should, the younger generation also be looked that ant colony that crowd of cultivator(s) are not pleasing to the eyes.” “老爷子别客气,应该的,晚辈也是看蚁群那群修士不顺眼。” Lin Tian said. 林天道。 He induced slightly, this senior head of the clan cultivates for is not weak, at Spirit Immortal 6-layer Heaven, but, the vitality has appeared very much dry has actually defeated, obviously was the life remains not many. 他稍稍感应了下,这个老族长修为不弱,处在通仙六重天,不过,气血却是已经显得很枯败了,显然是寿元所剩不多。 Ant Race that crowd ***, dies like a dog!” 蚁族那群***,不得好死!” Sooner or later will grind a cleanness them!” “早晚将他们碾碎个干净!” ***! Kills them, a type does not give to remain!” “***!弄死他们,连个种都不给留!” Some people obloquied. 一些人大骂。 From the words of these people, Lin Tian knew these people belong to Barbarian Race, this place, is a Barbarian Race very small branch clan and tribe, but before the so-called central subgroup, was Barbarian Race the clan, this clan may compared with here branch clan and tribe probably. Barbarian Race and Ant Race, the former is heroic, the latter is cruel, two races are always very inharmonious. 从这些人的话语中,林天知道了这些人属于蛮族,这个地方,则是蛮族一个非常小的分支部族,而之前所谓的中心主族,即是蛮族的本族,本族可比这里的分支部族要强很多。蛮族蚁族,前者豪迈,后者残忍,两个种族向来很是不睦。 Was a pity that we are only a small branch clan and tribe, must extinguish that crowd thoroughly ***, but must the central subgroup get rid to be good.” “可惜,我们只是一个微小的分支部族,要彻底灭了那群***,还得中心主族出手才行。” Have not thought that central subgroup gets rid not to have is so easy, after all, Ant Race that crowd *** is very strong.” “别想了,中心主族出手也没那么容易,毕竟,蚁族那群***还是很强的。” Then on!” Some people look to Fan Yingxiong, wicked [say / way]: And other heroes grow truly, exterminates that crowd *** thing!” “那就等!”有人望向范英雄,恶狠狠的道:“等英雄真正成长起来,剿灭那群***东西!” In the Lin Tian eye delimits has wiped the different light, looks to Fan Yingxiong, looks like, Fan Yingxiong as if very much receives these people to anticipate. 林天眼中划过一抹异光,望向范英雄,看起来,范英雄似乎很受这些人期待。 He thinks in the heart that nods suddenly secretly: Truly is worth anticipating.” 他在心中想了想,忽而暗自点头:“确实值得期待。” Fan Yingxiong, this tall and strong youth Mortal Body was too strong, if really carries in Mortal Body purely to bumping, even if were this crossed twice Heavenly Tribulation Samsara Body, has not grasped can exceed the opposite party easily, this person, was not very simple! 范英雄,这魁梧青年肉身太强了,真若是单纯进行肉身上的对碰,纵然是他这个渡过两次天劫轮回体,也没有把握能够轻易胜过对方,这人,很不简单! In the future, extinguished certainly that flock of tortoise calves!” “日后,一定灭了那群王八犊子!” Fan Yingxiong also opened the mouth at this time, entrains tightened the double fist. 范英雄这时候也开口,拽紧了双拳。 Was good, was good, should not be restless.” The senior head of the clan coughs, smiles to look at Lin Tian, said: First entertains the guest.” “行了,行了,别闹腾了。”老族长咳嗽,笑望着林天,道:“先招待客人。” Right! Entertains the guest!” “对对对!招待客人!” My family has the violent quiet tiger that just hit, the pulp is good, I bring entertain Little Brother Lin!” “我家有刚打来的暴幽虎,肉质不错,我去取来招待林小哥!” My family has hundred years of aging, is fierce, Little Brother Lin will certainly like!” “我家有百年的陈酿,烈得很,林小哥一定会喜欢!” I have Ben Yuanrou, is very good!” “我就有奔猿肉,也很好!” My family also has, immediately brings!” “我家也有,马上取来!” Barbarian Race cultivator(s) of small tribe is warm, soon after was the respective end the strong liquor good meat, has built the ditch fire. 小部落的蛮族修士非常热情,不多久便是各自端出了烈酒好肉,架起了沟火。 At this time, weather already dark, in the sky the stars flashed before, sprinkle next silver star light piece by piece. 这个时候,天色已经暗了下来,天空上星辰闪现,洒落下一片片的银色星光。 Little Brother Lin, comes, I respect your one bowl!” 林小哥,来来来,我敬你一碗!” I also come, little brother, come!” “我也来,小哥,来!” Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha, little brother nice wine quantity!” 哈哈哈哈哈,小哥好酒量!” Heroic laughter reverberation. 豪迈笑声回荡。 Lin Tian did not like drinking, the people of not too small tribe are so warm, each and everyone touches the liquor with him, he from is not good to reject, so-called does in Rome as Rome does, he understands certainly. Moreover, he is formidable cultivator(s), although does not like drinking wine, but the alcohol capacity absolutely will not actually miss, this and other ordinary strong liquor, he will drink many are again impossible to keel over drunk. 林天原本并不怎么喜欢喝酒,不过小部落的人们这般热情,一个个与他碰酒,他自也是不好拒绝,所谓入乡随俗,他当然懂。再则,他是强大的修士,尽管不喜欢饮酒,但是酒量却绝对不会差,这等普通的烈酒,他喝再多也不可能会醉倒。 At midnight approaches, on the vault of heaven the stars are more, the small tribe Ligou fire glitters, many Barbarian Race robust men had keeled over drunk, has lain ten several people. Only has several robust men and Fan Yingxiong who Lin Tian saves is very sober, because cultivates not to be weak . Moreover, several other Barbarian Race robust men had not keeled over drunk, cultivates for is at Imperial Sky Realm. 午夜临近,天穹上星辰更多,小部落里沟火闪烁,许多蛮族壮汉都是醉倒了过去,呼啦啦的趴了十数人。唯有林天救下的几个壮汉和范英雄还很清醒,因为修为都不弱,另外,其它还有几个蛮族壮汉也没有醉倒,修为都是处在御空境界 Lin Tian in this time start to talk, described simply under Bai Ziqi and Bai Qiu, consults to the several robust men of this small tribe: Several brothers, in this piece of Heaven Domain, can you once hear this to the brother and sister?” From Divine Prediction Child there learned that Bai Ziqi and Bai Qiu came fourth Heaven Domain, now he also arrived at this piece of Heaven Domain, naturally wants to know that has about Bai Ziqi and Bai Qiu matter, this is also he comes the most primary cause of this small clan and tribe along with several robust men and Fan Yingxiong. 林天在这个时候开口,简单形容了下白子祁白秋,向这个小部落的几个壮汉请教:“几位老哥,这片天域里,你们可曾听说过这对兄妹?”从神算子那里得知白子祁白秋来了第四天域,如今他也到了这片天域,自然想知道有关于白子祁白秋的事,这也是他随着几个壮汉和范英雄来这个小部族的最主要原因。 This...... several Barbarian Race robust men recalled to the brother and sister earnestly that shortly after appears somewhat embarrassed: That, Little Brother Lin, sorry, as if has not heard.” “这对兄妹……”几个蛮族壮汉认真回想,不久后显得有些不好意思:“那个,林小哥,抱歉,似乎没有听说过。” I do not have.” “我也没有。” No.” “没有。” This...... Sorry.” “这……抱歉。” Several robust men open the mouth one after another. 几个壮汉相继开口。 All right.” “没事。” Lin Tian shakes the head. 林天摇头。 He thinks when third Heaven Domain, Bai Ziqi and Bai Qiu has not revealed the reputation, is low-key, wants to come this to be related with Bai Ziqi, that fellow has been very calm, it is estimated that does not have extremely to expose the strength in fourth Heaven Domain, otherwise, already made certainly this fourth Heaven Domain vibrate, after all, the brother and sister may be King Body. 他想一想,在第三天域时,白子祁白秋就没有怎么显露名声,非常低调,想来这和白子祁有关,那个家伙一直很沉稳,估计在第四天域也没有太过展露实力,否则的话,一定早就让这第四天域为之震动了,毕竟,兄妹两人可都是王体 Little Brother Lin can go to a Heaven Domain center point position, perhaps there can have the news of little brother your friend.” 林小哥可以去天域更中心一点的位置,或许那里能有小哥你朋友的消息。” And a robust man said. 其中一壮汉道。 Lin Tian nods, because although has not obtained the Bai Ziqi brother and sister's news, but is somewhat disappointed, but has not thought. 林天点头,虽然因为没有得到白子祁兄妹的消息而有些失望,不过也没多想。 Comes, the meat also has the liquor, Little Brother Lin, we eat and drink!” “来来来,还有肉还有酒,林小哥,咱们吃着喝着!” Here person is very warm. 这里的人都很热情。 Lin Tian smiles slightly, received a golden shining roasting mutton leg from a Barbarian Race robust man hand. 林天略微一笑,从一蛮族壮汉手中接过一黄金灿灿的烤羊腿。 This is not simple sheep, but is formidable Level 9 peak Monster Beast, the named scarlet hot sheep, is the meat that Barbarian Race cultivator(s) most love. 这可不是简单的羊,而是一种强大的九级巅峰妖兽,名为赤火羊,是蛮族修士们最爱的肉食。 At midnight passes gradually, the humidity in air thick many. 午夜渐渐过去,空气中的湿度浓了不少。 Was right.” In several robust men who Lin Tian saves, some people open the mouth saying: „Before hurried back from the central subgroup, heard that the distant place mountain another side, some powerhouses had discovered Young Supreme that many clans that an ancient times vestige, directed fell changed countenance, has stepped the past.” “对了。”林天救下的几个壮汉中,有人开口说道:“之前从中心主族赶回来时,听说远处大山的另一边,有强者发现了一处远古遗迹,引的不少族落的年轻至尊动容,纷纷跨了过去。” Inspired Young Supreme to step the past?” Some people are startled: It is said Young Supreme of various clans, each is the strength is dreadful, can kill the Half-Step Grand Dao powerhouse, will be called this piece of Heaven Domain future King, has that ancient times vestige, aroused the interest of this grade of powerhouse unexpectedly?” “引动年轻至尊跨了过去?”有人吃惊:“据说各族的年轻至尊,每个都是战力滔天,能杀半步大道强者,被称作是这片天域的未来王者,那远古遗迹,竟然引起了这等强者的关注?” Robust man nod that opens the mouth first, said: That piece of ancient times vestige, was very it is said giant is very extraordinary . Moreover, once for a while seven colored divine light flashed before from inside, many powerhouses said that inside considered to have the extraordinary heavy treasure!” 最先开口的壮汉点头,道:“那片远古遗迹,据说很巨大很非凡,而且,时不时有七彩色神光从内里闪现,许多强者都称,里面当是存在着了不得的重宝!” This......” “这……” Some other people are very surprised. 其它一些人都很惊讶。 Lin Tian sits in side, the startled color on face is strong, in the eye even has radiantly flashes through luminously, is very astonishing. 林天坐在旁边,脸上的惊色最是浓烈,眼中甚至有璀璨光亮闪过,很是惊人。 Brother, that ancient times vestige, specifically where?” “老哥,那座远古遗迹,具体在什么地方?” He asked fast. 他快速问道。 Startled color on his face, not because of the ancient times vestige itself, is not because that piece of ancient times vestige directed to kill Young Supreme of Half-Step Grand Dao powerhouse much, made him reveal the startled color reason truly, only then...... Seven Color God Light! Hears these five characters, his heart Vung Tau time fierce jumps. 他脸上的惊色,不是因为远古遗迹本身,也不是因为那片远古遗迹引去了不少可杀半步大道强者的年轻至尊,真正让他露出惊色的原因,只有一点……七彩神光!听到这五个字,他心头顿时间猛的一跳。 That handle Divine Sword in his Knowledge Sea, the sword body ray is seven colored, three Sword Soul Fragment that he seeks, is seven colored! Now hears the robust man saying that in that ancient times vestige had seven colored divine light twinkles, his where can not care? 识海中的那柄神剑,剑体光芒便是七彩色,他所寻到的三块剑魂碎片,也是七彩色!如今听到壮汉称那远古遗迹内有七彩色神光闪烁,他哪里能不在意? That piece of ancient times vestige, was very likely to have Sword Soul Fragment! 那片远古遗迹,极有可能存在着剑魂碎片 Sees Lin Tian somewhat to be slightly excited, the robust man has the surprise, but is actually not hesitant, said: „After is that mountain of north position, distance here is not near, is not far, Imperial Sky words, probably one day then getatable.” Saying, this robust man specifically was also describing under that ancient times vestige position and peripheral environment. 见着林天略微有些激动,壮汉微有诧异,不过却是也没有犹豫,道:“就是北部位置的那座大山之后,距离这里不算近,也不算远,御空的话,大概一日便可到达。”说着,这壮汉又是具体描述了下那片远古遗迹所处的位置和周边环境。 Many thanks!” “多谢!” Lin Tian earnest [say / way]. 林天认真道。 He stands up, is away from looks void after the northern that mountain, in the eye has continuously fine glow to flash before. 他站起身来,隔着虚空望向北部的那座大山之后,眼中有一缕缕精芒闪现。 „The Brother Lin younger brother, do you want to go?” 林兄弟,你要去?” Fan Yingxiong at this time start to talk. 范英雄这个时候开口。 Has been together also several double-hour, this simple and honest tall and strong youth has wound thoroughly ripe with Lin Tian. 相处了也有好几个时辰,这个憨厚的魁梧青年已经彻底和林天熟络起来。 Lin Tian nods, ancient times in the vestige had seven colored divine light to flash before, might have fourth Sword Soul Fragment very much, this thing was important to him, he naturally must pass to look. 林天点头,远古遗迹内有七彩色神光闪现,很有可能存在着第四块剑魂碎片,这东西对他非常重要,他自然要过去看一看。 I accompany you together, before I went to that mountain peripheral hunting frequently, is quite familiar with that place.” “我陪你一起吧,以前我经常去那座大山周边狩猎,对那个地方比较熟悉。” Fan Yingxiong said with a smile gruffly. 范英雄憨笑道。
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