DKOAD :: Volume #8 百族争艳

#686: Mortal body abnormal barbarian youth

Lin Tian is seeing five black armor cultivator(s) so yawns, if the insect mouth apparatus are common, the time slightly narrows both eyes. 林天见着五个黑甲修士这般张口,若是昆虫口器一般,顿时间微微眯起双眼。 Ant Race?” 蚁族?” Some time ago, the old drunkard and he has spoken fourth Heaven Domain each cultivation large clan, has proposed the characteristics of some cultivation large clans, at present these five black armor cultivator(s) present images, are Ant Race cultivator(s) that and old drunkard said resemble. 不久前,老酒鬼和他讲过第四天域的各个修行大族,提过一些修行大族的特征,眼前这五个黑甲修士如今的形象,便是和老酒鬼所说的蚁族修士非常相像。 Big brothers, you walk quickly! Ant Race this flock of bastards are very cruel!” “大兄弟,你快走!蚁族这群畜生残忍得很!” The distant place, has the robust man to shout to Lin Tian. 远处,有壮汉冲着林天大喊。 Whiz!” “嗖!” Whiz!” “嗖!” Whiz!” “嗖!” Sound from out of the blue gets up, at this time, five black armor cultivator(s) have fired into Lin Tian, in an instant then compels the near. 破空之音响起,这个时候,五个黑甲修士已经冲向林天,转眼间便逼到近前。 These five Ant Race cultivator(s) obviously compared with the beforehand three great strength, grasp the sword, is flood the dense cold brightness. Kills directly to Lin Tian. 这五个蚁族修士明显要比之前的三个强大,手持刀剑,皆是泛着森森寒光。直接杀向林天 Lin Tian lifts the hand, a palm of the hand will flush before most Ant Race cultivator(s) claps broken, has seized the long sword in opposite party hand conveniently, lifts the hand to face forward to cut. 林天抬手,一巴掌将冲在最前的蚁族修士拍碎,顺手夺过对方手中的长剑,抬手朝前斩去。 !” “噗!” The blood light splashes, to five Ant Race cultivator(s), second was cut by a sword is two, the incomplete corpse falls on the ground, wriggled several, then did not have the sound. 血光溅开,冲来的五个蚁族修士,第二个被一剑斩为两段,残缺的尸体落在地上,蠕动了几下,便是没有了动静。 Suddenly, other Ant Race cultivator(s) all have a big shock, a moment ago killed two clansmen, may be Imperial Sky 5-layer Heaven, unexpectedly was similar to by this person clan youth cuts the bean curd generally cutting at present, this made their some hearts tremble. 一时间,其它蚁族修士皆是大惊失色,刚才被杀的两个族人,可都是御空五重天啊,居然被眼前这个人族青年如同切豆腐一般给斩掉了,这让他们有些心颤。 You are anything......” “你是什么……” Clang!” “铿!” The sword resounds, is especially grating. 剑鸣响起,格外刺耳。 Lin Tian has not continued to these three Ant Race cultivator(s) the opportunity, cuts three sword light directly, cuts completely the heads of three Ant Race cultivator(s). 林天没有给这三个蚁族修士继续说下去的机会,直接斩出三道剑光,将三个蚁族修士的头颅全部斩下。 blood splashes down in the ground, is the incarnadine big piece, other Ant Race cultivator(s) of distant place made all changed countenance. 血水溅落在地面上,又是染红一大片,令的远处的其它蚁族修士个个动容。 Good...... Quite fierce!” “好……好厉害!” Several robust man hearts startled, several Imperial Sky 5-layer above Ant Race cultivator(s), so were unexpectedly simple is killed. 几个壮汉心惊,几个御空五重以上的蚁族修士,居然这么简单就被杀了。 Lin Tian is holding the long sword of seizing, the look is tranquil, looked that does not look at the ground several Ant Race cultivator(s) remnant corpse, raises legs to walk toward other Ant Race cultivator(s). 林天持着夺来的长剑,神色平静,看都不看地上的几具蚁族修士的残尸一眼,抬腿朝着其它蚁族修士走去。 This movement, makes all people in this place be startled without doubt. 这个动作,无疑使得这个地方的所有人又是一惊。 Dares to kill on own initiative!” “竟敢主动杀过来!” Ant Race is the powerhouse voice ice of head is cold, in the eye cold intent interweaves. 蚁族为首的强者声音冰寒,眼中冷意交织。 Is takes his head!” “属下去取他头颅!” Nearby Ant Race cultivator(s) said. 旁边一蚁族修士道。 This Ant Race cultivator(s) at Imperial Sky 8-layer Heaven peak, after the words fall, one step toward Lin Tian has then stepped the past. 这个蚁族修士处在御空八重天巅峰,话语落下后,一步便朝着林天跨了过去。 In an instant, this Ant Race cultivator(s) compels the Lin Tian near, the look is gloomy: Humanity, is really looks......” 转眼间而已,这个蚁族修士逼到林天近前,神色阴森:“人类,实在是找……” !” “噗!” Lin Tian lifts the hand, is disinclined to listen to anything, a sword cuts blood mist the opposite party. 林天抬手,懒得多听什么,一剑将对方斩成血雾 blood splashes down in the ground, his step is invariable, step by step toward other ten count Ant Race cultivator(s) to walk. 血水溅落在地面上,他脚下步伐不变,一步步朝着其它的十数蚁族修士走去。 Damn humanity! Dares unexpectedly so!” “该死的人类!竟然敢如此!” Has the Ant Race cultivator(s) offense roar of Imperial Sky 9-layer. Unexpectedly directly black ominous ant that whiz, the Ant Race cultivator(s) rush of this Imperial Sky 9-layer Heaven in the past, a personal appearance show, changed to zhang (3.33 m) allow tall, somewhat is very scary. 御空九重蚁族修士戾吼。嗖的一声,这个御空九重天蚁族修士冲杀过去,身形一展,竟是直接化作一头丈许高的黑色凶蚁,很有些吓人。 On the Lin Tian face the expression is invariable, wields a sword toward the front conveniently, the smashing that this Ant Race cultivator(s) cuts. 林天脸上表情不变,随手朝着前方挥剑,噗的一声将这个蚁族修士斩的粉碎。 The time, this place, Ant Race audiences cultivator(s) finally thoroughly changed the color, the Imperial Sky 9-layer Heaven clansman, after launching the true body , the strength can change is stronger, but now, is cut unexpectedly also to kill by a sword. That is the Ant Race powerhouse pupil woods of head is cold, watches intently Lin Tian saying: Kills my ten clansmen continually, humanity, your courage, is not seriously small!” 顿时间,这个地方,蚁族的一众修士终于是彻底变了颜色,御空九重天的族人,展开真身后战力会变的更强,可如今,居然也是被一剑斩杀。那为首的蚁族强者眸子森寒,逼视林天道:“连杀我十个族人,人类,你的胆子,当真是不小!” „Isn't courage small? You must kill me to treat as grain ration with no reason at all, after I instead kill several, so says a word, seriously waste. Ants these two characters, should evolve from your clan.” The Lin Tian expression is calm, walks step by step, said at will: Moreover, my family Master to your clan, quite does not have the favorable impression.” “胆子不小?你们无缘无故要杀我当作口粮,被我反杀几头后,却是如此言语,当真废物。蝼蚁这两个字,应该就是从你们一族身上演化出来的吧。”林天表情平静,一步步走来,随意道:“另外,我家师傅对你们一族,相当没有好感。” His words are direct, disregards another's feelings, audiences Ant Race cultivator(s) that made each one was shows the sinister and ruthless expression. 他话语直接,毫不留情面,令的一众蚁族修士个个都是露出阴毒的表情来。 Is the Ant Race powerhouse of head is the complexion one cold, divergence that killing intent not minces: „The thing of dental cusp mouth advantage!” 为首的蚁族强者自是脸色一寒,杀意毫不掩饰的散去:“牙尖嘴利的东西!” Bang!” “轰!” A startled cry, on this Ant Race powerhouse, the light immortal prestige surges, lifts the hand to pat directly toward Lin Tian. 一声惊鸣,这个蚁族强者身上,淡淡仙威涌动,直接抬手朝着林天拍过去。 Big brothers, draw back quickly!” “大兄弟,快退!” Be careful!” “小心!” Several robust men called out loudly. 几个壮汉大声叫道。 Other Ant Race cultivator(s) each one facial colors are dense: Leader at Spirit Immortal 2nd-layer, kills him, such as cuts the grass!” 其它的蚁族修士则个个面色森然:“头领处在通仙第二重,杀他,如斩草!” Dies to decide......” “死定……” Clang!” “铿!” The grating sword called reverberates once more, breaks the Ant Race cultivator(s) sound. 刺耳剑鸣再次回荡,打断蚁族修士的声音。 The long sword in Lin Tian hand is light, wields conveniently, the time brings the big piece blood wave, will be head the head of Ant Race powerhouse will have cut, afterward, sword intent will compel into his corpse, a corpse of command will blast out. 林天手中的长剑平平淡淡,随手挥出,顿时间带起大片血浪,将为首的蚁族强者的头颅斩了下来,随后,剑意逼入其尸身中,噗的一声令的这具尸体炸开。 Suddenly, audience complete silence. 一时间,全场鸦雀无声。 A Spirit Immortal Realm powerhouse, is a sword is killed unexpectedly also! 一个通仙境强者,竟然也是一剑被杀! Good, So strong is big!” “好,好强大!” Several robust man both eyes circles open the eyes, cannot help but slightly trembles. 几个壮汉双目圆睁,不由得微微一颤。 Compares, but also remaining 11 Ant Race cultivator(s) all reveal to fear intent, stops the hand completely, no longer attacks to several robust men. At this time, was looking at Lin Tian, these Ant Race cultivator(s) backlash cannot help but, they were the Spirit Immortal 2-layer Heaven leaders of head, was cut unexpectedly by a sword! Is this what kind terror strength? How to contend? In them, now strongest is also only Imperial Sky 8-layer Heaven! Can resist the present person with anything! 相比起来,还剩下的11个蚁族修士则是个个露出惧意,全部停下手来,不再攻向几个壮汉。这个时候,望着林天,这些蚁族修士不由自主的后退,他们为首的通仙二重天首领,竟然被一剑就斩掉了!这是何等恐怖的战力?如何抗衡?他们这些人中,如今最强的也只是才御空八重天啊!能够拿什么去抵挡眼前的人! Retrocedes step by step, afterward, these Ant Race cultivator(s) not hesitant, neat runs away to go toward the distant place. 一步步后退,随后,这些蚁族修士没有犹豫,齐刷刷的朝着远处逃遁而去。 Clang!” “铿!” The sword called the echo, the crowded sword light dropped from the clouds, has sealed up all around directly. 剑鸣回响,密集的剑光从天而降,直接封闭了四周。 Pū Pū Pū several, three Imperial Sky 5-layer Ant Race cultivator(s) direct tragic deaths, were cut blood mist, at the same time, other eight Ant Race cultivator(s) were also compelled, all appears incomparably distressed. And, Imperial Sky 8-layer Heaven Ant Race cultivator(s) is shivering, clenches teeth saying: Person, humanity! You want to help these barbarians and my Ant Race for the enemy!” 噗噗噗的几声,三个御空五重蚁族修士直接惨死,被斩成血雾,同一时间,其它八个蚁族修士也是被逼了回来,个个显得无比狼狈。其中,一个御空八重天蚁族修士颤抖着,咬牙道:“人,人类!你想帮这几个蛮子与我蚁族为敌吗!” How is.” “是又如何。” Lin Tian said. 林天道。 His sword, cuts blood mist Ant Race cultivator(s) of this start to talk conveniently at the scene. 他随手一剑,当场将这个开口的蚁族修士斩成血雾 Some time ago, when the old drunkard and he mentioned fourth Heaven Domain, once had said that Ant Race high and low all was very completely cruel, did not have the least bit favorable impression to this clan, this naturally also enabled him not to have any favorable impression to this clan. But now, he arrives at fourth Heaven Domain, but passes through from side, these Ant Race cultivator(s) must kill him, treats as the grain ration meat him, making him raise a thick loathing. Most when starts, the opposite party must kill him, he once continuously twice withdrew, but this is actually useless, they must kill him, so, did he have something to say? Naturally must tit for fat. 不久前,老酒鬼和他提起第四天域时,就曾说过,蚁族上下尽皆很残忍,对这一族没有半点好感,这自然也使得他对这一族没有了什么好感。而如今,他来到第四天域,不过是从旁边经过而已,这些蚁族修士就要杀他,将他当作口粮肉食,让他升起一股浓浓的厌恶。最开始时,对方要杀他,他曾连续两次退避,可这却是没什么用,它们就是要杀他,如此,他还有什么可说的?自然要以牙还牙。 Moreover, he also truly wants to help one group of these robust men, because before, when five Ant Race cultivator(s) fire into him, these robust man oneself place freely in the danger, loudly reminded him to run away to leave, making him have the favorable impression very much. 另外,他也确实想帮一帮这几个壮汉,因为之前,五个蚁族修士冲向他时,这几个壮汉尽管己身处在危险中,却还是大声提醒他逃走离开,让他很是有好感。 Here also seven Ant Race cultivator(s), at this moment all tremble. 这里还有七个蚁族修士,此刻个个发抖。 Some person of outwardly fierce but inwardly faint-hearted [say / way]: Opposes with my clan, you will not have the good result, the powerhouses of my clan meet......” 有人色厉内荏的道:“与我族作对,你不会有好结果的,我族的强者会……” Boisterous.” “聒噪。” The Lin Tian expression is faint. 林天表情淡漠。 In his hand the long sword raises, cuts this Ant Race cultivator(s) directly broken. 他手中长剑一扬,直接将这个蚁族修士斩碎。 Suddenly, other six Ant Race cultivator(s) each one startle greatly, is startled and fears, lamentation. At present this humanity passes through from side, why one line of must provoke, now kicks such sheet iron unexpectedly. 一时间,其它六个蚁族修士个个大骇,又惊又恐,悔恨不已。眼前这个人类只是从旁边经过而已,为什么自己一行人要去招惹,如今竟然踢到了这样的铁板。 You, put, put...... Lets off us, I guaranteed, I, I and others...... I and others in this matter report clan, later will certainly not look for you to trouble!” “你,放,放……放过我们,我保证,我,我等……我等一定不将这件事禀报族内,之后不会找你麻烦!” And a Ant Race cultivator(s) trembling sound track. 其中一蚁族修士颤声道。 On the Lin Tian face does not have what expression change, lifts the hand to wield a sword directly, ten several sword glow sweep across like lightning. 林天脸上没有什么表情变化,直接抬手挥剑,十数道剑芒如闪电般席卷而出。 !” “噗!” !” “噗!” !” “噗!” Six Ant Race cultivator(s) have not sent out including the pitiful yell then blasts out, died a tragic death completely, only has blood to splash in all around. 六个蚁族修士连惨叫都没有发出便是炸开,全部惨死,唯有血水溅在四周。 Lin Tian has swept one, throws the long sword in hand conveniently on the ground, sends out the resounding of clang. 林天扫了一眼,随手将手中的长剑丢在地上,发出铛的一声脆响。 Several robust men were startled staring in a big way both eyes, heard the long sword to fall after the metal crisp sound that the ground made, just now recovered, each and everyone walked hastily, simultaneously to Lin Tian line of big rituals: Big brothers, no...... Benefactors, many thanks benefactor!” Several robust men received the heavy wound, cotton garment and animal skin completely were all given by blood incarnadine. 几个壮汉都是惊的瞪大了双眼,听到长剑落在地上发出的金属脆音后,方才是回过神来,一个个连忙走过来,齐齐对着林天行大礼:“大兄弟,不……恩人,多谢恩人!”几个壮汉都是受了不轻的伤,身上的布衣和兽皮尽皆被血水给染红。 Lin Tian shakes the head, said: Does not use the guest......” 林天摇头,道:“不用客……” Bang!” “轰隆!” At this moment, ground suddenly fierce vibration, like 10,000 high-spirited horses in galloping. 就在这时,地面忽而剧烈的震动起来,像是有10000头烈马在奔腾似的。 The distant place, build tall and strong youth appears, is similar to beast runs toward this place, every step falls makes the earth vibrate. This youth is also gripping the animal skin and cotton garment, is seeing several robust man whole body dyed with blood, both eyes immediately become red, the direct fist pounds to Lin Tian: Damn! Injures my clansman is so heavy!” 远处,一个体型魁梧的青年出现,如同一头蛮兽般朝着这个地方奔跑过来,每一步落下都让大地跟着震动。这个青年也是扎着兽皮和布衣,见着几个壮汉浑身染血,双眼顿时变得通红,直接一拳砸向林天:“该死!将我族人伤的这么重!” This fist, the speed is extremely fast, makes peripheral void twists. 这一拳,速度极快,令的周边的虚空都跟着扭曲起来。 Lin Tian changes countenance, stretches out right hand standard to keep off hastily. 林天动容,连忙伸出右手格挡。 Thump!” “咚!” The fist of youth falls on Lin Tian right palm, is sends out one such as to strike the battle drum dull thumping sound at the scene. 青年的拳头落在林天的右手心上,当场便是发出一道如擂动战鼓般的闷响。 Lin Tian resists hurriedly, time body fiercely shakes, a terror wells up vigorously, making him step on the backlash of step on step on, until withdrawing from more than three zhang (3.33 m) stands firm the personal appearance. 林天匆忙抵挡,顿时间身躯猛震,一股恐怖大力涌上,令他蹬蹬蹬的后退,直到退出三丈多远才是稳住身形。 Damn!” “该死!” Build tall and strong youth appears very angry, shakes the fist to pound to Lin Tian. 体型魁梧的青年显得很愤怒,挥拳又要砸向林天 Stop!” “住手!” Hero stops!” “英雄住手!” Fan Yingxiong, you make anything, made a mistake!” 范英雄,你做什么,打错了!” Several robust men all change color, some people throw to surround the waist of youth, is dragging this youth stubbornly. 几个壮汉皆是变色,有人扑上去环抱住青年的腰,死死拖着这青年 This has saved the benefactor of our life!” “这个是救了我们性命的恩人!” Several robust men called out loudly. 几个壮汉大声叫道。 The build tall and strong youth complexion stagnates, fist Vung Tau in airborne, opened the opens mouth, stared at the eye own to be rumbled three zhang (3.33 m) far Lin Tian, looked to constraining own several robust men: What? This, this, this, this...... Yes, yes, yes...... Is the benefactor?!” 体型魁梧的青年脸色一滞,拳头顿在空中,张了张口,盯了眼被自己轰出三丈多远的林天,又望向拖住自己的几个壮汉:“啥?这,这,这,这个……是,是,是……是恩人?!” „It is not! Looks any good deed that you do!” “可不是!看你干的什么好事!” Several robust man gas channels, said the long and short of the story of matter fast. 几个壮汉气道,将事情的来龙去脉快速说了一遍。 Build tall and strong youth sweeps the ground has also been saving some Ant Race cultivator(s) remnant corpses, the time is awkward, runs up to the Lin Tian body before quickly, [say / way] of making excuses: That, that em, benefactor! Right, sorry! That, I, I saw several great uncle whole bodies a moment ago am the blood, thinks that thinks is red that you......” the tall and strong youth cheeks will rise, appears very embarrassed, is bending the waist to the Lin Tian 90 degrees suddenly, said loudly: Sorry!” 体型魁梧的青年扫了眼地上还存着的一些蚁族修士的残尸,顿时间一脸尴尬,快步跑到林天身前,支支吾吾的道:“那,那个,恩,恩人!对,对不起啊!那个,我,我刚才看到几位族叔浑身是血,以为,以为是你将……”魁梧青年脸颊涨的通红,显得很不好意思,忽而对着林天90度弯腰,大声道:“对不起!” Lin Tian: „......” 林天:“……” All right, I can understand.” “没事,我能理解。” He said. 他说道。 Although this tall and strong youth has given him a fist, but is actually because misunderstands, moreover now is the so sincere apology, to the person an honest simple and honest feeling, he naturally cannot care. 这个魁梧青年虽然给了他一拳,不过却是因为误会,而且如今又是这般真诚道歉,给人一种老实憨厚的感觉,他自然不会在意。 At this time, truly what he cared was opposite party Mortal Body, was too formidable! Must know that he is Samsara Body, Mortal Body is he most self-satisfied place, is just now, Mortal Body formidable such as he, was rumbled unexpectedly by this tall and strong youth fist more than three zhang (3.33 m) far, made his right hand intermittent severe pain, was really somewhat fearful. Although before him, lifts the hand standard to keep off in a hurry, has not put forth the complete Mortal Body strength, but this very is very as before astonishing, making him somewhat shock. 这个时候,他真正在意的是对方的肉身,太强大了!要知道,他可是轮回体,肉身一直是他最得意的地方,可是方才,肉身强大如他,竟是被这魁梧青年一拳轰出三丈多远,令他的右手一阵阵剧痛,委实是有些可怕。尽管他之前只是匆忙间抬手格挡,并没有使出全部的肉身力道,可这依旧很很惊人,令他有些震撼。 PS: Tomorrow was the annual college entrance examination, here, Dragon Zhu all examinee friends good luck overheads, started writing to be blessed by God, can test the most satisfactory result! Then, said to renew again, tomorrow will be three, first about 12 : 00 pm, second about 17 : 00 pm, third about 20 : 00 pm. Approximately is this, perhaps will be ahead of time, perhaps will postpone, if has postponed, but also asked the brothers and sisters to excuse me! PS:明天就是一年一度的高考了,这里,龙祝所有考生朋友们鸿运当头,下笔如有神助,都能考出一个自己最满意的成绩!然后,再说下更新,明天还是三更,第一更中午12点左右,第二更下午17点左右,第三更晚上20点左右。大致是这样,也许会提前,也许会延后,若是延后了,还请兄弟姐妹们能够见谅哈!
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