DKOAD :: Volume #8 百族争艳

#685: Ascends a height to get a broad view fourth day the territory

Although Lin Tian has not gone all over Sheng Continent each corner, but was so long in the past, the Sheng Continent general situation actually very found that such place, Sheng Continent as if not. It seems, that mountain is like that astonishing, these vegetation are also like that special, if Sheng Continent has such place, should spread very much long time ago. 林天虽然没有将盛洲的每一个角落都走遍,但是过去这么久,对于盛洲的大致情况却还是挺了解的,这样的地方,盛洲似乎并没有。看上去,那一座座高山那般惊人,那些植被也是那般特殊,如果盛洲有这样的地方,应该很早就流传出来了。 Suddenly, he has as if thought of anything, the body shakes immediately slightly, in the eye reveals the startled color: Is......” 突然,他似乎想到了什么,身体顿时微微一震,眼中露出惊色:“难道是……” The distant place, there are ten several cultivator(s) processes, he steps to go toward that side hastily, in an instant. 远处,有十数个修士经过,他连忙朝着那边跨去,转眼即至。 Friend, where is here?” “朋友,请问这里是什么地方?” Before he arrives at a yellow clothes youth body. 他来到一个黄衣青年身前。 Yellow clothes youth cultivates for is not weak, but looks that the Lin Tian expression actually somewhat felt strange: Falls moon/month peak, don't you know?” 黄衣青年修为不弱,不过看着林天的表情却有些奇怪:“落月峰,你不知道?” Falls moon/month peak?” In the Lin Tian eye delimits different light, Sheng Continent absolutely does not have this grade of place, his paused, consults to yellow clothes youth once more, said: „, We now is the big region?” “落月峰?”林天眼中划过异光,盛洲绝对没有这等地方,他顿了顿,再次向黄衣青年请教,道:“请问,我们现在所处的大地域是?” Big region? Not?” The yellow clothes youth expression was stranger, does not need Lin Tian to ask anything again, the direct wrong body gets out of the way, distant transmitting whisper sound: Brain you are sick.” “大地域?不就是蛮地吗?”黄衣青年的表情更怪异了,也不待林天再问什么,直接错身走开,远远的传来嘀咕声:“脑子你有病吧。” Lin Tian opened the opens mouth: Really.” Before he had guessed correctly this place actually possibly, when heard the reply of yellow clothes youth, actually could not bear the bursting out laughing, he unexpectedly...... Crossed that including border Milky Way that the Grand Dao Realm powerhouses are unable to pass . Moreover, around this has spent merely ten days. 林天张了张口:“果然是蛮地。”之前他其实已经猜到了这个地方可能是蛮地,但是当听到黄衣青年的回答时,却还是忍不住哑然,他居然……横渡了那条连大道境强者都无法通过的交界天河,而且,这前后仅仅只是花了十来天的时间。 „When seven color light of Divine Sword overflow are wrapping me, it seems like, the traveling speed takes seriously some song people, imagined wanting not to have the several fold compared with me quickly, that rolled Sword Soul Fragment, then considered situated in Milky Way closes right up against this side of place.” 神剑溢出的七彩光包裹着我时,看来,移动速度当真有些悚人,远比我想象中的要快了无数倍,那团剑魂碎片,则当是位于天河靠着蛮地的这一边了。” In his heart wants to say. 他心中想道。 Thinking, him cannot help but is having forced smile, this grade of matter, but also is makes people be hard to expect. 想着,他不由得生出苦笑,这等事,还真的是让人难以预料。 However, this is the good deed, poured has also omitted him to Purple Firmament Dynasty with the aid of a transmission this grade of matter. 不过,这是好事,倒也是省去了他到紫霄皇朝借助传送阵这等事。 He has not stopped over in this place, does not have to think again that soars directly, goes toward the distant place stride. 他没有在这个地方逗留,也没有再多想,直接腾空而起,朝着远处跨步而去。 In the Imperial Sky vault of heaven, he is looking at this piece of barbarian, discovered that compared Sheng Continent to want bleakly much, not having Sheng Continent to be like that attractive, the lands of many places were very barren, the vegetation trees of the AUC was also worse than Sheng Continent. 御空苍穹上,他望着这片蛮地,发现蛮地相比盛洲要荒凉了不少,没有盛洲那般灵秀,许多地方的土地都是很贫瘠,植被树木等的覆盖面积也远比盛洲差。 „, This name but actually is also very appropriate.” “蛮地,这名字倒也是挺贴切。” He talked to oneself. 他自语。 Is stepping on void, he seeks other cultivator(s) shortly, inquired that to fourth Heaven Domain is in any position by the space and time gateway specifically, afterward hesitant, direct Imperial Sky the line, has not stepped toward the standpoint of space and time gateway. 踩着虚空,他不久后寻到其它修士,打听到由蛮地通往第四天域的时空门户具体处于什么位置,随后没有犹豫,直接御空而行,朝着时空门户的立足点跨去。 This stretch of area, he beginning, but now, he is comes to here to seek the space and time gateway to stride in 4th-layer Heaven, naturally cannot delay anything on this lands. 蛮地这片疆域,他才初来,但是现在,他是来这里寻时空门户跨入第四重天,自然不会在这片土地上耽搁什么。 Probably passes five in the future, before he arrives at a dry rock forest, stepped on the dry ground to step directly. 大约过去五日后,他来到一片枯山石林前,踩着干燥的地面径直跨了进去。 After another double-hour, he arrives at the end this slabstone forest, the front is situated the a side giant stone platform, stone platform is not knowing that builds by what type of stone material, its most has best pupil together to have about three zhang (3.33 m) purple light beam, interweaves is being mystical and dignified, in the meantime, in all around air is accumulated nurtures one is being similar to the great antiquity vicissitudes aura. 又一个时辰后,他将这片石林走到尽头,前方坐落着一方巨大的石台,石台不知是以何种石材打造而成,其最中间有着一道高足有三丈左右的紫色光束,交织着神秘和威严,同时,四周的空气中则是蕴育着一股如同洪荒般的沧桑气息。 Space and time gateway to fourth Heaven Domain! 通往第四天域的时空门户! In the Lin Tian eye delimits has wiped the fine glow, steps forward several bu at will, arrives at the space and time gateway edge immediately. 林天眼中划过一抹精芒,随意跨出几歩,便就来到时空门户边缘。 Before the short distance arrives at the space and time gateway, the vicissitudes feeling in air was thicker, the mysterious and dignified feeling is also thicker. 近距离来到时空门户前,空气中的沧桑感觉更浓了,神秘与威严感亦是更浓。 Lin Tian deeply inspires, takes a step to be on stone platform, arrives by that purple light beam. Now, his cultivating to be at Spirit Immortal 2nd-layer Heaven, so long as one step strides in the purple light beam, can leave this piece of Heaven Domain, enters fourth Heaven Domain to go. 林天深吸一口气,迈步登上石台,来到那紫色光束旁。如今,他的修为处在通仙第二重天,只要一步跨入紫色光束内,便可离开这片天域,进入第四天域去。 He has turned around, is away from boundlessly void, looks to Sheng Continent, in the mind appears forms, Xue Ye, Black Flood Dragon, Ling Yun, Liu Wuwei, Divine Prediction Child, Yan Ya'er, Xia Qingfeng, Xia Xiaoyu. These, are his friend, the partner, the elder. 他转过身,隔着茫茫虚空,望向盛洲所在,脑海中浮现出一道道身影,雪夜,黑蛟,凌云,柳无为,神算子,颜雅儿,夏青风,夏小羽。这些,是他的朋友,伙伴,长辈。 paused, he looks up to the boundless vault of heaven, in the eye flashes through the cold glow. 顿了顿,他抬头望向茫茫苍穹,眼中闪过寒芒。 Desolate Ancient Shrine, one day, I will step up to ninth Heaven Domain to go!” 荒古神殿,总有一天,我会跨上第九天域去!” His sound somewhat ice-cold. 他的声音有些冰冷。 paused, looked at the Sheng Continent direction finally, he no longer stays, one step strides in the space and time gateway. 顿了顿,最后偏头望了眼盛洲的方向,他不再停留,一步跨入时空门户中。 The familiar darkness, familiar deathly stillness, his field of vision instantaneous anything could not see. 熟悉的黑暗,熟悉的死寂,他的视野瞬间什么也看不到了。 Places oneself in this piece of space, he can feel the huge pressure, but flurried anything, after all, he had not actually gone through several spaces. 置身这片空间中,他能感觉到巨大的压力,不过却并没有慌乱什么,毕竟,他已经穿行过几次空间了。 He appears very peaceful, motionless, is only waiting silently. 他显得非常安静,一动也不动,只是默默的等待。 Also so, has not known how long, front beginning point luminous, all around darkness retreats suddenly like surging tides. 如此,也不知过了多久,前方忽而出现点点光亮,四周的黑暗如潮水般退去。 The next quarter, whiz, he from declines void. 下一刻,嗖的一声,他从虚空中落出。 At this time, he stood in the a side stone platform edge, was without change with that transmission of place, the peripheral environment was different, compares, this place has filled with the full of vitality, the nearby has many strange adult plants. 这个时候,他站在一方石台边缘,和蛮地的那座传送阵一般无二,不过周边的环境却是不一样,相比起来,这个地方充满了勃勃生机,附近有着不少奇异植株。 Fourth Heaven Domain, arrived finally.” “第四天域,终于到了。” In the Lin Tian eye delimits has wiped the fine glow. 林天眼中划过一抹精芒。 He after looked at a space and time gateway, the purple light beam is constant, around the stone is interweaving as before the years feeling of vicissitudes, imitates, if permanent exists forever. He does not have hesitant and stay, steps forward this place directly, vanishes in the distant place. 他朝后望了一眼时空门户,紫色光束始终如一,石头周围依旧交织着沧桑的岁月感,仿若恒古长存。他没有犹豫和停留,直接跨出这个地方,消失在远处。 Shortly, he has thoroughly been far away from the space and time gateway is, saw this fourth Heaven Domain truly. Sees, great mountain, resemble accumulated the boundless mighty force, big river is flowing, Spirit Qi is striking, trim area, stretching to the horizon of length and breadth. 不久后,他彻底远离了时空门户的所在,真正看到了这第四天域。入目,巨山一座座,似蕴着磅礴伟力,大川流淌,灵气斐然,整片疆域,广袤的一望无垠。 Is stronger than third Heaven Domain Spirit Qi, is more attractive than the third Heaven Domain mountains!” “比第三天域灵气强,比第三天域的山川更加灵秀!” In Lin Tian eye twinkle god glow. 林天眼中闪烁神芒。 He controls to have Buried Dragon Scripture, can feel obviously stands the earth pulsation that the body is, compared with third Heaven Domain many. 他掌控有葬龙经,能够明显感觉立身所在的大地脉动,比第三天域强了不少。 Really, more to High Level Heaven Domain, the environment then more suits cultivation.” “果然,越是到上层天域,大环境便越是适合修行。” He talked to oneself. 他自语。 Initially to fourth Heaven Domain, he cultivation, is not stepping anxiously at will the step, prepares to have a look at this length and breadth landscape first. 初到第四天域,他并不急着修行,随意跨着步子,准备先看看这片广袤河山。 About after several double-hour, he goes out is farther, the front has the sound of fighting to transmit suddenly. 大约数个时辰后,他走出更远,前方忽而有打斗的声音传来。 Looks up, dozens people in the front dies to fight, a side is several stature strong robust men, is wearing the animal skin and cotton garment, leaves to be generous to gather greatly, seems the imposing manner is very full. But another a side is more than 20 wears black armor skinny cultivator(s), these cultivator(s) all looks unfamiliar the black mark, begins cunningly very much, often always makes people virtually impossible to guard against. 抬头望去,数十人在前方死斗,一方是几个身材健硕的壮汉,身着着兽皮和布衣,出手大开大合,看上去气势很足。而另一方则是20余身着黑甲的干瘦修士,这些修士皆是脸生黑色印记,动起手来刁钻的很,每每总是让人防不胜防。 Also therefore, several robust men, although Blood Qi is very thick, may actually be is under. He looked at the eye slightly, discovered that more than 20 black armor cultivator(s) have obviously is not the aura of humanity, but is having all a monster Qi kind of fluctuation. 也正是因此,几个壮汉虽然血气很浓,可却是处在下方。他微微望了眼,又发现,20余黑甲修士明显有着不属于人类的气息,而是皆带着妖气一类的波动。 paused, he does not have to think again that has not managed any other people's business, along own road, walks toward the distant place. 顿了顿,他没有再多想,更没有管什么闲事,沿着自己的路,朝远处走去。 Clang!” “铿!” At this moment, black light cuts together toward him, the speed is extremely fast. 就在这时,一道乌光朝他斩来,速度极快。 Lin Tian side crosses, black light falls on the distant place, together thousand jin (0.5 kg) greatly Stone Zhan smashing. 林天侧头偏过,乌光落在远方,将一块千斤大石斩的粉碎。 His congealing eyebrow, looks slightly in the direction that black light cuts. 他微微凝眉,偏头朝乌光斩来的方向望去。 Hides is very quick!” “躲的挺快!” The sinister smile sound gets up, three black armor cultivator(s) compel toward him, the body is bringing gloomy and cold monster Qi. 阴笑声响起,三个黑甲修士朝着他逼过来,身上带着阴森而寒冷的妖气 Lin Tian looks to three black armor cultivator(s): Any meaning.” 林天望向三个黑甲修士:“什么意思。” Kills you!” “杀你而已!” How many barbarians saw me a moment ago the fights and others and that? Hey, I and others intercepted them, if disclosed secret information to give Barbarian Race to go by you, that may not be good.” “刚才看到我等和那几个蛮子的战斗了吧?嘿,我等截杀他们,若是被你通风报信给蛮族去,那可就不好了。” Idle talk anything, butchered him, waits to be many some meat!” “废话什么,宰了他,等会多些肉食!” Three black armor cultivator(s) wear a look of sinister smiles. 三个黑甲修士面带阴笑。 Bang!” “轰!” Three ice cold monster light sweep across, all around the blockade, cuts toward Lin Tian. 三股冰寒妖光席卷而过,封锁四周,朝着林天斩来。 The Lin Tian stride, the look is light, avoids all kills off. 林天跨步,神色平淡,避开所有杀光。 You are making anything, I do not want to intervene, is disinclined to intervene, therefore, you are also best not to disturb me.” “你们做着什么,我不想干预,也懒得去干预,所以,你们也最好别打扰我。” His voice is faint , to continue to walk toward distant place. 他声音淡漠,继续朝远处走去。 Um?” “嗯?” Speed is good!” “速度不错!” Some strengths, we also raised to increase speed actually.” “倒是有些实力,我们也提提速好了。” Three black armor cultivator(s) sounds cloudy and cold. 三个黑甲修士声音阴冷。 The words fall, three black armor cultivator(s) speeds were really faster, is similar to three black light in entangling Lin Tian is moving, kill off suddenly falls, is similar to is raining general, covered the Lin Tian several feet range completely. 话落,三个黑甲修士的速度果真都快了许多,如同三道乌光在缠着林天移动,忽而间一道道杀光落下,如同在下雨一般,将林天所处的数丈范围完全笼罩了。 Suddenly, the sand dust raises, the ground was cut fissures. 一时间,沙尘扬起,地面被斩出一条条裂痕。 After ten several breath, three black armor cultivator(s) stop to begin, the sand dust also gradually diverges, Lin Tian stands in most, the millifarad is lossless, even has not broken including the lower hem corner, the body does not have sand dust. 十数个呼吸后,三个黑甲修士停下动手,沙尘也是渐渐散去,林天站在最中间,毫法无损,甚至连衣角都不曾破掉,身上没有一点沙尘。 „Is this?!” “这是?!” Three black armor cultivator(s) reveal startled accommodates. 三个黑甲修士露出惊容。 Sufficed?” The Lin Tian expression is as before faint: Said again one time, I have no free time to intervene your matters, do not disturb me!” The words fall, he continues to stride, walks toward the distant place. “够了吗?”林天的表情依旧淡漠:“再说一次,我没空干预你们的事,你们也别打扰我!”话落,他继续跨步,朝着远处走去。 Three black armor cultivator(s) are staring at Lin Tian, the look becomes is gloomy. 三个黑甲修士盯着林天,眼神变得更是阴森。 You said that doesn't intervene does not intervene?” “你说不干预就不干预?” How even if not intervene, since passes through here, that your luck is bad.” “纵然不干预又如何,既然走过这里,那就算你运气差。” „Becoming I and other meat, after you died changes to the dust to be better.” “成为我等的肉食,比你死后化作尘土好。” Three black armor cultivator(s) second rollings come again. 三个黑甲修士再次压来。 Their outside the body is interweaving black monster light, gets rid very evil and cruel, compels separately to the throat of Lin Tian, the heart and head. 它们体外交织着黑色妖光,出手非常歹毒,分别逼向林天的喉咙,心脏和头颅。 Lin Tian complexion cold, he was not willing to stir up trouble, makes concessions repeatedly, but the opposite party is actually more and more excessive. 林天的脸色冷了下来,他本不愿惹事,一再退让,可对方却是越来越过分。 He lifts the hand at will, pats directly to black armor cultivator(s) that is compelling, the weapon in cracking sound disintegration opposite party hand, the palm falls on the body of opposite party afterward, its being split up of shaking. 他随意抬手,直接对着逼来的一个黑甲修士拍去,喀的一声崩碎对方手中的兵器,随后手掌落在对方的身上,噗的一声将其震的四分五裂。 You......” “你……” Another two black armor cultivator(s) in great surprise, own companion, unexpectedly a palm of the hand by at present this person patting?! 另外两个黑甲修士大惊,自己的同伴,居然一巴掌就被眼前这人给拍死了?! Courts death!” “找死!” Minces him!” “剁碎他!” Quick, startled colors on two black armor cultivator(s) faces vanish, the look all becomes the ruthless offense gets up, simultaneously fires into Lin Tian. 很快,两个黑甲修士脸上的惊色消失,眼神皆变得狠戾起来,齐齐冲向林天 The Lin Tian look is indifferent, the movement is very simple, is a palm of the hand lays out as before. 林天神色冷漠,动作很简单,依旧是一巴掌拍出。 !” “噗!” A recent person that clashes was patted directly breaks to pieces the head, the brain fluid mixed blood to splash in the ground, alarmed. 冲的最近的一人直接被拍碎了脑袋,脑浆混合着血水溅在地面上,触目惊心。 Last black armor cultivator(s) color deterioration, will retrocede, the right hand that but Lin Tian wields was instead has actually pulled out. 最后一个黑甲修士变色,正要后退,可林天挥出的右手却是已经反抽了过来。 !” “噗!” The blood light splashes, this last black armor cultivator(s) was patted rottenly, blood incarnadine lands. 血光溅开,这最后一个黑甲修士被拍烂,血水染红一片土地。 The distant place, other black armor cultivator(s) and several robust men slaughter, looks toward here, the time all changes countenance. 远处,其它的黑甲修士和几个壮汉厮杀,偏头朝这边望来,顿时间皆动容。 Dares to kill me and other clansmen?!” Is the black armor cultivator(s) sound ice of head is cold, orders nearby another five black armor cultivator(s): You go to cut his head, then, chops the meat sauce!” “敢杀我等族人?!”为首的一个黑甲修士声音冰寒,下令旁边的另外五个黑甲修士:“你们去将他的头颅割下,然后,剁成肉酱!” Five black armor cultivator(s) low roars, the oral area position is splits toward about unexpectedly suddenly, is similar to the mouth apparatus of insect is ordinary. 五个黑甲修士低吼,口部位置竟是忽而朝着左右裂开,如同昆虫的口器一般。
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