DKOAD :: Volume #7 龙行盛洲

#684: Solar thoughts

Seven Color God Light fluttering continuously in within the body, is similar to rill general peaceful flowing. Lin Tian calms the mind with rapt attention, tows this accumulated was filling the spirit to be able seven color rays to integrate in his Divine Power fast, the impurity in little grinding Divine Power, at the same time, he was also towing seven colored halos and faint trace Divine Power integrates in his flesh and blood, forged Physique, the hammering body of this Level, for the foundational preparation that to sense and load bearing Grand Dao principle in the future made. 七彩神光一缕缕的飘在体内,如同小溪一般安静的流淌。林天静心凝神,牵引着这蕴满了灵能的七彩光芒快速融入到他的神力中,一点点的碾碎神力中的杂质,同一时间,他也牵引着一些七彩色光晕和丝丝神力融入他的血肉之中,重新锻造体魄,这个层次的锻体,是为了日后感悟和承载大道法则而做的基础性准备。 Buzz!” “嗡!” His within the body divine light winds around, vigor all in slowly is increasing. 他体内神光缭绕,精气神皆是在缓缓的攀升着。 Lin Tian is shutting both eyes, concentrates on, silently cultivation. 林天微闭着双眼,全神贯注,默默修行 So, quick is three double-hour passes. 如此,很快便是三个时辰过去。 After three double-hour, with one of the bang, side Lin Tian swings strong winds suddenly independently, shortly will open all around quarry stone complete volume, there is very astonishing imposing manner accumulated. 三个时辰后,随着轰的一声,林天身边突然自主荡开一股狂风,顷刻将四周的乱石全部卷开,有一股非常惊人的气势蕴在其中。 Spirit Immortal 2nd-layer!” 通仙第二重!” Lin Tian opens both eyes, in the eye the fine glow dodges to pass. 林天睁开双眼,眼中精芒一闪而逝。 At this time, in regarded the body, he can feel obviously Divine Power in within the body became clearer pure, compared with beforehand vigorous many. As for Physique, the Physique strength also has naturally stiffened, but, but has stiffened a point, what is main, he seems from the interior by Divine Consciousness, his present flesh and blood has taken a divine nature and an intelligence. 这个时候,内视身体,他能明显感觉到体内的神力变得更加晶莹纯净,比以前浑厚了不少。至于体魄,体魄力自然也变强了,不过,只是变强了一点而已,最主要的是,他以神识从内部看上去,他如今的血肉带上了一丝神性和一丝灵性。 By new Physique of Divine Power forging, to sense and receive everywhere along the road but is, truly before is , is somewhat different.” “以神力锻造的新体魄,为感悟和承载道则而为,确实是和以前有些不同。” In his heart secretly thought. 他心中暗道 In within the body seven color rays continuously are also fluttering, Lin Tian closes both eyes, depends upon is remaining in within the body and other colored rays, refining slowly, causes it even falling to each corner of body, consolidated current cultivating is. 体内还有一缕缕的七彩光芒飘着,林天重新闭上双眼,依靠着残留于体内的这等七彩色光芒,缓缓炼化,使之均匀的落向身体的各个角落,巩固当前的修为。 Time fast, in an instant, is a double-hour passes. 时间飞快,转眼,又是一个时辰过去。 After a double-hour, Lin Tian aura becomes steady, cultivating of Spirit Immortal 2nd-layer for thorough stable. 一个时辰后,林天身上的气息变得平稳下来,通仙第二重的修为彻底稳固。 He opens both eyes, nods secretly. 他睁开双眼,暗自点点头。 Now, as if should ponder, after Spirit Immortal, should choose any Cultivation Technique.” “现在,似乎该思考一下,通仙后该选择什么功法了。” He talked to oneself. 他自语。 Cultivation Technique with Martial Skill(s) Divine Ability Secret Technique , etc. same, did not say simply that Cultivation Technique is the cultivation foundation, Martial Skill(s) Divine Ability Secret Technique , etc., is the style of fight. 功法武技神通秘术等不一样,简单的说,功法修行的基础,武技神通秘术等,则是战斗的招式。 Before Spirit Immortal Realm, his Cultivation Methods is Four Extreme Scripture, is the technique and the Cultivation Methods Body Refinement set, but, Four Extreme Scripture as the technique of Body Refinement may cultivation to cultivating the path end, may be Cultivation Technique, actually can only practice the Imperial Sky Realm end, now, he at Spirit Immortal Level, has needed to choose Spirit Immortal Realm later Cultivation Technique. Because, had appropriate Cultivation Technique, can make smoother, has very big help to the future fight that Divine Power flows. 通仙境以前,他的修行功法四极经,是炼体之术和修行功法的集合,不过,四极经作为炼体之术可修行到修道路尽头,可作为功法,却是只能修炼到御空境尽头,如今,他已经处在通仙层次,需要选择通仙境之后的功法了。因为,有了合适的功法,能使神力流淌的更加顺畅,对日后的战斗也是有着非常大的帮助。 When reason that just entered Spirit Immortal Realm, he has not chosen Cultivation Technique , because he was pondering how to choose. Now, complete Ancient Scripture that he controls has Alchemy Law and Buried Dragon Scripture, was the techniques of ancient Heavenly Venerable, in two Ancient Scripture had Cultivation Methods after Spirit Immortal Realm, these days, he has been making a comparison, in hesitated is choosing that to practice. 而之所以刚入通仙境时,他没有选择功法,是因为他在思考如何选择。如今,他掌控的完整古经药典葬龙经,都是古代天尊的术,两部古经中都有通仙境后的修行功法,这段时间,他一直在做对比,在犹豫着到底选择那一则来修炼。 Which chooses.” “到底选哪一者。” His congealing eyebrow. 他凝眉。 Alchemy Law, Buried Dragon Scripture, these two, any one, its Spirit Immortal late Cultivation Methods is very extraordinary, each has his good points, then, he instead does not know how actually should choose, suddenly quite somewhat hesitates awkwardly. 药典,葬龙经,这两者,无论是哪一者,其通仙后期的修行功法都很非凡,各有千秋,如此一来,他倒是反而不知道该怎么选择了,一时间颇有些犹豫为难。 Buzz!” “嗡!” At this moment, in his Knowledge Sea, Divine Sword, a piece of ray spreads slightly once more. 就在这时,他识海中,神剑微微一荡,一片光芒再次扩散开来。 This piece of ray glitters slightly, afterward, changes to golden rune/symbol writing to jump suddenly, is similar to flamingo elves, in an instant is found in each corner of Divine Consciousness Sea ocean, regarding the Divine Consciousness Sea leisurely beat however. 这片光芒微微闪烁,随后,忽然化作一枚枚金色的符文跳跃而出,如同一只只火鸟精灵般,转眼间遍布神识海洋的每一个角落,围绕着神识海施施然的跳动。 They are blazing, radiant, appears somewhat dazzling. 它们炽烈,璀璨,显得有些刺目。 Lin Tian shakes suddenly, an obscure feeling appears in his heart, making his pupil cannot help but slightly open. 林天忽而一震,一股晦涩的感觉出现在他心头,令他瞳孔不由得微微睁大。 Sun Heart Sutra?!” 太阳心经?!” He cannot help but somewhat was startled. 他不由得有些怔住了。 In Knowledge Sea, crowded golden rune/symbol writing moved once more, changes to light of the blazing burning sun to integrate its Knowledge Sea. 识海中,密集的金色符文再次动了,化作一道道炽烈的炎阳之光融入其识海 The time, he cannot help but shakes. 顿时间,他不由得又是一震。 God directs the five internal organs, goes through six internal organs, exists forever by it [say / way], permanent.” “神引五脏,穿行六腑,以之道化长存,恒古不息。” At this moment, a religious texts essential meaning appears in his hearts, integrates his Knowledge Sea golden symbol culture to make a continuously golden ray, evolves a side Divine Power Dao Diagram in its Knowledge Sea, is smuggling vicissitudes, distant and vast meaning. 这一刻,一则则经文要义浮现在他心间,融入他识海的金色符文化作一缕缕金色的光芒,于其识海内演化一方神力道图,夹带着一股沧桑,悠远和浩瀚之意。 The Lin Tian heart jumps crazily, both hands have shaken slightly: Sun Heart Sutra, this is...... Solar Heavenly Venerable Cultivation Technique!” 林天心头狂跳,双手微微抖了一下:“太阳心经,这是……太阳天尊功法!” Bang!” “轰!” [gold/metal] soars to the heavens, if Divine Sword called sonorously, resembled to this piece of Milky Way bottom of entire dyeing shining [gold/metal] intent. 金芒冲霄,若是神剑般铿锵而鸣,似要将这片天河底部整个给染成灿灿金意。 Golden rune/symbol writing evolves Divine Power circulation Dao Diagram, ancient intent abundant, the vicissitudes are profound, are similar to the star space general vastness. 金色符文演化神力流转道图,古意盎然,沧桑深邃,如同星宇一般的浩瀚。 At this time, near the Lin Tian ear as if has a person to preach general, afterward, his vigor became stronger. 这时候,林天耳边仿佛有着一个人在讲经一般,随后,他的精气神变得更强。 Solar Heavenly Venerable, Sun Heart Sutra...... It!” “太阳天尊,太阳心经……就它了!” He entrains the fist slightly. 他微微拽拳。 Has sensed slightly, he then thought that pure on Cultivation Methods, this Sun Heart Sutra can be called fully is first! 只是稍稍感悟了下,他便是觉得,单纯就修行功法而言,这部太阳心经足可以称得上是第一! He deeply inspires, within the body Divine Power shakes, revolves according to the Sun Heart Sutra essential meaning. 他深吸一口气,体内神力一震,按照太阳心经的要义运转起来。 Sun Heart Sutra is only pure Spirit Immortal late Cultivation Methods, does not contain any murders Divine Ability , etc., at this moment, he revolves earnestly Sun Heart Sutra, within the body Divine Power shakes immediately, silver Divine Power transforms toward the golden color gradually, the body surface has the light golden ray to overflow, following is, his vigor strengthened one. 太阳心经只是单纯的通仙后期的修行功法,不包含任何杀伐神通等,此刻,他认真运转太阳心经,体内神力顿时为之一震,银色的神力渐渐朝着金色转化,体表更是有着淡淡的金色光芒溢出,随之而来的则是,他的精气神又增强了一丝。 Buzz!” “嗡!” The divine light twinkle, [gold/metal] of his outside the body by light becomes thick, becomes radiant, finally, golden divine light circles the body, wraps his whole person, making him seem is very the dignity. 神光闪烁,他体外的金芒由淡薄变得浓厚,变得璀璨,最后,金色神光绕体,将他整个人都包裹在其中,令他看上去很是威严。 In an instant, three days pass by. 转眼间,三天过去。 On this day, he stops cultivation, outside the body [gold/metal] submerges within the body slowly. 这一天,他停下修行,体外金芒缓缓没入体内。 He regards inside oneself body by Divine Consciousness, discovered that Divine Power changed to the shining golden color thoroughly, was obviously more formidable than before was more vigorous, flowed is also becomes smooth ten several folds, feeling of growing continually. 他以神识内视己身内里,发现神力已经彻底化作了灿灿金色,明显比以前强大浑厚了许多,且,流动起来也是变得顺畅了十数倍,有一种生生不息的感觉。 Good Sun Heart Sutra!” “好一部太阳心经!” His eyes accumulated fine glow. 他眼蕴精芒。 cultivation Sun Heart Sutra three days, his oneself body with this Cultivation Technique conjunction, has been possible to make to revolve completely voluntarily. 修行太阳心经三日,他己身已经完全与这部功法契合,已经可令之自行运转。 But swung solar Heavenly Venerable Sun Heart Sutra to come regarding Divine Sword in Knowledge Sea in unexpectedly, although he surprise, but was actually quick does not care. After all, since that handle Divine Sword has been very mysterious, his Four Extreme Scripture, Yin-Yang Step and controls a technique, stems from Divine Sword, but Inheritance Heaven Development Divine Technique, Alchemy Law and Buried Dragon Scripture, is because Divine Sword obtains, now, in this Divine Sword swings Sun Heart Sutra to come again, he pours suddenly thought that is very normal matter. 而对于识海中的神剑中竟荡出了太阳天尊太阳心经来,他虽然诧异,但却是很快就不怎么在意了。毕竟,那柄神剑一直以来就很神秘,他的四极经,两仪歩和控阵术,都是出自神剑,而所传承天演神术,药典葬龙经,则都是因为神剑得到,如今,这神剑内再荡出一部太阳心经来,他倒突然觉得是很正常的事。 This handle sword...... Really is only simple Primordial Heavenly Treasure?” “这柄剑……真只是简单的混元天宝?” He knits the brows suddenly. 他忽而皱眉。 Initially when second Heaven Domain, Bai Qiu explained weapon Magic Treasure for him together, said that only then achieved the Primordial Heavenly Treasure Level weapon to give birth to Weapon Soul, at that time, he thinks that Divine Sword in Knowledge Sea considered to belong to the Primordial Heavenly Treasure rank, but now, his some are indefinite, he always thought that not only Divine Sword in Knowledge Sea as if Primordial Heavenly Treasure Level. 当初在第二天域时,白秋为他讲解兵器法宝一道,称只有达到混元天宝层次的兵器才能生出兵魂,那个时候,他认为识海中的神剑当是属于混元天宝级别,但是现在,他有些不确定了,他总觉得,识海中的神剑似乎不只是混元天宝层次 This handle Divine Sword, was extremely mystical and extraordinary! 这柄神剑,太过神秘和非凡了! Ok, temporarily does not manage.” “算了,暂时不管。” Finally, his selfish shaking the head, thinks these things now, is not completely useful, thinks uselessly. 最终,他自顾自的摇了摇头,现在想这些东西,完全没有什么用,多思无益。 Bang!” “轰!” Suddenly, a startled sound spreads. 突然,一声惊响传出。 At this time, Divine Sword submerged bottom of Divine Consciousness Sea thoroughly, became is thoroughly peaceful, the water of all around separated Milky Way, started to close up toward the middle fast, bang said. 这个时候,神剑已经彻底没入神识海底部,彻底变得安静下来,四周被隔开的天河之水,开始快速朝着中间靠拢,轰隆隆而鸣。 Lin Tian slightly changes countenance: Should leave!” 林天略有动容:“该离开了!” Not hesitant, he haunches the a side Divine Power light screen, [gold/metal] is shining, simultaneously steps on Yin-Yang Step to fire into the place above directly. 没有犹豫,他撑起一方神力光幕,金芒灿灿,同时踩着两仪歩直接冲向上方。 Bang!” “轰!” At this moment, he almost stimulated to movement the pinnacle Yin-Yang Step, immediately was similar to the golden color jumps together like lightning. 这一刻,他几乎是将两仪歩催动到了极致,顿时如同一道金色闪电般跃起。 The water of Milky Way bang a sound pressure comes, to curl up eddy currents. 天河之水轰隆一声压来,卷起一道道漩涡。 Divine Sword no longer overflows the strength, Lin Tian directly Divine Fire Furnace calling, protects the body by this High Grade Dao Armament, flushes away toward Milky Way above fast. In this process, he appears very careful, the speed also placed peak, after the past five double-hour, the place above is indistinct has luminous spreading, has been able to see is rocking the Milky Way water surface. 神剑不再溢出力量,林天直接将神火炉给唤出,以这口上品道兵护体,快速朝着天河之上冲去。这个过程中,他显得非常小心,速度也一直保持在巅峰,直到过去五个时辰后,上方隐约间有光亮传出,已经可以看到晃动着的天河水面。 He slightly is one happy, but does not have the general idea, accelerates once more, in an instant is titters one to run out of the Milky Way surface, arrives to be away from a Milky Way surface ten zhang (3.33 m) high place. He stands here, looks from this place, all around actually appears very peaceful, the Milky Way surface is very peaceful, before not having, dreadful rough seas like that is similar to the gentle spring. 他略是一喜,不过却没有大意,再次催速,转眼间便是噗嗤一声冲出天河表面,来到距离天河表面十丈高的地方。他站在这里,从这个地方望去,四周倒是显得非常安静,天河表面很是太平,没有之前那般的滔天大浪,如同平和的水泉。 His paused, dodges slightly following a direction extremely fast. 他稍稍顿了顿,循着一个方向极速闪去。 In a flash, he soared enough one day and one night sky over Milky Way, during this, without Divine Sword protecting the body, he several times are almost in danger, in an extremely difficult situation of doing. Also is the day , the front suddenly had the shade mark of river bank, he who this causes is wild with joy immediately, Yin-Yang Step displays the limit, whole body [gold/metal] is steaming, changes to a lightning to rush to the shore. 一晃眼,他在天河上空腾飞了足足一天一夜,这期间,在没有神剑护体的情况下,他差点几次遇险,搞的狼狈不堪。也是这一天,前方突然有了河岸的影迹,这使的他顿时狂喜,两仪歩施展到极限,周身金芒腾腾,化作一道闪电冲到岸边。 Bang!” “轰!” An ominous beast runs out, more than 20 zhang (3.33 m), the whole body proliferates the black thorn fully, opens the big mouth to worry toward him. 一头凶兽冲出,足有20多丈,浑身遍布黑刺,张开血盆大口朝他撕咬而来。 The Lin Tian color deterioration, shifts ten zhang (3.33 m) far, shunts killing of this ominous beast, afterward is several big strides, this mounts the river bank of Milky Way edge. After mounting the river bank, he continually steps forward dozens zhang (3.33 m) far, just now stops, toward behind looks, the ominous beast that place, runs out of lowers roars, dense is staring at Lin Tian, submerges in Milky Way slowly. 林天变色,横移十丈远,躲开这凶兽的袭杀,随后又是几个大跨步,这才是登上天河边缘的河岸。登上河岸后,他一连跨出数十丈远,方才是停下,朝着身后望去,那个地方,冲出的凶兽低吼一声,森森的盯着林天,缓缓没入天河之内。 Lin Tian long puts out foul air, realized once more fearfulness of Milky Way, this is the edge, unexpectedly also has such fearful ominous beast. 林天长长吐出一口浊气,再次认识到了天河的可怕,这都已经是边缘处了,居然还有着这么可怕的凶兽。 He shakes the head, no longer pays attention to Milky Way, starts to size up all around. 他摇摇头,不再关注天河,开始打量起四周。 Takes a broad view to look, this place, peripheral appears very barren, the land is split, everywhere is the brown big stones. 放眼望去,这个地方,周边显得非常贫瘠,土地干裂,到处都是褐色的大石。 „When here, as if not by the beforehand space tunnel flings that piece of Milky Way river bank.” “这里,似乎不是被之前的空间隧道甩出时的那片天河河岸。” He talked to oneself, along with, even if shook the head. Milky Way is continuous, does not know the geometry steadily, he escapes from Milky Way, how also possibly exactly to appear when crashing into Milky Way that piece of river bank. 他自语道,随即便又是摇头。天河绵延无边,长不知几何,他从天河里逃出,又怎么可能恰好出现在坠入天河时的那片河岸呢。 Shakes the head, he has not stopped over in this place, is far away directly. 摇摇头,他没有在这个地方逗留,径直远离。 Shortly, he was far away from Milky Way probably to count the hundred zhang (333m) to be far, has not met unexpectedly when most started near that piece of river bank that invisible barrier and invisible resistance, surprising him slightly somewhat. However, can walk, that is the good deed, he naturally cannot ponder why can go out of the Milky Way hundred zhang (333m) with ease the range, that is looks for trouble. 不久后,他远离了天河大约数百丈远,竟是没有遇到在最开始那片河岸边时的那种无形屏障和无形阻力,让他略微有些意外。不过,能够走出去,那就是好事,他自然不会去思考为什么自己能够轻松走出天河百丈的范围,那是没事找事。 He soars, shortly after steps forward is farther, could not see the shade mark of Milky Way thoroughly, peripheral had mountains. These mountains completely all reach to the sky, is grand and grand, but the trees of ravine are actually not many, and appears very unusual, the leaf is similar to the needle body, to person a very sharp feeling. 他腾空而起,不久后跨出更远,已经彻底看不见天河的影迹,周边有了一座座大山。这些大山尽皆高耸入云,宏伟而壮阔,可山间的树木却是不多,且都显得很奇特,树叶如同针体般,给人一种十分锋利的感觉。 „Does Sheng Continent, have this grade of place?” 盛洲,有这等地方?” He knits the brows slightly. 他微微皱眉。 PS: Second approximately 17 : 00 pm, third approximately 20 : 00 pm. Because is the refresh time of estimate, later will possibly present deviation, if renews to postpone, but also looks at everybody to be broad-minded, thanked everybody's support. PS:第二更大约下午17点,第三更大约晚上20点。因为是预估的更新时间,之后可能会出现偏差哈,若是更新有延后,还望大家海涵,感谢大家伙的支持。
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