DKOAD :: Volume #7 龙行盛洲

#683: Sword soul fragment

The ocean waves are turbulent, Lin Tian after looks, a time scalp hemp. Ominous beasts of ten several feet crazy python shapes throw fully, the monster body rolling up and pushing along tide, is away from him also to have is very far, he then feels terrifying malignant influences. 海浪汹涌,林天朝后望去,顿时间头皮一麻。身后,一足有十数丈的狂蟒状的凶兽扑来,妖身卷动浪潮,距离他还有着很远,他便是感觉到了一股恐怖煞气。 He clenches teeth, Divine Fire Furnace sweeps divine light, is together quicker, is similar to like lightning on shuttle Milky Way that Yin-Yang Step displays. 他咬牙,神火炉扫出一道神光,两仪歩施展的更快,如同闪电般穿梭天河上。 Roar!” “吼!” The crazy python ominous beast low roar, direct disintegration Divine Fire Furnace kills off, the twinkling compels the near. 狂蟒凶兽低吼,直接崩碎神火炉杀光,瞬息逼到近前。 The Lin Tian color deterioration, Divine Fire Furnace keeps off before the body, Divine Power one continuously emerges. 林天变色,神火炉挡在身前,神力一缕缕涌入。 Thump!” “咚!” Crazy python ominous beast pulls out on Divine Fire Furnace, has together the thunder bang directly. 狂蟒凶兽一尾抽在神火炉上,径直发出一道雷霆巨响。 Lin Tian coughs up blood, the Divine Fire Furnace same place, such as the scarecrow horizontally is flying, only felt that the whole body bone broke. 林天咳血,连带着神火炉一起,如稻草人般横飞,只感觉浑身骨头都断了。 He makes completely the effort to set up in void on body Milky Way, big mouth respite, in mouth blood little falling in Milky Way. 他费尽气力立身天河上的虚空中,大口喘息,口中血水一点点的落在天河内。 Roar!” “吼!” Roared to resound, the distant place, the ocean waves were billowing, crazy python ominous beast again second rolling. 咆哮响起,远处,海浪滚滚,狂蟒凶兽再次压来。 At the same time, the ominous beast that it behind, these emitted before has pressed together, the terror ominous prestige wants the crack world. 同一时间,其身后,之前那些冒出的凶兽一起压了过来,恐怖凶威欲裂天地。 The Lin Tian heart jumps crazily, turns around to run away. 林天心头狂跳,转身就逃。 What a pity, his present condition was too bad . Moreover, here is in Milky Way, his speed, how also possibly to compare favorably with resided in the ominous beasts in this piece of Milky Way, was overtaken in an instant then, the advantageous tooth worries toward him. 可惜,他现在的状态太差了,而且,这里是天河内,他的速度,又怎么可能比得上本就居于这片天河内的凶兽们,转眼间便是又被追上,有利齿朝他撕咬来。 Go away!” “滚开!” He clenches teeth. 他咬牙。 Divine Fire Furnace protects the body, buzz, he takes the trouble to haunch Samsara Chart, enormous and powerful pressure to an audiences ominous beast. 神火炉护体,嗡的一声,他费力将轮回图撑起,浩浩荡荡的压向一众凶兽。 However, an audiences ominous beast actually slightly does not care, bellows to roar, grinds directly. 然而,一众凶兽却是丝毫也不在意,大吼咆哮,直接碾来。 cracking sound, Samsara Chart by the disintegration, Lin Tian coughed up blood to fly at the scene again horizontally. 喀的一声,轮回图被当场崩碎,林天再次咳血横飞。 Detonates 16 Immortal Vein, he greatly was also affected, received the extremely heavy wound, now, when the four entirely succeed of strength including peak, the power and influence of all methods significantly reduces, cannot block these terror ominous beasts. 引爆16条仙脉,他自己也受到了大波及,受了极重的伤,如今,战力连巅峰时的四成都不到,所有手段的威势都是大幅度降低,根本拦不住这些恐怖凶兽。 Roar!” “吼!” Ominous beast Qi Hou, bloody malignant influences interweave in airborne, crowded black light from the major ominous beasts , the crush. 凶兽齐吼,血腥煞气交织在空中,密集乌光从各大凶兽身上冲起,碾压而过。 Lin Tian stimulates to movement the limit Divine Fire Furnace, keeps off next black light, aura is little reduces. 林天神火炉催动到极限,挡下一道道乌光,身上的气息则是一点点降低。 Bang the bang resounds once for a while, the piece of space that more than hundred ominous beasts create a disturbance can not be peaceful, Milky Way seethes with excitement, wild waves curl up, once for a while submerges Lin Tian, command repetitive coughing up blood, the vigor is in an instant feeble to the underestimate. 轰隆巨响时不时响起,百余凶兽搅闹的这片空间不得安宁,天河为之沸腾,骇浪一道道卷起,时不时将林天淹没,令之连连咳血,精气神转眼间衰弱到低估。 Damn!” “该死!” Lin Tian flees fully, steps on Yin-Yang Step to glitter unceasingly, but runs away toward the distant place, does not do any other matters. 林天全力奔逃,踩着两仪歩不断闪烁,只是朝远处逃遁,不做其它任何的事。 Because, could not make other anything. 因为,也做不了其它什么。 Bang!” “轰!” gradually, Milky Way seethes with excitement once more, more than hundred zhang (3.33 m) high ocean waves clash, as if must vault of heaven crushing. 渐渐的,天河再次沸腾起来,百余丈高的海浪冲起,似乎要将天穹击碎般。 Lin Tian places oneself in this grade of condition, must evade an audiences ominous beast, must avoid the Milky Way tide that curls up, the whole person appears in an extremely difficult situation, aura little reduction, is becomes is similar to the remaining years of life flame is finally weak. 林天置身在这等境况中,又要逃避一众凶兽,又要躲避卷起的天河浪潮,整个人显得狼狈不堪,身上的气息一点点的降低,终于是变得如同残烛火苗般微弱。 Bang!” “轰!” Another thunders, giant ocean waves clash, finally submerges him, has infiltrated in Milky Way directly. 又一声轰鸣,一道巨大的海浪冲起,终于是将他淹没,直接打入了天河之中。 In a flash, the icy cold sea water entire submerges him. 一瞬间,冰凉的海水整个将他淹没。 In the Lin Tian heart the startled anger, the fee completely physical strength struggles, wants to clash, however actually discovered that present he, has reached the limit, is hard. At the same time, places oneself in this icy cold Milky Way, his whole body that piercing woods cause coldly feels cold, only felt that both hands both feet becomes stiffly is hard to move, becomes including the field of vision fuzzy. 林天心中惊怒,费尽气力挣扎,想冲出去,然而却是发现,现在的他,已经真的达到极限了,难以冲出去。同一时间,置身这冰凉的天河内,那刺骨的森寒使的他浑身发冷,只感觉双手双脚都变得僵硬难以动弹,连视野都变得模糊起来。 I...... Will not die......” “我……不会死……” In his heart startled anger. 他心中惊怒。 Even if so, the field of vision is actually fuzzier, by water of package Milky Way, consciousness in pulled out slowly leaves. 然而纵然如此,视野却是越加模糊,被天河之水包裹,意识似在缓缓被抽离。 His body cannot move, can only roar to struggle in the heart. 他的身体动不了,只能在心中怒吼挣扎。 The sea water vibrates, the sound of rumbling. 海水震动,咕隆隆的响。 All around, a leader ominous beast appears the photo album, each one like the hill, from flushed toward him greatly in all directions. 四周,一头头凶兽显出影集,个个大如小山,从四面八方朝着他冲了过来。 Three hundreds of zhang (333m)...... 三百丈…… Two hundreds of zhang (333m)...... 两百丈…… A hundred zhang (333m)...... 一百丈…… 80 zhang (3.33 m)...... 80丈…… 50 zhang (3.33 m)...... 50丈…… 30 zhang (3.33 m)...... 30丈…… Suddenly, an audiences ominous beast by arriving at Lin Tian beyond three zhang (3.33 m), the bloody malignant influences interweave, simultaneously worries to Lin Tian. 只是眨眼间,一众凶兽靠到林天三丈外,血腥煞气交织,同时撕咬向林天 Buzz!” “嗡!” Also was at this time, wiped seven color god glow to run out, was very gentle, in an instant all around water of isolation Milky Way, formed one diameter zhang (3.33 m) Seven Color God Light ball, wrapped the body of Lin Tian. 也是这时,一抹七彩神芒冲出,无比柔和,转眼将四周的天河之水隔绝,形成一直径丈许的七彩神光球,将林天的身体包裹在其中。 More than hundred fierce ominous beasts tremble immediately, was similar to saw the mouse of cat, trembled, all revealed the panic-stricken color. 百余狰狞凶兽顿时一颤,如同见了猫的老鼠般,瑟瑟发抖,皆露出惊恐之色。 Seven Color God Light winds around in Lin Tian outside the body, is dragging the body of Lin Tian, has not floated upward, but falls slowly toward boundless Milky Way bottom. 七彩神光缭绕在林天体外,拖着林天的身体,不曾往上浮,而是缓缓朝着无垠的天河底部落去。 Hundred ominous beasts shiver are staring at this, the instinct fear are making them not dare to have any movement again. 百余头凶兽颤抖着盯着这一幕,本能的恐惧让它们不敢再有任何一个动作。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Seven color god glow twinkles, gentle, pure. 七彩神芒闪烁,柔和,纯净。 The Lin Tian field of vision is fuzzy, but was actually not the consciousness vanished, did not look to disappear completely, at this time, he can know that all around is having anything, in his Knowledge Sea, that handle Divine Sword moved, overflowed continuously Seven Color God Light, not only protected him, and shook that 100 ominous beast, making these ominous beast one not dare to depend again. 林天视野模糊,但却并非是意识消失了,也不是完全看不见了,这个时候,他能知道四周在发生着什么,他识海内,那柄神剑动了,溢出了一缕缕七彩神光,不仅护住了他,且震住了那100多头凶兽,使得这些凶兽没有一头再敢靠过来。 This makes one types close the feeling that the edge passes through from the dead gate, if Divine Sword has not moved, he was really dies! 这让有一种从死门关边缘走过的感觉,若神剑没有动,他就真的是死定了! Buzz!” “嗡!” Seven color ray twinkles, wrap his body to move voluntarily, seems like very slow, but is not so, because, is only one instantaneous, in his field of vision then lost the traces of hundred ominous beasts. 七彩光芒闪烁,包裹着他的身体自行移动,看似很慢,但却不然,因为,只是一个瞬间而已,他的视野中便是失去了百余头凶兽的踪影。 Seven color light...... Are one moving? Consciousness of Divine Sword?” His brow concentrates: This is, where can go to?!” “七彩光……自己在动?神剑的意识?”他眉头一凝:“这是,要去哪里?!” The god glow passes the body to protect his body, making him feel that warm, wound fast heals at a speed, was in an instant good most probably. At this time, his field of vision returned to truly normal, can see clearly all around, Seven Color God Light is wrapping him, not only in the simple river bottom tribe upwards, to was going also toward extremely the East. 神芒透体护着他的身体,让他感觉到了温暖,身上的伤以一个飞快的速度愈合,转眼间好了大半。这个时候,他的视野真正恢复正常,能够真真的看清四周,七彩神光包裹着他,不只是在简单的朝天河底部落,同时也在朝着极东方向而去。 The time, passes fast. 时间,快速流逝。 In an instant, three days in the past. 转眼,三日过去。 Among three days, seven color rays are wrapping him, does not know where makes concrete toward moves, in this process, Lin Tian saw in Milky Way more fearful ominous beasts, even has the monster body to surpass existences of five hundreds of zhang (333m), the terror of aura sends out, is similar to is Nirvana Realm exists simply, but has a liking for one to make him raise a feeling of palpitation. 三日间,七彩光芒包裹着他,不知道具体朝着哪里移动,这个过程中,林天看到了天河内更多的可怕凶兽,其中甚至有妖躯超过五百丈的存在,散发出的气息之恐怖,简直如同是涅盘境存在般,只是看上一眼就让他升起一股心悸的感觉。 Can go?” “到底是要去哪?” Lin Tian knits the brows. 林天皱眉。 All around he takes a fast look around, ten several ominous beasts go through, after seeing the seven color light of his outside the body, maliciously trembles. 他扫视四周,十数头凶兽穿行而过,见着他体外的七彩光后,都是狠狠一颤。 Regarding this, his these days early have been used to it, has not revealed any heterochrosis. 对此,他这几日早已经习惯了,并没有露出什么异色。 Seven color photo sources wrap him to roam through in this piece of Milky Way, toward east line. 七彩光源包裹着他于这片天河内遨游,一路朝东而行。 Also so, was three days in the past. 如此,又是三日过去。 On this day, seven color light screens are wrapping Lin Tian, as if arrived at Milky Way most bottom, making Lin Tian see a boundless darkness, as if can swallow all. Afterward, is almost at the same time, Lin Tian felt that Knowledge Sea shakes, in which Divine Sword humming sound the tremor, has many seven color rays to run out from the sword body, such as the ripples swing toward all around. 这一天,七彩光幕包裹着林天,似乎来到了天河最底部,使得林天见到了一片无边的黑暗,仿佛可以吞噬一切。随后,几乎是同一时间,林天感觉识海一震,其中的神剑嗡嗡颤动,有更多的七彩光芒从剑体中冲出,如涟漪般朝四周荡去。 This grade of ray, not only spreads in his Knowledge Sea, but swung truly, in an instant opens all around water of Milky Way completely, reveals a piece of surrounding area number hundred zhang (333m) no war zone, scatters the bottom darkness completely. 这等光芒,不只是在他的识海中扩散,而是真正荡了出来,转眼间将四周的天河之水全部撑开,露出一片方圆数百丈的真空地带,将底部的黑暗全部驱散。 Under, is quarry stone, is very ordinary. 下方,是一片乱石,很普通。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Seven color rays of one group of fist sizes lie down in pile of rocks horizontally, radiant, sacred, clear. 一团拳头大小的七彩光芒横躺在乱石堆中,璀璨,神圣,晶莹。 The Lin Tian body slightly shakes, reveals the pleasantly surprised color immediately. 林天身体微震,顿时露出惊喜之色。 This group of seven color rays, he was too familiar! Is same in seven color rays that first Heaven Domain Burying Monster Valley as well as in the second Heaven Domain sword grave obtains with him! 这团七彩光芒,他太熟悉了!和他在第一天域葬妖谷以及第二天域的剑坟内所得到的七彩光芒一样! This is Divine Sword Sword Soul Fragment! 这是神剑剑魂碎片 At this time, he also finally understood why seven color rays have wrapped him to go through among Milky Way, originally induces this place the fluctuation of Sword Soul Fragment. 这个时候,他也终于明白了七彩光芒为何一直包裹着他穿行天河间,原来是感应到了这个地方的剑魂碎片的波动。 Unexpectedly in this border Milky Way most bottom, before no wonder me, looked in Sheng Continent for a long time could not find!” “居然在这交界天河的最底部,难怪我之前在盛洲找了那么久都找不到!” In Lin Tian eye twinkle fine glow. 林天眼中闪烁精芒。 Front, among pile of rocks, the seven color ray twinkles of fist size, are similar to a child express the happy cry, in the Divine Sword main body with his Knowledge Sea echoes. 前方,乱石堆间,拳头大小的七彩光芒闪烁,如同一个小孩般发出欢鸣,与他识海内的神剑本体呼应。 He not hesitant, one step then steps to this group of seven color rays by. 他没有犹豫,一步便跨到这团七彩光芒旁边。 He extended the right hand, the seven color ray diameters on pile of rocks non-stop flew, humming sound called in his chest. Afterward, seven color rays transferred regarding him, submerges from sword mark in his right palm directly, has gone through his body, afterward, enters to his Divine Consciousness Sea in an instant, arrives by that handle mysterious iron sword, that scoffs at integrates. 他伸出右手,乱石堆上的七彩光芒径直飞了过来,在他胸口嗡嗡而鸣。随后,七彩光芒围绕着他转了一圈,直接从他右手心中的剑纹上没入,穿行过他的身体,随后,转眼进入到他的神识海内,来到那柄神秘铁剑旁边,嗤的一身融入其中。 Bang!” “轰!” In an instant, earthshaking divine ability sweeps across, changes to seven colored light beams to run out from his within the body together, passes through Milky Way directly, submerges sky over in the Milky Way vigorous cloud layer, caught piece of seven color halos the sky of this place. 转眼间,惊天动地的神能席卷,化作一道七彩色光柱自他体内冲出,直接贯穿天河,没入天河上空的浑厚云层中,将这个地方的天空都染上了一片七彩光晕。 In Knowledge Sea, Divine Sword vibrates, gradually, the sword blade becomes brighter, has more mysterious [say / way] marks to flash before. 识海内,神剑震动,渐渐的,剑身变得更加明亮,有着更多的神秘道纹闪现。 These marks, before Lin Tian, had seen, when once more sees now, as before is actually startled and shocks for it heart, because these marks were extremely abstruse, even if one, he does not look clearly. 这些道纹,林天之前已经见过,但是现在再次看到时,却依旧为之心惊和震撼,因为这些道纹太过于深奥了,哪怕是一丝,他都看不明白。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Divine Sword expresses the light cry once more, after Sword Soul Fragment integrates, suddenly rich seven color light from sword within the body gush out, goes toward each corner proliferation of Lin Tian body. 神剑再次发出轻鸣,剑魂碎片融入后,忽而有一片浓郁的七彩光从剑体内涌出,朝着林天身体的每一个角落扩散而去。 Lin Tian shakes, the time felt that as rich has been able to fluctuate as the extreme spirit. 林天一震,顿时间感觉到了浓郁到极点的灵能波动。 He is feeling, in these seven color rays is containing the spirit energy, can compare favorably with fully 1 million jin (0.5 kg) Spirit Crystal! 他感觉着,这些七彩光芒内所包含着的灵能,足可以比得上1000000斤灵晶了! This makes him pleasantly surprised, this came from presenting of sword soul! But this presents, may make him step up to Spirit Immortal 2nd-layer absolutely! 这让他惊喜,这是来自剑魂的馈赠!而这馈赠,绝对可让他跨上通仙第二重 Deeply inspires, he was been fast tranquil by himself, afterward immediately sits cross-legged to sit down in this place, is towing these seven color rays fast since own Divine Power, starts tempering Divine Power, in the meantime, quenches the body by Divine Power. 深吸一口气,他快速让自己平静下来,随后立刻在这个地方盘膝坐下,快速牵引着这些七彩光芒进入自己的神力中,开始淬炼神力,同时,也以神力淬体。 After cultivating to stride in the Spirit Immortal domain, cultivation is mainly divided into two points, first, tempering Divine Power, making Divine Power purely, second, derives Heaven & Earth Spirit Qi, remoulds Physique by Divine Power, when Divine Power tempering to true pure, when Physique can nine times be reborn, at that time, spirit sense and Divine Consciousness will have a big transformation, may induce to existence of Grand Dao, afterward, from can comprehend the Grand Dao principle, again , is strides in the sixth boundary, Grand Dao Realm. 修为跨入通仙领域后,修行主要分为两点,第一,淬炼神力,让神力变得更纯粹,第二,汲取天地灵气,以神力来重塑体魄,当神力淬炼至真正精纯,当体魄得以九次脱胎换骨,那时候,灵觉神识都将生出一个大的蜕变,可感应到大道的存在,随后,便自可领悟大道法则,再之后,便是跨入第六个境界,大道境 Buzz!” “嗡!” He refining the seven color light in within the body earnestly, aura little increasing. 他认真炼化体内的七彩光,气息一点点的攀升。
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