DKOAD :: Volume #7 龙行盛洲

#682: Milky Way ominous beast

Third Heaven Domain is divided into Sheng Continent and two territories, separates because of a vast boundless Milky Way, this Milky Way, was called the third Heaven Domain death restricted area in the true sense, by into, the Grand Dao Realm powerhouses was hard to maintain a livelihood. 第三天域分为盛洲和蛮地两片疆土,因一条浩瀚无垠的天河隔开,这条天河,被称作是第三天域真正意义上的死亡禁地,靠入其中,大道境的强者都难以活命。 Bang!” “轰隆!” The ocean waves tumble, then together, all clashes more than hundred zhang (3.33 m) together, that and other scenes, simply are shocking. 海浪翻滚,一道接着一道,皆是冲起百余丈,那等场景,简直是骇人听闻。 The Lin Tian vision recycles slightly, beyond ten zhang (3.33 m), Milky Way edge not far away has a stele, above is carving four large characters...... Is sure not to approach. These four characters are simple, the physique is vigorous, although seemed had very glorious years, may have light [say / way] accumulated to flow as before, obviously, at least was also the True Awakening powerhouse remains. 林天的目光稍稍回收,十丈外,天河边缘不远处有着一块石碑,上面刻着四个大字……切勿靠近。这四个字朴素简单,形体苍劲,尽管看上去已经存在了非常悠久的岁月,可却依旧有着淡淡的道蕴在流淌,显然,至少也是悟真强者所留。 In years past, had the elders powerhouses to leave behind these four characters, with warn descendant, not must by going to this place.” “昔年,有老辈强者留下这四个字,用以警示后人,莫要靠到这个地方来。” Lin Tian heart middle course. 林天心中道。 His look is dignified, the direct backlash is far away, the front that boundless Milky Way, making him feel terrified. 他神色凝重,直接后退远离,前方的那条无垠天河,让他感觉到了一股悚然。 This place, cannot treat! 这个地方,绝不能待! Another side, the Black Robe middle age and azure robe middle age are also retroceding, obviously also felt the fearfulness of this place. 另一边,黑袍中年和青袍中年也在后退,显然也感觉到了这个地方的可怕。 However in the next quarter, three people of simultaneously changes color, all around space seemed separated, they cannot draw back. 不过就在下一刻,三人齐齐变色,四周的空间仿佛被隔断了,他们退不出去。 What's the matter?!” “怎么回事?!” The azure robe middle age drinks lowly. 青袍中年低喝。 The Black Robe middle age also around sizing up, several times tries to be far away from the position of Milky Way, may not have any using, could not draw back, rear space by one invisible and fearful prohibited vigorously. 黑袍中年也在打量四周,几次试图远离天河的位置,可却都是没有任何用,根本退不了,后方的空间被一股无形而可怕的大力封禁了。 The Lin Tian naturally also palpitation, remembers Sheng Continent is spreading a few words: „The Milky Way hundred zhang (333m), has not to have.” These eight characters, the meaning understands clearly, the space within Milky Way hundred zhang (333m) range, can go, but, is unable to walk again. 林天自然也心悸,想起盛洲流传着的一句话:“天河百丈,有进无出。”这八个字,意思清晰明了,天河百丈范围内的空间,可以进去,但是,无法再走出来。 Also because of so, the Sheng Continent earth on, many cultivator(s) is willing to go to bury Divine Mountain to fall and other big ominous territories take risks to treasure hunt with Immortal Demon Ancient Vein, but nobody is actually willing by arriving around Milky Way, the vertical Grand Dao powerhouse is no exception. 也正是因为如此,盛洲大地上,许多修士愿意前往葬神山落和仙魔古脉等三大凶域冒险寻宝,但却没有一个人愿意靠到天河附近来,纵大道强者也不例外。 Damn!” “该死!” Lin Tian cursed. 林天咒骂。 That space tunnel, how gave to come the volume to here him! This place, is the true life-forbidden zone! 那空间隧道,怎么将他给卷到这里来了!这个地方,可是真正的生命禁区啊! Another side, the Black Robe middle age and azure robe middle age clench teeth, after several times are hard to draw back, finally fell the vision on Lin Tian again, faced forward to compel. Blue robe middle age sinking sound track: Immediately hands over Eternal Killing Array, my two people all are Rank 7 Controlling Array Master, after comprehending Eternal Killing Array, breaks here to leave together, when the time comes, we do not kill you!” 另一边,黑袍中年和青袍中年咬牙,几次难以退出去后,终于重新将目光落在了林天身上,朝前逼来。青袍中年沉声道:“立刻将永恒杀阵交出来,我二人皆是七阶控阵师,领悟永恒杀阵后,打破这里一起离开,到时候,我们不杀你!” At this time, they are also worry anxiously, the air of this place seriously extremely ice-cold, they felt that the big threat, always thought stayed a while again, they will die here, at this time, in their opinion, the front that Milky Way simply looked like a fierce unparalleled god of death, as if will momentarily harvest their lives. 这个时候,两人也是担忧焦急,这个地方的空气当真太过冰冷,他们感觉到了大威胁,总觉得再多停留一会儿,他们都会死在这里,这个时候,在他们看来,前方的那条天河简直就像是一头狰狞的盖世死神,仿佛随时会收割他们的性命。 Lin Tian also worries freely, may listen to the words of azure robe middle age, actually cannot bear sneer. Hands over Eternal Killing Array, breaks here to leave together, doesn't kill him? When idiot! 林天尽管也着急,可听着青袍中年的话,却还是忍不住冷笑起来。交出永恒杀阵,打破这里一起离开,不杀他?当自己白痴吗! He keeps off by Divine Fire Furnace in the front, the god glow circulation, has the flame fire to run out. 他以神火炉挡在胸前,神芒流转,有炎火冲出。 So acts, without doubt is makes the Black Robe middle age their complexion all sink. 如此动作,无疑是让黑袍中年两人脸色皆一沉。 Is unappreciative!” “不识抬举!” The azure robe middle age cold sound track, begins to grasp directly to Lin Tian. 青袍中年寒声道,直接动手抓向林天 At the same time, the Black Robe middle age also begins, has the weak [say / way] , then the fluctuation interweaves. 同一时间,黑袍中年亦是动手,有微弱的道则波动交织而出。 Lin Tian clenches teeth, stimulates to movement Divine Fire Furnace to welcome. Before, he detonated ten two Immortal Vein, Black Robe middle age and azure robe middle age of severe wound although making dying, but he also received has affected greatly, at this moment, their strengths as before compared with him. 林天咬牙,催动神火炉迎上。之前,他引爆十二仙脉,虽然令的黑袍中年和青袍中年重伤垂死,可他自己也受了大波及,此刻,两人的实力依旧远比他强。 He offers a sacrifice to Divine Fire Furnace, while ponders the countermeasure. 他一边祭出神火炉,一边思考对策。 Bang!” “轰隆!” The ocean waves bellow resounds once more, more than hundred zhang (3.33 m) ocean waves must gallop Gao Tian, the earth that shakes shakes, the Lin Tian three people that made stands somewhat cannot come to a stop, the attack that made all by ruptured, vanished in invisible. 海浪的轰鸣声再次响起,一道道百余丈的海浪似要奔腾上高天,震的大地摇颤,令的林天三人站都有些站不稳,打出的攻击皆是被生生崩开,消失于无形。 Takes a broad view to look, beyond ten several feet, Milky Way seems a deep sleep the great antiquity ominous beast regained consciousness suddenly, a aura of gang of song person interweaves extremely, more than hundred zhang (3.33 m) high ocean waves crowded clashes, as if Milky Way must rise into the vault of heaven. 放眼望去,十数丈外,天河仿佛是一头沉睡着的洪荒凶兽突然苏醒了般,一股极为悚人的气息交织而出,百余丈高的海浪密集的冲起,仿佛天河要升入苍穹。 Sees so the scene, Lin Tian cannot help but was thinking that scalp hemp, was this picture is extremely really scary. 见着如此场景,林天不由得觉得头皮都麻了下,实在是这画面太过骇人了。 But is not only he, vertical was the Grand Dao Realm Black Robe middle age and azure robe middle age also changed the color, the back sent coldly. 而不仅是他,纵是大道境界的黑袍中年和青袍中年也是变了颜色,脊背发寒。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Also is one thunders, the wild waves hundred zhang (333m), vibrates the vault of heaven. 又是一阵轰鸣,骇浪百丈,震动天穹。 Afterward, ten several ocean waves have pressed toward this place unexpectedly directly, made three people of simultaneously complexion big changes. 随后,有十数道海浪竟是直接朝着这个地方压了过来,令三人齐齐脸色大变。 Damn!” “该死!” The azure robe middle age cannot bear curse angrily. 青袍中年忍不住怒骂。 What a pity, cursed angrily any has not used, the dreadful ocean waves fell, have covered all spaces in surrounding area hundred zhang (333m). 可惜,怒骂并没有任何用,滔天的海浪落下,覆盖了方圆百丈内的所有空间。 Thump, the ocean waves drop, the earth that made truly have a bang. 咚的一声,海浪真正落下,令的大地都发出一声巨响。 In an instant, three people simultaneously were submerged in the tide. 转眼间,三人同时被淹没在浪潮中。 Lin Tian protects by Divine Fire Furnace before the body, the bonus is so, actually felt that a piercing ice was cold, this water of Milky Way, seems came from the hell to be common, icy cold scary. And, at the same time, what made his fearful was, after the Milky Way wild waves fell, the water source was billowing, bred vigorously, went to toward Milky Way him involution. 林天神火炉护在身前,饶是如此,却还是感觉到了一股刺骨的冰寒,这天河的水,仿佛是来自地狱一般,冰凉的吓人。且,同一时间,更加令他心寒的是,天河骇浪落下后,水源滚滚,有一股大力孕育在其中,生生将他朝天河内卷去。 This makes him the heart jump immediately crazily, but that place Milky Way, in that accumulated is nurturing the innumerable crises! 这让他顿时心脏狂跳,那个地方可是天河啊,那里面,蕴育着无数的危机! Without any hesitant, he directly supports all methods to contend, resists this invisible vigorously, however, what making him more fearful is, in the ocean waves contains was extremely vigorously fearful, he could not contend, could not block. 没有任何犹豫,他直接支撑起所有手段抗衡,抵挡这股无形的大力,然而,让他更加心寒的是,海浪中所蕴含的大力太过可怕了,他根本抗衡不了,挡不住。 The flash, his drew in the range of Milky Way directly, places oneself in the billowing ocean waves. 只是一瞬间而已,他被直接拖入到了天河的范围内,置身于滚滚海浪之中。 This made his heart with catching cold, wants to shout abuse. 这让他心都跟着凉了,真的想破口大骂。 Damn!” “该死!” Roars to resound. 怒吼响起。 Not far away, the Black Robe middle age and azure robe middle age roared to struggle, by ocean waves sweeping across Milky Way. 不远处,黑袍中年和青袍中年咆哮挣扎,亦是被海浪给席卷到了天河内部。 At this time, they are appear very distressed. 这个时候,两人都是显得非常狼狈。 Lin Tian is seeing they so anxious distressed anxious appearance, wants to laugh, what a pity, actually seriously cannot smile. At this time, he vibrated Divine Power, did to attack by Divine Fire Furnace, flushed away toward the Milky Way edge, is trying being separated. 林天见着两人如此焦急狼狈焦躁的模样,原本想大笑,可惜,却当真笑不出来。这个时候,他震动出神力,以神火炉做攻,朝着天河边缘冲去,试着脱离。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Milky Way vibrates, ocean waves clash, the vault of heaven that shakes shakes, oppresses ten sides. 天河震动,一道道海浪冲起,震的苍穹都为之摇颤,压迫十方。 The Lin Tian color deterioration, changes to attack Divine Fire Furnace to hastily defend, the next quarter, then vigorously had been curled immediately by one, shakes not to know him far, when waits for him to stand firm the personal appearance looks up again, the Milky Way edge could not see. 林天变色,连忙将神火炉改攻为守,随即下一刻,便是被一股大力卷过,将他震出去又不知多远,等着他稳住身形再抬头望去时,天河边缘已经看不到了。 Familiar roaring sound resounds from him once more, the Black Robe middle age and azure robe middle age are similar to he are ordinary, were curled this place, in airborne fend again and again, move aside from the seabed to other tides. These tides are very fearful, if by the volume , will directly possibly draw to the Milky Way base, at that time, but was really dies. 熟悉的怒吼声从他旁边再次响起,黑袍中年和青袍中年如同他一般,也是被卷到了这个地方,在空中连连闪避,躲闪从海底冲起的其它浪潮。这些浪潮很可怕,若是被卷中,可能会被直接拖入到天河底部去,那时候,可就真的是死定了。 Ant, hands over Eternal Killing Array and High Grade Dao Armament!” “蚂蚁,交出永恒杀阵上品道兵!” Suppresses him directly, seizes!” “直接镇压他,夺过来!” The Black Robe middle age and azure robe middle age said. 黑袍中年和青袍中年道。 They as the Grand Dao Realm powerhouse, spirit sense are extraordinary, at this moment was involved in Milky Way, was the clear feeling a threat of death, was more intense than in that uneasy of Milky Way ashore before, making their souls somewhat tremble. They begin once more, offer a sacrifice to formidable extraordinary Controlling Array Technique, compels toward Lin Tian. 两人作为大道境强者,灵觉非凡,此刻被卷入天河之内,更是清晰的感觉到了一股死亡的威胁,远比之前在天河岸上的那种不安感要强烈,让他们的灵魂都有些战栗。他们再次动手,祭出强大非凡的控阵之术,朝着林天逼去。 At this time, their ideas were the same when the Milky Way shore with before, suppress Lin Tian, has seized Eternal Killing Array and High Grade Dao Armament, by their strengths, could depend upon these two to leave this place. 这个时候,他们的想法和之前在天河岸边时一样,镇压林天,夺过永恒杀阵上品道兵,以他们的实力,或许可以依靠这两者离开这个地方。 Bang!” “轰!” At this moment, all over the body lives the python shape ominous beast of red scale towering to run out from billowing under water, solely is only a head then fully has the house to be huge, is interweaving a cold ghost aura of gang of extremely song person. The position that this python shape ominous beast runs out of happen to closes right up against the Black Robe middle age, then opens the big mouth directly, reveals the dense advantage tooth, swallows to the Black Robe middle age. 就在这时,一头遍体生红鳞的蟒状凶兽突兀自滚滚的水底冲出,单单只是一颗头颅便足有房屋般巨大,交织着一股极为悚人的寒煞气息。这蟒状凶兽冲出的位置正好靠着黑袍中年,直接便是张开血盆大口,露出森森利齿,吞向黑袍中年。 The Black Robe middle age is panic-stricken, has not expected this completely, fends continually without enough time. 黑袍中年惊恐,完全没有料到这一幕,连闪避都来不及。 !” “噗!” The ominous beast dive, has bitten the body of Black Robe middle age directly, afterward puffs and blows two swallowing in the lower belly. 凶兽俯冲而过,直接将黑袍中年的身躯咬碎,随后吭哧两口给吞下腹中。 The azure robe middle age has a big shock: Mu Luohan!” Mu Luohan is the name of Black Robe middle age, the azure robe middle age at this moment the complexion becomes snow white, shouted after these three large characters, is shivering hastily the backlash, shunts that python shape ominous beast by far. 青袍中年大惊失色:“穆洛寒!”穆洛寒黑袍中年的名字,青袍中年这一刻脸色变得雪白,喊出这三个大字后,连忙颤抖着后退,远远躲开那头蟒状凶兽。 Not far away, Lin Tian is also feels scalp one coolly, although the Black Robe middle age was seriously injured, may after all also be the Grand Dao Realm powerhouse, was now, unexpectedly instantaneously by one swallowing! He remembered Ling Yun suddenly and he had said the words, Sheng Continent and in Milky Way of border, lived many ominous beasts, can swallow the Grand Dao Realm powerhouse easily. 不远处,林天也是感觉头皮一凉,黑袍中年虽然受了重伤,可毕竟也是大道境的强者啊,可是如今,居然瞬间就被一口给吞掉了!他忽而想起凌云和他说过的话,盛洲和蛮地交界的天河内,生有诸多凶兽,可以轻易吞噬掉大道境强者。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Milky Way is billowing, breaks his palpitation directly. 天河滚滚,直接打断他的心悸。 The sea level of Milky Way became has seethed with excitement, rough seas flushed, at this moment was ten several feet high about. 天河的海面变得更加沸腾了,一道道大浪冲起,这一刻都是十数丈高左右。 Compares, before these ten number high ocean waves do not have, these more than hundred zhang (3.33 m) high ocean waves are astonishing, when these ten several feet high ocean waves fall, Lin Tian is actually felt that the whole person fell directly in ten thousand years of icehouse. Because, in these rough seas all has an appearance fierce Milky Way ominous beast, or lives the scales, either live fish fin, either lives the alone corner/horn, each is sending out the extremely ominous crazy malignant influences, is similar to the destruction that ran out of the ancient times demon territory greatly is ominous. 相比起来,这些十数高的海浪远没有之前那些百余丈高的海浪惊人,可是,当这些十数丈高的海浪落下时,林天却是感觉整个人直接坠到了万年冰窖中般。因为,这些大浪中皆有着一头面目狰狞的天河凶兽,或生鳞甲,或生鱼鳍,或生独角,每一头都散发着极为凶狂的煞气,如同是从远古魔域中冲出的毁灭大凶。 Enough, has 100! 足足,有着100多头! How can!” “怎么会!” The azure robe middle age direct was panic-stricken. 青袍中年直接惊恐了。 Roar!” “吼!” Hundred ominous beasts roared, curled up the startled day ocean waves once more. 百余头凶兽咆哮,再次卷起一道道惊天海浪。 Their monster pupil or the monster are red, or deep green, either dark blue, all interweaves the ominous crazy color, the aura song person is hearing. 它们妖瞳或妖红,或碧绿,或深蓝,皆是交织着凶狂之色,气息悚人听闻。 Small ant, quick, quickly gives me Divine Fire Furnace and Eternal Killing Array, I stimulate to movement to display!” “小蚂蚁,快,快把神火炉永恒杀阵给我,我来催动施展!” The azure robe middle age shouted that clashes toward Lin Tian. 青袍中年大喊,朝着林天冲过来。 This moves, immediately suffers disaster! 这一动,顿时遭难! All around, hundred ominous beast leaning heads, as if saw is jumping livingly the grain ration, simultaneously has pressed. 四周,百余头凶兽偏头,仿佛是见到了活生生跳跃着的口粮,齐齐压了过去。 This scene, frightened to break the balls of azure robe middle age at the scene. 这个场景,当场吓破了青袍中年的胆。 No, lives......” “不,住……” „!” “啊!” The pitiful yell spreads, in an instant, the azure robe middle age was ripped the fragment, dazzling blood incarnadine big piece sea level. 惨叫传出,转眼间而已,青袍中年被撕成碎片,刺目的血水染红大片海面。 Lin Tian only felt that the body ice is cold, struggles the food azure robe middle age while more than hundred ominous beasts, he protects the body by Divine Fire Furnace directly, steps on Yin-Yang Step to run away toward the distant place. At this time, in this piece of boundless Milky Way, he did not have including the sense of direction, now, he at will follows a position to run away, is only thinking must be separated from the lines of sight of these ominous beasts. 林天只感觉躯体冰寒,趁着百余凶兽争食青袍中年,他直接以神火炉护体,踩着两仪歩朝着远处逃走。这个时候,处在这片茫茫天河内,他已经是连方向感都没有了,现在,他只是随意循着一个位置逃遁,只想着要脱离这些凶兽的视线。 Roar!” “吼!” Fierce whooshed resounds, has ominous beast to observe closely him, overran directly, brings the a side dreadful rough sea waves. 狰狞的嘶吼响起,有凶兽偏头盯住了他,直接冲了过去,带起一方滔天巨浪。
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