DKOAD :: Volume #7 龙行盛洲

#681: Border Milky Way

Lin Tian is thinking strides in Spirit Immortal 2nd-layer by hundreds of thousands of Spirit Crystal and dozens Immortal Vein, but now, he changed the idea. Liu Wuwei regards as important him to trust him, passes on the position of Ascension Gate Lord in him, now, he is Ascension Dao Gate Master! Ascension Gate Master, the nature considered for own Sect(s) and subordinate! But when Black Flood Dragon, opposite party recently continuously with him, Spirit Immortal tribulation and they are chased down by the Black Robe middle age now, protects by the fate, this is the big sentiment and principle of righteousness, although the opposite party is because he initially had not killed it, but he had said as before that cannot always make Black Flood Dragon pay for him. 林天原本想着以数十万灵晶和数十仙脉跨入通仙第二重,不过如今,他改主意了。柳无为看重他信任他,将羽化门主之位传于他,现在,他是羽化道门主人!既是羽化门主人,自然得为自己的宗门和下属考虑!而黑蛟,对方近来一直跟着他,通仙劫时和如今被黑袍中年两人追杀,都是以命相护,这是大情和大义,尽管对方是因为他当初不曾杀它,但他依旧得有所表示,不能总让黑蛟为他付出。 Two ten Immortal Vein give Black Flood Dragon, later, Black Flood Dragon strides in Grand Dao Realm by these two ten Immortal Vein, to Ascension Dao Gate, to Xue Ye and Ling Yun and the others, has very big help. But 50 ten thousand Spirit Crystal and other Divine Ability and Treasure Pill , etc., he has given Ascension Dao Gate, may make the Ascension Dao Gate strength have a huge promotion, in a short time achieves six immortal sect that and other altitudes, even, vertical was achieves three big dynasty that and other degrees, should not have any major problem. 二十仙脉给予黑蛟,之后,黑蛟以这二十仙脉跨入大道境,对羽化道门,对雪夜凌云等人,也会有着非常大的帮助。而50万灵晶和其它神通宝丹等,他则是交给了羽化道门,可让羽化道门的实力有一个巨大提升,在短时间内达到六大仙宗那等高度,甚至于,纵是达到三大皇朝那等程度,应该也没什么大问题。 This then strides in Spirit Immortal 2nd-layer more valuable than him, after all, he strides in Spirit Immortal 2nd-layer now, but steps up to a small stair in the same domain, the strength will not be enhanced are too many, will not be similar to from Imperial Sky 9-layer will achieve Spirit Immortal Realm like that to have the transformation. But makes the Ascension Gate strength enter greatly, in the future, will be very likely becomes his big boost. 这便远比他跨入通仙第二重更有价值,毕竟,他现在跨入通仙第二重,只是在同领域内跨上一个小台阶,战力并不会增强太多,不会如同从御空九重达到通仙境那般生出蜕变。而让羽化门实力大进,在将来,却极有可能成为他的大助力。 Now, outside abatement Divine Fire Furnace, he only kept more than hundred Immortal Tool and 16 Immortal Vein to himself, more than hundred Immortal Tool make Control Weapon Technique, 16 Immortal Vein, then for other! 如今,除却神火炉外,他只给自己留了百余宗仙器和16条仙脉,百余宗仙器控兵术之用,16条仙脉,则是为了其它! Walks!” “走!” He passes message to Black Flood Dragon once more. 他再次对黑蛟传音。 He loses four Stone Ring to Black Flood Dragon, within the body shakes a supple strength , to promote the hundred zhang (333m) to be far Black Flood Dragon, in the meantime, oneself soar, steps on Yin-Yang Step to flush away in another direction. 他将四枚石戒丢给黑蛟,体内震出一股柔力,将黑蛟推出百丈多远,同时,自己腾空而起,踩着两仪歩朝另一个方向冲去。 So flees, he is unable to judge oneself later result truly, but, he can very definitely, that is, so long as he and Black Flood Dragon separate, Black Flood Dragon can 100% go on living! 这般独自一人遁走,他无法真正去判断自己稍后的结局,但是,他能很肯定一点,那就是,只要他和黑蛟分开,黑蛟可以100活下去! Trembles void, bang called, he as if changed to a lightning in this moment, the Black Robe middle age and azure robe middle age that the rapidness of its speed, made also changed countenance. This uniform velocity, not compared with Black Flood Dragon peak speed difference many. 虚空微颤,轰隆隆而鸣,他在这一刻仿佛是化作了一道闪电,其速度之快,令的黑袍中年和青袍中年同时动容。这等速度,不比黑蛟巅峰速度差多少了。 Pursues!” “追!” The azure robe middle age drinks lowly. 青袍中年低喝。 At this time, they were similar to the Lin Tian expectations like that did not care about Black Flood Dragon, pursued directly toward Lin Tian. 这个时候,两人如同林天预料的那般,根本不在意黑蛟,直接朝林天追去。 Their goals, are Lin Tian! 他们的目标,是林天 The Black Flood Dragon low roar, vibration monster body wants to pursue, was actually already without enough time, before it, because carried Lin Tian to fly to escape, the wound of receiving was heavier than Lin Tian, in addition throughout helped Lin Tian stimulate to movement Divine Fire Furnace by the monster strength, the present speed in fact the half of insufficient peak time, in an instant, in the field of vision then lost the Lin Tian three people of forms. 黑蛟低吼,震动妖躯想要追上去,却是已经来不及了,它之前因为载着林天飞遁,受的伤远比林天重,再加上始终以妖力帮着林天催动神火炉,如今的速度实际上已经不足巅峰时候的一半了,转眼间,视野中便是失去了林天三人的身影。 ...... …… Lin Tian steps on Yin-Yang Step to fly to escape, but follows a direction at will, does not know that actually the front is where. 林天踩着两仪歩飞遁,只是随意循着一个方向,并不知道前方究竟是何处。 He after looks, the Black Robe middle age and azure robe middle age pursued, the distance with him are reducing fast. 他朝后望去,黑袍中年和青袍中年追了上来,与他之间的距离在快速缩小。 Gives up, you cannot run away.” “放弃吧,你逃不了。” The azure robe middle age said. 青袍中年道。 The Black Robe middle age is to lift the hand, sweeps big piece sword glow once more, even has taken some light Grand Dao fluctuations. 黑袍中年则是抬手,再次扫出大片剑芒,甚至带上了些许淡淡的大道波动。 Lin Tian carves on the Divine Consciousness brand mark more than hundred Immortal Tool that he leaves behind, afterward offers a sacrifice to these more than hundred Immortal Tool by Control Weapon Technique, coordinating Divine Fire Furnace to defend reluctantly, in the meantime, Yin-Yang Step also displays the limit, flies to escape toward the distant place. 林天神识烙印刻到他所留下的百余宗仙器上,随后以控兵术祭出这百余宗仙器,配合着神火炉勉强防御,同时,两仪歩也是施展到极限,朝着远处飞遁。 „More than hundred do Immortal Tool unfold?! This is...... Control Weapon Technique?!” “百余宗仙器共展?!这是……控兵术?!” Spirit Immortal Initial Stage ants, have more than 100 Immortal Tool unexpectedly, unexpectedly meets that Control Treasure Weapon Technique?! Really is interesting, is very interesting! Carries the Eternal person worthily!” “一个通仙初期的蝼蚁,居然有100多宗仙器,且,居然会那宗控兵宝术?!真的是有意思,很有意思!不愧是身负永恒的人!” The Black Robe middle age and in azure robe middle age eye is delimits has wiped the fine glow, afterward, they get rid swiftly and fiercely. 黑袍中年和青袍中年眼中都是划过一抹精芒,随后,两人出手更加的凌厉。 Suddenly, falls to kill off to Lin Tian sword glow becomes crowded, is very fearful. 一时间,落向林天剑芒杀光变得密集起来,皆很可怕。 These sword glow kill off falls on Divine Fire Furnace and more than hundred Immortal Tool, once for a while sends out the startled sound, in the Lin Tian mouth that made welled up the blood once more, was shaken once for a while instead the strength to shake the wound. 这些剑芒杀光落在神火炉和百余宗仙器上,时不时发出惊响,令的林天再次口中涌血,时不时被反震力震伤。 His look is very cold throughout. 只是,他的眼神却始终很冷。 His Yin-Yang Step keeps, in the right hands is the ray twinkle, Dragon Mark fast submerge in Stone Ring on right hand. In this Stone Ring, has 16 cuns (2.5cm) little dragon, is Formless Immortal Sect under 16 Immortal Vein, at this moment, Dragon Mark interweaves, one continuously, completely submerge in Stone Ring, twines 16 about 1 inch long Immortal Vein. 他脚下两仪歩不停,右手间则是光芒闪烁,一道道龙纹飞快没入右手上的石戒中。这枚石戒中,有着16条寸许小龙,是无相仙宗地底下的16条仙脉,此刻,龙纹交织,一缕缕,一道道,全部没入石戒中,缠绕上16条寸许长仙脉 Clang!” “铿!” The sword called clank, cut unceasingly from behind. 剑鸣铮铮,从后面不断斩来。 Lin Tian steps on Yin-Yang Step to fly to escape, while displays Buried Dragon Scripture, directing Dragon Mark to enter in Stone Ring, in the special method, engraves to 16 Immortal Vein fast comes up. Now, his taking advantage was these 16 Immortal Vein, detonated ten six Immortal Vein by profounder Buried Dragon Scripture, by that and other ruinous strengths, ruined the Black Robe middle age and azure robe middle age! 林天一边踩着两仪歩飞遁,一边施展葬龙经,引龙纹进入石戒中,以特别的手段,快速刻印到16条仙脉上去。如今,他的依仗就是这16条仙脉了,以更精深的葬龙经引爆十六仙脉,以那等毁灭性的力量,毁掉黑袍中年和青袍中年! Because the Black Robe middle age they are very strong, spirit sense is very high, therefore, for this strikes to be successful, he can only detonate 16 Immortal Vein in an extremely short distance, he also will be affected so, but at that time, he is thinking protects the body by Divine Fire Furnace. However, the Divine Fire Furnace might is eventually limited, protects him is very reluctant, if protects Black Flood Dragon again, perhaps he and Black Flood Dragon will die, therefore, this is also he lets one of reasons Black Flood Dragon leaves. 因为黑袍中年两人很强,灵觉很高,所以,为了这一击能够成功,他只能在一个极短的距离内引爆16条仙脉,如此,他自己也会受到波及,而在那个时候,他是想着以神火炉护体。不过,神火炉的威力终究有限,护住他一人都很勉强,若是再护黑蛟,或许他和黑蛟都会死,所以,这也是他让黑蛟离开的原因之一。 He flies to escape, in an instant, does not know that ran away far. 他一路飞遁,转眼,又不知逃了多远。 At this time, the Black Robe middle age and azure robe middle age compelled the near finally, one after the other sieged him in the middle. 这个时候,黑袍中年和青袍中年终于逼到近前,一前一后将他围困于中间。 Ran away to suffice? Honest Fu Zhen!” “逃够了吧?老实伏镇!” The azure robe middle age said. 青袍中年道。 Buzz, this person lifts the hand, camouflages a vault of heaven, depresses toward Lin Tian. 嗡的一声,这人抬手,遮蔽一片苍穹,朝着林天压下。 At the same time, the Black Robe middle age also begins, similarly searches the hand to grasp toward Lin Tian. 同一时间,黑袍中年亦是动手,同样探手朝林天抓去。 Almost ran away to suffice!” “是差不多逃够了!” The Lin Tian sound ice is cold. 林天声音冰寒。 On his right hand, the Stone Ring ray dodges, 16 cuns (2.5cm) little dragon departs, the beginning appears then to send out a terror to the extreme destruction strength. At this time, the Black Robe middle age they compelled the near, his dragon technique, completed exactly! 他右手上,石戒光芒一闪,16条寸许小龙飞出,始一出现便散发出一股恐怖到极点的毁灭力。这个时候,黑袍中年两人逼到近前,他的龙术,也恰好完成! You?!” “你?!” The Black Robe middle age and azure robe middle age also change color, vertical are the Grand Dao powerhouses, at this moment also feel the huge threat. 黑袍中年和青袍中年同时变色,纵为大道强者,此刻也是感觉到了巨大威胁。 Lin Tian the Immortal Tool income within the body of body bank, controls Divine Fire Furnace to protect at a rapid speed before the body, the Dragon Mark interweaving whole body, also gives to haunch King's domain Samsara Chart. 林天以飞快的速度将身畔的仙器收入体内,掌控神火炉护在身前,龙纹交织全身,同时将王域轮回图也给撑起。 Explodes!” “爆!” His both hands tie seal, cold sound start to talk. 他双手结印,寒声开口。 The words fall, 16 Immortal Vein twinkling blast out, the strength of destruction changes to a difficult situation, sweeps across to ten sides. 话语落下,16条仙脉瞬息炸开,毁灭之力化作一股惊涛骇浪,席卷向十方。 Bang!” “轰!” This place, void collapsing, the earth caves, in the surrounding area more than hundred zhang (3.33 m), the visible thing was almost destroyed in the flash completely, the fearful ray submerged all. 这个地方,虚空坍塌,大地沉陷,方圆百余丈内,有形之物几乎在一瞬间全部被毁,可怕的光芒淹没了所有。 After this, has not known how long, this grade of ray finally diverged. 这之后,也不知过了多久,这等光芒才是终于散去。 On void, Lin Tian whole body dyed with blood, outside the body Dragon Mark clears, the Samsara Chart disintegration, Divine Fire Furnace is also presents the crowded fissure, the body creakies. 虚空上,林天浑身染血,体外龙纹散尽,轮回图崩碎,神火炉也是出现密集的裂痕,身子摇摇欲坠。 His corners of the mouth overflowing blood, the big mouth respite, the complexion becomes extremely pale. 他嘴角溢血,大口喘息,脸色变得极为苍白。 Damn!” “该死!” The roaring sound gets up. 怒吼声响起。 The Black Robe middle age and azure robe middle age fall on one side, the body is tattered, the bone and five main internal organs (entrails) are all visual. 黑袍中年和青袍中年落在一边,身子破破烂烂,骨头和五脏六腑皆可看见。 Lin Tian changes the color, he strides in Spirit Immortal Realm Level now, when to the control of Buried Dragon Scripture does not know compared with Imperial Sky Realm many times, now, beyond him the technique of ultra once burying dragon detonated enough 16 Immortal Vein, that and other destruction strength, when can destroy the myriad things, however, the Black Robe middle age and azure robe middle age, survived under such destruction strength unexpectedly! 林天微变颜色,他如今跨入通仙境层次,对葬龙经的掌控不知道比御空境时强了多少倍,如今,他以远超曾经的葬龙之术引爆足足16条仙脉,那等毁灭力当能破坏万物,然而,黑袍中年和青袍中年,竟在那样的毁灭力下存活了下来! Bastard!” “畜生!” They give out low and deep roaring, in eye full is the anger. 两人发出低沉的怒吼,眼中满是怒火。 Resides in the central place to withstand 16 Immortal Vein explosion destruction strength, they burnt a wisp of source to offer a sacrifice to big Divine Ability at crucial moments, this reluctantly lived, even if so, actually as before suffered the attack that was hard to imagine, at this moment, aura all was as feeble as the trough. And, life source also presented many fissures. 居于中心位置承受16条仙脉的爆炸毁灭力,两人在关键时刻燃烧了一缕本源祭出大神通,这才是勉强活了下来,可纵然如此,却依旧是遭受了难以想象的打击,此刻,身上的气息皆是衰弱到低谷。且,生命本源也是出现了不少裂痕。 Later, wants you to live to might as well surely die!” “稍后,定要你生不如死!” The Black Robe middle age clenches teeth. 黑袍中年咬牙。 Two Grand Dao powerhouses, the Mortal Body slow repair of breakage, simultaneously steps forward the footsteps, in an instant compels the Lin Tian near. 两个大道强者,破损的肉身缓慢修复,齐齐跨出脚步,转眼逼到林天近前。 Two big hands also found out, have camouflaged the four directions, grasped to Lin Tian. 两只大手同时探出,遮蔽了四方,抓向林天 The Lin Tian face whiten, Divine Power revolves, stimulates to movement Divine Fire Furnace to resist. 林天脸色苍白,神力运转,催动神火炉抵挡。 Kā! 喀! At this moment, the resounding spreads together suddenly. 就在这时,一道脆响突然传出。 This place, airborne suddenly has a huge silver crack, an astonishing attracting customer interest spreads in an instant. 这个地方,空中突然出现一条巨大的银色裂缝,一股惊人的吸扯力转眼传出。 Space tunnel?!” “空间隧道?!” that destruction strength, our were divine ability, in addition chaotic has been making this grade of tunnel?!” “刚才的那股毁灭力,加上我们的神能,混乱着打出了一条这等隧道?!” The Black Robe middle age they change color. 黑袍中年两人变色。 Almost in their surprised twinkling, greatly attracts the customer interest to delimit, pulls into them that crack directly. 几乎是在两人惊讶的瞬息,巨大吸扯力划过,直接将两人扯入那条裂缝之中。 Lin Tian is slightly far from the position of silver crack, endures the ache to be far away, may actually eventually not succeed. 林天距离银色裂缝的位置稍远,忍着疼痛想要远离,可却终究是没有成功。 Buzz!” “嗡!” The void distortion, the attracting customer interest of song person curls from the front, in an instant then also gives to swallow into him to the silver crack. 虚空扭曲,悚人的吸扯力从前方卷来,转眼便也将他给吞入到银色裂缝之中。 In an instant, among the fields of vision becomes a darkness. 刹那间,视野间变得一片黑暗。 All around, the distortion strength one continuously interweaves. 四周,扭曲的力量一缕缕交织。 Lin Tian knows that this is in void, does not dare to move heedlessly, makes itself wait for forcefully peacefully. 林天知道这是在虚空内部,不敢乱动,强行让自己安静的等待。 After this, has not known how long, the front ray twinkle, the darkness gradually disperses, ejects from the boundless darkness him vigorously. 这之后,也不知过了多久,前方光芒闪烁,黑暗渐散,一股大力将他从无边的黑暗中抛出。 But almost in his both legs fall the flash in ground, not far away, two Dawson's cold killing intent fell on his body directly. 而几乎就是在他双腿落在地面上的一瞬间,不远处,两道森寒的杀意直接落在了他的身上。 Small ant!” “小蚂蚁!” The Black Robe middle age and azure robe middle age just fell from the space tunnel, but also size up the peripheral environment without enough time, then saw Lin Tian also to fly, the vision immediately all was becomes incomparably dense, simultaneously has compelled toward Lin Tian. 黑袍中年和青袍中年才刚刚从空间隧道里落出,还来不及打量周边的环境,便是见着林天也飞了出来,目光顿时皆是变得无比森然,齐齐朝着林天逼了过来。 Lin Tian clenches teeth, fast backlash. 林天咬牙,快速后退。 Bang!” “轰隆!” At this moment, not far away spreads one like the thunder big sound, the stretch of earth that shakes shook in a flash. 就在这时,不远处传出一道如雷霆般的大响,震的这片大地都为之晃了一晃。 The Black Robe middle age and azure robe middle age hear sound changes countenance, stopping cannot help but, looks toward the sound origin place. 黑袍中年和青袍中年闻声动容,不由自主的停下,朝着声音的发源处望去。 Afterward, they simultaneously reveal startled color, cannot help but trembles. 随后,两人同时露出惊色,不由得一颤。 Lin Tian looks, is the complexion changes. 林天偏头望去,也是脸色顿变。 Beyond ten several feet, the vast expanse of water assumes horizontally, boundless boundless, was similar to is the star arched on Milky Way falls on this place, tumbled along with ocean waves, fills one fearful fluctuation that made the person soul tremble. 十数丈外,一片汪洋横呈,茫茫无边,如同是星穹上的银河落在了这个地方,随着一道道海浪翻滚,弥漫出一股令人灵魂都颤栗的可怕波动。 This is, Sheng Continent and place break point, true death restricted area...... Border Milky Way?!” “这是,盛洲与蛮地的分割点,真正的死亡禁地……交界天河?!” His heart shakes. 他心头一震。
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