DKOAD :: Volume #7 龙行盛洲

#680: I resist

The big hand presses, blocks the sky, Lin Tian only felt that all around space was coagulated completely, his oneself body seemed falls into the place of mire, the motion became very slow. But at this time, the big hand has depended truly. 大手压来,遮天蔽日,林天只感觉四周的空间完全被凝固了,他己身仿佛是陷入到了泥沼之地般,行动变得很迟缓。而这个时候,大手已经真正靠了过来。 Under he clenches teeth, has no alternative, right hand made a fist, welcomes the big hand that the Black Robe middle age was depressing to rumble fully. 他咬牙,无可奈何之下,右手握拳,迎着黑袍中年压下的大手全力轰了上去。 Bang!” “砰!” The fist and palm touch, the time is enormous and powerful dreadful divine light. 拳与掌相碰,顿时间浩荡起滔天的神光 Lin Tian flies directly horizontally, a right hand ache, the tigers mouth splits a slit, had bright red blood to overflow. 林天直接横飞,右手一阵疼痛,虎口裂开一条缝隙,有鲜红的血水溢了出来。 This makes him secretly clench teeth, by him now own strength, the true frontage and Grand Dao powerhouse fights, really does not have any possibility, a fist that even if in he most self-satisfied Physique domain, he makes fully, actually cannot block a palm that this grade of character wields at will, was the boundary disparity between both is too big. 这让他又是暗自咬牙,靠他如今自己的力量,真正正面与大道强者一战,果然是没有任何一丝的可能性,哪怕是在他最得意的体魄领域里,他全力打出的一拳,却也是挡不住这等人物随意挥出的一掌,实在是两者间的境界差距太大了。 Repairing of Spirit Immortal Initial Stage is, after keeping off your palm, unexpectedly was only the tigers mouth cracks.” In azure robe middle age eye narrows both eyes, obviously is somewhat surprised: Carries the Eternal person, is really not simple!” 通仙初期的修为,挡下你一掌后,居然只是虎口裂了些。”青袍中年眼中微眯起双眼,显然有些惊讶:“身负永恒的人,果然不简单!” The Black Robe middle age pupil is cold: Even if not simple, now, is only Spirit Immortal 1st-layer Heaven.” 黑袍中年眸子冷冽:“纵然再不简单,如今,也只是才通仙第一重天而已。” The azure robe middle age nods, they take a step, move into Lin Tian. 青袍中年点头,两人迈步,跨向林天 The space returns to at this time normal, two Grand Dao level Divine Power well up, making the Lin Tian back one cold, passes message Black Flood Dragon directly. The next quarter, Black Flood Dragon launches the monster body, carries him to change to together the thunder lightning, in an instant flushes away toward the distant place. 空间此时恢复正常,两股大道神力涌来,使得林天脊背一寒,直接传音黑蛟。下一刻,黑蛟展开妖躯,载着他化作一道雷霆闪电,转眼间朝着远处冲去。 Um?” “嗯?” This is...... Flood dragon?” “这个是……蛟?” Two middle-aged looks concentrate. 两个中年眼神一凝。 Pursues!” “追!” Black Robe middle age coldly said. 黑袍中年冷道 The space that outside two human bodies the god glow twinkle, shakes trembles, one step is dozens zhang (3.33 m) far. 两人体外神芒闪烁,震的空间微颤,一步便是数十丈远。 Lin Tian while on the Black Flood Dragon head, the two sides scenes retrocedes at an astonishing speed, hurricane whistling straight sound. 林天乘在黑蛟头颅上,两边的场景以一个惊人的速度后退,飓风呼呼直响。 Clang!” “铿!” The sword resounds, fearful Sword Qi has delimited from his ear together. 剑鸣响起,一道可怕的剑气从他耳边划过。 Bang!” “轰!” Sword Qi has not swept he, being split up that but actually cuts front lands, broken earth remnant Stone Jian to all around. 剑气没有扫中他,但却是将前方一片土地斩的四分五裂,碎土残石溅向四周。 Lin Tian after looks, the azure robe middle age and Black Robe middle age pursued, although with him and Black Flood Dragon also distance, but this distance is gradually is actually reducing. 林天朝后望去,青袍中年和黑袍中年追了上来,尽管与他和黑蛟还有一段距离,但是这个距离却是在渐渐缩小。 Stops.” “停下。” The azure robe middle age spreads faint sound. 青袍中年传出淡漠的声音。 Lin Tian did not speak, the Black Flood Dragon speed was faster, changes to together the black lightning, spread out big section with them once more. 林天不语,黑蛟的速度更快,化作一道黑色闪电,再次与两人拉开大段距离。 Blue robe middle age both eyes concentrate: Rumor, the flood dragon body embodiment has Bloodline of real dragon, had a real dragon that and other overturning the heavens in legend to leap fast of cloud? This speed, may endure compared with the general Grand Dao powerhouse fully.” 青袍中年双眼一凝:“传言,蛟体内蕴有真龙的一丝血脉,难道,也具备了一丝真龙那等传说中的翻天腾云之速?这速度,足可堪比一般的大道强者了。” Not anything at the worst!” “没什么大不了!” Black Robe middle age sound ice-cold. 黑袍中年声音冰冷。 This person lifts the hand, dozens Sword Qi fly to cut, but, has separated the space at the scene. 这人抬手,数十道剑气飞斩而至,当场割裂了空间。 Lin Tian only feels the scalp to be icy cold, this and other crowded Sword Qi cuts, solely has not depended on the speed to avoid. 林天只感觉头皮冰凉,这等密集的剑气斩来,已经不是单单靠速度可以避开。 Not hesitant, he haunches a valuable furnace directly. 没有犹豫,他直接将一口宝炉撑起。 Thump!” “咚!” Sword Qi falls on the valuable furnace, the time sends out thundering that enlightens the benighted, was similar to is the a side god rouses is sounded. 剑气落在宝炉上,顿时间发出振聋发聩的轰鸣,如同是一方神鼓被敲响了般。 This valuable furnace, before is him, seizes in Formless Immortal Sect, named Divine Fire Furnace, is Formless Immortal Sect strongest inside story treasure weapon, at this time under his Divine Power stimulation of movement, completely has kept off formidable Sword Qi that the Black Robe middle age swept. 这口宝炉,是他之前在无相仙宗所夺,名为神火炉,为无相仙宗的最强底蕴宝兵,此时在他的神力催动之下,生生将黑袍中年扫来的强大剑气全部挡了下来。 High Grade Dao Armament?!” 上品道兵?!” The azure robe middle age changes countenance. 青袍中年动容。 Even, including the temper cold indifferent Black Robe middle age is also revealed a look of surprise, in the eye fast delimits has wiped the fine glow. 甚至于,连性子冷冽冷漠的黑袍中年也是露出异色,眼中快速划过一抹精芒。 Good thing! Worth that this, walks!” “好东西!这一趟,走的值得!” The azure robe middle age reveals to smile, is similar to the Black Robe middle age begins, makes crowded sword glow to press toward Lin Tian. 青袍中年露出笑来,如同黑袍中年般动手,打出密集的剑芒朝着林天压去。 The Black Robe middle age also together gets rid , the offensive became stronger several points. 黑袍中年亦是一起出手,且,攻势变得更强了几分。 The sacrifice of soldier refining is very troublesome, needs to consume many god materials, moreover refining the technique law of soldier is not the average person is easy to control, therefore, many Grand Dao Realm powerhouses do not have own [say / way] soldier, but these two happen to are so. Now, here sees a soldier . Moreover the High Grade Level [say / way] soldier, these two where can not move? 道兵的祭炼很麻烦,需要耗费不少神材,而且炼兵的术法也不是一般人容易掌控,所以,许多大道境强者都没有属于自己的道兵,而这两人则正好是如此。如今,在这里见到一宗道兵,而且还是上品层次的道兵,这两人哪里能不动心? Desolate Ancient Shrine great person, but wants them to bring back to Lin Tian, brings back to Eternal Killing Array, on other things as for Lin Tian, that had not then said that in other words, on Lin Tian other things, can be their! 荒古神殿的大人物,只是要他们带回林天,带回永恒杀阵,至于林天身上的其它东西,那便是没有多说,换言之,林天身上的其它东西,都可以是他们的! On own initiative handing over, and hands over Eternal Killing Array, may make you be short by the physical suffering.” Blue robe middle age begins, while said lightly: You should be very clear, take your cultivating as, cannot escape from my their palm.” “主动将之交出,并将永恒杀阵交出,可让你少受皮肉之苦。”青袍中年一边动手,一边淡淡说道:“你应该很清楚,以你的修为,逃不出我两人的手心。” Possibly!” “可能吗!” Lin Tian coldly said. 林天冷道 He keeps off by Divine Fire Furnace in the front, Black Flood Dragon once more increases speed, is similar to black like lightning carries Lin Tian to fly to escape. 他以神火炉挡在前方,黑蛟则是再次提速,如同黑色的闪电般载着林天飞遁。 Does not know good from bad.” “不知好歹。” The azure robe middle age shakes the head. 青袍中年摇头。 This person lifts the hand, thick sword glow across the sky, at the scene has ground together void. 这人抬手,一道粗大的剑芒横空而过,当场碾碎了虚空。 Side, the Black Robe middle age starts more ruthless, each Sword Qi accumulated incomparable terror murdering strength. 旁边,黑袍中年下手更狠,每一道剑气都蕴着无比恐怖的杀伐力量。 Lin Tian resists by Divine Fire Furnace in the front, stimulates to movement the crowded flame, burns collapsed void much, stops this grade of sword glow. However, takes his present cultivating as, even if there is High Grade Dao Armament in the hand, is impossible to contend with two Grand Dao Realm powerhouses in the frontage, although blocks the sword light that they have wielded reluctantly, may actually receive the heavy wound. 林天神火炉抵挡在前方,催动出密集的火焰,烧的虚空坍塌了不少,阻拦这等剑芒。然而,以他如今的修为,纵然有上品道兵在手,却也是不可能于正面抗衡两个大道境强者,尽管勉强挡住了两人挥出的剑光,可却是受了不轻的伤。 „!” “咳!” In his mouth coughs up blood, only felt that the five main internal organs (entrails) cracked. 他口中咳血,只感觉五脏六腑都裂了些。 Repairing of good, trivial Spirit Immortal Initial Stage is, closes right up against a soldier, unexpectedly kept off me reluctantly and other attack.” “不错,区区通仙初期的修为,靠着一宗道兵,居然勉强挡下了我等的攻击。” The azure robe middle age said. 青袍中年道。 Opening the mouth at the same time, the strength of this person of starting is heavier, big piece god glow revolving, from has closed up in all directions. 开口的同时,这人下手的力道更重,大片神芒旋转而过,从四面八方靠拢。 The Black Robe middle age also so, gets rid to be overbearing. 黑袍中年亦是如此,出手更加霸道。 Lin Tian displays Divine Fire Furnace fully, at the same time, Black Flood Dragon runs away toward the distant place, while the vigorous monster strength will cross into to his within the body, helping him stimulate to movement this High Grade Dao Armament together, with resist the azure robe middle age their attack. 林天全力施展神火炉,同一时间,黑蛟一边朝着远处遁去,一边将浑厚的妖力渡入到他体内,帮着他一起催动这口上品道兵,用以抵御青袍中年两人的攻击。 Suddenly, astonishing divine light vibrates mutually, sword glow, the raging fire, holds the shade, keeps enormously and powerful in this piece void. 一时间,惊人的神光相互震动,剑芒,烈火,掌影,不停浩荡在这片虚空中。 Bang!” “砰!” Partly after making a sound, Lin Tian and Black Flood Dragon simultaneously were created, their attacking strength was struck by the azure robe middle age horizontal flies. 半响后,林天黑蛟同时遭创,被青袍中年两人的攻伐力击的横飞。 Lin Tian clenches teeth, corners of the mouth blood directing current. 林天咬牙,嘴角血水直流。 Bang!” “轰!” Black Flood Dragon increases speed once more, pitch-black malignant influences change to the strength of thunder, the startled cry of bang, escapes once more to the distant place. The azure robe middle age and Black Robe middle age are the true Grand Dao powerhouses, contend directly cannot achieve, now, only run away. 黑蛟再次提速,乌黑的煞气化作雷霆之力,轰的一声惊鸣,再次遁向远方。青袍中年和黑袍中年都是真正的大道强者,正面抗衡根本做不到,现在,唯有逃。 Running away!” “逃的了吗!” Black Robe middle age sound ice-cold. 黑袍中年声音冰冷。 The azure robe middle age as before look is faint, does not contain any sentiment, said: Keeps a vitality, searches for Knowledge Sea.” 青袍中年则依旧神色淡漠,不含什么感情,道:“留一丝生机,搜寻识海。” They stride on, gets rid, attacks the strength of killing more fearful. 两人跨步而上,同时出手,攻杀之力更加可怕。 Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” The god glow and kills off interweaves, space cuns (2.5cm) collapsing that made. 神芒和杀光交织,令的空间寸寸崩断 Lin Tian and Black Flood Dragon resists, while flies to escape, quick then passed enough three double-hour. 林天黑蛟一边抵挡,一边飞遁,很快便是过去了足足三个时辰。 Bang!” “砰!” Once again, one person, one flood dragon flies horizontally, is the big mouth coughs up blood. 又一次,一人一蛟横飞,皆是大口咳血。 Now, Lin Tian clothing dyed with blood, Black Flood Dragon also similar, the scales have fallen off much, received very heavy wound. 如今,林天衣衫染血,黑蛟则也差不多,鳞甲都脱落了不少,受了很重的伤。 Then runs away, how long having a look at you to run away.” “接着逃,看看你们能逃多久。” The azure robe middle age said. 青袍中年道。 The Black Robe middle age pupil is cold, the whole person is just like is a handle uses the killing sword of sheath, appears heartlessly is very very brutal. 黑袍中年眸子冷冽,整个人好比是一柄出鞘的杀剑般,显得很无情很残酷。 Clang!” “铿!” Clang!” “铿!” They lift the hand, is the big piece kills the light pressure to Lin Tian and Black Flood Dragon. 两人抬手,又是大片杀光压向林天黑蛟 Lin Tian acts fully, stimulates to movement Divine Fire Furnace to resist keeps off in the front. 林天全力施为,催动神火炉抵挡挡在前方。 Divine Fire Furnace in his hand is very uncommon, he and Black Flood Dragon are not weak, but the azure robe middle age and Black Robe middle age were actually too strong, resembled at Grand Dao Realm 3-layer above, in beforehand three double-hour, even if he and Black Flood Dragon stimulated to movement Divine Fire Furnace fully, could not block them completely, was created unceasingly. If is not the Black Flood Dragon speed is quick, can endure compared with general Grand Dao Realm exists, often can always maintain with these two certain fierce, he and Black Flood Dragon were already suppressed to strike to kill by them. 他手中的神火炉很不凡,他和黑蛟也不弱,但青袍中年和黑袍中年却是太强了,似是处在大道境三重以上,之前的三个时辰里,纵然他和黑蛟全力催动神火炉,也完全挡不住两人,不断遭创。若非是黑蛟的速度很快,能堪比一般的大道境存在,每每总能和这两人保持着一定的剧烈,他和黑蛟早就被两人镇压击杀了。 Thump!” “咚!” Sword Qi that they cut falls on Divine Fire Furnace, sends out like once more beating a drum thundering. 两人斩来的剑气落在神火炉上,再次发出如擂鼓般的轰鸣。 Lin Tian is depending upon the Black Flood Dragon vigorous monster strength, stimulates to movement Divine Fire Furnace fully, once again reluctantly anti- under their attacks, but actually also maliciously shake, within the body Blood Qi tuck dive, rank sweet wells up the throat once more. And, in this at the same time, because Black Flood Dragon is crossing the monster strength throughout to him, received the shake similarly, speed time slow. 林天依靠着黑蛟的浑厚妖力,全力催动神火炉,又一次勉强抗下两人的攻击,不过自己却也是狠狠一震,体内血气翻腾,一口腥甜再次涌上喉咙。且,在这同一时间,因为黑蛟始终在渡妖力给他,也是同样受了震荡,速度顿时间慢了下来。 The azure robe middle age they cross come, a look is faint, a pupil is cold, is dense sword light flies. 青袍中年两人跨来,一个神色淡漠,一个眸子冷冽,又是一片森森剑光飞至。 Thump!” “咚!” Thump!” “咚!” Thump!” “咚!” The sword light falls on Divine Fire Furnace, the bellow keeps reverberating. 剑光落在神火炉上,轰鸣声不停回荡。 Lin Tian stimulates to movement this valuable furnace fully, the body trembles, the pupil is actually very cold, wisp of dense cold brightness have delimited. 林天全力催动这口宝炉,身体震颤,眸子却是很冷,有一缕森森寒光划过。 Keeps off by this High Grade Dao Armament in the front, he sets up on body Black Flood Dragon, passes message Black Flood Dragon saying: I resist them, you leave now, departs from another direction, again with me.” 以这上品道兵挡在前方,他立身黑蛟头上,传音黑蛟道:“我一个人来抵挡他们,你现在离开,从另一个方向离去,不要再跟着我。” The azure robe middle age and Black Robe middle age were too strong, at least are also Grand Dao 3-layer Heaven above cultivating are, by him and Black Flood Dragon present strength, how even if with joint forces are again impossible to resist, even if at speed, could not be separated from their chasing down completely. In such a case, he does not want to implicate Black Flood Dragon again, if Black Flood Dragon leaves him, he believes that the azure robe middle age and Black Robe middle age will not chase down Black Flood Dragon absolutely, will only pursue him, after all, their goals, are he! 青袍中年和黑袍中年太强了,至少也是大道三重天以上的修为,以他和黑蛟如今的实力,纵然再怎么合力也不可能抵挡的了,哪怕是以速度,也完全脱离不了两人的追杀。在这样的情况下,他不想再拖累黑蛟,黑蛟若是离开他,他相信,青袍中年和黑袍中年绝对不会去追杀黑蛟,只会追他,毕竟,两人的目标,是他! Black Flood Dragon low roar, direct rejection. 黑蛟低吼,直接拒绝。 Lin Tian guessed correctly that very early in the morning Black Flood Dragon will not comply, but is actually very affected. 林天一早就猜到黑蛟不会答应,不过却还是很感动。 He deeply inspires slightly, this then said: This time, listens my, leaves!” He stares at the azure robe middle age and Black Robe middle age of rear area pursuing, corners of the mouth dyed with blood, the pupil is actually incomparably ice-cold: I have other methods, they may not suppress I, you along with me, I instead are not together good to display, will have some influences.” 他略微深吸一口气,这才是接着道:“这次,听我的,离开!”他盯着后方追来的青袍中年和黑袍中年,嘴角染血,眸子却是无比冰冷:“我还有其它手段,他们不一定能镇压的了我,你随着我一起,我反而是不好施展,会有一些影响。” Black Flood Dragon roars once more lowly, the sound is sad. 黑蛟再次低吼,声音沉闷。 Believes me!” Lin Tian passes message, the right hand spreads out, three Stone Ring appear: In this, there is Golden Flame Dao Gate, Formless Immortal Sect, with Seven Luminaries Dynasty all Divine Ability Secret Technique, majority of treasure weapon and majority of panacea three big influences, as well as has close about 500,000 jin (0.5 kg) Spirit Crystal, after you leave, goes to Ascension Dao Gate, will give Ascension Dao Gate Liu Wuwei. In the future, you can in Ascension Dao Gate cultivation, there, suit your cultivation.” “相信我!”林天传音,右手摊开,三枚石戒浮现而出:“这里面,有金炎道门,无相仙宗,和七曜皇朝的所有神通秘术,有三个大势力的大部分宝兵和大部分灵丹妙药,以及有接近500000斤左右的灵晶,你离开后,去羽化道门,将之交给羽化道门柳无为。日后,你可以在羽化道门修行,那里,适合你修行。” Saying, in his palm, another Stone Ring was reappearing: In this, has 20 light beads, is Seven Luminaries Dynasty under 20 Immortal Vein, after you achieve Ascension Dao Gate, making Liu Wuwei help one another you, slowly will build up, later, consumes again about one month sensibility Grand Dao principle, should be able to stride in the Grand Dao Realm domain.” 说着,他手心中,又一枚石戒浮现而出:“这里面,有着20枚光珠,是七曜皇朝地底下的20条仙脉,你达到羽化道门后,让柳无为相助你,慢慢将之炼化,之后,再耗费一个月左右的时间感悟大道法则,应该能够跨入大道境领域。” PS: That anything, considers a crime with everybody, later has a friend to come, the dragon must exit to receive, therefore, today on one. Then, two of today owing, the dragon later will find the time to make up, under asking everybody to forgive, was sorry! PS:那什么,和大家伙告个罪,待会儿有个朋友要过来,龙得出去接待一下,所以,今天就一更了哈。然后,今天欠下的两更,龙之后会抽时间补回来的,请大家伙谅解下哈,抱歉抱歉!
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