DKOAD :: Volume #8 百族争艳

#688: Four big young supreme

Lin Tian wants to turn down, does not want to trouble other people, does not need to trouble other people, is, Fan Yingxiong was too warm, and word said one also want to go to that piece of ancient times vestige to rush, experiences, he must relinquish finally, complying with Fan Yingxiong to go together. 林天原本想婉拒,不想麻烦其它人,也没有必要麻烦其它人,可是,范英雄实在太热情了,且言称自己也想去那片远古遗迹闯一闯,见识见识,他最终只得作罢,答应范英雄一起前往。 When do we go? I make the preparation.” “我们什么时候去?我做做准备。” Fan Yingxiong slightly has the excitement. 范英雄略有兴奋。 Lin Tian looks far to spatial, has hesitated, said: I think to leave now.” 林天望向远空,沉吟了下,道:“我想现在就动身。” Sword Soul Fragment was too important to him, now heard that had to kill various clan Young Supreme of Half-Step Grand Dao powerhouse to step the past, he is impossible calm and steady sitting here, if gives birth to any accident not to be good. 剑魂碎片对他而言太重要了,如今听说已经有可杀半步大道强者的各族年轻至尊跨了过去,他自是不可能再安稳的坐在这里,如果生出什么变故就不好了。 Finally, Barbarian Race several other robust men also nod, after reporting senior head of the clan, agreed that Fan Yingxiong goes. 最终,蛮族的其它几个壮汉也是点头,在禀告老族长后,同意范英雄前往。 Walks, the Brother Lin younger brother, I prepared!” “走吧,林兄弟,我准备好了!” Fan Yingxiong has changed the clothes, is a black beast leather clothing, seems to the person a feeling of Desolate ancient soldier. 范英雄换了衣服,为一身黑色的兽皮衣,看上去给人一种荒古战士的感觉。 Good.” “好。” Lin Tian said. 林天道。 Then, his is nodding to Barbarian Race this small tribe several other robust men, immediately the outward stride walks. 说完,他对着蛮族这个小部落的其它几个壮汉点点头,当即朝外大步走去。 Great uncle, the senior head of the clan, we comes back quickly!” “族叔,老族长,我们很快回来!” Fan Yingxiong said. 范英雄道。 They together, after going out of the small clan and tribe, then soars, soars to go toward the northern that mountain. 两人一起,走出小部族后,便是腾空而起,朝着北部的那座大山腾飞而去。 At this moment, weather also not true bright, the stars are as before beautiful. 此刻,天色还不曾真正明亮,星辰依旧明媚。 Lin Tian and Fan Yingxiong same place, the passing big half day time, bridged over the northern mountain probably finally, appears in another side of mountain. Takes a broad view to look, the distant place has the a side canyon, has the faint trace grey fog continuously from flutters, winds around in all around. At this time, outside this side canyon gathered many cultivator(s), each one Blood Qi were good. 林天范英雄一起,大概过去大半日时间,终于是跨过了北部大山,出现在山的另一边。放眼望去,远处有着一方峡谷,有丝丝缕缕的灰黑色雾霭从其中飘出,缭绕在四周。这时候,这方峡谷外面已经是聚集了不少修士,个个血气不俗。 Was there!” Fan Yingxiong is pointing at that side, but immediately is somewhat strange, whispered: But, said that somewhat strange, before I also frequently came to here, had not discovered that has the a side canyon such?” “就是那里了!”范英雄指着那边,不过随即又是有些古怪,嘀咕道:“不过,说起来有些奇怪,以前我也经常来这里,可从来也没发现有这么一方峡谷啊?” You came this peripheral time before, the canyon nearby should has formidable restriction, but, that restriction recently is exactly stave, therefore was given the discovery by other powerhouses.” “你以前来这周边的时候,峡谷附近应该是有着强大的禁制,而恰好,那禁制在最近一段时间破碎,所以被其它强者给发现。” The Lin Tian analysis said. 林天分析道。 Fan Yingxiong thinks that thought Lin Tian said is very reasonable. 范英雄想了想,觉得林天说的很有道理。 Goes.” “进去吧。” Lin Tian said. 林天道。 accumulated had seven color god glow ancient times vestiges not to know how long opened, many people walked, he does not want to delay. 蕴有七彩神芒的远古遗迹不知打开了多久,许多人都走了进去,他不想耽搁。 Fan Yingxiong nods, along with by Lin Tian, proceeds in big strides. 范英雄点头,随在林天旁边,大踏步往前走。 Quick, they depend to arrive at finally. 很快,两人终于靠到近前。 The short distance arrived here, Lin Tian discovered that this place gathers round more than 200 people, but is actually appears somewhat indignant, because, the canyon front is setting up ten several formidable Ant Race cultivator(s) horizontally, stopping other cultivator(s) to enter the canyon. 近距离来到这里,林天发现这个地方围着大约200多人,不过却都是显得有些气愤,因为,峡谷前方横立着十数个强大的蚁族修士,阻拦其它修士进入峡谷。 My clan Little Wang went to inside, cannot disturb my clan Little Wang to treasure hunt!” “我族的小王去了里面,不许去打扰我族小王寻宝!” Is the Ant Race cultivator(s) spoken language of head is rampant. 为首的一个蚁族修士言语嚣张。 Other Ant Race cultivator(s) sneer, each one looks are gloomy, watch intently here all people, in the hand the sword cold brightness twinkle. 其它蚁族修士冷笑,个个眼神阴森,逼视这里所有人,手中刀剑寒光闪烁。 Who depends the previous step, kills anyone.” “谁靠靠前一步,杀谁。” Is Ant Race cultivator(s) of head said. 为首的蚁族修士道。 Yes!” “是!” Understanding!” “了解!” Yes, who dares to come up, chops the meat sauce to swallow directly.” “明白,谁敢上来,直接剁成肉酱吞掉。” An audiences Ant Race cultivator(s) dense [say / way]. 一众蚁族修士森然道。 Many cultivator(s) encircle in this place, is glowering to this crowd of Ant Race cultivator(s), but actually angries but not dare say anything. In them, majority is powder cultivates, the back does not have any influence to make the support, but has person who the influence supports, the back influence is actually only a small clan, is unable compared with Ant Race this grade of large clan, not to dare to provoke. 诸多修士围在这个地方,纷纷对着这群蚁族修士怒目而视,不过却是敢怒而不敢言。他们这些人中,大部分都是散修,背后没有任何势力做支撑,而有势力支撑的人,背后的势力却又只是一小族,远无法和蚁族这等大族相比,不敢招惹。 Urged you get lost, do not attempt since the ancient times vestige, you were unqualified, the piece of vestige, was belongs to my Ant Race Little Wang!” Is Ant Race cultivator(s) of head is looking at this place people, said with a smile densely: Gives you ten time of breath, now diverges honestly, after ten breath, person who does not walk, I and others deliver you personally, naturally, is delivers you to go to hell.” “劝你们还是滚远一点,不要妄图进入远古遗迹,你们不够资格,身后的这片遗迹,是属于我蚁族的小王所有!”为首的蚁族修士望着这个地方一众人,森森然笑道:“给你们十个呼吸的时间,现在老实散去,十个呼吸后不走的人,我等亲自来送你们,当然,是送你们下地狱去。” Audiences cultivator(s) startled and anger, although has many people to compare here Ant Race cultivator(s) to be formidable, but actually as before does not dare to have any movement, because the fear offends entire Ant Race. Many people shook the head, having spunk toward the backlash, the preparation to leave here. 一众修士又惊又怒,尽管其中有着不少人比这里的蚁族修士强大,不过却依旧是不敢有任何动作,因为害怕得罪整个蚁族。许多人摇头,带着怒意朝后退,准备离开这里了。 This group of sons of a bitch!” “这群狗东西!” By Lin Tian, Fan Yingxiong set up the eye directly. Barbarian Race and Ant Race are always inharmonious, before, several clansmen in small tribe were almost killed by Ant Race, at this moment sees Ant Race cultivator(s), moreover these Ant Race cultivator(s) are so rampant domineering, Fan Yingxiong where can endure, direct one step has stepped the past, to is being Ant Race cultivator(s) of head is a fist. 林天旁边,范英雄直接立起了眼。蛮族蚁族向来不睦,之前,小部落里的几个族人差点被蚁族杀死,此刻见到蚁族修士,而且这些蚁族修士又是这般嚣张跋扈,范英雄哪里能忍,直接一步跨了过去,对着为首的蚁族修士就是一拳。 Thump!” “咚!” A formidable fist, entire void thunders. 强大的一拳,整个虚空都轰鸣起来。 Is Ant Race cultivator(s) of head has not expected this place some people to dare to begin obviously unexpectedly . Moreover the power and influence so is unexpectedly terrorist, immediately retrocedes, shouting to clear the way of stern voice and appearance: You dare to me......” 为首的蚁族修士显然没有料到这个地方竟然有人敢动手,而且威势竟然这般恐怖,当即后退,声色俱厉的喝道:“你敢对我……” Death!” “死!” Fan Yingxiong is honest, may see Ant Race cultivator(s) at this moment, is actually wear a look of killing intent, the fist that wields is stronger. 范英雄老实憨厚,可此刻见着蚁族修士,却是面带杀意,挥出的拳头更强。 one, is Ant Race cultivator(s) of head is pounded piece of blood mist by Fan Yingxiong at the scene. 噗的一声,为首的蚁族修士当场被范英雄砸成一片血雾 This......” “这……” All around, some cultivator(s) are all startled. 四周,一些修士皆惊。 This is, Barbarian Race?” “这是,蛮族?” So strong Mortal Body!” 好强肉身!” A moment ago that fist...... Simply...... Simply......” “刚才那一拳……简直……简直……” Many people shock. 许多人震撼。 Outside the canyon also has many other Ant Race cultivator(s), saw Fan Yingxiong to strike to kill their here leaders at the scene, each one changed color, that and other fist prestige can crush simply likely all, making these Ant Race cultivator(s) hearts be startled. 峡谷外还有不少其它的蚁族修士,见着范英雄当场击杀了他们这里的头领,个个都是变色,那等拳威简直像是可以粉碎一切般,令这些蚁族修士心惊惶恐。 Barbarian Race person?! Young Supreme of my clan in valley, you dares to intrude here, you...... You court death!” 蛮族人?!我族的年轻至尊就在谷内,你竟敢闯入这里,你……你是找死!” Has the Ant Race cultivator(s) offense roar, but will be in the future will actually be drawing back, again before also no longer that were rampant, by a Fan Yingxiong fist shaking. 蚁族修士戾吼,不过却是在往后退,再也不复之前的那等嚣张狂傲,都是被范英雄刚才的一拳给震住了。 Fan Yingxiong is setting up the eye, compels to this crowd of Ant Race cultivator(s). 范英雄立着眼睛,逼向这群蚁族修士 Makes the best use of the time, does not need to consume with them.” “抓紧时间,不用和他们耗。” The Lin Tian stride comes, said calmly. 林天跨步而来,平静说道。 The words fall, in his hand presents a handle Superior Treasure sword, raises conveniently, thunder flame sword glow soars to the heavens. 话落,他手中出现一柄至宝剑,随手一扬,雷炎剑芒冲霄而过。 !” “噗!” !” “噗!” !” “噗!” blood splash, the canyon front, all Ant Race cultivator(s) died, cannot send out including the pitiful yell. 血水一道道溅开,峡谷前方,所有蚁族修士全部死亡,连惨叫都没有能发出。 Walks.” “走。” He said to Fan Yingxiong that receives the long sword, one step moves into the valley. 他对范英雄道,收起长剑,一步跨向谷内。 Fan Yingxiong nods, was falling to Ant Race cultivator(s) on the blood remnant corpse of ground has spat a saliva, moved into the valley. 范英雄点头,对着蚁族修士落在地上的血水残尸吐了口唾沫,也跨向谷中。 This......” “这……” That tall and strong youth, is the Barbarian Race powerhouse, was inharmonious with Ant Race. But, that delicate youth? Also dares so to begin to Ant Race unexpectedly, doesn't fear the Ant Race retaliation?” “那魁梧的青年,是蛮族的强者,本就与蚁族不睦。可,那,那个清秀的少年呢?竟然也敢对蚁族这般动手,不怕蚁族报复吗?” A moment ago that sword, fearful!” “刚才那一剑,可怕!” „A sword cuts up complete, these Ant Race, may be Imperial Sky Realm cultivator(s)!” “一剑斩光全部,这些蚁族,可都是御空境修士啊!” Should not be a Inheritance powerhouse of large clan?!” “该不会也是一个大族的传承强者吧?!” Many person hearts are startled. 许多人心惊。 However, quick, the startled colors on these faces vanish, completely becomes pleasantly surprised. Because, at this time, defended in Ant Race cultivator(s) that outside canyon did not make them take a step forward is cut to kill completely, they can break in the canyon, entered to discovered that piece of ancient times vestige. Enters that could not say that can obtain a chance of going against heaven's will. 不过,很快,这些人脸上的惊色消失,全部变得惊喜起来。因为,这个时候,守在峡谷外不让他们向前迈步的蚁族修士全部被斩杀,他们可以冲入峡谷内,进入到被发现的那片远古遗迹内了。进入那其中,说不得就能得到一场逆天的机缘。 Walks!” “走!” Has humanity, time, crowd noisy crowd flushed away inside toward the canyon, fires into the ancient times vestige. 有人道,顿时间,人群一窝蜂的朝着峡谷内冲去,冲向内里的远古遗迹。 ...... …… Lin Tian strides in the canyon, at first can also see some simple vegetation, but gradually, goes toward the deep place along with him and Fan Yingxiong, in the ground could not see green again, even cannot see including the dead wood. The land becomes is somewhat red, airborne interwove more grey fog , the air was also becomes somewhat ice-cold. 林天跨入峡谷中,起初还能看到一些简单的植被,可渐渐的,随着他和范英雄朝着深处而去,地面上再也看不到了绿株,甚至连枯木都看不到。土地变得有些赤红起来,空中交织出了更多的灰黑色雾霭,且,空气也是变得有些冰冷起来。 Lin Tian frowned gradually, this place, is somewhat unclear. 林天渐渐皱起眉头,这个地方,有些不详。 Be careful.” “小心。” He said to Fan Yingxiong. 他对范英雄道。 All right, if God comes, kill God, the demon comes the slaughter demon!” “没事,神来杀神,魔来屠魔!” Fan Yingxiong is very heroic. 范英雄很豪迈。 Lin Tian smiles, has not said anything , to continue to face forward to walk. 林天一笑,也没说什么,继续朝前走去。 At this time, they have walked into the so-called ancient times vestige truly, all around land became redder, passed through the general quarter, they saw the zhang (3.33 m) allow tall big stone, proliferated in the same place, was similar to the stone forest. 这个时候,他们已经真正走入了所谓的远古遗迹,四周的土地变得更加赤红,走过大概一刻钟,他们看到了一块块丈许高的大石,遍布在一起,如同石林般。 Strides in stone forest, shortly, in ground presented many cultivator(s) corpses, but side also has the corpses of several other human form living thing, the mouth fresh fang, body Bu Qinglin, is interweaving the rich malignant influences, is the forehead is all passed through. 跨入石林中,不久后,地面上出现了不少修士的尸体,而旁边则还有另外几具人形生物的尸身,口生獠牙,身布青鳞,交织着浓郁的煞气,皆是眉心被贯穿。 Demon.” “夜叉。” In the Lin Tian eye flashes through wisp of fine glow. 林天眼中闪过一缕精芒。 Demon grade of monster is evil, can kill Spirit Immortal 4-layer Heaven formidable cultivator(s) weakly, initially he in third Heaven Domain in buries Divine Mountain to fall has met several, at that time, that several demons do not know that has killed many Spirit Immortal 6-layer Heaven above cultivator(s), afterward was collaborated to encircle by a powerhouse massacres, but now, this place is actually static is lying down several this grade of monster evil corpses, moreover is the forehead is bringing a blood hole, the corpse is lossless, obviously one was struck then kills. 夜叉这等妖邪,最弱都能杀通仙四重天的强大修士,当初他在第三天域的葬神山落里遇到过几只,当时,那几只夜叉也不知杀死了多少通仙六重天以上的修士,随后是被一众强者联手才围杀掉,可如今,这个地方却是静静的躺着几具这等妖邪的尸体,而且都是眉心带着一个血洞,尸体无损,显然都是被一击便杀死。 That person that so, begins, was somewhat fearful. 如此,动手的那人,便是有些可怕了。 Has special monster strength surviving of Ant Race near the forehead of these demons, considers hand that this Lineage Young Supreme moves.” Fan Yingxiong has entrained the fist. “有蚁族的特殊妖力残存在这几具夜叉的眉心附近,当是这一脉年轻至尊动的手。”范英雄拽了拽拳头。 Lin Tian naturally discovered this point, in eye has delimited has wiped the dim light. 林天自然发现了这一点,眼中划过一抹幽光。 Walks , to continue to proceed.” “走吧,继续往前走。” He said. 他说道。 He not hesitant, with the Fan Yingxiong same place, stepped to go toward the ancient times vestige deep place once more. 他没有犹豫,和范英雄一起,再次朝着远古遗迹深处跨去。 After this, does not know how long, the front has the astonishing fighting sound to transmit. 这之后,不知道走了多久,前方有惊人的打斗声传来。 Lin Tian and Fan Yingxiong approach, look up, the front has many cultivator(s), including four people are getting rid, competes for together the fist big precious jade. 林天范英雄靠近,抬头望去,前方有着不少修士,其中有四人在出手,争夺一块拳头大的宝玉。 Precious jade is me!” “宝玉属于我!” Black armor youth whole body winding around black monster light, the look is cold and gloomy. 一黑甲青年周身缭绕黑色妖光,眼神森冷。 Snort!” “哼!” Red hair youth responds with coldly snorted, big hand lifts, blood glow for the first time presently. 一红发青年报以冷哼,大手抬起,血芒乍现。 Who is strongest, the precious jade belongs who!” “谁最强,宝玉属于谁!” One sends the youth sinister smile green, making one look to live coldly. 一绿发青年阴笑,令人望而生寒。 At the same time, black garment youth is also getting rid, in the five fingers the shadow kills off interweaves, competes for that precious jade. 同一时间,一个黑衫青年也在出手,五指间暗影杀光交织,争夺那块宝玉。 Other that these four people of all strength terrors, made arrived here some cultivator(s) to be fearful and apprehensive, many people were withdrawing, for fear that by the battles of these four big powerhouses being involved. 这四人个个战力恐怖,令的其它来到这里的一些修士心惊胆寒,许多人在退避,生怕被这四大强者的争斗给卷入到其中。 Lin Tian arrived here, had known from some cultivator(s) discussion sounds four people of status, black armor youth is Ant Race Young Supreme, red hair youth is Blood Wolf Race Young Supreme, sends youth green is Insect Race Young Supreme, black garment youth is Shadow Race Young Supreme. 林天来到这里,从一些修士的议论声中得知了四人的身份,黑甲青年蚁族年轻至尊,红发青年血狼族年轻至尊,绿发青年虫族年轻至尊,黑衫青年则是暗影族年轻至尊 But precious jade that four people competed, is was clever, to refine the Divine Weapon god material, the value is inestimable. 而四人正在争夺的宝玉,则是已经通灵,为炼制神兵的神材,价值不可估量。 Stares at these four people, in the Lin Tian eye has been delimiting wisp of fine glow. These four people, are truly strong, badly at Spirit Immortal 7-layer Heaven, making present him feel the pressure. 盯着这四人,林天眼中划过一缕精芒。这四人,确实很强,最差都是处在通仙七重天,让现在的他都感觉到了压力。 Um?” Suddenly, Ant Race Young Supreme looks toward here, the cold and gloomy eye of optical path drops down on Lin Tian and Fan Yingxiong: On you, there is a blood taste of my clansman!” “嗯?”突然,蚁族年轻至尊朝着这边望来,森冷的目光径直落在林天范英雄身上:“你们身上,有我族人的血液味!” PS: A little minor matter must process, third more general about 22 : 00 pm. PS:有点小事要处理,第三更大概晚上22点左右哈。
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