DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1058: Arrived in full

Huge quantity of Soul were absorbed by Ash, starts Soul that makes up for Ash to damage, who can think the Soul group that beforehand weak can apply present Ash incomparable rejoicing at this time, oneself collected the quantity such many Soul block 数量庞大的灵魂灰烬吸收,开始弥补灰烬破损的灵魂,谁能想到之前鸡肋的灵魂团能在这个时候派上用场啊现在灰烬无比的庆幸,自己收藏了数量如此之多的灵魂 Countless soldier Soul block and soldier Soul block and knight Soul block, even the Soul block of hero pulled out the coming out crumb absorption by Ash... 数之不尽的士兵灵魂块、战士灵魂块、骑士灵魂块,甚至就连英雄的灵魂块都被灰烬掏了出来捏碎吸收… As these Soul blocks were absorbed by Ash, moving restlessly Soul started to return to normal the situation of getting up... Ash also bit by bit changed for the better 随着这些灵魂块被灰烬吸收,躁动的灵魂开始平复了起来…灰烬的情况也一点一点的好转了起来 Deeply inspires, Ash stood from the ground slowly, looks at the surrounding hero soul soldier, Ash narrowing the eyes gently the eye... 深吸了一口气,灰烬缓缓地从地上站了起来,看着周围的英灵战士,灰烬轻轻的眯起了眼睛… The Soul numbers of these soldiers are very big, but was a pity very much, was intoxicated not to have the means to absorb them. 这些士兵的灵魂数量很庞大,但是很可惜,都被下了毒没办法把他们吸收了。 Looks Ash that stands up, how is the Freya revolutions excessive concerned asking your present situation? Can continue to fight?” 看着站起身来的灰烬,芙蕾雅转过了头关切的问道“你现在情况怎么样?可以继续战斗了吗?” Ash nod of gently, then pulled out own Firelink Greatsword, turned into a law stick it, points at the front hero soul army to say in a soft voice naturally, although has not fully restored, but has been able to continue to fight! In brief... first clears clear!” 灰烬轻轻的点了点头,然后掏出了自己的传火大剑,将其变成了一根法杖,指着前方的英灵大军轻声说道“当然,虽然还没有完全恢复,但是已经可以继续战斗了!总而言之…先清清场吧!” Spoke this saying, the law stick peak in Ash hand glitters the pale blue ray, the pale blue ray twinkle, is stopped the footsteps by the hero soul soldiers who the ray covered in abundance, stood and waited for a long time same place... 说这话,灰烬手中的法杖顶端闪烁起了淡蓝色的光芒,淡蓝色的光芒闪烁而出,被光芒笼罩到的英灵战士们纷纷停下了脚步,伫立在原地… They do not want to move actually not again, but is unable to continue to move... is discovered by the hero soul soldiers who the ray covers panic-stricken, own body starts not to run errands... to look down, sees own both feet not to know when had turned into the blue crystal, moreover these crystals also upward spread of keeping, bit by bit is nibbling their body! 倒不是他们不想再移动,而是无法继续移动了…被光芒笼罩的英灵战士们惊恐的发现,自己的身体开始不听使唤了…低头看去,就看见自己的双脚不知道什么时候已经变成了蓝色的晶体,而且这些晶体还在不停的向上蔓延,一点一点的蚕食着他们的身躯! Also without them exuded the squeal, these crystals have wrapped them thoroughly, turned into crystal sculpture... 还没等他们发出尖叫声,这些晶体就已经彻底将他们包裹在了其中,变成了一座座水晶雕塑… Only can achieve this? Ash some unsatisfied knitting the brows, if usually, the effect range should be bigger, the speed should quickly be more right... 只能做到这一步了吗?灰烬有些不满意的皱了皱眉,要是平时的话,效果范围应该更大,速度应该更快才对… Looks that these modeling are fierce, the water scene sculpture that the facial features twist, Atreus cannot help but swallows the saliva, this scene... also was too rather terrifying! 看着这些造型狰狞,面容扭曲的水景雕塑,阿特柔斯不由得吞了吞口水,这场景…未免也太恐怖了吧! Kratos is flings to act the chain blade, hit a crystal statue, pounded the fragment it! 奎托斯更是甩出手中的链刃,击中了其中一个水晶雕像,将其砸成了碎片! Looks at place the wreckage, Kratos frowning of gently, not only the crystal wrapped them, but was they are congealed this type of crystal... 看着一地的残骸,奎托斯轻轻的皱起了眉头,不只是水晶包裹住了他们,而是他们本身被凝结成了这种水晶… Odin looks at Ash that stands up, cannot help but sighs lightly, why resigned-looking shakes the head to say is not willing obedient dying? Your deaths, will make this world happy, don't you know?” 奥丁看着站起身来的灰烬,不由得轻叹了一口气,然后一脸无奈的摇了摇头说道“为什么不肯乖乖的死去呢?你们的死,将使得这个世界更加的美好,难道你们不知道吗?” Ash lifts the hand, raised up a not too polite finger to Odin, toward the ground spat a saliva face damn shouts to shout I no matter your world can be happier! Was cloudy depending on you a moment ago the father, the father also must want the life of your bastard!” B...... 灰烬抬起手,冲着奥丁竖起了一根不太礼貌的手指,朝地上吐了口口水一脸操蛋的嚷嚷道“我才不管你们这个世界会不会更加美好呢!就凭你刚才阴了老子,老子也肯定得要了你这个王八蛋的命!”b...... br looks at face angry Ash, Odin nod of gently, just wants to say anything time, a loud sound from people behind transmitting of Odin, looks following the sound, saw the terrifying great snake sudden appearance that the figure blocked the sky in the line of sight of people. br看着一脸愤怒的灰烬,奥丁轻轻的点了点头,刚想说什么的时候,一声巨响从众人的奥丁的身后传来,顺着声音望去,就看到身形遮天蔽日的恐怖巨蛇突然的出现在了众人的视线之中。 Finally looks the world big snake that rushes, Hela cannot help but relaxes comes finally! Ye Mengjia, really lets the person and others was too long!” 看着终于赶到的世界大蛇,海拉不由得松了一口气“总算是来了!耶梦加得,真是让人等的太久了!” During the Various God dusk prediction, was their brother and sister three people works as one to defeat Æsir, before was two has lacked one, finally put together the last module... 诸神黄昏的预言之中,是他们兄妹三个人齐心协力才战胜了阿萨神族,之前一直都是二缺一,终于是把最后一个组件拼了起来… Looks at face excited Hela, face upwarded demon wolf Lear of long and loud cry, Ash cannot help but selected the eyebrow, has turned the head to ask how... your brother and sister three also to come a move of fit unique skill in a soft voice, destroyed Asgard to be inadequate directly?” 看着一脸激动的海拉,还有仰天长啸的魔狼芬里尔,灰烬不由得挑了挑眉,转过头轻声问道“怎么着…你们兄妹三个还能来一招合体绝技,直接摧毁阿斯加德不成?” Hela complexion cannot help but one stiff, one side in some wolf howling Lear surprise crossed the head to stare at Ash... 海拉的脸色不由得一僵,就连一旁正在狼嚎的芬里尔都有些诧异的偏过了脑袋盯着灰烬 Eh... you really will crack a joke, “额…你真是会开玩笑, The prediction indicated our three are the Various God dusk cores, therefore... ” Ash cannot help but light snort/hum, then a face disdains said in a low voice letter/believes prediction is the greatly silly spherical objects! You do not know that this is the feudal superstition?” 只是预言预示了我们三个是诸神黄昏的核心,所以…”灰烬不由得轻哼了一声,然后一脸不屑的低声说道“信预言的都是大傻蛋子!你们难道不知道这个是封建迷信吗?” Is speaking, the world big snake that not far away drills suddenly wailed, bang fell down... 正说着话,不远处突然钻出来的世界大蛇哀嚎了一声,砰的一声倒在了地上… Looks to pour in the world big snake of ground, what asking that Atreus somewhat worries about had? How can like this! He how...” 看着倒在地上的世界大蛇,阿特柔斯有些担忧的问道“发生了什么?怎么会这样!他怎么…” Ash frowning of gently, responded to a soft voice is Sol, Sol with the world big snake fight.” No wonder the world big snake must, be Sol went to the halfway to intercept him, as the matter stands could convince... 灰烬轻轻的皱起了眉头,轻声回应道“是索尔,索尔在和世界大蛇战斗。”难怪世界大蛇要这么就才到,原来是索尔去半路截住了他,这样一来就说得通了… Sol? Sol is not...” “索尔?索尔不是…” Knows that Atreus must say anything's Ash light snort/hum, broke him to respond to directly not, he was not!” 知道阿特柔斯要说什么的灰烬轻哼了一声,直接打断了他回应道“不,他不是!” Although the world big snake by Sol was knocked down, but he had crawled from the ground, is moving the huge incomparable body, crawled toward the place that the Ash person is at! 虽然世界大蛇被索尔打倒在地,但是他已经从地上爬了起来,挪动着自己巨大无比的身躯,朝着灰烬的人所在的地方爬了过来! Sol also follows, brandishes the war hammer in hand to pound the thunder thunderclap above the body of the world big snake, while moved toward here fast... 索尔也紧随其后,一边挥舞着手中的战锤将雷霆霹雳砸在世界大蛇的身躯之上,一边朝着这边飞快的移动了过来… The world big snake place visited, performing is one piece in confusion, has turned into the crystal statue, the hero soul soldiers who have not turned into the crystal statue become the powder smashing under the steamroll of big snake... 世界大蛇所过之处,尽是一片狼藉,已经变成水晶雕像的,还没有变成水晶雕像的英灵战士们在大蛇的碾压之下变得粉粉碎… Rubbed several on the ground, created clearout of wide scope, has saying that... the build has the advantage in this aspect greatly. 只是在地上蹭了几下,就造成了大范围的清场,不得不说…体型大就是在这方面有优势。 Sol of long in coming dropped from the clouds, falls on the Odin side, a face apology said in a low voice was sorry the father... I cannot defeat him, this domestic animal has been doing everything possible toward here, did not battle with me, I... I did not have the means to block him.” 姗姗来迟的索尔从天而降,落在了奥丁的身边,一脸歉意的低声说道“抱歉父亲…我没能战胜他,这个畜生一直在想尽办法往这边来,根本不和我交战,我…我没办法拦住他。” Odin not slightly angry appearance, but smiled one gently, patted Sol's shoulder to say in a low voicedoesn't matter, my son, you have done was very good,... everyone was happen to attendance...... 奥丁没有丝毫恼怒的模样,只是轻轻的笑了一声,拍了拍索尔的肩膀低声说道“没关系,我的儿子,你已经做的很好了,正好…所有人都到齐了...... , Such being the case, I can exterminate my enemy together! ” ,既然如此,我就可以把我的敌人一起剿灭了!” At this point, the Odin revolutions was excessive, sized up a surrounding environment, looked clear by Ash a wave field, ran over many by the world big snake, but quantity as before very huge hero soul soldier, gently narrowed the eye, twittering to did not know these quantities in a low voice enough...” 说到这里,奥丁转过了头,打量了一番周围的环境,看了看被灰烬清了一波场,又被世界大蛇压死好多,但是数量依旧十分庞大的英灵战士,轻轻的眯起了眼睛,低声呢喃到“也不知道这些数量够不够…” When Odin is lost in thought that nearby Sol's knitting the brows of gently, will look at Ash of not far away, vague will hand over a vision of inquiry... 就在奥丁陷入沉思的时候,一旁的索尔轻轻的皱了皱眉,将目光投向了不远处的灰烬,隐晦的递来一个询问的目光… He is having doubts, why Ash has not killed Odin, why he has not kept oneself promise... 他在疑惑,为什么灰烬还没有杀死奥丁,为什么他还没有履行自己的诺言… Ash shows the expression that had no alternative, then crossed the head light asking Æsir... only to be remained two people who I killed to Freya and the others? How is here besides Odin and Sol... all the hero soul soldier? I remember that I killed several gods...” 灰烬则是露出了一个无可奈何的表情,然后偏过了脑袋冲着芙蕾雅等人淡淡的问道“阿萨神族…难道被我杀的只剩两个人吗?怎么这里除了奥丁和索尔之外…全是英灵战士啊?我记得我就杀死了几个神而已啊…” Freya knitting the brows of gently, is shaking the head light saying not... Æsir gods probably ten several, you kill also only then Sol, but where... remaining Æsir ran up to goes to me not to know.” 芙蕾雅轻轻的皱了皱眉,摇着头淡淡的说道“不…阿萨神族的神明大概有十数位,你杀死的也只有索尔一家而已,但是…剩下的阿萨神族跑到什么地方去了我也不知道。” In Ash has doubts, Odin is harnessing the warhorse suddenly, walks... above eight full steeds toward here slowly, grips tightly the grid Neil's Odin facial color to be usual, seems opposite several people not to have the threat, the victory has grasped same in his hands... 就在灰烬疑惑之时,奥丁突然驾着战马,朝着这边缓缓地走来…八足的骏马之上,紧握着冈格尼尔的奥丁面色如常,就好像对面的几个人毫无威胁,胜利已经握在他的手中一样… Arrived at battlefield central Odin deeply to inspire, looks that is looking straight ahead his Ash static saying outsider... all these and you have nothing to do, but you must butt in horizontally, I also can only regard as the enemy you... all am you have only self to blame!” 来到了战场中央的奥丁深深地吸了一口气,看着直视着他的灰烬静静的说道“外乡人…这一切本和你无关,但是你非要横插一脚,那我也只能将你视作敌人了…一切都是你咎由自取!” Ash contemptuous curling the lip , said in a low voice is not I who a Odin face disdains looks down upon you, the old thing, you thought that you can defeat me? You cannot achieve!” 灰烬轻蔑的撇了撇嘴,冲着奥丁一脸不屑的低声说道“不是我瞧不起你,老东西,你觉得你能战胜我吗?你做不到的!” Actually said that this words, Ash also beat a drum, although said own present can stand, can conduct fought, but the severe wound has not recovered after all, really must facing the words that a true God hits, but also really some did not say... 其实说这个话,灰烬自己心里也打鼓,虽然说自己现在可以站起来了,可以进行一些战斗了,但是毕竟重伤未愈,真要面对一个真神打起来的话,还真有些不好说呢… Blustered general clamoring facing Ash, Odin nod of gently, smiled to Ash suddenly is saying just as you said that I cannot defeat you... after all I am not a war-god, but I do not need to defeat you! I want... is the victory!” 面对灰烬虚张声势一般的叫嚣,奥丁突然轻轻的点了点头,冲着灰烬微笑着说道“正如你所说,我不能战胜你…毕竟我并不是战神,但是我也不需要战胜你!我要的…是胜利!” At this point, Odin sudden, shows a faint smile to say outsider to Ash, had not introduced oneself to you, is really disrespectful...” 说到这里,奥丁突然一顿,冲着灰烬微微一笑说道“外乡人,一直都还没有向你自我介绍,真是失礼…” I was called the war-god and raider also to have the third largest god... I am the god of one-eyed, inquiring about of the highest Lord God and truth! I am Green Neil, wears the god of cape! I am the versatile father, the god of scepter! I have the innumerable names, just like the wind has the innumerable directions, the death had the innumerable ways... my god crow to be called reckless because of amicably, because, namely thought with remembering! My favoring wolf called Frycz and Kille, my love colt was the death by hanging! I am... Odin!” “我被称之为战神、奇袭者还有第三大神…我是独眼之神、最高主神、真理的探寻者!我是葛林姆尼尔,身披斗篷的神!我是全能之父,权杖之神!我有无数的名字正如风有无数的方向,死亡有无数的方式…我的神鸦叫胡因和穆因,即思想与记忆!我的宠狼叫弗雷奇和基利,我的爱驹是绞刑!我是…奥丁!” As loud shouting of Odin, Asgard as if for it shivering all things...... 随着奥丁的高声呼喊,阿斯加德仿佛在为之颤抖万事万物...... Should admire in him, offers loyal and praise to that to the high gods... 都该拜服于他,向那至高的神明献上忠诚与赞美… However nod of Ash actually wind light cloud Dan, to Odin light saying „... this is compared with the length of title! Also ok, I do not have to fear that in any case, then on battle one 但是灰烬却风轻云淡的点了点头,冲着奥丁淡淡的说道“啊…是嘛这是要比头衔的长短啊!也行,反正我没在怕的,那就battle一下好了” Spoke this saying, Ash settles own throat clear, shouted I to be called misfiring and to pass on fire and Extinguishing to Odin of not far away loudly! I seek the person of king, the firewood and Various God that disaster hardship and Wandering Soul butcher I do not die... the kingdom perishes in my hands, Various God suffers extreme penalty under my sword! I only have a name, will move toward the only end point like all things, I am... Ash!” 说这话,灰烬清了清自己的嗓子,冲着不远处的奥丁大声喝道“我被称为无火者、传火者与灭火者!我是寻王之人,我是不死的柴薪、诸神的灾厄、游魂的屠夫…王国在我手中灭亡,诸神在我的剑下伏诛!我只有一个名字,就像万事万物都将走向唯一的终点,我是…灰烬!” Eh... Ash, your title does not have others long probably...” “额…灰烬啊,你的头衔好像没有人家的长啊…” Ash has turned the head fiercely, to reminded the Atreus earthquake sounds of this point to exclaim I to rack brains behind! I have no god crow, favors the wolf anything love colt and so on thing, I have what means!” 灰烬猛地转过头,冲着身后提醒自己这一点的阿特柔斯地声吼道“我已经绞尽脑汁了啊!我又没有什么神鸦、宠狼什么爱驹之类的东西,我有什么办法!” Stops!” Freya drank one suddenly greatly, gradually moved toward Odin, walked while extremely angry saying you to be going to defeat, Odin... your kingdom is going to move toward perishes, like these by the kingdom that you destroyed! Is without a fight.” “到此为止吧!”芙蕾雅突然大喝了一声,缓步走向了奥丁,一边走一边愤愤的说道“你将要战败了,奥丁…你的王国将要走向灭亡,就像那些被你摧毁的王国一样!束手就擒吧。” „, You think before , same does not have the patience, Freya... you said right, all were the time mark a period here. You said right, I will soon defeat, but... a victory of fight cannot change the trend of war, forgot? Although I am not the war-god, but I am the god of war, I am the god of wisdom... even if, therefore defeats here, the victory is still me!” “哦,你还是想以前一样没有耐心,芙蕾雅…不过你说的没错,一切是时候在这里画上一个句号了。你说的没错,我即将战败,但是…一场战斗的胜利并不能改变战争的走向,忘记了吗?我虽然不是战神,但我是战争之神,我是智慧之神…所以就算是在这里战败,胜利依旧属于我!” At this point, Odin showed a strange smile, looked to front one group of... 说到这里,奥丁露出了一个诡异的微笑,看向了前方的一行人…
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