DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1059: Favorable turn

He will defeat, but will he also achieve the success of war? Was this fellow... the brain watt? Did he defeat is not the disaster? The god kings were defeated, which also has what chance? 他将战败,但是他也将获得战争的胜利?这家伙…是不是脑子瓦特了?他战败了不就是战争失败了吗?神王都被打败了,哪还有什么赢面啊? It looks like plays the Chinese chess, will refuse stubbornly the opposite is the war ended in looks at Odin that a Ash face compels ignorant, does not know him , said anything, the sudden vibration transmits from the under foot of people, Ash quickly supported almost fell on Atreus of ground, then came to a stop own footsteps... 就像是下象棋,把对面将死不就是战争结束了吗就在灰烬一脸懵逼的看着奥丁,不知道他在说些什么的时候,突然一阵震动从众人的脚下传来,灰烬急忙扶住了差点倒在地上的阿特柔斯,然后站稳了自己的脚步… ... Solely is not the under foot, the land and sky, the surrounding all are shivering, wail! Looked like one same... on neck to be shivered by this world of a tool rest person! 不…不单单是脚下,大地与天空,周围的一切都在颤抖着,哀鸣着!就像是一个被一把刀架在脖子上的人一样…这个世界颤抖了起来! Freya looks at the vibration of sky, is feeling shivering of under foot, a face unbelievable looks that Odin asked sternly you made anything... you to make what Odin! Were you insane?” 芙蕾雅看着天空的震动,感受着脚下的颤抖,一脸难以置信的看着奥丁厉声质问道“你做了什么…你做了什么奥丁!你难道是疯了吗?” Rode Odin above warhorse to put out a hand to comfort crotch somewhat frightened warhorses, a face indifferent looks that Freya said in a soft voice what I did make? Naturally is ensure the Æsir enemy, all died here!” 骑在战马之上的奥丁伸出手安抚了一下自己胯下有些受惊的战马,一脸淡然的看着芙蕾雅轻声说道“我做了什么?当然是确保阿萨神族的敌人,全都死在这里了!” Ash handed over in Atreus the hand of Kratos, what then arrived at the Freya side to knit the eyebrows to ask this fellow to do tightly? What situation is the present? Needs to travel?” 灰烬阿特柔斯交到了奎托斯的手中,然后来到了芙蕾雅的身边紧锁着眉头问道“这个家伙干了什么?现在是个什么情况?需不需要跑路?” Also without and other Freya answered, Odin sneered to say anyone of you are unable to leave here, Til's temple I have made one to block, anyone of you do not want to leave here... dead here, died with me here, as the matter stands, the Æsir enemy was all eliminated!” 还没等芙蕾雅回话,奥丁就冷笑了一声说道“你们谁都无法离开这里了,提尔的神殿我已经叫人封死了,你们谁都别想离开这里…死在这里吧,和我一起死在这里,这样一来,阿萨神族的敌人就全都被消灭了!” Freya is fixing the eyes on Odin, a face indignant said in a low voice I do not know he made anything, but he starts to destroy this world, destroyed Asgard! Once this world were destroyed by him, if not act we unable to live!” 芙蕾雅紧盯着奥丁,一脸气愤的低声说道“我不知道他做了什么,但是他开始破坏这个世界,破坏阿斯加德了!一旦这个世界被他破坏掉,要是再不行动的话我们谁都活不下来!” Ash cannot help but smacks the lips, Odin is so unexpectedly ruthless, wants to draw everyone dead with him together, to guarantee his race can continue. 灰烬不由得咂了咂嘴,奥丁竟然这么狠,想要拉着所有人跟他一起死,就为了保证他的种族得以延续。 Deeply knits the brows, has Ash turned the head to point at Sol of not far away to ask that your son suddenly in a soft voice? Do you also want your son to be buried along with the dead with you? Said the fiercest tiger does not eat its cub...” 深深地皱了皱眉,灰烬突然转过头指着不远处的索尔轻声问道“那你儿子呢?你也想要你的儿子跟你陪葬吗?都说虎毒不食子…” Yes, didn't the father, why this matter tell me ahead of time? You want me also...” “是啊,父亲,为什么这种事不提前跟我说?难道你要把我也…” The Odin very genial revolutions is excessive, looks at a face helpless Sol, gently nods to say naturally, my son, isn't this your choice? Originally during my plan... leads new Æsir to move toward in the future is you, but you... you made a wrong decision...” 奥丁十分和善的转过了头,看着一脸不知所措的索尔,轻轻的点了点头说道“当然,我的儿子,这不是你自己的选择吗?本来在我的计划之中…带领着新的阿萨神族走向未来的就是你,可是你…你做出了一个错误的决定…” „Do you... you know?” “你…你知道?” Naturally, you were my son, Sol... I too understand you, you actually wanted the thing that robbed from my hand can succeed in obtaining immediately, even did not hesitate to unite... you really to disappoint me with the enemy! Therefore... my son, dies with me here!” “当然,你是我的儿子,索尔…我实在是太了解你了,你竟然想要从我手里抢走马上就能到手的东西,甚至不惜和敌人联合…你实在是太让我失望了!所以…我的儿子啊,就和我一起死在这里吧!” „! Your this...... “啊!你这...... Damn old fogy! I must kill you! ” Sol became flushed the face, angrily roared, held up the war hammer in hand, charged into own father. Also without and other Sol rushed to the Odin side, during entire Asgard in shivers starts to disintegrate! 个该死的老家伙!我要杀了你!”索尔涨红了脸,怒吼了一声,举起了手中的战锤,冲向了自己的父亲。还没等索尔冲到奥丁的身边,整个阿斯加德就在一阵颤抖之中开始分崩离析! Ash knows finally Odin made anything... the innumerable hero soul soldiers, these were regarded as the bomb by Odin Yin a Ash hero soul soldier, they were buried in Asgard each corner, now... they then start from exploding under the control of Odin, destroys the foundation of this world! 灰烬终于知道了奥丁做了什么…无数的英灵战士,那些被奥丁当做是炸弹阴了灰烬一手的英灵战士,他们被埋藏在阿斯加德的各个角落,现在…他们便在奥丁的控制之下开始自爆,摧毁这个世界的根基! Did for quite a while Yin... Odin oneself actually while convenient, his true goal is to detonate entire Asgard, making everyone be buried along with the dead for him! 搞了半天…奥丁阴了自己一手其实只是顺带的,他真正的目的就是为了引爆整个阿斯加德,让所有人都为他陪葬! Æsir almost all enemies, Ash, Freya, Mímir and Kratos... have during the prediction Various God dusk start, Loki and his three children, even Odin biological son Sol, now these people under the computation of Odin centralized here, 阿萨神族几乎所有的敌人,灰烬芙蕾雅密米尔奎托斯…还有预言之中诸神黄昏的启动者,洛基和他的三个孩子,甚至还有奥丁的亲儿子索尔,现在这些人都在奥丁的计算之下被集中在了这里, Then only needed to wait for this world to perish thoroughly is enough! Looks at the be with smile on the face, static feeling world destroys this scenery Odin, Ash deeply frowns certainly, indignant exclaiming in a low voice where is so easy! The man olds before his time, you rather also looked down on my Ash!” 接下来只需要等待这个世界彻底灭亡就足够了!看着面带微笑,静静的感受世界毁灭这一绝景的奥丁,灰烬深深地皱起了眉头,愤愤不平的低声吼道“哪有那么容易!小老头,你未免也太小瞧我灰烬了吧!” Hears the Ash angry roaring sound, or desperate, or indignant people will look at Ash, under the gaze of people, Ash opened the hand fiercely, one group of hero hero's male roaring flame will spew out from the palm of Ash, covering fast approached everyone... 听到灰烬的怒吼声,或是绝望,或者气愤的人们将目光投向了灰烬,在众人的注视之下,灰烬猛地张开了手,一团雄雄雄的烈焰从灰烬的掌心喷涌而出,飞快的笼罩向了所有人… In flaming flame, even if Odin cannot help but closed own one-eyed... 在熊熊的火光之中,就算是奥丁都不由得闭上了自己的独眼… When he opens the eye again time, the surrounding all no longer are Asgard that will soon collapse, but is a completely different world! 但是等到他再睁开眼睛的时候,周围的一切都不再是那个即将崩溃的阿斯加德,而是一个完全不同的世界! The dim sky, the flame of fluttering, black Sun also has the withered land... 昏暗的天空,飘飞的火焰,黑色的太阳还有干枯的大地… Everyone, world big snake Ye Mengjia must haul in this world... Reality Marble... also to have the limit! Ash really spent the cow on the strength of two tiger, hauls here everyone... 所有人,就连世界大蛇耶梦加得都被拉进了这个世界…固有结界…也是有极限的!灰烬是真的费了牛就二虎之力,才将所有人都拉进这里… Especially world big snake Ye Mengjia, light/only drew Ash almost to exhaust all strengths him, to give him put in order a taking shelter institute, originally only then the location of abattoir size turns into a broad plain now obstinately..., therefore present Ash was really a strength cannot cause... 尤其是世界大蛇耶梦加得,光是把他拉进来灰烬就几乎耗尽了所有的力量,为了给他整出一个容身之所,原本只有角斗场大小的场地现在愣是变成了一片宽阔的平原…所以现在灰烬真的是一点力气都使不出来了… Originally Soul does not have quite agily, now had stimulated to movement Reality Marble forcefully, but must take to bring in the world big snake colossus, Ash really made contribution! 本来灵魂就没有好利索,现在有强行催动了固有结界,还得把世界大蛇这种庞然大物也带进来,灰烬是真的尽力了! Enters in Reality Marble, passed one to sit be at Ash of Lords of Cinder condition on the ground, similarly from top to bottom tattered, Frat Moot who was seriously injured collected the head, kept off in Ash behind, preventing Ash to throw to directly on the ground... 进入固有结界之中,处于薪王状态的灰烬噗通一声坐在了地上,身后同样浑身上下破破烂烂,身受重伤的芙拉姆特将脑袋凑了过来,挡在了灰烬的身后,防止灰烬直接扑到在地上… A Freya face shocking looks at this strange world, is somewhat hard to understand that actually after to happening anything... looked at one, discovers Ash to disappear, what replaces it is wears the armor, the height...... 芙蕾雅一脸震惊的看着这片陌生的世界,有些难以理解究竟发生了什么…四下看了一圈之后,发现灰烬不见了,取而代之的是一个身穿盔甲,身高...... Has Ash two times fully, braves the knight of sparks/Mars from top to bottom, is depending on a giant incomparable big dragon... 足有灰烬两倍,浑身上下冒着火星的骑士,正靠在一头巨大无比的巨龙身上… „Are you... you are Ash?” “你是…你是灰烬吗?” Looks at puzzled Freya, Ash nod of gently, helpless sighs saying that who is not I am...” 看着一脸疑惑的芙蕾雅,灰烬轻轻的点了点头,无奈的叹了一口气说道“不是我还是谁…” Although the Ash sound also becomes incomparably dignified, but Freya can determine from his tone, this person is Ash... 虽然灰烬的声音也变得无比威严,但是芙蕾雅能从他的语气之中确定,这个人就是灰烬 Quickly collected, where does Freya look at asking of Ash surprise here is? What did you make?” 急忙凑了过来,芙蕾雅看着灰烬诧异的问道“这里是什么地方?你做了什么?” Ash sighs lightly, helpless saying here... is my heart likely world, my Reality Marble, I all drew you. However I do not have the strength, drew completely you are my limit, I was think Odin and Sol stayed in that world to make them run its own course, but... did not seem like... me unable to move very good now. Kills the mission that they enable us to leave to give you... me... I to rest slightly a meeting.” 灰烬轻叹了一口气,无奈的说道“这里…是我的心象世界,我的固有结界,我把你们全都拉了进来。但是我已经没有力气了,把你们全部拉进来已经是我的极限了,我本来是想吧奥丁和索尔留在那个世界让他们自生自灭的,但是…好像不是很行啊…我现在已经动弹不得了。杀死他们让我们可以离开的使命就交给你们了…我…我要稍微休息一会了。” Speaks, Ash on static depending on Frat Moot, lowers the head, fell into silent, no longer pays attention to Freya... 说完话,灰烬就静静的靠着芙拉姆特,垂下了头,陷入了沉默,不再理会芙蕾雅 Determined after Ash has no important matter, Freya deeply inspires, stands up to having not made clear the condition Kratos and Atreus several people of serious saying this is Ash does, he led here us, the words that wanted to leave, need to kill Odin and Sol!” 确定了灰烬没什么大事之后,芙蕾雅深吸了一口气,站起身来冲着还没搞清楚状况的奎托斯阿特柔斯几人严肃的说道“这是灰烬做的,他把我们带到了这里,想要离开的话,就需要杀死奥丁和索尔!” Still Kratos of environment around the vigilance hears these words, nod of gently, took up own weapon to look keenly at not far away to take a look at all around Odin also face uncomfortable Sol, twittering to „was very in a low voice good, the goal has been clear! Such being the case, matter very Jane only!” 还在警惕四周环境的奎托斯听到这番话,轻轻的点了点头,抄起了自己的武器紧盯着不远处正在打量四周的奥丁还有一脸难受的索尔,低声呢喃到“很好,目标已经明确了!既然如此,事情就很单了!” ...... …… Odin looks at the present world, looks in the sky that round like leaving behind tears common black Sun, gently narrowed own one-eyed, lowers the head bends down to not far away in Frat Moot head nearby Ash said in a soft voice has saying that the outsider..., Ash, you were really not too astonishing, even under that hopeless situation, you can be potential achievement as before.” 奥丁看着眼前的这个世界,看着天空中那一轮如同留下泪水一般的黑色太阳,轻轻的眯起了自己的独眼,低下头冲着不远处伏在芙拉姆特脑袋边上的灰烬轻声说道“不得不说,外乡人…不,灰烬,你实在是太让人吃惊了,就算是在那种绝境之下,你依旧能有所作为。” At this point, Odin discontinues slowly, raises is staring at one group of who grid Neil in hand vision like a torch, serious saying such being the case, then can only begin by me personally, all removed you!” 说到这里,奥丁缓缓地下了马,提着手中的冈格尼尔目光如炬的盯着一行人,一脸严肃的说道“既然如此,那么就只能由我亲自动手,把你们全部除掉了!” The scene becomes stiff... the hand to grasp Odin of long spear/gun instantaneously incomparably, is raising Sol who fights the hammer, two people operate independently, and on the alert each other... 场面瞬间变得无比僵硬…手握着长枪的奥丁,提着战锤的索尔,两个人各自为战,并且警惕着彼此… Originally can fathers and sons two with onset and retreat, now actually probably be vigilant that the opposite party can sneak attack itself... 本来是可以同进退的父子两个,现在却必须警惕对方会不会偷袭自己… Others actually held one group, common resistance these two gods! both sides... not tripartite on the alert each other Lear and Ye Mengjia a wolf snake may not have so many patience, faces their personal enemy Sol also to have Odin, they may not have that good patience! 其他的人却抱成了一团,共同对抗这两个神!双方…不三方都警惕着彼此芬里尔和耶梦加得一狼一蛇可没有那么多耐心,面对着他们的仇人索尔还有奥丁,他们可没有那么好的耐心! The world big snake opened big mouth, bites to Sol, but a Lear wolf is also howling, stretches out the sharp claws...... 世界大蛇张开了大嘴,冲着索尔咬去,而芬里尔也一声狼嚎,伸出利爪...... Rushed toward Odin! 朝着奥丁奔了过去! The fight is ready to be set off, several other people also found oneself goal, 33 divisions, killed to Odin and Sol... 战斗一触即发,其他的几个人也找好了自己的目标,三三分队,杀向了奥丁和索尔… Kratos and Atreus and world big snake killed to Sol, Hela and Freya also had Lear to kill to Odin! 奎托斯阿特柔斯和世界大蛇杀向了索尔,海拉芙蕾雅还有芬里尔则是杀向了奥丁 Also really complied with those words, revenging of having a grudge had the report injustice of injustice... 还真是应了那句话,有仇的报仇有冤的报冤… Looks at made war these god gods to be strange, Ash sighing of gently, has turned the head to summon to Frat Moot suddenly in a soft voice Frat Moot...” 看着已经开战的这些神神怪怪的,灰烬轻轻的叹了一口气,突然转过头冲着芙拉姆特轻声呼唤道“芙拉姆特…” Yes, my king...” “是的,我的王…” This time many, I must thanks to you otherwise for the first time heavy! I have not really thought you can keep off these explosions for me unexpectedly on own initiative...” “这次多亏你了,不然的话第一次我就要遭重啊!我是真的没有想到你竟然能主动替我挡下那些爆炸…” This is my being honored, moreover... this is the correct way that I help oneself, not?” “这是我的荣幸,而且…这才是我自救的正确方式,不是吗?” Ash chuckle, helpless nods saying that probably is also... your fellow is really quick-witted one batch also knows I died you unable to live, you died I also to save you... you saying that who they will win this game? Predicts to be the same like that what, Odin and did Sol perish... they to break this destiny?” 灰烬轻笑了一声,无奈的点了点头说道“好像也是…你这个家伙真是机智的一批啊也知道我死了你也活不成,你死了我还能救活你…你说,他们谁会赢下这一局呢?是如同那个什么预言一样,奥丁和索尔殒命…还是他们打破了这一命运呢?” „The choice of destiny... always makes one ascertain airtight, my king... before all conclusions, no one knows that the result is anything, even you... therefore you rest well, joins the fight as soon as possible, grasps all in own hand is quite good...” “命运的选择…总是让人捉摸不透,我的王…在一切结束之前,谁都不知道结果是什么,即便是您…所以说您还是好好休息一下,尽快加入战斗,将一切都握在自己手中比较好…” Said also...” “说的也是呢…”
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