DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1051: Goddess mother

Asgard... the Æsir agglomeration, here is so far, entire nine loftiest, most made the place that one yearned for... single view the position, with Lordran of soul world was a type... 阿斯加德阿萨神族的聚集地,这里是到目前为止,整个九界最崇高,也最令人向往的地方…单论地位而言,就跟魂世界的罗德兰是一个类型… Gods, glory gathering place and Various God residence and god king in... so forth awards too numerous to cite individually is a place that made one yearn for! 神之都、荣耀聚集之地、诸神的居所、神王之所在…诸如此类的褒奖不胜枚举是一个令人向往的地方! With opening of Rainbow Bridge front door, one group of unexpected visitors intrude the sacred land that this obtained allowed to visit! 随着彩虹桥大门的开启,一群不速之客就这么闯入了这个只有得到了允许才可以踏足的神圣土地! Odin has not replaced unexpectedly here transmits rune/symbol writing, is really astonishing, but thinks is also, he that arrogant person, how possibly because of exiling me established new rune/symbol writing this to save many things actually!” 奥丁竟然没有更换这里的传送符文,真是让人吃惊,不过想想也是,他那么傲慢的人,怎么可能因为流放了我而设置新的符文这倒是省了不少的事情!” Went out during the transmissions, turning the head that a Freya face rejoices looked at an behind Til temple... 走出了传送间,芙蕾雅一脸庆幸的转过头看了一眼身后的提尔神殿… The group can smoothly enter Asgard, but must do obeisance Freya to bestow, after all after is the former god, this jurisdiction has! 一行人能够顺利的进入阿斯加德,还要拜芙蕾雅所赐,毕竟是前任神后,这点权限还是有的! Just went out of the transfer chamber, Ash by present Asgard being shocked..., although was truly attractive , the imposing manner was truly broad. 刚一走出传送室,灰烬就被眼前的阿斯加德给惊呆了…虽然确实很漂亮,也确实气势恢宏。 But this is not the key point, makes Ash probably look askance truly, is the Soul strength in Asgard saving! 但这都不是重点,真正让灰烬都要为之侧目的,是阿斯加德之中积蓄的灵魂力量! Entire Asgard... inert gas lamp of entire golden palace of distant place probably under the Soul visiting of Ash is the same, keeping Ash from turning away... 整个阿斯加德…远方的整个金宫灰烬灵魂探视之下就好像一盏惰性气体灯一样,让灰烬根本无法移开视线… Soul quality... but actually actually also same, but the quantity was really huge! Odin... stored many hero soul soldiers here! 灵魂的质量…其实倒也一般般,但是数量实在是太庞大了!奥丁到底…在这里屯了多少英灵战士啊! Ash basically can understand now, why when Midgard Adventure, has not basically bumped into what living person besides Kratos fathers and sons two. 灰烬现在基本上可以理解,为什么在米德加尔特冒险的时候,除了奎托斯父子两个之外基本上没有碰到什么活人了。 The live people here or in the Hull ghostdom, turned into life either, wanders in Midgard... 活人都在这里或者在赫尔冥界,要么就是变成了孤魂野鬼,在米德加尔特游荡… The soldiers who these died said that was invited to enter Throne of Heroes, was rather fettered to put under house arrest here! 这些死去的战士们说是被邀请进入英灵殿,倒不如说是被束缚软禁在了这里! Without the supplies of soul, the living person quantities of several other world were will naturally drop slowly... 没有了生魂的补给,其他几个世界的活人数量自然是会慢慢的下降了… This may really sin, the Odin dry/does matter... really in the weeding out wool of this world, should return nurturing to parents Lord Soul of the world to take back oneself to use, making them own soldier, strengthens own strength... 这可真是造孽啊,奥丁干的这个事…真的就是在这个世界的薅羊毛,将本应该反哺世界的王魂收归己用,让他们成为自己的战士,加强自己的力量… Looks that fixed the eyes on the golden palace eye not to wink Ash, Freya puts out a hand to wield in the Ash front gently... 看着紧盯着金宫眼睛都不眨一下的灰烬,芙蕾雅伸出手在灰烬的面前轻轻的挥了挥… Ash? What are you looking at? There is golden palace, is our goals 灰烬?你在看什么?那里就是金宫,也就是我们的目标” I know, I suddenly thought... even not for Various God dusk, you will still remove under Odin and his hand Æsir as soon as possible, the matter that they handle... was really excessive!” “我知道,我只是突然觉得…就算不为了诸神黄昏,你们也应该尽快除掉奥丁和他手底下的阿萨神族了,他们做的事情…实在是太过分了!” Hears these words, Freya shrugging gently, face indifferent sayingtruly...... 听到这番话,芙蕾雅轻轻的耸了耸肩,一脸淡然的说道“确实...... So, Odin and his Æsir crave at the war and slaughtering, killing evil that makes... ” 如此,奥丁和他的阿萨神族热衷于战争和杀戮,造下的杀孽…” Did not say this considering as finished, with you two talking clearly, moreover now is not the time of chat, you... according to the beforehand plan, start to take action quickly! Rainbow Bridge started, they impossible not to have detected, quickly hides!” “不是说这个算了,跟你们一句两句的说不清楚,而且现在也不是聊天的时间,你们…按照之前的计划,赶快开始行动吧!彩虹桥启动了,他们不可能没有察觉到,赶快隐蔽起来吧!” Freya nod of gently, transfers the head harness to run toward a remote corner besides Ash everyone, hid... 芙蕾雅轻轻的点了点头,转过头带着除了灰烬之外的所有人朝着一个偏僻的角落跑去,隐藏了起来… Before they enter Asgard, Freya had covered besides Ash everyone with own magic, so long as Ash attracted Æsir and Odin attention for them, the remaining things were very good to be solved! 在他们进入阿斯加德之前,芙蕾雅就已经用自己的魔法遮盖了除了灰烬之外的所有人,只要灰烬替他们吸引了阿萨神族奥丁的注意力,剩下的事情就很好解决了! Saw that others hid, Ash nod of gently, has then turned the head to exclaim Sol to the golden palace loud anger of distant place! Your this coward! Rolls to me! Grandfather I took your life!” 看到其他的人都躲藏了起来,灰烬轻轻的点了点头,然后转过头冲着远方的金宫大声怒吼道“索尔!你这个胆小鬼!给我滚出来!爷爷我来取你的命了!” Although said that the Til temple is not near from the golden palace distance, 虽然说提尔神殿距离金宫的距离不算多近, However at the Ash vital capacity, wish made the person in golden palace hear own sound was not the difficult matter with resounding through the skies angry roaring, Ash gently to narrow the eye, two people came, but was not Sol... that fellow fears to be exposed, even shouldn't say goodbye itself? 但是以灰烬的肺活量,想要让金宫之中的人听到自己的声音并不是什么难事随着一声响彻云霄的怒吼,灰烬轻轻的眯起了眼睛,有两个人来了,但不是索尔…那家伙难道怕东窗事发,甚至不该再见自己了吗? Ok, no matter, no matter who is good, only then their attention were attracted by oneself came on the line... 算了,无所谓,不管是谁都行,只有他们的注意力被自己吸引了过来就行… Without letting Ash waits for a long time, quick, Goddess that two are riding the warhorse then appeared in the Ash front... 没有让灰烬久等,很快,两个骑着战马的女神便出现在了灰烬的面前… The golden long hair bunch after the brain, magnificent war armor is spotless, truly is two martial-looking uncommon Goddess , but... the eyes of these two Goddess are actually staring at Ash now stubbornly, in the look full is the anger and hate 金色的长发束在脑后,华丽的战甲一尘不染,确实是两个英武不凡的女神,但是现在…这两个女神的双眼却死死地盯着灰烬,眼神之中满是愤怒和怨恨 Looks at these two Goddess gently, Ash crooked head, how did a neutral tone of face surprise ask „? Sol person? Doesn't he dare to come?” 看着这两个女神,灰烬轻轻的歪了歪脑袋,一脸诧异的轻声问道“怎么着?索尔人呢?他难道不敢来吗?” The sharp sword comes out of the sheath, Goddess gets hold of the single-handed sword in hand, pointing at Ash is shouting to clear the way sternly is you! Extremely arrogant disciple who that killed Manny and!” 利剑出鞘,其中一个女神握紧手中的单手剑,指着灰烬厉声喝道“就是你吧!那个杀死了曼尼和摩迪的狂妄之徒!” I only killed Manny... to consider as finished, you said that was that even if their two were I kill were good, what's the big deal? Did I kill them... their fathers not to prepare to come out to ask me to revenge? What I must look is Sol, you two womenfolks dodge to” “我只杀死了曼尼…算了,你说是那就是吧,就算他们两个都是我杀的好了,那又怎么样呢?我杀了他们…难道他们的父亲不准备出来找我报仇吗?我要找的是索尔,你们两个女流之辈闪到一边去吧” Dissolute!” Another bigger Goddess angrily roared, opened the bow and arrow in hand, an arrow shot at Ash! “放肆!”另外一个更加高大一些的女神怒吼了一声,拉开了手中的弓箭,一箭射向了灰烬 The magnificent arrow arrow came from out of the blue, accurate shot at the Ash forehead, looks gold/metal arrow that the front surface shoots, Ash frowning of gently, lifted the hand to stretch out two fingers to press firmly between the fingers this gold/metal arrow... 华丽的箭矢破空而来,精准的射向了灰烬的眉心,看着迎面射来的金箭,灰烬轻轻的皱起了眉头,抬起手伸出两根手指捏住了这支金箭… Looks that Ash only used two fingers to get down own arrow arrow on blocking, that female body cold snort/hum, shouted to Ash sternlymortal, before you, was Goddess Sif! Is Manny and rubs...... 看着灰烬仅用了两根手指就拦下了自己的箭矢,那个女身冷哼了一声,冲着灰烬厉声喝道“凡人,在你面前的,是女神希芙!是曼尼和摩...... Mother! Also is my mother, but I... am strength Goddess ! A you tiny mortal, should worship on bended knees! ” 迪的母亲!也是我的母亲,而我…是力量女神斯露德!你一个渺小的凡人,应该跪拜!” Ash frowning of gently, pinches the finger of arrow arrow to make an effort slightly, clamped gently became two gold/metal Jianjia, then coldly looks at present these two Goddess , turned the neck gently, tone somewhat low and deep saying do not let me say again third, the woman, flashed to, I was look for Sol, although I did not harm the woman and child as far as possible, but..., I will not show mercy when necessary!” 灰烬轻轻的皱起了眉头,捏着箭矢的手指微微用力,轻轻一夹就将金箭夹成了两段,然后冷冷的看着眼前的这两个女神,轻轻的扭了扭脖子,语气有些低沉的说道“别让我再说第三遍,女人,闪到一边去,我是来找索尔的,虽然我尽可能不去伤害女人和小孩,但是…必要的时候,我是不会手下留情的!” Temperament obviously is not very good, Ash this nearly discriminated against the female speech to light her anger instantaneously, but just about to female fist warning time, Sif of body side got down her on blocking... 斯露德的脾气明显不是很好,灰烬这近乎歧视女性的发言瞬间就点燃了她的怒火,但是刚要女拳警告的时候,身侧的希芙就拦下了她… Sufficed,...” “够了,斯露德…” Of feeling suffocated stared Ash wickedly, then respectful lowering the head of is mother...” 憋着一口气的斯露德恶狠狠地瞪了一眼灰烬,然后恭敬的低下了头“是的母亲…” Shouted at to leave, Sif had turned away to look to Ash, deeply inspires serious saying Sol not to care about his heir very much, but my different Manny, although was not my biological son, but I have regarded such as to leave, my one's own... you killed my two sons not to mention, you should pay the price for this reason!” 喝退了斯露德,希芙转过脸看向灰烬,深吸了一口气严肃的说道“索尔并不是很在乎他的子嗣,但是我不一样曼尼虽然不是我的亲生儿子,但是我一直视如己出,更别提我亲生的摩迪了…你杀死了我的两个儿子,你该为此付出代价!” Ash pursing the lips of gently, then face indifferent nod of I understood, seems like you not to plan the little darling made way, such being the case, that do not blame me... being right, by the way, you felt you, if difficult labor, Sol will guarantee insurance to be greatly small?” 灰烬轻轻的抿了抿嘴,然后一脸淡然的点了点头“我明白了,看起来你们是不打算乖乖让开了,既然如此,那就别怪我了…对了,顺便问一句,你觉得你要是难产了的话,索尔会保大还是保小?” Also without and other Sif spoke, Ash on helpless sighs to continue to say should not guarantee in a big way I have killed his two sons, he is aloof, such being the case, then this I kill his wife, can look enrage him!” 还没等希芙说话,灰烬就无奈的叹了一口气继续说道“应该是不会保大的吧我已经杀了他的两个儿子,他都无动于衷,既然如此,那么这一此我就杀死他的妻子,看看能不能激怒他吧!” Then, the wrist/skill of Ash turns, one a long sword that is glittering the cold light was grasped by Ash in the hand, the straight direction rode in immediately Sif... 说罢,灰烬的手腕一翻,一把闪烁着寒光的长剑就被灰烬握在了手中,直直的指向了骑在马上的希芙 Saw Ash to take out the weapon, Sif deep inspiration, turned over/stood up dismount, grasped the sword to grasp the shield single-handedly, stared at Ash... is also hurried from the warhorse stubbornly, since received the bow and arrow, from own behind extracted a battle axe, prepared to join the fight... 看到灰烬取出了武器,希芙深深的吸了一口气,翻身下马,一手握剑一手持盾,死死地盯着灰烬…斯露德也急忙从战马上下来,收起了弓箭,从自己的身后抽出了一柄战斧,准备加入战斗… Saw that these two Goddess have been ready, Ash nod of gently, then the corners of the mouth exuded a temperate smile, to Sif said in a soft voice looked in you are in a womenfolk of share, I will let no pain that you died 看到这两个女神已经做好了准备,灰烬轻轻的点了点头,然后嘴角泛起了一丝温和的笑容,冲着希芙轻声说道“看在你是一个女流之辈的份上,我会让你死的毫无痛苦的” But I will let the pain that you die extremely!” hope 31 novel app downloading addresses The lotus angrily roared, an under foot pad step, lifted the single-handed shield to charge into Ash fast! Short-sword in another hand hides after the shield, letting Ash is unable to see clearly the attack path of short-sword... “但是我会让你死的痛苦万分!”希【31小说app下载地址】芙怒吼了一声,脚下一个垫步,举着单手盾飞快的冲向了灰烬!另外一只手中的短剑藏在盾牌之后,让灰烬无法洞察短剑的进攻轨迹… Looks charges into own Sif directly, Ash sighing of gently, does not draw back instead enters moves forward to meet somebody 看着径直冲向自己的希芙,灰烬轻轻的叹了一口气,不退反进迎了上去 In an instant time, before Ash had arrived at the body of Sif,...... 转眼的功夫,灰烬已经来到了希芙的身前,...... Lifted the leg to step on above the shield in Sif hand, will hide in the shield following short-sword continuously, saying that then coldly you must know that... held the shield in my front, was a very stupid matter!” 抬起腿一脚踩在了希芙手中的盾牌之上,将藏在盾牌后面的短剑别住,然后冷冷的说道“你要知道…在我的面前持盾,是一件非常愚蠢的事情!” The arm be not lived unable Sif that the short-sword pulls out just to retrocede one step, the shield on left hand transmitted a tremendous strength! 胳膊被别住无法将短剑抽出来的希芙刚想后退一步,左手上的盾牌就传来了一股巨大的力量! The flash of contact, the defense of Sif was broken up, in a shield of Ash foot kicks out of the way her hand, the long sword in hand took advantage of opportunity strikes forward cuts horizontally, cuts above Sif Armor 接触的一瞬间,希芙的防御就被崩解,灰烬一脚将她手中的盾牌踢开,手中的长剑顺势向前一击横斩,砍在了希芙身上的铠甲之上 A grating fricative, Sif was cut to retrocede Armor to be cut a deep trace by this sword again and again, seemingly incomparable distress! 一阵刺耳的摩擦声,希芙被这一剑砍得连连后退身上的铠甲更是被砍出了一道深深的痕迹,看起来无比的狼狈! Mother!” Looks at driven back Sif, angrily roared, got hold of the battle axe in hand, charged into fast Ash that wields a sword to drive back Sif, prepares to shield for own mother... “母亲!”看着被逼退的希芙,斯露德怒吼了一声,握紧了手中的战斧,飞快的冲向了挥剑逼退希芙灰烬,准备为自己的母亲掩护一下… An pair of eyes revolution in eye socket, Ash locked fiercely fast charged into own, understood clearly the weakness of this woman... seemingly rudely, but did not have the skill she even to might as well die Manny in addition in Ash hand... 眼眶中的双眼猛地一转,灰烬飞快的锁定了冲向自己的斯露德,同时也洞悉了这个女人的弱点…看起来势大力沉,但是除此之外毫无技巧可言她甚至都不如死在灰烬手中的曼尼… Disdained curling the lip , the Ash wrist/skill turns, a lively sword stroked above wrist/skill 不屑的撇了撇嘴,灰烬手腕一翻,轻快的一剑击打在了斯露德的手腕之上 Sudden strength Jeance is unable to get hold of the battle axe in hand again, the long battle axe lets go, flung following strength to Ash, then by Ash relaxed gripping in hand... 突如其来的力量让斯露德再也无法握紧手中的战斧,长柄战斧脱手而出,顺着斯露德的力量甩向了灰烬,然后被灰烬轻松的攥在了手中… Looked at the battle axe in hand, Ash light snort/hum, then brandished the battle axe, is patting horizontally ruthlessly on body, flung to fly her 看了看手中的战斧,灰烬轻哼了一声,然后抡圆了战斧,横着狠狠地拍在了斯露德的身上,将她一把甩飞了出去 Person of two moves, these two looked for the Ash revenge Goddess on the defeat! Does not have the strength to hit back, in the Ash front, they have no leeway of resistance! 一人两招,这两个来找灰烬复仇的女神就败下了阵来!毫无还手之力,在灰烬的面前,她们没有任何抵抗的余地!
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