DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1052: Murders the enmity of kissing/betrothal

Pours in ground Sif not by the multiple wounds, is holds the hand of shield almost to be trampled the bone fracture by Ash, in addition has almost no too serious injury... 倒在地上的希芙没有受多重的伤,也就是持盾的手差一点被灰烬一脚踹骨折而已,除此之外几乎没有什么太严重的伤势… Poured looks at one to fall in ground Sif in nearby short-sword, in the eye flashes through resenting, although the left hand hardly can use, but the right hand can also use, but can also grasp the sword, killed the opportunity of that fellow! 倒在地上的希芙看了一眼落在一旁的短剑,眼中闪过一丝愤恨,虽然左手几乎不能用了,但是右手还能用,还可以握剑,还有杀死那个家伙的机会! Thinks of here, Sif putting out a hand fast, held the short-sword that falls on the ground, has turned around fiercely, shifted to Ash! 想到这里,希芙飞快的伸出手,抓住了掉落在地上的短剑,猛地转过身,转向了灰烬 But she just turned around the vision, saw that cold glow... Ash does not know before had arrived at her body, her daughter, strength Goddess falls down like a dead dog, in the mouth also the unceasing gushing out blood... 可是她刚将目光转过来,就看到一阵寒芒…灰烬不知何时已经来到了她的身前,她的女儿,力量女神斯露德更是像一条死狗一样倒在地上,口中还不断的涌出鲜血… You... you dared... to kill kill me to be good, do not kill my daughter, she...” “你…你竟敢…要杀就杀我好了,不要杀我的女儿,她…” Breathes out...” Ash broke face indignation Sif in a soft voice, then showed a faint smile light saying I to be to kill your me saying that I will not let many pain that you died, after all I was not the cruel fellow, ok, the idle talk were not many said that some of my also a lot must be done... make me deliver you a regulation, saw your good son “嘘…”灰烬轻声打断了一脸愤慨的希芙,然后微微一笑淡淡的说道“我本来就是要杀死你的我说过的吧,我不会让你死的多痛苦的,毕竟我也不是什么残忍的家伙,好了,废话不多说了,我还有很多事情要做…就让我送你一程,去见你的好儿子吧” Then, Ash under the Sif unbelievable gaze, a sword pierced Sif Armor fiercely, passed through her chest, killed this beautiful Goddess , and extracted her Soul... 说罢,灰烬就在希芙难以置信的注视之下,猛地一剑刺穿了希芙身上的铠甲,贯穿了她的胸膛,杀死了这个美丽的女神,并且抽出了她的灵魂 After completing all these, the Ash revolutions is slowly excessive, to pouring died in strength Goddess light saying of ground? Without dying, hurries to roll to give your father to notify, said that... I killed his son, now kills his wife to revenge, hurries to roll! I am waiting for him here...” 做完了这一切之后,灰烬缓缓地转过了头,冲着倒在地上的力量女神斯露德淡淡的说道“死了没有呢?如果没死的话,就赶紧滚回去给你父亲报信,就说…我杀了他的儿子,现在又杀了他的妻子想报仇的话,就赶紧滚出来!我就在这里等着他…” Difficult crawled from the ground, looks that pulls out the long sword from the chest of Sif, Ash that while went back to notify by oneself, the eyeground flashed through a fear... 斯露德艰难的从地上爬了起来,看着一边从希芙的胸膛之中抽出长剑,一边让自己回去报信的灰烬,眼底闪过了一丝恐惧… Flustered crawled from the ground, arrived at Sif to pour near the corpse in pool of blood, over and over confirmed after Sif already a Ash sword killed, the angry revolutions is excessive, to is scratching on the sword the Ash anger of blood to exclaim you... you certainly to pay the price for this reason! Your this sin dreadful evil person! My father will not let off your!” 慌里慌张的从地上爬了起来,来到了希芙倒在血泊之中的尸体边上,再三确认了希芙已经被灰烬一剑杀死之后,愤怒的转过了头,冲着正在擦剑上鲜血的灰烬怒吼道“你…你一定会为此付出代价的!你这个罪孽滔天的恶徒!我的父亲不会放过你的!” „Is is, I want is this, hurries to roll to tell your father this good news, then makes him roll to see me “是是是,我要的就是这个,赶紧滚回去把这个好消息告诉你的父亲,然后让他滚过来见我” Held the Sif corpse, rough starting, then rode the warhorse to vanish in the line of sight of Ash... 斯露德抱起了希芙的尸体,磕磕绊绊的上了马,然后骑着战马消失在了灰烬的视线之中… Waited for them to vanish after the main road thoroughly, the Ash revolutions was excessive, to hiding one group in corner said in a soft voice ok, is now! For a while can half some people come again! You make the best use of the time, quickly leaves here, looks Lear's location, saves him!” 等着她们彻底消失在了大路上之后,灰烬转过了头,冲着躲藏在角落里的一行人轻声说道“好了,就是现在!一时半会不会有人再来了!你们抓紧时间,赶快离开这里,去找芬里尔的所在地,把他救出来!” The group from the earth-boring auger of hiding, look in the Ash hand to scratch the clean long sword, looks at the ground a beach bloodstain, Freya deeply inspires, a face uncomfortable...... 一行人从藏身之地钻了出来,看着灰烬手中已经擦干净的长剑,看着地上的一滩血迹,芙蕾雅深深地吸了一口气,一脸难受...... Said Sif to Ash..., although said is Æsir, but that was a good child, died unexpectedly...” 的冲着灰烬说道“希芙…虽然说是阿萨神族,但那是一个不错的孩子,竟然就这么死了…” Looks at sentimental Freya, Ash knitting the brows of gently, serious saying we are did this! How long can you also here ink marks? Hurries to leave, otherwise meeting others came you to walk cannot leave!” 看着多愁善感的芙蕾雅,灰烬轻轻的皱了皱眉,一脸严肃的说道“我们本来就是来干这个的呀!你还要在这里墨迹多长时间?赶紧离开,不然一会别人来了你们想走都走不掉!” Freya deeply looked at a not guilty mood, as if in the cutting edge with hand cut off weeds general aloof Ash of roadside, inspires to hit the spirit, to person said in a low voice he said right, we should embark, the time does not wait for the person! Here walks!” 芙蕾雅深深地看了一眼毫无内疚的情绪,仿佛只是用手中的锋刃斩断了路边的野草一般无动于衷的灰烬,吸了一口气打起了精神,冲着身边的人低声说道“他说的没错,我们该出发了,时间不等人!这边走!” Speaking, Freya turns to be excessive, did not look in clean ground garish scarlet... walked in a direction, what Hela and Atreus has not said that then pursues Freya to walk, Kratos, looks actually face faint Ash frowning of gently what does kill gods... to you not?” 说完话,芙蕾雅就扭过了头,不去看干净的地面上扎眼的猩红…朝着一个方向走了过去,海拉阿特柔斯也没有说什么,便追着芙蕾雅走去,倒是奎托斯,看着一脸淡漠的灰烬轻轻的皱起了眉头“杀死一个神明…对你而言什么都不是吗?” Ash looked in the hand to scratch the clean long sword, 灰烬看了看手中已经擦得干干净净的长剑, After shooting a look at Kratos, light saying not so? You thought that what I should have said, sheds bitter tears laughs loudly? I have no enmity with them, should be insufficient...” The Kratos knitting the brows head of gently, is staring at Ash stubbornly, Atreus who has gone out of a distance looks that behind also stands there motionless Kratos, cannot help but shouts father loudly! Quickly! We must unable to catch up with Freya!” 瞥了一眼奎托斯之后淡淡的说道“不然呢?那你觉得我该有什么表示,痛哭流涕还是放声大笑?我跟他们也没什么仇,应该都不至于吧…”奎托斯轻轻的皱了皱眉头,死死地盯着灰烬,已经走出一段距离的阿特柔斯看着身后还站在那里一动不动的奎托斯,不由得大声喊道“父亲!快一点!我们要追不上芙蕾雅了!” Hears the Atreus summon, Kratos deeply inspires, to Ash said in a low voice Ash... you were too arrogant.” Speaks, has turned around, Atreus toward not far away they pursued... 听到阿特柔斯的呼唤,奎托斯深吸了一口气,冲着灰烬低声说道“灰烬…你太傲慢了。”说完话,就转过了身,朝着不远处的阿特柔斯他们追了过去… A Ash face surprise looked at the bloodstain of ground, then selected the eyebrow gently, thought aloud arrogant I...? What problem is their suddenly? You said that Frat Moot?” 灰烬一脸诧异的看了看地上的血迹,然后轻轻的挑了挑眉,自言自语道“我…傲慢?他们这突然是什么毛病?你说呢,芙拉姆特?” Happen to now waits here, idle bored, Ash summoned Frat Moot's eyes, looks that Frat Moot face curious asking you said... I am arrogant?” 正好现在就在这里等,闲的无聊,灰烬就将芙拉姆特的眼睛召唤了出来,看着芙拉姆特一脸好奇的问道“你说…我傲慢吗?” Facing going into niceties of Ash, Frat Moot humble said in a low voice my king... you are not certainly arrogant powerful such as you, is shouldering you of lofty mission, must proudly be more right! Wanted me saying that you should not, for these weak ones wasted so many time..., if you, Lord Soul this meeting of death has not succeeded in obtaining slightly earnestly 面对灰烬的寻味,芙拉姆特谦卑的低声说道“我的王…你当然不傲慢了强大如您,背负着崇高使命的您,应当更加骄傲才对!要我说,您不应该为了这些弱者浪费这么多的时间…如果您稍微认真一点,死亡的王魂这会不是已经到手了嘛” Heard this saying, the brow of Ash wrinkled tightly, after silent long time, gently sighs saying that I could not achieve this thing..., if I made this matter, what had to distinguish with these my repugnant person?” 听到这话,灰烬的眉头紧皱了起来,沉默了良久之后轻轻的叹了一口气说道“我就是做不到这种事啊…如果我做出了这种事,跟那些我讨厌的人有什么分别吗?” Looks at face uncomfortable Ash, Frat Moot narrows the eye, said king Taoyan the person in a low voice...? However, as a King, sometimes you should cruelly be better!” 看着一脸难受的灰烬,芙拉姆特眯起了眼睛,低声说道“王讨厌的人…吗?但是,身为王者,有些时候您应该更加残忍才行啊!” Heard this saying lightly, Ash snort/hum, shot a look at a Frat Moot's eyeball, saying that coldlydealt with the enemy, I will not naturally show mercy, this point did not need you...... 听到这话,灰烬轻哼了一声,瞥了一眼芙拉姆特的眼珠子,冷冷的说道“对付敌人,我自然是不会手下留情,这一点不需要你来...... Teaches me! ” 教我!” Looks at face solemn Ash, Frat Moot sighs lightly helpless saying you always... this/should callous time tenderhearted, always is so cruel to me..., although to put it baldly, but I also for hello 看着一脸冷峻的灰烬,芙拉姆特轻叹了一口气无奈的说道“您总是…该冷酷的时候心软,对我却总是这么残忍…虽然说得不好听,但是我也是为了您好啊” Because I am unable to accept you to the present thoroughly, Frat Moot..., although you give loyalty to me, although your Mistletoe in me, but you after all are the world big snake of family background abyss, in the physiology psychologically, I am very difficult to accept you...” “因为我到现在都无法彻底接受你,芙拉姆特…虽然你效忠于我,虽然你寄生于我,但是你毕竟是出身深渊的世界大蛇,无论是生理上还是心理上,我都很难接受你…” I understand, I also understood, and is gratified, my king, even you do not trust me, even if you want to kill me always thoroughly, but you kept me as before, this as King proper stance! Really is compels admiration...” “我明白,我也理解,并且非常欣慰,我的王,即便你不信任我,即便您无时无刻不想彻底杀死我,但是您依旧将我留了下来,这才是身为王者应有的姿态!实在是令人折服…” Disregards horse buttocks that Frat Moot patted, Ash lightly snort/hum, has turned the head to shoot a look at golden palace of not far away, gently narrowed the eye to say in a low voice this topic chatted here temporarily, then should manage the proper business Frat Moot, you best think how you must win my trust!” 无视了芙拉姆特拍的马屁,灰烬轻哼了一声,转过头瞥了一眼不远处的金宫,轻轻的眯起了眼睛低声说道“这个话题暂时聊到这里,接下来该办正事了芙拉姆特,你最好想一想,你要怎么样获得我的信任吧!” No, I do not need to win your trust, I only need the value of existence, can be enough for all your these!” “不,我不需要获得您的信任,我只需要有存在的价值,能够为您所有这就足够了!” Sly answer!” Deeply looked at a Frat Moot's big eyeball, Ash waved, diverged it, then has turned around slowly, looks to the golden palace direction, looked that to already Sol who follows the thunderous arrival! “狡猾的答案!”深深地看了一眼芙拉姆特的大眼珠子,灰烬一挥手,将其散去,然后缓缓地转过身,看向了金宫的方向,看向了已经伴随着雷鸣到来的索尔! The hand is grasping Sol who fights the hammer stares at Ash stubbornly, cold sound of clenching jaws was saying that you... you should not kill her! You should not so enrage me!” 手握着战锤的索尔死死地盯着灰烬,咬牙切齿的冷声说道“你…你不该杀死她!你不该如此激怒我!” Sol was really angry, this point Ash can in Soul that since he moves restlessly feels, but kills his family member again, even cold blood brutal Sol will feel again angrily, not to mention he was the fellow who murdered to kill cruelly... 索尔是真的愤怒了,这一点灰烬能从他躁动的灵魂之中感受的到而再再而三的杀死他的亲人,就算是再冷血无情的索尔都会感受到愤怒,更别提他本来就是一个残忍弑杀的家伙了… Looks at angry controlled Sol, the corners of the mouth of Ash rises slightly, turned own neck gently, raised in the hand to scratch brightly and cleanly such as the new long sword, is pointing at Sol's light saying „, but I have killed, moreover... they are unable to resurrect, right! Are you angry very much? Come... we fight, slaughters! Your war hammer... should not be only ornaments!” 看着被愤怒支配的索尔,灰烬的嘴角微微上扬,轻轻的扭了扭自己的脖子,提起了手中已经擦得光洁如新的长剑,指着索尔淡淡的说道“是嘛可是我已经杀了,而且…他们也无法复活,对吧!你是不是很生气呢?来吧…我们来战斗,来厮杀吧!你的战锤…该不会只是一个摆设吧!” Sol looks down in the hand was raising the war hammer, looks above the hammer head is glittering above the faint trace electric light, looks, no matter how scours is unable to wash the clean dark-red bloodstain... 索尔低下头看了看手中提着的战锤,看着锤头之上闪烁着的丝丝电光,看着上面不管怎么擦洗都无法洗干净的暗红色血迹… Very good... mortal, since you want to fight, that such as you hope!” Although Sol looks that is very excited, is shaking hand a appearance of war hammer bitter in suffering and deep in hatred, but Ash knows, this fellow has calmed down! “很好…凡人,既然你想战斗,那就如你所愿!”虽然索尔看着一副很激动,握着手中的战锤一副苦大仇深的模样,但是灰烬知道,这个家伙已经冷静下来了! Looks that grips tightly is fighting the hammer, twined the thunder to charge into own Sol, Ash sneers, the palm wiped above the sword blade of long sword, above the pure white long sword also twined on the golden lightning! 看着紧握着战锤,缠绕着雷霆冲向自己的索尔,灰烬冷笑了一声,手掌在长剑的剑身之上一抹,洁白的长剑之上也缠绕上了金色的闪电! Golden thunder and blue electric light collision ruthlessly in one! The fierce thunderclap sound resounds through the skies in Asgard, no matter is the gods in distant golden palace, goes into hiding, quiet Freya one group, can hear this just like...... 金色的雷霆和蓝色的电光狠狠的碰撞在了一起!剧烈的炸雷声在阿斯加德之中响彻云霄,不管是是远方金宫之中的神明,还是销声匿迹,悄无声息的芙蕾雅一行人,都能听到这宛如...... Mighty bell common thunderous sound! 洪钟一般的雷鸣声! Follows close on has turned the head the direction that in Freya behind Atreus watched thunderclap to transmit, the neutral tone that a face worried about will ask Ash he not to have the matter...” 紧跟在芙蕾雅身后的阿特柔斯转过头看了一眼雷声传来的方向,一脸担忧的轻声问道“灰烬他不会有事的吧…” Walks sighs in front Freya lightly, shakes the head saying that slowly does not know, but we can do now, only then believed him, completed our things, gave him his matter...” 走在前方的芙蕾雅轻叹了一口气,缓缓地摇了摇头说道“不知道,但是现在我们能做的,只有相信他了,做好我们自己的事情,把他的事情交给他吧…” ...... …… The thunderous sound also quick, in an instant, among two people who comes to go quickly had returned to normal..., but the hand is grasping in Sol eyes that fights the hammer is actually exuding the golden light, is staring at Ash stubbornly... 雷鸣声来得快去的也快,转眼之间,两人之间就已经恢复了平静…而手握着战锤的索尔却眼中泛着金光,死死地盯着灰烬 He is very excited, very excited! That flash of because in the thunderous sound having, his clear hearing, Ash to him said that wants to kill Odin, needs to release demon wolf Lear...” 他很激动,非常非常的激动!因为就在雷鸣声响起的那一瞬间,他清清楚楚的听到,灰烬对他说“想要杀死奥丁,需要释放魔狼芬里尔…” Although the Ash sound is very light, although thunderous sound very loud, but Sol truly heard! Ash found the method of killing Odin! He fulfilled the commitment! He helps himself kill Odin, helping oneself win the throne of god king! 虽然灰烬的声音很轻,虽然雷鸣声很响,但是索尔确实听到了!灰烬找到了杀死奥丁的方法!他来兑现承诺了!他来帮助自己杀死奥丁,帮助自己登上神王的宝座了!
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