DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1050: Planted agent?

???? Broke and Sindri complexion instantaneously became stiff, after looking at each other one, stood in Ash front Sindri somewhat strangely looks at Ash to ask is... this?” ????布洛克和辛德里两人的脸色瞬间变得僵硬了起来,对视了一眼之后,站在灰烬面前的辛德里有些诡异的看着灰烬问道“是…这样吗?” ???? Yes, we need to rescue demon wolf Lear, fetters his chains is you builds, perhaps you can...” ????“是的,我们需要解救魔狼芬里尔,束缚他的锁链是你们打造的,也许你们可以…” ???? Also without and other Ash words saying, Broke and Sindri to do not have on veto without hesitation!” Does not exist!” Cannot untie!” Cannot destroy!” ????还没等灰烬话说完,布洛克和辛德里就毫不犹豫的否决到“没有!”“不存在!”“解不开!”“也破坏不了!” ???? Looks two dwarves who sang a duet, Ash long sighs, these two fellows... really do not know how unexpectedly oneself can the polygraph, boast shamelessly talked nonsense... ????看着一唱一和的两个矮人,灰烬长叹了一口气,这两个家伙…是真的不知道自己可以测谎还是怎么的,竟然这么大言不惭的说瞎话… ???? You are best to coordinate a point, now is not cracking a joke time, this matter is very important! Moreover... demon wolf Lear is the Atreus son, you want to see the son who that child ties up by the chains that you do build?” ????“你们最好配合一点,现在不是开玩笑的时候,这件事很重要!而且…魔狼芬里尔是阿特柔斯的儿子,难道你们想要看到那孩子的儿子被你们打造的锁链拴起来吗?” ???? Broke was teased enough laughs getting up „your joke is really by the Ash words! I acknowledged that is truly interesting, is demon wolf Lear the Atreus son? I am the god of thunder Sol's father!” ????布洛克被灰烬的话逗得哈哈大笑了起来“你这个笑话真是够可以的!我承认确实很有趣,魔狼芬里尔是阿特柔斯的儿子?那我还是雷神索尔的老子呢!” ???? However after Broke sees serious of Ash whole face, knitting the brows of gently, some indefinite asking „aren't you... cracking a joke?” ????但是布洛克看到灰烬满脸的严肃之后,轻轻的皱了皱眉,有些不确定的问道“你…不是在开玩笑吗?” ???? „Do you feel?” ????“你觉得呢?” ???? Although some are unreadable, but infinite universe every possible strange thing, Soul of gods can be used to refine the weapon, the demon wolf is the Atreus son probably is not the impossible matter... ????虽然有些难以理解,但是大千世界无奇不有,就连神明的灵魂都可以用来炼制武器了,魔狼是阿特柔斯的儿子好像也不是什么不可能的事情… ???? However Broke is very obstinate argumentative is excessive said „, even if... does not have the means not to have the means that the chains that we build is very difficult to destroy, the material that Æsir to build this chains provides is special,... this is our two brothers builds not to mention jointly!” ????但是布洛克还是十分嘴硬的偏过了头说道“就算如此…没有办法就是没有办法啊,我们打造的锁链是很难破坏的,阿萨神族为了打造这根锁链所提供的材料非常特别,更别提…这是我们两兄弟联手打造的了!” ???? Self-satisfied work that the stubborn and proud dwarf blacksmith, they build personally, if changes individual to ask that they have what flaw or the weakness, these two fellows will definitely get angry... ????倔强而且骄傲的矮人铁匠,他们亲手打造的得意之作,要是换个人来问他们有什么缺陷或者弱点,这两个家伙肯定会翻脸… ???? Looks at stubborn Broke , even if has does not prepare to tell own Sindri, Ash deeply inspires, coughed serious saying you two... to coordinate a point lightly, I have said was very clear, this matter was very important!” ????看着倔强的布洛克,还有一副就算有也不准备告诉自己的辛德里,灰烬深吸了一口气,轻咳了一声严肃的说道“你们两个…配合一点吧,我已经说的很清楚了,这件事很重要!” ???? This... this...” Looks that hesitant hard results and Broke, Ash long sighs, helpless shakes the head saying that this, you say the matter that you know, I deliver you again a Soul block, was OK!” ????“这个…这个…”看着犹犹豫豫的辛得里和布洛克,灰烬长叹了一口气,无奈的摇了摇头说道“这样吧,你们把你们知道的事情说出来,我再送你们一个灵魂块,可以了吧!” ???? „Did you say really?” Broke's eyes exude a none, excited looks appearance that Ash... you do not allow to deceive people. ????“你说真的?”布洛克的双眼泛起一阵精光,激动的看着灰烬…一副你不许骗人的模样。 ???? Naturally, I live up to one's words, does not joke with you, so long as confessed honestly, the Soul block big drop has...” ????“当然,我说到做到,不跟你们开玩笑,只要老实交代,灵魂块大大滴有…” ???? That...” Broke is just about to speak, hard in ran suddenly, Broke...... ????“那就…”布洛克正要说话,辛得里突然跑了过去,将布洛克...... Blocked! Wait, do not say! First... first...” 拦了下来!“等等,你别开口就说啊!先…先把…” ???? Looks hard who winks, Broke cannot help but stares, then responded, puts out a hand saying that to Ash first shows us the Soul block!” ????看着挤眉弄眼的辛得里,布洛克不由得一愣,然后反应了过来,冲着灰烬伸出了手说道“先把灵魂块给我们看看!” ???? Turned Byakugan reluctantly, Ash Soul will pull out from own backpack together, condenses the crystallized lumps, threw to Broke said that took away, this was always OK!” ????翻了个白眼,灰烬无奈的将一块灵魂从自己的背包之中掏了出来,凝聚成结晶块,扔给了布洛克说道“拿去拿去,这样总可以了吧!” ???? Although similarly is together the Soul crystal, but... this Ash gives is actually not Soul of gods, although can also integrate in the weapon, but is not before actually able to achieve likely , the effect of that weapon bringing ability..., but two dwarves are not Grandmaster Soul, naturally cannot look at this point ????虽然同样是一块灵魂水晶,但是…这一次灰烬给的却不是神明的灵魂,虽然也可以融入武器之中,但是却无法做到像之前那一把武器自带能力的效果…但是两个矮人又不是什么灵魂大师,自然是看不出来这一点 ???? Looks in the hand the glittering and translucent carving crystal, Broke has been turning the head toward hard in nod of gently, then coughed after lightly, light sayingthis..., although said the thing that our two brothers forge is perfect, ????看着手中晶莹剔透的结晶体,布洛克转过头朝着辛得里轻轻的点了点头,然后轻咳了一声之后淡淡的说道“这个…虽然说我们两兄弟锻造的东西是完美无缺的, However said no matter how, we two craftsmanship have some differences, perhaps you can look for the attachment point of chains, should discover... ”???? Ash nod of gently, to Freya said in a soft voice this was enough, now their sides handles on!” 但是不管怎么说,我们两个的手艺还是有些许的不同,也许你可以找找锁链的连接处,应该会有所发现…”????灰烬轻轻的点了点头,冲着芙蕾雅轻声说道“这就足够了,现在就等他们那边搞定吧!” ???? Freya nod of gently, then asked Ash to Ash in a soft voice, now others, have not blamed me to talk too much, who before that person... was, you did not seem to kill him, if you met anything to trouble, perhaps we can help you...” ????芙蕾雅轻轻的点了点头,然后冲着灰烬轻声问道“灰烬,现在没有其他人,你也别怪我多嘴,之前那个人…到底是什么人,你好像没有杀死他,如果你遇到什么麻烦的话,也许我们可以帮助你…” ???? Ash knitting the brows of gently, then gently shakes the head saying that thanked your good intention, but does not need, this was my issue, did not need others to meddle, you could not add on me. As for that fellow... is under my enemy hand person, I want to kill his, but by another person rescuing...” ????灰烬轻轻的皱了皱眉,然后轻轻的摇了摇头说道“非常感谢你的好意,但是不必了,这是我的问题,不需要别人插手,你们也帮不上我。至于那个家伙…是我的敌人手底下的一个人,我本来是想杀死他的,但是被另外一个人给救走了…” ???? Heard the Ash words, Freya sighed lightly, helpless shakes the head saying that you are blocking your heart firmly, did not allow anybody to enter, wasn't this lonely?” ????听到了灰烬的话,芙蕾雅轻叹了一口气,无奈的摇了摇头说道“你将自己的心牢牢地封锁着,不允许任何人进入其中,这样难道不孤独吗?” ???? Ash shot a look at Freya, light snort/hum light saying lonely? Was used to it..., moreover I have the method of mediation, my lover wants also, I will not be lonely.” ????灰烬瞥了一眼芙蕾雅,轻哼了一声淡淡的说道“孤独?习惯了…而且我自有排解的方法,我的爱人只要还在,我就不会孤单。” ???? Lover?” Freya gently crooked head, a strange expression looks at Ash, as if Ash what kind of person can find the lover is any inconceivable matter same... ????“爱人?”芙蕾雅轻轻的歪了歪脑袋,一副奇怪的表情看着灰烬,仿佛灰烬怎样的人能找到爱人是什么不可思议的事情一样… ???? Your that is what expression! What's wrong, you think person who I do not have the sentiment? Really disrespectful, I and my lover do not think you and Odin are the same, manipulate strategically, our love are very pure!” ????“你那是什么表情啊!怎么,难道你以为我是没有感情的人吗?真是失礼,我和我的爱人可不想你和奥丁一样,勾心斗角的,我们的爱情是非常纯粹的!” ???? Freya smiled bitterly, seems not willing to mention itself and Odin past sentiment life, quickly shifts the topic to ask that... your lover? Hasn't arrived here with you together? I really want to take a look actually, is what kind of woman can make you exist to adore like this...” ????芙蕾雅苦笑了一声,仿佛不愿意提起自己和奥丁过去的感情生活,急忙转移话题问道“那么…你的爱人呢?没有跟你一起来到这里吗?我倒是真想看看,是怎么样的女人能让你这样的存在倾心…” ??...... ??...... ?? Long sighs, if the Ash shaking the head sound of gently the housefly general neutral tone said if I can save her...” ??长叹了一口气,灰烬轻轻的摇了摇头声若蚊蝇一般的轻声说道“如果我能把她救回来的话…” ???? What?” ????“什么?” ???? No, did not say that this, their side also handled probably, came toward here...” ????“没什么,不说这个了,他们那边好像也都搞定了,往这边过来了…” ???? Finishes speaking, the front door of temple was shoved open, the group file, looks that enters the Kratos three generations who the gate comes also to be hung Mímir of waist, Ash coughs to ask situation lightly how? Did the world big snake find roots?” ????话音刚落,神殿的大门被推开,一行人鱼贯而入,看着走进门来的奎托斯祖孙三代还有又被挂回腰间的密米尔,灰烬轻咳了一声问道“情况怎么样?世界大蛇认祖归宗了吗?” ???? Yes, my elder brother, although regarding Atreus is Loki, is our father this point somewhat is surprised, but he accepted, was needless saying that he naturally can help our! So long as we summoned, he will rush to the battlefield!” ????“是的,我的兄长虽然对于阿特柔斯就是洛基,就是我们的父亲这一点有些惊讶,但是他还是接受了,不用多说,他自然会帮助我们的!只要我们呼唤,他就会赶到战场的!” ???? Good, us also ascertained, some union place issues of chains, were this, we can! Goes to Asgard!” ????“好极了,我们这边也问清楚了,锁链的结合处有些问题,就是这样了,我们可以出发了!前往阿斯加德!” ???? Although the dwarf two brothers have been hitting the iron, studies Ash to give their second Soul crystal..., but the ear has set upright is listening to this group of people's dialogue. ????矮人两兄弟虽然一直打着铁,研究着灰烬送给他们的第二块灵魂水晶…但是耳朵一直都竖起来的直听着这群人的对话。 ???? Hearing the people must go to Asgard, Broke could not bear again, quickly has turned the head to ask to the people „! Do you want to go to Asgard? Also must release the demon wolf, you want to do!” ????听到众人要前往阿斯加德,布洛克再也忍不住了,急忙转过头冲着众人问道“嗨!你们要去阿斯加德?还要释放出魔狼,你们到底想要干什么啊!” ???? Atreus smiles, to Broc said loudly our avenger Alliance must look for the Æsir revenge!” ????阿特柔斯嘿嘿一笑,冲着布洛克大声说道“我们复仇者联盟要去找阿萨神族复仇!” ???? Ash covered the face, a helplessness of face, light/only listens to Atreus is also being the Loki mouth jumps our avenger Alliance these characters to feel that felt being out of sorts feeling... ????灰烬捂住了脸,一脸的无奈,光是听着阿特柔斯也就是洛基嘴里蹦出我们复仇者联盟这几个字就感觉充满了违和感… ???? Avenger Alliance? Considers as finished... you to deal with Æsir that group of fellows? Were you insane?” ????“复仇者联盟?算了…你们要去对付阿萨神族那群家伙?你们是疯了吗?” ???? Saw that no one said we are crack a joke, Broke sighed, after about looked, put the battle axe not far away on arms rack takes down, threw to Kratos! ????看到没有人说上一句我们是开玩笑的,布洛克叹了口气,左右看了看之后,将不远处摆在武器架上的战斧一把取了下来,一把扔向了奎托斯 ???? Then! This is the modern weapon that I and hard must in build! Could add on your gangs... as for the words of usage, asks Ash!” ????“接着!这是我和辛得里打造出来的新武器!也许能帮上你们的帮…至于用法的话,去问灰烬吧!” ???? Kratos looked at this in hand the brand-new axe, pinched fronts the pad in the hand, nod of gently, it don't in own behind... ????奎托斯看了看手中的这把崭新的斧头,捏在手中垫了垫,轻轻的点了点头,将其别在了自己的身后… ???? Two battle axe two double blades, the Kratos weapon was richer ????两把战斧两把双刀,奎托斯的武器更加丰富了 ???? Sees the people ready, Freya nod of gently, serious saying all was ready to Ash and the others, we must enter Asgard immediately, is certainly careful, there is the Æsir supreme headquarters, if possible, try not to be discovered by them, after all rescued demon wolf Lear, can officially declares war to Odin and his arrogant god clan!” ????看到众人准备就绪,芙蕾雅轻轻的点了点头,冲着灰烬等人一脸严肃的说道“一切都准备就绪了,我们马上就要进入阿斯加德了,一定要小心,那里是阿萨神族的大本营,如果可以的话,尽可能不要被他们发现,一切等救出了魔狼芬里尔之后,就可以正式对奥丁和他傲慢的神族宣战了!” ???? Avenger Alliance the members nod in abundance, a Ash actually thinking otherwise appearance, after chuckle, said that „ one group of people bent in others domains scurry about everywhere...... ????‘复仇者联盟’的成员们纷纷点头,灰烬却一副不以为然的模样,轻笑了一声之后说道“一群人猫着腰在人家的地盘上到处乱窜...... Also wants to avoid others lines of sight, do you feel the possibility? How do we have the planted agent are? Even if we cannot avoid in Midgard, not to mention Asgard! ” 还想躲开人家的视线,你觉得可能吗?咱们是有内应还是怎么的?就算是在米德加尔特我们都没能躲开,就更别提阿斯加德了!” ???? Freya frowning of gently, truly, Ash this saying, although listens is not of pleasant to hear, but this is the fact... ????芙蕾雅轻轻的皱起了眉头,确实,灰烬这话虽然听着不好听,但这就是事实… ???? The Odin ability she is clear, after silent long time, Freya lifted the head suddenly, who to Ash serious saying said that we do not have the planted agent! In your hand doesn't have a card in hand?” ????奥丁的能耐她是再清楚不过的,沉默了良久之后,芙蕾雅突然抬起了头,冲着灰烬严肃的说道“谁说我们没有内应!你手里不是还有一张底牌吗?” ???? Ash surprise referred to itself, surprised asking „were you muddled, after your former god, does not have planted agent my Asgard has not even gone to the person to have what planted agent!” ????灰烬诧异的指了指自己,一脸惊讶的问道“你是不是糊涂了,你这个前任神后没有内应我这个连阿斯加德都没有去过的人会有什么内应啊!” ???? Freya sneered, teased looks that Ash said didn't have? You do not conspire to help Sol kill Odin!” ????芙蕾雅冷笑了一声,戏谑的看着灰烬说道“难道没有吗?你不是密谋帮助索尔杀死奥丁的嘛!” ???? But... my wraps his words our two no one not to prepare to keep the promise in any case, this type also good?” ????“可是…我那不是套他的话嘛反正我们两个谁都没准备履行诺言,这种也行的吗?” ???? „It is not why good, can use you saying that... you kept the promise, how did you feel?” ????“为什么不行,可以利用一下你就说…你来履行诺言了,你觉得怎么样?” ???? Ash opening mouth of gently, a face unbelievable looks at Freya, after silent long time, squeezed out a few words in other words... to eat to do from the mouth must wipe only... your woman, was really virulent enough! Played the will of the people of tactic is really dirty!” ????灰烬轻轻的张了张嘴,一脸难以置信的看着芙蕾雅,沉默了良久之后,才从嘴里挤出了一句话“也就是说…吃干还要抹净是吧…你这个女人,真是有够恶毒的!玩战术的人心真是太脏了!” ???? You said that is good does not do dry/does!” ????“你就说行不行干不干吧!” ???? Line naturally good, is not why good!” ????“行当然行,为什么不行!”
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