DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1047: Unwilling

Ash was taken into the rhythm of this bastard, this point Ash are very clear, but he succeeded, he succeeds made Ash have the suspicion to this point! He is unable to determine the Fire Keeper safety again... 灰烬被带进了这个混蛋的节奏,这一点灰烬自己很清楚,但是他成功了,他成功的让灰烬对这一点产生了怀疑!他再也无法确定防火女的安危… Yes, is that person he? Although splits from his Soul, but if that person and are the same, then he should look on own initiative, fuses is right, rather than... abducts Fire Keeper directly. 是啊,那个人还是他吗?虽然是从他灵魂之中分裂出去的,但是如果那个人和自己一样的话,那么他应该会主动找回来,重新融合才对,而不是…直接掳走防火女 In other words that person is not oneself! How he will do, how he wants to do, Ash does not dare to vow solemnly that said oneself knew! 也就是说那个人不是自己!他会怎么做,他想要怎么做,灰烬再也不敢信誓旦旦的说自己知道了! Like such that this lunatic said that only then three possibilities, oneself killed them, but that person killed Fire Keeper, or he did not kill, either..., no matter did kill them, Fire Keeper has died... 就像这个疯子说的那样,只有三种可能性,自己杀死他们,而那个人杀死防火女,或者他不杀,或者…不管自己杀不杀他们,防火女都已经死了… From the angle general of probability study, Fire Keeper survival probability discipline that also only then 33%, live from oneself hand with them... exactly the same! 从概率学的角度上将,防火女的生存几率也只有百分之三十三,就跟他们从自己的手中活下来的纪律…一模一样! Thinks of here, Ash cold snort/hum, the wrist/skill lifted, will still be pressing, the lunatic who own arm wants to kill the dark knight downward flings the ground, then lifted the white spirit sword in hand to aim at him! 想到这里,灰烬冷哼了一声,手腕一抬,将还在将自己的胳膊往下压,想要杀死黑暗骑士的疯子甩到了地上,然后抬起手中的大曲剑指向了他! Looks at Ash such action, the lunatic cannot help but twisted the mouth sidewise the mouth, then excited asking „do you want first to kill me? Right? Hi the brothers, how helping me be attractive my loathsome appearance are, then after getting down, told me!” 看着灰烬如此的举动,疯子不由得咧开了嘴,然后一脸兴奋的问道“你要先杀了我吗?是吗?嗨兄弟,帮我好好看看我的死相是怎么样的,然后下来以后告诉我啊!” Speaks, this lunatic lay down on the ground directly, four limbs optional placing on the ground, on the face was hanging the crazy smile as before... 说完话,这个疯子就径直躺在了地上,四肢随意的摆放在地上,脸上依旧挂着疯狂的笑容… Ash deeply inspires, exclaiming that in a low voice then coldly I will not let off you, will not let off his, after your lives... me, will receive! Now rolls to me!” 灰烬深吸了一口气,然后冷冷的低声吼道“我不会放过你们,也不会放过他的,你们的命…我之后会去收!现在给我滚!” Speaks, Ash received the exile white spirit sword in hand, carefully, turned around to leave here, only left behind two to lie down on the ground face up, fellow who a whole body blood, smiled wear a look of strangely... 说完话,灰烬就收起了手中的流放者大曲剑,一步一个脚印,转身离开了这里,只留下两个仰面躺在地上,一个浑身鲜血,一个面带诡异微笑的家伙… After Ash left thoroughly, be with smile on the face lunatic slipped to leap up from the ground, scratches sweat that on the forehead did not have, a being survivor of disaster tone said in a low voice shouted this to really be frightening! After I prepared to go to hell, stand the trial!” 等到灰烬彻底离开了之后,面带微笑的疯子一个出溜从地上蹿了起来,擦了擦额头上并不存在的汗水,一副劫后余生的语气低声说道“呼这可真是让人心惊肉跳啊!我都准备好下了地狱之后接受审判了!” The whole body was the wound dark knight also crawled from the ground slowly, looks at lunatic light saying of not far away all in your grasping!” 浑身是伤的黑暗骑士也缓缓地从地上爬了起来,看着不远处的疯子淡淡的说道“一切都在你的掌握之中的吧!” Lunatic shaking the head of gently, innocent saying of course not he really must kill us a moment ago, you had not discovered he walks has the multi- vitality/angry? Moreover what meaning... grasps all in the hand has? Ignores all dash about wildly, is not very good 疯子轻轻的摇了摇头,一脸无辜的说道“当然不是啦他刚才真的要杀死我们唉,难道你没有发现他走的时候有多生气吗?而且…将一切都掌握在手中有什么意思?放任一切狂奔,不是很好嘛” Your this lunatic...” “你这个疯子…” Thanking the praise on the contrary is you, did you find the thing that you want? If found us to hurry to leave here! If otherwise really asked the master to discover, you and I may probably but actually big mildew!” “谢谢夸奖反倒是你,你找到你想要的东西了吗?如果找到了我们就赶紧离开这里吧!不然如果真的叫主人发现的话,你和我可都要倒大霉啊!” Heard the words of lunatic, the dark knight has turned the head the direction that shot a look at Ash to leave, gently nods to say was... I found! Moreover has confirmed personally...” 听到了疯子的话,黑暗骑士转过头瞥了一眼灰烬离开的方向,轻轻的点了点头说道“是的…我找到了!而且亲自确认过了…” ...... …… Footsteps that Ash goes forward, that two fellows... had cannot help but left, thinks of this, Ash on a lot of fires! 灰烬前进的脚步不由得一顿,那两个家伙…已经离开了,一想到这个,灰烬就一肚子的火! Aggrieved! Uncomfortable! Uncomfortable! However are more, is worried that... is related to the Fire Keeper life, let alone only then 33% probabilities, even if lower... even if only then 1%, Ash must put these two fellows! 憋屈!难受!不爽!但是更多的,是担忧…事关防火女的生命,别说只有百分之三十三的概率,哪怕更低…哪怕只有百分之一,灰烬都必须得放了这两个家伙! Because of this simply no electing! Because the gambling stake is the Fire Keeper life, this is in the Ash heart the biggest taboo! For the Fire Keeper life, why not Ash will do to take the post gathers the common sense, illogical matter, but... should not be this way! 因为这根本没的选!因为赌注是防火女的生命,这是灰烬心中最大的禁忌!为了防火女的生命,灰烬会做出任何不合常理,不合逻辑的事情,但…绝不应该是这种方式! This type... was threatened, was forced, even played tricks on way! That lunatic same fellow of... since has victory in the hand from the beginning, uses the information is not coordinated, uses own words unable to be found out by secret inquiry the convenience of genuine and fake, and held the painful foot of Ash, introduced in Ash his rhythm step by step... 这种…被威胁,被胁迫,甚至被戏弄的方式!那个疯子一样的家伙…打从一开始就胜券在握,利用信息的不对等,利用自己的话语无法被探知真假的便利,并且抓住了灰烬的痛脚,将灰烬一步一步的引进了他的节奏之中… This humiliation... this depressing anger, after these two bastards left this world, radical eruption! 这种屈辱…这份压抑的愤怒,直到这两个混蛋离开了这个世界之后,才彻底的爆发出来! Hateful... hateful... hateful! Hateful! Damn bastard!” The angry howling resounds through the skies, Ash kicked on a nearby big tree, kicked the section this tree directly, a tree was certainly insufficient, the surrounding all became the vent thing that Ash gave vent to indignation! “可恶…可恶…可恶!可恶!该死的混蛋!”愤怒的吼叫声响彻云霄,灰烬一脚踢在了旁边的一颗大树上,将这棵树直接一脚踢段,一颗树当然是不够的,周围的一切都成了灰烬泄愤的发泄物! A stone, trees, sometimes simply are an open area... Ash crazy is venting in the heart the manic mood! Destroys all that periphery he can see wantonly! 一块石头,一棵树木,有时候干脆就是一块空地…灰烬疯狂的发泄着心中狂躁的情绪!大肆的破坏着周围他所能看到的一切! After Ais when vented, Ash lay down above a stretch of open area that in confusion face up , was destroyed by oneself, bewildered looks at the sky, whatever snowflake falling gently on own face... 等到发泄的差不多了之后,灰烬仰面躺在了被自己摧毁的一片狼藉的空地之上,一脸茫然的看着天空,任由雪花一片一片的飘落在自己的脸上… ...... …… Kratos and the others, since Ash kicked that fellow, then after being direct vanishes same place, has followed that fellow kicked direction seeks, until they heard the Ash angry roaring sound, determined direction that Ash is at... 奎托斯等人自从灰烬一脚踢飞了那个家伙,然后直接原地消失之后,就一直顺着那个家伙被踢飞的方向寻找,直到他们听到了灰烬的怒吼声,才确定灰烬所在的方向… Has Freya to lead the way, the group caught up urgently, actually only saw wreckage of place, the crushed stone broken wood, large expanse of large expanse of seemed like crossed the same ground, and midpoint, lay down in ground Ash face up... 芙蕾雅引路,一行人火急火燎的赶了过来,却只看到了一地的残骸,碎石碎木,还有成片成片像是被翻过一样的地面,以及正中央,仰面躺在地上的灰烬 Atreus somewhat looked at the surroundings surprisedly, then to lying down said in ground Ash in a low voice oh! What enemy you in fight! Unexpectedly hits is so intense, did the words say... a moment ago that person? How to see his corpse?” 阿特柔斯有些惊讶的看了看周围,然后冲着躺在地上的灰烬低声说道“哇哦!你到底在跟什么样的敌人战斗啊!竟然打的这么激烈,话说…刚才那个人呢?怎么没有看到他的尸体?” Nearby Kratos sized up a periphery pitiful condition, then knitting the brows of gently said that in a low voice seems like here scene is only he with the result that oneself fight to create...” 一旁的奎托斯打量了一番周围的凄惨的状况,然后轻轻的皱了皱眉低声说道“看起来这里的景象只是他跟自己战斗造成的结果…” His seems like not quite happy, we want...” Heard the Atreus words, Kratos shaking the head of gently, will then look at lay down in the open area, both eyes soulless Ash... “他的心情看上去不太好,我们要不要…”听到了阿特柔斯的话,奎托斯轻轻的摇了摇头,然后将目光投向了躺在空地上,双目无神的灰烬 Freya may not have so many taboos, fanned the wing to fall the Ash side slowly, looks down Ash, is knitting the eyebrows to ask tightly how you, had the matter, a moment ago where that fellow ran up to went, what did here exactly have?” 芙蕾雅可没有那么多避讳,扇动着翅膀缓缓地落到了灰烬的身旁,低下头看着灰烬,紧锁着眉头问道“你怎么样,有没有事,刚才那个家伙跑到什么地方去了,这里到底发生了什么?” Lay down looked at Freya in ground Ash face upwards Qitou, cannot help but long sighs, shakes the head to say considers as finished, passed, are not related with you, does not need to care...” 躺在地上的灰烬仰起头看了一眼芙蕾雅,不由得长叹了一口气,摇了摇头说道“算了,都过去了,跟你们也没有关系,不必在意了…” Speaks, Ash crawled from the ground slowly, how asked you to bump into a moment ago that fellow to Kratos of not far away in a soft voice? How is he... looks for you?” 说完话,灰烬缓缓地从地上爬了起来,冲着不远处的奎托斯轻声问道“你是怎么碰到刚才那个家伙的?他是…怎么找上你的?” Kratos hesitated a moment later, gently nods saying that „he place that presents before you appears, probably pursued... with us who you are coming launched the fight without delay...” 奎托斯沉吟了片刻之后,轻轻的点了点头说道“他是从你之前出现的地方出现的,像是追着你来的…二话不说就和我们展开了战斗…” Ash helpless sighing, beckons with the hand saying that to Kratos line, I knew, is really embarrassed, put to trouble to you...” 灰烬无奈的叹了一口气,冲着奎托斯摆了摆手说道“行吧,我知道了,真是不好意思,给你们添麻烦了…” Atreus went to Kratos a curious vision, Kratos shaking the head of gently , indicating to should better not to ask, Atreus also can only nod, but lowers the head, asked another matter to Ash right, Ash, you said a moment ago what pleasant surprise must give to me and father, was what?” 阿特柔斯将一个好奇的目光投向了奎托斯,奎托斯却轻轻的摇了摇头,表示最好不要问,阿特柔斯也只能点了点头,但还是低下了头,冲着灰烬问起了另外一件事“对了,灰烬,你刚才说有什么惊喜要送给我和父亲,是什么?” Ash shot a look at Atreus worn out, sighs, lifted to point at referring to stand in nearby Hela, saying that the tone incomparably was perfunctory „said that this was Hela, was your Atreus daughter, was Brother Kratos your granddaughter, are your family reunifications, pleasantly surprised 灰烬有气无力的瞥了一眼阿特柔斯,叹了一口气,抬起手指了指站在一旁的海拉,语气无比敷衍的说道“介绍一下,这位是海拉,是你阿特柔斯的女儿,也就是奎托斯老哥你的孙女,你们家庭团聚了,算不算惊喜啊” Also without and other Kratos and Atreus present responded, nearby Hela arrived at two people front on treating a matter seriously, raised slightly slightly, very saying of virtuous young woman „, the father, the grandfather, I finally saw you...” 还没等奎托斯阿特柔斯反应过来,一旁的海拉就郑重其事的来到了两人的面前,微微欠身,十分淑女的说道“是的,父亲,祖父,我终于见到你们了…” Atreus directly is a face compels ignorant, Kratos is knitting the brows of gently, looks Ash that the Hela also interest of pretending to be serious lacks, serious asking what is this! You said that... she is the Atreus daughter?” 阿特柔斯直接是一脸的懵逼,奎托斯则是轻轻的皱了皱眉,看着煞有介事的海拉还有一副兴趣缺缺的灰烬,一脸严肃的问道“这是什么意思!你说…她是阿特柔斯的女儿?” Ash shot a look at Kratos, sighs lightly, a face impatient answered that still remembers we with the mural that Heym does see? On the mural you died, then your son is hugging you, put out three things from the mouth, that is the Atreus children, they seemed like from the Various God dusk time pass through the past, then... she was one of them.” 灰烬瞥了一眼奎托斯,轻叹了一口气,一脸不耐烦的解释道“还记得我们在与顿海姆看到的壁画吗?壁画上你死了,然后你儿子抱着你,从嘴里吐出了三个东西,那是阿特柔斯的子女,他们好像是从诸神黄昏的时间穿越到了过去,然后…她就是其中之一了。” Yes, he said right, is this.” “是的,他说的没错,就是这样。” The Atreus eyeball sudden revolution, after having turned the head to size up Hela up and down, complexion somewhat ugly saying in other words... that fable to become true? Did my father... die finally?” 阿特柔斯眼珠子突然一转,转过头上下打量了一番海拉之后,脸色有些难看的说道“也就是说…那个寓言成真了?我的父亲…最终还是死了?” Does not know, perhaps died, perhaps no, this who said that has not related with me in any case...” “不知道,也许死了,也许没有,这个谁说的准呢反正跟我也没关系…” Hears the attitude that Ash does not care at all, Atreus looks at Hela, serious asking my father... died!” 听到灰烬满不在乎的态度,阿特柔斯将目光转向了海拉,一脸严肃的问道“我的父亲…是不是死了!” The Hela complexion is somewhat ugly, after coughing lightly, gently nods to say „, when we come back, the grandfather... truly died, died in the hand of Æsir, but we therefore were also born, but now... I some are also indefinite. Because of his first round 海拉的脸色有些难看,轻咳了一声之后轻轻的点了点头说道“是的,在我们回来的时候,祖父…确实是死了,死在了阿萨神族的手中,而我们也是因此而诞生的,但是现在…我又有些不确定了。因为他首发 Spoke this saying, Hela referred to nearby whole face salt fish condition Ash gently. 说这话,海拉轻轻的指了指一旁满脸咸鱼状态的灰烬 What is this? You meant that... also has the favorable turn?” “这是什么意思?你的意思是说…还有转机吗?” Facing Atreus Hela nod of gently face anticipation, looks at Ash light saying „, because, when we are born, this person does not exist, no matter in the past or in the future, will have no his trace, this point I have confirmed that I was afraid him to destroy the Various God dusk destiny initially, was afraid him to destroy our revenge, but also intended... to fight with him.” 面对一脸期待的阿特柔海拉轻轻的点了点头,看着灰烬淡淡的说道“因为在我们诞生的时候,这个人并不存在,不管是过去还是未来,都没有任何他的踪影,这一点我确认过的,我当初害怕他破坏诸神黄昏的命运,害怕他破坏了我们的复仇,还出手…跟他战斗过。” Hears the Hela words, Atreus cannot help but opens mouth, suddenly probably remembered anything to be the same, has turned the head to see own father, then face startled saying was not good, father, Mímir! Mímir also at home!” 听到海拉的话,阿特柔斯不由得张了张嘴,突然像是想起了什么一样,转过头看了看自己的父亲,然后一脸惊慌的说道“不好,父亲,密米尔密米尔还在家里呢!” Heard this saying, Kratos looks down, this discovered that usually hung in waist the head of Mímir is actually missing at this time... 听到这话,奎托斯低下头看了看,这才发现平时挂在腰间的密米尔的脑袋此时却不见了踪影… Kratos lowers the head to ponder the moment, then calm analysis say/way possibly encountered the attack a moment ago time has not taken him, he was pressed in the room...” 奎托斯低下头沉思了片刻,然后冷静的分析道“可能是刚才遇到袭击的时候没把他带上,他被压在屋子里了吧…” «Passes on Hot Hero the Travel of correct chapter of Dimension» will continue to renew, in station no advertisement, but also asks everyone to collect with! 《传火侠的次元之旅》无错章节将持续在更新,站内无任何广告,还请大家收藏和! Likes passing on hot hero the travel of dimension to ask everyone to collect: Passes on hot hero the travel of dimension. 喜欢传火侠的次元之旅请大家收藏:传火侠的次元之旅。 High-speed writing hits to pass on hot hero the travel of chapter list of dimension 高速文字手打传火侠的次元之旅章节列表
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