DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1046: Rescue?

Ash is pursuing, the dark knight puts forth the whole body the posture in martial arts to dodge in square keeps off, with fight conducts, among two people the disparity showed... 灰烬在追,黑暗骑士使出浑身的解数在闪避在格挡,随着战斗的进行,两人之间的差距就展现了出来… Although said that by beforehand is absorbing the energy that Ash projects to obtain promotion in the physical quality, the degree that but can also contend with, and is not enough to level the gap between dark knight and Ash... 虽然说凭借着之前吸收灰烬投射出的能量获得了身体素质上的提升,但也只是能够抗衡的程度而已,并不足以抹平黑暗骑士和灰烬之间的鸿沟… Moreover most essential, is the Ash nearly instinct general fight skill, this is the dark knight is unable to compare in any event! 而且最关键的,还是灰烬近乎本能一般的战斗技巧,这是黑暗骑士无论如何都无法比拟的! The Jane list is capable, but incomparably practical fight skill, in matching Ash scary physical quality and wild animal general intuition, dark knight radically irresistibly Ash violent storm general attack! 单干练但是无比实用的战斗技巧,搭配上灰烬骇人的身体素质和野兽一般的直觉,黑暗骑士根本无法抵抗灰烬狂风暴雨一般的进攻! Or the deep or shallow wound appears above the body of dark knight, in blood these wounds keeps gushing out, even if obtained the dark knight of strengthening somewhat unable to resist unavoidably... 一道道或深或浅的伤口出现在黑暗骑士的身躯之上,鲜血这些伤口之中不停地涌出,就算是得到了强化的黑暗骑士也难免有些招架不住… Is getting down, sooner or later will be consumed while still alive! What is most essential is why these cut wound does not know, does not have the means to heal..., whenever, moreover Ash causes certain damage, the dark knight wound of outward will jump a time blood... 在这么下去,迟早会被活活耗死!最关键的是这些被划开的伤口不知道为什么,就是没办法愈合…而且每当灰烬造成一定的伤害之后,黑暗骑士身上的伤口都会往外迸一次血… Although uses the heavy weapon to hit the hemorrhage is a very stupid matter, but the hemorrhage of exile broadsword also delivers, can achieve the effect is a very good matter... 虽然使用重武器打出血是一件很蠢的事情,但是流放者大刀的出血也只是送的而已,能达到效果就已经是非常不错的一件事了… Looked at the dark knight already by the blood-stained body, the bloodstain in surroundings ground, Ash turned the neck gently, to not far away breathing heavily in gulps, but has handled to grasp Machete, fixes the eyes on said in a low voice „, although I who own dark knight is teasing want to ask your several questions, but looks at your appearance, you should not prepare to reply me, but indifferent..., so long as I killed you, is interrogating and torturing your Soul, believes that I know matter that I want to know! You said 看了看黑暗骑士已经被鲜血染红的身躯,还有周围地面上的血迹,灰烬轻轻的扭了扭脖子,冲着不远处正大口大口的喘着粗气,但是已经手握着弯刀,紧盯着自己的黑暗骑士戏谑的低声说道“虽然我很想问你几个问题,不过看你这个样子,你应该是不准备回答我了吧,不过无所谓…只要我杀了你,然后在拷问你的灵魂,相信我会知道我想要知道的事情的!你说呢” Spoke this saying, Ash then held up Liuqu in hand again, step by step walked toward the position that the dark knight is at slowly... 说这话,灰烬便再一次举起了手中的流曲,一步一步的朝着黑暗骑士所在的位置缓缓地走了过去… He does not have the leeway of resistance, so long as gave him again in the past a blade, enough killed him! 他已经没有反抗的余地了,自己只要再过去给他一刀,就足够杀死他了! Gradually looks Ash that walks, dark knight frowning of gently, to be honest, since commencing of action, he understands oneself absolutely are not the Ash opponent, but he insists the present as before. 看着缓步走来的灰烬,黑暗骑士轻轻的皱起了眉头,说实话,自从战斗开始,他就明白自己绝对不是灰烬的对手,但是他依旧坚持到了现在。 Even but if... his goal has not so achieved as before! Therefore he was unable to escape. Moreover the dark knight now is indefinite, whether oneself really can run away from the hand of this person. 可即便如此…他的目的依旧没有达成!所以他还不能逃跑。而且黑暗骑士现在也不确定,自己是否真的能从这个人的手中逃走。 Ash arrived at the front of dark knight slowly, the exile white spirit sword in hand held up high, aimed at the head of dark knight, what last words did face indifferent saying have?... To beg for mercy and so on?” 灰烬缓缓地来到了黑暗骑士的面前,手中的流放者大曲剑高高举起,瞄准了黑暗骑士的头颅,一脸漠然的说道“有什么遗言吗?或者…想要求饶之类的?” The dark knight sneered suddenly, „... you cannot kill to Ash light saying my!” 黑暗骑士突然冷笑了一声,冲着灰烬淡淡的说道“不…你杀不死我的!” Heard this saying, Ash cannot help but turned Byakugan, to dark knight cheek sore saying „you were the abyss? What other thing... can't I kill you? In this world also has the person who I cannot kill? Ok, was this your last words? You die!” 听到这话,灰烬不由得翻了个白眼,冲着黑暗骑士一脸蛋疼的说道“你是深渊?还是什么别的东西…我杀不死你?这个世界上还有我杀不死的人吗?算了,这就是你的遗言了是吗?那你就去死吧!” Has the blade to fall, accepts this head/number of people the time in Ash preparation, from out of the blue sound after behind transmitting of Ash! Turning around without hesitation, the long blade in Ash hand fast cuts, will fly to hit to oneself behind thing , and ball flies! Meanwhile also lifts the leg, a foot his behind dark knight knocks down, guarantees him the ability of resistance! 就在灰烬准备手起刀落,收下这个人头的时候,一阵破空声从灰烬的身后传来!毫不犹豫的转过了身,灰烬手中的长刀飞快的斩出,将飞向自己身后的东西击中并且弹飞!与此同时还抬起腿,一脚将他身后的黑暗骑士踢倒在地,确保他没有没有反抗的能力! Among fast, Ash completed all these, then stares will look at that will stand in not far away... person? 电光石火之间,灰烬做完了这一切,然后直勾勾的将目光投向了那个站在不远处的…人? Selects high, and slender body, a black windproof coat of cerebral cortex, on the face has one to seem like the collar the same as mount the mask of nail, covered his face... has the feeling very full fellow! 高挑并且纤细的身躯,一身皮质的黑色风衣,脸上带着一个像是项圈一样镶嵌着铁钉的面罩,遮住了他的脸…是一个存在感非常足的家伙! But is most noticeable, is second half stretch/open face who he has not covered, pale skin and... appalling smile! 但最引人瞩目的,是他没有遮住的下半张脸,惨白的皮肤和…让人毛骨悚然的笑容! If blood generally scarlet lip the condition of maintaining twisting the mouth sidewise, revealed the mouth yellowing tooth and gum... makes the back that the person looks at be scared 如鲜血一般猩红的嘴唇一只保持着咧开的状态,露出了嘴里泛黄的牙齿和牙龈…让人看的脊背发毛 But at this moment, entire maintained the man of strange smile is maintaining was throwing anything's posture... 而此时此刻,整个保持着诡异微笑的男人正保持着投掷了什么的姿势… Saw that Ash has turned the head to look to him, looked at the dark knight to be knocked down by Ash, this fellow put out a hand to cover the mouth, exuded Yin sad laughter, saying that then pondered „the failure, was sorry my brother very much, I cannot save you, but... felt relieved! I will certainly save you!” 看到灰烬转过头看向他,又看了看黑暗骑士被灰烬踢倒在地,这个家伙伸出手捂住了嘴,发出了一阵阴恻恻的笑声,然后玩味的说道“啊失败了啊,很抱歉我的兄弟,我没能把你救下来,但是…放心吧!我一定会把你救下来的!” Listens to this fellow be irrelevant to speak, Ash deeply frowns, lifted the exile white spirit sword in hand, pointing at this fellow cold sound was saying „, therefore... you are also his subordinate, good! Never expected that you also bring to buy one and get one free!” 听着这个家伙不着边际的发言,灰烬深深地皱起了眉头,抬起了手中的流放者大曲剑,指着这个家伙冷声说道“所以…你也是他的手下,好极了!没想到你们还带买一送一的!” This new fellow does not seem to heard the Ash words to be the same , to continue to pouring in the dark knight of ground mystifying smiled saying that „... my pitiful brothers, why didn't you listen to his words? You should know, he ordered, does not make us look for this slightly lovable, but do you... you dare not to listen unexpectedly? Said the atrophy of helmet of you intelligent brain on by your head making? Hahahaha!” 这个新来的家伙仿佛没有听到灰烬的话一样,继续冲着倒在地上的黑暗骑士阴阳怪气的笑了起来说道“哦…我可怜的兄弟,你为什么不听他的话呢?你应该知道的吧,他下令了,不让我们来找这个小可爱,但是你…你居然敢不听?还是说你原本聪慧的大脑被你脑袋上的头盔给弄萎缩了?哈哈哈哈!” Therefore... you are replace him to punish my?” Fell on the dark knight of ground light snort/hum, laughed wildly windproof coat male light asking incessantly to not far away that. “所以…你是来代替他惩罚我的吗?”倒在地上的黑暗骑士轻哼了一声,冲着不远处那个狂笑不止的风衣男淡淡的问道。 The grating laughter stops suddenly, he lowers the head slowly, to saying that a dark knight face teased how can we be the brothers..., moreover you were understand my, I liked breaking the rule very much, I appreciated your action very much, has saying that... you can always bring the pleasant surprise to me, therefore... I was rescue your!” 刺耳的笑声戛然而止,他缓缓地低下了头,冲着黑暗骑士一脸戏谑的说道“怎么会我们是兄弟…而且你是了解我的,我很喜欢破坏规则,我很欣赏你的行动,不得不说…你总是能给我带来惊喜,所以…我是来救你的!” Ash narrowed the eye gently, the long blade in hand moved, above the throat of dark knight, was like not far away lunatic, the speech did not have the logic the man sneered saying that you were when I didn't exist? You cannot save him today incessantly, you must stay here to me!” 灰烬轻轻的眯了眯眼睛,手中的长刀一动,架在了黑暗骑士的咽喉之上,冲着不远处疯子一样,说话毫无逻辑可言的男人冷笑一声说道“你是不是当我不存在啊?你今天不止救不了他,你自己也得给我留在这里!” Heard the Ash words, this lunatic turns to be excessive slowly, revealed one also to infiltrate the smile of person to Ash brightly, then the self-poise spreading out hand said that no rush small lovable, I always like delicious remained finally, this arrived at you, then... you said that you must kill him, but can also kill me...? Hee hee hee hee!” 听到了灰烬的话,这个疯子缓缓地扭过了头,冲着灰烬露出了一个更加灿烂也更加渗人的笑容,然后镇定自若的摊开手说道“别着急嘛小可爱,我总是喜欢吧最美味的留到最后,这就到你了,那么…你说你要杀死他,还要杀死我…是吗?嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻!” Also without and other Ash replied, this fellow covered the belly to send out one to laugh wildly the sound on oneself coarse! 还没等灰烬回答,这个家伙就自己捂住肚子发出了一阵难听狂笑声! Ash stared in a big way the eye, angry exclaiming in a low voice how? You thought that I can't achieve?” 灰烬瞪大了眼睛,愤怒的低声吼道“怎么?你觉得我做不到吗?” This lunatic relaxes hastily, is swaying own head, while ambiguous saying not! Small lovable, I believed certainly you! You are best! To kill our Jane to be to you straight, but... you cannot achieve!” 这个疯子连忙直起了腰,一边摇晃着自己的脑袋,一边含含糊糊的说道“不不不!小可爱,我当然相信你了!你是最棒的!想要杀死我们对你来说直易如反掌,但是…你做不到呀!” Spoke this saying, this lunatic natural started to walk the footsteps, arrived at the Ash front step by step, gathered the Ash front the face, making Ash see clearly smile light saying on his face what to do, if you did kill us... your one's beloved should?” 说这话,这个疯子潇洒的迈开了脚步,一步一步来到了灰烬的面前,将脸凑到了灰烬的面前,让灰烬看清楚他脸上的笑容淡淡的说道“如果你杀死了我们…你的心上人又该怎么办呢?” Hears this saying, the pupil of Ash cannot help but shrinks, the breath was gradually loud, looks that this lunatic extremely angry saying of you said anything!” 听到这话,灰烬的瞳孔不由得一缩,呼吸逐渐粗重了起来,看着这个疯子愤愤的说道“你说什么!” This lunatic drew back a half step backward, shrugging gently, whisper say/way I said in a soft voice..., if you killed us, our masters can, because is angry, kills him the person who robs directly from your here?” 这个疯子向后退了一小步,轻轻的耸了耸肩,轻声嘀咕道“我只是说…如果你杀死了我们,我们的主人会不会因为愤怒,直接杀死他从你这里抢走的人呢?” Ash deeply inspires, righteousness expression looks that the present lunatic says not, he will not do!” 灰烬深吸了一口气,义正言辞的看着眼前的这个疯子说道“不,他不会那么做的!” As if has long known that Ash will refute him general, the lunatic collected the face again, you determines to Ash whisper say/way in a soft voice? That person... you? Will that person love her like you? Perhaps that person is only... wants to claim you to have from your hand, but his nothing? Do you feel?” 仿佛早就知道灰烬会这么反驳他一般,疯子再一次将脸凑了过来,冲着灰烬轻声耳语道“你确定吗?那个人…还是你吗?那个人会像你一样爱她吗?那个人也许只是…想要从你手里夺走你有而他没有的东西呢?你觉得呢?” Said that these words, the lunatic lifted the hand slowly, knocks on the Ash face brings the helmet gently, somewhat angry said in a low voice can cast off the scrap iron on your face, making me have a look at your expression!” 说完了这番话,疯子缓缓地抬起了手,轻轻的敲了敲灰烬脸上带着的头盔,有些恼怒的低声说道“能不能摘掉你脸上的这个废铁,让我看看你的表情啊!” The Ash revolutions is fiercely excessive, staring stares at the present lunatic, exclaiming in a low voice clenching jaws „you are lying!” 灰烬猛地转过了头,直勾勾的盯着眼前的这个疯子,咬牙切齿的低声吼道“你撒谎!” The lunatics twisted the mouth sidewise the mouth again, shook the head to Ash gently, innocent saying „, if I don't have? If I said real?” 疯子再一次咧开了嘴,冲着灰烬轻轻的晃了晃脑袋,一脸无辜的说道“要是我没有呢?要是我说的都是真的呢?” Ash flustered... him unable to distinguish each character in this male population is really false, each character... each few words did not have the means! 灰烬慌了…他无法分辨这个男人口中的每一个字到底是真是假,每一个字…每一句话都没办法! When a person said the truth have the strings, the bodies can have the responses of some instinct, Soul can also, Ash have distinguished true and false with this method, even the gods do not have the means to exempt from the visiting of Ash, however the present fellows... in his Soul chaos, look like a deep pool mire! Each a few words that spoke seem like the truth, but also has the response of lie... to keep Ash from distinguishing! 当一个人说真话还有说谎话的时候,身体会有一些本能的反应,灵魂也会,灰烬一直就是用这种方法分辨真假的,就算是神也没办法豁免灰烬的探视,但是眼前的这个家伙…他的灵魂之中一片混沌,就像是一潭泥沼!说的每一句话都像是真话,但又有假话的反应…让灰烬根本无法判别! Looks to fall into puzzled Ash, this lunatic drew back suddenly backward one step, raises up a thumb to say to Ash or! The words that I spoke are false! He will truly not harm her because of our deaths, or... she had actually died, we refuse stubbornly dead does not matter! Like this you can kill us!” 看着陷入纠结的灰烬,这个疯子突然向后退了一步,冲着灰烬竖起一个大拇指说道“或者!我说的话都是假的!他确实不会因为我们的死而伤害她,或者…她其实已经死了,我们死不死的也都无所谓!这样的话你就可以杀死我们了!” At this point, he lowers the head suddenly crookedly, pondered a moment later a face worriedly the head said that from the angle general of probability study, you kill our probabilities probably are 66%, but puts the probability that we leave to only have 33% is really a frightening number! Therefore I dislike these numbers, always is so callous and real touch of humanity does not have 说到这里,他突然低下了头,沉思了片刻之后一脸苦恼的歪了歪脑袋说道“从概率学的角度上将,你杀死我们的概率大概是百分之六十六,而放我们离开的概率却只有百分之三十三啊真是一个让人心寒的数字!所以我讨厌这些数字,总是这么冷酷且真实一点人情味都没有” At this point, he lifted the head, to pouring shrugged to shout say/way to be sorry in the dark knight of ground the friend I possibly could not save you, even I must build, but was a pity that... I lovable have not pulled my small, otherwise, I will certainly make my small lovable eat you and my body...” 说到这里,他抬起了头,冲着倒在地上的黑暗骑士耸了耸肩呼喊道“抱歉了老兄我可能救不了你,甚至连我自己都要搭进去了,只是可惜…我没有把我的小可爱们牵过来,不然的话,我一定会让我的小可爱们吃掉你和我的尸体…” Said here, this lunatic walked dejectedly, held Ash to pinch the wrist/skill of big tool rest on dark knight neck, pressed downward while sad saying came the brothers, greeted our destinies, we are dying!” 说道这里,这个疯子垂头丧气的走了过来,一把抓住了灰烬捏着大刀架在黑暗骑士脖子上的手腕,一边往下压一边难过的说道“来吧兄弟,迎接我们的命运,我们就要死了!” However cannot press... 但是却怎么也压不下去… fpzw fpzw High-speed writing hits to pass on hot hero the travel of chapter list of dimension 高速文字手打传火侠的次元之旅章节列表
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