DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1045: Dark knight

Looks to tower proudly into the skies in oneself front Ash, this dark knight light snort/hum, got hold of golden Machete in hand, threw without hesitation! 看着傲然挺立在自己面前的灰烬,这位黑暗骑士轻哼了一声,握紧了手中的金色弯刀,毫不犹豫的扑了过来! To lets him who the fight and slaughters zealously originally the scarlet pair of eyes hyperemia, stares at not far away to stand in same place motionless Ash stubbornly. That foot were most a moment ago is also an appetizer, now... should take the hard vegetable/dish! 对战斗和杀戮的热忱让他本就赤红的双眼充血,死死地盯着不远处站在原地一动不动的灰烬。刚才那一脚最多也就是一道开胃小菜,现在…该上硬菜了! Golden Machete holds up high, divided to cut toward the head of Ash fiercely! The eyes of Ash are staring at the eyes of this dark knight stubbornly, chops Machete that cuts to come facing him, Ash does not dodge does not evade, but wields to Firelink Greatsword in hand, welcomed to had fallen to front Machete... 金色的弯刀高高举起,朝着灰烬的脑袋猛地劈砍了下来!灰烬的双眼死死地盯着这个黑暗骑士的双眼,面对他劈砍而来的弯刀,灰烬不闪不避,只是将手中的传火大剑向上一挥,迎向了已经落到面前的弯刀 Also is a thunderclap explosive sound, is a metal fricative that lets the person of tooth acid... Firelink Greatsword and golden Machete hit in the same place, mutually rubbing. 又是一阵炸雷般的爆响声,紧接着是一阵让人牙酸的金属摩擦声…传火大剑和金色的弯刀撞在一起,相互摩擦着。 Grasped the dark knight of blade not to know that single-handed when turned into both hands to grasp the blade, put forth the whole body the strength, wants front to burn the big sword of flame to press... 原本单手握刀的黑暗骑士不知道什么时候变成了双手握刀,使出浑身的力气,想要将面前燃烧着火焰的大剑压下去… No matter how he makes an effort, is unable to let grasp Ash of sword to move single-handed half step, not to mention Firelink Greatsword in Ash hand. 但是不管他如何用力,都无法让单手握剑的灰烬移动半步,更别提灰烬手中的传火大剑了。 Looks in the eyes a piece of scarlet dark knight, Ash frowning of gently, why crooked head light saying „the soul of darkness... will make your such weak one his retinue, since? Really strange.” 看着双眼之中一片赤红的黑暗骑士,灰烬轻轻的皱起了眉头,歪了歪脑袋淡淡的说道“黑暗之魂…为什么会让你这样的弱者成为他的扈从呢?真是奇怪。” Facing the provocation of Ash, this thinks that he will be direct the dark knight who the violent walks not to have an appearance of point vitality/angry, but coldly is staring at Ash, saying every single word or phrase „, because we are invincible!” 面对灰烬的挑衅,本以为他会直接暴走的黑暗骑士却没有一点生气的样子,只是冷冷的盯着灰烬,一字一句的说道“因为我们战无不胜!” Speaks, the dark knight divided golden Machete above Ash Firelink Greatsword to receive, lifted the knee fiercely, hammered ruthlessly on the belly of Ash! 说完话,黑暗骑士劈在灰烬传火大剑之上的金色弯刀收了起来,紧接着猛地抬起了膝盖,狠狠地锤在了灰烬的肚子上! The disparity in build causes Ash to be very difficult to defend, even if oneself conducted the defense, was kicked is still affirmative... such being the case, that does not defend simply, cannot bear what wound in any case... 体型上的差距导致灰烬很难进行防御,就算自己进行了防御,被一脚踢飞也是肯定的…既然如此,那索性就不防御了,反正也受不了什么伤… Looks that was struck the knee to hit to withstand/top the sky by oneself directly Ash, the dark knight narrowed the eyes slowly, cannot resist with all one's strength, this was the dark knight to the Ash only appraisal. 看着被自己一击膝撞直接顶上天空的灰烬,黑暗骑士缓缓地眯起了双眼,不可力敌,这是黑暗骑士对灰烬唯一的评价。 Although he bloodthirsty is cruel, craves in slaughtering and fighting, but he is also intelligent, even it can be said that has the wisdom! 他虽然嗜血残忍,热衷于杀戮和战斗,但是他同样聪慧,甚至可以说是极具智慧! Short fight, the dark knight basically judges present Ash, although said the dark king who he has not given loyalty to is powerful, but they work together a magnitude, but oneself... with them are not a dimension! 只是短暂的交手,黑暗骑士就基本上判断出眼前的这个灰烬虽然说没有他所效忠的黑暗之王强大,但是他们同事一个量级的,而自己…跟他们根本就不是一个次元的! Before although listened to king of Shuoqi darkness, even if this fellow found so-called three Lord Soul possibly is not his opponent, but the dark knight actually did not prepare to raise the tiger to create disaster, this is why he sought the Ash reason... 之前虽然听黑暗之王说起过,这个家伙就算找到了所谓的三王魂也不可能是他的对手,但是黑暗骑士却不准备养虎为患,这就是为什么他独自一人找上了灰烬的原因… However from the present situation, he is unable to defeat Ash, but... he does not prepare to walk now. 不过从现在的情况来看,他是无法战胜灰烬的,不过…他不准备现在就走。 Narrowed the eye gently, the dark knight got hold of golden Machete in hand, looks that Ash in sky is alerting cautiously... 轻轻的眯了眯眼睛,黑暗骑士握紧了手中的金色弯刀,看着天空中的灰烬小心翼翼的戒备着… Ash in sky, looks at the horizon the fog, Ash deeply inspires, a hand grasps slowly, Thunder Gun got hold by Ash, threw toward below dark knight ruthlessly! 天空中的灰烬,看着天边的云雾,灰烬深深地吸了一口气,一只手缓缓地握起,一只雷枪灰烬握紧,朝着下方的黑暗骑士狠狠地扔了过去! Throws Thunder Gun that comes facing Ash, dark knight very unusual has not dodged, but built golden Machete in hand, tries the standard to keep off. 面对灰烬投掷而来的雷枪,黑暗骑士非常反常的没有进行闪避,而是架起了手中的金色弯刀,试图格挡。 He can the make way, the physical quality and fight accomplishment of before him displaying, Ash believes firmly this point, but he does not dodge does not evade, prepares to meet hardly... 他是可以闪开的,从他之前表现出来的身体素质和战斗素养,灰烬确信这一点,但是他就是不闪不避,准备硬接… Ash in sky saw that the dark knight prepared to meet own Thunder Gun hardly, the corners of the mouth cannot help but brought back a cruel smile... 天空中的灰烬看到黑暗骑士准备硬接自己的雷枪,嘴角不由得勾起了一丝残忍的微笑… Before scalding hot Thunder Gun may be different that foot with, this spear/gun, Ash united very huge strength, after all has calculated that he may dodge, therefore in which strength light pounded in the explosion that the ground had enough murders the god! But he does not prepare to dodge now unexpectedly, that was is good! 灼热的雷枪可不同与自己之前的那一脚,这一枪,灰烬凝聚了非常庞大的力量,毕竟已经算到了他可能会闪避,所以其中的力量光是砸在地上产生的爆炸都足够弑神了!而他现在竟然不准备闪避,那是在是太好了! Thinks of here, Ash also prepared to throw the hand that Thunder Gun pursues to loosen again slowly..., whatever pound toward the ground. 想到这里,灰烬本来还准备再扔出一只雷枪追击的手缓缓地松开了…任由自己朝着地面砸去。 The golden thunder light punishes just like the day, attacks the ground from the clouds! Hit ruthlessly above the golden long sword in dark knight hand! 金色的雷光宛如天罚,从云端直插地面!狠狠地撞在了黑暗骑士手中的金色长剑之上! The flash of contact, the thunder of scalding hot high-temperature and twinkle explodes, wraps the dark knight whole person in... 接触的一瞬间,灼热的高温和闪烁的雷霆就爆炸开,将黑暗骑士整个人包裹在其中… All these were watched by Ash Ash, but looks the form that the explosion in the ray stands upright as before, Ash actually deeply frowns! 这一切都被灰烬灰烬看在眼里,但是看着爆炸的光芒之中依旧挺立的身影,灰烬却深深地皱起了眉头! Situation some are not right, this dark knight has not died! Ate itself to send Thunder Gun hardly, is actually also living? What's all this about? Was the soul of darkness gives him to shelter? 情况有些不对,这个黑暗骑士还没有死!硬吃了自己一发雷枪,竟然还活着?这是怎么回事?难道是黑暗之魂给予了他庇护? Thinks of here, has fallen in Ash to ground clenches teeth ruthlessly, the opened palm grasps again, Thunder Gun... chaos fireball... crystallization spear/gun, one after another threw from the hand of Ash, threw to the dark knight in flame... 想到这里,已经落到地面上的灰烬狠狠地咬了咬牙,已经张开的手掌再一次握起,雷枪…混沌火球…结晶枪,一个接着一个的从灰烬的手中扔了出去,扔向了火光之中的黑暗骑士… Under the Ash wanton bombing, the surrounding land for building threw off, the trees were destroyed, take the dark knight as the center of circle, the surrounding all were destroyed completely! 灰烬的狂轰滥炸之下,周围的地皮被掀翻,树木被摧毁,以黑暗骑士为圆心,周围的一切都被摧毁殆尽! The stone of ground changed to the scalding hot lava, is flowing slowly..., but the dark knight... static standing in the middle, lived as before as before! 地上的土石化作了灼热的熔岩,缓缓地流动着…而黑暗骑士…依旧静静的站在中间,依旧活了下来! Sees this, Ash gently crooked head, to be honest, this somewhat was unthinkable, although somewhat became confused before angrily, but has sobered point Ash actually to discover slightly, present fellow, although Armor has broken to pieces the fragment, scattered place, however his body has no scar as before... 看到这一幕,灰烬轻轻的歪了歪脑袋,说实话,这就有些匪夷所思了,虽然之前有些被愤怒冲昏了头脑,但是已经稍微清醒一点的灰烬却发现,眼前的这个家伙,虽然铠甲已经碎成了碎片,散落了一地,但是他的身躯却依旧没有什么伤痕… Although Armor has broken to pieces, but the head brings the helmet is still perfect, making Ash unable to see clearly his face, Machete in hand is gripping tightly as before, is splendid... muscle sticks out under the complementing of flame, as if contains the endless strength! 虽然铠甲已经碎了,但是头上带着的头盔依旧完好无损,让灰烬看不清他的面庞,手中的弯刀依旧紧握着,在火光的映衬之下更是熠熠生辉…身上的肌肉隆起,仿佛其中蕴含着无尽的力量! Stands in lava gulf that was bombed by Ash, the dark knight deeply inspires, then roared fiercely, the whole person, flushed from the gulf at an incredible rate, Machete in hand killed again to Ash! 站在被灰烬轰炸出来的熔岩深坑之中,黑暗骑士深深地吸了一口气,然后猛地一声咆哮,整个人以难以置信的速度,从深坑之中冲了出来,手中的弯刀再一次杀向了灰烬 A Ash brow wrinkle, Firelink Greatsword uphold in without hesitation hand, welcomed slightly to his cutting struck! 灰烬的眉头微微一皱,手中的传火大剑毫不犹豫的抬起,迎向了他的斩击! Two weapons collided ruthlessly in one, Ash stepped on the both feet of tread deeply to fall into the ground, grasped the sword also to change into both hands to grasp the sword single-handed... 两把武器狠狠地碰撞在了一起,灰烬踩着地面的双脚深深地陷入了地面,单手握剑也换成了双手握剑… Not right... is not very right! The speed of this fellow also had the strength to be entirely different from before! Actually this is... 不对劲…很不对劲!这个家伙的速度还有力量都跟之前截然不同!这究竟是… Also without and other Ash wants to understand why will have this matter, the dark knight long blade turns while you are at it , from a strange angle to the Ash nape of the neck... 还没等灰烬想明白为什么会发生这种事,黑暗骑士就手中的长刀一翻,从一个诡异的角度看向了灰烬的脖颈… Looks that threatening cutting strikes, Ash narrowed the eye, the body took advantage of opportunity goes backward but actually, avoided this sword, then the single-handed brace retreated backward. 看着来势汹汹的斩击,灰烬眯起了眼睛,身体顺势向后倒去,避开了这一剑,然后单手撑地向后退去。 Drew back Ash of distance deeply to frown backward, looks in the dark knight eye of not far away full is dignified... 向后退了一段距离的灰烬深深地皱起了眉头,看着不远处的黑暗骑士眼中满是凝重… This fellow, is not very right! It is not right! By oneself after various energy wanton bombing, returned safe and sound did not say, promoted unexpectedly probably was the same, did the body tissue qualitative change exceptionally powerful, wait for... the energy? 这家伙,很不对劲!非常非常不对劲!被自己用各种能量狂轰滥炸了一番之后,毫发无损不说,竟然好像是升级了一样,身体素质变得异常强大,等等…能量? Probably thinks anything is the same, Ash slowly leaning leaning head, shot a look at a not far away to scatter place the armor fragment, deeply frowns... 好像想到了什么一样,灰烬缓缓地偏了偏脑袋,瞥了一眼不远处散落一地的盔甲残片,深深地皱起了眉头… That foot that oneself begin, enough had suppressed, cannot destroy his Armor , makes his mouth spit the blood, received some minor wounds, but the effect of that wanton bombing was entirely different a moment ago! The armor broke to pieces place, however his body actually returned safe and sound... 自己开场的那一脚,已经足够狠了,都没能破坏他的铠甲,却让他口吐鲜血,受了些轻伤,但是刚才那一顿狂轰滥炸的效果却截然不同!盔甲碎成了一地,但是他的身躯却毫发无损… In summary can draw a conclusion, body of this fellow have not imagined that firm may not most, a foot be able to kick him at least spits blood! 综上所述可以得出一个结论,这个家伙的身体并没有自己想象中的那么坚不可最,最起码自己一脚就能把他踢得吐血! Next... he very has probably the energy attack immunity to a certain extent, even he might be absorbed oneself energy attack, passing that this can perhaps explain, own Thunder Gun and so on attack damaged his Armor , actually cannot injure to his body! 其次…他很可能拥有某种程度上的能量攻击免疫,甚至他有可能是吸收了自己的能量攻击,这也许就能解释的通,自己的雷枪之类的攻击只是损坏了他的铠甲,却没能伤到他的身躯了! Thinks of here, Ash gently narrowed the eye, if so, then the issue became Jane only! Kills him, cannot use the energy attack, can only use the physics to attack! As the matter stands... the balance of victory has started to incline! 想到这里,灰烬轻轻的眯起了眼睛,如果是这样的话,那么问题就变得非常单了!杀死他,不能使用能量攻击,只能使用物理攻击!这样一来…胜利的天平已经开始倾斜了! Thinks of here, Ash slowly narrowed the eye, the dark knight to not far away grinned fiendishly, receives the flame that Firelink Greatsword in hand... above Firelink Greatsword burnt after all to should also to be one of the energy, at this time, steady was naturally good... 想到这里,灰烬缓缓的眯起了眼睛,冲着不远处的黑暗骑士狞笑了一声,收起了手中的传火大剑…毕竟传火大剑之上燃烧的火焰应该也算是能量的一种,这种时候,稳健一点自然是再好不过了… Deeply inspires, Ash exhibited the stance, empty shakes in his hand light/only to flash through together completely, one seems is contaminating the bloodstain, the cutting edge slightly flood red, the jet black fierce broadsword was grasped by Ash all over the body in the hand... 深吸了一口气,灰烬摆开了架势,虚握其的手中一道光满闪过,一把好似沾染着血迹,刀口微微泛红,通体漆黑的狰狞大刀就被灰烬握在了手中… Exile white spirit sword warning! Gripped tightly Liuqu in hand, Ash was exhaling foul air, stopped to dark knight light saying of not far away, your ability I have verified, now is your time of death!” 流放者大曲剑警告!紧握着手中的流曲,灰烬呼出了一口浊气,冲着不远处的黑暗骑士淡淡的说道“到此为止吧,你的能力我已经探明了,现在就是你的死期!” The dark knight looks to exhibit the stance Ash, gently narrowed the scarlet eyes, in the mouth in a soft voice twittering to un... the body function 8, wrestle skill 8, the energy controlled 9, intelligence 7..., he hesitated a moment ago probably, 6...” 黑暗骑士看着摆开架势的灰烬,轻轻的眯起了自己猩红色的双眼,口中轻声呢喃到“嗯…身体机能八,格斗技巧八,能量操控九,智能七…嗯,他刚才好像犹豫了一下,六吧…” Probably fired off minute to Ash, the dark knight also exhibited the stance, is waiting for the attack of Ash... 好像是给灰烬打完了分,黑暗骑士也摆开了架势,等待着灰烬的进攻… Ash contemptuously smiled one, the ground crack of under foot, the Ash form from vanished instantaneously same place, when appeared again, Ash had arrived at the front of dark knight, the exile white spirit sword in hand from bottom to top, cut toward the weak point that the dark knight defended! 灰烬轻蔑的笑了一声,脚下的地面一阵龟裂,灰烬的身影瞬间从原地消失,等到再次出现时,灰烬已经来到了黑暗骑士的面前,手中的流放者大曲剑自下而上,朝着黑暗骑士防御的薄弱点砍了过去! This Ash has no ingredient of showing mercy, rushes to a blade to hack to death this fellow to go! 这一次灰烬没有任何手下留情的成分,就是奔着一刀砍死这个家伙去的! Facing a Ash not loathsome blade, the dark knight scarlet pupil of cannot help but shrinks, the body flash reacted, backs up to go backward! 面对灰烬毫不拖泥带水的一刀,黑暗骑士猩红色的瞳孔不由得一缩,身体一瞬间就做出了反应,向后倒退而去! His body is seemingly grandiose, but somewhat is also extremely fat . Moreover the Ash speed is not opening that who can dodge! 他的身躯看似壮硕,但也有些臃肿,而且灰烬的速度可不是谁都能闪避的开的! If poured to cancel the common sharp blade to cut the dark knight not to have the body that the armor protected, deeply the wound, was together slanting is appearing in his waist abdomen... looks the dark knight who the preparation continued to retrocede, Ash cold snort/hum, the under foot moved continues to launch the pursuit! 如倒勾一般的利刃划破了黑暗骑士没有了盔甲保护的身躯,一道深深地伤口,斜着出现在了他的腰腹部…看着准备继续后退的黑暗骑士,灰烬冷哼了一声,脚下一动继续展开追击! You cannot escape!” “你逃不掉的!” fpzw fpzw High-speed writing hits to pass on hot hero the travel of chapter list of dimension 高速文字手打传火侠的次元之旅章节列表
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