DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1044: Delivers

The blue ray flashes past, Ash then brings Freya and Hela moves the place that Kratos was at instantaneously 蓝色的光芒一闪而过,灰烬便带着芙蕾雅海拉瞬间移动到了奎托斯所在的地方 Looking into the distance, the institute of vision and is completely one piece in confusion... not far away Kratos and Atreus family/home, that simple small log cabin, but at this moment, the small log cabin had turned into one pile of wood/blockhead remnant slag mucks on the ground... 放眼望去,目光之所及尽是一片狼藉…不远处正是奎托斯阿特柔斯的家,那个朴素的小木屋,但是此时此刻,小木屋已经变成了一堆木头残渣堆在地上… But not far away, is the Kratos fathers and sons, is tall, a man of iron armor... 而不远处,正是奎托斯父子,还有一个身材高大,一身铁甲的男人… This fellow is the god, this point will not have the mistake, Ash from his Soul and imposing manner can affirm this point, but after sizing up good long while, turning the head of some Ash doubts looked that asks this fellow to side expression dignified Freya... is your here gods? How I felt that does not look like! His style seems some to be not quite same as you!” 这家伙也是神,这一点不会有错,从他的灵魂和气势上灰烬就可以肯定这一点,但是打量了好半天之后,灰烬有些疑惑的转过头看向身旁表情凝重的芙蕾雅问道“这家伙…是你们这里的神明吗?我怎么感觉看着不像啊!他的画风跟你们好像有些不太一样呢!” Freya shaking the head of gently, somewhat serious saying „... I am very not definite, he is not nine in gods, in other words... he likely is like you and Kratos, from other world!” 芙蕾雅轻轻的摇了摇头,有些严肃的说道“不…我很确定,他不是九界之中的神明,也就是说…他很可能跟你和奎托斯一样,是从其他世界来的!” The time of speech, this wears the whole body iron armor, the height was even better than to be higher than a section of fellow Kratos to angrily roar, grasped shining Machete to kill toward Kratos! 说话的功夫,这个身穿全身铁甲,身高甚至比奎托斯好要高出一截的家伙怒吼了一声,握着一把金光灿灿的弯刀朝着奎托斯杀了过去! Hides takes the lead to act in Kratos behind Atreus, the arrow arrow in hand is twining the electric light, shot toward this big man! 躲在奎托斯身后的阿特柔斯率先出手,手中的箭矢缠绕着电光,朝着这个高大男子射了过去! Facing the Atreus arrow arrow, this man does not seem to see to be the same, the continuation advance of devils, the arrow arrow shoots, in he was dressing above iron armor, has not exuded mighty waves... not to become the little injury to other party! 面对阿特柔斯的箭矢,这个男人就好像没有看到一样,凶神恶煞的继续突进,箭矢射在了他穿戴着的铁甲之上,没有泛起一丝波澜…更没有对他造成一点点伤害! Kratos sees this, deeply frowns, in the hand is gripping tightly the double blade, steps, welcomed forward to this strange fellow! 奎托斯看到这一幕,深深地皱起了眉头,手中紧握着双刀,向前一个踏步,迎向了这个稀奇古怪的家伙! Originally Ash is prepares to see a play, Hela that but was brought by Ash was actually unable to continue watching, the under foot moves, charged into the direction that Kratos and Atreus was at fast. 本来灰烬是准备看戏的,但是被灰烬带过来的海拉却看不下去了,脚下一动,飞快的冲向了奎托斯阿特柔斯所在的方向。 Here sound caused in the fight three people of attention! However Kratos and this man have launched the charge, is naturally impossible to divert attention, only then Atreus transfers is excessive, sees to Hela, Atreus quickly opened the bow and arrow, projected an arrow without hesitation! 这边的动静引起了战斗中三人的注意力!不过奎托斯和这个男人已经展开了冲锋,自然是不可能分心的,只有阿特柔斯转过了头,看到冲过来的海拉,阿特柔斯急忙拉开了弓箭,毫不犹豫的射出了一箭! After all can with the person who Ash battles, Hela naturally impossible by a Atreus arrow hit a target, the long sickle in hand without hesitation wields, swings the arrow arrow that Atreus shoots, Hela arrived at the Atreus front, after taking a look at anxious Atreus, relaxes saying that you are all right... you to be all right well well...” 毕竟是能跟灰烬作战的人,海拉自然不可能被阿特柔斯的一箭射中,手中的长柄镰刀毫不犹豫的一挥,将阿特柔斯射来的箭矢荡开,海拉来到了阿特柔斯的面前,上上下下打量了一番紧张的阿特柔斯之后,松了一口气说道“你没事就好…你没事就好…” Atreus looks at present is concerned looks at itself, is afraid the injured woman, gently frowns saying that who you... you are? I...” 阿特柔斯看着眼前关切的看着自己,一副害怕自己受伤的女人,轻轻的皱起了眉头说道“你…你是谁?我…” Has not waited for the Atreus present words saying that a collision sound of not far away metal transmits, follows also has the Kratos big roar child! Fire!” 还没等阿特柔斯话说完,不远处一阵金属的碰撞声传来,紧随其后还有奎托斯的大吼声“孩子!射击!” The Atreus hurried revolutions is excessive, aimed at the bow and arrow in hand is taking Machete and own father puts together the big man of blade, projected an arrow again! 阿特柔斯急忙转过了头,将手中的弓箭瞄准了正拿着弯刀和自己的父亲拼刀的高大男子,再一次射出了一箭! This time, twined thunder light the arrow arrow to hit this big man, hit the slit on male Armor , inserted his within the body! 这一次,缠绕着雷光的箭矢命中了这个高大的男子,命中了男子铠甲上的缝隙,插进了他的体内! The eyes under big men's helmet flash through a red ominous light, angrily roared to lift the leg, kicked on the belly of Kratos, kicked him! 高大的男子头盔之下的双眼闪过一丝红色的凶光,怒吼一声抬起了腿,一脚踢在了奎托斯的肚子上,将他踢飞了出去! Father!” Atreus bellowed, quickly overruns to aid own father, but was actually blocked getting down by nearby Hela not, I go!” “父亲!”阿特柔斯大吼了一声,急忙冲过去想要援助自己的父亲,但是却被一旁的海拉拦了下来“不,我去!” Speaks, Hela moved sideways to rush to Kratos behind, blocked backing up Kratos... 说完话,海拉一个闪身冲到了奎托斯的身后,将正在倒退的奎托斯拦了下来… Kratos looked at an behind mysterious woman, frowning of gently , he although does not know that who this woman is, why succinctly helps them, but could not have controlled so many now. 奎托斯看了一眼身后的这个神秘女人,轻轻的皱起了眉头,他虽然不知道这个女人是谁,为什么扼要帮助他们,但是现在已经管不了那么多了。 Stopped with great difficulty, Kratos got hold of the double blade in hand, will look at not far away that again the arrow arrow the man who extracts downward from oneself, cold sound was asking you! Actually you are who!” 好不容易停了下来,奎托斯握紧了手中的双刀,再一次将目光投向了不远处那个正在将箭矢从自己身上拔下来的男人,冷声质问道“你!你究竟是什么人!” Who yes are you? Looks somewhat unfamiliarly, this little plot of land has not seen you, doesn't make to introduce oneself? Strangers “是啊你是谁啊?看着有些眼生啊,这一亩三分地的没见过你啊,不做个自我介绍吗?陌生人” Hears the Ash sound, an revolutions of Kratos face surprise is excessive, looked that has Ash that a woman who to not far away is fanning the wing walks... 听到灰烬的声音,奎托斯一脸诧异的转过了头,看向了不远处带着一个扇动着翅膀的女人走过来的灰烬 How Ash you... did you come?” 灰烬你…你怎么又来了?” Heard the Kratos words, Ash cannot help but turned Byakugan, resigned-looking saying what was also! The brother you really do not have the conscience, I discovered you to catch up troublesome especially! Moreover waits a while also to have a pleasant surprise to give to you and your son... now, first has a look here this strong man!” 听到奎托斯的话,灰烬不由得翻了个白眼,一脸无奈的说道“什么叫又啊!老哥你真是没良心,我是发现了你们这边有麻烦特地赶过来的!而且等一会还有个惊喜要送给你和你儿子呢…不过现在,先看看这边这位猛男吧!” The big man in not far away gently crooked head, in the hand is gripping arrow Yaichi pinching, exudes the red ominous eyes light/only to narrow the eyes slowly, to Ash light saying you... is you!... Truly, looks like very much, finally found you!” 不远处的高大男子轻轻的歪了歪脑袋,将手中攥着的箭矢一把捏断,泛着红色凶光的双眼缓缓地眯起,冲着灰烬淡淡的说道“你…就是你啊!啊…确实,很像,终于找到你了!” „Do you look his?” Atreus has doubts looked at this man, looked at Ash “你找他的?”阿特柔斯疑惑的看了看这个男人,又看了看灰烬 „Do you look my?” Ash is also bewildered putting out a hand, referred to itself... “你找我的?”灰烬也是一脸茫然的伸出手,指了指自己… Took a look at a present man, Ash frowning of gently, oneself do not know this fellow! Absolutely doesn't have the impression to look own? What matter looks for oneself? 上上下下的打量了一番眼前的这个男人,灰烬轻轻的皱起了眉头,自己不认识这个家伙啊!完全没有印象啊是找自己的?找自己什么事呢? Also without and other Ash asked that that man in not far away got hold of golden Machete in hand, pointed at Ash light saying to greet the death... this is your only destiny!” 还没等灰烬发问,不远处的那个男人就握紧了手中的金色弯刀,指着灰烬淡淡的说道“迎接死亡吧…这将是你唯一的命运!” Ash coughed lightly, flexure scratched the head said in a soft voice volume... you wanted me dead... you to achieve this us not to mention, but why? Although said the person who I offend were many went, wanting me to assign/life the people who also to line up, these person of I remembered or have the impression, but you... I did not remember you! Also does not have any impression... are you that small biscuit?” 灰烬轻咳了一声,挠了挠头轻声说道“额…你要我死…你做不做得到这个咱们暂且不说,但是为什么啊?虽然说我得罪的人多了去了,想要我命的人都还排着队呢,这些人我都记得或者有印象,可是你…我不记得你啊!也没有任何印象…你是那块小饼干啊?” The men hear Ash the eye of teasing, cold snort/hum a dark knight who said me is the king of darkness! Although the king of darkness left behind your life, but I actually do not think, in my opinion you are a threat, must therefore kill you, the king of darkness is not willing to do this matter... to make me come to do for him!” 男子听到灰烬的戏谑之眼,冷哼了一声说道“我是黑暗之王的黑暗骑士!虽然黑暗之王留下了你的命,但是我却不这么想,在我看来你是一个威胁,所以必须杀死你,黑暗之王不愿意做这件事…那么就让我来替他做!” Ash bewildered flexure scratched the head, the king of darkness? The dark knight of king of darkness? Also left behind own life? Who is this? 灰烬还是一脸茫然的挠了挠头,黑暗之王?黑暗之王的黑暗骑士?还留下了自己的命?这都是谁啊? Nearby Freya looks at Ash that does not know at all, collected to ask how many people Ash you... to offend in a soft voice, how did others walk in you unable to think?” 一旁的芙蕾雅看着一问三不知的灰烬,凑过来轻声问道“灰烬你…到底是得罪了多少人啊,怎么人家都找上门来了你都想不起来?” Looks that does not know oneself were saying that what Ash, the man who this says the dark knight sneered, is staring pair of scarlet eyes, doesn't remember to Ash contemptuous saying? Your woman was won, your life is also that woman asks favor for you preserves, did you forget? I also think that will make you very suffer...” 看着还是不知道自己在说什么的灰烬,这位自称黑暗骑士的男人冷笑了一声,瞪着一双猩红色的双眼,冲着灰烬轻蔑的说道“难道不记得了吗?你的女人被夺走了,就连你的命也是那个女人替你求情才保住的,难道你忘记了吗?我还以为那会让你很痛苦呢…” The dark knight finishes speaking... stands in Ash body side everyone, Kratos is also good, Freya is also good, Hela is also good, Atreus could feel, the surrounding air changed... a huge imposing manner that made people unable to neglect to brave from the body of Ash! 黑暗骑士话音刚落…站在灰烬身侧的所有人,奎托斯也好,芙蕾雅也好,海拉也好,就连阿特柔斯都感觉得到,周围的空气变了…一股让人无法忽视的巨大气势从灰烬的身上冒了出来! You...” Transmits from the throat of Ash like nine quiet hell general gloomy sounds, the surrounding person revolutions was excessive, looks to Ash... “你…”如同九幽地狱一般阴森的声音从灰烬的喉咙之中传来,周围的人都转过了头,看向了灰烬 „... Is such matter, you are his person! Very good... to be good! Really was good! I added where should go to look for you! Has not thought...” “啊…是这么回事,你是他的人啊!很好…非常好!实在是太好了!我还说该去什么地方找你们呢!没想到…” At this point, Ash lowers the head slowly, exuded appalling laughter, raised the head again, never expected that you dares to appear to dark knight appearance fierce low exclaiming of not far away in my front unexpectedly on own initiative! Really intimate!” 说到这里,灰烬缓缓地低下了头,发出了一阵让人毛骨悚然的笑声,再次抬起头,冲着不远处的黑暗骑士面目狰狞的低吼道“没想到你竟然敢主动出现在我的面前!真是贴心啊!” Speaks, Ash then lifted the foot, that big man toward not far away walked step by step! 说完话,灰烬便抬起了脚,一步一步朝着不远处的那个高大男子走了过去! Sees the form of Ash slow vanguard, looks the scarlet red lava pits that the place that the Ash under foot passes through leaves behind, Freya deeply inspires... 看着灰烬缓慢前行的身影,看着灰烬脚下走过的地方留下的一个个赤红色的熔岩坑,芙蕾雅深深地吸了一口气… Such anger, is so strong, even naked eye obvious murderous aura! Although also has to see the appearance that Ash has enforced, but... Freya discovers now, oneself insufficiently understanding present man! 如此的愤怒,如此强烈,甚至肉眼可见的杀气!虽然也不是没有见过灰烬严肃起来的样子,但是现在…芙蕾雅发现,自己还是不够了解眼前的这个男人! ...... …… Gradually before arriving at the body of big man, Ash tumbled the scalding hot air wave... to stand firm from top to bottom the footsteps, Ash lifted the head slowly, filled to kill the eyes and that pair of scarlet pupil of intent to the apparent... 缓步来到了高大男子的身前,灰烬浑身上下翻滚着灼热的气浪…站定了脚步,灰烬缓缓地抬起了头,充满杀意的双眼和那双猩红色的瞳孔对视在了一起… You can deliver on own initiative... are really good!” Ash twisted the mouth sidewise the mouth, showed a bright smile “你能主动来送…真是太好了!”灰烬咧开了嘴,露出了一个灿烂的笑容 A loud sound transmits, Atreus covered oneself ear uncomfortably, this crack just like startling thunderclap, but originates is actually not the sky, but in their front... 一声巨响传来,阿特柔斯难受的捂住了自己的耳朵,这一声炸响宛如惊雷,但是来源却不是天空,而就在他们的前方… That stands the big man in front of Ash, had been kicked by Ash! But that loud sound, Ash kicks when the collision sound that man body hears! 那个站在灰烬面前的高大男人,已经被灰烬一脚踢飞了出去!而那一声巨响,正是灰烬踢在那个男人身上时传来的碰撞声! So fierce collision sound, is very difficult to imagine this is a foot of person, a body of person collides the sound that mutually can create! 如此剧烈的碰撞声,很难想象这是一个人的脚,还有一个人的身体相互碰撞所能造成的动静! Is dashed the surrounding all by the dark knight who the Ash bang flies, trees rock, continuously flies backward, no matter collides and damages many things , there is nothing sign that must stop! 灰烬一脚轰飞的黑暗骑士撞破了周围的一切,树木山石,一直不停的向后飞去,不管撞坏多少东西,都没有任何要停下来的迹象! Finally, the dark knight stopped, in passing through a forest, after a mountain peak,... he stopped finally 最终,黑暗骑士还是停了下来,在贯穿了一片森林,一座山峰之后…他终于停了下来 Is backing on a mountain peak, dark knight both hands are supporting oneself body, slowly crawled from deeply the pothole, just crawled, a blood spews out from his mouth! 背靠着一座山峰,黑暗骑士双手支撑着自己的身体,缓缓的从深深地坑洞之中爬了出来,刚刚爬起来,一口鲜血就从他的口中喷涌而出! This foot... his physique is outstanding enough, armor is hard enough, let alone was kicks to spit blood, even if gave to kick to explode his internal organs directly has the possibility! 这一脚…要不是他的体质足够优秀,身上的装甲足够坚硬,别说是踢吐血了,就算是直接把他的内脏都给踢爆都有可能! Spat the blood of mouth, the man crawled from the gulf cleanly slowly, is raising Machete in hand, step by step walked outward... under the helmet that pair of scarlet pair of eyes not slight vacillation, hid the corners of the mouth under helmet, even some rose slightly... 吐干净了嘴里的鲜血,男人缓缓地从深坑之中爬了出来,提着手中的弯刀,一步一步的向外走去…头盔之下那双猩红色的双眼没有丝毫的动摇,隐藏在头盔之下的嘴角,甚至有些微微上扬… Is... then looks like the appearance! Kills such existence, is I deeply loves! Killed this fellow... to prove I had challenge the qualifications of king of darkness again!” “是的…这才像样子!杀死这样的存在,才是我所热爱的!杀死了这个家伙…就证明着我有再次挑战黑暗之王的资格了吧!” At the same time is speaking, the dark knight the cave that excavated from his mortal body has walked came out... to receive him, stood before the mountain, does not know when has put on Armor , in the hand has been raising the big sword, is burning from top to bottom flaming roaring flame Ash! 一边说着话,黑暗骑士就已经从他肉身开凿出来的山洞之中走了出来…而应接着他的,正是站在山前,不知什么时候已经穿上了铠甲,手中提着大剑,浑身上下燃烧着熊熊烈焰的灰烬 High-speed writing hits to pass on hot hero the travel of chapter list of dimension 高速文字手打传火侠的次元之旅章节列表
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