DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1043: AWSL

Ash gripped tightly is wanting to pass through his grid Neil, the foot piled up with all kinds of weapons of break, nearby Freya and Hela anything busy could not add on... can only stare on helplessly. 灰烬紧握着想要贯穿他的冈格尼尔,脚边堆满了断裂的各式各样的武器,一旁的芙蕾雅海拉又什么忙都帮不上…只能就这么干瞪眼。 Suddenly, the scene becomes incomparable awkward... Ash does not want to be held, two women surround .avi in the one side 一时间,场面变得无比的尴尬…灰烬不想被捅,两女人在一旁围观.avi Although sounds has the different meanings very much, but now is such situation! Even if grid Neil were grasped by Ash in the hand, but non-stop in drills... nearby Freya and Hela toward in still can only look, cannot add on busily 虽然听起来很有歧义,但是现在就是这么个情况啊!冈格尼尔即便被灰烬握在手中,但还是不停的在往里钻…一旁的芙蕾雅海拉也只能看着,一点忙都帮不上 The situation refused to compromise, is racking brains in Freya , helping Ash tries to find the solution the time, the Ash sudden revolutions is excessive, a cheek sore looks that Freya asked you to say a moment ago... this thing must stab I, or Odin stopped the ability to listen right!” 情况就这么僵持了下来,就在芙蕾雅正绞尽脑汁,帮灰烬想办法的时候,灰烬突然转过了头,一脸蛋疼的看着芙蕾雅问道“你刚才说…这东西必须要刺中我,或者奥丁自己停下来才能听对吧!” Freya nod of gently, then helpless sighed to say „, but in... Odin was impossible to stop, do not worry, I... I am helping you try to find the solution, let me...” 芙蕾雅轻轻的点了点头,然后无奈的叹了口气说道“是的,但是…奥丁是不可能停下里的,不要着急,我…我在帮你想办法,让我…” Ash turned Byakugan, light snort/hum said that considers as finished, when you find out the means that the day lily was cool! I come, you two, will draw back in the future one step, do not injure to you... do not splash your blood 灰烬翻了个白眼,轻哼了一声说道“算了吧,等你想出办法来,黄花菜都凉了!还是我自己来吧,你们两个,往后退一步,别伤到你们…也别溅你们一身血” Hears the Ash words, Freya frowning of gently, some doubts looks that Ash did ask what you to make?” 听到灰烬的话,芙蕾雅轻轻的皱起了眉头,有些疑惑的看着灰烬问道“你要做什么?” You leave alone, ok, my hand pinched this thing to be very tired, hurries to draw back in the future two steps, quickly!” “你别管,行了,我手捏着这东西很累的,赶紧往后退两步,赶快的!” Looks at face agitated Ash, Freya to nearby Hela shaking the head of gently, will then draw back on own initiative in the future two steps, although she does not know that Ash must do, but now except for listening to Ash beside she could not do anything... 看着一脸烦躁的灰烬,芙蕾雅冲着一旁的海拉轻轻的摇了摇头,然后主动往后退了两步,她虽然不知道灰烬要干什么,但是现在除了听灰烬的之外她也干不了什么… After Freya and Hela remove, Ash deeply inspires, the armor that the body puts on vanished during a flowing light does not see, revealed the Ash white and tender upper part... 等到芙蕾雅海拉都撤开之后,灰烬深吸了一口气,身上穿着的护甲在一阵流光之中消失不见,露出了灰烬白白嫩嫩的上半身… Looks to take off/escape Ash of clothes suddenly, Freya selects the eyebrow to ask Ash gently, what means you... do you have?” 看着突然脱衣服的灰烬,芙蕾雅轻轻的挑了挑眉问道“灰烬,你…你到底有什么办法?” The Ash chuckle said that is not you said grid Neil, so long as stabbed I to stop not?” 灰烬轻笑了一声说道“不是你说的嘛冈格尼尔只要刺中我就能停下来了不是吗?” Spoke this saying, the hand of Ash is pinching grid Neil, bit by bit searches toward own chest... 说这话,灰烬的手捏着冈格尼尔,一点一点的朝着自己的胸膛探去… The sharp lance point punctured the skin of Ash, the blood remained from the wound... 锋利的枪尖刺破了灰烬的皮肤,鲜血从伤口之中留了出来… Grabs grid Neil's Ash as if to disregard the blood that oneself wound and flowed out as before, fixed the eyes on grid Neil's knitting the brows of gently hand to say as in a low voice light was this is not good? This may really be...” 依旧抓着冈格尼尔的灰烬仿佛无视了自己身上的伤口和流出的鲜血,依旧紧盯着手中的冈格尼尔轻轻的皱了皱眉低声说道“光是这样还不行吗?这可真是…” Speaks, Ash sudden one loosened the hand, lost grid Neil of control to follow the wound to jab into the body of Ash instantaneously, no stop passed through the Ash body! 说完话,灰烬突然一把松开了手,失去了控制的冈格尼尔瞬间顺着伤口刺进了灰烬的身体之中,毫无阻拦的贯穿了灰烬的身躯! The sharp long spear/gun jabs into from the chest of Ash, after conducted the back to puncture, sewed Ash on the ground! 锋利的长枪从灰烬的前胸刺进,从后背上刺了出来,将灰烬钉在了地上! One handful of blood spurted from the Ash wound and mouth, splashed place, Freya and Hela will draw back in the future two steps, this handful of blood also really can splash their... 一捧鲜血从灰烬的伤口和口中喷了出来,溅了一地,要不是芙蕾雅海拉往后退了两步,这一捧鲜血还真就能溅她们一身… Looks that the long spear/gun passed through the Ash body directly, Freya cannot help but startled, hurried three and makes two steps to clash, looks is sewn above the long spear/gun, the whole body is Ash of blood, somewhat anxious asking Ash! You... you are all right!” 看着长枪径直贯穿了灰烬的身躯,芙蕾雅不由得一惊,急忙三步并作两步冲了过来,看着被钉在长枪之上,浑身是血的灰烬,有些焦急的问道“灰烬!你…你没事吧!” Ash twisted the mouth sidewise the mouth, revealed tooth that stains the blood, to Freya is miserable smiles one saying that you looked my appearance... is all right probably? On the other hand... this was stops finally the spear/gun. Eh...” 灰烬咧开了嘴,露出了沾满鲜血的牙齿,冲着芙蕾雅惨兮兮的笑了一声说道“你看我的样子…像是没事吗?话说回来…这把枪总算是停下来了。额…” Speaks, the Ash head one hangs toward side, both hands also drooped... 说完话,灰烬脑袋往旁边一垂,双手也耷拉了下来… Sees this, Freya does not know what to do immediately should, was Ash this... gives up resisting? Was this dies? 看到这一幕,芙蕾雅顿时不知道现在该怎么办了,灰烬这是…放弃抵抗了吗?这是死了吗? After passing through the chest of Ash, grid Neil completed its mission, changes to a wisp of flowing light, vanishes from the Ash chest front does not see... 贯穿了灰烬的胸膛之后,冈格尼尔完成了它的使命,化作一缕流光,从灰烬的胸前消失不见… Lost Ash of support instantaneous to pass one to fall down, poured in the pool of blood, poured in the innumerable breaking swords... 失去了支撑的灰烬瞬间噗通一声倒在了地上,倒在了血泊之中,倒在了无数的断剑之中… Scene incomparable pitiful, even may say that sad touching the man of upper part, the chest place keeps emitting the blood, the side full is the weapon and blood of break... 场面无比的凄惨,甚至可说有一丝凄美一个着上半身的男子,心口处不停地冒出鲜血,身边满是断裂的武器和鲜血… The snowflake in sky fell gently, falls on the body of Ash, let nearby Freya and Hela somewhat feels helpless. 天空之中的雪花飘落,落在了灰烬的身上,让一旁的芙蕾雅海拉有些不知所措。 He... should not die! Odin... Odin actually has the so fearful strength, actually we... we should how...” “他…该不会就这么死了吧!奥丁奥丁竟然拥有如此可怕的力量,我们…我们究竟该怎么…” The Hela words have not said, poured Ash in pool of blood lifted the head suddenly, who shouted to shout „saying that to two people sounds I died! The mouth does good deeds to be good! I have not died!” 海拉话都还没说完,倒在血泊之中的灰烬突然抬起了脑袋,冲着两人大声嚷嚷道“谁说我死了!嘴里积点德行不行!我还没死呢!” Also was together the young tiger of blood column from the Ash wound a Freya heart that came out to look at startled, quickly bends down, arrives at the Ash side saying that has not died... has not died well! Do not move, my helps you process the wound! Your present wound is very serious!” 又是一道血柱从灰烬的伤口之中彪了出来看的芙蕾雅一阵心惊,急忙俯下身,来到了灰烬的身边说道“没死…没死就好!你别动,我这就帮你处理伤口!你现在伤的很严重!” Ash looks at face anxious Freya, shaking the head of gently, lifted hand operated swung says is all right, this injuring I received were many, without you imagined is so serious, I was only... am only somewhat uncomfortable, what evil I made, must by this humiliation... you be said after me, how coped with Odin? The words saying that his spear/gun is really very good yeah! When snatches to make us also crisp one crisply 灰烬看着一脸焦急的芙蕾雅,轻轻的摇了摇头,抬起手摇了摇说道“没事,这种伤我受的多了,没有你想象中的那么严重,我只是…只是有些难受而已,我是造了什么孽了,要受这种屈辱…你说我之后也这么对付奥丁怎么样?话说他那把枪真的是很不错哎!什么时候抢过来让咱也爽一爽” Freya opens mouth, wants to hold down the Ash chest front wound hand also to stop in in the air, looks falls down face up, the chest is bloody, when the mouth is also talking over Ash that grid Neil snatches to play, a face stunned... 芙蕾雅张了张嘴,想要按住灰烬胸前伤口的手也停在了空中,看着仰面倒在地上,胸口血流如注,嘴里还念叨着什么时候把冈格尼尔抢过来玩玩的灰烬,一脸的错愕… After Freya silent long time, to lying down asks that... you to be able first to manage in ground Ash you in a soft voice now? You are still bleeding!” 芙蕾雅沉默了良久之后,冲着躺在地上的灰烬轻声问道“那个…你现在能不能先把你自己管一下?你还在流血唉!” Ash sighs lightly, lifted the head to look own chest front wound, helpless nods saying that good good, I knew, this processed 灰烬轻叹了一口气,抬起脑袋看了看自己胸前的伤口,无奈的点了点头说道“好吧好吧,我知道了,这就处理一下” Spoke this saying, Ash lifts the hand slowly, according to own wound place, golden light flashed through without a trace, spans in the wound of Ash chest cavity on disappearance... except for a beach bloodstain is proving all these real... 说这话,灰烬缓缓地抬起手,按在了自己的伤口处,一阵金光闪过,横亘在灰烬胸腔的伤口就消失的无影无踪…除了一滩血迹证明着这一切都是真的… Looks that crawled from the ground slowly, assuming an air of self approbation Ash, does Freya deeply frown to ask Ash you... to be really all right? Grid Neil truly passed through your heart a moment ago!” 看着缓缓地从地上爬了起来,摇头晃脑的灰烬,芙蕾雅深深地皱起了眉头问道“灰烬你…真的没事吗?冈格尼尔刚才确实贯穿了你的心脏吧!” Ash has turned the head to shoot a look at Freya, gently shrugs saying that that truly is very fierce, I cannot even block, can only make it achieve the goal then the ball... you to be able rest assured that no obstructs greatly, flowed a blood 灰烬转过头瞥了一眼芙蕾雅,轻轻的耸了耸肩说道“是啊那个确实很厉害,我甚至拦不住啊,只能让它达成目的然后自己滚球了…不过你放心,没有什么大碍,也就是流了点血而已” Flowed... a blood? A Freya face surprise looks at that beach blood of Ash under foot, then helpless sighs saying that I knew, you are all right on well..., but now what to do? Odin has stared at us, do we also want to look for Kratos and Atreus that child? Can this... make them also stare?” 流了…点血?芙蕾雅一脸诧异的看着灰烬脚下的那一滩鲜血,然后无奈的叹了一口气说道“我知道了,你没事就好…但是现在怎么办?奥丁已经盯上我们了,我们还要去找奎托斯阿特柔斯那孩子吗?这会不会…让他们也被盯上?” Ash moved an own shoulder, scratched cleanly blood, put on own one, slowly the revolutions was then excessive, toward some of distant place, but the place looked at one gently, then the corners of the mouth rose saying that teased you to feel... the brain of Æsir slightly remnantly because we didn't ask them to let off them? Do not forget... your Various God dusk causes, is that two fathers and sons! May have no relations with me!” 灰烬活动了一下自己的肩膀,擦干净了身上的血液,穿上了自己的一副,然后缓缓地转过了头,朝着远方的某个而地方轻轻的看了一眼,然后嘴角微微上扬戏谑的说道“你觉得…阿萨神族的脑残会因为我们不去找他们就放过他们了吗?你不要忘记了…你们那个诸神黄昏的起因,就是那两父子!跟我可没有任何关系啊!” Nearby Hela as if listened to the Ash words to have the words, quickly flushed, looks that Ash anxious saying you meant... the present father and grandfather had walked by these Æsir people?” 一旁的海拉仿佛听出了灰烬话里有话,急忙冲了过来,看着灰烬焦急的说道“你的意思是说…现在父亲和祖父已经被那些阿萨神族的人找上门了?” Is Ash shrugging gently „the Æsir person does not know, but had walked, appearance that now probably is fighting...” 灰烬轻轻的耸了耸肩“是不是阿萨神族的人不知道,但是已经被找上门去了,现在好像正在战斗的样子…” Hears this saying somewhat anxiously, Hela looks at Ash to say that you also in anything! Quick... we must save them, my father now is a child, he does not have the means to resist these god clans!” 听到这话,海拉有些急切的看着灰烬说道“那你还在等什么!快…我们必须去救他们,我的父亲现在还是个孩子,他没办法对抗那些神族的!” Ash nod of gently, holds on Hela that the preparation ran, another hand according to do not worry on the shoulder of Freya, our walks! Immediately!” 灰烬轻轻的点了点头,拉住了准备跑起来的海拉,另外一只手按在了芙蕾雅的肩膀上“不要着急,我们这就走!马上就到!” A blue light flashes through, Ash brings Freya and Hela vanishes in front of Til temple... 一阵蓝光闪过,灰烬带着芙蕾雅海拉消失在了提尔神殿的门前… ...... …… Above Asgard golden palace, above the shining throne, wears gold/metal Kui, wears one-eyed old man static sitting of golden armor above the throne, suddenly the flowing light has delimited from the horizon together, flew in the hand of old man, in his hands before turning, passed through Ash meteor long spear/gun grid Neil... 阿斯加德金宫之上,金光灿灿的王座之上,一个头戴金盔,身披金甲的独眼老者静静的坐在王座之上,突然一道流光从天边划过,飞到了老者的手中,在他的手中变成了之前贯穿了灰烬的流星长枪冈格尼尔… Pressed firmly between the fingers the long spear/gun in hand, the one-eyed of old man looked to the lance point, looks above is stained with blood, gently knits the brows... 捏住了手中的长枪,老者的独眼看向枪尖,看着上面沾着的鲜血,轻轻的皱了皱眉… Under the throne, Sol asked Royal Father in a soft voice, did you... kill him?” 王座之下,索尔轻声问道“父王,您…杀死了他?” Can call it the Royal Father by Sol, can sit in the old man of golden palace highest place, who besides Odin can also be? 能被索尔称之为父王,能坐在金宫最高处的老者,除了奥丁还能是谁呢? Heard Sol's issue, Odin put aside from the lance point the vision, slowly looked to the front, in the mouth light saying stabbed he..., but has not actually killed.” 听到了索尔的问题,奥丁将目光从枪尖之上移开,缓缓的看向了前方,口中淡淡的说道“刺中了他…但是却没有杀死。” Sol heard the Odin words, saying that breathing a sigh of relief of slightly cannot be checked, then makes an affectation of Royal Father, just like I had told you before such, this man is a hidden danger, even your meteor long spear/gun is unable to kill him, moreover... he is seeking for the authority of death, I think that... he is our archenemies, even there is a possibility... to be possible be the Various God dusk part!” 索尔听到了奥丁的话,微不可查的舒了一口气,然后惺惺作态的说道“父王,正如我之前跟您说过的那样,这个男人是一个隐患,就算是您的流星长枪也无法杀死他,而且…他在寻找死亡的权柄,我认为…他是我们的大敌,甚至有可能…有可能是诸神黄昏的一部分!” At this point, Sol's eyeground flashed through a none, raised the head stares at who stares to sit well above the throne, unemotional father, saying one word at a time „, therefore... Royal Father, only then you go to battle personally, can defeat him! I think that this is non- will common!” 说到这里,索尔的眼底闪过了一丝精光,抬起头直勾勾的盯着自己端坐在王座之上,面无表情的父亲,一字一顿的说道“所以…父王,只有您亲自出征,才能战胜他!我认为这是非常有必要的!” Odin gently narrowed own one-eyed, shoots a look at Sol who under the one-eyed person place stood upright, hesitated gently a moment later shakes the head saying that „... was not he, he was not in the fable, he has not been worth me going to battle personally, doesn't my son... you want to avenge a grievance?” 奥丁轻轻的眯起了自己的独眼,瞥了一眼王座之下挺立的索尔,沉吟了片刻之后轻轻的摇了摇头说道“不…不是他,他不在寓言之中,他还不值得我亲自出征,我的儿子…难道你不想报仇雪恨吗?” Sol lowers the head slowly, the knee one curved partly kneels on the ground, kneels says before the Odin throne in a low voice was sorry, the father, I disappointed you, I... I was not his opponent.” 索尔缓缓地低下了头,膝盖一弯半跪在地上,跪在奥丁的王座前低声说道“抱歉,父亲,我让您失望了,我…我不是他的对手。” Hears this saying, Odin not sad unhappy nod, looked to others under throne, the clear and resonant voice asked whom that to be willing to do this matter?” 听到这话,奥丁不悲不喜的点了点头,看向了王座之下的其他人,朗声问道“那么有谁愿意去做这件事呢?” fpzw fpzw High-speed writing hits to pass on hot hero the travel of chapter list of dimension 高速文字手打传火侠的次元之旅章节列表
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