DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1042: Attack of Odin

Has the disturbed mood, Hela followed Ash and Freya takes a step to move toward Til's temple, such that just like Ash said that Hela smoothly entered, simply has not received any stop 怀揣着忐忑的心情,海拉跟着灰烬芙蕾雅迈步走向了提尔的神殿,正如灰烬所说的那样,海拉非常顺利的进入了其中,根本没有受到任何阻拦 Looks at excited Hela, Ash gently shrugs saying that you looked I you told anything is coming, will not have the issue...” 看着一脸兴奋的海拉,灰烬轻轻的耸了耸肩说道“你看我跟你们说什么来着,不会有问题的…” Freya relaxing of gently, suddenly some doubts looks at Ash to ask that you? The authority of death was cursed, cannot bring departure, what to do should you? Called out here that person named Neet, helping him obtain the authority of death here?” 芙蕾雅轻轻的松了一口气,突然有些疑惑的看着灰烬问道“那么你呢?死亡的权柄被诅咒了,不能带着离开,你又该怎么办呢?将那个叫尼特的人叫道这里来,让他在这里获得死亡的权柄吗?” Ash selected the eyebrow gently, a face indifferent expression beckons with the hand saying that felt relieved, I had the ingenious plan to be able the authority belt/bring of death to go out, will not have any issue!” 灰烬轻轻的挑了挑眉,一脸无所谓的表情摆了摆手说道“放心吧,我自有妙计能把死亡的权柄带出去,不会有任何问题的!” Ash has the time self-confidently naturally is because his four dimension chrysanthemums in four dimension chrysanthemums are an independent Asian space, the time will not flow, the thing not mutual influence of, what is most essential was... is equivalent by the thing that Ash hid from the world vanishes! 灰烬有次自信自然是因为他的四次元菊花了在四次元菊花之中是一个独立的亚空间,时间不会流动,其中的东西也不会相互影响,最关键的是…被灰烬藏进去的东西就相当于从世界上消失了! A thing that does vanish does not see... is possibly checked to be blocked? If not this, before Ash, when other world because will carry large number of control cutting tools to be blocked along 一个消失不见的东西…怎么可能会被查出来被拦下来呢?如果不是这样的话,灰烬之前在其他世界的时候就会因为随身携带大量管制刀具而被拦下来 Looks that Ash also smoothly entered Til's temple, Hela nod of gently this did not have the issue, beforehand time I entering this temple could not achieve, since can enter here, that should not have what issue again...” 看着灰烬也顺利的进入了提尔的神殿内部,海拉轻轻的点了点头“这样就没问题了,以前的时候我连进入这座神殿都做不到,既然能进入这里,那就应该不会再有什么问题了…” Yes not good, walks walks, I have waited not to have a look at Atreus their fathers and sons two to see anxiously your times how can be to display!” “是吧没有就好,走吧走吧,我已经等不急想要看看阿特柔斯他们父子两个见到你们的时候会是一个怎样的表现了!” Is speaking, Ash while pulled out the Rainbow Bridge key, designated Midgard, then started Rainbow Bridge... 一边说着话,灰烬一边掏出了彩虹桥的钥匙,选定了米德加尔特,然后启动了彩虹桥 Looks Rainbow Bridge that starts to revolve, Ash titters one to smile suddenly, covers to be quiet to bend the waist to squat on the ground, hehe with a smile while in a soft voice whisper say/way Atreus this is happy, when the father that Kratos works as the master happily? If this wrote the script, that title is certain is passes through the space and time to be filial piety you, my dear old father! This Jane is an ethical family drama! My mother was really splendid!” 看着开始运转的彩虹桥,灰烬突然噗嗤一声笑了出来,捂住嘴弯着腰蹲在地上,一边嘿嘿的笑着一边轻声嘀咕道“阿特柔斯这算是喜当爹吧那奎托斯就是喜当爷了?这要是写成剧本,那标题一定得是‘穿越时空孝敬您,我亲爱的老父亲’了吧!这直就是一出家庭伦理大戏啊!我的妈呀实在是太精彩了!” Freya helpless shot a look at brain circuit elegant Ash, then helpless sighs to say Ash... you to be able slightly earnestly? The movement that we are admiring Bell Heym was really big! Now possibly receives chasing down of Æsir momentarily!” 芙蕾雅无奈的瞥了一眼脑回路清奇的灰烬,然后无奈的叹了一口气说道“灰烬…你能不能稍微认真一点?我们在慕斯贝尔海姆的动作实在是太大了!现在随时可能受到阿萨神族的追杀啊!” Was provoking laughter by own joke, Ash that is unable to extricate oneself hears reproving of Freya, lifted the hand gently, assuming an air of self approbation stood saying that I know my very clear this point, was not momentarily possible, but will definitely come, even if the Æsir people were a blind person, Sol will still make Odin see my actions otherwise, he used death authority set of place of hiding under to me on not wasting 正被自己的笑话逗笑,无法自拔的灰烬听到芙蕾雅的训斥,轻轻的抬起了手,摇头晃脑的站了起来说道“我知道我很清楚这一点,不是随时可能,而是肯定会来就算阿萨神族的人都是瞎子,索尔也会让奥丁看到我的所作所为不然的话,他用一个死亡权柄的藏匿之地给我下的套不就白费了嘛” You, since knows, you also...” “你既然知道,那你还…” Ash shaking the head of gently, interrupted the Freya words, then the chuckle, light saying do not look that I am like this laughing, actually I am steady, I have been staying the condition of security, preventing some people to sneak attack our you to feel relieved greatly.” 灰烬轻轻的摇了摇头,打断了芙蕾雅的话,然后轻笑了一声,淡淡的说道“别看我这样嘻嘻哈哈的,其实我稳健着呢,我一直保持着警戒的状态,防止有人偷袭我们这一点你大可放心。” Looks at face earnest Ash, Freya sighs lightly, helpless shakes the head saying that you have self-confidently good, but I must remind you, before Odin is not you, have coped with Manny and can compare, his strength...” 看着一脸认真的灰烬,芙蕾雅轻叹了一口气,无奈的摇了摇头说道“你有自信就好,但是我还是要提醒你,奥丁不是你之前对付过的曼尼和摩迪可以比拟的,他的力量…” Yes, I know, but how can that? Relax, my in the sewers will not capsize!” “是啊,我知道,不过那又能怎么样呢?放心吧,我不会阴沟里翻船的!” The time of speech, the transmission ended, one line of three people returned to quadrangle Midgard again 说话的功夫,传送结束了,一行三人再次回到了中庭米德加尔特 Just trod the front door of Til temple, Ash is attracted the attention by the meteor of horizon 刚一踏出提尔神殿的大门,灰烬就被天边的一颗流星吸引去了注意力 Looks at horizon that bright meteor, Ash cannot help but opened the mouth, face excited saying I see such bright meteor for the first time! Whether to make a vow with it anything 看着天边那颗明亮的流星,灰烬不由得张开了嘴,一脸激动的说道“哦我还是第一次看到这么亮的流星呢!是不是可以跟它许个愿什么的啊” Followed Freya to lift the head, looked to the meteor in Ash mouth, just wants to say a Ash weak time, Freya was actually shocked... 紧随其后的芙蕾雅抬起了头,看向了灰烬口中的流星,正想说一句灰烬幼稚的时候,芙蕾雅却愣住了… Then has quickly turned head saying that to Ash that is not the meteor! That is the attack of Odin!” 然后急忙扭过头冲着灰烬说道“那不是流星!那是奥丁的攻击!” Hears this saying, Ash cannot help but stares, crooked the head looked to the meteor of horizon, probably... truly some are not right in broad daylight, properly speaking should unable to see the meteor is right, moreover this meteor... turned probably toward their here corner appearance! 听到这话,灰烬不由得一愣,歪了歪脑袋看向天边的流星,好像…确实有些不对劲啊大白天的,按理来说应该是看不见流星才对的,而且这颗流星…好像朝着他们这边拐弯拐过来了的样子! Fed... really not to come! Is this attack of Odin? I think that he also sends 2-3 vagrants to probe my, was repelled by me, sends powerful next time again and so on, is out finally personally, how from the beginning...” “喂喂喂喂…不是吧真的过来了呀!这是奥丁的攻击?我以为他也就派2-3个小瘪三过来试探我一下,然后被我打退,下一次再派强力点的以此类推,最后再亲自下场呢,怎么一开始就…” Looks Ash that a face compels ignorant, Freya face anxious exclaiming „the present is cracking a joke time? Earnest, this is Odin grid Neil!” 看着一脸懵逼的灰烬,芙蕾雅一脸焦急的吼道“现在是开玩笑的时候吗?认真一点,这是奥丁的冈格尼尔!” Ash turned Byakugan, then a face indifferent expression said that relaxes me to know in heart, on the other hand, does he throw oneself weapon? Doesn't he fear me... along walking his weapon?” 灰烬翻了个白眼,然后一脸无所谓的表情说道“放松放松我心里有数,话说回来,他就这么把自己的武器扔过来?他不怕我把他的武器给…顺走?” Ash spoke this saying, while pulled out a single-handed extravagant sword careless, gradually forwarded two... 灰烬一边说这话,一边漫不经心的掏出了一把单手阔剑,缓步向前走了两步… Approached grid Neil looks like the missile of precision guidance to be the same, in in the air shifts slightly, aimed at Ash again! 已经逼近的冈格尼尔就像是精确制导的导弹一样,在空中微微转向,再一次瞄准了灰烬 Looks the lance that drops from the clouds, Ash curling the lip of gently, the long sword in hand wields, sword blade collides above long spear/gun that in shot rapidly! 看着从天而降的长矛,灰烬轻轻的撇了撇嘴,手中的长剑一挥,剑锋碰撞在了飞速射来的长枪之上! The fierce sound that steel collides the flash of the long spear/gun and extravagant sword contacting resounds through the skies! Grid Neil who shoots directly was swung by a Ash sword, revolved flying upside down to approach the sky... 一声钢铁碰撞的剧烈声响从长枪和阔剑接触的一瞬间响彻云霄!径直射来的冈格尼尔被灰烬一剑荡开,旋转着倒飞向了天空… The pupil of Ash shrinks slightly, somewhat looked surprisedly oneself are shaking the hand of long sword, because in the palm is grasping, is only left over the sword hilt also tribulation break the sword blade... 灰烬的瞳孔微微一缩,有些惊讶的看了看自己握着长剑的手,因为手掌之中握着的,只剩下剑柄还有一劫断裂的剑身… The Ash long sword, broke unexpectedly! In the hand of Ash, succeeded in giving up two sections! 灰烬的长剑,竟然就这么断了!就在灰烬的手中,断成了两截! Although this is only an ordinary standard extravagant sword, such weapon in the Ash backpack many cannot put down, therefore Ash is insufficient to love dearly this weapon to break. 这虽然只是一把普通的制式阔剑,这样的武器在灰烬的背包之中多的都放不下,所以灰烬不至于心疼这一把武器就这么断裂。 The matter that but this should not have is right! As a weapon Grandmaster, weapon of Ash in regarding own hand has the unequalled handling! The degree of a moment ago the weapon colliding judged, own weapon is should not break absolutely! 但这是不应该发生的事情才对!作为一个武器大师,灰烬对于自己手中的武器有着无与伦比的掌控能力!从刚才武器碰撞的程度判断,自己的武器是绝对不应该断裂的! However now... it breaks, succeeded in giving up two sections in the hand of Ash... 但是现在…它就这么断了,就在灰烬的手中断成了两截… Has not waited for Ash to get strength back, was knocked grid Neil who flies to stop revolving suddenly, stagnated in in the air, the lance point aimed at Ash again, flew to shoot again, but to! 还不等灰烬缓过劲来,被磕飞的冈格尼尔突然停下了旋转,停滞在了空中,枪尖再一次指向了灰烬,再一次飞射而至! Ash dispersed the breaking sword in hand without hesitation, then seperately extracted, the wielding a sword standard keeps off to puncturing again grid Neil. 灰烬毫不犹豫的撒开了手中的断剑,然后另外抽出了一把,再一次挥剑格挡向刺来的冈格尼尔。 Also is a collision, this grid Neil's strength obviously does not have is so strong for the first time , is a resounding, grid Neil was wasted again, but the long sword in Ash hand also breaks again... 又是一次碰撞,这一次冈格尼尔的力量明显没有第一次那么强大,又是一声脆响,冈格尼尔再一次被打飞,而灰烬手中的长剑也再一次断裂… Once again... time and time again! Grid Neil time and time again was struck to fly, flew to come back the thorn time and time again to Ash, but Ash was also the replacement weapon time and time again, because of each collision, his weapon will certainly break, piles the breaking sword near his foot are many... 又一次…一次又一次!冈格尼尔一次一次的被击飞,一次又一次的飞了回来刺向灰烬,而灰烬也是一次一次的更换武器,因为每一次碰撞,他的武器都一定会破碎,堆在他脚边的断剑已经非常多了… Replaces the weapon to cope with grid Neil, Ash while crosses the head to ask loudly to behind Freya this... this is doing the wool! Why father's weapon can break! Why this does not cast off the long spear/gun!” 一边更换武器对付冈格尼尔,灰烬一边偏过脑袋冲着身后的芙蕾雅大声质问道“这…这是在搞毛啊!为什么老子的武器会断啊!为什么这把长枪甩不开啊!” Freya anxious looks at all these, then serious saying this is meteor long spear/gun grid Neil! Is the Odin weapon, before his further orders goal, will not stop, he can destroy this world all weapons and armor! Except for Odin, no one can make it stop!” 芙蕾雅焦急的看着这一切,然后严肃的说道“这是流星长枪冈格尼尔!是奥丁的武器,他再命中目标之前都不会停下来,他可以破坏这世间一切的武器和盔甲!除了奥丁,没有人能让它停下来!” In other words you could not help me!” “也就是说你帮不了我了是吧!” Without Freya answered, Ash is excessive on the revolutions, staring stares is passing in and out before oneself, must hold a oneself grid Neil... 没等芙蕾雅回话,灰烬就再一次转过了头,直勾勾的盯着在自己面前进进出出,就非要捅自己一下的冈格尼尔… The weapon of foot break has piled up, Ash has not even walked the leeway of position, again after the collision, Ash discarded the breaking sword in hand, but has not actually pulled out the weapon again... 脚边断裂的武器已经堆积如山,灰烬甚至都没有走位的余地了,再一次碰撞之后,灰烬扔掉了手中的断剑,但是却没有再掏出武器… But is spatial, staring stares is aiming at own grid Neil again! 而是空着手,直勾勾的盯着再一次瞄准自己的冈格尼尔! Hela of not far away saw that Ash has not pulled out the weapon again, somewhat worries has turned the head to look that Freya did ask him... he not to have the weapon? What to do now should?” 不远处的海拉看到灰烬没再掏出武器,有些担忧的转过头看着身旁的芙蕾雅问道“他…他是没有武器了吗?现在该怎么办?” Freya shaking the head of gently, the eyes fix the eyes on Ash light saying not to know that... I do not know he did not have the weapon, there are other what means!” 芙蕾雅轻轻的摇了摇头,双眼紧盯着灰烬淡淡的说道“不知道…我也不知道他是没武器了,还是有什么其他的办法了!” Didn't Ash have the weapon? Naturally does not have... weapon some are if really consumes, in Ash energy consumption he for three days and three nights, but gets down is not the means! 灰烬没有武器了吗?当然没有…武器有的是要是真这么耗下去,灰烬能耗上他三天三夜,但是这么下去不是办法啊! Looks flies oneself front grid Neil again, Ash searches to act, grasping fast above the grid Neil's spear's/gun's body! 看着再一次飞到自己面前的冈格尼尔,灰烬探出手,飞快的抓在了冈格尼尔的枪身之上! Finally, grid Neil stopped got down... by Ash tight grasping in the hand! The lance point arrives in the Ash chest front, but such a inch, cannot forward... 终于,冈格尼尔停了下来…被灰烬紧紧的握在了手中!枪尖就抵在灰烬的胸前,但就这么一寸,再也不能向前一步… Looks grid Neil and Ash who not far away stops, Freya and Hela quickly collected, looks at Ash to get hold of a long spear/gun committing suicide appearance... 看着不远处停下来的冈格尼尔和灰烬,芙蕾雅海拉急忙凑了过来,看着灰烬握紧长枪一副正在自杀的模样… Looks at so funny Ash, Freya opening mouth of gently, complexion somewhat awkward asking that... Ash, are you good?” 看着如此滑稽的灰烬,芙蕾雅轻轻的张了张嘴,脸色有些尴尬的问道“那个…灰烬,你还好吗?” Ash suppressed red a face, has turned the head to look at Freya, cheek sore asking you looked that my appearance was probably good? This thing... really cannot stop! I do not have the means to take in my backpack it, I also can only grab... you to have the means it, hurries to help!” 灰烬憋红了一张脸,转过头看着身旁的芙蕾雅,一脸蛋疼的问道“你看我这个样子像是还好吗?这玩意…是真的停不下来啊!我也没办法把它收进自己的背包里,我也只能就这么把它抓着…你到底有没有办法,赶紧帮帮忙啊!” Freya looks is doesn't have any matter Ash, cannot help but smiled bitterly this... I unable to achieve, I have said that hit you except for grid Neil, or Odin stopped, otherwise no one can stop grid Neil...” 芙蕾雅看着已经算是没什么事的灰烬,不由得苦笑了一声“这个…我做不到,我说过了,除了冈格尼尔命中你,或者奥丁停止,否则的话没有人能停止冈格尼尔…” Hears this saying strangely, a Ash face looked that grabbed to oneself hand, grid Neil but who is also drilling toward oneself bosom, frowning of gently. 听到这话,灰烬一脸诡异的看向了自己手中抓着的,还在往自己怀里钻的冈格尼尔,轻轻的皱起了眉头。 Own latter half of life... should do not bring this thing! 自己下半辈子…该不会就要一直带着这东西了吧! Passes on hot hero the travel of dimension 传火侠的次元之旅 High-speed writing hits to pass on hot hero the travel of chapter list of dimension 高速文字手打传火侠的次元之旅章节列表
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