DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1048: 3 children

Returned to already the log cabin that collapses urgently, Kratos and Atreus two people turns to look in this stretch of ruins together, in a while, found is pressed Mímir in one pile of sawdust... 火急火燎的回到了已经坍塌的木屋,奎托斯阿特柔斯两个人一起在这片废墟翻找了起来,没过多久,就找到了被压在一堆木屑之中的密米尔 Unfortunately lucky, the head of Mímir fell in a corner, wooden beam compressing that had not been pounded, but also very went to there, the whole piece face buried in the continuous rain, seemed like very pitiful... 不幸中的万幸,密米尔的脑袋落在了一个角落里,并没有被砸下来的木梁压扁,不过也好不到那里去,整张脸埋在霖上,看起来好不凄惨… By Atreus Mímir breathing heavily that in gulps rescues from the sawdust, being survivor of disaster tone shouting „! I... I also think that I died! You were come back to save me finally! Now may really be beset by disasters one!” 阿特柔斯从木屑之中救出来的密米尔大口大口的喘着粗气,一副劫后余生的语气嚷嚷道“哈!我…我还以为我死定了呢!你们总算是回来救我了!今可真是多灾多难的一啊!” Atreus puts out a hand the sawdust to take down on the Mímir head and beard are hanging, while whole face guilty said Mímir to him, you are also living, was really good... to be sorry very much, before the situation was urgent, we did not have also to take you with enough time...” 阿特柔斯一边伸手将密米尔脑袋和胡须上挂着的木屑取下来,一边满脸内疚的冲着他道“密米尔,你还活着,真是太好了…很抱歉,之前情况紧急,我们没有来得及把你也带上…” Doesn't matter, Brother, you came back to rescue my to be enough, but the words came back, actually a moment ago what happened... me only to remember house but actually, then you and Brother Kratos hurried ran went out...” “没关系,老弟,你们回来救我这就足够了,不过话回来,刚才究竟发生了什么事啊…我只记得房子倒了下去,然后你和奎托斯老弟急急忙忙的跑了出去…” Hears the Mímir issue cautiously, the Atreus heart will look at complexion some unattractive Ash... not to know should with the beginning to end of Mímir this matter. 听到密米尔的问题,阿特柔斯心翼翼的将视线投向了脸色还是有些不好看的灰烬…不知道该不该跟密米尔这件事的始末。 Saw that the Atreus vision transfers, Mímir also shifts to the direction that own one-eyed Ash was , after seeing Ash, Mímir cannot help but stares, then asking of some surprise Brother Ash! How did you come back? Shouldn't you save Valkyrie now?” 看到阿特柔斯的目光转开,密米尔也将自己的独眼转向了灰烬所在的方向,看到灰烬之后,密米尔不由得一愣,然后有些诧异的问道“灰烬兄弟!你怎么回来了?你现在不是应该在拯救女武神吗?” Ash turned Byakugan gently, worn out response say/way Valkyrie has rescued, not only Valkyrie, the king of Valkyrie, the god of Valkyrie, rescues now...” 灰烬轻轻的翻了个白眼,有气无力的回应道“女武神已经救完了,不只是女武神,还有女武神之王,还有女武神之神,现在都救出来了…” That your speed may really to be flabbergasted! Without thinking such quickly on... wait/etc., the god of Valkyrie?” Just about to praises a Ash action speed, Mímir detected probably anything, had transferred the eye slowly, looked to one side wore Armor , carried Freya of pair of wings, grew up slowly own mouth... “哦那你的速度可真是让人咋舌啊!没想到这么快就…等等,女武神之神?”刚要夸赞一番灰烬的行动速度,密米尔像是察觉到了什么,缓缓地转过了眼睛,看向了一旁身穿铠甲,身后背着双翼的芙蕾雅,缓缓地长大了自己的嘴巴… After silent long time, Mímir sipped the somewhat dry lip, rough „... was really... was really honored to the Freya say/way, never expected that my one can also see Queen Freya you such as stance! Sorry... I really want to salute to you now, but...” 沉默了良久之后,密米尔抿了抿有些干燥的嘴唇,磕磕绊绊的冲着芙蕾雅道“啊…真是…实在是太荣幸了,没想到我有一还能看到芙蕾雅女王您如茨姿态!很抱歉…我现在真的很想向您行礼,但是…” Freya shaking the head of gently, a face indifferent say/way does not need, Mímir, I no longer to be what queen! I brought back was my thing...” 芙蕾雅轻轻的摇了摇头,一脸淡然的道“不必了,密米尔,我已经不再是什么女王了!我只是拿回了属于我的东西而已…” After being perfunctory Mímir, the Freya revolutions is slowly excessive, looks at the Ash serious say/way Ash, how I do not know your present mood, why will also turn into this, like your such, there is nothing to do with us, but do not forget, now not, only then your troublesome, Odin... even entire Æsir stared at you! You are best to be earnest, do you also want to be put on chest by grid Neil a time?” 敷衍了一番密米尔之后,芙蕾雅缓缓地转过了头,看着灰烬一脸严肃的道“灰烬,我不知道你现在的心情怎么样,又为什么会变成这样,就像你的那样,这跟我们无关,但是你不要忘记了,现在不只有你的那些麻烦,奥丁…甚至整个阿萨神族都盯上了你!你最好认真起来,难道你还想被冈格尼尔穿一次胸吗?” Ash shot a look at Freya, after sighing lightly, helpless point odd change say/way well good, I knew, I will be earnest, these fellows had been driven away by me in any case, for a short time, will not hurry to handle your issues, then I bring the thing that I am wanting to leave, how do you look? What however... the present should make? Does anyone of you have a plan?” 灰烬瞥了一眼芙蕾雅,轻叹了一口气之后无奈的点零头道“好好好,我知道了,我会认真起来的,反正那些家伙已经被我赶走了,一时半会也不会在回来了,赶紧把你们的问题搞定,然后我带着我要的东西离开,你们看怎么样?但是…现在该做什么呢?你们谁有个计划?” Hears the Ash words, Freya cannot help but startled, truly, how should do now? Although according to the Ash method, the destruction of end will arrive finally, now then must do... was not waits to be OK. 听到灰烬的话,芙蕾雅不由得一怔,确实,现在该怎么做呢?虽然按照灰烬的法,末日的毁灭终会到来,那么现在要做的…不就是等待下去就可以了嘛。 But why Freya does not know, does not want to wait, after silent long time, Freya deeply inspires, looks before Ash serious asking you,... the judgment day can postpone with what way, is this!” 可是芙蕾雅不知道为什么,非常不想就这么等下去,沉默了良久之后,芙蕾雅深深地吸了一口气,看着灰烬一脸严肃的问道“你之前…世界末日是可以用什么方式推迟的,是这样吧!” Suddenly the Ash point odd change gently, disdains laughed at a sound said „, although has this method, but I, I did not think that here god king Odin has this boldness!” 灰烬轻轻的点零头,突然不屑的嗤笑了一声道“虽然是有这种方法,但是我也了,我不觉得这里的神王奥丁有这种魄力!” Freya shaking the head of gently, „... never do not look at Odin to say/way that Ash pretends to be serious, his such existence, what matter does to take the post to have the possibility! Sacrificed not to mention...” 芙蕾雅轻轻的摇了摇头,冲着灰烬煞有介事的道“不…永远不要看奥丁,他那样的存在,做出任何事都是有可能的!更别提只是牺牲了…” Mímir following the Freya words then said that „, Odin is a cruel and merciless person, not only this to others, to he himself is also so, I still remember that... he will dump 99 nights above the precarious big tree, without the bread appeases hunger, without the dew relieves thirst, experiences personally the pain that the lance passes through, oneself as the sacrificial offering, will offer sacrifices to give itself, obtained the unequalled wisdom by this!” 密米尔顺着芙蕾雅的话接着道“是的,奥丁是一个心狠手辣的人,这不只是对其他人,对他自己也是如此,我还记得…他将自己倒掉在风雨飘摇的大树之上九九夜,没有面包充饥,没有露水解渴,身受长矛贯穿的痛苦,将自己作为祭品,献祭给了自己,以此获得了无与伦比的智慧!” Heard these, Ash frowning of gently, looks that Freya beckoning with the hand say/way of gently these do not have the significance to me, whether he can, for this world made the sacrifice, Various God dusk and judgment day whether will come in time, these have not related with me, I only want to know now when you can the authority that only remained to me!” 听到了这些,灰烬轻轻的皱起了眉头,看着芙蕾雅轻轻的摆了摆手道“这些对我毫无意义,他是否能为了这个世界作出牺牲,诸神黄昏和世界末日是否会如期而至,这些跟我没有关系,我现在只想知道,你什么时候能把仅剩的权柄给我!” Also without and other Freya opens the mouth, Ash considers as finished on shaking the head say/way of gently, I also know that you currently have the matter to do, you are direct, need me to make anything, you are willing to give me to be good the thing that I want!” 还没等芙蕾雅开口,灰烬就轻轻的摇了摇头道“算了,我也知道你现在还有事情要做,你就直接,需要我做什么,你才肯把我要的东西给我就行了!” Freya fell into silent, both hands making a fist head of bit by bit, has turned the head to look at the present world, turns away from Ash say/way every single word or phrase I to do, is ensure Various God dusk arrival, is to make all return to the stock rail!” 芙蕾雅陷入了沉默,双手一点一点的握成了拳头,转过头看了看眼前的这个世界,背对着灰烬一字一句的道“我要做的,就是确保诸神黄昏的到来,就是让一切都回归正轨!” Does not dare unable to sit still with Freya words Atreus at this time finally, hurried three and make two steps a side that arrived at Freya, looks up Freya that pair of eyes that fill to renounce, panic-stricken you... can you make Various God dusk arrive? You... can you destroy the world?” 一直不怎么敢跟芙蕾雅话的阿特柔斯这个时候终于是坐不住了,急忙三步并作两步来到了芙蕾雅的身边,抬起头看着芙蕾雅那双充满决绝的双眼,惊骇的“你…你要让诸神黄昏到来?你…你要毁灭世界?” Was hugged by Atreus in bosom Mímir is also an unreadable facial expression, looks that Freya asked my Goddess in a soft voice... you because of Badr, wanted to do that?” 阿特柔斯抱在怀里的密米尔也是一副难以理解的神情,看着芙蕾雅轻声问道“我的女神…您是因为巴德尔,才想要这么做的吗?” Freya was excessive, looks to stand in own side, Atreus who the whole face worried about, the chuckle, put out a hand to rub the Atreus head say/way not, course not, the Various God dusk arrival will not destroy the world, the polarity, that will make this world have a new lease of life!” 芙蕾雅偏过了头,看着站在自己身侧,满脸担忧的阿特柔斯,轻笑了一声,伸出手揉了揉阿特柔斯的脑袋道“不,当然不是,诸神黄昏的到来并不会毁灭世界,正相反,那会让这个世界重获新生!” Arrived here, Freya lifted the head again, looks at the top of the head camouflage day the clouds, looks that from in the air dropped the snowflake that floating, light say/way destruction was newborn! I had seen, that piece some people have never seen deep blue spatial...” 到这里了,芙蕾雅再一次抬起了头,看着头顶遮蔽日的云朵,看着从空中飘然落下的雪花,淡淡的道“毁灭即是新生!我已经看到了,那片从未有人见过的蔚蓝空…” I do not understand... Freya, my father tell me, will kill Various God to cause very serious consequence, this will be we should the matter of avoid as much as possible...” “我不明白…芙蕾雅,我父亲告诉我,杀死诸神会导致非常严重的后果,这是我们应该尽可能避免的事情…” The Freya revolutions is excessive, looked that to Kratos that was knitting the eyebrows behind tightly, point odd change say/way gently „, your right, will kill Various God truly to cause very serious consequence, but in my opinion, all these will be worth! Let alone... my also account, an enmity must look for Odin to calculate!” This saying, Freya deep looked at to carry the wing that behind... 芙蕾雅转过了头,看向了身后紧锁着眉头的奎托斯,轻轻的点零头道“是的,你的没错,杀死诸神确实会导致非常严重的后果,但是在我看来,这一切都是值得的!更何况…我还有一笔账,一个仇要找奥丁算!”这话,芙蕾雅深深的看了一眼自己身后背着的翅膀… Heard the Freya words, the Ash point odd change gently, then looked up to spatial light say/way that issue very Jane only, removed Æsir, you were this meaning!” 听到了芙蕾雅的话,灰烬轻轻的点零头,然后抬起头看向空淡淡的道“那么问题就很单了,除掉阿萨神族,你是这个意思吧!” Yes!” Freya affirmed the guess of Ash! “是的!”芙蕾雅肯定了灰烬的猜测! Obtained Ash of affirmation answer to purse the lips, then issue on Jane single were many, destroyed Yellow Dragon, directly under that group of ineffective and worthless troops god king Odin and his hand all removed, like this on OK! 得到了肯定答案的灰烬抿了抿嘴,那么问题就单的多了,直捣黄龙,直接把神王奥丁和他手底下的那群虾兵蟹将全部除掉,这样就OK了是吧! Freya sighs lightly, helpless say/way „, although... is this right, but matter your dexterous that Odin and his Æsir have not been very powerful, in his hand also had Throne of Heroes not to mention...” 芙蕾雅轻叹了一口气,无奈的道“虽然…是这样没错,但事情没有你的那么轻巧,奥丁和他的阿萨神族是非常强大的,更别提他手中还有英灵殿了…” Throne of Heroes?” Ash gently crooked head, but changes mind thinks, this Throne of Heroes is not the other Throne of Heroes, it is estimated that could not see these old friends 英灵殿?”灰烬轻轻的歪了歪脑袋,不过转念一想,此英灵殿非彼英灵殿,估计是见不到那些老朋友了 Yes, Throne of Heroes, Odin also once predicted that Various God dusk arrival, he has been making the preparation for this reason, no matter removes the dissident, lets Valkyrie from the entire nine choice powerful soldiers, for Various God dusk! Therefore... in Throne of Heroes full is from ancient to present, was chosen to enter powerful soldier, its quantity very astonishing. Only your one person...” “是的,英灵殿,奥丁也曾预言到诸神黄昏的到来,他一直在为此做着准备,不管是排除异己,还是让女武神从整个九界挑选强大的战士,都是为了诸神黄昏!所以…英灵殿之中满是从古至今,被挑选进入其中的强大战士,其数量非常的惊人。单凭你一个人…” I also go!” Hela that has kept silent went forward suddenly one step, arrived at the Freya front, a face earnest repeats say/way I also to go again! Not only I, if the goal is Asgard, is Æsir, then I... have my brother, will not stand by!” “我也去!”一直默不作声的海拉突然上前了一步,来到了芙蕾雅的面前,一脸认真的再次重复道“我也去!不只是我,如果目标是阿斯加德,是阿萨神族,那么我…还有我的兄弟,就不会袖手旁观!” Why? Moreover... do you have the brothers? How many children do I altogether have? Did they come here?” “为什么?而且…你还有兄弟?我一共有几个孩子啊?他们都来到这里了吗?” The Hela point odd change gently, looks at the Atreus earnest say/way „, the father, is counted me, you altogether have three heir, my two elder brother, demon wolf Lear as well as world big snake Ye Mengjia...” 海拉轻轻的点零头,看着阿特柔斯认真的道“是的,父亲,算上我,您一共有三个子嗣,我的两个兄长,魔狼芬里尔以及世界大蛇耶梦加得…” Periphery the Hela words let instantaneously become incomparably silent, everyone... including Kratos one face shocking looks to Hela... 海拉的话让周围瞬间变得无比寂静,所有人…包括奎托斯都一脸震惊的看向海拉 Although he does not know that demon wolf Lear is, but he knows that the world big snake is who! That... unexpectedly is his son's son, is his grandson? 他虽然不知道魔狼芬里尔是谁但是他知道世界大蛇是谁!那个…居然是他儿子的儿子,也就是他的孙子? Thinks of here, Kratos facial expression strange turning the head saw an own son. Really... ability! Own old Kui family/home this also blooms a loose leaf, moreover three that dispersed unexpectedly were also the different species! The marvelousness is really marvelous... strange is really strange... 想到这里,奎托斯神情诡异的转过头看了一眼自己的儿子。真是…能耐啊!自己老奎家这也算是开枝散叶了,而且散出去的三个竟然还都是不同的物种!奇妙是真奇妙…诡异是真诡异… „! World big snake also! I! I first time time of seeing that fellow, he and between Atreus always close feelings, sentimental that fellow is your biological son!” “啊!世界大蛇也是啊!我就呢!我就第一次见到那家伙的时候,他和阿特柔斯之间总有一种相近的感觉,感情那家伙是你亲儿子啊!” Ash did call out in alarm breaks the strange atmosphere, Atreus swung the head fast, the shock looks at Hela to ask world big snake and... demon of shaking land? These two are also my son?” 灰烬的一声惊呼打破了诡异的气氛,阿特柔斯飞快的摇了摇脑袋,震惊的看着海拉问道“世界大蛇和…摇动大地的魔物?这两个也都是我的儿子?” The Hela point odd change gently, to the Atreus serious say/way „, our three is your heir, we have always been making efforts to resist Æsir, for is replaces you to revenge to Æsir!” 海拉轻轻的点零头,冲着阿特柔斯一脸严肃的道“是的,我们三个都是您的子嗣,我们一直致力于对抗阿萨神族,为的就是代替您向阿萨神族报仇!” High-speed writing hits to pass on hot hero the travel of chapter list of dimension 高速文字手打传火侠的次元之旅章节列表
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