DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1039: Hela?

To understand this matter, before all explained passed, why she can avoid oneself cutting to strike with the unbelievable speed obviously, hot rain that drops from the clouds actually cannot avoid, because she can only slow down by oneself, cannot by own launch the hot rain slows down... 想明白了这件事,之前发生的一切就都解释的通了,为什么她明明可以用难以置信的速度躲开自己的斩击,却躲不开从天而降的的火雨,因为她只能让自己变慢,不能让自己的发射出去的火雨变慢… In other words, she can make very slow, actually cannot let the energy that the lifeform changes and so on thing slows down, this ability... can only affect the lifeform! 换句话说,她可以让生物变的很慢,却不能让能量之类的东西变慢,这种能力…只能影响到生物! ...... …… Looks to lay bare Ash of ability, the mysterious female cannot help but grinned fiendishly, looks at Ash light saying „, is how this can? Even if you discovered, is unable to change the present situation, you are impossible to kill me, you are impossible to pursue on me, but you are impossible not to have the flaw forever, so long as makes me catch, I will kill you without hesitation! Your death... is inevitable!” 看着一语道破自己能力的灰烬,神秘女子不由得狞笑了一声,看着灰烬淡淡的说道“是啊,是这样又能如何呢?就算你发现了,还是无法改变现状,你不可能杀死我,你不可能追的上我,而你也不可能永远没有破绽,只要让我抓到,我就会毫不犹豫的杀死你!你的死亡…已经是必然的了!” Looks that this repulsive in appearance Monster ate own facial expression, Ash tittered one to smile suddenly, then resigned-looking received the ghost in oneself hand to cut with the grandmother breaks, since were this, then oneself are thinking fought the speed her radically is the joke, because this fellow actually radically there is no speed... 看着这个面目可憎的怪物一副吃定了自己的神情,灰烬突然噗嗤一声笑了出来,然后一脸无奈的收起了自己手中的鬼切和姥断,既然是这样的话,那么自己想着跟她拼速度根本就是笑话,因为这家伙其实根本就没有什么速度可言… Looks to receive Ash of weapon, the corners of the mouth of mysterious woman appeared a cruel smile, contemptuous looks at Ash to say mortal, have you given up? This very good... in death front, leeway that the god or the mortal, have not struggled! The death... will come in time finally!” 看着收起武器的灰烬,神秘女人的嘴角浮现出了一丝残忍的微笑,轻蔑的看着灰烬说道“凡人,你已经放弃了吗?这很好…在死亡的面前,无论是神还是凡人,都没有挣扎的余地!死亡…终会如期而至的!” Speaks, she raised the long sickle in hand, threw in the direction that Ash is at! 说完话,她就提起了手中的长柄镰刀,朝着灰烬所在的方向扑了过来! Looks at more and more near mysterious woman, Ash cannot help but sighs lightly, helpless shaking the head, must know early is such matter, did not have is so troublesome... 看着越来越近的神秘女人,灰烬不由得轻叹了一口气,无奈的摇了摇头,要早知道是这么回事,就没有这么麻烦了… Thinks of here, Ash is emptying in the hand grasped an exquisite bell suddenly, shook the hand of bell to shake gently two, a clear delightful sound spread to the mysterious woman and in Freya ear... 想到这里,灰烬空着的手中突然握起了一枚小巧的铃铛,握着铃铛的手轻轻的晃了两下,一阵清脆悦耳的声音传入了神秘女人和芙蕾雅的耳中… Hears Freya of this ting first to stare, then the expression on face instantaneously becomes incomparably panic-stricken! The wing that fans almost stops, quickly stood firm the figure incomparably panic-strickenly, Freya looked that stood to not far away in same place motionless Ash... in the mouth twittering... can achieve this thing to him in a soft voice unexpectedly? Seemed like the victory and defeat to decide...” 听到这铃声的芙蕾雅先是一愣,然后脸上的表情瞬间变得无比惊骇!身后扇动的翅膀都差点停下来,急忙稳住了身形,芙蕾雅无比惊骇的看向了不远处站在原地一动不动的灰烬…口中轻声呢喃到“他竟然…可以做到这种事?看起来胜负已定了呢…” The mysterious woman also heard Ash to swing the loud ting, but has not actually cared, flushed to the direction that Ash was at as before directly! 神秘女人也听到了灰烬摇响的铃声,但是却没怎么在意,依旧径直冲着灰烬所在的方向冲了过来! The sickle in hand high holding up, has aimed at the neck of Ash! So long as finds certainly the opportunity, making his action slow down, oneself can while the time that he is unable to move normally, a blade cut his head! 手中的镰刀已经高高的举起,也已经瞄准了灰烬的脖子!只要找准机会,让他的行动放缓下来,自己就能趁他无法正常移动的时机,一刀砍下他的脑袋了! However started own ability in the mysterious woman, falls the Ash speed, and has prepared to reduce his head time, an arm lifted fiercely, seized her neck, detained her stubbornly in the palm... 但是就在神秘的女人发动了自己的能力,将灰烬的速度降下来,并且已经准备砍掉他脑袋的时候,一只手臂猛地抬了起来,一把掐住了她的脖子,将她死死地扣在了手掌之中… In the hand chops to cut, but the sickle was also swayed the head to hide by Ash gently... 手中劈砍而过的镰刀也被灰烬轻轻的摇晃了一下的脑袋躲了过去… Looks raised the head slowly, in the eyes full is Ash that teased, a shock of mysterious woman face, on the face of that half normal half of terrifying wrote all over unbelievable... 看着缓缓抬起头,双眼之中满是戏谑的灰烬,神秘的女人一脸的震惊,那张一半正常一半恐怖的脸上更是写满了难以置信… Is this possible? He own ability, should obviously incomparable slow is right, he... is impossible to keep up with oneself speed is right! 这怎么可能?他明明已经中了自己的能力,应该无比的迟缓才对,他…根本不可能跟上自己的速度才对啊! This is your true speed! Probably wasn't quick such slow death... on person of real pursuing?” “啊这才是你的真正速度啊!好像也不是很快嘛这么慢的死亡…真的追的上人吗?” Looks Ash that a face teased, the mysterious woman struggled crazily, wanted to run away from the hand of Ash! 看着一脸戏谑的灰烬,神秘的女人疯狂的挣扎了起来,想要从灰烬的手中逃走! Let the Ash slow strength not know why did not have the effect, but she also has other strengths, certain... can certainly escape! 灰烬迟缓的力量不知道为什么没有了效果,但是她还有其他的力量,一定…一定可以逃出去的! Thinks of this, she opened the mouth fiercely, to Ash the one breath, Ash resigned-looking putting out a hand in the front fan the fan, then some saying of detesting you can clean the teeth? Said you are the preparation stink to high heaven me?” 想到这个,她猛地张开了嘴,冲着灰烬哈了一口气,灰烬一脸无奈的伸出手在面前扇了扇,然后有些嫌恶的说道“你能不能刷刷牙啊?还是说你就是准备把我臭死?” The mysterious woman was shocked thoroughly, looks at a face indifferent expression, looks at safe and sound Ash, looks at all nothing happened, fell into during the self-doubt... 神秘的女人彻底愣住了,看着一脸无所谓的表情,看着安然无恙的灰烬,看着什么都没有发生的一切,陷入了自我怀疑之中… However sees pondering in Ash eyes after again, she wants to understand finally, a face resents stared at the Ash anger to exclaim you... you to make anything to me! Why... my strength, my ability!” 但是再看到灰烬双眼之中的玩味之后,她终于想明白了,一脸愤恨的盯着灰烬怒吼道“你…你对我做了什么!为什么…我的力量,我的能力!” Looks at the crazy woman, Ash cannot help but laughs at one at present, helpless saying you responded finally! Really... comes, to have a look at this 看着眼前疯狂的女人,灰烬不由得嗤笑了一声,无奈的说道“你终于反应过来了啊!真是…来,看看这个” Is speaking, Ash lifted own another hand slowly, swayed to say silent ban that Saint bell in hand gently! Other effect... cannot make you give shutting up of my little darling, with my open and aboveboard fighting hand-to-hand! Very interesting?” 说着话,灰烬缓缓地抬起了自己的另外一只手,将手中的那一枚圣铃轻轻的摇晃了一下说道“沉默禁令!别的效果没有…就是能让你们给我乖乖的闭嘴,跟我堂堂正正的肉搏!是不是很有趣?” ...... …… To be honest, Ash did not like silent ban miracle very much..., therefore had not used it. 说实话,灰烬一直很不喜欢沉默禁令这个奇迹…所以一直都没怎么用过它。 After all although the effect is very fierce, but duration very short, moreover this miracle solely cannot the ability of seal enemy, even can also Ash own ability one and seal... 毕竟虽然效果很厉害但是持续时间非常的短,而且这个奇迹不单单是能够封印敌人的能力,甚至还能将灰烬自己的能力一并封印了… As method many and varied Ash, he does not like this timid and hesitant feeling very much, however the present situation is nothing means... 作为手段多种多样的灰烬,他很不喜欢这种束手束脚的感觉,但是现在的情况是没什么办法… Thinks it over the woman who also only then such means can be decelerated by oneself this trigs, although does not like very much, but also can only like this. 想来想去也只有这么个办法能把这个能让自己减速的女人制住,虽然不是很喜欢,但也只能这样了。 Looks that bewildered looks at itself, the helpless mysterious woman, the Ash revolutions is slowly excessive, how is fanning the wing to not far away Freya curious asking that slowly flies „? I said words that what is very difficult to understand?” 看着一脸茫然的看着自己,不知所措的神秘女人,灰烬缓缓地转过了头,冲着不远处扇动着翅膀正慢慢飞过来的芙蕾雅好奇的问道“怎么?我说了什么很难理解的话吗?” Looks at face indifferent Ash, Freya sighs helpless saying you incessantly lightly words that is very difficult to understand, but also made one the matter that is difficult to understand, I am have not thought in any event, you are also hiding the so fearful strength unexpectedly! Can the strengths of other seal people, I be affected unexpectedly...” 看着一脸淡然的灰烬,芙蕾雅轻叹了一口气无奈的说道“你不止说了很难理解的话,还做了一件很难理解的事情,我是无论如何都没有想到,你竟然还藏着如此可怕的力量!竟然可以封印其他人的力量,就连我都被波及到了…” Ash helpless shaking the head, resigned-looking saying incessantly is others, actually my strength by seal part, therefore after releasing this miracle, I am an enemy, even others can only near body fight hand-to-hand... are let the person very uncomfortable ability in brief very much.” 灰烬无奈的摇了摇头,一脸无奈的说道“不止是其他人,其实就连我自己的力量都会被封印一部分,所以释放了这个奇迹之后,无论是我自己还是敌人,甚至身边的其他人都只能近身肉搏了…总之就是个很让人很不爽的能力。” Looks at resigned-looking Ash, Freya sighs lightly, somewhat disconsolate saying even so... this is still very fearful strength, did not say this, what to do now can?” 看着一脸无奈的灰烬,芙蕾雅轻叹了一口气,有些惆怅的说道“即便如此…这也是非常可怕的力量,不说这个了,现在要怎么办?” Heard this saying, Ash cannot help but chuckle, looked is caught the mysterious woman in hand by oneself, what to do grinned fiendishly to say „? What to do can also?” 听到了这话,灰烬不由得轻笑一声,将目光投向了被自己抓在手中的神秘女人,狞笑了一声说道“怎么办?还能怎么办呢?” Spoke this saying, Ash loosened the hand of seizing by the throat, then has not resulted in lifts the leg, kicked on the belly of this woman, kicked to fly upside down her! 说这话,灰烬松开了掐着脖子的手,然后没得抬起腿,一脚踢在了这个女人的肚子上,将她踢得倒飞了出去! Looks to fall down, covered the woman of belly cough, Ash was taking out a long sword again, arrived at her front, on her neck light saying „... the present said the long sword rack! What is your ability? The strength of the authority of death obtaining? Words that did not speak, I hack to death you!” 看着倒在地上,捂着肚子咳嗽的女人,灰烬再一次取出了一把长剑,来到了她的面前,将长剑架子了她的脖子上淡淡的说道“那么…现在说说吧!你的能力是什么?是不是从死亡的权柄之中得到的力量呢?不说的话,我就砍死你!” Has not paid attention to the interrogation of Ash, this half of faces are normal, the other half face incomparably fearful woman went to vision of seeking help to help me to Freya as before! Freya, I cannot die here! You cannot make him kill me... I not to complete my mission!” 没有理会灰烬的质问,这个一半脸正常,另外一半脸无比可怕的女人依旧冲着芙蕾雅投向了求助的目光“帮帮我!芙蕾雅,我不能死在这里!你不能让他杀死我…我还没有完成我的使命!” Freya walked slowly, stern-faced looks at the face of this woman, has turned the head to say Ash to Ash, is first calm, first do not kill her, she had anything to say probably.” 芙蕾雅缓缓地走了过来,一脸凝重的看着这个女人的脸,转过头冲着灰烬说道“灰烬,先冷静一点,先不要杀死她,她好像有什么想说。” Ash knitting the brows of gently, face disgruntled saying has... might as well make me who anything said hack to death her directly, seized directly good her authority...” 灰烬轻轻的皱了皱眉,一脸不悦的说道“有什么好说的…不如让我直接砍死她,把她的权柄直接夺过来就行了…” Freya helpless shaking the head, looks down directly the woman asked you to say slowly a moment ago... you were my ally, what is this? Do you know me?” 芙蕾雅无奈的摇了摇头,径直低下头看着女人缓缓地问道“你刚才说…你是我的盟友,这是什么意思?你认识我?” Looks oneself were picks a woman of life cannot help but to relax for the time being, nods to say to Freya „, Freya Goddess , although you did not know me, but I knew you..., moreover we were the natural allies, for the Various God dusk arrival, you cannot make him kill me! You even should... cope with him with me together...” 看着自己姑且算是捡回了一条命的女人不由得松了一口气,冲着芙蕾雅点了点头说道“是的,芙蕾雅女神,虽然你不认识我,但是我认识你…而且我们是天然的盟友,为了诸神黄昏的到来,你不能让他杀死我!你甚至应该跟我一起…一起对付他…” At this point, some woman fears looked at a hand to grasp the long sword, complexion some unattractive Ash. 说到这里,女人有些畏惧的看了一眼手握着长剑,脸色有些不好看的灰烬 Hears the words of this woman, Freya cannot help but one startled, looks that at present this mysterious woman does ask you... what do you mean? Who you are!” 听到这个女人的话,芙蕾雅不由得一惊,看着眼前这个神秘的女人问道“你…你这是什么意思?你到底是什么人!” The mysterious woman somewhat dreads looked in a hand to raise the long sword, is staring at own Ash stubbornly, did not seem like wants to say... 神秘的女人有些忌惮的看了一眼手中提着长剑,正死死地盯着自己的灰烬,好像不是很想说… Detected that dreading of female, Freya sighs to say lightly „, if you want to make me save you, if you want to maintain a livelihood... best or replied that I am quite good, moreover... you should better not to think lying, no one can lie in the front of this person!” 察觉到女子的忌惮,芙蕾雅轻叹了一口气说道“如果你想让我救你,如果你想活命的话…最好还是回答我比较好,而且…你最好不要想着撒谎,没有人能在这个人的面前撒谎的!” Ash smacking the lips of gently, looks that Freya somewhat uncomfortable asking you said my lines to do what?” 灰烬轻轻的咂了咂嘴,看着芙蕾雅有些不爽的问“你说我的台词干什么?” Freya somewhat helpless turning the head, looks that Ash I have not known you are thinking what look said „, because you will definitely not say, you were counting on she did not speak or lies, like this can you begin to kill her directly not?” 芙蕾雅有些无奈的转过头,看着灰烬一副我还不知道你在想什么的眼神说道“因为你肯定不会说,你就指望着她不说话或者撒谎,这样你就可以直接动手杀死她了不是吗?” Shouldn't?” “不应该吗?” Heard among two people the dialogue, the mysterious woman somewhat cannot help but tense, is hurried to Freya said that I... I was death Goddess Hela, the Loki daughter... Freya Goddess , we were stand on one side, for Various God dusk, I have not been able dead here.” 听到了两人之间的对话,神秘的女人不由得有些紧张,然后急忙冲着芙蕾雅说道“我…我是死亡女神海拉,洛基的女儿…芙蕾雅女神,我们是站在一边的,为了诸神黄昏,我还不能死在这里。” The Freya revolutions is excessive, prepares to ask that Ash this woman is lying, but turns the head, Freya actually discovered the Ash complexion becomes incomparable strange... 芙蕾雅转过了头,准备问问灰烬这个女人是不是在撒谎,但是一转头,芙蕾雅却发现灰烬的脸色变得无比的奇怪… Squatted down slowly the body, Ash squatted, in this in front of mysterious female who said death Goddess Hela, puzzled asking you said a moment ago... you were death Goddess , this was but actually no,... the Loki son? You are not joking with me!” 缓缓地蹲下了身子,灰烬蹲在了这个自称死亡女神海拉的神秘女子面前,一脸疑惑的问道“你刚才说…你是死亡女神,这个倒没什么,可是…洛基的儿子?你不是在跟我开玩笑的吧!” Looks at the surprise Ash, how asking of some Freya doubts „? Do you know his father?” 看着诧异的灰烬,芙蕾雅有些疑惑的问道“怎么?你认识他的父亲?” Ash has turned the head to shoot a look at Freya, then light saying I knew that I may too know , to continue I to know, you also knew!” 灰烬转过头瞥了一眼芙蕾雅,然后淡淡的说道“我认识我可太认识了,不止我认识,你也认识!” fpzw fpzw High-speed writing hits to pass on hot hero the travel of chapter list of dimension 高速文字手打传火侠的次元之旅章节列表
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