DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1040: Reason

Hears the Ash words, some Freya doubts crooked head, recalled shook the head saying that a moment later „... I do not remember I knew a person... Ash named Loki you remembered incorrectly.” 听到灰烬的话,芙蕾雅有些疑惑的歪了歪脑袋,回忆了片刻之后摇了摇头说道“不…我不记得我认识一个叫洛基的人啊…灰烬你是不是记错了。” Ash laughed at one, then light saying that Atreus you always knows!” 灰烬嗤笑了一声,然后淡淡的说道“那阿特柔斯你总认识吧!” Freya cannot help but stares, some doubts looks at Ash, did not understand that he raised Atreus suddenly is what meaning, but relates the linguistic environment of present, Freya responded fiercely, surprised looks Ash said you... you were say...” 芙蕾雅不由得一愣,有些疑惑的看着灰烬,不理解他突然提起阿特柔斯是什么意思,但是联系到现在的这个语境,芙蕾雅猛地反应过来,惊讶的看着灰烬说道“你…你是说…” Ash sighs lightly, nods saying that slowly Atreus is Loki, his father gives his name to call Atreus, his mother gave his name... is Loki!” 灰烬轻叹了一口气,缓缓地点了点头说道“是啊阿特柔斯就是洛基,他老爹给他的名字叫阿特柔斯,他母亲给他的名字…就是洛基了!” Freya looked at Ash, looked at Hela, then stunned asking you... are you Atreus daughter? But..., but he is a child! This possibility?” 芙蕾雅看了看灰烬,又看了看海拉,然后一脸错愕的问道“你…你是阿特柔斯的女儿?可是…可是他还是个孩子啊!这可能吗?” Ash nod of gently, then bewildered looks that Hela said „... I also find it strange, how to have this matter, why daughter's age also wants compared with the father in a big way...” 灰烬轻轻的点了点头,然后一脸茫然的看着海拉说道“是啊…我也觉得奇怪,怎么会有这种事,为什么女儿的岁数比老子还要大…” Freya somewhat unbelievable looks at Hela, asked her not to lie to Ash in a soft voice?” 芙蕾雅有些难以置信的看着海拉,冲着灰烬轻声问道“她没有撒谎吗?” Yes... she has not lain, moreover after her such saying, I then discovered, her Soul and Atreus that child's Soul had certain relation, words saying... this felt so to be how familiar, where has probably come across such matter...” “是啊…她没有撒谎,而且经她这么一说,我这才发现,她的灵魂阿特柔斯那孩子的灵魂存在一定的联系,话说…这感觉怎么这么熟悉啊,好像在哪里遇到过这样的事情…” Ash that really cannot think through shook the head gently, is no longer puzzled, but continues to look that asked to Hela considers as finished... can explain for us? Hela, the child of Loki! Do you pass through to come from the future?” 实在是想不通的灰烬轻轻的晃了晃脑袋,不再纠结,而是继续看向海拉问道“算了…能为我们解释一下吗?海拉,洛基之子!难道说你是从未来穿越而来的?” Hela nod of gently, then saying slowly „, not only I... we returned from the Various God dusk, even before returning to our fathers is not born,...” 海拉轻轻的点了点头,然后缓缓的说道“是的,不只是我…我们都从诸神的黄昏之中回到了过去,甚至回到了我们的父亲还未出生之前…” Ash deeply inspires, then a face uncomfortable received itself to put up the weapon on Hela neck, drew back backward two steps, looks that poured you... you first gets up in Hela light saying of ground, my words have not asked.” 灰烬深深地吸了一口气,然后一脸难受的收起了自己架在海拉脖子上的武器,向后退了两步,看着倒在地上的海拉淡淡的说道“你…你先起来,我的话还没有问完。” After Hela stands, Ash somewhat turned away uncomfortably, like such that before discovers, not only that profile, the waist following lower part of Hela is like her face, fester fearsome! Shape such as withered! 等到海拉站起来之后,灰烬有些难受的移开了视线,就像之前发现的那样,不只是那半边脸,海拉的腰部以下的下半身跟她那张脸一样,溃烂可怖!形如枯槁! Bears diligently does not pay attention to these disgusting thing Ash deeply to inspire, looks at Hela light saying „, since you said that you are the Loki daughter, then the issue came... you definitely to recognize your father! Why then... you do want in Hull ghostdom attack your father, to attack me?” 努力忍住不去理会这些恶心玩意的灰烬深深地吸了一口气,看着海拉淡淡的说道“既然你说你是洛基的女儿,那么问题来了…你肯定是能认出你的父亲吧!那么…你为什么要在赫尔冥界袭击你父亲,袭击我呢?” Hela deeply inspires, hesitates shook the head saying that a moment later I have not wanted to attack my father, I am only... was confirming, he is my father, but you... I truly attacked you, because you should not exist, your will exist... may affect the Various God dusk arrival very much, but...” 海拉深吸了一口气,沉吟了片刻之后摇了摇头说道“我没有想要袭击我的父亲,我只是…在确认,他就是我的父亲,而你…我确实袭击了你,因为你不应该存在,你的存在…很有可能会影响到诸神黄昏的到来,但是…” Hears this saying, Ash deeply frowns, a face disgruntled looks that Hela contemptuous saying is an idiot who deeply believes the destiny! Your fathers did not believe these... are really annoying!” 听到这话,灰烬深深地皱起了眉头,一脸不悦的看着海拉轻蔑的说道“又是一个深信命运的蠢货!连你老子都不信这些了…真是烦人!” Speaking, is the Ash revolutions excessive, looks to Freya somewhat uncomfortable saying what to do the present must?” 说完话,灰烬转过了头,看向芙蕾雅有些难受的说道“现在要怎么办?” I do not know daughter who should what to do... you unable to kill Atreus that child!” “我也不知道该怎么办…你总不能杀死阿特柔斯那孩子的女儿吧!” Ash deeply sighs, then helpless saying this is I feels the uncomfortable place! How saying that is also the daughter of acquaintance, killed directly... could not truly be justified probably...” 灰烬深深地叹了一口气,然后无奈的说道“这就是我觉得难受的地方!怎么说也是熟人的女儿,直接杀了…好像确实说不过去…” Said here, Ash coughed lightly, then serious looked to Hela, saying of righteousness expression is listening, no matter I Various God dusk or other anything, looked in you am Atreus... or in the Loki daughter's share, I can forgive your life! You attacked my matter before, the matter I can not haggle over...” 说道这里,灰烬轻咳了一声,然后严肃的看向海拉,义正言辞的说道“听着,我不管诸神黄昏或者别的什么,看在你是阿特柔斯…或者说洛基女儿的份上,我可以饶你一命!你之前袭击我的事情,还有刚才的事情我都可以不计较…” At this point, Ash, then opened the eye fiercely, serious saying „the thing that but... I want I must do! You best honest, coordinates a point, gave me to hand over honestly the authority of death!” 说到这里,灰烬一顿,然后猛地睁大了眼睛,一脸严肃的说道“但是…我要的东西我一定要搞到手!你最好老实一点,配合一点,把死亡的权柄给我老老实实的交出来!” Hela shaking the head of without hesitation, looks that Ash serious saying is impossible! I the authority that is possible dead do not give you!” 海拉毫不犹豫的摇了摇头,看着灰烬严肃的说道“不可能!我不可能将死亡的权柄交给你的!” Heard this saying, Ash cannot help but narrows the eye, then put from the shoulder Firelink Greatsword in hand slowly, the flame that before had soon been put out twined again above the big sword... 听到这话,灰烬不由得眯起了眼睛,然后将手中的传火大剑缓缓地从肩头放了下来,之前已经快要熄灭的火焰再一次缠绕在了大剑之上… Yes that did not have the means that since you did not give, I can only begin to snatch, even if you were the Atreus daughter, I still can only under the pain the killer!” “是嘛那就没办法了啊,既然你不给,那我就只能自己动手抢了啊就算你是阿特柔斯的女儿,我也只能痛下杀手了!” Hela light snort/hum, „I am is impossible dead to Ash serious saying in your hands, the Various God dusk is my mission, before Various God dusk arrives, I was impossible dead!” 海拉轻哼了一声,冲着灰烬严肃的说道“我是不可能死在你手里的,诸神的黄昏是我的使命,在诸神黄昏来到之前,我不可能死去的!” Heard this saying, the Ash cannot help but chuckle, saying that then a face teased this may really be... surprising! In other words... you think that the so-called destiny can save you from my hand! Interesting... such being the case, we give a try, look is your life is hard, is the sword in my hand is hard!” 听到这话,灰烬不由得轻笑了一声,然后一脸戏谑的说道“这可真是…让人惊讶啊!也就是说…你认为所谓的命运能从我的手中把你救下来啊!有趣…既然如此,那我们就试试看吧,看看是你的命硬,还是我手里的剑硬!” Wait, Ash... first do not impulse, this relates to Various God dusk, do not impulse are quite good!” “等等,灰烬…你先不要冲动,这关系到诸神黄昏,你还是不要冲动比较好!” Ash light snort/hum, is very clear, I who coldly saying that I say to Freya did not care about what Various God dusk, no one can prevent me to obtain me to want!” 灰烬轻哼了一声,冲着芙蕾雅冷冷的说道“我说的很清楚了吧,我不在乎什么诸神黄昏,没有人可以阻止我得到我想要的!” I know, but, you are patient, in brief, this matter gives me...” “我知道,但是,你稍安勿躁,总而言之,这件事交给我吧…” Ash looks at face firm Freya, Ash light snort/hum, then a face agitated received Firelink Greatsword in hand, uncomfortable said in a low voice if we had known I did not call you to come, hacked to death her directly, snatched to finish up the authority of death.” 灰烬看着一脸坚定的芙蕾雅,灰烬轻哼了一声,然后一脸烦躁的收起了手中的传火大剑,不爽的低声说道“早知道我就不叫你过来,直接把她砍死,把死亡的权柄抢过来就完事了。” Looks to receive Ash of weapon, Freya cannot help but relaxes, has turned the head to look at Hela light saying Hela..., you said that you are the Atreus that child's daughter, is never back and forth to the present, these I believed that but... had a situation you possibly is not very clear, Ash... was also this person, was existence beyond destiny, our destinies were impossible to affect his, moreover believes that you also discovered, no one is able to prevent this person...” 看着收起武器的灰烬,芙蕾雅不由得松了一口气,转过头看着海拉淡淡的说道“海拉…是吧,你说你是阿特柔斯那孩子的女儿,是从未来回到了现在,这些我都信,但是…有个情况你可能不是很清楚,灰烬…也就是这个人,是命运之外的存在,我们的命运是不可能影响到他的,而且相信你也发现了吧,谁都无法阻止这个人…” Spoke this saying, Freya has turned the head, somewhat had a lingering fear watched one side one piece scarlet, looks obviously is Neil Fuhai actually just like Muse Bell Heym's the scenery... 说这话,芙蕾雅转过头,有些心有余悸的看了一眼身边的一片赤地,看着明明是尼尔福海姆却宛如穆斯贝尔海姆的景色… Heard the Freya words, Hela that half fierce face became somewhat twisted, to Freya serious saying „, but... the Various God dusk will certainly arrive, must arrive at... anyone unable to prevent!” 听到了芙蕾雅的话,海拉那半张狰狞的脸变得有些扭曲了起来,冲着芙蕾雅严肃的说道“可是…诸神的黄昏必将到来,也必须到来…谁都不能阻止!” Nearby Ash light snort/hum, saying that a face disdains who said? What Various God if I do want to prevent this dusk? What situation on the other hand... Various God dusk is, was only Various God died?” 一旁的灰烬轻哼了一声,一脸不屑的说道“谁说的?要是我想阻止这个什么诸神黄昏呢?话说回来…诸神黄昏到底是个什么情况啊,就只是诸神全部死亡吗?” Freya shaking the head of gently, to Ash light saying „the Various God dusk, is the end of the world , was the inevitable fate... is one point that during the circulation of life and death had inevitably... once I do not know, but I want to understand now, not only Various God dusk our time end, was the beginning of next time. However Odin does not hope that his time ends, therefore has been doing everything possible to prevent all these...” 芙蕾雅轻轻的摇了摇头,冲着灰烬淡淡的说道“诸神的黄昏,即是世界的末日,也是必然的宿命…是生与死的循环之中必然存在的一环…曾经的我不知道,但是现在我想明白了,诸神黄昏不只是我们这个时代的终结,也是下一个时代的开端。但是奥丁不希望他的时代终结,所以一直在想尽办法阻止这一切…” Heard this saying, Ash showed an understanding expression, nods slowly, looks that present two people light saying of I understood, in other words Odin passes on the hot faction, she was the Extinguishing faction, but you were pass on the fire to jump Extinguishing... Ais are this meaning.” 听到这话,灰烬露出了一副会意的表情,缓缓地点了点头,看着眼前的两人淡淡的说道“我明白了,也就是说奥丁是传火派,她是灭火派,而你是传火跳灭火啊…差不多是这个意思吧。” Although does not know the biography fire in Ash mouth to send with the Extinguishing faction is what meaning, but Freya always felt Ash said makes sense very much... 虽然不知道灰烬口中的传火派和灭火派是什么意思,但是芙蕾雅总感觉灰烬说的很有道理… Silent a moment later, Freya looked to Ash, somewhat serious asking Ash did you think? In your opinion Various God whether dusk needs of arrival?” 沉默了片刻之后,芙蕾雅看向了灰烬,有些严肃的问道“那么灰烬你认为呢?在你看来诸神黄昏是否有到来的必要?” Ash light snort/hum, then serious saying not necessary issue, this is the inevitable matter, even if his Odin can escape this tribulation, will perish will arrive finally!” 灰烬轻哼了一声,然后一脸严肃的说道“不是有没有必要的问题,这是必然的事情,就算他奥丁能逃过这一劫,灭亡终会到来!” Said here, Ash sighs lightly, a face recalled said in a low voice „, moreover towed for a long time, was fearful! Therefore actually really the Jane list, does not need deliberately to start what Various God dusk, in my opinion that possibly is only the matter very Jane list that a form... must make, nothing but wanting the fellows who prevent the world to perish kills, then enabled this world natural dying to be OK.” 说道这里,灰烬轻叹了一口气,一脸缅怀的低声说道“而且拖得越久,就越是可怕!所以其实很单,不需要刻意去启动什么诸神黄昏,在我看来那可能只是一个形式而已…要做的事情很单,无非就是把想要阻止世界灭亡的家伙都干掉,然后让这个世界自然的死去就可以了。” Looks at the Ash look, Freya knitting the brows of gently, hesitated a moment later, somewhat hesitant asking in a low voice Ash you... had experienced these probably.” 看着灰烬的神色,芙蕾雅轻轻的皱了皱眉,沉吟了片刻之后,有些犹豫的低声问道“灰烬你…好像经历过这些。” Deeply looked at Freya, Ash has not dodged this issue gently nodded to say you said right, I have experienced all these. World that I am at... before for a long time is very very long, should perish...” 深深地看了一眼芙蕾雅,灰烬没有回避这个问题轻轻的点了点头说道“你说的没错,我经历过这一切。我所在的世界…早在很久很久以前,就应该灭亡了…” That afterward? Perished... comes in time?” “那后来呢?灭亡…如期而至了吗?” Ash cannot help but smiled bitterly, gently shakes the head saying that our gods... the rulers in our world, attempts to continue the life of the world, therefore he sets an example, burnt own all, continued the life of the world , takes the pretence by this, the deceit even forces us, offers own all, is used to continue the life of the world. Then, thinks or Soul of great strength hangs is continuing the life, passed the innumerable years.” 灰烬不由得苦笑了一声,轻轻的摇了摇头说道“我们的神…我们那个世界的统治者,妄图延续世界的生命,所以他以身作则,燃烧了自己的一切,延续了世界的生命,也以此作为幌子,欺骗甚至强迫我们,也献出自己的一切,用来延续世界的生命。就这样,用神或者强大者的灵魂吊着续命,又过了无数年。” Freya hesitated a moment later, looks up Ash serious asking you said a moment ago... escapes even, perishes will arrive finally, moreover drags for a long time... more serious, right!” 芙蕾雅沉吟了片刻之后,抬起头看着灰烬严肃的问道“你刚才说…就算逃过了一劫,灭亡终会到来,而且拖得越久…就越严重,对吧!” Ash nod of gently „, continued the life even, our world is barely managing to maintain a feeble existence, the whole world is getting more and more ruined..., until I ended all these.” 灰烬轻轻的点了点头“是的,就算延续了生命,我们的世界还是在苟延残喘而已,整个世界越来越破败…直到我终结了这一切。” Looks at face indifferent Ash, Freya deeply inspires, some pitying looks that Ash said that... is very certainly laborious, is very painful!” 看着一脸淡然的灰烬,芙蕾雅深吸了一口气,有些怜悯的看着灰烬说道“那…一定很辛苦,很痛苦吧!” Ash shaking the head of gently, can light saying actually, some people do this matter fortunately not? Moreover I am not thinking anything makes all straighten out, I do not like these gods deceiving me, does not like these gods to the destiny that I set, these gods who therefore my counter- they, only saved conveniently killed none.” 灰烬轻轻的摇了摇头,淡淡的说道“其实还好吧,总要有人去做这件事不是吗?而且我也不是想着什么让一切步入正轨,我只是不喜欢那些神欺骗我,不喜欢那些神给我定下的命运而已,所以我反了他们,顺手把仅存的那些神杀了个精光而已。” Although Ash said incomparable relaxed, but Freya looks complex to the Ash look actually... this matter, how wants is not the small matter. 虽然灰烬说的无比轻松,但是芙蕾雅望向灰烬的眼神却更加的复杂…这种事情,怎么想都不会是轻松的事情吧。
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