DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1038: Speed blade

Facing this terrifying woman emits, but the spitting breath, Ash deeply frowns... smog that moved sideways to avoid heading on 面对这个恐怖女人喷吐而出的吐息,灰烬深深地皱起了眉头…一个闪身避开了扑面而来的烟雾 No matter how said, this fellow is also grasping death existence of authority, moreover smog that she spouts very strange, Ash can feel, if oneself bump into that smog, touched the Wolnir smog with before is an effect! 不管怎么说,这家伙也是掌握着死亡的权柄的存在,而且她喷出的烟雾非常的诡异,灰烬能感觉得到,要是自己碰上那烟雾,就跟之前触碰到沃尼尔的烟雾是一个效果! Although said that is not very big to own influence, but has certain impact, in order to be discrete, is should not be quite good with the smog contact of this fellow... 虽然说对自己的影响并不是很大,但还是有一定影响的,谨慎起见,还是不要和这个家伙的烟雾接触比较好… Temporarily drove back Ash, the mysterious female is staring at Ash wickedly, saying that coldly really... must kill you eventually! This is the choice of destiny!” 暂时逼退了灰烬,神秘女子恶狠狠地盯着灰烬,冷冷的说道“果然…终究还是要杀死你!这就是命运的选择!” Looks the facial features that on the female face twists, Ash deeply inspires, got hold of Firelink Greatsword in hand, said slowly such being the case, I did not use politely, before added that forgave your life, but looks like... already not that necessity now!” 看着女子脸上扭曲的面容,灰烬深吸了一口气,握紧了手中的传火大剑,缓缓地说道“是嘛既然如此,那我也就不用客气了,之前还说饶你一命的,但是现在看来…已经没有那个必要了!” Spoke this saying, Ash steps on the poor soil of under foot, before taking possession to/clashes, rushes over toward the location of mysterious female! 说这话,灰烬一踩脚下的赤土,附身前冲,朝着神秘女子的所在地冲了过去! Ash speed very quick, almost time in an instant had arrived at the Hela front, looks in the Ash hand to hold up high, the long sword that will soon drop, the mysterious woman contemptuously and sneered fiercely gently, the palm turns, strange wind has stroked, swayed above the Ash body! 灰烬的速度非常的快,几乎一转眼的功夫就已经来到了海拉的面前,看着灰烬手中高高举起,即将落下的长剑,神秘女人轻蔑而狰狞的冷笑了一声,手掌轻轻的一翻,一股诡异的风拂过,吹拂在了灰烬的身躯之上! In a flash, Ash discovered that the present mysterious woman seems like the lightning to be common, vanishes from own front, in the Ash insight, the Hela flash of disappearance appeared in own behind, then from the hand pulled out a sickle of long , cut ruthlessly to the Ash body! 一瞬间,灰烬发现眼前的神秘女人像是闪电一般迅速,从自己的面前消失,在灰烬的洞察力之中,消失的海拉一瞬间就出现在了自己的身后,然后从手中抽出了一把长柄的镰刀,狠狠地斩向灰烬的身躯! Is impossible! Possibly... so to be how quick? 不可能!怎么可能…这么快? The eyeground of Ash flashes through panic-stricken, then in same place twinkle, own proportional type control, shifted to fiercely behind... 灰烬的眼底闪过一丝惊骇,然后猛地原地闪烁,将自己的位置调整了一下,重新转向了身后… Welcomes the sickle that the mysterious female is dividing to cut to come, Ash bellowed, Firelink Greatsword and it unscientific form in hand makes a turn, this blocks the sickle that the mysterious woman brandishes to come reluctantly! 迎着神秘女子劈砍而来的镰刀,灰烬大吼了一声,手中的传火大剑以及其不科学的形式转了个弯,这才勉强挡住神秘女人挥舞而来的镰刀! Because Ash at this moment is the condition of staying in the air, the under foot does not have the point of application, the sickle of mysterious woman chops to cut above Firelink Greatsword in Ash hand, raised him fiercely backward! 但是由于灰烬此时此刻是滞空的状态,脚下并没有着力点,神秘女人的镰刀劈砍在灰烬手中的传火大剑之上,猛地将他向后掀了出去! Pours in the Ash face of ground uncomfortably crawled from the ground, looks at not far away to carry with the hand the sickle, stands before oneself the mysterious woman, deeply frowns... 倒在地上的灰烬一脸难受的从地上爬了起来,看着不远处手提着镰刀,站在自己面前的神秘女人,深深地皱起了眉头… This Monster same woman... the speed is so unexpectedly fast, oneself almost can determine, she was not moved or other what things before instantaneously, she was the only oneself speed avoided oneself long sword, and circled own behind! 这个怪物一样的女人…速度竟然这么快,自己几乎可以确定,她之前并不是瞬间移动或者其他的什么东西,她就是单凭自己的速度避开了自己的长剑,并且绕到了自己的身后! Depending on her fearful lower part? Depending on her skinny body? 就凭她可怕的下半身?就凭她的干瘦的身躯? Freya of not far away looks at somewhat distressed Ash, cannot help but shouts Ash loudly, do you need to help? Now I can also fight!” 不远处的芙蕾雅看着有些狼狈的灰烬,不由得大声喊道“灰烬,你需不需要帮助?现在我也可以战斗的!” Ash has turned the head fiercely, shouts to Freya loudly does not need! I alone can handle! On the contrary is you, you, this Monster speed was too carefully strange! Be not seized the opportunity by her! Favoring you were good, Freya!” 灰烬猛地转过头,冲着芙蕾雅大声喊道“不需要!我一个人可以搞定!反倒是你,你小心一点,这个怪物的速度太诡异了!别被她抓住了机会!看好你自己就行了,芙蕾雅!” As a being conceited soldier, the Ash stubborn rejection the help of Freya, on the contrary is that female Monster, hears some dialogue later doubts between Freya and Ash shot a look at Freya of not far away, as if in the relations among two people dares to arrive puzzled... 作为一个自视甚高的战士,灰烬倔强的拒绝了芙蕾雅的帮助,反倒是那个女怪物,听到芙蕾雅灰烬之间的对话之后有些疑惑的瞥了一眼不远处的芙蕾雅,仿佛在为两人之间的关系敢到困惑… Depending on that blade, Ash can conclude, present female Monster, is not a qualified soldier, however her speed was really strange! 就凭刚才的那一刀,灰烬可以断定,眼前的这个女怪物,并不是一个合格的战士,但是她的速度实在是太诡异了! Got hold of the long sword in hand, Ash gently narrowed the eye, focused on not far away that to raise the sickle, face cruel Monster... 握紧了手中的长剑,灰烬轻轻的眯起了眼睛,紧盯着不远处那个提着镰刀,一脸残忍的怪物 In the mysterious woman hand a sickle revolution, gentle such as cool breeze is common, launches the attack toward the position that Ash is , the sickle in hand from top to bottom, cut ruthlessly to Ash! 神秘的女人手中镰刀一转,温婉如一阵清风一般,朝着灰烬所在的位置发起了进攻,手中的镰刀自上而下,狠狠地砍向灰烬 Ash light snort/hum, exclaimed to this fellow sternly dies to me!” With the angry roaring sound, Firelink Greatsword in Ash hand lifted fiercely, welcomes the sickle that the mysterious woman is dividing to cut to come to withstand/top! 灰烬轻哼了一声,冲着这个家伙厉声吼道“给我死!”伴随着怒吼声,灰烬手中的传火大剑猛地抬起,迎着神秘女人劈砍而来的镰刀顶了过去! Ash has the absolute self-confidence, purely in strength this point, she not own opponent, oneself, so long as suppresses her, by own fight experience, the flash can cut to kill her! 灰烬有绝对的自信,单纯在力量这一点,她绝不是自己的对手,自己只要压制住她,凭借自己的战斗经验,一瞬间就可以将她斩杀! The long sickle and Firelink Greatsword collided in one, the flash of contact, the pupil of mysterious woman shrank fiercely, contacted, she felt that oneself wrist/skill soon broke off generally, tremendous strength along hand in sickle conduction to own wrist/skill... 长柄镰刀和传火大剑碰撞在了一起,接触的一瞬间,神秘的女人的瞳孔猛地一缩,就只是接触了一下,她就感觉自己的手腕快要被折断了一般,巨大的力量顺着手中的镰刀传导至自己的手腕… Sees astonishment in this female person eyes, in the eyes of Ash flashes through a cruelty! Yes, is this, was expected that with oneself is the same! Her strength basic with oneself is not a magnitude! Oneself have suppressed her! Then so long as... 看到这个女人眼中的惊愕,灰烬的双眼之中闪过一丝残忍!是的,就是这样,跟自己预料之中的一样!她的力量根本跟自己就不是一个量级的!自己已经压制住了她!接下来只要… A strange smile appeared on the face of mysterious woman, the suddenly time, the figure of mysterious woman changed to together the make way of black flowing light from the Ash sword , without the big sword of working point to pound ruthlessly on the ground, raised hot wave! 一丝诡异的笑容浮现在了神秘女人的脸上,眨眼的功夫,神秘女人的身形就化作一道黑色的流光从灰烬的剑下闪开,没了受力点的大剑狠狠地砸在了地上,掀起了一阵火浪! But the black flowing light avoided the hot wave, like a poisonous snake, circled the Ash body side, the sharp sickle also held up again, divided to cut toward the nape of Ash ruthlessly! 而黑色的流光则是避开了火浪,就像一条毒蛇一样,绕到了灰烬的身侧,锋利的镰刀也再一次举起,朝着灰烬的后颈狠狠地劈砍了过来! The eyeground of Ash flashes through panic-stricken, although the second time was, but Ash is unable to understand, how the speed of this woman... can so rapid! Cannot see clearly the trail that she moves! 灰烬的眼底闪过一丝惊骇,虽然是第二次了,但是灰烬还是无法理解,这个女人的速度…怎么能如此的迅速!就连自己都没能洞察到她移动的踪迹! Although is very surprised, very surprise, but does not think now these things time, the sickle has soon cut own neck, feels the intermittent chill in the air that the nape place is transmitting, Ash glares angrily, opens mouth drank one fiercely greatly! 虽然很惊讶,很诧异,但是现在不是想这些事情的时候,镰刀已经快要砍到自己的脖子了,感受着后颈处传来的阵阵寒意,灰烬怒目圆睁,张开嘴猛地大喝了一声! !” With angry roaring of Ash, a white ray erupted from the body of Ash suddenly! “喝啊!”伴随着灰烬的怒吼,一阵白色的光芒从灰烬的身上猛然爆发了出去! The anger of Various God! An incomparably powerful miracle, takes Ash as the center of circle, the golden ray outward diffusion, hits, in the mysterious female divided above the sickle that cuts to come, hit on her body! 诸神之怒!一个无比强大的奇迹,以灰烬为圆心,金色的光芒向外扩散而出,撞在了神秘女劈砍而来的镰刀之上,撞在了她的身上! The strong impulse also has the sickle in her hand to shove open her instantaneously, pushes out toward not far away! 强大的冲击力瞬间将她还有她手中的镰刀推开,朝着不远处推了出去! The anger of this round of Various God has almost not played what effect, the time is extremely tight , without the time to gather the strength, can only achieve her shoves open, is unable to cause anything to injure..., if gathers the strength to be completed, but the anger of this round of Various God tore into shreds the body of this woman sufficiently! 这一发诸神之怒几乎没有起到什么效果,时间太过紧迫,没有时间蓄力,只能做到将她推开而已,无法造成什么伤害…要是蓄力完成的话,但是这一发诸神之怒就足以将这个女人的身体撕碎了! Looks mysterious woman who not far away falls to the ground floating, Ash in gulps breathed the thick air/Qi... 看着不远处飘然落地的神秘女人,灰烬大口大口的喘起了粗气… Too strange! Really was extremely strange! This woman makes his Ash unable to respond the speed , was really quick! Is she god of speed? But looks not like. 太诡异了!实在是太过诡异了!这个女人让他灰烬都反应不过来的速度,实在是太快了!难道说她是速度之神吗?可是看着也不像啊。 Looks down Firelink Greatsword in hand, Ash frowning of gently, cannot get down again, although does not want to acknowledge, but the speed of this fellow above oneself, oneself a short time is unable to adapt to her speed, but..., once this fellow adapted to own forms of combat, then the issue was really big! 低下头看了一眼自己手中的传火大剑,灰烬轻轻的皱起了眉头,不能再这么下去了,虽然很不想承认,但是这个家伙的速度远在自己之上,自己一时半会根本无法适应她的速度,但是…一旦这个家伙适应了自己的战斗方式,那么问题就真的大了! Thinks of here, Ash deeply inspires, lifted the arm slowly, flame between one group of black red appearances were grasped by him in the hand! 想到这里,灰烬深吸了一口气,缓缓地抬起了手臂,一团黑红色相间的火焰被他握在了手中! Waves the arms about fiercely, Ash threw the flame bomb in hand to the sky, that scarlet red roaring flame floated in in the air, fires the innumerable flame bombs in the direction that the mysterious woman was at! 猛地一甩手,灰烬将手中的火焰弹扔向了天空,那赤红色的烈焰就这么漂浮在了空中,朝着神秘女人所在的方向发射出了无数的火焰弹! Don't you like hiding? Good, I make you hide well! Looked when you can hide to go! 你不是喜欢躲吗?好,我就让你好好躲一躲!看你能躲到什么时候去! Looks at the flame bomb to drop from the clouds, Ash received own Firelink Greatsword, pulled out long short two sharp swords, what oneself present... need was the speed! Although not necessarily can follow her, but cannot be regarded by her is the fool dawdles! 看着火焰弹从天而降,灰烬收起了自己的传火大剑,抽出了一长一短两把利剑,自己现在…需要的是速度!虽然不一定跟得上她,但是也不能被她这么一直当成是傻子遛! The hand grasps two sharp weapons, the Ash both feet is treading the ground fiercely, body forward started storm, flushed to the direction that the mysterious woman is at! 手握着两把锋利的武器,灰烬双脚猛地一踏地面,向前的身躯掀起了一阵暴风,冲着神秘女人所在的方向冲了过来! Looks hot rain that drops from the clouds, looks Ash that the front surface to/clashes, the eyeground of mysterious woman flashes through startled, then quickly got hold of the sickle in hand, chops to cut back and forth, swings the hot rain, is waiting for the arrival of Ash... 看着从天而降的火雨,看着迎面冲来的灰烬,神秘女人的眼底闪过一丝惊慌,然后急忙握紧了手中的镰刀,来回劈砍,将火雨荡开,等待着灰烬的到来… Advancing Ash saw that this cannot help but frowns, why doesn't she dodge? By her speed, these hot rain should be are impossible to bump obtain her, oneself use this incantation technique to also block her walking position... 正在突进的灰烬看到这一幕不由得皱起了眉头,她为什么不闪避?凭借她的速度,这些火雨应该是不可能碰得到她的,自己施展这个咒术也只是为了封锁一下她的走位而已… The quantity crowded flame bomb will limit the path that she dodges to a certain extent, can Ash behind also has a side to protect, making her unable near body..., but also that is all. 数量密集的火焰弹会在一定程度上限制她闪避的道路,更可以将灰烬的身后还有身侧保护起来,让她无法近身…但也仅此而已了。 Although in heart incomparable doubts, but cannot attend to now so many, oneself had rushed to her front, can only first cut said again! 虽然心中无比的疑惑,但是现在也顾不上那么多了,自己已经冲到了她的面前,只能先砍了再说了! Thinks of here, Ash lifted the hand to hold up the double blade in hand, was up and down lifts the sickle to conduct the mysterious woman who the standard is keeping off to divide in the hot rain toward this to cut to go! 想到这里,灰烬抬起手举起了手中的双刀,一上一下朝着这个举着镰刀正在火雨之中进行着格挡的神秘女人劈砍而去! Facing the surprise attack of Ash, the eyeground of mysterious woman flashes through one ruthlessly spicy, then changes to the flowing light again, went round his sword to strike... 面对灰烬的突袭,神秘女人的眼底闪过一丝狠辣,然后再一次化作流光,绕开了他的剑击… Is thinking cuts the sickle that strikes backhandedly, is actually forced to be used for the hot rain that defends to drop from the clouds, is unable to brandish! 本想着反手斩击的镰刀,却被迫用来防御从天而降的火雨,根本无法挥舞出去! Ash wielded spatial again, stood firm in the footsteps, looked at the hot rain in sky, looked the long sword in own hand... 灰烬再一次挥了个空,站定了脚步之中,看了看天空中的火雨,又看了看自己手中的长剑… Hesitated a moment later, the revolutions is slowly excessive, looks that mysterious woman light saying of breathing heavily in gulps I was understanding finally, was not you were too quick, but was I slows down!” 沉吟了片刻之后,缓缓地转过了头,看着那个正大口大口的喘着粗气的神秘女人淡淡的说道“我终于明白了,不是你太快了,而是我变慢了!” Yes, this attack, where the Ash discovery is not finally right! When oneself wield a sword chops to cut, the speed of this woman again suddenly speeds up, speeds up with it together, the hot rain that drops from the sky! 是的,这一次攻击,灰烬终于发现是什么地方不对劲了!在自己挥剑劈砍的时候,这个女人的速度再一次陡然加快,与之一同加快的,还有从天空中落下的火雨! Yes, quick unbelievable of flame of dropping from the clouds in the line of sight of Ash! The flash appears, the next flash has pounded on the ground... 是的,从天而降的火焰在灰烬的视线之中快的难以置信!一瞬间就出现,下一瞬间就已经砸在了地上… Difficult to be inadequate she also to give own hot rain acceleration to be inadequate? This naturally is impossible! In other words she does, was only by oneself slow, including own response, included own thought... 难不成她还能给自己的火雨加速不成?这当然是不可能的!也就是说她所做的,只是让自己慢了下来了而已,包括自己的反应,包括自己的思想… Because of this, Ash had not discovered that was slowed down, instead thought this fellow changed quick... 就是因为此,灰烬才一直没有发现是自己变慢了,反而是觉得这个家伙变快了… High-speed writing hits to pass on hot hero the travel of chapter list of dimension 高速文字手打传火侠的次元之旅章节列表
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