DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1037: How many mysterious?

Wait!” Ash puts out a hand suddenly, stopped the Freya words, then has turned the head slowly, looks that Freya light asking what you... did say a moment ago?” “等等!”灰烬突然伸出了手,止住了芙蕾雅的话,然后缓缓地转过头,看着芙蕾雅淡淡的问道“你刚才…说什么?” Freya strange looked at Ash, then light redundant say/way I said, we must try another method.” 芙蕾雅奇怪的看了一眼灰烬,然后淡淡的重复道“我说,我们要另辟蹊径。” „It is not this, front that!” “不是这一句,前面那一句!” Frowning of gently, Freya looks that Ash repeated say/way I to say again... dispersed the dense fog, was equivalent must destroy entire Neil Fuhai.” 轻轻的皱起了眉头,芙蕾雅看着灰烬再一次重复道“我说…驱散迷雾,就相当于要摧毁整个尼尔福海姆。” Ash nod of gently, then smiles to say this means are not good the convenience also quickly, why can try another method convenient? Good decided that our destroys entire Neil Fuhai!” 灰烬轻轻的点了点头,然后嘿嘿一笑说道“这办法不是挺好的嘛方便省事还快捷,为什么要另辟蹊径呢?好就这么定了,我们这就摧毁整个尼尔福海姆!” Looks that a face is full of enthusiasm, reveals the arm to pull the sleeve not to know why Ash can, Freya quickly put out a hand to block to ask you Ash to be up to mischief? I do not mean, this is very difficult matter, even if Odin wants to scatter this thick fog still is almost the impossible matter!” 看着一脸兴致勃勃,露胳膊挽袖子不知道要干什么的灰烬,芙蕾雅急忙伸出手将灰烬拦了下来问道“你要搞什么鬼?我不是说了嘛,这是很困难的事情,就算是奥丁想要驱散这浓雾也几乎是不可能的事情!” A Ash face uncomfortable turned Byakugan, then laughs at one saying that I discover now, when your here god king can/but is really miserable every day must come out to work as the measuring unit or the measurables by drawing, what Odin is unable to endure here severely cold Odin not to want even to stay for one second also what Odin unable even to scatter this thick fog here now even...” 灰烬一脸不爽的翻了个白眼,然后嗤笑一声说道“我现在是发现了,当你们这里的神王可真是惨啊每天都要被拉出来当计量单位或者衡量标准,什么就算是奥丁也无法忍受这里的严寒就算是奥丁也不想在这里多呆一秒现在还什么就算是奥丁也无法驱散这浓雾…” Freya somewhat stunned looks at Ash, then gently shakes the head saying that sounds like somewhat is truly miserable, but this is the fact!” 芙蕾雅有些错愕的看着灰烬,然后轻轻的摇了摇头说道“听起来好像确实有些惨,可是这是事实啊!” Curls the lip, Ash stretched out points at referred to itself, a face teased looks that Freya asked that me to probably ask you, you felt the matter that Odin could not achieve I couldn't certainly achieve? You thought that... I do have several mysterious?” 撇了撇嘴,灰烬伸出手指了指自己,一脸戏谑的看着芙蕾雅问道“那我到是要问问你,你觉得奥丁做不到的事情我就一定做不到吗?你觉得…我有几奥?” What?” “什么?” My meaning is... you thought that I can go against several Odin?” “我的意思是…你觉得我能顶几个奥丁?” Really takes Odin to work as the measuring unit! Freya sighs lightly, then light saying „do I feel... probably two mysterious? No, 1.5 mysterious!” 真就拿奥丁当计量单位啊!芙蕾雅轻叹了一口气,然后淡淡的说道“我觉得…大概两奥?不,一点五奥吧!” Ash laughed at one mysterious generally, stretched out the finger to shake shaking in the Freya front gently, saying that then a face teased believed me, Freya, this number was not you can imagine, matter that I can achieve... very many!” 灰烬故弄玄虚一般的嗤笑了一声,伸出手指在芙蕾雅的面前轻轻的晃了晃,然后一脸戏谑的说道“相信我,芙蕾雅,这个数字远不是你能想象的,我能做到的事情…非常的多!” Spoke this saying, Ash lifted own hand slowly, one group of dazzling flames by Ash handful in palm... 说这话,灰烬缓缓地抬起了自己的手,一团耀眼的火光被灰烬捧在了掌心… Freya has to see the Ash fire god general stance, when she noticed that Ash these holds the flame time when the hand, she was shocked... 芙蕾雅不是没见过灰烬火神一般的姿态,但是当她看到灰烬这一次捧在手中火焰时,她愣住了… What kind of flame this is, bright, dazzling and warm... will be will only focus on above this group of flames, Freya felt that own eyes are unable to put aside from the flame of this group of flaming combustion again... 这是怎样的火焰啊,明亮、耀眼、温暖…光是将目光集中在这团火光之上,芙蕾雅就感觉自己的双眼再也无法从这团熊熊燃烧的火光之上移开… This is the fatal seduction! Freya felt an own moth, one type plunges this group of flame probably, impulsion that oneself will light... 这是致命的诱惑!芙蕾雅感觉自己就好像一只飞蛾,有一种扑向这团火焰,将自己点燃的冲动… Who her Freya is, Vanir queen, after former god ! It can be said that this world's most powerful Magician, even said that is one of the most powerful existences is not overrated, particularly she retrieved oneself pair of wings... 芙蕾雅是什么人,华纳神族的女王,前任的神后!可以说是这个世界最强大的魔法师,甚至说是最强大存在之一都不为过,尤其是她寻回了自己的双翼… However even this, she is unable to exempt from the seduction that this flame brings as before completely, conceivable, if an ordinary mortal, after seeing this group of flame, what kind of scene can be... 但是就算是这样,她依旧无法完全豁免这火焰带来的诱惑,可以想象,要是一个普通的凡人,看到了这团火焰之后会是怎样的光景… Swallows the saliva difficultly, Freya puts aside from this group of flames the vision, has turned the head to look to Ash, did the pursing the lips lip of ask what Ash... this is?” 吞了吞口水,芙蕾雅艰难的将目光从这团火光之上移开,转过头看向灰烬,抿了抿嘴唇问道“灰烬…这是什么?” Fire “火啊” I know, I meant...” “我知道,我的意思是说…” Looks that does not know Freya how should describe, the Ash chuckle, gathered own front the flame in hand, static looks at this group of flame light saying „the Jane list, this is the source of my strength, my foundation, is my essence!” 看着不知道该怎么形容的芙蕾雅,灰烬轻笑了一声,将手中的火焰凑到了自己的面前,静静的看着这团火焰淡淡的说道“很单,这是我力量的源泉,我的根基,更是我的本质!” Hears these words, feeling that Freya suddenly is from the heart, the words and deeds that Ash has despised the gods are very possible are not because he has been persecuted by gods, but looking down upon gods who because he is from the heart, after all his essence... seems like that noble! 听到这番话,芙蕾雅突然发自内心的觉得,灰烬一直藐视神明的言行很可能不是因为他受到过神明的迫害,而是因为他发自内心的瞧不起神明,毕竟他的本质…看起来是那么的高贵! Pressed the heart the guess in heart, Freya deeply inspired, looks that Ash does ask how that... you to do in a soft voice now?” 将心中的这种猜测压回了心底,芙蕾雅深深地吸了一口气,看着灰烬轻声问道“那么…你现在要怎么做?” The Ash revolutions is excessive, to Freya smiles fiercely, then grasps the palm, the dazzling ray erupted from the palm of Ash, the flaming raging fire lit all around all, the mist that no matter the vegetation or the stone... even in the air fill was lit by this flame! 灰烬转过了头,冲着芙蕾雅嘿嘿一笑,然后将手掌猛的一握,耀眼的光芒从灰烬的手掌之中爆发了出去,熊熊的烈火点燃了四周的一切,不管是草木还是土石…甚至就连空气之中弥漫的水雾都被这火焰所点燃! The roaring flame starts to spread, time in an instant, Freya at present on a pure brightness, except for the position that they are, behind Til temple, the surrounding all vanish to disappear! What... did not have, the place that the flame slightly crosses is empty, is only left over one piece scarlet! 烈焰开始蔓延,一转眼的功夫,芙蕾雅眼前就一片清明,除了他们所在的位置,还有身后的提尔神殿,周围的一切全都消失不见了!什么都…没有了,火焰略过的地方空无一物,只剩下一片赤地! Knows here is Neil Fuhai, Freya will even start to suspect oneself went astray incautiously, entered Muse Bell Heym... 要不是知道这里是尼尔福海姆,芙蕾雅甚至都会开始怀疑自己是不是一不小心走错了,进入了穆斯贝尔海姆… This... this is how possible! How to have this matter?” Is speaking, Freya bent down the body slowly, put out a hand slowly the taking bearing under foot scarlet... “这…这怎么可能!怎么会发生这种事?”说着话,芙蕾雅缓缓地俯下了身,伸出手缓缓地探向脚下的赤地… You , if not want to draw fire to oneself do that not do!” Heard the Ash words, Freya bite back the hand, looks although at present does not have the open fire, but in the combustion land, held breath as before cold air... “你要是不想引火烧身的话就不要那样做!”听到灰烬的话,芙蕾雅急忙收回了手,看着眼前虽然已经没有明火,但是依旧在燃烧的大地,倒吸了一口凉气… Her Si palm authority of part of deaths, although is not complete, but Freya can feel, Ash is killing this world, he is killing Neil Fuhai! Neil Fuhai... is dying under the ignition of roaring flame! 她司掌着一部分死亡的权柄,虽然并不是全部,但是芙蕾雅可以感觉的到,灰烬是在杀死这个世界,他是在杀死尼尔福海姆!尼尔福海姆…正在烈焰的灼烧之下死去! In Freya does not know how then should do, must prevent Ash time, Ash opened the eyes suddenly, has turned the head to look fiercely in some direction! 就在芙蕾雅不知道接下来该怎么做,到底要不要阻止灰烬的时候,灰烬突然睁大了双眼,猛地转过头朝着某一个方向望去! But was makes me find! I also think that you can go into the ends of the earth!” The corners of the mouth of Ash rise slightly, then has turned the head to smile to Freya was saying that found a mysterious fellow! Walked, helping me identify! The person who has a look me to find the fellow who is we must find!” “可算是让我找到了!我还以为你能跑到天涯海角去呢!”灰烬的嘴角微微上扬,然后转过头冲着芙蕾雅微笑着说道“找到了一个神秘的家伙!走了,帮我辨认一下吧!看看我找到的家伙是不是我们要找的人!” Speaks, Ash puts out a hand, according to above the shoulder of Freya, the blue light flashed through together, Ash then brought Freya to vanish in same place... 说完话,灰烬伸出了手,按在了芙蕾雅的肩膀之上,一道蓝光闪过,灰烬便带着芙蕾雅消失在了原地… When Freya slow the god has come time, they have arrived at one piece similarly are one scarlet places place... the only different place are, is burning a giant incomparable fireball in not far away... 等到芙蕾雅缓过神来的时候,他们已经来到了一片同样是一片赤地的地方…唯一不同的地方是,在不远处燃烧着一个巨大无比的火球… Looks at the flame of flaming combustion, Ash curling the lip of gently, teased said in a low voice this was in... resists stubbornly? You are impossible to run away! Gives my little darling rolls!” 看着熊熊燃烧的火焰,灰烬轻轻的撇了撇嘴,戏谑的低声说道“这是在…负隅顽抗吗?你不可能逃走的!给我乖乖的滚出来吧!” Spoke this saying, Ash lifts the hand slowly, empty grasped to that group flaming roaring flame! 说这话,灰烬缓缓地抬起手,虚握向了那团熊熊的烈焰! Freya saw clearly finally, that flame is burning, is one is wrapping anything's skeleton ball! 芙蕾雅终于看清楚了,那颗火焰燃烧着的,是一个包裹着什么的骷髅球! Is... skeleton ball skeletons stuck in the same place probably are the same, roll a ball, but this ball, actually reduction bit by bit under burning down of roaring flame... 是的…骷髅球一个又一个骸骨像是粘在一起一样,团成了一个球而这个球,却在烈焰的焚烧之下一点一点的缩小着… Wraps is lit in the roaring flame in the skeleton of outer layer, fast becomes must withered and yellow and burned black, then turned into the dust to flutter with the wind... 包裹在外层的骸骨在烈焰之中被点燃,飞快的变得枯黄、焦黑,然后化成了尘土随风飘扬… Hasn't come out? Inside does not feel better! You should know that... you cannot escape! You impossible to run away from my hand, obedient coming out!” “还不出来吗?里面不好受的吧!你应该知道…你逃不掉的!你已经不可能从我手中逃走了,还是乖乖的出来吧!” As if heard the Ash words, as if has understood oneself had no place to go the destiny, the skeleton ball starts to crash, reveals hid in inside fellow, was a woman... one rolls up on the ground, is turning away from their women 仿佛是听到了灰烬的话,又仿佛是已经明白了自己无处可逃的命运,骷髅球开始崩塌,露出了藏在里面的家伙,是一个女人…一个蜷缩在地上,背对着他们的女人 Looks woman who this bends down on the ground, the Ash revolutions is excessive, looks to Freya, is face faint asking how, she?” 看着这个伏在地上的女人,灰烬转过了头,看向身旁的芙蕾雅,一脸淡漠的问道“怎么样,是她吗?” Freya deep looked at Ash, then has turned the head to look that to that in sea of fire that rolls up in not far away, woman who the body shivers slightly... 芙蕾雅深深的看了一眼灰烬,然后转过头看向了那个蜷缩在不远处的火海之中,身躯微微颤抖的女人… Hesitated a moment later, Freya gently nods saying that „, is she, authority of death on her body.” 沉吟了片刻之后,芙蕾雅轻轻的点了点头说道“是的,就是她,死亡的权柄就在她的身上。” Ash twisted the mouth sidewise the mouth, grinning fiendishly said that that was really good! Has not thought such quickly, I also think that must burn down entire Neil Fuhai can find you!” 灰烬咧开了嘴,狞笑一声说道“那真是太好了!没想到这么快,我还以为要把整个尼尔福海姆都烧掉才能找到你呢!” Is speaking, Ash while pulled out own Firelink Greatsword, moved toward the mysterious woman in not far away step by step! 一边说着话,灰烬一边掏出了自己的传火大剑,一步一步的走向了不远处的这个神秘女人! Looks to raise the big sword, gradually moves toward Ash of that woman, Freya cannot help but opens mouth, somewhat surprised saying Ash, you... do not worry, first ascertains the words! Can you...” 看着提着大剑,缓步走向那个女人的灰烬,芙蕾雅不由得张了张嘴,有些惊讶的说道“灰烬,你…你不要着急啊,先把话问清楚啊!你能不能…” Had the fellow who anything was inquisitive to ask me to trouble twice! Tacitly approving her is an enemy, I do not kill her also to wait for anything “有什么好问的这家伙找了我两次麻烦了!默认她是敌人,我不干掉她还等什么呢” The time of speech, Ash had arrived at this woman who falls down behind, Firelink Greatsword in hand high holding up, must also reduce the head of this woman shortly... 说话的功夫,灰烬已经来到了这个倒在地上的女人身后,手中的传火大剑也已经高高的举起,眼看着就要砍掉这个女人的脑袋… When Ash preparation gets up the blade falls, this woman hurried revolutions is excessive, shouts say/way to save me to the direction that Freya is, Freya Goddess ! I... I am your ally!” 就在灰烬准备手起刀落的时候,这个女人急忙转过了头,冲着芙蕾雅所在的方向呼喊道“救救我,芙蕾雅女神!我…我是你的盟友啊!” The big sword in Ash hand stopped, actually not because of the call for help of this woman, but by the face of this fellow having a scare! 灰烬手中的大剑停了下来,倒不是因为这个女人的呼救声,而是被这个家伙的这张脸给吓了一大跳! Before looked from the back, moreover she has lowered the head, can only see half face, has not discovered what issue. 之前是从背后看,而且她一直是低着头的,只能看到半张脸,也没有发现什么问题。 After now but... she has turned the head, saw after her another half face, Ash was shocked! 可是现在…她转过头之后,看到了她的另外半张脸之后灰烬惊呆了! Before this woman..., that half face that reveals has no issue, however other half face actually incomparable fearfulness! 这个女人…之前露出的那半张脸没有什么问题,但是另外的半张脸却无比的可怕! The fester is fierce, the probably rotten for a long time corpse is common, making one be afraid! 溃烂而狰狞,像是腐烂已久的尸体一般,让人不寒而栗! This is not this fires this fire to her absolutely, if own fire, her these half face affirmation had vanished, possibly is not this condition! 这绝对不是自己这把火给她烧成这样的,如果是自己的火,她的这半张脸肯定已经消失了,不可能是这种状态的! In other words... she is this appearance! Her these half face is this appearance! 也就是说…她本来就是这副模样!她的这半张脸就是这副模样! Ash somewhat disgusting knitting the brows, lifted sword in hand on the neck of this woman, looks at this woman face uncomfortable saying you... you are what demons and monsters!” 灰烬有些恶心的皱了皱眉,抬起手中的剑架在了这个女人的脖子上,看着这个女人一脸难受的说道“你…你到底是什么妖魔鬼怪!” The women have turned the head to look that is grasping the long sword to the hand, Ash that the whole face shuts out, suddenly fierce opening mouth, put out one group of thick smokes, threw to the position that Ash is at! 女人转过头看向手握着长剑,满脸嫌弃的灰烬,突然猛的张开嘴,吐出了一团浓烟,冲着灰烬所在的位置扑了过来! fpzw fpzw High-speed writing hits to pass on hot hero the travel of chapter list of dimension 高速文字手打传火侠的次元之旅章节列表
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