DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1036: 2/3

Looked for her wing, buried her son in her hometown, as the matter stands, finished the Freya wish even! 将她的翅膀找了回来,将她的儿子埋葬在了她的家乡,这样一来,就算是了却了芙蕾雅的心愿! Looks at calm Freya, Ash sighs lightly, has turned the head light saying you to be good? Now can start to help me look for the authority of death?” 看着一脸平静的芙蕾雅,灰烬轻叹了一口气,转过头淡淡的说道“你还好吗?现在能开始帮我找死亡的权柄了吗?” Freya nod of gently, to Ash light saying naturally, this was we reaches an agreement, I have promised you, I will deliver to the authority of death your hand, lets thing that you changed you to want, but before then, I want to know that beforehand Mímir is helping you keep this secret? When I asked the Valkyrie matter, he covered up for you on own initiative, he favored your action probably very much!” 芙蕾雅轻轻的点了点头,冲着灰烬淡淡的说道“当然,这是我们说好了的,我向你保证过的,我会将死亡的权柄送到你的手中,让你去换你想要的东西,不过在此之前,我想知道之前密米尔是不是在帮你保守这个秘密?在我问道女武神的事情时,他主动替你遮掩,他好像很看好你的行动啊!” Shot a look at Freya gently, Ash shrugged helpless saying why I not to know, but Mímir was also good, that crowd of Valkyrie were also good, as long as has contacted with Neet the person, showed the infinite favorable impression to him, even also flaunted that more than once that fellow was the death proper appearance... I do not know said what good, obviously was only a skeleton rack...” 轻轻的瞥了一眼芙蕾雅,灰烬耸了耸肩无奈的说道“我也不知道为什么,但是密米尔也好,还有那群女武神也好,但凡是跟尼特接触过的人,都对他展现出了无限的好感,甚至还不止一次标榜那家伙就是死亡应有的模样…我都不知道说什么好,明明就只是一副骷髅架子而已…” They... believe you very much, believes this fellow named Neet?” “他们…都很相信你,相信这个叫做尼特的家伙吗?” Looks at somewhat disconsolate Freya, the Ash some not indignation light snort/hum, both hands link chest, face mystifying saying far more than was trusted became the fan younger brother fan younger sister of that fellow, even dared to defend his resentment I! Really...” 看着有些惆怅的芙蕾雅,灰烬有些不忿的轻哼了一声,双手环胸,一脸阴阳怪气的说道“何止是信任啊一个个的都成了那家伙的迷弟迷妹,甚至都敢为了维护他怼我了!真是…” Although Freya has not seen Neet, had not seen that Valkyrie and Mímir to maintain Neet get angry the resentment Ash scene, but... 芙蕾雅虽然没见过尼特,也没有见到女武神密米尔为了维护尼特而怒怼灰烬的景象,但是… Not only Mímir, does the Valkyrie reason believe him? Perhaps such words it seems like, he really has his unique merit, if so, I felt relieved...” “不只是密米尔,就连女武神们都原因相信他吗?这么看来的话,他也许确实有他的独特之处,如果是这样的话,那我就放心了…” Hesitated a moment later, the Freya revolutions is excessive, serious looks that Ash said „the authority of death was very important, believes that you also knew, I also no longer repeated, was because this authority was very important, Various God do not dare this authority centralized in the same place, therefore was then divided into this authority for three!” 沉吟了片刻之后,芙蕾雅转过了头,一脸严肃的看着灰烬说道“死亡的权柄很重要,相信你也知道了,我也就不再重复了,就是因为这权柄很重要,诸神们不敢将这权柄集中在一起,所以便将这份权柄共分为了三份!” Ash opens mouth, unbelievable looks at Freya, three? What meaning three are? 灰烬张了张嘴,难以置信的看着芙蕾雅,三份?三份是什么意思? Looks at some expression collapses Ash, the Freya chuckle, comforts was saying that does not use that startled, although was divided into three, but you had found one, is Valkyrie, so long as were finding one to be enough!” 看着表情有些崩溃的灰烬,芙蕾雅轻笑了一声,安慰着说道“不用那么惊慌,虽然分为了三份,但是你已经找到了其中的一份,也就是女武神们,接下来只要在找到一份就足够了!” Hears this saying gently, Ash crooked head, doubts looks that Freya asked „, so long as found one again? What is this? So long as the lawful rights of two deaths combined, was enough? Didn't the authority of third death need? Neet this fellow very inflexible! I feared that he does not recognize...” 听到这话,灰烬轻轻的歪了歪脑袋,疑惑的看着芙蕾雅问道“只要再找到一份?这是什么意思?难道说只要两份死亡的权柄合二为一,就足够了吗?第三份死亡的权柄不需要吗?尼特这个家伙很死板的啊!我怕他不认啊…” No, is not this, so long as you were finding the second authority, the third authority I will give you directly.” “不,并不是这样的,你只要在找到第二份权柄,第三份权柄我会直接给你的。” your here?” “在你这里?” Freya gently nods to affirm the guess of Ash „, here, after the matter when I want to be me completes, I will offer his both hands, this point you do not need to worry that... I will observe the commitment.” 芙蕾雅轻轻的点了点头肯定了灰烬的猜测“是的,在我这里,等到我将我想做的事情做完之后,我会将其双手奉上,这一点你不用担心…我会信守承诺的。” Ash somewhat looked at Freya stunned, but thinks is also, Freya after all is the Valkyrie king, grasped a authority of death probably is also the matter in reason. 灰烬有些错愕的看了看芙蕾雅,不过想想也是,芙蕾雅毕竟是女武神们的王,掌握一份死亡的权柄好像也是情理之中的事情。 The time of speech, two people had returned to the Til temple, looks at the present Rainbow Bridge transport unit, Freya deeply inspires, looks that Ash light saying walks, remaining that in Neil Fuhai, Odin hid that there initially!” 说话的功夫,两人已经回到了提尔神殿之中,看着眼前的彩虹桥传送装置,芙蕾雅深深地吸了一口气,看着灰烬淡淡的说道“走吧,剩下的那一份就在尼尔福海姆,当初奥丁将那一份藏在了那里!” Ash nod of gently, then nod of gently, is starting Rainbow Bridge, while light saying I know, some people told me 灰烬轻轻的点了点头,然后轻轻的点了点头,一边启动着彩虹桥,一边淡淡的说道“我知道,有人告诉我了” The revolutions of Freya surprise is excessive, looked that some people told you to asking of Ash doubts? Possibly? Knows that very few of it can be said that this matter, Mímir is unable to know, how you are...” 芙蕾雅诧异的转过了头,看向灰烬疑惑的问道“有人告诉你了?可能吗?知道这件事的可以说是少之又少,就连密米尔都无从知晓,你是怎么…” Ash twisted the mouth sidewise the mouth mystically, to Freya hehe saying with a smile inside information considered as finished I not to keep guessing with you, actually before was, Sol found my time told me, he me told that authority of death in Neil Fuhai, I also went to there to confirm, truly some unusual. Originally asks you to let you goes Neil Fuhai with me.” 灰烬神神秘秘的咧开了嘴,冲着芙蕾雅嘿嘿的笑道“内部消息算了我也不跟你卖关子了,其实就是之前索尔找到我的时候告诉我的,他跟我说死亡的权柄在尼尔福海姆,我也去那里确认过了,确实有一些异常。本来找你就是为了让你跟我去尼尔福海姆的。” Sol? Why will he tell you this matter? Did you know with him? Said you were defeated to skid from his mouth him?” “索尔?他为什么会将这件事告诉你?你跟他认识?还是说你将他打败了从他嘴里撬出来的?” Ash shrugging gently, innocent shakes the head saying that violent don't be so good I who I said truly to prepare with him to fight one, but he does not have this meaning probably, instead discussed a transaction with me 灰烬轻轻的耸了耸肩,一脸无辜的摇了摇头说道“不要把我说的那么暴力好不好不过我本来确实是准备跟他打一架的,不过他好像没有这个意思,反而跟我谈了一笔交易” Transaction? Do you trade everywhere? How does Neet, I and Kratos... Sol look for you now?” “交易?你怎么到处跟人交易啊?尼特、我、奎托斯…怎么现在就连索尔都找上你了?” Facing teasing of Freya, Ash helpless turned Byakugan „his not to call the transaction, he just wanted spatial glove white wolf is very regrettable, I was impossible to call him to belay, the polarity, I gave to belay him, this news wrapped from his mouth 面对芙蕾雅的调侃,灰烬无奈的翻了个白眼“他那不叫交易,他只不过是想要空手套白狼而已不过很遗憾,我不可能叫他套住,正相反,我把他给套住了,这个消息就是从他嘴里套出来的” Eh...” Freya stared at face contented Ash to look at for quite a while, slow the god has come the later some doubts looks at Ash to ask what your transaction... is?” “额…”芙蕾雅盯着一脸自得的灰烬看了半天,缓过神来之后有些疑惑的看着灰烬问道“你们的交易…是什么啊?” A Ash face indifferent beckoning with the hand response say/way of actually also has nothing, is he makes me help him remove Odin, helping him win the throne of king of Various God, then he helped my died authority, was such Jane list 灰烬一脸无所谓的摆了摆手回应道“其实也没什么,就是他让我帮他除掉奥丁,帮他登上诸神之王的宝座,然后他帮我得到死亡的权柄,就是这么单” Freya somewhat stunned looks at Ash, blinking of gently, then redundant say/way every single word or phrase Sol? Wants you... to help him kill... Odin?!” 芙蕾雅有些错愕的看着灰烬,轻轻的眨了眨眼睛,然后一字一句的重复道“索尔?要你…帮他杀死…奥丁?!” Yes I am not an idiot, how on possibly this type, when I, although promised him, but I do not prepare to be put into action, drew out Odin from his mouth on the contrary thing conceals in Neil Fuhai small secret... my Jane straight quick-witted one batch!” “是啊不过我又不是白痴,怎么可能上这种当嘛我虽然答应了他,但是我可不准备付诸行动,反倒是从他嘴里套出了奥丁将东西藏在尼尔福海姆的这个小秘密…我直机智的一批!” Freya long sighs, covered own face reluctantly shakes the head saying that this matter may really be somewhat serious... Sol wants the Odin life, was he insane?” 芙蕾雅长叹了一口气,捂住了自己的脸无奈的摇了摇头说道“这件事可真是有些严重啊…索尔想要奥丁的命,他难道疯了吗?” I did not think actually he wants his father's life, he wants should be the throne of king of Various God... your gods positions of the god king has the inheritance on the other hand? A person when till the judgment day, after all I did not feel the empathize passes away anything...” “我倒是不觉得他想要他老子的命,他更想要的应该是诸神之王的宝座吧话说回来…你们这些神明的这个神王之位有传承吗?还是一个人就当到世界末日为止,毕竟我不觉得神会老死什么的…” Freya helpless shaking the head, looks at Ash light saying god king is the incomparably important responsibility, almost did not exist to inherit such a saying...” 芙蕾雅无奈的摇了摇头,看着灰烬淡淡的说道“神王是无比重要的职责,几乎是不存在传承这么一说的…” I understood why Sol must do was for a lifetime the crown prince after all, this was quick Various God dusk, must think that means sat meet are not “那我就理解为什么索尔要这么干了毕竟当了一辈子太子,这都快诸神黄昏了,总得想个办法上去坐一会不是” Looks Ash that spoke with confidence, the Freya serious revolutions was excessive says such being the case, me asks simply your attitude, we are seeking for the authority of death, this was the matter that Odin did not permit! He was impossible to make us achieve wishes, we met his interception are almost the inevitable things, then..., if really met Odin, how you do want to do? Kills him? If possible... should better not to do that.” 看着侃侃而谈的灰烬,芙蕾雅严肃的转过了头说道“既然如此,那我就索性问问你的态度吧,我们在寻找死亡的权柄,这是奥丁绝不允许的事情!他不可能会让我们如愿,我们遇到他的拦截几乎是必然的事情,那么…如果真的遇到了奥丁,你要怎么做呢?杀死他吗?如果可以的话…最好不要这么做吧。” Looks that suddenly does not know what medicine took mistakenly, for Odin to Ash plea Freya, Ash gently what meaning crooked did the head ask „you are...? You do not hate Odin very much? Don't you look forward to his hurrying dead ball? How suddenly...” 看着突然不知道吃错了什么药,替奥丁灰烬求情的芙蕾雅,灰烬轻轻的歪了歪脑袋问道“你这是…什么意思啊?你不是很恨奥丁的吗?你不是巴不得他赶紧死球吗?怎么突然…” Freya shaking the head of gently, looks that Ash light saying I am want him dead, but dusk in died in Various God! Rather than dies in your hands, because this is I wants to see! However you... Ash, you are person beyond a destiny, the destiny of this world cannot affect you, but you can actually affect the destiny of this world in turn, if because of your involvement, causing Various God dusk unable to start and finish... the consequence normally being inconceivable!” 芙蕾雅轻轻的摇了摇头,看着灰烬淡淡的说道“我是希望他死,但是是在诸神黄昏之中死去!而不是死在你的手里,因为这才是我想要看到的!但是你…灰烬,你是一个命运之外的人,这个世界的命运影响不到你,但是你却可以反过来影响这个世界的命运,如果因为你的介入,导致诸神黄昏未能正常开始与结束…后果将不堪设想啊!” Looks at stern-faced Freya, Ash gently crooked head, after stroking the present situation, puzzled looks before Freya asked in other words..., had always been making efforts to prevents Various God dusk you, now prepares to promote Various God dusk?” 看着一脸凝重的芙蕾雅,灰烬轻轻的歪了歪脑袋,捋了捋现在的情况之后,一脸疑惑的看着芙蕾雅问道“也就是说…之前一直致力于阻止诸神黄昏的你,现在准备推动诸神黄昏?” Is... I truly prepared to do that! Ok, did not say that we had arrived, Neil Fuhai... makes us come to see, actually here is hiding anything!” “是的…我确实准备这么做了!好了,不说了,我们已经到了,尼尔福海姆…让我们来看看,这里究竟隐藏着什么吧!” The front door of temple was opened by Ash, Ash arrived in Neil Fuhai again! 神殿的大门被灰烬一把推开,灰烬再一次来到了尼尔福海姆之中! But this time, Ash also led a helper, believes that has the help of Freya this helper, can very relaxed handled this only to remain a death authority that! 只不过这一次,灰烬还带了一个帮手,相信有芙蕾雅这个帮手的帮助,可以很轻松的搞定这仅剩的一份死亡权柄! After all Freya knows how should do, Ash almost anything can achieve, handles young Neil Fuhai, is not the Jane Jane sole matter! 毕竟芙蕾雅知道该怎么做,灰烬几乎什么都做得到,搞定一个小小的尼尔福海姆,还不是单单的事情! Arrives the country of fog the mist filled, Freya deeply inspires, looks at present thick fog light saying „, here, I can feel, the concealed death here, was the authority that was hidden! However this should the authority of without owner, whose control now actually probably under!” 来到了雾气弥漫的雾之国,芙蕾雅深深地吸了一口气,看着眼前的浓雾淡淡的说道“是的,就在这里,我能感觉得到,藏在这里的死亡,就是那一份被隐藏起来的权柄!但是这份本该无主的权柄,现在却好像在谁的掌控之下!” Ash waving of gently, whose control face indifferent saying may, look for my trouble incessantly again and again! Also does not know how this fellow thinks!” 灰烬轻轻的挥了挥手,一脸淡然的说道“可不止是在谁的掌控之下,更是几次三番的找我的麻烦!也不知道这个家伙是怎么想的!” Looks for it, you know how to think! Starts Ash, we must start to seek for the authority of death!” “把它找出来,你就知道是怎么想的了!开始吧灰烬,我们要开始寻找死亡的权柄了!” Ash nod of gently, is staring at the present thick fog stubbornly naturally, our starts, but... you must tell me should before then to do now!” 灰烬轻轻的点了点头,死死地盯着眼前的浓雾“当然,我们这就开始,不过在此之前…你得告诉我现在该干什么吧!” Freya deeply inspires, looks at thick fog light saying all around „the Jane list, we must do now, scatters here thick fog! Neil Fuhai is one is very suitable to hide the secret the place, here thick fog is the natural barrier, can hide here all! So long as scattered the thick fog, remaining all on Jane single were many, so long as scattered the thick fog, hidden the secret in thick fog will expose naturally!” 芙蕾雅深深地吸了一口气,看着周遭的浓雾淡淡的说道“很单,我们现在要做的,就是驱散这里的浓雾!尼尔福海姆是一个很适合隐藏秘密的地方,这里的浓雾就是天然的屏障,可以隐藏这里的一切!但是只要驱散了浓雾,剩下的一切就单的多了,只要驱散了浓雾,隐藏在浓雾之中的秘密自然而然会暴露出来!” At this point, the Freya revolutions is excessive, looks at Ash light saying „, but is saying with ease, makes not Jane list, is wrapping entire Neil Fuhai thick fog even Odin impossible thorough scattering, because this thick fog is Neil Fuhai Mboune body, wants to disperse the dense fog, is equivalent must destroy entire Neil Fuhai, therefore we must try another method, we...” 说到这里,芙蕾雅转过了头,看着灰烬淡淡的说道“但是说着轻松,做起来也一点都不单,包裹着整个尼尔福海姆的浓雾就算是奥丁都不可能彻底的驱散,因为这浓雾即是尼尔福海姆本身,想要驱散迷雾,就相当于要摧毁整个尼尔福海姆,所以我们要另辟蹊径,我们…” Passes on hot hero the travel of dimension 传火侠的次元之旅 High-speed writing hits to pass on hot hero the travel of chapter list of dimension 高速文字手打传火侠的次元之旅章节列表
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