DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1035: Buries Badr

Looks Freya that clenches jaws, Ash opening mouth of gently, is really unable to understand that the situation of present, how Odin was a scapegoat you to say Odin reduced to hide your wing, you scolded him to be excusable, but the wing looks now, why can also scold him? Moreover is one does not die the continuous condition 看着咬牙切齿的芙蕾雅,灰烬轻轻的张了张嘴,实在是无法理解现在的这个情况,怎么就又奥丁背锅了嘛你说奥丁把你的翅膀砍掉藏起来了,你骂他还情有可原,但是现在翅膀找回来了,为什么还要骂他呢?而且还是一副不死不休的状态 Exactly what happened? This is the wing that you want, why can you be so indignant? What situation can you explain a next present to me are?” “到底发生了什么事情?这是你要的翅膀,那你为什么要这么气愤啊?你能不能给我解释一下现在到底是个什么情况?” Freya deeply inspires, looks in the hand to represent rune/symbol writing of wing, grasps it serious saying firmly in the hand this is the wing, is my wing... is also Frey's wing, my brother's wing!” 芙蕾雅深吸了一口气,看着手中代表着翅膀的符文,将其牢牢地握在手中严肃的说道“这是翅膀,是我的翅膀…也是弗雷的翅膀,我兄弟的翅膀!” What? What do you mean? This is your wing, is Frey's wing? It is not... you two with a wing?” “什么什么?什么意思?这是你的翅膀,也是弗雷的翅膀?不是…你们两个是用一对翅膀的吗?” Freya shaking the head of gently, to Ash serious saying is Odin! Was he made all these, was he my wing, with Fred wing fusion in one, this to the wing... is my wing, was Frey's wing! You come back to give me this to the wing belt/bring, in other words Frey... cut off his wing!” 芙蕾雅轻轻的摇了摇头,冲着灰烬严肃的说道“是奥丁!是他做了这一切,是他将我的翅膀,和弗雷德翅膀融合在了一起,这对翅膀…即是我的翅膀,也是弗雷的翅膀!你将这对翅膀带回来给我,也就是说弗雷…斩断了他自己的翅膀!” Heard this saying, Ash quickly spreads out hand operated swung said that „, I did not have, do not speak irresponsibly, I have not harmed anybody, I told him a here situation, he gave me the wing, I... I did not know! I really do not know!” 听到这话,灰烬急忙摊开手摇了摇说道“不不不,我没有啊,你不要乱说啊,我没有伤害任何人,我只是跟他说了一下这边的情况,他就把翅膀给我了,我…我不知道的啊!我真的一点都不知道!” I know...” Freya sighing of gently, is looking at wing rune/symbol writing in hand, deeply sighs to say „, if not Frey on own initiative this to you, you are impossible to attain, this is the meaning of Frey... is Frey gives me this pair of wing.” “我知道…”芙蕾雅轻轻的叹了一口气,看着手中的翅膀符文,深深地叹了一口气说道“如果不是弗雷主动将这个给你,你是不可能拿到的,这是弗雷自己的意思…是弗雷自己将这双翅膀给我的。” Does Ash nod of gently, then look at Freya somewhat uncomfortable asking in other words... this is the Odin scheme? He knows that you will want to retrieve your wing one day, therefore... did this matter, making you make a difficult decision, either gives up the wing, either... harms your brothers, is this meaning!” 灰烬轻轻的点了点头,然后看着芙蕾雅有些难受的问道“也就是说…这都是奥丁的计谋?他知道你总有一天会想要寻回自己的翅膀,所以…就做了这种事,让你做出一个两难的决定,要么放弃翅膀,要么…伤害你的兄弟,是这个意思吧!” Freya somewhat painful lowering the head, deeply inspires to say is... this is Odin does! He compels me... to make this choice, even if he has made me lose all these, he is not willing to let off me as before, lets off my brother!” 芙蕾雅有些痛苦的低下了头,深吸了一口气说道“是的…这都是奥丁做的!他逼我…做出这种选择,就算他已经让我失去了这一切,他依旧不肯放过我,放过我的兄弟!” Expression somewhat uncomfortable shaking the head of Ash, how Odin of this world... achieves such loathfully! His wife wants him dead, his son is also thinking usurps his position, entire day under will some people really like this fellow? 灰烬的表情有些难受的摇了摇头,这个世界的奥丁…到底是怎么做到这么讨人厌的!他的老婆想要他死,他的儿子也想着篡他的位,全天下真的会有人喜欢这个家伙吗? This that proper family relationships elder is completely different from oneself have seen! Such gods work as... really interesting? 这跟自己见过的那个父慈子孝的长者完全不同啊!这样的神明当的…真的有意思吗? Sighs lightly, Ash lowers the head slowly, looks that what to do Freya does smile bitterly to say that present? Wants me to go back the wing to give back to your brothers again? After all...” 轻叹了一口气,灰烬缓缓地低下了头,看着芙蕾雅苦笑了一声说道“那现在怎么办?要我再回去把翅膀还给你兄弟吗?毕竟…” No!” Freya shakes the head, a face firm looks that Ash said „, since he had cut the wing, will not receive again, moreover I... I will not be disappointing him, I will not disappoint my family member again, disappoints my clansman!” “不!”芙蕾雅摇了摇头,一脸坚定的看着灰烬说道“既然他已经将翅膀斩了下来,就不会再收回去,而且我…我也不会在辜负他了,我不会再辜负我的亲人,辜负我的族人!” Spoke this saying, Freya stood fiercely, rune/symbol Wenwo in hand in the hand, the golden ray put greatly! After the ray diverges, Freya rune/symbol writing in hand has disappeared does not see, but a pair of shining wing appeared in Freya behind! 说这话,芙蕾雅猛地站了起来,将手中的符文握在了手中,金色的光芒大放!等到光芒散去之后,芙蕾雅的手中的符文已经消失不见,而一双金光灿灿的翅膀出现在了芙蕾雅的身后! Oh Ash racket, while sigh looks at Freya behind wing... “哇哦”灰烬一边拍着手,一边感叹的看着芙蕾雅身后的翅膀… How can I say, no wonder Freya was called the king of true Valkyrie is this pair of wing is only different from other Valkyrie! 怎么说呢,难怪芙蕾雅被称之为真正的女武神之王呢光是这双翅膀就跟其他的女武神大不一样! The military might is aggressive, sacred incomparable! Looks that has the dignity of gods, moreover Freya white clothing also turned into golden light shining Armor ! 威武霸气,神圣无比!看着就有神明之威严而且芙蕾雅身上的素衣也变成了一身金光灿灿的铠甲 Ash sized up such Freya up and down, coughed saying that gently „the present was OK? Can we?” 灰烬上下打量了一番这样的芙蕾雅,轻轻的咳嗽了一声说道“现在可以了吗?我们可以出发了吗?” Freya adapted to a golden light shining pair of wings, moved an own hands and feet, then gently nods saying that „, has been OK, now... goes Vanaheimr with me again time! I in Til's temple you!” 芙蕾雅适应了一下自己金光灿灿的双翼,活动了一下自己的手脚,然后轻轻的点了点头说道“是的,已经可以了,现在…跟我再去一次华纳海姆吧!我在提尔的神殿等你!” Speaks, Freya has turned around, held Badr's body, fanned behind wing to soar, vanishes in the line of sight of Ash. 说完话,芙蕾雅就转过了身子,抱起了巴德尔的尸体,扇动着身后的翅膀一飞冲天,消失在了灰烬的视线之中。 Ash looks at Freya that leaves directly, helpless sighing twittering to also waits for me to knock it off on your speed in a low voice quickly!” Speaks, Ash also flickered to move to vanish in same place, went to Til's temple... 灰烬看着直接离开的芙蕾雅,无奈的叹了口气低声呢喃到“就你这个速度还等我呢快拉倒吧!”说完话,灰烬也一个瞬移消失在了原地,前往了提尔的神殿… The Freya speed is quick, crossed few minutes Ash to the Til temple, Freya led Badr to come here, looks to arrive Ash before temple, Freya cannot help but stares, then helpless sighs saying that „... your speed compared with me quickly much, making you wait for a long time, we walk!” 芙蕾雅的速度很快,灰烬到了提尔神殿过了没几分钟,芙蕾雅就带着巴德尔到了这里,看到站在神殿之前的灰烬,芙蕾雅不由得一愣,然后无奈的叹了一口气说道“是啊…你的速度比我快多了,让你久等了,我们走吧!” Ash nod of gently, opens the front door of temple while light saying said... your brothers in you, does not know that this, will still have a look to say in the past again!” 灰烬轻轻的点了点头,一边拉开神殿的大门一边淡淡的说道“说起来…你的兄弟在等你,也不知道这会还在不在了,过去看看再说吧!” Freya did not say a word, staring is staring at the present temple, deeply inspires serious saying „... I to know !” 芙蕾雅一言不发,直勾勾的盯着眼前的神殿,深吸了一口气严肃的说道“是嘛…我知道了,出发吧!” Looks at slightly extension some Freya, Ash shrugging gently, entered hungrily the interior of temple, started Rainbow Bridge again, leads him and Freya goes to her hometown! 看着稍有些延续的芙蕾雅,灰烬轻轻的耸了耸肩,走进饿了神殿的内部,将彩虹桥再一次启动,带着他和芙蕾雅前往她的家乡! The temple starts to revolve, Ash can feel, although Freya displays very shocking, however in her Soul actually full is disturbed, has not had for a long time turns over to the decoys in township to step into the native land again, will truly make people somewhat anxious, particularly Freya does not know whether her clansmen also welcome her... 神殿开始运转,灰烬能感受得到,芙蕾雅虽然表现得很震惊,但是她的灵魂之中却满是忐忑,久未归乡的游子再一次踏入故土,确实是会让人有些不安,尤其是芙蕾雅不知道她的族人们是否还欢迎她… The transmission ended, Ash to standing sighs in Freya lightly said in a low voice ok, walked, came, cannot here just wait!” 传送结束了,灰烬冲着站在身旁的芙蕾雅轻叹了一口气低声说道“行了,走吧,来都来了,总不能就在这里等着吧!” Freya nod of gently, started to walk the footsteps to walk toward the front door outside! Looks at the Freya back, Ash helpless shaking the head , the starting to walk footsteps with... 芙蕾雅轻轻的点了点头,迈开了脚步朝着大门外走去!看着芙蕾雅的背影,灰烬无奈的摇了摇头,迈开脚步跟了上去… The front door of Til temple was opened by Ash, Frey static standing before the gate, is waiting for their arrival! 提尔神殿的大门被灰烬拉开,弗雷正静静的站在门前,等待着他们的到来! Looks that Ash also had his behind Freya, Frey cannot help but chuckle, walked from the wild pig of crotch slowly, moved toward Freya step by step, walked while smiles was saying that welcome to go home, my younger sister, I have thought of you very much, has a look at your present appearance, was really gratifying...” 看着灰烬还有他身后的芙蕾雅,弗雷不由得轻笑了一声,缓缓地从胯下的山猪之上走了下来,一步一步的走向了芙蕾雅,一边走一边微笑着说道“欢迎回家,我的妹妹,我一直都很想念你,看看你现在的样子,真是太让人欣慰了…” Freya deeply inspires, oneself will cherish is hugging Badr to give Ash, then moved toward own Elder Brother step by step... 芙蕾雅深吸了一口气,将自己怀中抱着的巴德尔递给了灰烬,然后一步一步的走向了自己的哥哥… Two people closely hugged in one, some Freya sound shivering said Elder Brother in a low voice, I came back, was unfair to me , if we had known this point, I will not make Ash bring back the wing, I harmed my family member...” 两人紧紧的拥抱在了一起,芙蕾雅声音有些颤抖的低声说道“哥哥,我回来了,对不起我要是早知道这一点,我不会让灰烬来拿回翅膀的,我又伤害了我的家人…” Looks at excited Freya, Frey patted her back gently, comfort say/way doesn't matter, my younger sister, all these should be in a soft voice, no matter you must make anything, although does, so long as you remember that on good... Vanaheimr forever is your family/home, here welcome you forever!” 看着激动的芙蕾雅,弗雷轻轻的拍了拍她的后背,轻声安慰道“没关系,我的妹妹,这一切都是应该的,不管你要做什么,尽管去做吧,只要你记得回来就好…华纳海姆永远都是你的家,这里永远欢迎你!” Yes, Elder Brother, I will not forget that I will certainly come back, now... makes me bury my son, some of my also a lot must be done!” “是的,哥哥,我不会忘记的,我一定会回来的,现在…让我埋葬我的儿子吧,我还有很多事情要做!” Speaks, Freya loosened Frey, has turned the head to look slowly to Ash... 说完话,芙蕾雅松开了弗雷,缓缓地转过头看向了灰烬 Saw two people to end Jane short exchanging greetings, Ash looked to be hugged Badr in hand by oneself, gently crooked did the head ask buries there? What place do you have ancestral grave?” 看到两人结束了短的寒暄,灰烬看了看被自己抱在手中的巴德尔,轻轻的歪了歪脑袋问道“葬在那里啊?你们有没有祖坟什么的地方?” Freya looks at Ash was hugging Badr, deeply shakes the head to say not, Ash, buried him is OK here!” 芙蕾雅看了看灰烬抱着的巴德尔,深深地摇了摇头说道“不,灰烬,就把他埋在这里就可以了!” Ash looked at all around environment, asking of some doubts here? This place seems like does not seem like any place of good burying bone 灰烬看了看四周的环境,有些疑惑的问道“就这里吗?这地方看起来也不像是什么好的埋骨之地啊” Freya shaking the head of gently, looks at Ash light saying my son... Badr, he handled many wrong things, he once also harmed here person, buried him... is OK here.” 芙蕾雅轻轻的摇了摇头,看着灰烬淡淡的说道“我的儿子…巴德尔,他做了很多错误的事情,他曾经也伤害了这里的人,就把他葬在这里…就可以了。” Ash nod of gently, then placed own under foot Badr, found a good place, the backhand pulled out an extravagant sword, inserted advanced in the ground, a gulf was dug... 灰烬轻轻的点了点头,然后将巴德尔放在了自己的脚下,找了个不错的地方,反手掏出了一把阔剑,插在了地上向前一推,一个深坑就被挖了出来… Ok, since you said that is that hurried to bury to hurry!” “行了,既然你说是那就是吧,赶紧埋了赶紧走!” Freya shot a look at Ash, then sighs saying that lightly you do not certainly have the child or the heir you did not understand this is a how painful matter.” 芙蕾雅瞥了一眼灰烬,然后轻叹了一口气说道“你一定没有孩子或者子嗣你根本不理解这是多么痛苦的一件事。” Ash nod of gently, saying of not caring at all you are right, I do not have the child not to have the heir... is not right, I you told that this does do! If even if I have the child, I am impossible to make him die in my front, hurries to bury!” 灰烬轻轻的点了点头,毫不在意的说道“你说的没有错,我没有孩子也没有子嗣…不对,我跟你说这个干什么啊!而且就算如果我有孩子的话,我就不可能让他死在我的面前,赶紧埋吧!” Freya helpless shaking the head, held by Badr who Ash placed the ground, put in the big hole that Ash dug up slowly... 芙蕾雅无奈的摇了摇头,抱起了被灰烬放在地上的巴德尔,缓缓地放到了灰烬挖开的大坑之中… Looks to lie down in Vanaheimr Badr in land, Freya scratched own corner of the eye gently, waving gently, a land creeping motion, buried Badr slowly... 看着躺在华纳海姆的大地之中的巴德尔,芙蕾雅轻轻的擦了擦自己的眼角,轻轻的一挥手,大地一阵蠕动,将巴德尔慢慢的掩埋了起来… Badr buried, was buried together, in Freya heart to Æsir final gentle... 巴德尔下葬了,随之一起被埋葬的,还有芙蕾雅心中对阿萨神族最后的温柔… Looks that at present bit by bit becomes the smooth land, Freya look also bit by bit became must firm and resolute, has turned around slowly, looks that nearby Ash light saying this was enough, Ash, the help thank you, according to the agreement, this/should I helps you now! We walk...” 看着眼前一点一点变得平整的土地,芙蕾雅的眼神也一点一点的变得坚毅了起来,缓缓地转过了身,看着一旁的灰烬淡淡的说道“这样就足够了,灰烬,谢谢你的帮助,现在按照约定,该我来帮助你了!我们走吧…” Good, such being the case, we! I could not have waited, next goal, Neil Fuhai!” “好极了,既然如此,那我们就出发吧!我已经等不及了,下一个目标,尼尔福海姆!” Freya nod of gently, has turned the head to look that Frey said I must go to battle, Elder Brother, after all finished, I will come back, I will come back again! I guaranteed!” 芙蕾雅轻轻的点了点头,转过头看着弗雷说道“我要出征了,哥哥,等到一切都结束了之后,我会回来的,我会再回来!我保证!” Naturally, I believe you, in any event please remember, here forever is your family/home, here welcome you... others not to welcome forever even, I still have been waiting for you!” “当然,我相信你,无论如何请记住,这里永远是你的家,这里永远欢迎你…就算别人不欢迎,我也会一直等着你的!”
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