DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1034: Did this succeed in obtaining?

Looks at secretly downcast Frey, Ash helpless shaking the head, put out a hand to pat his shoulder light saying don't sad big masters in this ying chirp likely what appearance, all will be good, did not say that this, hurried to hand over!” 看着暗自神伤的弗雷,灰烬无奈的摇了摇头,伸出手拍了拍他的肩膀淡淡的说道“别伤心了一个大老爷们在这嘤嘤嘤的像个什么样子,一切都会好起来的,不说这个了,赶紧交出来吧!” Frey heard that the word cannot help but stares, silly looks at Ash to extend to oneself front palm, do asking of some doubts what hand over... to hand over to come out?” 弗雷闻言不由得一愣,傻傻的看着灰烬伸到自己面前的手掌,有些疑惑的问道“交出来…交什么出来?” Ash crooked head, looks that at present probably does not seem like Frey who lies, gently frowns to ask „the wing of Freya is not on you? Hurries to hand over, Freya asked me to come to let me brings back her wing, like this she can return to here, buried her unlucky son here 灰烬歪了歪脑袋,看着眼前好像不像是说谎的弗雷,轻轻的皱起了眉头问道“芙蕾雅的翅膀啊不在你身上吗?赶紧交出来吧,芙蕾雅叫我过来就是为了让我拿回她的翅膀,这样她就能回到这里,把她的倒霉儿子埋葬在这里了” What did you say?” Frey's pupil cannot help but shrinks, forwarded fiercely one step, almost pasted on the body of Ash, fixed the eyes on pair of eyes unbelievable asking of Ash you saying that... her son did die? Did Badr... die?” “你说什么?”弗雷的瞳孔不由得一缩,猛地向前进了一步,几乎贴在了灰烬的身上,紧盯着灰烬的双眼难以置信的问道“你说…她的儿子死了?巴德尔…死了?” Ash is smacking the lips, while will draw back in the future two steps, gently nods saying that is this right, Badr died, Freya wants to bury him personally in her hometown, what issue is also here... also has? If no, asked you to hand over to give me her wing 灰烬一边咂着嘴,一边往后退了两步,轻轻的点了点头说道“是这样没错,巴德尔死了,芙蕾雅想要亲手将他埋葬在她的故乡,也就是这里…还有什么问题吗?如果没有的话,就请你把她的翅膀交出来给我吧” Frey's facial expression is somewhat absent-minded, without responding to the meaning of Ash, but lowers the head slowly muttering but... likely will have this matter? Will Badr possibly die? All of this world had pledged to not harm Badr to be right, will he... he possibly die? Will Odin allow this matter to happen? For... why?” 弗雷的神情有些恍惚,没有回应灰烬的意思,只是缓缓地低下头喃喃自语道“可是…怎么可能会发生这种事?巴德尔怎么可能会死?这世间的一切都发过誓,不会伤害巴德尔才对,他…他怎么可能会死?奥丁怎么会允许这种事发生?为…为什么?” Ash could not bear turn Byakugan, put out a hand to hit a sound to refer to Frey's front, how resigned-looking saying this matter I knew! If you really cannot think through and other Freya to come back you asked that she was good, hurries to hand over the wing, friend who I rush to time.” 灰烬忍不住翻了个白眼,伸出手在弗雷的面前打了一个响指,一脸无奈的说道“这种事我怎么知道啊!你要是真的想不通等芙蕾雅回来的时候你问她好了,赶紧把翅膀交出来,我赶时间的朋友。” Frey lifted the head, looks at Ash somewhat uncomfortable saying „, but... the wing of Freya here, Odin did not cut it, then hid, I do not know that he hid the wing of Freya there...” 弗雷抬起了头,看着灰烬有些难受的说道“可是…芙蕾雅的翅膀不在我这里啊,奥丁把它砍了下来,然后藏了起来,我也不知道他把芙蕾雅的翅膀藏在了那里啊…” Ash selected the eyebrow gently, some surprise after taking a look at a Frey, asked you really not to know in a soft voice?” 灰烬轻轻的挑了挑眉,有些诧异的打量了一番弗雷之后轻声问道“你真的不知道?” Frey shakes the head slowly , indicating oneself really do not know... 弗雷缓缓地摇了摇头,表示自己真的不知道… Ash deeply frowns, is looking at rune/symbol writing in hand, while transferred around Frey, after transferring one, Ash raised the head fiercely, extended Frey's front serious saying the hand for the second time on you, hurried to give me to hand over! Freya said that the Odin iron hid his wing in Vanaheimr, added that this rune/symbol writing can lead me to find her wing, but now this rune/symbol Wenzhi you...” 灰烬深深地皱起了眉头,一边看着手中的符文,一边绕着弗雷转了一圈,转完一圈之后,灰烬猛地抬起头,第二次将手伸到了弗雷的面前严肃的说道“就在你身上,赶紧给我交出来!芙蕾雅奥丁铁把他的翅膀藏在了华纳海姆,还说这个符文能带着我找到她的翅膀,而现在这个符文指着你…” Frey hears this saying, somewhat surprised looks to rune/symbol writing in Ash hand, carefully after studied one, Frey thinks probably anything is the same, deeply inspires, serious looks that Ash said in a low voice I confirmed again one time, Freya want to retrieve her wing, leading Badr to return to here, buried him here, was this!” 弗雷听到这话,有些惊讶的看向灰烬手中的符文,仔细的研究了一番之后,弗雷像是想到了什么一样,深深地吸了一口气,一脸严肃的看着灰烬低声说道“我再确认一次,芙蕾雅想要找回她的翅膀,带着巴德尔回到这里,将他埋葬在这里,是这样吧!” Ash nod of gently is this right. Do not worry, Freya has taken easy probably, she has no longer intertwined in the past, prepared to take a broad view in the future! She retrieves her wing probably not only also to return to here buries her son such Jane list, who knows 灰烬轻轻的点了点头“是这样没错。你不要担心,芙蕾雅好像已经是想开了,她已经不再纠结于过去,准备放眼未来了!她找回她的翅膀好像也不只是为了回到这里埋葬她的儿子这么单,谁知道呢” Hears this saying, Frey deeply inspires, then nod of gently, looks up Ash serious saying I understood, you wait for my meeting here, my... the wing of Freya will bring to give you!” 听到这话,弗雷深深地吸了一口气,然后轻轻的点了点头,抬起头看着灰烬严肃的说道“我明白了,你在这里等我一会,我这就将…芙蕾雅的翅膀拿来给你!” Speaks, Frey is harnessing the wild boar of crotch, ran toward the mountain forest of not far away! 说完话,弗雷驾着胯下的野猪,朝着不远处的山林之中跑了过去! Looks back that Frey departs, some Ash doubts crooked head, how... did he hide the wing of Freya in what ungraceful place? Is up to mischief? 看着弗雷离去的背影,灰烬有些疑惑的歪了歪脑袋,怎么…他是把芙蕾雅的翅膀藏在什么不雅的地方了吗?到底在搞什么鬼? In Ash thinks that Frey has travelled, prepared to pursue the past time, Frey again harnesses the wild boar swayingly to return to the Ash front, deeply inspires, one group of luminous rune/symbol Wenpeng in the hand, to Ash serious saying this... this was the wing of Freya, you took away to her! So long as there is this pair of wing, she can return to the hometown, regardless of she later wants to make anything, I will support her!” 就在灰烬以为弗雷已经跑路,准备追过去的时候,弗雷再一次驾着野猪晃晃悠悠的回到了灰烬的面前,深吸了一口气,将一团光亮的符文捧在手中,冲着灰烬一脸严肃的说道“这个…这就是芙蕾雅的翅膀,你拿去给她把!只要有了这一双翅膀,她就可以回到家乡了,她之后无论想要做什么,我都会支持她的!” Is looking at the light group in hand, looked at the Frey somewhat unusual facial expression, Ash knitting the brows of gently, although can determine that Frey has not lied, but he is concealing anything probably, moreover certainly is what very important matter... 看着手中的光团,又看了看弗雷有些异样的神情,灰烬轻轻的皱了皱眉,虽然可以确定弗雷没有说谎,但是他好像在隐瞒着什么,而且一定是什么很重要的事情… However thinks is also, oneself are only a bystander, among them the matter are not related with oneself 不过想想也是,自己只是一个外人而已,他们之间的事情跟自己没有关系 In Frey's gathered rune/symbol writing hand light group, laid aside in the hand of Ash, looks that Ash serious saying please certain... give certainly Freya this pair of wing! Since she believes you, gave you her rune/symbol writing, I will also believe your! All asked you!” 弗雷将手中的光团汇聚成了一个符文,放置在了灰烬的手中,看着灰烬一脸严肃的说道“请一定…一定将这双翅膀交给芙蕾雅!既然她相信你,将她的符文给了你,我也会相信你的!一切就拜托你了!” Although does not know that the mood of this fellow why so strange, but rune/symbol writing has succeeded in obtaining, remaining matter do not need to think, oneself are only one delivers in any case express 虽然不知道为什么这家伙的情绪这么奇怪,但是符文已经到手了,剩下的事情自己也不用多想,反正自己只是一个送快递的而已 Thinks of here, Ash pinches tightly in the hand was grasping rune/symbol writing, to Forest nod of gently, smiles was saying that you felt relieved, my return trip, could not want several minutes to be able the wing to hand over in the hand of Freya, it is estimated that shortly afterward, Freya can lead her wing and her unlucky son again returns to here...” 想到这里,灰烬捏紧了手中握着的符文,冲着弗雷轻轻的点了点头,微笑着说道“你放心吧,我这就返程,要不了几分钟就能把翅膀交到芙蕾雅的手中,估计再过不久,芙蕾雅就能带着她的翅膀和她的倒霉儿子回到这里了…” Goes, the Freya envoy, gives back to her her wing, told her, I will wait here her!” “去吧,芙蕾雅的使者,将她的翅膀还给她,告诉她,我会在这里等她的!” Nod of gently, Ash turns around to walk, entered in Til's temple again... 轻轻的点了点头,灰烬转身就走,再一次进入了提尔的神殿之中… Looks front door that closes, looks Rainbow Bridge that starts to start, Ash some unbelievable, really... is so unexpectedly smooth? 看着关上的大门,看着开始启动的彩虹桥,灰烬还是有一些难以置信,竟然真的…这么顺利吗? Oneself push a door probably, said two words this trades casually comes to handle personally! Also thinks that must display their wisdom and bravery with the Vanaheimr person, can attain the wing of Freya, oneself went into hiding and magic of mimicry prepares actually absolutely not to have the standing in line use! 自己好像只是推个门,说了两句话而已这就是随便换个人来都能搞定的吧!还以为要和华纳海姆的人斗智斗勇一番,才能拿到芙蕾雅的翅膀呢,自己隐匿和拟态的魔法都准备好了竟然完全没有排上用场! Starts Rainbow Bridge, Ash while is looking at the symbol agate in hand, a feeling of face, Freya waited for many years, such Jane single matter, found a person to help her take casually did not finish up is really... 一边启动彩虹桥,灰烬一边看着手中的符文石,一脸的感慨,芙蕾雅到底等了多少年啊,这么单的事情,随便找个人帮她一拿不就完事了嘛真是… At the same time thinking, Rainbow Bridge brings Ash to return to Midgard this to come, is counted with the time that Frey spoke, he took the time of wing, in addition less than a half hour... 一边想着,彩虹桥就带着灰烬回到了米德加尔特这一来一回,算上和弗雷说话的功夫,还有他去取翅膀的时间,加起来都不到半个小时… Sighs lightly, Ash another moved instantaneously, returned to the Freya room, the blue light flashed through together, Ash transmitted, is turning away from Ash Freya to turn around fiercely, pulled out a sharp breaking sword from own hand, aimed at Ash! 轻叹了一口气,灰烬又一个瞬间移动,回到了芙蕾雅的房间之中,一道蓝光闪过,灰烬传送了过来,正背对着灰烬芙蕾雅猛地转过了身,从自己的手中抽出了一把锋利的断剑,对准了灰烬 Looks at gently in oneself front short-sword, Ash narrowed the eye, lifted a finger, pressed the Freya sword blade, to Freya chuckle one said that had not looked I have thought you were Magician, your swordsmanship also was never so expected that remarkable 看着架在自己面前的短剑,灰烬轻轻的眯起了眼睛,抬起一根手指,将芙蕾雅的剑刃压了下去,冲着芙蕾雅轻笑一声说道“没看出来啊我一直以为你是一个魔法师,没想到你的剑法也这么卓越” That's true, so far, can flicker the flash of moving to respond in Ash, and takes the person of weapon to only have Kratos, is lifting Freya of arrow now 确实如此,到目前为止,能在灰烬瞬移的一瞬间就反应过来,并且抽出武器的人只有奎托斯,还有现在正举着箭的芙蕾雅 Freya knitting the brows of gently, returned to the scabbard the short-sword backhandedly, smiles bitterly to say how, but can this? Before I retrieve the wing, I no one is able to injure...” 芙蕾雅轻轻的皱了皱眉,反手将短剑送回了剑鞘,苦笑一声说道“可是这又能怎么样呢?在我找回翅膀之前,我谁都无法伤害…” At this point, Freya sighs lightly, looks that Ash light saying you did come back suddenly? I also think that is what people other, what issue came across?” 说到这里,芙蕾雅轻叹了一口气,看着灰烬淡淡的说道“你怎么突然回来了?我还以为是其他什么人呢,遇到什么问题了吗?” Ash grinning of smiles, pondered looks that Freya said this you do not know my operating efficiency is very terrifying! Rescued only to spend I more than ten days, to help you all Valkyrie look for a wing, how long could not want, moreover why this time did not know, luck good one batch! Just went out found!” 灰烬咧开嘴嘿嘿一笑,玩味的看着芙蕾雅说道“这你就不知道了吧我的工作效率可是非常恐怖的!把所有的女武神救出来都只花了我十几天的时间而已,去帮你找一个翅膀,要不了多久的,而且这次不知道为什么,运气好的一批!刚一出门就找到了!” Spoke this saying, Ash Frey to own rune/symbol Wentao, handed the Freya front backhandedly... 说这话,灰烬反手将弗雷给自己的符文掏了出来,递到了芙蕾雅的面前… Freya expression from astonishment to doubts, from doubts to pleasant surprise, until she sees rune/symbol writing in Ash hand, her expression stiffened, but lifted the head slowly, looks that Ash sound some asking of shivering where you... you from found this!” 芙蕾雅的表情从惊愕到疑惑,从疑惑到惊喜,直到她看见灰烬手中的符文,她的表情僵住了,只是缓缓地抬起了头,看着灰烬声音有些颤抖的问道“你…你是从什么地方找到这个的!” Ash looks at facial expression somewhat unusual Freya, gently how crooked did the head ask „? This isn't your wing?” 灰烬看着神情有些异常的芙蕾雅,轻轻的歪了歪脑袋问道“怎么?这个难道不是你的翅膀吗?” Where you from found this!” Freya flushed fiercely, stares at Ash to shout stubbornly loudly! “你是从什么地方找到这个的!”芙蕾雅猛地冲了过来,死死地盯着灰烬大声喊道! Ash cannot help but will draw back in the future one step, then after treating, said that this... is your brothers to me, I following rune/symbol writing, found one named saying to call Frey, is very long looks like with you, said that is your brothers' person, I want your wing with him, he gave me this. What issue has... has?” 灰烬不由得往后退了一步,然后请客了一声之后说道“这个…是你兄弟给我的啊,我顺着符文,找到了一个叫自称叫弗雷,长得跟你很像,自称是你兄弟的人,我跟他要你的翅膀,他就把这个给我了啊。有…有什么问题吗?” Now Ash felt oneself may be teased him some not to determine that very much now Frey was the Freya brothers 现在灰烬觉得自己很有可能被涮了他现在都有些不确定弗雷到底是不是芙蕾雅的兄弟了 In Ash does not know that now is what situation, helpless time, Freya overtakes rune/symbol writing in Ash hand, is on the rise exclaims Odin to the sky anger! I certain... must make you regret! Various God that you are afraid dusk, I will certainly make it realize! I must make you look helplessly, looks all that you treasure turn into the ruins during the Various God dusk!” 就在灰烬不知道现在是个什么情况,手足无措的时候,芙蕾雅一把将灰烬手中的符文抢了过去,抬起头冲着天空怒吼道“奥丁!我一定…一定要让你后悔!你害怕的诸神黄昏,我一定会让它实现!我要让你眼睁睁的看着,看着你所珍视的一切在诸神的黄昏之中变成废墟!” Freya that suddenly goes crazy frightened Ash to jump, in the future will draw back one step, high and low is sizing up Freya, hesitated a moment later, Ash somewhat uncomfortable flexure is the head, what to Freya somewhat hesitant asking that... I made the mistake? You suddenly... we to be deceived? I truly look according to your rune/symbol writing, how...” 突然发狂的芙蕾雅吓了灰烬一跳,往后退了一步,上下打量着芙蕾雅,沉吟了片刻之后,灰烬有些难受的挠了挠脑袋,冲着芙蕾雅有些犹豫的问道“那个…是不是我做错了什么?你怎么突然…难道说我们上当受骗了?我确实是按照你的符文去找的啊,怎么…” Freya deeply inspires, this rune/symbol writing tight grasping in the hand, has turned the head to Ash gently shakes the head to say not, your anything has not made the mistake, this truly is the wing, but I was too naive, I underestimated Odin...” 芙蕾雅深吸了一口气,将这枚符文紧紧的握在手中,转过头冲着灰烬轻轻的摇了摇头说道“不,你什么都没有做错,这确实是翅膀,但是我太天真了,我还是太小看奥丁了…”
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