DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1033: Playing tricks on Odin

One second remembers 【】 一秒记住【】 The idle talk said are many enough, Ash had understood the beginning to end of matter, but Freya also understood the Ash goal and determination, under the premise of mutual understanding, the remaining a lot actually very Jane only after all mutual understanding are among people the most difficult things. 废话说的已经足够多了,灰烬已经了解了事情的始末,而芙蕾雅也了解了灰烬的目的和决心,在相互理解的前提之下,剩下的很多事情其实都很单毕竟相互理解才是人与人之间最困难的事情。 Cooperation, this is Ash seeks the Freya reason, but he has not thought that Freya even proposed must cooperate, she can say on own initiative, that naturally was a good matter... 合作,这是灰烬来找芙蕾雅的原因,但是他也没想到芙蕾雅竟然主动提出了要合作,她能主动提出来,那自然是再好不过的一件事了… After saying big pile of some no things, Freya deeply inspires, looks at saying of Ash righteousness expression I by the Vanir queen Freya status, officially proposed the cooperation to your Ash, you helped me, helping me regain my status and strength, but I will help you collect the authority of death, believed me, I will exhaust my institute energy!” 在说完了一大堆有的没的事情之后,芙蕾雅深吸了一口气,看着灰烬义正言辞的说道“我以华纳神族的女王芙蕾雅的身份,正式向你灰烬提出合作,你帮助我,帮助我找回我的身份和力量,而我会帮助你凑齐死亡的权柄,相信我,我会竭尽我的所能!” Ash has not spoken, but puts out a hand slowly, Freya looks at the palm that Ash handed over, cannot help but swallows the saliva, this is an incomparably big decision, although said that the initiator is she, however stretches out that moment of palm in Ash, she is somewhat hesitant... 灰烬没有说话,只是缓缓地伸出了手,芙蕾雅看了看灰烬递来的手掌,不由得吞了吞口水,这是一个无比重大的决定,虽然说发起人是她,但是在灰烬伸出手掌的那一刻,她还是有些犹豫的… After silent long time, Freya lifts the hand fiercely, grasped own the hand of hand and Ash in all, high and low swayed, this was expressing two people cooperation achieved! 沉默了良久之后,芙蕾雅猛地抬起手,将自己的手和灰烬的手握在了一切,上下摇晃了一下,这表示着两人的合作关系正是达成! Looks at the Freya firm look, Ash gratified nod of saw that you can buoy up, looks at the vision to the future, this was really a good matter, how then... we do want to do now?” 看着芙蕾雅坚定的眼神,灰烬欣慰的点了点头“看到你能振作起来,将目光看向未来,这实在是再好不过的一件事了,那么…我们现在要怎么做呢?” Freya looked in the room to hang the short-sword and bow and arrow on wall, deeply inspires saying that „the present... I must retrieve my wing! Odin cut them, and hid, I needed them, only then I can leave Midgard like this, I can participate in the fight! Otherwise my anything cannot achieve, helped you not to mention!” 芙蕾雅看了看房间之中挂在墙壁上的短剑和弓箭,深深地吸了一口气说道“现在…我要找回我的翅膀!奥丁割下了它们并且藏了起来,我需要它们,只有这样我才能离开米德加尔特,我才能参与战斗!否则的话我什么都做不到,更别提帮助你了!” Ash frowning of gently, the matter returned to .asxs. as the matter stands, sought for her wing... Ash not to know that this and sought for remaining death authority that is quite troublesome, after all was the things that Odin hid. 灰烬轻轻的皱起了眉头,这样一来事情就又回到.asxs.了,寻找她的翅膀…灰烬不知道这和寻找剩下的死亡权柄那个比较麻烦,毕竟都是奥丁藏起来的东西。 Sees Ash is tightening the brow, Freya deeply inspires, then serious saying you do not use that expression, I understand Odin, I too understood him, even if he did not tell me him to hide my wing there me still guesses, he hid certainly my wing in my hometown Vanaheimr!” 看到灰烬紧锁着的眉头,芙蕾雅深吸了一口气,然后严肃的说道“你不用那副表情,我了解奥丁,我实在是太了解他了,就算他不告诉我他将我的翅膀藏在那里我也猜得出来,他一定是将我的翅膀藏在了我的家乡华纳海姆!” Hid in your hometown? Are you earnest?” “藏在了你的家乡?你是认真的?” Freya sneered, looks that Ash light saying Odin always craves in playing with others 's destiny, more is the dramatic matter he more will do, I retrieve the goal of wing am to return to Vanaheimr, then he hides my wing in Vanaheimr, this is playing tricks on Odin!” 芙蕾雅冷笑了一声,看着灰烬淡淡的说道“奥丁总是热衷于玩弄他人的命运,越是戏剧性的事情他就越是会去做,我找回翅膀的目的是为了回到华纳海姆,那么他就将我的翅膀藏在华纳海姆,这正是奥丁的戏弄!” Hears this saying, Ash nod of gently, then stood up slowly the body, looks that Freya light saying I understood, my, Vanaheimr, where is your hometown, I directly asked that there person, should quick be able to find!” 听到这话,灰烬轻轻的点了点头,然后缓缓地站起了身,看着芙蕾雅淡淡的说道“我明白了,那我这就出发,华纳海姆是吧,哪里是你的家乡,我直接去问那里的人,应该很快就能找到的吧!” Looks Ash that spoke with confidence, Freya somewhat moved lowering the head, gently sighed to say „, if were really this that were good, but... this was almost impossible, because of me and Odin marrying, caused the downcast of Vanaheimr, making there the Odin territory, my people... the estimate does not recognize my queen.” 看着侃侃而谈的灰烬,芙蕾雅有些伤感的低下了头,轻轻的叹了口气说道“如果真是这样那就好了,但是…这几乎是不可能的,因为我和奥丁的联姻,导致了华纳海姆的陷落,让那里成为了奥丁的领地,我的人民…估计已经不认我这个女王了。” Hears this saying, Ash contemptuous curls the lip saying that that was easier to do, since they are not your people, I didn't use leniently not?” 听到这话,灰烬轻蔑的撇了撇嘴说道“那就更好办了既然他们已经不是你的子民,那我就不用手软了不是吗?” Freya quickly stood up the body, blocked before the body of Ash, a face astonished looks at Ash to ask „you are cold-blooded animal? Although they do not acknowledge that I am their queens, but they are also my clansman! How you can...” 芙蕾雅急忙站起了身,拦在了灰烬的身前,一脸惊愕的看着灰烬问道“你是冷血动物吗?他们虽然已经不承认我是他们的女王,但他们也是我的族人啊!你怎么能…” Ash shrugging gently, resigned-looking saying this is not very then good to understand that loyal is not absolute, is absolutely is not loyal, as their queens, your decision is their destinies, they actually betrayed oneself queen finally, betrayed own destiny, regarding this protruding bones in the occipital region 25 young I is always...” 灰烬轻轻的耸了耸肩,然后一脸无奈的说道“这不是很好理解嘛忠诚不绝对,就是绝对不忠诚,作为他们的女王,你的决定即是他们的命运,他们却最终背叛了自己的女王,背叛了自己的命运,对于这种反骨二五仔我一向是…” Freya promptly swayed the head, is staring at Ash saying one word at a time in brief, was not good! You cannot kill the Vanaheimr person! Is I am unfair to them, was my decision harmed them, all... only found the wing, do not harm anybody, Ok?” 芙蕾雅当机立断的摇晃起了脑袋,盯着灰烬一字一顿的说道“总而言之,不行!你不能杀死华纳海姆的人!是我对不起他们,是我的决定害了他们,所有…只找到翅膀,不要伤害任何人,可以吗?” Looks Freya that renounces, Ash shrugging gently, a face indifferent expression said that line you decide, does not kill does not kill, how can I find your wing? Always is insufficient me to kneel down to ask them!” 看着决绝的芙蕾雅,灰烬轻轻的耸了耸肩,一脸无所谓的表情说道“行啊你说了算,不杀就不杀,那我要怎么找到你的翅膀呢?总不至于我跪下求他们吧!” Looks on the Ash face you to dare saying that is the expression that I turn around to walk, Freya sighs lightly, held up the hand of Ash, wrote down rune/symbol writing in the palm of Ash, looks that Ash serious saying this goes to Vanaheimr rune/symbol writing, was found the direction of my wing... you, so long as followed this rune/symbol writing direction, can find my wing! However... asked you do not harm my clansman!” 看着灰烬脸上一副你敢说是我转身就走的表情,芙蕾雅轻叹了一口气,拉起了灰烬的手,在灰烬的掌心写下了一个符文,看着灰烬严肃的说道“这是前往华纳海姆的符文,更是找到我翅膀的指引…你只要跟着这个符文的指引,就能找到我的翅膀!但是…请你千万不要伤害我的族人!” Looked at rune/symbol writing of palm, Ash nod of gently, then shot a look at one to lie down Badr on table, selected the eyebrow to ask gently „, since must go to Vanaheimr, needed me to help you bury your son directly?” 看了看掌心的符文,灰烬轻轻的点了点头,然后又瞥了一眼躺在桌子上的巴德尔,轻轻的挑了挑眉问道“既然要去华纳海姆,需不需要我帮你把你儿子直接埋了呢?” Freya saw an own son, gently shakes the head to say not, this is the matter that I should handle, you only needed to come back my wing belt/bring to be enough, the remaining things I will do.” 芙蕾雅看了一眼自己的儿子,轻轻的摇了摇头说道“不,这是我应该做的事情,你只需要将我的翅膀带回来就足够了,剩下的事情我自己会做。” Nod of Ash understands clearly, to Freya gently beckons with the hand saying that I knew, I as far as possible will be low-key, without other anything matter, I wanted.” 灰烬了然的点了点头,冲着芙蕾雅轻轻的摆了摆手说道“我知道了,我会尽量低调的,如果没有其他什么事情的话,我就要出发了。” Moves instantaneously, Ash then vanished in the Freya front in an instant, although the matter was getting more and more troublesome, but had the progress after all, was insufficient probably headless fly such to run back and forth in confusion everywhere 瞬间移动,灰烬转眼间便消失在了芙蕾雅的面前,虽然事情越来越麻烦,但是总归是有了进展,不至于像是无头的苍蝇那样到处乱晃了 Rainbow Bridge opens 彩虹桥 1 second remember 【】 0一秒记住【】 Move! Destination Vanaheimr! Wing of goal Freya! 动!目的地华纳海姆!目标芙蕾雅的翅膀! Vast momentum Rainbow Bridge brings Ash to start to transmit, time in an instant, the transmission then ended, but Ash can also be able to feel, he had arrived at a new world! 声势浩大的彩虹桥带着灰烬开始传送,一转眼的功夫,传送便结束了,而灰烬也能感觉得到,他已经来到了一个新的世界! The words... probably entire nine have outside a watt Alheim of dwarf besides Æsir Asgard, remaining place ran through probably 这么算起来的话…好像整个九界除了阿萨神族阿斯加德还有矮人的瓦特阿尔海姆之外,剩下的地方自己好像都跑遍了呢 Thinks of here, Ash helpless sighing, like this words, if oneself can be cruel-hearted, when ran into Neet initially declined his transaction to request, quarrelled with his sword directly, this death Lord Soul should succeed in obtaining 想到这里,灰烬无奈的叹了一口气,这样算起来的话,要是自己能狠下心来,在当初遇到尼特的时候拒绝了他的交易请求,直接跟他刀剑相向,这会死亡王魂应该是已经到手了吧 My heart too soft heart is too always soft all issues shoulders...” Hummed to forget the song of name, Ash while opened the front door of Til temple. “我总是心太软心太软把所有问题都自己扛…”一边哼唱着自己都已经忘记了名字的歌曲,灰烬一边推开了提尔神殿的大门。 Now thinks some no also what significance has?, Has improvised on the cameo surprise in any case like this, now found the wing of Freya is quite essential quickly 现在想这些有的没的还有什么意义吗?反正已经这样了,既来之则安之,现在还是赶快找到芙蕾雅的翅膀比较关键啊 Thinks of here, Ash opened the present front door, entered Vanaheimr truly, but just came, Ash saw before the front door handsome man who is riding the wild pig... 想到这里,灰烬推开了眼前的大门,真正的进入了华纳海姆,可是刚一进来,灰烬就在大门前看到了一个骑着山猪的俊朗男子… This man is tall, long martial-looking uncommon, is completely not the type of that pretty boy, what is most essential is... this fellow grows unexpectedly has several phase splitting shapes with Freya! 这男子身材高大,长的英武不凡,完全不是那种小白脸的类型,最关键的是…这家伙长得跟芙蕾雅居然有几分相像! The unexpected happening, Ash looks down on own palm Freya leaves own rune/symbol writing, but that golden rune/symbol writing, aimed at the present man just right... 鬼使神差的,灰烬低下头看了看自己手掌上芙蕾雅留给自己的符文,而那枚金色的符文,正正好好指向了眼前的这个男子… Some cannot believe that all such smooth Ash will select the eyebrow unexpectedly gently, moved two steps toward side, but rune/symbol writing also rotates, aimed at the present man as before 有些不敢相信一切竟然会这么顺利的灰烬轻轻的挑了挑眉,往旁边挪动了两步,但是符文也随之转动,依旧指向了眼前的这个男人 This good deed? Difficult to be inadequate my Ash also to change from bad to good? 还有这种好事?难不成我灰烬也时来运转啦? Thinks of here, the corners of the mouth of Ash rise slightly, raised the head to come to see to the present man, but this rides the man above the wild pig also in careful is sizing up Ash, definitely is unable to understand why Ash will appear here... 想到这里,灰烬的嘴角微微上扬,抬起头来看向眼前的这个男人,而这个骑在山猪之上男人也在仔仔细细的打量着灰烬,完全无法理解灰烬为什么会出现在这里… Hesitated a moment later, the man selected the eyebrow gently, puzzled looks at Ash to ask you... you are a mortal? How you enter here, how... don't you obtain such rune/symbol writing? Do you come to here are must do?... Is Freya to make you come?” 沉吟了片刻之后,男子轻轻的挑了挑眉,一脸疑惑的看着灰烬问道“你…你是一个凡人?你是怎么进入这里的,不…你是怎么获得这么符文的?你来这里是要干什么?难道说…难道说是芙蕾雅让你来的吗?” Guessed correctly anything's man surprised looks at Ash, then look somewhat absent-minded saying I know... Freya, although cannot return to here, but she is impossible to forget that here is her hometown! I know...” 猜到了什么的男子一脸惊讶的看着灰烬,然后神色有些恍惚的说道“我就知道…芙蕾雅虽然不能自己回到这里,但是她不可能忘记这里是她的家乡的!我就知道…” Spoke this saying, a man both legs clip, rode the wild pig of crotch to run to arrive at the Ash front, a face excited that rune/symbol writing who looks at the Ash palm, confirmed , the man deeply inspires, raised the head excitedly looks at Ash saying that „was really, this was Freya rune/symbol writing, was she makes you come back! What does she want you to come back to make? What having is she wants you to tell me?” 说这话,男人双腿一夹,骑着胯下的山猪一路小跑来到了灰烬的面前,一脸激动的看着灰烬掌心的那个符文,确认了一番之后,男人深吸了一口气,抬起头激动的看着灰烬说道“果然是,这是芙蕾雅的符文,是她让你回来的!她要你回来做什么?有没有什么是她要你告诉我的?” Ash sighing gently, then worked loose this man to grasp the palm of wrist/skill, resigned-looking asking first did not say that some did not have, who were you?” 灰烬轻轻的叹了口气,然后挣脱了这个男人握着自己手腕的掌心,一脸无奈的问道“先不说这些有的没的,你是个谁啊?” The complexion of man cannot help but one stiff, somewhat danced with joy flustered, Ash put out a hand one according to the shoulder of this man, controlled him, then saying one word at a time had the words to speak, do not put was dancing, came, who were you? Is anything relates with Freya! Looked that you grow with her have several phase splitting shapes, is difficult to be inadequate is the relative?” 男人的脸色不由得一僵,有些慌张的手舞足蹈了起来,灰烬伸出手一把按在了这个男人的肩头,将他控制了下来,然后一字一顿的说道“有话说话,别搁着跳舞了,一个一个来,你是谁?跟芙蕾雅是什么关系!看你跟她长得有几分相像,难不成是亲戚?” The men quickly nod, then serious saying „, my name was Frey, was the Freya brothers. I have believed she will come back, I have believed this point!” 男人急忙点了点头,然后严肃的说道“是的,我叫弗雷,是芙蕾雅的兄弟。我一直相信她会回来,我一直相信这一点!” Frey who looks at a face anticipation, Ash gently shakes the head saying that that disappointed you, she did not come back for a short time, she was cursed by Odin, is unable to leave the Midgard half step, even cannot return to own hometown.” 看着一脸期待的弗雷,灰烬轻轻的摇了摇头说道“那让你失望了,她一时半会是回不来了,她被奥丁诅咒,无法离开米德加尔特半步,甚至不能回到自己的家乡。” Frey sighs lightly, look somewhat gloomy said in a low voice I know... Odin her seal in Midgard, I also escaped from Jarhl Heym, must... think otherwise I now am also the same fate!” 弗雷轻叹了一口气,眼神有些暗淡的低声说道“我知道…奥丁将她封印在了米德加尔特,我也从亚尔夫海姆逃了回来,要不然的话…想必我现在也是一样的下场吧!” Dear, this chapter has ended, wish you to read happily! 0 亲,本章已完,祝您阅读愉快!0
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