DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1032: Various God dusk and determination

Valkyrie left, Ash person static sitting in the midpoint of Valkyrie meeting hall, a face disconsolate... 女武神们离开了,灰烬一个人静静的坐在女武神议事厅的正中央,一脸的惆怅… What to do then should? Although Valkyrie rescued completely, but obviously this could not report on accomplishments very much! That side authority incomplete Neet of death has not been willing to give itself his Lord Soul as before 接下来该怎么办呢?女武神虽然全部救出来了,但是很明显这个交不了差啊!死亡的权柄依旧不完整尼特那边还不愿意将他的王魂给自己 After silent long time, Ash long sighs, what to do did helpless neutral tone whisper say/way explode Neil Fuhai directly? Said... asked Freya? However she just died the son, was difficult to be inadequate must revive to her Badr that young bastard?” 沉默了良久之后,灰烬长叹了一口气,无奈的轻声嘀咕道“怎么办啊把尼尔福海姆直接炸了?还是说…去求芙蕾雅?但是她刚死了儿子,难不成要把巴德尔那个小王八蛋给她救活了?” Complexion incomparably uncomfortable Ash feels suffocated, uncomfortably after intertwines to get up silent... long time, the Ash long exhalation one breath, helpless shaking the head, supports the body from the ground to stand, moved instantaneously vanishes in same place... 脸色无比难受的灰烬憋了一口气,难受的纠结了起来…沉默了良久之后,灰烬长长的呼出一口气,无奈的摇了摇头,撑着身子从地上站了起来,一个瞬间移动消失在了原地… ...... …… Is expression incomparable flattering of Ash, knocking on a door summon say/way that while spoke softly Freya Goddess ? In? Sir Goddess ? Did I come to see you your mood not to have well?” 灰烬的表情无比的谄媚,一边敲着门一边轻声细语的呼唤道“芙蕾雅女神?在不在呀?女神大人?我来看望你喽你的心情好了一点没有呢?” Freya in inside, this is certain, Ash will not come to here otherwise, but... is her condition good Ash to be possible really not to know that the pain of losing a child, although Ash has not realized, but he also knows probably, Freya now is very painful condition, can think through, if could not think through to bore into tip of horn, even there is a possibility of blackening 芙蕾雅在里面,这是可以肯定的,不然的话灰烬就不会到这里来,但是…她的状态好不好灰烬可就真不知道了,丧子之痛虽然灰烬没有体会过,但是他大概也知道,芙蕾雅现在是非常痛苦的状态,能想通了也就罢了,要是想不通钻进牛角尖了,甚至有黑化的可能性 The front door of wooden from inside pulls open, Freya static standing in the Ash front... 木质的大门从里面一把拉开,芙蕾雅静静的站在灰烬的面前… Ash took back also in the hand of knocking on a door, a face ridicules looks to stand in front Freya, somewhat disturbed asking that... Sir Goddess ? Your good point?” 灰烬收回了还在敲门的手,一脸讪笑的看着站在面前的芙蕾雅,有些忐忑的问道“那个…女神大人?你好一点了吗?” The Freya revolutions was excessive, looked at an behind room, inside now is one piece in confusion! Completely without the beforehand neatness, but on wooden table in room, puts the cocoon that a rattan is weaving... Badr's body to be wrapped to be one of them impressively, Ash can feel. 芙蕾雅转过了头,看了一眼身后的房间,里面现在已经是一片狼藉!完全没有之前的整洁,而在房间中的木桌子上,赫然放着一个藤条编织成的茧…巴德尔的尸体就被包裹在其中,灰烬能感觉到。 Seemed like... you to try many methods! What achievement has?” “看起来…你尝试了很多方法啊!有什么成果吗?” Freya has turned the head, staring is staring at Ash, just right that suddenly serious saying Ash, you come, I want to discuss a transaction with you!” 芙蕾雅转过头,直勾勾的盯着灰烬,突然严肃的说道“灰烬,你来的正好,我想跟你谈一笔交易!” Ash cannot help but stares, surprise looks at Freya, somewhat helpless asking that... are you wish make me resurrect your son? You should be know that he will not therefore thank you, instead will hate you!” 灰烬不由得一愣,诧异的看着芙蕾雅,有些不知所措的问道“那个…你是想要让我复活你的儿子吗?你应该是知道的,他不会因此感谢你,反而会更加憎恨你!” Freya deeply inspires, gently nods saying that „... I will not make you resurrect he, I know, this is the evil consequence that I plant, all are I take the consequences for own actions...” 芙蕾雅深吸了一口气,轻轻的点了点头说道“不…我不会让你复活他,我知道,这是我自己种下的恶果,一切都是我自作自受罢了…” Heard this saying, Ash doubts some flexure scratches the head, asked in a soft voice „, therefore... you didn't blame me? You not strange...” 听到这话,灰烬有些疑惑的挠了挠头,轻声问道“所以…你不怪我吗?你不怪…” Also without and other Ash said the hot tempered brother's name, Freya on nod of gently „, my not strange Kratos, was far from blames you, he was himself should the matter of doing, perhaps this was the destiny, when my child was born I saw, saw his being driven to death after suffering an injustice, even if I exerted such blessing to him, finally has not escaped this destiny... I to think through.” 还没等灰烬说出暴躁老哥的名字,芙蕾雅就轻轻的点了点头“是的,我不怪奎托斯,更谈不上怪你了,他只是做了自己该做的事情而已,也许这就是命运吧,在我的孩子出生的时候我就看到了,看到了他的枉死,即便我对他施加了那样的祝福,最后还是没逃掉这命运…我已经想通了。” Ash nod of gently, then sighs saying that long you can think through are naturally good, is the transaction that then... you said what? What do you want?” 灰烬轻轻的点了点头,然后长叹了一口气说道“你能想通自然是再好不过,那么…你说的交易是什么?你想要什么?” Freya deeply inspires, fixes the eyes on Ash saying one word at a time I to retrieve my pair of wings, I must retrieve all my! I must bury my son in my hometown... there will not welcome him even.” 芙蕾雅深吸了一口气,紧盯着灰烬一字一顿的说道“我要找回我的双翼,我要寻回我的一切!我要将我的儿子埋葬在我的家乡…就算那里不会欢迎他。” Looks at serious Freya, Ash smiles bitterly, helpless shakes the head saying that you created a Gordian knot to me, I do not know that your wing where, you might as well make me help you help your son revive 看着一脸严肃的芙蕾雅,灰烬苦笑一声,无奈的摇了摇头说道“你又给我出难题了,我又不知道你的翅膀在哪里,你还不如让我帮你帮你的儿子救活呢” Hears this saying, Freya gently frowns to ask „you are is not not willing to help me save him? How suddenly...” 听到这话,芙蕾雅轻轻的皱起了眉头问道“你不是不愿意帮我救活他吗?怎么突然…” The Ash complexion became enforced, 灰烬的脸色变得严肃了起来, Looks at Freya saying one word at a time „, because before , his life and death has nothing to do with my benefit, under this situation, I will not involve any survival of existence!” 看着芙蕾雅一字一顿的说道“因为之前他的生死与我的利益无关,在这种情况之下,我不会介入任何存在的生存!” Hears this saying, Freya cannot help but startled, then narrowed the eye to ask in a soft voice like that wild boar?” 听到这话,芙蕾雅不由得一怔,然后眯起了眼睛轻声问道“就像那头野猪一样?” Ash revealed you to understand that was really the good look, gently nods to say „, like that wild boar.” 灰烬露出了一副你能理解实在是再好不过的眼神,轻轻的点了点头说道“是的,就像那头野猪一样。” Your principle really makes people unable to understand..., but, I did not need you to help me rescue him, even if you saved him, I did not have the ability to protect him again, moreover I also thought through, I will not involve his choice again, since the death were his destiny and choice, how even if saved him can?” “你的原则真是让人无法理解…但是不了,我不需要你帮我救回他了,就算是你把他救了回来,我也没有能力再保护他,而且我也想通了,我不会再介入他的选择了,既然死亡是他的命运与选择,那就算将他救活了又能怎么样呢?” Ash flexure gently scratched the head, a face uncomfortable expression, does not know that did not have resurrecting Badr before the regret because of other anything... 灰烬轻轻的挠了挠头,一脸难受的表情,不知道是在后悔之前没有复活巴德尔还是因为别的什么… Looks at Ash of some difficult offices, Freya sighing of gently, what you wants to Ash light asking? Ash... you ask me definitely to have anything! Otherwise you not with no reason at all looks for me.” 看着有些难办的灰烬,芙蕾雅轻轻的叹了一口气,冲着灰烬淡淡的问道“你又想要什么呢?灰烬…你来找我肯定有什么事情吧!不然的话你不会无缘无故的来找我。” Ash awkward sighing, nod of gently „, truly is a little matter, you possibly do not know, Valkyrie had been rescued by me, including king of Xige that what Valkyrie. However... the authority of death was incomplete, I was seek your help, wanting the death authority to collect!” 灰烬尴尬的叹了一口气,轻轻的点了点头“是的,确实是有一点事,你可能不知道,女武神们已经都被我救出来了,包括那个什么女武神之王希格露恩。但是…死亡的权柄还是不完整,我是来寻求你的帮助,想要将死亡权柄凑齐的!” The Freya look became sharp, is fixing the eyes on Ash serious saying „, therefore... you saved Valkyrie to die authority? Was your ultimate goal the authority of death?” 芙蕾雅的眼神变得犀利了起来,紧盯着灰烬严肃的说道“所以…你拯救女武神们就是为了死亡的权柄?你的最终目的是死亡的权柄?” Ash your shrugging gently, innocent saying I do not want that thing to do! This is I with the condition that another fellow trades, I helped him collect the authority of death, he gives me the thing that I wanted...” 灰烬你轻轻的耸了耸肩,一脸无辜的说道“不是啊我要那东西干嘛啊!这是我跟另外一个家伙交易的条件,我帮他凑齐死亡的权柄,他将我想要的东西交给我…” Freya deeply frowns, hesitates to refer to the room saying that a moment later seems like your issue to imagine me is much more important than! Came to say.” 芙蕾雅深深地皱起了眉头,沉吟了片刻之后指了指房间里面说道“看起来你的问题比我想象中的要重要得多!进来说吧。” ...... …… Like before such that saw in out, in room a piece in confusion, bottles of cans of soup scattered place, except for Badr is placing table, other places seemed like the bandit to be the same badly. 就像之前在门外看到的那样,房间之中一片狼藉,瓶瓶罐罐汤汤水水的撒了一地,除了巴德尔摆放着的桌子附近,其他的地方看起来就像是糟了土匪一样。 Freya has not paid attention to these, after bringing Ash was entering in the room, looks that Ash serious asking actually you do know, what the authority of death does mean?” 芙蕾雅没有理会这些,带着灰烬进入了房间之中后,看着灰烬严肃的问道“你究竟知道不知道,死亡的权柄意味着什么?” Ash nod of gently, then indifferent shrugs saying that I am very clear, nothing but is controls the right of dead this not to have no well the understanding probably!” 灰烬轻轻的点了点头,然后无所谓的耸了耸肩说道“我很清楚啊,无非就是掌控死者的权利嘛这好像没有什么不好理解的吧!” Is..., but this is also very dangerous thing, even the slightest misstep, will make the whole world fall into the catastrophe, although the present situation is bad, but some slightly out-of-control, Valkyrie had also been rescued by you, believe shortly afterward, will return to again normal, but the authority that once died becomes complete, his control can start a death in this world the catastrophe! Even may evolve one compared with Various God dusk a more fearful disaster!” “是的…但这也是非常危险的东西,稍有不慎,就会让整个世界陷入浩劫之中,现在的情况虽然糟糕,但也只是稍微有些失控,女武神已经被你救了出来,相信再过不久,就会恢复平静,可一旦死亡的权柄变得完整,他的掌控者就可以在这个世界掀起一场死亡的浩劫!甚至有可能会演变成一场比诸神黄昏更可怕的灾难!” Looks at serious Freya, Ash nod of gently, suddenly a thread of conversation revolution, looks that Freya asked what relations, but did this have with me? Having a frank and sincere talk said, I am not the person in this world, I want to bring back to be my thing, so long as the thing succeeds in obtaining, I turn around to walk. Various God dusk anything... cannot affect me!” 看着一脸严肃的芙蕾雅,灰烬轻轻的点了点头,突然话锋一转,看着芙蕾雅问道“可是这跟我有什么关系呢?开诚布公的说,我不是这个世界的人,我只是想要拿回属于我的东西而已,只要东西到手,我转身就走。诸神黄昏什么的…也影响不到我!” Freya somewhat obscure looks at Ash, she is unable to understand how Ash is without turning a hair said this words to come „, but this world what to do? Is the thing that you must look for more important than the whole world?” 芙蕾雅有些费解的看着灰烬,她无法理解灰烬是怎么面不改色的说出这种话来的“可是这个世界怎么办?难道你要找的东西比整个世界还要重要吗?” In my eyes...! The thing that to need me takes, I will be reckless, although I seem like a tool person to be the same now, helping this help that I do not dislike troublesome, so long as can attain the thing that I want not to have the issue, I will not have what complaint, helped also help... me not cause too many casualties as far as possible, but... you were clear, if necessary... I will really make some not good matter! Believes me, you will not want to notice that this matter happens!” “在我眼里…是的!为了将我需要的东西拿到手,我会不顾一切,虽然我现在像是一个工具人一样,帮帮这个帮帮那个,我也不嫌麻烦,但是只要能拿到我想要的东西就都没问题,我也不会有什么怨言,帮忙也就帮了…我也尽可能不造成太多的伤亡,但是…你要明白,如果有必要的话…我是真的会做出一些很不好的事情!相信我,你不会想要看到这种事发生的!” Unbelievable looks at unemotional Ash, Freya somewhat exaggerating asking that we? I... Kratos... Atreus... the thing that to attain you wants, can our you also killing without hesitation?” 难以置信的看着面无表情的灰烬,芙蕾雅有些夸张的问道“那我们呢?我…奎托斯阿特柔斯…为了拿到你想要的东西,我们你也会毫不犹豫的杀死吗?” The Ash expression is still indifferent, is only nod of gently „, if necessary, I will kill you, naturally, looks in our friendship, I will let no pain that you die.” 灰烬的表情依旧淡然,只是轻轻的点了点头“是的,如果有必要的话,我会杀死你们,当然,看在我们的交情上,我会让你们死的毫无痛苦。” Looks at facial color somewhat ugly Freya, Ash sighs lightly, beckons with the hand saying slowly not to need such to visit me, believes me, I do not want to arrive that step, I am also avoiding having such situation with every effort, therefore I can not dislike troublesome circles some long journeys, in the general situation, I am very friendly!” 看着面色有些难看的芙蕾雅,灰烬轻叹了一口气,摆了摆手缓缓的说道“不用那样看着我,相信我,我也不希望走到那一步,我也在尽力避免出现这样的情况,所以我才会不嫌麻烦的绕些远路,在一般的情况下,我还是非常友好的!” Freya deeply inspires, looks that Ash stern-faced asking I do not doubt, you can raise one to be as good as the Various God dusk disaster in this world, you can achieve..., but believes that you also detected, this world... soon died.” 芙蕾雅深吸了一口气,看着灰烬一脸凝重的问道“我毫不怀疑,你能在这个世界掀起一场不亚于诸神黄昏的灾难,你做得到…但是相信你也察觉到了吧,这个世界…快要死了。” Ash nod of gently, stretched out the finger to refer to the ceiling, face indifferent saying on that day that Badr died, I detected, this world... the death is closely associated at the wail! Badr's death, is all these blasting fuses, I also understand why now you said nothing to this matter initially, because this relates to your son's life.” 灰烬轻轻的点了点头,伸出手指指了指天花板,一脸淡然的说道“在巴德尔死去的那一天,我就察觉到了,这个世界在哀鸣…死亡已经如影随形了!巴德尔的死,就是这一切的导火索,我现在也明白你当初为什么对这件事闭口不谈了,因为这关系到你儿子的命。” Freya somewhat moved nod, looked at one by Badr who the branch wraps, nods in a soft voice twittering to my son... on that day that he was born, I saw his death, after he dies, is the Various God dusk, the end of the world... this was also Odin agrees let under me initially this incantation, even assisted under me this incantation, guaranteed reason that he did not die.” 芙蕾雅有些伤感的点了点头,看了一眼被枝条包裹起来的巴德尔,点了点头轻声呢喃到“我的儿子…在他出生的那一天,我就看到了他的死,而在他死后,就是诸神的黄昏,世界的末日…这也是当初奥丁肯让我下这个咒,甚至协助我下这个咒,保证他不死的原因。” Therefore... you , is not only protecting your sons, you in doing utmost avoids the Various God dusk arrival. At least Odin is this!” “所以…你们不只是在保护你们的儿子,你们是在竭尽全力的避免诸神黄昏的到来。最起码奥丁是这样的!” But all... started, we cannot achieve to anything finally, my child died, Various God dusk... world finally end, must start!” “但一切…还是开始了,我们到最后还是什么都做不到,我的孩子还是死了,诸神黄昏…世界的终末,还是要开始了!”
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