DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1031: Will she also help?

The king of Valkyrie died, has encircled in several other Valkyrie of seeing a play slowly, waits for Soul of king of Valkyrie to be released... 女武神之王死了,一直在看戏的其他几个女武神缓缓地围了上来,等待着女武神之王的灵魂被释放… Guna who first was saved bows to Ash slightly, respectful saying thanked you, powerful Ash, your strength was impressive, you saved all Valkyrie, you saved us...” 第一个被救出来的古娜冲着灰烬微微躬身,恭敬的说道“感谢你,强大的灰烬,你的力量让人惊叹,你拯救了所有的女武神,你拯救了我们…” Ash shaking the head of gently, looks that encircled this is enough in surrounding Valkyrie light saying, I made and Neet's deal?” 灰烬轻轻的摇了摇头,看着围在周围的女武神们淡淡的说道“这样就足够了吧,我算不算是达成了和尼特的交易呢?” Valkyrie you have a look at my me to have a look at you, finally Guna Station came out saying that I do not know, Sir Ash, must judge by Sir Neet personally, I cannot under judge absurdly.” 女武神们你看看我我看看你,最后还是古娜站了出来说道“我不知道,灰烬大人,一切必须由尼特大人亲自判断,我不能妄下判断。” The time of speech, Soul of king of Valkyrie fluttered from her corpse, looks regarding in surrounding Valkyrie, stands before her, in the hand is raising Ash of big sword, deeply inspires, gratified saying finally... some people can save the Valkyrie destiny! Thanked you, the warrior, the sisters... were laborious you.” 说话的功夫,女武神之王的灵魂从她的尸体之中飘了出来,看着围绕在周围的女武神们,还有站在她面前,手中提着大剑的灰烬,深吸了一口气,欣慰的说道“终于…有人能拯救女武神的命运了!非常感谢你,勇士,姐妹们…辛苦你们了。” Does not want to listen to the idle talk between their sisters, Ash gently crooked head, looks that the king of present Valkyrie does ask „...? Our idle talk little said, you are the king of Valkyrie, then you should know that many matter about death authority, after all you are also part, now tells me, saved you, was enough?” 不想听她们姐妹之间的废话,灰烬轻轻的歪了歪脑袋,看着眼前的女武神之王问道“希格露恩…是吧?咱们闲话少说,你是女武神之王,那么你应该知道不少关于死亡权柄的事情吧,毕竟你们也是其中的一部分,现在告诉我,把你们救了出来,是不是就足够了?” Shaking the head of gently, looks at Ash light saying not, knows about this true queen!” 希格露恩轻轻的摇了摇头,看着灰烬淡淡的说道“不,关于这一点只有真正的女王才知晓!” Ash cannot help but turned Byakugan, the trash words that oneself before spoke cannot to become true! Did Valkyrie end also had the king of Valkyrie, the king of Valkyrie ends also had god of the Valkyrie? 灰烬不由得翻了个白眼,自己之前说的垃圾话不会成真了吧!女武神完了还有女武神之王,女武神之王完了还有个女武神之神? „Aren't you king of Valkyrie? Also has what queen! Do not do me! My time said very much preciously...” “你不就是女武神之王吗?还有什么女王啊!别搞我啊!我的时间很宝贵的说…” Looks at some vitality/angry Ash, some cannot help but doubts, although does not know why Ash gets angry suddenly, but others saved himself also to have the sisters after all... 看着有些生气的灰烬,希格露恩不由得有些疑惑,虽然不知道灰烬为什么突然发火,但是人家毕竟救了自己还有姐妹们… Hesitated a moment later, gently nods to say always, king of one Valkyrie, that is Goddess Freya, all Valkyrie give loyalty to her, Odin actually shut off her wing, I replaced her position temporarily, but god's father is not willing to give up, he used the ancient magic to putrefy our bodies, hid us, making us turn into today's this appearance...” 希格露恩沉吟了片刻之后,轻轻的点了点头说道“一直以来,女武神之王都只有一个,那就是女神芙蕾雅,所有的女武神都效忠于她,奥丁却切断了她的翅膀,我才暂时代替了她的位置,但是众神之父还是不肯罢手,他用古老的魔法腐化了我们的躯体,将我们藏了起来,让我们变成了今天这副模样…” Spoke this saying, lowers the head, looked under the body own body, sighing gently. 说这话,希格露恩低下头,看了看身下属于自己的躯体,轻轻的叹了口气。 Suddenly, black fog periphery will encircle! Also had Ash to wrap Valkyrie in! Besides just released, other as we all know, this was Neet comes! 突然,一股黑雾将周围团团围住!将女武神们还有灰烬包裹在了其中!除了刚刚被释放的希格露恩之外,其他的所有人都知道,这是尼特来了! The black thick fog starts to gather, a withered and yellow skeleton head drilled from the black fog slowly, innumerable skull close arrangements! Looks at incomparable scary! 黑色的浓雾开始汇聚,一颗枯黄的骷髅头缓缓地从黑雾之中钻了出来,紧接着还有无数的颅骨紧密的排列起来!看着无比的骇人! The person of high giant bone blade has also spread from the black fog fully, this is Neet's right arm, but the left arm is continuously the ordinary skeleton arm... 一直足有一人多高的巨大骨刃也从黑雾之中摊了出来,这是尼特的右臂,而左臂则是一直普通的骸骨手臂… Looks at so grave king Neet of shape, Ash gently narrowed the eye, before saw, was only his incarnation, even when the Hull ghostdom was so, but now... he appears the true body finally! 看着如此形态的墓王尼特,灰烬轻轻的眯起了眼睛,之前见到的,都只是他的化身,就算是在赫尔冥界的时候都是如此,而现在…他终于还是现出了真身! Looks is really aggressive, the grave king... worthily was the ancient times gods, was different! Therefore your meeting true body comes, to offer your Soul and strength?” “看着真是霸气啊,墓王…不愧是远古的神明,就是不一样哈!所以你这会真身前来,是为了将你的灵魂和力量献出来吗?” That skeleton head full rotation of most peak, looked to Ash, the death low and deep sound resounded your effort and help slowly... I truly saw, Ash, but now is not good, Valkyrie were only part of authority, what I needed was the complete authority! This is our transactions...” 最顶端的那颗骷髅头满满的转动,看向了灰烬,死亡般低沉的声音缓缓地响起“你的努力和帮助…我确实看到了,灰烬,但是现在还不行,女武神们只是权柄的一部分,我需要的是全部的权柄!这是我们的交易…” Although regarding this early some expectations, but this bad concern really presents time, Ash frowns unavoidably, 虽然对此早有预料,但是这件糟心事真的出现的时候,灰烬还是难免皱起了眉头, A face not happy... 一脸的不痛快… Long sighs, how Ash helpless saying „do that we fold in? I rescued to you Valkyrie, remaining you try hard, then you only gave me to be good your Soul, I did not want your strength 长叹了一口气,灰烬无奈的说道“那咱们折个中怎么样?我把女武神给你救了出来,剩下的你自己努力,然后你只把你的灵魂给我就行了,我也不要你的力量” Looks Ash that suddenly starts to bargain back and forth, Neet pulled down the body slowly, gathered the Ash front own skeleton head, saying one word at a time transaction... trades, I have made the concession, not?” 看着突然开始讨价还价的灰烬,尼特缓缓地压低了身子,将自己的骷髅脑袋凑到了灰烬的面前,一字一顿的说道“交易…就是交易,我已经做出了让步,不是吗?” Wait!” At this moment, without talking king of Xige Valkyrie gradually has fluttered, stands and waits for a long time in Ash and Neet's side looks seriously two people said what you are saying? Among you transaction is anything!” “等等!”就在这时,一直没有搭话的女武神之王希格露恩缓缓地飘了过来,伫立在灰烬和尼特的身边严肃的看着两人说道“你们在说什么?你们之间的交易又是什么!” Although has not made clear these two's relations, but in words that light/only since they spoke, can guess correctly, at present this person named Ash is existing to save Valkyrie that helps this skeleton compose strangely, but the price is this skeleton Monster Soul and strength... 虽然还没搞清楚这两人的关系,但是光从他们说的话中,希格露恩就能猜到,眼前这个名叫灰烬的人是在帮助这个骸骨组成的诡异存在拯救女武神,而代价就是这个骸骨怪物灵魂和力量… Neet revolutions is slowly excessive, relaxes to look at light saying „..., I listen to your sisters to raise you... you am a good leader, in your heart often harbors the mercy... this to be very good, you will be my efficient assistant.” 尼特缓缓地转过了头,直起了腰看着希格露恩淡淡的说道“啊…希格露恩,我听你的姐妹们提起过你…你是一个不错的领导者,你的心中常怀着慈悲…这很好,你将是我得力的助手。” Followed Neet Guna who to stand earliest at this time, answered that to this was grave Sir king Nite, was our new masters, died this authority new master! He entrusted Sir Ash from the curse of putrefication to rescue us.” 最早跟随尼特的古娜这个时候站了出来,冲着希格露恩解释道“这位是墓王尼特大人,也是我们新的主人,死亡这一权柄新的主人!正是他委托灰烬大人将我们从腐化的诅咒之中解救了出来。” Transfers is excessive, looks seriously Guna shouted you to know what sternly you are saying? Although Odin putrefied us, but he was still our nominal masters, moreover..., even if were not Odin, will still be Freya Goddess is right, but he...” 希格露恩转过了头,严肃的看着古娜厉声喝道“你知道你在说什么吗?虽然奥丁腐化了我们,但是他仍是我们名义上的主人,而且…就算不是奥丁,也应该是芙蕾雅女神才对,而他…” He is a qualified god of death, adds to want qualified a lot of times compared with a Freya and Freya liangs person! Freya Goddess abandoned us, since she married Odin,..., but Odin cursed us personally! My sisters, they were not worth offering again loyally. Only then this Sir Neet, only then he suited to become the god of death, division palm nine in deaths!” “他是一个合格的死神,比芙蕾雅个人加起来都要合格千百倍!芙蕾雅女神抛弃了我们,自从她嫁给了奥丁之后…而奥丁更是亲自诅咒了我们!我的姐妹,他们都不值得我们再献出忠诚了。只有这位尼特大人了,只有他适合成为死亡之神,司掌九界之中的死亡!” Surprise saw own sisters, although does not know that experienced anything, but she probably to this person's incomparable esteem named Neet, what is stranger is remaining several person one has not proposed the opposing opinion, as if tacitly approved this point. 希格露恩诧异的看了一眼自己的姐妹,虽然不知道经历了什么,但是她好像对这个叫做尼特的人无比的推崇,更诡异的是剩下的几个人没有一个提出反对意见,仿佛都默认了这一点。 Sighing of gently, has turned the head to look at Neet light saying „, if you really such as my sisters said like that outstanding, I will give loyalty to your, but if...” 轻轻的叹了一口气,希格露恩转过头看着尼特淡淡的说道“如果你真如我的姐妹们说的那般优秀,我会效忠于你的,但是如果…” Also without and other spoke the words, Neet lifted the hand slowly, stopped words, said in a low voice I cannot achieve outstandingly, I can achieve fair, this was also the death only need.” 还没等希格露恩把话说完,尼特就缓缓地抬起了手,止住了希格露恩的话,低声说道“我做不到优秀,我能做到的只有公平,这也是死亡唯一需要的。” Heard Neet's words, obviously stares, suddenly does not know should say what good, but nod of gently that I wait...” 希格露恩听到了尼特的话,明显一愣,一时间不知道该说什么好,只是轻轻的点了点头“那我拭目以待…” Here looks to chat the day, Ash coughed lightly, looks up oneself nearly time of Neet's serious asking said high... has a matter to want with you to consult, I when Neil Fuhai is also the country's of fog, ran into one group of skeleton soldiers, although is not fierce, but is very strange, can actually act under the premise without Soul control as before, this controlled Jarhl Heym's corpse to be exactly the same as Wolnir initially, do you know?” 看着这边聊完了天,灰烬轻咳了一声,抬起头看着高了自己近乎一倍的尼特严肃的问道“说起来…有个事情想要跟你咨询一下,我在尼尔福海姆也就是雾之国的时候,遇到了一群骷髅士兵,虽然不厉害,但是很诡异,在没有灵魂操控的前提下却依旧可以行动,这跟当初沃尼尔操控亚尔夫海姆的死尸如出一辙,你知不知道这是怎么回事?” „The Wolnir strength is I gives him, that controls the ability of death, the died person will certainly not have the Soul control again, but Neil Fuhai... I do not know.” 沃尼尔的力量是我赋予他的,那是操控死亡的能力,已死之人当然不会再有灵魂操控,但是尼尔福海姆…我不知道。” Ash frowning of gently, serious response say/way I have probed, probably before is, harasses my fellow in the Hull ghostdom, is in your mouth the Hull ghostdom original master, but how the fellow achieves this point?” 灰烬轻轻的皱起了眉头,一脸严肃的回应道“我试探过了,好像就是之前在赫尔冥界骚扰我的那个家伙,也就是你口中赫尔冥界原来的主人,但是那家伙是怎么做到这一点的呢?” Perhaps was the authority of death, that perhaps was your next goal, took to me the authority.” “也许是死亡的权柄,那或许就是你的下一个目标,将权柄带给我吧。” Speaks, Neet has turned around slowly, walks to Valkyrie light saying, the Hull ghostdom now is one group of chaotic, is not I needs, the place of silent sinking dormancy... also needs to be used to handle for a long time also needs your help...” 说完话,尼特就缓缓地转过了身,冲着女武神们淡淡的说道“走吧,赫尔冥界现在还是一团乱,还不是我需要的,寂静的沉眠之地…还需要很长时间用来打理也需要你们的帮助…” Looks that turned around to walk Neet, Ash cannot help but selected the eyebrow, asking of surprise was not... goes ahead! I what to do? You provide to my help!” 看着转身就走的尼特,灰烬不由得挑了挑眉,诧异的问道“不是…说走就走啊!那我怎么办啊?你们好歹提供给我一点帮助啊!” Neet has not stopped the footsteps the meaning, but light response say/way this does not conform to our transaction contents, moreover... do you have your means not? You always have the means...” 尼特一点都没有停下脚步的意思,只是淡淡的回应道“这并不符合我们的交易内容,而且…你有自己的办法不是吗?你总是有办法…” Speaks, Neet disappeared in the front of people... 说完话,尼特就消失在了众人的面前… Old stick-in-the-mud! Do this you also want to make me give you to help well? You do not coordinate me to help your hot pepper! Ok... you are very good! Is waiting to me and that's the end! When the time comes I must extract your Soul personally!” “老顽固!就这你还想让我给你好好帮忙?你自己都不配合我帮你个辣子!行啊…你很行!给我等着就是了!到时候我一定要亲手抽出你的灵魂!” Looks Ash that was foul-mouthed, Guna somewhat embarrassed collected, to indignant Ash said in a low voice Sir Ash... you must forgive Sir Neet, he has been doing everything possible to create one truly to be the dead, place that can rest, this enabled he himself not to have the time to rest.” 看着骂骂咧咧的灰烬,古娜有些不好意思的凑了过来,冲着气愤的灰烬低声说道“灰烬大人…您也要谅解尼特大人啊,他一直在想尽办法创造出一个真正属于死者,一个可以安息的地方,这使得他自己都没有时间休息。” He? Does he need to rest? In the coffin closed one's eyes was in ancient times, opened eyes is the judgment day, moved two also to need to rest with great difficulty? Really died bothersomely individual! What flings to me! Neil Fuhai that place anything cannot see, without the Soul trail, where on me looks!” “他?他需要休息吗?棺材里一闭眼就是天荒地老,一睁眼就是世界末日,好不容易活动了两下还需要休息?真是烦死个人了!什么都甩给我!尼尔福海姆那地方什么都看不见,也没有灵魂的踪迹,我上哪找去啊!” Is silent the sudden revolutions is excessive, perhaps you can look for Freya Goddess to seek the help to Ash light saying, she lives in seclusion in Midgard now, although she is not our queens, however her wisdom could help you also perhaps.” 沉默着的希格露恩突然转过了头,冲着灰烬淡淡的说道“或许你可以找芙蕾雅女神寻求帮助,她现在就隐居在米德加尔特,她虽然已经不是我们的女王了,但是她的智慧或许能帮到你也说不定。” The corners of the mouth of Ash cannot help but pulled out pulling out, then covered the face, uncomfortable said her in a low voice? Will she help me? Or does she currently have the thoughts to help anybody?” 灰烬的嘴角不由得抽了抽,然后一把捂住了脸,难受的低声说道“她?她会帮助我吗?或者说她现在还有心思帮助任何人吗?”
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