DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1030: The king of Valkyrie

Perhaps because of threatening of Ash, perhaps is because the secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator also knows oneself cannot do to Ash, in brief the trip of this Neil Fuhai is it can be said that smooth, has not encountered any problem 也许是因为灰烬的威吓,又或许是因为幕后黑手也知道自己奈何不了灰烬,总之这一趟尼尔福海姆之行可以说是顺风顺水,没有遇到任何的麻烦 Let alone was what skeleton sea dead spirit army, was Sindri as if vanishes for the murder fog that it dreaded without a trace general... 别说是什么骷髅海亡灵大军了,就是辛德里为之忌惮的杀人雾仿佛都消失的无影无踪一般… Entire Neil Fuhai does not have a sound besides Ash and Sindri quick slow sound of footsteps 整个尼尔福海姆除了灰烬辛德里一快一慢的脚步声之外没有一点动静 Has followed in Ash that Ash behind Sindri begins to look at to stride bravely forward supinely to face forward, a face disconsolate sighed to say „, if we came Neil Fuhai initially time together well had people like you is also insufficient dead on... my these companions was inexplicable.” 一直跟在灰烬身后的辛德里仰起头看着昂首阔步朝前走的灰烬,一脸惆怅的叹了口气说道“要是我们当初来尼尔福海姆的时候有你这样的人一起就好了…我的那些同伴也不至于死的不明不白了。” You think actually beautiful is not good, people like me you, even if takes a broad view at the whole world is very difficult to discover the second person! Even some families still the team that is not necessarily able to join you to treasure hunt to mine “你想的倒是美的不行,我这样的人你就算放眼整个世界都很难找出第二个人来!就算有人家也未必会加入你们寻宝挖矿的队伍啊” Hears teasing of Ash, Sindri helpless shaking the head, smiles bitterly... also right, but Mr. Ash who a whisper say/way you said that listened to you saying that a moment ago... you do come Neil Fuhai to look for Valkyrie? Has an accident?” 听到灰烬的调侃,辛德里无奈的摇了摇头,苦笑一声嘀咕道“你说的…也对啊,不过灰烬先生,刚才听你说…你来尼尔福海姆是为了找女武神?出了什么事吗?” Leading the way Ash stopped the footsteps, follows, in Ash Sindri on buttocks that hit in Ash... almost fell down 正在前行的灰烬停下了脚步,跟在灰烬身边的辛德里一头撞在了灰烬的屁股上…差点摔倒在地 Quickly scratched own forehead curiously, Sindri looks to Ash... at this moment, a Ash face indifferent is staring at the front, following the Ash vision, Sindri stared in a big way the eye, finally in the end of dense fog saw Valkyrie of a float in midair... 急忙擦了擦自己的脑门,辛德里好奇的看向灰烬…此时此刻,灰烬正一脸淡然的盯着前方,顺着灰烬的目光,辛德里瞪大了眼睛,终于在迷雾的尽头看到了一个漂浮在半空中的女武神 „Did this... find? I also think that at least must look for 2-3 days to find, Neil Fuhai was so big... really owes Mr. Ash you to find the target quickly!” “这就…找到了?我还以为最起码要找2-3天才能找到呢,尼尔福海姆这么大…真亏灰烬先生你这么快就找到了目标!” Ash cannot help but laughed at one, then gently shakes the head saying that is not troublesome, I have the blessings and their hard helmets of several other Valkyrie, although cannot to me the direct labelled the Valkyrie position, but directs a direction not to have the issue 灰烬不由得嗤笑了一声,然后轻轻的摇了摇头说道“没那么麻烦,我有其他几个女武神的祝福和她们的头盔,虽然不能给我直接标记出女武神的位置,但是指引一个方向还是没问题的” Is speaking, Ash while moved a wrist/skill, gently crooked the head said in a low voice „, since found, that can begin, no matter how said that first handled Valkyrie this matter says again! Let me think how... this time does need to play?” 一边说着话,灰烬一边活动了一下手腕,轻轻的歪了歪脑袋低声说道“既然找到了,那就可以开工了,不管怎么说先把女武神这件事搞定再说吧!让我想想…这次要怎么玩?” Sindri looked at not far away motionless Valkyrie, looks at Ash that was ready to fight, somewhat unbelievable will ask Mr. Ash you... you to Ash with... and Valkyrie fight?” 辛德里看了看不远处一动不动的女武神,又看了看摩拳擦掌的灰烬,有些难以置信的冲着灰烬问道“灰烬先生你…你该不会要和…和女武神战斗吧?” Ash selected the eyebrow gently, how lowers the head to shoot a look at asking that a Sindri face disdained „? You thought that I can't be victorious she?” 灰烬轻轻的挑了挑眉,低下头瞥了一眼辛德里一脸不屑的问道“怎么?你觉得我打不过她?” Sindri quickly shakes the head, the enunciation is unclear, rough saying „... is not, I do not have that meaning, I meant that Valkyrie is Odin retinue, since, they for the envoy who Odin screens the warrior! If you with the Valkyrie fight, do not fear Odin...” 辛德里急忙摇了摇头,口齿不清,磕磕绊绊的说道“不…不是,我没有那个意思,我的意思是说女武神奥丁的扈从,她们是替奥丁甄别勇士的使者啊!你要是和女武神战斗,就不怕奥丁…” Looks Sindri that a face withers, Ash curls the lip saying that disdains no longer is Sindri, Valkyrie no longer belongs to his Odin! Moreover I not only must fight with her, I must kill her here!” 看着一脸萎缩的辛德里,灰烬撇了撇嘴不屑的说道“不再是了辛德里,女武神已经不再属于他奥丁了!而且我也不只是要和她战斗,我要在这里杀死她!” Speaks, Ash under the Sindri panic-stricken gaze, lifts the hand fiercely, golden lightning javelin condensation fast, was then thrown by Ash fiercely, time in an instant, the lightning javelin flies to shoot, but, arrived in front of motionless Valkyrie! 说完话,灰烬就在辛德里惊骇的注视之下,猛地抬起手,一只金色的闪电标枪飞快的凝聚,然后被灰烬猛地投掷了出去,一转眼的功夫,闪电标枪就飞射而至,来到了一动不动的女武神面前! Clearly, this Valkyrie is no different from other Valkyrie, the Ash golden javelin has almost not received any resistance, penetrated Valkyrie within the body directly, then blasts open fiercely, exploded a pulp the body of Valkyrie directly! 很明显,这个女武神跟其他的女武神没有什么不同,灰烬的金色标枪几乎没有受到任何抵抗,就直接贯入了女武神的体内,然后猛地炸裂开来,将女武神的躯体直接炸了个稀巴烂! The helmet braves the black smoke to non-stop fly by collapse Feijing from the head of Valkyrie directly to the direction that Ash is at 头盔更是直接冒着黑烟从女武神的脑袋上被崩飞径直飞向灰烬所在的方向 Natural lifted the hand, Ash a Valkyrie helmet that caught dropping from the clouds, scratched the above scorch to take in own backpack, then revolutions slowly was excessive, „ you looked to Sindri light saying, 潇洒的抬起了手,灰烬一把接住了从天而降的女武神头盔,擦了擦上面的焦痕收进了自己的背包之中,然后缓缓的转过了头,冲着辛德里淡淡的说道“你看, This did not handle 这不就搞定了嘛” The time of speech, Valkyrie Soul fluttered slowly, summoned loudly freely „! I finally from that body...? My body?” 说话的功夫,女武神灵魂缓缓地飘飞了出来,高声呼唤道“自由!我终于从那具躯壳…嗯?我的身体呢?” Neil Fuhai fog is too big, in addition explodes was really broken, suddenly where Valkyrie Soul suddenly had not found own corpse... 尼尔福海姆雾太大,再加上炸的实在是太碎了,女武神灵魂一时间竟然没有找到自己的尸体在什么地方… Looks Ash and Sindri that never the distant place walks slowly, did Valkyrie lift curious asking is you saved me? Where however... did my cursed body arrive?” 看着从不远处缓缓走来的灰烬辛德里,女武神抬起了头好奇的问道“是你们救了我吗?但是…我那副被诅咒的躯壳到什么地方去了?” Sindri the dirty thing of cautious unwinding ground, while raised the head to Soul awkward saying of Valkyrie that... the woman, was this Mr. Ash saved you,... you best do not intertwine this matter is quite good.” 辛德里一边小心翼翼的绕开地上的脏东西,一边抬起头冲着女武神灵魂一脸尴尬的说道“那个…女士,是这位灰烬先生救了你,还有…你最好还是不要纠结这件事比较好。” Hears the Sindri words, the Valkyrie revolutions is excessive, looks to be with smile on the face Ash, gently nods saying that thanked you, the warrior, you saved my fettered Soul, your body has the blessings of seven Valkyrie, in other words... you have saved almost all Valkyrie!” 听到辛德里的话,女武神转过了头,看向面带微笑的灰烬,轻轻的点了点头说道“非常感谢你,勇士,你拯救了我被束缚的灵魂,你的身上已经有了七个女武神的祝福,也就是说…您已经拯救了几乎所有的女武神!” Ash nod of gently, smiling was saying that was so, by Valkyrie that the seal got up you are last, after here handled, returned to Midgard to go to the king of that Valkyrie to summon to finish up right?” 灰烬轻轻的点了点头,微笑着说道“就是如此了,被封印起来的女武神你是最后一个了,这边搞定之后再回米德加尔特去吧那个女武神之王召唤出来就完事了对吧?” Is... I should look for my sisters, the warrior, our Valkyrie meeting hall sees again!” “是的…我该去找我的姐妹们了,勇士,我们女武神议事厅再见吧!” Speaks, Valkyrie left behind her blessing, then opens the pair of wings, vanished in the line of sight of Ash and Sindri... 说完话,女武神留下了她的祝福,然后就张开双翼,消失在了灰烬辛德里的视线之中… Like this on simultaneous/uniform living, everything is ready only owed the east wind! Deeply looked at a Neil Fuhai deep place, although does not know that fellow in that side, who cares 这样就齐活了,万事俱备只欠东风!深深地看了一眼尼尔福海姆的深处,虽然不知道那个家伙在不在那边,但是谁在乎呢 Walks, Sindri, we should go back, we can leave here, why you should why go.” “走吧,辛德里,我们该回去了,我们可以离开这里了,你该干嘛干嘛去吧。” Speaking, Ash is direct to move, the position that returning to the Til temple to be at instantaneously, only left behind a Sindri person calmly to stand in the dense fog... 说完话,灰烬就直接一个瞬间移动,回到了提尔神殿所在的位置,只留下辛德里一个人静静地站在迷雾之中… This fellow can leave Neil Fuhai in any case, did not need to help itself leave on the line directly. 反正这个家伙能自己离开尼尔福海姆,也不需要自己帮忙自己直接离开就行了。 Rainbow Bridge started again, bringing Ash to return to Midgard... the Valkyrie meeting hall is not difficult to look, in Midgard the lakesides in nine lakes 彩虹桥再一次启动,带着灰烬回到了米德加尔特女武神的议事厅并不难找,就在米德加尔特的九界之湖的湖畔 Under the blessing direction of Valkyrie, Ash has not been many time-comsuming to find here, looks that the surroundings revolve to become a stone chair, Ash deeply inspires, became with the non- achievement today! 女武神的祝福指引之下,灰烬没费多少功夫就找到了这里,看着周围围绕成一圈的石椅,灰烬深深地吸了一口气,成与不成就在今天了! If rescues completely Valkyrie, Neet satisfied, oneself can obtain his Soul and strength! If not good... if not good that also has no means probably 如果将女武神全部解救出来,尼特就满意了的话,自己就能得到他的灵魂和力量!如果不行…如果不行那好像也没什么办法啊 Sighing of gently, Ash optional the acquired eight Valkyrie helmet will have placed on the surrounding seat one after another. 轻轻的叹了一口气,灰烬随意的将已经收集到的八个女武神的头盔一个接一个的放在了周围的座位上。 Why does not know, does this matter again the time, Ash always one type extinguished killed Lords of Cinder, brought back to the feeling of throne their ember 不知道为什么,再做这件事的时候,灰烬总有一种灭杀了薪王,将他们的余烬带回王座的感觉 Flung the head, the last helmet will also return on the seat, as the last helmet lays aside, Valkyrie Soul was summoned in this! Looks sits Valkyrie on seat, Ash nod of gently, fiercely the revolutions is then excessive, took up own Firelink Greatsword is a sword! 甩了甩脑袋,将最后一个头盔也放回了座位上,随着最后一个头盔放置好,女武神们的灵魂被召唤于此!看着一个个坐在座位上的女武神,灰烬轻轻的点了点头,然后猛地转过了头,抄起了自己的传火大剑就是一剑! A grating fricative resounds in the spacious Valkyrie meeting hall, Firelink Greatsword and a wing in Ash hand hit ruthlessly in one! 一阵刺耳的摩擦声在空旷的女武神议事厅之中响起,灰烬手中的传火大剑和一只翅膀狠狠地撞在了一起! The king of Valkyrie... came! 女武神之王…来了! Was different from other Valkyrie is only the passive defense, the king of Valkyrie launched the attack on own initiative, moreover her strength also above other Valkyrie! 不同于其他的女武神都只是被动的防御,女武神之王是主动发起了进攻,而且她的力量也远在其他女武神之上! The long sword that in the Ash hand brandishes kept off by her wing, the king of Valkyrie exudes one to angrily roar, cuts to Ash wing downward pressure furiously, wants to suppress Ash from the strength, the direct wing hacks to death Ash... 灰烬手中挥舞的长剑被她的翅膀挡了下来,女武神之王发出一声怒吼,斩向灰烬的翅膀奋力的向下压,想要从力量上压制住灰烬,直接一翅膀把灰烬砍死… Except that the fricative is more grating, the flame is dazzling beside, the sign that the long sword in Ash hand has not actually retroceded... on the contrary is the king of Valkyrie, advantage of offensive suppression by Ash bit by bit moved 但是除了摩擦声更加刺耳,火光更加耀眼之外,灰烬手中的长剑却没有丝毫后退的迹象…反倒是女武神之王,先手压制的优势被灰烬一点一点的搬了回来 King's of leaving retreat without hesitation in turn suppressed Valkyrie, the wing was also shrunk by her, the Ash big sword cut ruthlessly above the ground, pounded a deep trace... 反过来被压制的女武神之王毫不犹豫的抽身后退,翅膀也被她缩了回去,灰烬的大剑狠狠地砍在了地面之上,砸出了一个深深的痕迹… Looks stood firm the king of Valkyrie in not far away, Ash shoulders the big sword in the shoulder, moved own neck rushing of without hesitation! 看着在不远处站定的女武神之王,灰烬将大剑扛在了肩头,活动了一下自己的脖子毫不犹豫的冲了上去! Looks Ash that the advance comes, king of Shandong Valkyrie own wing, is soaring, avoided the advance of Ash! 看着突进而来的灰烬,女武神之王扇动着自己的翅膀,一飞冲天,避开了灰烬的突进! Ash of this move is naturally impossible again the move! The footsteps of advance stopped, lifted the head fiercely, looked at Valkyrie in sky, has turned the head fiercely, another hand grasped, Thunder Gun throwing fast, threw to the preparation dropped from the clouds to step the king of own Valkyrie! 已经中过一次这种招数的灰烬自然是不可能再次中招了!突进的脚步停了下来,猛地抬起了头,将目光投向了天空中的女武神,猛地转过头,另外一只手握起,一只雷枪飞快的投掷而出,扔向了准备从天而降踩住自己的女武神之王! The golden lightning from bottom to top, the king of Valkyrie from top to bottom, hit ruthlessly in one! 金色的闪电自下而上,女武神之王从上而下,狠狠地撞在了一起! The golden electric light blasts open on the body of king of Valkyrie, blows off her ruthlessly! 金色的电光在女武神之王的身上炸裂开来,将她狠狠地炸飞! Braved the black smoke the king of Valkyrie to fall from the space, pounded in the meeting hall center... 冒着黑烟的女武神之王从天上落了下来,砸在了议事厅中央… Without dying, didn't she actually have dead? Round of can't Thunder Gun the second she? Ash gently crooked the head, the king of Valkyrie is really a little anti- hits! 没有死,她竟然没有就这么死了?一发雷枪都没能秒了她?灰烬轻轻的歪了歪脑袋,女武神之王真是有点耐打啊! Trembling crawled from the ground, the king of Valkyrie wants to fan the wing to fly to go and come again, but does not have the means to take off... 颤颤巍巍的从地上爬了起来,女武神之王想要扇动翅膀再次飞去来,但是却怎么也没办法起飞… Although that round of Thunder Gun cannot kill her, but actually exploded rottenly her wing. 那一发雷枪虽然没能杀死她,但是却将她的翅膀炸烂了一只。 Exuded one to angrily roar again, the king of Valkyrie is not dodging, probably the wild animal plunged Ash generally, another wing that oneself will only remain punctured, before preparing to conduct at the point of death counter-attack! 再一次发出了一声怒吼,女武神之王也不在闪躲,像是野兽一般扑向了灰烬,将自己仅剩的另外一只翅膀刺出,准备进行临死前的反扑! The moving sideways side moves, avoided the king of Valkyrie punctures suddenly, long sword also with moving sideways of Ash, but cuts horizontally! 闪身侧移,避开了女武神之王的突刺,长剑也随着灰烬的闪身而横斩而出! king of and Ash Valkyrie brushed past... Ash to stand firm the footsteps, received the long sword in hand slowly, but the wing that king of to stab Valkyrie had/left also drooped got down... deeply the cutting edge to appear in her chest front together, the blood spewed out instantaneously 女武神之王和灰烬擦肩而过…灰烬站定了脚步,缓缓地收起了手中的长剑,而女武神之王刺出的翅膀也耷拉了下来…一道深深地刀口出现在了她的胸前,鲜血瞬间喷涌而出 Perhaps if another wing still , can also defend, but was a pity very much... she has died 要是另外一只翅膀还在的话,兴许还能进行防御,但是很可惜…她已经死了
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