DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1029: Crandall!

The thick bad fog... lingers in entire Neil Fuhai, covers the present all, the visible range over ten meters, eyesight astonishing Ash was not almost anything cannot see in this thick fog even! 浓浓的大雾…萦绕在整个尼尔福海姆,遮挡住了眼前的一切,可视范围不超过十米,就算是目力惊人的灰烬在这片浓雾之中也是几乎什么都看不见的! Opened the front door of Til temple, Ash stood in Neil Fuhai, looks that present thick fog deeply frown... 打开了提尔神殿的大门,灰烬站在了尼尔福海姆之中,看着眼前的一片浓雾深深地皱起了眉头… Oneself have attempted deeply to attract several tones, but had not felt slightly has anything to be uncomfortable, is only... fills the mist in air, no special place, had not discovered that anything can want the human life thing 自己已经尝试着深吸了好几口气了,但是丝毫没有感觉到有什么难受的,就只是…弥漫在空气中的水雾而已,没有什么特别的地方,也没有发现什么能要了人命的东西 Thinks of here, Ash knitting the brows head of gently, walks toward Neil Fuhai deep place, the thing of what danger while will whisper say/way really have in a soft voice? Should Sindri that fellow not frighten my?” 想到这里,灰烬轻轻的皱了皱眉头,一边朝着尼尔福海姆的深处走去,一边轻声嘀咕道“真的会有什么危险的东西吗?辛德里那个家伙该不会是在吓唬我的吧?” I know that... I know you will definitely lower one's guard! Fortunately... fortunately I with!” “我就知道…我就知道你肯定会麻痹大意的!还好…还好我跟上来了!” Hears sound that the ear resounds, the Ash revolutions cannot help but excessive, Sindri does not know when has appeared here, lies near a big stone, nervous spoke this saying to Ash, while frightened periphery looks fills the water vapor that... 听到耳边响起的声音,灰烬不由得转过了头,辛德里不知道什么时候已经出现在了这里,就趴在一块大石头边上,一边紧张兮兮的跟灰烬说这话,一边恐惧的看着周围弥漫的水汽… You how with? I you did not tell that... did not need you to help, coming that I alone can deal with!” “你怎么跟过来了?我不是跟你说了嘛…不需要你帮忙的,我一个人能应付的过来嘛!” Sindri runs in the thick fog, arrived at the Ash side directly, serious saying „, but you lowered one's guard! Here... you want... you to careful surely! Will appear possibly at any time wants the human life the thing!” 辛德里在浓雾之中一路小跑,径直来到了灰烬的身边,一脸严肃的说道“可是你麻痹大意了!在这里…你要…你要千万的小心!随时可能会出现要人命的东西啊!” Heard this saying, Ash cannot help but flexure the scratching the head puzzled squatting down body, looks that asking of Sindri surprise said what thing the half of the day... was, you did not say that you have seen? Your companion does not die in your front?” 听到这话,灰烬不由得挠了挠头一脸疑惑的蹲下身子,看着辛德里诧异的问道“说了半天…到底是什么玩意啊,你不是说你见过吗?你的同伴不是死在你的面前的吗?” On the face of Sindri exuded a fear, looks Ash gently shakes the head... 辛德里的脸上泛起了一丝恐惧,看着灰烬轻轻的摇了摇头… „... Cannot say that doesn't want to say? Your this person how this! The words did not say that said half, doing me is very bothersome yeah!” “啧…是不能说还是不想说?你们这的人怎么都这样啊!话不说完说一半,搞得我很烦哎!” Looks at some vitality/angry Ash, Sindri quickly shakes the head again not... not, I... I do not know!” 看着有些生气的灰烬,辛德里急忙再次摇了摇头“不不不…不是的,我…我不知道啊!” „Don't you know? What don't you know?” “你不知道?你不知道什么?” Sindri bitter and astringent shaking the head, looks at the thick fog of Neil Fuhai deep place, sound some saying of shivering I do not know that was anything killed them, I do not know how they died, a person well, was saying that this saying fell down directly, then drilled from the mouth seemed like smog one thing... we to inspect, without flesh wound, without the sign of poison, was... died.” 辛德里苦涩的摇了摇头,看着尼尔福海姆深处的浓雾,声音有些颤抖的说道“我不知道是什么杀死了他们,我也不知道他们是怎么死的,好好的一个人,正说这话就直接倒在了地上,然后从嘴里钻出了像是烟雾一样的东西…我们检查过了,没有外伤,也没有中毒的迹象,就是…死了。” Was... dies? Although Sindri said is very mysterious, but Ash actually thinks otherwise, since locked the goal big probability is the authority of death, was very likely the attack in Soul aspect, will therefore not have the sign of flesh wound or poison... Sindri they falls into frightened is also excusable. 就是…死了?辛德里虽然说的很玄乎,但是灰烬却不以为然,既然锁定了目标大概率是死亡的权柄,那么很有可能是灵魂方面的攻击,所以才不会有外伤或者中毒的迹象…辛德里他们陷入恐惧也是情有可原的。 Jane said was only... they also really may be hits the ghost! But oneself did not fear ghost and so on thing, the polarity, which things should fear oneself are right! 单的说就是…他们还真的有可能是撞到鬼了!只不过自己并不怕鬼魂之类的东西,正相反,哪些东西应该怕自己才对! Looks on the Ash face somewhat to ponder somewhat is also unusual, but is not the earnest complexion, Sindri anxious cried quickly, held the Ash clothes collar to sway is saying you to be able slightly earnestly! This is the place that can want us to assign/life momentarily!” 看着灰烬脸上有些玩味又有些异样,但就是一点都不认真的脸色,辛德里急的都快哭出来了,抓住灰烬的衣服领子摇晃着说道“你能不能稍微认真一点啊!这可是随时能要了我们命的地方啊!” Ash worked loose his arm, raised from the ground Sindri, looks that face anxious Sindri showed a faint smile to say me very earnestly already, if other places, I will not listen to you to say so many in this here, has turned around I to know that you were afraid very much, I also know that your fear originated from unknown, can understand that after all trades to do is in other will of the people many will beat a drum, but... had nothing to be worried that here situation in my grasping, has not needed to be afraid, since you with, me cannot hurry back you, walked, We go to have a liking for look!” 灰烬挣脱了他的手臂,将辛德里从地上提了起来,看着一脸焦急的辛德里微微一笑说道“我已经很认真了要是其他的地方,我才不会在这里听你在这说这么多,早就转身进去了我知道你很害怕,我也知道你的这份恐惧来源于未知,可以理解毕竟换做是其他人心里多少都会打鼓,但是…没什么可担心的,这里的情况还在我的掌握之中,不用害怕的,既然你都跟过来了,我也不能把你赶回去,走吧,咱们进去看上一看!” When Ash has turned the head to prepare to bring Sindri formally to enter Neil Fuhai, 但是当灰烬转过头准备带着辛德里正式进入尼尔福海姆的时候, Actually by present one frightening... 却被眼前的一幕给吓到了… Looks at the present all, Ash selected the eyebrow gently, the fellow of murder looks in the hand to be raising Sindri puzzled asking this is being... you says? Your this fellow is really joking to frighten with me my!” 看着眼前的一切,灰烬轻轻的挑了挑眉,看着手中提着的辛德里一脸疑惑的问道“这就是…你说的杀人的家伙吗?你这家伙果然是在跟我开玩笑吓唬我的吧!” Sindri was also frightened by present one, somewhat vacant shaking the head, to Ash rough saying that... the volume..., I have not seen these fellows! Why will have this matter? I don't know either!” 辛德里也被眼前的一幕吓到了,有些茫然的摇了摇头,冲着灰烬磕磕绊绊的说道“那个…额…不…不是的,我没见过这些家伙啊!为什么会发生这种事呢?我也不知道啊!” In dense fog, one crowd of skeletons swayingly walks toward here, is the dead spirit? Ash shaking the head of gently, he had not felt that any Soul trace, these Monster had traced not making a sound... 迷雾之中,一群骸骨正晃晃悠悠的朝着这边走来,是亡灵吗?灰烬轻轻的摇了摇头,他没有感觉到任何灵魂的痕迹,这些怪物就已经不声不响的摸了过来… Quantity very huge, even visibility very low, but the Ash present skeleton can with being bustling and filled with people to describe as before. 数量非常的庞大,就算是可见度非常的低,可是灰烬眼前的骸骨依旧可以用人头攒动来形容。 Is silent, although skeleton huge quantity, the sound that but has no conveys, these skeleton skeletons such encircled Ash and Sindri firmly! 寂静无声,虽然骸骨数量庞大,但是却没有任何的声音传来,这些骸骨骷髅就这么将灰烬辛德里牢牢地围了起来! Encounters this situation previous time, is in Jarhl Heym, is Wolnir does not know that what method with is controlling the corpse, oneself have not discovered Soul, well? 上一次遇到这种情况,还是在亚尔夫海姆,是沃尼尔不知道用什么方法操控着尸体,自己也没有发现灵魂,那么现在呢? Ash begins suddenly supinely, shouted to this crowd of skeletons loudly Wolnir, was your old bastard? Is this welcome ceremony that you give me to prepare?” 灰烬突然仰起了头,冲着这群骸骨大声喝道“沃尼尔,是你这个老混蛋吗?这是你给我准备的欢迎仪式吗?” The Ash slogan is reverberating in Neil Fuhai, but has not gotten any response... 灰烬的呐喊声在尼尔福海姆之中回荡着,但是却没有得到任何的回应… By Ash and Neet's present cooperation, if is really Wolnir, he will not have responded like this, either is not Wolnir, either is Wolnir this fellow... is doing what trick at the back of Neet 灰烬和尼特现在的合作关系,如果真的是沃尼尔的话,他不会这样没有回应,要么不是沃尼尔,要么就是沃尼尔这个家伙…背着尼特在搞什么幺蛾子 When Ash doubts, this crowd of skeleton skeletons neat extracted their rusty stain stained weapon, no longer hidden, crazy threw toward the position that Ash and Sindri are at! 就在灰烬疑惑的时候,这群骸骨骷髅齐刷刷的抽出了他们锈迹斑斑的武器,不再隐藏,疯狂的朝着灰烬辛德里所在的位置扑了过来! Even if starts to run, these skeletons as before are the static fearfulness! It looks like the fear to alarm to dense fog in somebody same... 即便是开始奔跑,这些骷髅依旧是静的可怕!就像是害怕惊扰到迷雾之中的某人一样… Although is seemingly powerful, however looks like in Ash, this plants the inferior method is an function does not have! These skeletons are impossible to block itself, Jane said only... is nothing threatens! 虽然看起来气势十足,但是在灰烬看来,这种下低劣的手段是一点作用都没有的!这些骸骨根本不可能挡住自己,单的说…就是没有任何威胁! Ash lifts the hand, had a yawn, a face senseless to skeleton rack light saying that these throw jokes aside, whose control no matter you receive, but this also looked down on me 灰烬抬起手,打了个哈欠,一脸无趣的冲着这些扑过来的骷髅架子淡淡的说道“说真的,不管你们是受到谁的控制,但是这也太小瞧我了吧” No one responds to Ash as before, these skeletons seem like the robot to be the same as before, plunged Ash... 依旧是没有人回应灰烬,这些骷髅依旧像是机器人一样,扑向了灰烬 The Ash resigned-looking expression, the uphold calf gently, stepped on fiercely on the ground! The wave surges from the under foot of Ash all at once, will rush to Ash and Sindri skeleton raises to fly one after another completely! 灰烬一脸无奈的表情,轻轻的抬起小腿,猛地踩在了地上!一股气浪从灰烬的脚下激荡而出,将冲到了灰烬辛德里身边的骷髅一个接一个全部掀飞了出去! The powerful wind pressure blows off these skeletons, by arriving at slightly about one point even was ground the bonedust directly! 强大的风压将这些骸骨吹散,靠到稍微近一点的甚至被直接碾碎成了骨粉! Was raised Sindri in hand to receive a point to affect by Ash, the strong winds blow the probably small colored flag to float to flutter in the hand of Ash him from bottom to top equally 就连被灰烬提在手中的辛德里都收了一点波及,狂风自下而上将他吹得像是小彩旗一样在灰烬的手里飘来飘去 Not only these skeletons, the surrounding mist was blown off... but the quick, hazy water vapor welled up again, wraps Ash in... 不只是这些骷髅,就连周围的雾气都被吹散…但是很快,迷蒙的水汽就再一次涌了过来,将灰烬包裹在其中… Looks the skeletons that must go forward, the eyes of Ash stare, looks saying that the dead ahead coldly is counted you to annoy impressively my time in Heym, this is the second time, but my tolerance never over three times to small and weak! Also can come? The words that must come... that did not die continuous!” 看着还要上前的骷髅们,灰烬的双眼一瞪,看着正前方冷冷的说道“算上你在赫然海姆惹我的那一次,这是第二次,而我对弱小者的容忍从来不会超过三次!还要来吗?还要来的话…那就是不死不休了!” The magnanimous skeleton stopped, static standing around Ash and Sindri, without retroceding one step, but has not approached the first half step again 海量的骷髅停顿了下来,静静的站在灰烬辛德里周围,没有后退一步,但也没有再向前半步 The corners of the mouth of Ash rise slightly, the stone hammer, operated these skeletons to ask itself to trouble, was that harasses own fellow in the Hull ghostdom! 灰烬的嘴角微微上扬,石锤了,操纵着这些骷髅找自己麻烦的,就是那个在赫尔冥界骚扰自己的家伙! Who although has not known now is, but indifferent..., so long as the determination has such a person to be good! So long as determined this fellow was enough in Neil Fuhai! The remaining things... can take your time 虽然现在还不知道是谁,但是无所谓…只要确定有这么一个人就好!只要确定了这个家伙在尼尔福海姆就足够了!剩下的事情…可以慢慢来 Looks at these motionless skeletons, Ash selected the chin gently, shouted to the deep place clear and resonant voice of fog sea „my time looks for Valkyrie specially! The knowing the limitation words make way to me! I do not want before finding Valkyrie receive a point to disturb again! Do not let me get angry...” 看着这些一动不动的骷髅,灰烬轻轻的挑了挑下巴,冲着雾海的深处朗声喝道“我这次是专程来找女武神的!识相的话就给我让开!我不想在找到女武神之前再受到一点打扰!别让我发火…” Is surrounding Ash and Sindri skeletons or their behind control hears Ash to angrily roar to shiver, then the start retreat one after another, disappearance slowly in the thick fog, vanished in two people front... 包围着灰烬辛德里的骸骨们或者说他们身后的操控者听到了灰烬怒吼一阵颤抖,然后一个接着一个的开始后退,慢慢的消失在了浓雾之中,消失在了两人的面前… Saw that the skeleton sea vanished, Ash curling the lip of gently, oneself will raise Sindri in hand to put, put in order Armor that put in order him a moment ago by strong winds dishevel, smiled was saying that ok, matter handled, the secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator ran away in fear by me, walked, looked for Valkyrie directly!” 看到骷髅海消失了,灰烬轻轻的撇了撇嘴,将自己提在手中的辛德里放了下来,整了整他刚才被狂风吹乱的铠甲,微笑着说道“好了,事情都搞定了,幕后黑手被我吓跑了,走吧,直接去找女武神吧!” Coming to a stop that still shaken Sindri does sway, looks that Ash face panic-stricken asking this... was handles? What later... won't have to trouble again?” 惊魂未定的辛德里摇摇晃晃的站稳,看着灰烬一脸惊骇的问道“这就…算是搞定了吗?之后…不会再有什么麻烦了吗?” Ash shrugging gently, face indifferent saying who knows that this must look at that fellow did enlarge ones vision that fellow, if knows the limitation, we will not have any trouble, smooth finding Valkyrie, if not know the limitation...” 灰烬轻轻的耸了耸肩,一脸淡然的说道“谁知道呢,这就要看那个家伙开不开眼了那家伙要是识相,我们就不会有任何麻烦,顺顺利利的找到女武神,要是不识相的话…” At this point, Ash gently narrowed the eye, looks that present thick fog light saying I stir earth-shaking here! Clutches that fellow, well straightens up!” 说到这里,灰烬轻轻的眯起了眼睛,看着眼前的浓雾淡淡的说道“我就把这里搅个天翻地覆!把那个家伙揪出来,好好的拾掇一下!” These light/only determined time the beforehand guess, has not owed, as for does need here conceals the fellow clutches, but must look how Neet said that if he needs, then on to spend Dianshi, if he only needs Valkyrie, does not need here fellow, then uses that effort on being not necessary... 这一次光是确定了之前的猜测,就已经是不亏的了,至于需不需要将这里藏着的家伙揪出来,还得看尼特怎么说,如果他需要,那就费点事,如果他只需要女武神,不需要这里的家伙,那就大可不必费那个劲… Looked all around around one, determined after periphery there is no strange thing, Ash then started to walk the footsteps, walks toward Neil Fuhai deep place, Sindri saw that Ash starts to go forward, the hurried starting to walk calf pursued, he to does not want to stay here by a person, if that crowd of skeletons stage a comeback strangely, or what to do is the fog of murder stares at him to be possible... 环顾了一圈四周,确定了周围没有什么稀奇古怪的东西之后,灰烬这才迈开了脚步,朝着尼尔福海姆的深处走去,辛德里看到灰烬开始前进,急忙迈开小腿追了上来,他可不想被一个人留在这里,要是那群骷髅怪卷土重来,或者是杀人之雾盯上他可怎么办… He does not want because of losing the asylum of Ash, but inexplicable death here 他可不想因为失去了灰烬的庇护而不明不白的死在这里
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