DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1028: Eats person the state of fog

The attention of Ash was also attracted the past by that the weapon, looks that was careful puts that battle axe on arms rack, Ash interested crooked head, bypassed was also at compels the condition ignorant Sindri and Broke, took down that from the rack the battle axe, grasped thought over two in the hand... 灰烬的视线也被那把武器吸引了过去,看着被小心盛放在武器架上的那一把战斧,灰烬饶有兴趣的歪了歪脑袋,绕过了还处于懵逼状态的辛德里和布洛克,从架子上取下了那把战斧,握在手中掂量了两下… Also really had your really to forge unexpectedly, without ember forged the Soul weapon is really surprising!” “哦还真有你们的啊竟然真的锻造出来了,在没有余烬的情况下锻造出了灵魂武器真是太让人惊讶了!” Sindri collected cautiously, looks at the battle axe in Ash hand, rough asking that... Mr. Ash, is that crystal... really Manny's Soul? Did you give us Soul of god... you?” 辛德里小心翼翼的凑了过来,看着灰烬手中的战斧,磕磕绊绊的问道“那个…灰烬先生,那块水晶…真的是曼尼的灵魂吗?你把…你把一个神的灵魂给了我们?” Ash shrugging gently, then face calm saying „, otherwise? Although said that I killed him, pulled out his Soul, however his Soul I could not have a liking to you also to you.” 灰烬轻轻的耸了耸肩,然后一脸淡定的说道“是啊,不然呢?虽然说我杀死了他,将他的灵魂抽了出来,但是他的灵魂我不怎么看得上给你们也就给你们了。” Hears this saying, Broke also ran to collect, looks that was grasped battle axe excited saying in hand by Ash unexpectedly... unexpectedly is Soul of gods! We... did we build a weapon with Soul of gods unexpectedly? This... this was really surprising!” 听到这话,布洛克也一路小跑凑了过来,看着被灰烬握在手中的战斧一脸兴奋的说道“竟然…竟然是神明的灵魂!我们…我们竟然用一个神明的灵魂打造出了一把武器?这…这实在是太让人惊讶了!” When shock, Broke quickly put out a hand, holds on clothes excited saying of Ash quick... your fellow to try this not to take advantage quickly the weapon while convenient! This was our two brothers has built the most special weapon!” 震惊之余,布洛克急忙伸出手,拉住了灰烬的衣服激动的说道“快…你这个家伙快试试这把武器趁不趁手!这是我们两兄弟打造过最特殊的武器了!” As Ash of weapon Grandmaster knows certainly that uses this method of weapon, the pale blue thunder light glitters from the weapon, in other words this brings the thunder attribute attack the weapon, as for its war... 作为武器大师的灰烬当然知道使用这把武器的方法,淡蓝色的雷光从武器上闪烁而出,也就是说这把武器是自带雷属性攻击的,至于它的战记… Ash lifted the hand fiercely, divided the battle axe ruthlessly in the ground in not far away! As a thunderclap resounds, the billowing thunder clouds upwelled from the battle axe, the surrounding environment package is one of them entirely, but grasps Ash of battle axe to go to see the surrounding all by the thunder clouds 灰烬猛地抬起了手,将战斧狠狠地劈在了不远处的地面上!随着一声炸雷响起,滚滚的雷云从战斧之上涌了出来,将周围的环境统统包裹在其中,但是握着战斧的灰烬去能透过雷云看到周围的一切 After the thunder clouds diverge, Ash is looking at the battle axe in hand, turning the head smiles to Broke and Sindri was saying that you were really astonishing, really stimulated the strength in his Soul unexpectedly, integrated in it the weapon. Although said that the effect is not evident, the duration is not long, but truly is a rare Soul weapon!” 等到雷云散去之后,灰烬看着手中的战斧,转过头冲着布洛克和辛德里微笑着说道“你们真的是太让人吃惊了,竟然真的激发出了他灵魂之中的力量,将其融入了武器之中。虽然说效果并没有那么显著,持续时间也不长,但确实是一把不可多得的灵魂武器!” Two brothers looked at each other one, saw the exciting and happy facial expression from the look of opposite party, as the artisan, can learn a matter that a new craftsmanship is worth celebrating, no matter first this thing is Soul of gods refining up, after no matter first, has the opportunity to build one again such weapon, the success of this weapon has let on two people exciting some time sufficiently! 两兄弟对视了一眼,均从对方的眼神之中看到了兴奋和愉快的神情,作为工匠,能够学到一种新的锻造工艺就是值得庆祝的一件事情,先不管这东西是不是神明的灵魂炼成的,先不管以后还有没有机会能再打造一把这样的武器,这一把武器的成功就已经足以让两人兴奋上一段时间了! The Broke hurried revolutions was excessive, looks to Ash, just about to opens the mouth, Ash waved the arms about suddenly, threw to give back to Broke this battle axe... 布洛克急忙转过了头,看向了灰烬,刚要开口的时候,灰烬突然一甩手,将这把战斧扔还给了布洛克… Does Broke who quickly catches the battle axe look at Ash stunned, how asking of doubts „? You... don't you want? Why can give back to me?” 急忙接住战斧的布洛克错愕的看着灰烬,疑惑的问道“怎么?你…你不要吗?为什么要还给我?” Ash grinning of smiles to say me, even if, my weapon must unable to cause, this is your works, you do not want to forge such a weapon actually only to be able in my warehouse to be covered with dust with great difficulty right, you give it to look for a right master in addition 灰烬咧开嘴嘿嘿一笑说道“我就算了,我自己的武器已经多得使不过来了,这是你们的作品,你们也不希望好不容易锻造出一把这样的武器却只能在我的仓库里面吃灰对吧,你们还是给它另找一个合适的主人吧” Hears Ash words Broke cannot help but to stare, is looking at the battle axe in hand helpless sighs saying that is this... good, I knew, I it will look for a right master... if certainly a person who could be joined to this weapon! How however... do we want to repay you?” 听到灰烬的话布洛克不由得一愣,看着手中的战斧无奈的叹了一口气说道“是这样嘛…好吧,我知道了,我会在给它找一个合适的主人的…一定要是一个配得上这把武器的人!但是…我们要怎么报答你呢?” Looks to raise Broke of battle axe, one side wants to touch , because probably fears dirty and hesitant Sindri, helpless Ash chuckle, gently beckons with the hand saying that no repayment does not repay, if really must say that to me how the repayment... did say Neil Fuhai? Your two brothers can not need Rainbow Bridge to shuttle back and forth in the states, definitely has gone there, me told to look, what kind of place is there?” 看着提着战斧的布洛克,还有一旁想摸但是好像因为怕脏而犹犹豫豫的辛德里,灰烬无奈轻笑了一声,轻轻的摆了摆手说道“没什么报答不报答的,如果真要说报答的话…跟我说说尼尔福海姆怎么样?你们两兄弟能不用彩虹桥就能穿梭在国度之间,肯定是去过那里的吧,跟我说说看,那里是个怎么样的地方呢?” Heard the Ash issue, 听到了灰烬的问题, The Sindri hurried revolutions is excessive, looks that Ash surprised asking you... you do want to go to Neil Fuhai? If possible... best do not go to there is quite good! That place Jane is a stretch of deathtrap! No matter you must go to there to do,... considers as finished 辛德里急忙转过了头,看着灰烬惊讶的问道“你…你要去尼尔福海姆吗?如果可以的话…最好还是不要去那里比较好啊!那地方直就是一片死地啊!不管你要去那里干什么,还是…算了吧” Looks pretending to be serious that said that Neil Fuhai is Sindri of hell, Ash gently shrugs to say has that terrifyingly? Neil Fuhai is not the country of fog sounds also has the affective tone! Also, Hull Heym I had gone, but also fears Neil Fuhai?” 看着说的煞有介事,一副尼尔福海姆就是地狱的辛德里,灰烬轻轻的耸了耸肩说道“有那么恐怖的吗?尼尔福海姆不是雾之国嘛听起来还蛮有情调的嘛!再说了,赫尔海姆我都去过,还怕一个尼尔福海姆?” Sindri shaking the head of gently, face panic-stricken saying „, there is the country of fog, anything cannot see besides the thick dense fog, but that dense fog... that dense fog can kill people!” 辛德里轻轻的摇了摇头,一脸惊恐的说道“是的,那里是雾之国,除了浓浓的迷雾之外什么都看不见,但是那迷雾…那迷雾会杀人!” Can the fog kill people? Ash gently crooked head, doubts looks at Sindri, selected the eyebrow to ask gently is difficult to be inadequate is the gas cloud?” 雾会杀人?灰烬轻轻的歪了歪脑袋,疑惑的看着辛德里,轻轻的挑了挑眉问道“难不成是毒雾?” Quickly shakes the head, Sindri as if recalled what not good past to be the same, looks before Ash serious saying for a long time was very very long, I and several companions have gone to Neil Fuhai, wanted to have a look to have what valuables and money or the scarce ore there, we also studied there fog, but anything had not discovered, no poisonous or other harmful substances, however my companions were actually dying one after another in, inexplicableness of dying, by finally only the remaining my times, I was too afraid, can only use the methods of our dwarf, escaped coming out from Neil Fuhai, From then on... I have not gone in again there!” 急忙摇了摇头,辛德里仿佛回忆起了什么不好的过去一样,看着灰烬严肃的说道“很久很久以前,我和几个同伴去过尼尔福海姆,想要在那里看看有没有什么财宝或者稀少的矿石,我们也研究了那里的雾,但是什么都没有发现,没有什么毒或者其他的有害物质,但是我的同伴们却还是一个接一个的死在了里面,死的不明不白,到最后只剩下我一个人的时候,我太害怕了,只能使用了我们矮人的方法,从尼尔福海姆逃了出来,从那以后…我就再也没有进去过那里了!” Hears here, Ash cannot help but narrowed the eye, silent a moment later gently nods to say information thank you, this very useful!” 听到这里,灰烬不由得眯起了眼睛,沉默了片刻之后轻轻的点了点头说道“谢谢你的情报,这非常的有用!” Matter that if Sindri said real, then Neil Fuhai must go to one! 如果辛德里说的事情是真的,那么尼尔福海姆自己还非去一趟不可了! Listened to Sindri saying that Neil Fuhai to being haunted to be the same! However where Valkyrie by seal may be unable to do this matter, they only when were attacked launches the counter-attack... 辛德里说的,尼尔福海姆就跟闹了鬼一样!但是被封印在哪里的女武神可搞不出来这种事,她们只会在自己受到攻击的时候展开反击而已… In other words is not Valkyrie, but has someone else, or... authority of death and so on thing! 也就是说不是女武神,而是另有其人,或者说…死亡的权柄之类的东西! Sol has not deceived himself, the fellow has not shaken with oneself acts smart smartly, talked nonsense a place to come out directly, but was clear said a location of death authority. 索尔没有骗自己,那家伙没有跟自己抖机灵耍小聪明,直接胡说一个地方出来,而是真真切切的将一个死亡权柄的所在地说了出来。 This fellow should to let oneself officially with Odin true to! The thing that after all Odin was hidden was found by oneself, Odin will not look but not see 这家伙应该是为了让自己正式跟奥丁真正的对上吧!毕竟奥丁被藏起来的东西被自己找到,奥丁可不会视而不见 Sol..., although Mímir always said that fellow is idiot who does not have the brain, but the fact is not such probably! Has the ambition incessantly, plans. 索尔…虽然密米尔老是说那家伙是个没脑子的蠢货,但是事实好像并非如此啊!不止有野心,还有算计啊。 Looks the smile that the Ash corners of the mouth brim with, Sindri cannot help but shrank the neck, asking of some worries that... you should not go to Neil Fuhai that dangerous place again, right?” 看着灰烬嘴角洋溢的笑容,辛德里不由得缩了缩脖子,有些担心的问道“那个…你应该不会再去尼尔福海姆那种危险的地方了,对吧?” Ash has turned the head fiercely, how showed a bright smile to Sindri possibly! I who you said somewhat one's blood bubbles up to the brim! Neil Fuhai who the fog that can kill people, does not return to together... sounds very interesting! I must have a look actually, is anything is playing tricks!” 灰烬猛地转过头,冲着辛德里露出了一个灿烂的笑容“怎么可能不去啊!你说的我都有些热血沸腾了!会杀人的雾,一起不复返的尼尔福海姆…听起来很有趣啊!我倒是要看看,是什么东西在装神弄鬼!” Looks at face earnest Ash, Sindri lifts the hand to cover the face, after silent long time, suddenly serious looks up Ash said I go with you together! I had gone to there, I... I could be able to help as the blacksmith, I could help you discover Neil Fuhai secret also perhaps!” 看着一脸认真的灰烬,辛德里抬起手捂住了脸,沉默了良久之后,突然严肃的抬起头看着灰烬说道“我跟你一起去!我曾经去过那里,我…我作为铁匠也许能帮上忙,我也许能帮你找出尼尔福海姆的秘密也说不定!” Looks at look sincere Sindri, Ash shot a look at his some both legs of shivering, gently shakes the head saying that considers as finished, you also tremble here, I do not want to bring a child in such an arrangement to go to that dangerous place, I have no issue, even to die not necessarily dies, your I to cannot guarantee..., no matter how said that the good intention thank you also has your information, this is very important to me!” 看着神色真诚的辛德里,灰烬瞥了一眼他有些颤抖的双腿,轻轻的摇了摇头说道“算了吧,你还在这里打颤呢,我可不想带着一个拖油瓶去那么危险的地方,我是没什么问题啦,就算想死也不一定死得了,你我可不敢保证…不管怎么说,还是谢谢你的好意还有你的情报,这对我很重要!” Looks turns around to walk Ash that Sindri quickly lifts the leg preparation to pursue, but he still in both legs actually almost him of shivering falls down, nearby Broke quickly put out a hand to tie down him fortunately, being insufficient made him throw down on the ground... 看着转身就走的灰烬,辛德里急忙抬起腿准备追上去,可是他还在颤抖的双腿却差点他摔倒在地,还好一旁的布洛克急忙伸出手缠住了他,才不至于让他摔倒在地上… Ok, your coward, you and I are not soldiers, we do not have they such firm will also to have the powerful strength, like such that he said that went only to be able, when the child in such an arrangement... you do not want to put to trouble to him!” “算了吧,你这个胆小鬼,你和我都不是战士,我们没有他们那样坚定的意志还有强大的力量,就像他说的那样,去了只能当拖油瓶…你也不想给他添麻烦吧!” But I...” “但是我…” Looks at face unwilling Sindri, Broke cannot help but laughed at one, returned behind demonstration frame the battle axe in hand, to Sindri serious saying „we are only an artisan! Now we think well where must from do such a thing again, then builds one to let the weapon that Ash that fellow regards with a special fondness!” 看着一脸不甘心的辛德里,布洛克不由得嗤笑了一声,将手中的战斧放回了身后的展示架,冲着辛德里严肃的说道“我们只是工匠而已!现在我们还是好好想想,要从什么地方再搞一块这样的东西,然后打造出一个能让灰烬那个家伙另眼相看的武器吧!” Spoke this saying, Broke transfers is excessive, is sizing up the battle axe on demonstration frame, saying that while was foul-mouthed „was really the smelly fart! Does the weapon that our good intention builds only match unexpectedly in the warehouse is covered with dust? Fellow of rodomontading! Gives me just wait, how long could not want... I to master this forging method thoroughly, even if did not have Soul of gods I still to be able...” 说这话,布洛克转过了头,一边打量着展示架上的战斧,一边骂骂咧咧的说道“真是臭屁!我们好心好意打造出来的武器竟然只配在仓库里面吃灰?大言不惭的家伙!给我等着吧,要不了多久…等我彻底掌握了这种锻造方法,就算没有神明的灵魂我也能…” Spoke this saying, Broke detected suddenly has anything is not right, when he has turned the head, the advance party has been missing in Sindri that the one side trembles, Muse Bell Heym's under the volcano only has him in an instant, that the almighty troops sharp weapon that just forged... 说这话,布洛克突然察觉到有什么不对劲,等到他转过头的时候,之前站在一旁打颤的辛德里已经不见了踪影,穆斯贝尔海姆的火山之下一转眼就只剩下他一个人,还有那把刚刚锻造出来的神兵利器… „... That fellow, is really damn. Leaves behind me to do here! The words that must walk take the weapon, either also takes me! Hateful...” “哈…那个家伙,真是该死。留下我一个人在这里要干什么啊!要走的话就把武器带上,要么把我也带上啊!可恶…” Rainbow Bridge between states, Ash inserted the key above, started the transmission gate, the preparation went to the next state 国度之间的彩虹桥,灰烬将钥匙插在了上面,启动了传送门,准备前往下一个国度 Since the end of transmission, Ash also arrived at incomparable danger of this piece finally in the Sindri mouth, can probably eat the person same state, Neil Fuhai! 随着传送的结束,灰烬也终于来到了这片在辛德里口中无比危险,像是能吃人一样的国度,尼尔福海姆!
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