DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1027: Really became?

Present Valkyrie is entirely different from beforehand Valkyrie, her strength is very strong, existence that is Ash met in Valkyrie that compares hits! 眼前的这个女武神跟以前的女武神截然不同,她的力量很强,已经算是灰烬遇到的女武神之中比较强打的存在了! Solely can receive a Ash sword to make her show disdain for the outstanding heroes in her sisters sufficiently! 单单是能接下灰烬的一剑就足以让她在她的姐妹之中傲视群雄了! Facing the pair of wings about before the body, blocks own Valkyrie, Ash leaves to retrocede, Firelink Greatsword in hand pulls out fiercely, cuts again horizontally, divided to cut again ruthlessly above the Valkyrie pair of wings! 面对双翼合在身前,挡住自己的女武神,灰烬抽身后退,手中的传火大剑猛地一抽,再一次横斩而出,再一次狠狠地劈砍在了女武神的双翼之上! This time, the strength on Ash heavy a point, before can also block Valkyrie of sword unable to resist again, pulled out by a sword ruthlessly flies! 这一次,灰烬手上的力量重了一分,之前还能挡住一剑的女武神再也招架不住,被一剑狠狠地抽飞! Looks at flying upside down, but Valkyrie, Ash cannot help but narrowed the eye... not to know that was because here was Muse Bell Heym's the reason, because this Valkyrie had this ability, the flame of this Valkyrie to Ash had certain resistance, at least after beforehand Valkyrie drew fire to oneself immediately is fired the hard coke! 看着倒飞而出的女武神,灰烬不由得眯起了眼睛…不知道是不是因为这里是穆斯贝尔海姆的缘故,还是因为这个女武神本身拥有这种能力,这个女武神灰烬的火焰拥有一定的抗性,最起码不会像之前的女武神一样引火烧身之后马上就被烧成焦炭! Although own sword and flame truly left behind deeply scorch above her pair of wings, but clearly, this cannot make Ash satisfy 虽然自己的剑和火焰在她的双翼之上确实留下了一道深深地焦痕,但是很明显,这根本不能让灰烬满意 Flame resistant accidental/surprised is very high! Words such being the case...” Finishes speaking, the under foot of Ash moved, vanishes in same place, pursued to the Valkyrie repelled direction! “火焰抗性意外的很高啊!既然如此的话…”话音刚落,灰烬的脚下一动,消失在了原地,冲着女武神被击退的方向追了过去! Firelink Greatsword in hand does not know when changed into hunted for the Dragon Sword spear/gun, since the flame effect were unsatisfactory... that to use the thunder and lightning to be good! 手中的传火大剑也不知道在什么时候换成了猎龙剑枪,既然火焰效果不佳的话…那就用雷电好了! Golden electric light winding above hunting for the Dragon Sword spear/gun straight gripped toward Valkyrie! 金色的电光缠绕在猎龙剑枪之上直直的朝着女武神扎了过去! Some buckles that although before the Valkyrie pair of wings two swords by Ash had been hit, but can also fly as before 女武神的双翼虽然已经被灰烬之前的两剑打的有些折损了,但是依旧还能飞行 Backing up Valkyrie opened own pair of wings suddenly, flutters to soar, avoided Ash this spear/gun also arrived at the Ash sky! 正在倒退的女武神突然张开了自己的双翼,振翅高飞,避开了灰烬这一枪的同时也来到了灰烬的上空! Walhalla!” Sonic boom drinks from the Valkyrie mouth transmits, a Valkyrie dive that fast has flown to ascend the sky, straight pounding approached Ash from top to bottom! “瓦尔哈拉!”一声爆喝从女武神的口中传来,已经飞上天的女武神一个飞快的俯冲,从上而下直直的砸向了灰烬 Some Ash surprise that the long spear/gun finds out lifted the head, looks to dropping from the clouds Valkyrie... 长枪探出的灰烬有些诧异的抬起了头,看向从天而降的女武神 The slender both legs pounded ruthlessly on the body of Ash, going forward Ash according to the ground! The tremendous strength cracked the under foot hard volcano rock, splashes dust of place! 修长的双腿狠狠地砸在了灰烬的身上,将正在前进的灰烬按在了地上!巨大的力量将脚下坚硬的火山岩石崩裂,溅起了一地的尘土! The foot steps on the uphold leg that Ash Valkyrie is very forgiving, stepping on foot foot on the body of Ash, must stamp probably directly while still alive general Ash 脚踩着灰烬女武神好不留情的抬起腿,一脚一脚的踩踏在灰烬的身上,像是要把灰烬直接活活踩死一般 Valkyrie felt suddenly resistance transmits from own under foot, cannot step on by an own foot, time that wants to lift is unable to lift, looked like by anything holding same... 女武神突然感觉一股阻力从自己的脚下传来,让自己的一脚没能踩下去,想要抬起来的时候也无法抬起来,就像是被什么东西给抓住了一样… Although said that... I had truly heard has this method, but is very embarrassed, has the subordinate below heart, cannot accompany you to play this small game that has the appeal “虽然说…我确实听说过有这种玩法,但是很不好意思,在下心有所属啊,不能陪你玩这个有情趣的小游戏了” The smog diverges, pours is grabbing the Valkyrie whereabouts foot in ground Ash, grips it the onset and retreat in the hand can not... 烟雾散去,倒在地上的灰烬正抓着女武神下落的脚,将其攥在手中进退不得… Pinches the palm of metal Armor to make an effort slightly, the powerful strength Armor pinches slightly on the Valkyrie leg is wrapping distorts... 捏着金属铠甲的手掌微微用力,强大的力量将女武神腿上包裹着的铠甲捏得微微变形… Determined after this fellow is unable to work loose, on the face of Ash brought back a smile, grabs the hand of Valkyrie to wield fiercely, threw it on the ground 确定了这家伙无法挣脱之后,灰烬的脸上勾起了一丝笑容,抓着女武神的手猛地一挥,将其扔在了地上 Crawls slowly, Ash while back and forth lifts to pound to lift Valkyrie to pound again, was grabbed Valkyrie of ankle area to look like one package of sandbags to be flung by Ash equally... 一边缓缓地爬起来,灰烬一边来来回回的将女武神抬起来再砸下去抬起来再砸下去,被抓着脚踝的女武神就像是一包沙袋一样被灰烬甩来甩去的… Has saying that this fellow truly makes Ash somewhat surprised, the defensive power, the flame resistance is extremely quick reaction speed, is entirely different from beforehand Valkyrie, but was also just like this... 不得不说,这个家伙确实让灰烬有些惊讶,无论是防御力,火焰抗性还是极快的反应速度,都跟之前的女武神截然不同,但是也就如此而已了… The words that must speak are other Valkyrie are equivalent to the wing knight, but present is somewhat similar to *... works together a type, but can hit 非要说的话就是其他女武神相当于羽翼骑士,而眼前的这一个有些类似于*…同事一个类型,但是更能打一些 Although was held the flaw by this fellow for a while negligently, but are not related, the victory will only be itself forever! 虽然一时大意被这家伙抓住了破绽,不过没关系,胜利永远只会属于自己! Looks in the hand to be fallen tattered Valkyrie, 看着手中已经被摔得破破烂烂的女武神, Ash lifted itself to raise slowly the right hand that hunted for the Dragon Sword spear/gun, the sharp sword spear/gun will aim at the sky... 灰烬缓缓地抬起了自己提着猎龙剑枪的右手,将锋利的剑枪指向了天空… With a thunderclap, the golden electric light dropped from the clouds, broke out the thick cloud layer, divided above the sword spear/gun in Ash hand 随着一声炸雷,金色的电光从天而降,劈开了厚厚的云层,劈在了灰烬手中的剑枪之上 Was glittering the electric light hunts for the Dragon Sword spear/gun is the golden light is now more shining! The golden sword blade was wrapped in the golden lightning... without hesitation chops to cut to go downward! 原本就闪烁着电光的猎龙剑枪现在更是金光灿灿!金色的剑刃被包裹在金色的闪电之中…毫不犹豫的向下劈砍而去! Was held the ankle area to pour in ground Valkyrie this time is unable to dodge again, is unable to defend, the thunder of thundering divided on her body, such as easily accomplished destroyed her Armor and body generally! 被抓住脚踝倒在地上的女武神这次再也无法闪躲,也无法防御了,轰鸣的雷霆劈在了她的身上,如摧枯拉朽一般摧毁了她的铠甲和身躯! After the golden ray diverges, on the summit of volcano was only left over Valkyrie to be deducted two bodies and is raising Ash of sword spear/gun... 等到金色的光芒散去之后,火山的山顶上就只剩下女武神被劈成两段的身躯和提着剑枪的灰烬了… Valkyrie Soul gradually fluttered from her corpse, floated the Ash front... 女武神灵魂缓缓地从她的尸体之中飘了出来,漂浮到了灰烬的面前… Also without and other Valkyrie opens the mouth, Ash opened the mouth to laugh getting up good... on the crack to be good well, Valkyrie, was very interesting, you compared many that beforehand Valkyrie can hit! You are very special, I heard before has king of the Valkyrie, is you?” 还没等女武神开口,灰烬就裂开嘴哈哈大笑了起来“不错不错…非常不错,女武神,真的很有趣,你比之前的女武神都能打的多!你很特别,我之前听说有一个女武神之王,是不是你啊?” Some Soul doubts of Valkyrie looks at Ash, but is gently shakes the head saying that „... I am not Engdahl, our queens are Queen... I compare to be good at fighting in Valkyrie, my other sisters have other responsibility...” 女武神灵魂有些疑惑的看着灰烬,但还是轻轻的摇了摇头说道“不…我是格恩达尔,我们的女王是希格露恩女王…我只是在女武神之中比较擅长战斗而已,我的其他姐妹们有其他的职责…” Ash nod of gently, received to hunt for saying that the Dragon Sword spear/gun is stretching oneself while mumbles to be counted you are seventh, in Neil Fuhai, so long as also rescued last, then can summon the kings of your Valkyrie?” 灰烬轻轻的点了点头,收起了猎龙剑枪一边伸着懒腰一边哼哼唧唧的说道“算上你就是第七个了,还有一个在尼尔福海姆,只要把最后一个也救出来,然后就能召唤你们的女武神之王了是吧?” Engdahl obviously stares, then a face joyful looks at Ash to say „, warrior, you, so long as places on eight Valkyrie hard helmets the seat of meeting hall, we naturally can appear, helping you summon the queen. All asked you!” 格恩达尔明显一愣,然后一脸欣喜的看着灰烬说道“是的,勇士,你只要将八个女武神的头盔放在议事厅的座位上,我们自然会出现,帮助您召唤出女王的。一切就拜托您了!” „Is is, I know, all asked me, here was about to finish up...” Spoke this saying, suddenly Ash stares is staring at present Engdahl, serious asking „the issue, your Valkyrie... is also counted your queens, you were died the component of this authority was right!” “是是是,我知道,一切都拜托我了,这边都快完事了…”说这话,灰烬突然直勾勾的盯着眼前的格恩达尔,一脸严肃的问道“还有一个问题,你们女武神…把你们的女王也算上,你们都是死亡这一权柄的组成部分对吧!” Engdahl has not thought that Ash will ask suddenly such issue, looks at hesitant Engdahl, Ash shrugging gently, a face indifferent expression said that I am ask, you , if not willing to say even if, even if in any case you did not say, I still meet to look.” 格恩达尔没有想到灰烬突然会问出这样的问题,看着犹犹豫豫的格恩达尔,灰烬轻轻的耸了耸肩,一脸无所谓的表情说道“我就是问问而已,你要是不愿意说也就算了,反正就算你不说,我也会自己找出来的。” Engdahl's shaking the head of gently, looks at Ash somewhat helpless saying not, I do not have that meaning, our Valkyrie is the extradition person of dead, we screen Soul, invests Throne of Heroes or the Hull ghostdom it, I do not know us whether was counted is part of death... perhaps our queens knows.” 格恩达尔轻轻的摇了摇头,看着灰烬有些无奈的说道“不,我没有那个意思,我们女武神是死者的引渡人,我们甄别灵魂,将其投入英灵殿或者赫尔冥界,我并不知晓我们是否算作是死亡的一部分…或许我们的女王知道。” Ash suddenly thinks that probably what was the same, looks asking of Engdahl somewhat doubts said... your Valkyrie appears and disappears frequently the Hull ghostdom, such being the case... do that you know that who the master in Hull ghostdom is? Or... who hides there?” 灰烬突然像是想起来了什么一样,看着格恩达尔有些疑惑的问道“说起来…你们女武神是经常出没赫尔冥界的吧,既然如此…那你知不知道赫尔冥界的主人是谁?或者说…有谁藏在那里吗?” Hull ghostdom nominal master, there has not been the homes to return to of nine in all ghosts..., but must say that anything exists to hide there words I am not very clear, however during past years, whenever I and my sisters send in the Hull ghostdom the dead spirit time, association/will once for a while has some ghosts to vanish does not see... this situation should not appear properly speaking, these Soul also without trial, but...” “赫尔冥界并没有名义上的主人,那里是九界之中所有亡魂的归宿…但要说有什么存在藏在那里的话我也不是很清楚,但是过去的岁月之中,每当我和我的姐妹们将亡灵送入赫尔冥界的时候,总会时不时的有一些亡魂消失不见…按理来说这种情况是不应该出现的,那些灵魂还未经审判,但是…” Hears Engdahl's words, the pupil of Ash cannot help but flashes through a none, in other words Neet has not deceived himself, really has anything to hide in the Hull ghostdom, moreover can affect the Hull ghostdom to a certain extent, even can need to carry off after trial Soul from the hand of Valkyrie. 听到格恩达尔的话,灰烬的瞳孔不由得闪过一丝精光,也就是说尼特没有欺骗自己,确实有什么东西藏在赫尔冥界,而且能在一定程度上影响赫尔冥界,甚至能从女武神的手中将需要经过审判的灵魂带走。 Ash nod of gently, looks that Engdahl's light saying I knew, you first Hull ghostdom, after I also came out last Valkyrie, sees again.” 灰烬轻轻的点了点头,看着格恩达尔淡淡的说道“我知道了,你先赫尔冥界吧,等我把最后一个女武神也就出来了之后再见吧。” Engdahl bows to Ash slightly, then Soul then changes to wisp of light smoke, disappearance without a trace... 格恩达尔冲着灰烬微微躬身,然后灵魂便化作一缕青烟,消失的无影无踪… Stands and waits for a long time is lost in thought in hot summit Ash... has unknown existence, can affect the Hull ghostdom, even if this has itself not in the Hull ghostdom, in other words, this relation that has with the Hull ghostdom even also in Neet this has grasped above the god of death of part of death lawful rights! 伫立在火山顶的灰烬陷入了沉思…有一个未知的存在,可以影响到赫尔冥界,即便这个存在本身不在赫尔冥界,也就是说,这个存在和赫尔冥界的联系甚至还在尼特这个已经掌握了一部分死亡权柄的死神之上! Before wanted to attack own big probability with the past memory is this fellow, but does he want to do? If this exists is that side Odin, why this fellow does want to steal away Soul from the hand of Odin? Why if isn't... that must attack itself? 之前想要用过去的记忆袭击自己的大概率就是这个家伙了,但是他要干什么呢?如果这个存在是奥丁那边的,那么这家伙为什么要从奥丁的手中偷走灵魂呢?如果不是…那又为什么要袭击自己呢? Difficult to be inadequate also has exists besides the third influence outside Odin and anti- Odin? Thinks here Ash brain benevolent somewhat is sore, how saying that... this matter is very troublesome, is involving an unknown influence, is even grasping the influences of some death lawful rights, that was really somewhat troublesome 难不成还有除了奥丁和反奥丁之外的第三股势力存在?一想到这里灰烬的脑仁就有些疼,怎么说呢…这件事本来就已经很麻烦了,在牵扯一个未知的势力,一个甚至掌握着些许死亡权柄的势力,那就真的是有些麻烦了 Neil Fuhai... oneself next destination, Ash hopes heartfeltly oneself can harvest there! 尼尔福海姆…自己的下一个目的地,灰烬由衷的希望自己能在那里有所收获! Deeply inspires, Ash moved from the summit instantaneously returned to at the foot of the mountain again, truly can leave immediately, goes to Neil Fuhai, however before departure, Ash was somewhat curious, how that two dwarf brothers gave themselves their Soul block them also to be the skilled craftsman, does not know that they can reappear the craftsmanship of soul world 深吸了一口气,灰烬一个瞬间移动从山顶之上再次回到了山脚下,确实是可以马上离开,前往尼尔福海姆,但是在离开之前,灰烬有些好奇,那两个矮人兄弟把自己给他们的灵魂块怎么样了他们也算得上是能工巧匠了,就是不知道他们能不能重现魂世界的锻造工艺 Looks at sudden Ash, quarrelling Sindri and Broke the revolutions is excessive at the same time, then hurried nervous running over, two people with one voice asked to Ash loudly actually your gem is anything, where can find it!” 看着突然出现的灰烬,正在争吵的辛德里和布洛克同一时间转过了头,然后着急忙慌的跑了过来,两人异口同声的冲着灰烬大声问道“你的那块宝石究竟是什么,能在什么地方在找到它!” Looks at these two excited dwarves, Ash cannot help but exudes a pondering smile, light saying that gem is actually not other thing, is Soul, after a fellow named Manny the words that I kill, takes out Soul that want to obtain again... to kill gods or powerful existence again, pulls out their Soul, is such Jane list...” 看着这两个激动的矮人,灰烬不由得泛起了一丝玩味的笑容,淡淡的说道“那块宝石啊其实也不是什么别的东西,就是一个灵魂,一个叫曼尼的家伙被我杀死之后取出的灵魂想要再获得的话…就要再杀一个神明或者强大的存在,将他们的灵魂抽出来,就是这么单…” Did two dwarf also hopeful complexions become ugly... Manny's Soul instantaneously? Isn't that the silly sons of god of thunder Sol family/home? In other words... did they use god of thunder Sol son's Soul to build a weapon? 两个矮人原本还充满期待的脸色瞬间就变得非常难看…曼尼的灵魂?那不是雷神索尔家的傻儿子吗?也就是说…他们用雷神索尔儿子的灵魂打造了一把武器? Thinks of here, two people neat extensions are excessive, looked that to not far away is placing behind a weapon, neat swallowed saliva... 想到这里,两人齐刷刷的转过了头,看向身后不远处摆放着的一把武器,齐刷刷的吞了一口口水…
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