DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1026: Valkyrie destiny

With the Kratos fathers and sons respectively is the ten days ago matter, that two fathers and sons are what condition, Ash do not know now, Freya does have to look for their Ash not to know again, because Ash simply does not have the time to pay attention to their things now... 奎托斯父子分别已经是十天前的事情了,那两父子现在是个什么状态,灰烬不知道,芙蕾雅有没有再找上他们灰烬也不知道,因为灰烬现在根本没有功夫去关注他们的事情… Ten days, he is being the Valkyrie matter rushes about, Midgard Valkyrie had been rescued completely by him, Kara, Erre have Mizuo, in addition, radish and Guna who save, five, almost larger part Valkyrie had been rescued... 十天的时间,他都在为女武神的事情奔波,米德加尔特女武神已经全部被他救出来了,卡拉、埃尔还有吉德瑞芙,再加上之前救出来的萝塔和古娜,足足有五个,几乎一大半的女武神就已经被救了出来… Without exception, each Valkyrie expressed gratitude to Ash, and exerted the blessing on Ash, then reiteration again and again, Valkyrie destiny in the hand of his Ash... then one after another reported to Neet there 无一例外,每一个女武神都向灰烬表示了感谢,并在灰烬身上施加了祝福,然后一而再再而三的重申,女武神的命运就在他灰烬的手中…然后一个接一个的到尼特那里去报道了 Reason that spent so many time, is mainly the place that because Valkyrie was hidden somewhat is remote, Ash can only a fumble of place place, but is now good, the blessing of Valkyrie had accumulated, during was dark the direction gradually is also clear... 之所以花了这么多时间,主要是因为女武神被藏起来的地方都有些偏僻,灰烬只能一个地方一个地方的摸索,但是现在好了,女武神的祝福已经积累了起来,冥冥之中的指引也已经逐渐清晰了起来… As the blessing of Valkyrie more accumulates are more, has five Valkyrie blessings Ash to feel the Valkyrie quantity also to have its location. 随着女武神的祝福越积累越多,已经拥有五位女武神祝福的灰烬已经能感受到女武神的数量还有其所在地了。 Remaining is also left over three, has the flame state in the elf state and fog state of respectively... 剩下的还剩下三个,分别在精灵国度、雾之国度还有火焰国度… The Ash preparation of state of fog remains finally, he some premonitions, Sol by Odin is always hidden to that oneself said in the death authority of state of fog likely is not Valkyrie... in other words in the thing that the state of fog needs to look for and incessantly Valkyrie, the needed time more were also much! 雾之国度的灰烬准备留到最后,他总有种预感,索尔跟自己说的那个被奥丁藏在雾之国度的死亡权柄很可能并不是女武神…也就是说自己在雾之国度需要找的东西并不止女武神一个,需要的时间也就越多! But now, Ash stands in front of Jarhl Heym elf state Odin secret room... the chisel in use hand the front door of secret room opens, Ash is blowing the whistling, while enters at present this profound front door gradually 而现在,灰烬就站在亚尔夫海姆精灵国度的奥丁密室门前…使用手中的凿子将密室的大门打开,灰烬一边吹着口哨,一边缓步走进眼前这个深邃的大门 Above Firelink Greatsword in hand the flame flickers, increased light for the dim channel 手中的传火大剑之上火焰忽明忽暗,为昏暗的通道增添了一份光明 Arrives at the most deep place of channel, Ash looks at present Valkyrie of this similar float in midair, cannot help but sighed... 来到了通道的最深处,灰烬看着眼前这个同样漂浮在半空中的女武神,不由得叹了口气… How can I say, because of past some experiences, attribute and fight pattern identical or similar elite enemy, so long as gets Ash to find out the repertoire 1-2 times, the third grading can play some new patterns to shoot four times instead then to execute dead for example empty-handed empty-handed this type... 怎么说呢,因为过去的一些经历,属性和战斗模式相同或者类似的精英敌人只要打上1-2灰烬就能摸清套路,第三次第四次就能玩出些新花样比方说空手弹反然后空手处决到死这种… However the fifth sixth time... somewhat did not have the meaning to say the non- powerful actually not, was only... also such 但是第五遍第六遍的时候…就有些没意思了倒不是说不强力,只是…也就那样了 But present Valkyrie, is sixth Valkyrie that Ash is going to crusade against, happen to started to feel the senseless time to Ash... 而眼前的这个女武神,就是灰烬将要讨伐的第六个女武神,正好到了灰烬开始感觉无趣的时候… Although these Valkyrie attack ways have some differences, however looks like no difference in Ash... 虽然这些女武神的进攻方式都有些许的不同,但是在灰烬看来都没有什么区别… Thinks of here, Ash helpless held up Firelink Greatsword in hand, the facial expression indifferent said in a low voice made the best use of the time to handle as soon as possible goes to the next place quickly 想到这里,灰烬无奈的举起了手中的传火大剑,神情淡然的低声说道“抓紧时间吧尽快搞定赶快去下一个地方了” Speaks, Ash lifts the hand fiercely, cuts Firelink Greatsword in hand horizontally! The flaming raging fire spews out from the sword blade, does not need to cut her, was only this flame wanted this Valkyrie life sufficiently! 说完话,灰烬猛地抬起手,将手中的传火大剑横斩而出!熊熊的烈火从剑刃之上喷涌而出,都不用砍到她,光是这火焰就足以要了这个女武神的命! Alarmed Valkyrie was opened in in the air is wielded by the pair of wings that the flame lights! Then burnt quickly... 受到惊扰的女武神张开了被火焰点燃的双翼在空中一挥!然后就烧得更快了… Also without she launched the attack, the scalding hot flame had fired the hard coke her body 还没等她展开攻击呢,灼热的火焰就已经将她的身躯烧成了焦炭 Looks to put the ground pile of black unclear materials, Ash helpless curling the lip , the static waiting Valkyrie Soul is appearing... 看着扑在地上的一堆黑色不明物质,灰烬无奈的撇了撇嘴,静静的等待着女武神灵魂出现… I was free! Brave soldier! Thank you! You...” “我自由了!勇敢的战士啊!谢谢你!你…” Also without and other Valkyrie said that Ash on a face impatient shouldered the big sword in the shoulder, beckoning with the hand saying that „was is... thanks me, did the Valkyrie destiny give me well? What also had to say? If then blessed to me on the registration character if no, oneself went to Hull Heym to report!” 还没等女武神说完,灰烬就一脸不耐烦的将大剑扛在了肩头,摆了摆手说道“是是是…都谢谢我,女武神的命运就交给我了好了吧?还有什么要说的没有?如果没有的话就报个名字然后给我祝福,自己去赫尔海姆报道吧!” Valkyrie by Ash this set of adept business entire a little hoodwinks, 女武神灰烬这一套娴熟的业务整的有点蒙, Looks Ash silent a moment later gently nods to say volume... good, I knew, my name was Orr, all asked you...” 看着灰烬沉默了片刻之后轻轻的点了点头说道“额…好吧,我知道了,我叫奥尔露恩,一切就拜托你了…” Looks Valkyrie that is just about to ascend to heaven, receives the blessing Ash to frown suddenly, drinks Valkyrie that was just about to leave to ask and other! Just received Valkyrie that your blessing... I can feel many... in Midgard? But before Midgard Valkyrie me, saved... you to know?” 看着正要升天的女武神,收到祝福的灰烬突然皱起了眉头,喝住了正要离开的女武神问道“等一下!刚刚收到你的祝福…我能感受到的女武神多了一个…在米德加尔特?可是米德加尔特女武神我之前都救出来了啊…你知道这是怎么回事吗?” Orr heard the Ash issue, silent a moment later gently nods saying that that should be our queens... king of Xige Valkyrie, she in Midgard, if you wanted to find her, needs to rescue all Valkyrie, summoned her with our hard helmets in the Valkyrie meeting hall...” 奥尔露恩听到了灰烬的问题,沉默了片刻之后轻轻的点了点头说道“那应该是我们的女王…女武神之王希格露恩了,她就在米德加尔特,如果你想要找到她的话,就需要救出所有的女武神,用我们的头盔在女武神议事厅召唤她…” Ash nod of gently, then beckons with the hand to say line, I knew, you ask Neet to report that I must catch up with the next gathering place 灰烬轻轻的点了点头,然后摆了摆手说道“行,我知道了,你自己去找尼特报道吧,我还要赶下一个场子呢” Orr does look at Ash at a loss, asking of doubts Neet?” 奥尔露恩茫然的看着灰烬,疑惑的问道“尼特?” Is disinclined to explain, you went to know was good, I slid spoke, Ash one moved sideways, vanishes... only stayed behind in the Odin secret room does not know completely had anything's Orr... “懒得解释,你去了就知道了行了,我溜了”说完话,灰烬就一个闪身,消失在了奥丁的密室之中…只留下了完全不知道发生了什么的奥尔露恩… ...... …… Returned to Ash of Til temple started the Rainbow Bridge installment to designate next goal flame state Muse Bell Heym, while jue mystifying whisper say/way eight Valkyrie enough many finished up also has the king of Valkyrie? The king of that Valkyrie ended also to have god of the Valkyrie also to have not to have!” 回到了提尔神殿的灰烬一边启动着彩虹桥装置选定了下一个目标火焰国度穆斯贝尔海姆,一边噘着阴阳怪气的嘀咕道“八个女武神都够多的了完事还有女武神之王?那女武神之王完了是不是还有个女武神之神啊还有完没完了!” Rainbow Bridge brought Ash to arrive at Muse Bell Heym from Jarhl Heym, just opened the front door, the scalding hot air wave flooded into the room that Ash was at to feel blazing from out of the door, looks at scarlet sky, Ash deeply inspires at present 彩虹桥带着灰烬从亚尔夫海姆来到了穆斯贝尔海姆,刚一打开大门,灼热的气浪就从门外涌入了灰烬所在的房间之中感受着身边的炽热,看着眼前一片赤红的天空,灰烬深深地吸了一口气 This may really be... the familiar flavor! Heard that looks like smokes reckless same odor! Really makes one fondly remember!” “啊这可真是…熟悉的味道啊!闻起来就像是烟熏胡一样恶臭!真是让人怀念啊!” Muse Bell Heym... is also the flame state, is really such as its, the institute of vision and is completely the scarlet lava and sea of fire, the sky is also covered by the thick black smoke..., but even so, this place is still ordinary just like the daytime! 穆斯贝尔海姆…也就是火焰的国度,真是地如其名,目光之所及尽是赤红的熔岩和火海,天空也被浓浓的黑烟所覆盖…但是即便如此,这地方依旧宛如白昼一般! Hey! You! What called to come... Ash? How you rushed to the place that this bird did not defecate to come!” “嘿!你!叫什么来着…灰烬是吧?你怎么跑到这种鸟不拉屎的地方来了!” Hears near the ear shouts, the Ash revolutions is excessive, in one piece also calculates that the relatively cool place saw two familiar forms... two dwarf blacksmiths do not know when arrived here even also to put up the blacksmith's shop here! 听到耳边的呼唤声,灰烬转过了头,在一片还算相对凉快的地方看到了两个熟悉的身影…两个矮人铁匠不知道什么时候来到了这里甚至还在这里搭起了铁匠铺! Looked at these two dwarf blacksmiths, Ash gently crooked head, then puzzled saying I am handle the proper matter, on the contrary is you two, why must come to here,... didn't you divide family property?” 看了看这两个矮人铁匠,灰烬轻轻的歪了歪脑袋,然后一脸疑惑的说道“我是来办正经事的,反倒是你们两个,为什么要来这里,还有…你们不是分家了吗?” Liked clean Sindri shooting a look at a dirty Broke, then helpless shakes the head saying that was he runs up to nearby me, said that he thought of a new craftsmanship, but he could not complete, asking me to make me help 爱干净的辛德里瞥了一眼脏兮兮的布洛克,然后无奈的摇了摇头说道“是他非跑到我跟前,说他想到了一种新的锻造工艺,但是他一个人完成不了,求着我让我帮忙的” You are putting what loud fart! Was you heard obviously I obtained a new craftsmanship, must run over to be truant! I do not need your help! Right... from the weapon in this fellow hand comprehended to the new craft that you said!” “你在放什么响屁啊!明明是你听说了我获得了一种新的锻造工艺,非得跑过来偷学的!我根本不需要你的帮助!对了…跟你说的新工艺就是从这家伙手中的武器上参悟出来的!” Looks two brothers who quarrelled to quarrel, Ash helpless shaking the head, then a face pondered looks at Broke to ask „, therefore... how? You thought that you can forge my type of weapon?” 看着吵架拌嘴的两兄弟,灰烬无奈的摇了摇头,然后一脸玩味的看着布洛克问道“所以…怎么样?你觉得你能锻造出我那种武器了吗?” Broke is instantaneously dumbfounded, then bitter and astringent shakes the head saying that we have taken the best ore, arrived at entire nine burning hottest Muse Bell Heym, with here most scalding hot flame forging weapon, but... is not successful! No matter how we forge, does not have the means to forge such weapon. Always felt that... was short of anything.” 布洛克瞬间哑口无言,然后苦涩的摇了摇头说道“我们已经带上了最好的矿石,来到了整个九界最炎热的穆斯贝尔海姆,用这里最灼热的火焰锻造武器,但是…还是不成功啊!不管我们怎么锻造,都没办法锻造出那样的武器。总感觉…欠缺了一些什么。” Ash nod of gently, remembered anything suddenly probably, took out a sky-blue crystal from own backpack backhandedly, threw smiled to two brothers was saying you lacked should be this type of thing! Also joins in the weapon that you forge perhaps to have the effect it.” 灰烬轻轻的点了点头,突然像是想起了什么,反手从自己的背包之中取出了一块蔚蓝色的结晶体,扔给了两兄弟微笑着说道“你们缺的应该是这种东西吧!把它也加入你们锻造的武器之中也许会有效果。” Looks in the hand the glittering and translucent carving crystal, the Sindri instantaneous eyes is shining, its one overtakes from the Broc hand, holds exciting saying in the hand this... this is anything, in the world really has the so beautiful material! I... I have not seen it unexpectedly! Is he such beautiful... such precious thing... gives to us really?” 看着手中晶莹剔透的结晶体,辛德里瞬间双眼放光,从布洛克手中将其一把抢了过去,捧在手中兴奋的说道“这…这是什么,世上竟然有如此美丽的物质!我…我竟然从来没有见过它!他是这么美丽…这么贵重的东西…送给我们真的可以吗?” Broke indignant snatched it, enraged saying he gives to me! I will not make you spoil this thing!” 布洛克气愤的将其抢了回去,气冲冲的说道“他是送给我的!我可不会让你糟蹋了这东西!” It looks like doting parent is protecting Broke of that crystal, Ash reluctantly beckons with the hand saying that does not have the relations not to relate, takes away with and that's the end, this does not match to enter during my collection in any case, your taking away sound of sword was good, did not say that I have a gathering place to catch up, you play slowly, anticipated that your works did obeisance to do obeisance 看着像护犊子一样护着那块水晶的布洛克,灰烬无奈的摆了摆手说道“没关系没关系,拿去用就是了,反正这一个也不配进入我的收藏之中,你们拿去霍霍就行了,不说了,我还有个场子要赶,你们慢慢玩吧,期待你们的作品哦拜了个拜” Said these, Ash no longer pays attention two brothers, for that crystal starts to quarrel, step by step in Muse Bell Heym Valkyrie toward the position that is at walked... 说完这些,灰烬就不再理会为了那一块水晶开始争吵的两兄弟,一步一步的朝着穆斯贝尔海姆之中女武神所在的位置走了过去… Although has all kinds of troubles all the way, but Ash sweeps away, almost without wasting how much time, quick arrived in Muse Bell Heym's a summit... 虽然一路上有各种各样的麻烦,但是灰烬一路横扫,几乎没有浪费多少时间,很快就抵达了穆斯贝尔海姆的一处山顶… Stands feels suffocated in summit Ash, how finally cannot bear complain to climb a mountain loudly daily! The Midgard highest mountain ended is the Jotunheim highest mountain, now or Muse Bell Heym the highest mountain, I am not the mountaineering enthusiast!” 站在山顶的灰烬憋着一口气,终于还是忍不住大声吐槽到“怎么天天爬山啊!米德加尔特最高的山完了是约顿海姆最高的山,现在还是穆斯贝尔海姆最高的山,我又不是什么登山爱好者!” No matter how said, Valkyrie is close, now only needs to get rid of her to leave! Although this place wants to smoke reckless, lets Ash unusual longing, but... actually does not want to stop over smokes reckless not to make any good impression to Ash after all and that's the end. 不管怎么说,女武神已经近在咫尺了,现在只需要干掉她就可以离开了!虽然这地方很想烟熏胡,让灰烬非常的怀念,但是…却一点也不想逗留毕竟烟熏胡也没给灰烬留下什么好印象就是了。 Deeply inspires, Ash lifted the hand slowly, grasped Firelink Greatsword in the hand, Ash charged into Valkyrie without hesitation! When the big sword in Ash hand will soon pass through Valkyrie, this Valkyrie moved, her wing gathers fiercely, synthesized a wing! Stalled the attack of Ash! 深吸了一口气,灰烬缓缓地抬起了手,将传火大剑握在了手中,灰烬毫不犹豫的冲向了女武神!就在灰烬手中的大剑即将贯穿女武神的时候,这个女武神动了,她的翅膀猛地合起,合成了一面翅膀!挡住了灰烬的进攻! Saw oneself should strike the attack that must kill to be blocked, Ash cannot help but crooked head, looks that at present this so far can only block Valkyrie of oneself sword, lifted the head interestingly 看到自己本应该一击必杀的攻击被挡住,灰烬不由得歪了歪脑袋,看着眼前这个到目前为止唯一一个能挡住自己一剑的女武神,饶有兴趣的抬起了头 „? This is actually interesting! Differently what therefore... you have?” “哦?这倒是有趣!所以…你有什么不同的呢?”
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