DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1025: Mother of sorrowful cry

Does not look importantly, looked Ash suddenly felt oneself were the brain is possibly remnant! Isn't... Kratos and Badr is fighting? How to turn into the world big snake and a giant is fighting? 不看不要紧,一看灰烬突然觉得自己可能是脑残了!不是…奎托斯和巴德尔在打架吗?怎么变成世界大蛇和一个巨人在打架了? Even if world big snake also..., but before that giant is, they attain magic chisel Szo Moore of place lying down corpse, was one had died very for a long time very long corpse! 世界大蛇也就算了…但那个巨人是之前他们拿到魔法凿子的地方躺尸的索穆尔啊,是一个已经死了很久很久的尸体啊! Before has been displaying their wisdom and bravery with Sol, needs very discretely, has not cared about that side that fathers and sons two, but how to turn into this? Moreover Freya joined this fight! Probably is she is controlling Szo Moore's body to fight with the world big snake. 之前一直在跟索尔斗智斗勇,需要十分的谨慎,没有怎么在意那父子两个那边,但是怎么变成这样了呢?而且就连芙蕾雅都加入了这场战斗!好像就是她在操控索穆尔的尸体在跟世界大蛇战斗。 Bewildered looks at the foot of the hill two colossi, Ash bewildered flexure scratches the head, this exactly what happened? 一脸茫然的看着山脚下的两个庞然大物,灰烬一脸茫然的挠了挠头,这到底是发生了什么事? „Is their is doing the wool? How did duel well turn into the chaos to fight suddenly?” “他们这是在搞毛啊?怎么好好的决斗突然就变成大乱斗了?” In Ash bewildered is staring under the mountain, does not know actually what happened the time, the situation under mountain also had the change, world big snake on a corpse that bit in Szo Moore, bit its one, is rocking own body, Szo Moore fell down... 就在灰烬一脸茫然的盯着山下,不知道究竟发生了什么事情的时候,山下的情况又有了变化,世界大蛇一口咬在了索穆尔的尸体上,将其一口咬住,晃动着自己的身躯,将索穆尔摔倒在地… As this falls, Szo Moore cannot crawl again... 随着这一摔,索穆尔再也没能爬起来… Ash cannot repress own curiosity again, really wants to know that under exactly had anything, cannot control so many, moved instantaneously vanishes in same place, following Kratos their Soul trails, moved under the mountain instantaneously... 灰烬再也按耐不住自己的好奇心,实在是想知道下面到底发生了什么,也管不了那么多,一个瞬间移动消失在了原地,顺着奎托斯他们的灵魂踪迹,瞬间移动到了山下… When Ash arrived here time, the good play is performing, sees only Kratos and Atreus these two fathers and sons as if stays out to stand in the one side at the same time, but Badr actually step by step walks toward Freya of not far away gradually... 等到灰烬来到这里的时候,好戏正在上演,只见奎托斯阿特柔斯这两父子仿佛置身事外一边站在一旁,而巴德尔却一步一步的朝着不远处的芙蕾雅缓步走去… Has not known that what Ash bewildered turning the head had, Atreus to not far away asked little rascal in a soft voice, what kind of this was? Isn't you are fighting? What relations has with Freya?” 还不知道发生了什么的灰烬一脸茫然的转过头,冲着不远处的阿特柔斯轻声问道“小鬼,这是怎么的了?不是你们在打架吗?跟芙蕾雅有什么关系啊?” Does not know that has not heard or been disinclined to respond Ash, Atreus has not responded to the question of Ash, but stares stubbornly is limping, the whole body is wound Badr... 不知道是没听见还是懒得搭理灰烬,阿特柔斯没有回应灰烬的疑问,只是死死地盯着步履蹒跚,浑身是伤的巴德尔… Not responded Ash does not care, with turning the head to look to Badr, he has missed front, does not want to miss present again... 没有得到回应的灰烬也不在意,跟着转过头看向了巴德尔,他已经错过了前面的,可不想再错过眼前的这一幕… Seeing only Badr is trembling, as if recovers from a serious illness general, arrived at the Freya front somewhat demented... to Freya said that you... you cannot provide lodging you, you must involve my life, no matter I said anything... no matter I want anything!” 只见巴德尔颤颤巍巍,仿佛大病初愈一般,来到了芙蕾雅的面前…有些癫狂的冲着芙蕾雅说道“你…你就是管不住你自己,你就是一定要介入我的人生,不管我说什么…不管我想要什么!” I... I just am want to protect you! I... I know that I made the mistake many things, but you are now free, not? You obtain the result that you wanted! Please try to forgive me, we could come!” “我…我只不过是想要保护你!我…我知道我做错了很多事,但是你现在已经自由了,不是吗?你已经得到了你想要的结果!请你试着原谅我,我们也许可以重新来过!” Facing imploring urgently of Freya, Badr actually swings without hesitation begins, renounced looks at Freya to say not... not... not! Is impossible, because I will never forgive you! You must the time of me seizing pay the price for you!” 面对芙蕾雅的苦苦哀求,巴德尔却毫不犹豫摇起了头,决绝的看着芙蕾雅说道“不…不不不…不!不可能的,因为我永远也不会原谅你!你还是要为你从我身上夺走的时间付出代价!” Hears here, Ash also understood probably, Freya... is Badr's mother, is she gives the ability that Badr did not refuse stubbornly to extinguish, cursed him, making him unable to feel anything... 听到这里,灰烬也大概明白了,芙蕾雅…就是巴德尔的母亲,就是她赋予了巴德尔不死不灭的能力,同时也诅咒了他,让他感受不到任何东西… Facing Badr's unfeeling, Freya deeply inspires, somewhat desperate stood up the body, arrived at Badr's front to open both hands to say „, if this can make you satisfy... if saw my death to make all straighten out... I not to prevent you, come!” 面对巴德尔的绝情,芙蕾雅深吸了一口气,有些绝望的站起了身,来到了巴德尔的面前张开了双手说道“如果这样能让你满意的话…如果看见我的死亡能让一切都步入正轨的话…我不会阻止你,来吧!” Badr arrived at the Freya front step by step, puts out a hand slowly, pinches on the neck of Freya, face wild with joy saying „, I will do that! This is... this is I wanted!” 巴德尔一步一步的来到了芙蕾雅的面前,缓缓地伸出了手,掐在了芙蕾雅的脖子上,一脸狂喜的说道“是的,我会这么做的!这就是…这就是我一直想要的!” The suffocated feeling swept across Freya quickly, she kneels down in Badr's front, is opening the both arms as before, as if in hugging her child... in mouth unclear twittering anything, is summoning Badr probably, probably is telling own sorrowful... 窒息的感觉很快就席卷了芙蕾雅,她跪倒在巴德尔的面前,依旧张开着双臂,仿佛在拥抱她的孩子…口中含糊不清的呢喃着什么,像是在呼唤巴德尔,像是在诉说自己的悲痛… But no matter anything, 但不管是什么, Cannot make Badr call a halt, his palm makes an effort more and more, although already very weak, but he can choke to death a woman as before! So long as she does not revolt... 都没能让巴德尔停手,他的手掌越来越用力,虽然已经非常的虚弱,但是他依旧能掐死一个女人!只要她不反抗… Freya has not revolted, but eyes that are full of the affection and does not abandon is gazing at Badr with that pair. 芙蕾雅没有反抗,只是用那双充满慈爱和不舍的双眼注视着巴德尔。 Stands deeply inspires in nearby Ash, Ash does not prepare to do anything, this is the choice of Freya, she chooses to make Badr kill her, thinks that such Badr can repent... 站在一旁的灰烬深吸了一口气,灰烬不准备做任何事,这是芙蕾雅的选择,她选择让巴德尔杀死她,认为这样巴德尔就能改悔… However Ash did not think so, he did not think kills mother to be able wrong path to sober, this will only make him perish, what can he make? Goes forward to prevent? 但是灰烬不这么觉得,他不觉得杀死母亲能让一个迷途的人清醒,这只会让他更加沉沦,但是他又能做什么呢?上前阻止吗? When Ash hesitates, Kratos three and do two steps, arrived at Badr behind put out a hand to be caught in the pincers of Badr's head from the back! 就在灰烬犹豫的时候,奎托斯三步并作两步,来到了巴德尔的身后伸出手从背后钳住了巴德尔的脑袋! Held Badr is struggling, asked that to behind Kratos why... you why must meddle! You... you can leave directly...” 被抓住的巴德尔挣扎着,冲着身后的奎托斯质问道“为什么…你为什么要插手!你…你们本可以直接离开…” Kratos solemn grabbing Badr, does not give him the opportunity of tiny bit resistance, saying of clenching jaws gratitude and grudges understood in this, we... must grow!” 奎托斯神情肃穆的抓着巴德尔,不给他一丝一毫反抗的机会,咬牙切齿的说道“恩怨在此了解,我们…必须有所成长!” Speaks, Kratos both hands make an effort, broke off Badr's neck fiercely! 说完话,奎托斯双手一用力,猛地折断了巴德尔的脖子! Looks at Badr weak in the corpse of ground, Freya that has not recovered consciousness distressed crawled, cautious putting out a hand, is shivering on corpse that strokes in Badr, painful wailed getting up not... not! My child... my precious son!” 看着巴德尔瘫软在地上的尸体,还没有缓过来的芙蕾雅狼狈的爬了过来,小心翼翼的伸出手,颤抖着抚摸在巴德尔的尸体上,痛苦的哀嚎了起来“不不不…不!我的孩子…我的宝贝儿子!” Looks Freya that dies by heartbreak, Kratos deeply sighs, light saying Freya... this is his choice.” 看着伤心欲绝的芙蕾雅,奎托斯深深地叹了一口气,淡淡的说道“芙蕾雅…这是他的选择。” Freya is embracing Badr's body as before, the body of shivering was gradually gentle, lifted the head, unemotional looks to stand in oneself front Kratos, sent out brutal curse I to make the disaster that all pain... all you can imagine arrive on your body! I must drag out the entire nine all corners your ice-cold corpse! I must feed your Soul to Hull Heym dirtiest existence! I pledged!” 芙蕾雅依旧怀抱着巴德尔的尸体,颤抖的身体逐渐平缓了下来,抬起了头,面无表情的看着站在自己面前的奎托斯,发出了残酷的诅咒“我要让所有的痛苦…所有你能想象到的灾难降临在你的身上!我要把你冰冷的尸体拖过整个九界的所有角落!我要把你的灵魂喂给赫尔海姆最肮脏的存在!我发誓!” Looks Freya that shouts oneself hoarse, Atreus somewhat sadly said in a low voice „, but... he rescued your life.” 看着声嘶力竭的芙蕾雅,阿特柔斯有些难过的低声说道“可是…他救了你的命。” He seized all my!” The tears cannot stop again, Freya pain is wailing, is complaining the Kratos crime! “他夺走了我的一切!”泪水再也止不住,芙蕾雅痛苦的哀嚎着,控诉着奎托斯的罪行! You are only Monster... you only understood that cruel and angry... you will never change!” “你只是个怪物…你只懂得残忍和愤怒…你永远都不会改变!” Looks Freya that did not appreciate kindness rendered, Kratos has turned around, light response say/way that is because you do not understand me...” 看着毫不领情的芙蕾雅,奎托斯转过了身,淡淡的回应道“那是因为你不了解我…” Freya wiped the tears of corner of the eye, angry saying I understand enough were many, but he?” 芙蕾雅擦了擦眼角的泪水,愤怒的说道“我了解的足够多了,但是他呢?” Heard the interrogation of Freya, Kratos shuts tightly the eyes, after silent long time, Kratos serious turning the head, looks that Atreus said child loudly! You listened, I came from a place named Sparta! I and god made a transaction, the price was my Soul... I killed many people, many crimes had odd/surplus Gu's person, many innocent people. I... killed my father!” 听到芙蕾雅的质问,奎托斯紧闭起了双眼,沉默了良久之后,奎托斯严肃的转过头,看着阿特柔斯大声说道“孩子!你听好了,我来自一片叫做斯巴达的地方!我和神做了一个交易,代价就是我的灵魂…我杀死了很多人,很多罪有余辜的人,还有很多无辜的人。我…杀死了我的父亲!” Atreus looks at Kratos at a loss, some do lowering the head of losing work as the god are this? Can move toward this result? Does the son kill oneself mother... or the father?” 阿特柔斯茫然的看着奎托斯,有些失落的低下了头“当神就是这样吗?一定要走向这种结局吗?儿子杀死自己的母亲…或者父亲?” Arrived at the Atreus front, Kratos partly knelt before his body, serious saying „... we will not choose the god who to become we wanted to become, rather than took an old road... I in the past is not your future, all were chosen by you!” 来到了阿特柔斯的面前,奎托斯半跪在他的身前,一脸严肃的说道“不…我们会选择成为我们想要成为的神,而不是走上一条旧路…我的过去不是你的未来,一切由你来选择!” Freya hugged own son, slowly passed through from Kratos and side of Atreus present, in that eyes did not have the pain, without the hatred... some were vacant and empty... as if pulls out the spatial good-for-nothing! 芙蕾雅抱起了自己的儿子,缓缓地从奎托斯阿特柔斯的身边走过,那双眼之中没有痛苦,没有憎恨…有的只是茫然和空洞…仿佛一具被掏空的行尸走肉! Held that corpse, Freya was arriving at the Ash side, looked up Ash did ask you... you to save my child slowly?” 抱着那具尸体,芙蕾雅来到了灰烬的身边,抬起头看着灰烬缓缓地问道“你…你能救救我的孩子吗?” Ash shoots a look at she was embracing Badr, gently sighed light saying „... I unable.” 灰烬瞥了一眼她怀抱着的巴德尔,轻轻的叹了口气淡淡的说道“不…我不能。” Freya deeply looked at Ash, in the mouth put out two characters to lie...” Then, she then leads already the son who died, left this step by step, step by step walks toward the distant place... 芙蕾雅深深地看了一眼灰烬,口中吐出了两个字“撒谎…”说完,她便带着自己已经死去的儿子,一步一步的离开了这了,一步一步的朝着远处走去… After Freya leaves thoroughly, Ash slowly the revolutions is excessive, looks Kratos light saying you know right, even if you saved her, the matter that even if you handle is correct, she will not thank you, she will also hate you, even possibly... said like her retaliates you.” 等到芙蕾雅彻底离开之后,灰烬才缓缓地转过了头,看着奎托斯淡淡的说道“你知道的对吧,就算你救了她,就算你做的事情是正确的,她也不会感激你,她也会憎恨你,甚至可能…像她说的那样报复你。” Kratos stood up the body, gently nods saying that I know, but something... I must do! But now... all finished.” 奎托斯站起了身,轻轻的点了点头说道“我知道,但是有些事情…我必须要做!而现在…一切都结束了。” Ash lifted the head slowly, looks in the sky more and more thick cloud layer, looks falls gently the snowflake that to shake the head saying that from the horizon slowly indifferently not... hot tempered brother, all had not finished, all... just started!” 灰烬缓缓地抬起了头,看着天空中越来越厚的云层,看着从天边缓缓飘落的雪花淡然的摇了摇头说道“不…暴躁老哥,一切还远未结束,一切才…刚刚开始!” Ash felt, this world is yowling, for Badr's death, but the wail..., for Badr's death, was not pure dead to palpitate... this world in the frightened this death! 灰烬感觉到了,这个世界在恸哭,在为巴德尔的死亡而哀鸣…不,不是为了巴德尔的死,是单纯的为了死亡而悸动…这个世界在恐惧这死亡! Atreus arrived at the Ash side, toward looking asked Ash... you to think to sky vision profound Ash this was extremely cruel to Freya? She asked a moment ago you can save Badr, added you to lie, in other words... can you save him? Right?” 阿特柔斯来到了灰烬的身旁,朝着看向天空目光深邃的灰烬问道“灰烬…你是不是觉得这对芙蕾雅来说太过残忍了呢?她刚才问你能不能救活巴德尔,还说你撒谎,也就是说…你能救活他?是吗?” Ash lowers the head slowly, looks that Atreus light saying has not prevented Badr to save her like me, I will not save Badr, this is the matter of principle, as for whether cruel... I do not know, no one knows her present pain besides Freya, no one knows whether Freya once sin needed so to punish. However..., Badr had died like this, this is the fact.” 灰烬缓缓地低下了头,看着阿特柔斯淡淡的说道“就像我没有阻止巴德尔去救她一样,我也不会去救巴德尔,这是原则问题,至于是否残忍…我不知道,除了芙蕾雅之外没人知道她现在的痛苦,也没人知道芙蕾雅曾经的罪孽是否需要如此的惩罚。但是…已经这样了,巴德尔死了,这就是事实。” Kratos deeply inspires, arrived at the Atreus side, put out a hand to pat his shoulder light saying to come the child... we to go home.” 奎托斯深吸了一口气,来到了阿特柔斯的身边,伸出手拍了拍他的肩膀淡淡的说道“来吧孩子…我们该回家了。” Is father...” “是的父亲…” Looks that turns around to walk fathers and sons two that the Ash sudden revolutions is excessive, looks that hangs asks Mímir in Mímir of Kratos waist loudly, you may know that kills the Odin method?” 看着转身就走的父子两个,灰烬突然转过了头,看着挂在奎托斯腰间的密米尔大声问道“密米尔,你可知道杀死奥丁的方法?” The Kratos fathers and sons stopped the footsteps, Mímir is a face panic-stricken looks to ask Ash of this issue. 奎托斯父子停下了脚步,密米尔更是一脸惊骇的看着问出这个问题的灰烬 What do you want to make? The little brother, do you want to kill Odin? This was too difficult, you do not understand...” “你要做什么?小兄弟,你要杀死奥丁吗?这太困难了,你根本不明白…” Also without and other Mímir spoke the words, Ash beckons with the hand, a face indifferent expression said that even, when you I had not given regards...” 还没等密米尔把话说完,灰烬就摆了摆手,一脸无所谓的表情说道“那就算了,你就当我没问好了…”
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