DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1024: Seeking an impossibility

One second remembers 【】 一秒记住【】 The peak of mountain range, Ash is raising the long sword, " cheerful , interested " looks at present this quiet gloomy man, he has wanted to wield a sword impatiently, wants to seem like very strong gods to launch one with this to slaughter! 山峦的顶峰,灰烬提着长剑,兴致盎然的看着眼前这个沉默寡言的阴沉男子,他已经迫不及待的想要挥剑,想要跟这个看起来很强的神明展开一场厮杀了! God of thunder Sol... the Æsir first go-getter! Replaces his god clan to fight up and down the country, the killed enemy are countless! May probably look like a war-god war-god Til who Æsir nominal than 雷神索尔…阿萨神族的第一干将!代替他的神族南征北战,杀死的敌人无数!可比阿萨神族名义上的战神提尔要更像一个战神 Although Ash had not previously seen him, but from the Mímir conversation, can draw a conclusion from many evidences, the present man is a militant bloodthirsty, and slaughters the incomparably zealous fellow to the fight! 虽然灰烬此前从没有见过他,但是从密米尔的言谈之中,从诸多的佐证之中可以得出一个结论,眼前的这个男人是一个好战嗜血,对战斗和杀戮无比热忱的家伙! Has a grudge revenges, without the enmity must look for a matter he to walk in now, actually also in Ash is expected! 有仇就报仇,没仇都要找点事他现在找上门来,其实也在灰烬的预料之中! Although oneself said that has not appeared in what fable, but oneself are not small transparent this stirs the wind to stir the rain after all all the way, only if the Æsir people is a blind person, otherwise is impossible unable to discover that oneself, killed Manny this fellow who let alone could say is the imperial prince sovereign grandson... 自己虽然说没有出现在什么寓言之中,但自己毕竟也不是什么小透明这一路上搅风搅雨的,除非阿萨神族的人都是瞎子,否则不可能发现不了自己,更何况自己还杀死了曼尼这个说得上是皇子皇孙的家伙… ...... …… However what stemming from the Ash anticipation is, god of thunder Sol actually killed Manny to have no opinion regarding oneself, even... did not come to do the frame with oneself! 但是出于灰烬意料的是,雷神索尔却对于自己杀死了曼尼没有任何意见,甚至…都不是来跟自己干架的! Although facial color incomparable gloomy, vision very ice-cold, but Sol actually squeezed out one suddenly is to only look at one makes the person back have the cool smile sufficiently, to Ash friendly saying „... they did not die can only show that they were not very outstanding, the son who can be killed did not match to inherit my war hammer, I did not need son like this.” 虽然面色无比的阴沉,目光非常的冰冷,但是索尔却突然挤出了一个光是看一眼就足以让人脊背发凉的笑容,冲着灰烬‘友善’的说道“不…他们死了只能证明他们不够优秀,能被杀死的儿子不配继承我的战锤,我不需要这样的儿子。” Ash cannot help but shrank the neck, tooth acid looks at Sol in a soft voice twittering to „is really brutal... you is really child's father? Ok, had died in any case, you do not care to me naturally is a good matter, but... you, since is not revenges, what meaning you do block me are? Me do not tell that what you do not look specially my, how do you want to delay time idle talk?” 灰烬不由得缩了缩脖子,牙酸的看着索尔轻声呢喃到“真是无情啊…你真的是孩子的父亲吗?算了,反正已经是死了,你不在意对我来说自然是再好不过的一件事,不过…你既然不是来报仇的,那你拦住我又是什么意思呢?别跟我说什么你不是专门来找我的,你只是想要拖延时间这种废话怎么样?” Sol has not responded to the Ash words, but was leaning the leaning eye that slightly cannot be checked, looked to that tree of not far away... 索尔没有回应灰烬的话,而是微不可查的偏了偏眼睛,看向不远处的那棵树… Ash knitting the brows of gently, following Sol's line of sight, he saw wipes familiar emerald green... the translucent Soul crow has been bending down on the branch, fixes the eyes on here is looking 灰烬轻轻的皱了皱眉,顺着索尔的视线,他看到了一抹熟悉的翠绿…一直半透明的灵魂乌鸦正伏在树枝上,紧盯着这边看 What can this thing also be? Odin informer... this thing, although is the Soul condition, but does not have the fluctuation of Soul, moreover trace that has not had completely, even if Ash if carefully did not look that is still very difficult to discover this thing. 这东西还能是什么呢?奥丁的眼线…这东西虽然是灵魂的状态,但是却没有灵魂的波动,而且完全没有存在的痕迹,就算是灰烬要是不仔细看也很难发现这东西。 What meaning however... does Sol remind oneself this thing now is? Neet avoids the line of sight of Odin to discuss the transaction with oneself to be excusable, does his Sol want to do? Does he also want to avoid the Odin informer as the Odin son? 不过…索尔现在提醒自己这东西在又是什么意思呢?尼特避开奥丁的视线跟自己谈论交易还情有可原,他索尔又想干什么呢?他作为奥丁的儿子也想要避开奥丁的眼线吗? Although is somewhat flabbergasted to Odin this favor light, but there is no relations with oneself, since he wants to chat, that will chat does not have few several jin (0.5 kg) meat in any case! 虽然对奥丁这一家人情淡薄有些咋舌,但是这跟自己没有什么关系,既然他想要聊天,那就聊呗反正有不会少几斤肉! Thinks of here, Ash lifted raised the hand to refer to gently, a flame appearance with no trace, only bent down the spirit body crow elimination on branch that. 想到这里,灰烬轻轻的抬了抬手指,一道火光不着痕迹的出现,将那只伏在树枝上的灵体乌鸦消灭。 After eliminating the Odin informer, Ash interested has turned the head to look asking that a Sol face ponders „, therefore... present? Are you willing to open the mouth?”... 消灭了奥丁的眼线之后,灰烬饶有兴趣的转过头看着索尔一脸玩味的问道“所以…现在呢?你肯开口了吗?”… Sol lifted oneself clothes slowly, revealed not to fight the hammer in the short of waist, Manny and dazzling electric light from fighting the hammer glitters, wrapped Sol whole person... 索尔缓缓地掀开了自己的衣服,露出了别在腰间的一把短柄战锤,比曼尼和摩迪更加耀眼的电光从战锤之上闪烁而出,将索尔整个人包裹了起来… However Ash on Sol's body had not discovered sign that as before any he wants to fight, is only comes out to look to oneself probably brightly 但是灰烬依旧没有在索尔的身上发现任何他想要战斗的迹象,就好像只是亮出来给自己看一看而已 You know that what this is?” “你知道这是什么吗?” Ash from fighting the hammer transferred to the vision Sol's face, nod of gently I know, the hammer of your weapon god of thunder, Mjölnir... calls this right!” 灰烬将目光从战锤移到了索尔的脸上,轻轻的点了点头“我知道,你的武器雷神之锤,妙尔尼尔…是叫这个对吧!” Sol's nod of gently, put out a hand to extract this glittering thunder light the war hammer, grasped sized up unemotional saying after the hand up and down „, hammering of Mjölnir god of thunder, grasped this to fight the hammer, I was the god of thunder, but... I am somewhat sick it now!” 索尔轻轻的点了点头,伸出手抽出了这把闪烁着雷光的战锤,握在手中上下打量了一番之后面无表情的说道“是的,雷神之锤妙尔尼尔,握着这柄战锤,我就是雷神,但是…我现在对它有些厌烦了!” „? Was the god of thunder sick of the hammer of own god of thunder? How do you want? Changes a weapon? Changes into... the god of thunder battle axe? What does the god of thunder fight blade?” “哦?雷神厌烦了自己的雷神之锤?那你想怎么样呢?换一把武器?换成…雷神战斧?或者雷神战刃什么的?” Yes, I want to trade, how changes into... big god manifesto grid Neil you to feel?” “是啊,我想换一把,就换成…大神宣言冈格尼尔你觉得怎么样?” Gently crooked the head, Ash looks does not seem like in Sol of cracking a joke, confirmed in a soft voice you meant you do want your father's weapon? In other words... you want to obtain the kings of his god, the father's of Various God position!” 轻轻的歪了歪脑袋,灰烬看着不像是在开玩笑的索尔,轻声确认到“你的意思是说你想要得到你父亲的武器?也就是说…你想获得他众神之王,诸神之父的地位!” Sol's shrugging gently, the backhand will fight the hammer not to return to own waist, then the corners of the mouth bent a different kind smile, staring is staring at Ash just as you said that but... took his son, I cannot murder the father personally, otherwise who is also willing to obey in me? Perhaps you can help, you do, right?” 索尔轻轻的耸了耸肩,反手将战锤别回了自己的腰间,然后嘴角弯起了一丝别样的笑容,直勾勾的盯着灰烬“正如你所说,但是…作为他的儿子,我不能亲手弑父啊,否则的话还有谁愿意服从于我呢?也许你可以帮我这个忙,你做的到,对吗?” Rubs own chin, is listening to Sol who Ash teased to express this dangerous opinion, was saying to be words that the person of child official should not speak absolutely. 揉着自己的下巴,灰烬戏谑的听着索尔发表这番危险言论,说着身为人子人臣绝对不应该说的话。 Sol does not worry, stands in the Ash front, static looks at Ash... 索尔也不着急,就这么站在灰烬的面前,静静的看着灰烬 After silent long time, Ash deeply sighs, helpless shakes the head saying that who knows the families after all is a god king of side! But I am only an insignificant mortal, why even can I help your me probably help you? What advantage does this have to me?” 沉默了良久之后,灰烬深深地叹了一口气,无奈的摇了摇头说道“谁知道呢人家毕竟是一方的神王啊!而我只是一个无足轻重的凡人而已,就算我可以帮助你我又为什么要帮助你呢?这对我有又什么好处呢?” What do you want? How many beautiful women... drinks not the good wine with not the wealth...... or an god position you feel how? So long as you helped me kill Odin, making me the god king, you wanted anything!” “你想要什么呢?用不尽的财富…喝不尽的美酒…几个美艳的女人…或者一个神位你觉得怎么样?只要你帮我杀死了奥丁,让我成为神王,你想要什么都可以!” Although Sol's tone is light and sincere, however Ash Soul sensation actually 虽然索尔的语气非常的平淡且真诚,但是灰烬灵魂感知却无时无刻 1 second remember 【】 0一秒记住【】 No longer told Ash, he is lying! 不再告诉灰烬,他在撒谎! These that he pledged, each few words, each character was the lie, he did not plan to give itself the things of these commitments, he just wants to empty glove white wolf, even to finally, will also defect will kill also perhaps... 他所承诺的这些,每一句话,每一个字都是谎言,他根本不打算将这些承诺的东西送给自己,他只不过是想空手套白狼,甚至到了最后,还会反水将自己杀死也说不定… Although knows that he is deceiving himself, but is chatting sees through his lie is not quite a little good, moreover is also very senseless! 虽然知道他在欺骗自己,但是正聊着天呢就拆穿他的谎言有点不太好,而且也很无趣! „The thing that I want is not these conventions thing, I want, was the authority of this world death, can you give me it?” “我想要的东西可不是这些俗套的玩意,我想要的,是这个世界死亡的权柄,你能把它给我吗?” In any case is spatial glove white wolf, Sol never imagined to nod to comply with wanting to have a lion's share Ash directly naturally, I said that so long as you are willing to help me, you want anything to be good! The Odin head/number of people falls to the ground, the authority of death I naturally can offer! What's wrong? Did we finalize?”... 反正是空手套白狼,索尔想都没想就直接点头答应了狮子大开口的灰烬“当然,我说了,只要你肯帮我,你想要什么都行!奥丁的人头落地,死亡的权柄我自然会奉上!如何?我们成交了吗?”… Looks at Sol is that dead face, how many Ash laughed as before, then pulls a long face saying that coldly you to think that fiercely I am an idiot? The authority of death, you gave me at least some, I am willing to believe you, after all your Æsir prestige... somewhat made one scoff, I was really somewhat untrustworthy you!” 看着索尔依旧是那张死人脸,灰烬哈哈大笑了几声,然后猛地绷起脸冷冷的说道“你觉得我是蠢货吗?死亡的权柄,你最起码给我一些,我才肯相信你,毕竟你们阿萨神族的信誉…有些让人耻笑,我实在是有些信不过你啊!” Do you empty glove white wolf on permits? Can't I also wrap/sets one set? Spatial glove white wolf who cannot! You want to wrap/sets of my me to wrap/sets of your... us to look that who is first wrapping 就许你空手套白狼?不许我也套一套?空手套白狼谁不会啊!你想套我我就套你的…咱们就看谁先套着 ...... …… Sol looks Ash that a face teased, somewhat cannot help but angry... anybody not to dare to be in front of his to speak this words, not to mention a mortal! 索尔看着一脸戏谑的灰烬,不由得有些恼怒从来没有…从来没有任何人敢当着他的面说这种话,更别提一个凡人了! If this at other times, no matter first hits is not victorious, certainly is comes up to give him a hammer! However now not good... now is not good... 这要是在其他的时候,先不管打不打得过,一定是上去就给他一锤子!但是现在不行…现在不行啊… Sol suppresses murderous aura and anger in heart, deeply looked at Ash, nod of then slightly may not check, clenching jaws said in a low voice well „! According to you said! However I now am also not the god king, without the means gives you authority directly, but where I can tell the authority that you died, you can take! What kind of?” 索尔强忍住心中的杀气和怒火,深深地看了一眼灰烬,然后微不可查的点了点头,咬牙切齿的低声说道“好!就按你说的来!不过我现在还不是神王,没办法直接将权柄给你,但是我可以告诉你死亡的权柄在什么地方,你可以自己去取!怎么样?” Ash rubs to pinch the chin, thought insincerely, actually has blossomed at heart happily, oneself are also tries, chatted meets the day the time... not to think that really wrapped unexpectedly! You said that this who can want to obtain 灰烬揉捏着下巴,假意思索了起来,其实心里已经乐开了花,自己也不过就是试试而已,聊会天的功夫…没想到竟然真的套到了!你说这谁能想得到啊 Put on airs hypocritically, Ash was smacking the lips, exhibits one not to have the expression of means saying that with you good good, such being the case also can only first, consider to give in to you to make you like this friend to be good, who asked me to like becoming friends? Said 假惺惺的装模作样了一番,灰烬咂着嘴,摆出一副拿你没办法的表情说道“好吧好吧,既然如此也只能先这样了,就当是迁就你了交你个朋友好了,谁叫我这个人爱交朋友呢?说吧” Sol's corners of the mouth twitched slightly, hide the hand under cloak have gripped the fist, gripped stubbornly, so long as if Ash dares to turn around is a hammer... 索尔的嘴角微微抽动,藏在披风之下的手已经攥成了拳头,攥的死死,仿佛只要灰烬敢转过身就是一锤子… Deeply inspires, Sol says slowly in Neil Fuhai... the country of fog, Odin once hid anything there, should be part of death authority, if you want, look, but... you, obtained the thing that you want, you must help me get rid of Odin! This is our transactions! The later part, I will give you after to become the god king! However if you break a promise...” 深吸了一口气,索尔缓缓地开口说道“在尼尔福海姆…雾之国,奥丁曾经将什么东西藏在了那里,应该就是死亡权柄的一部分了,如果你想要的话,就得自己去找,但是…你记好了,得到你想要的东西,你就得帮助我干掉奥丁!这是我们的交易!之后的一部分,我会在成为神王之后交给你!但是你如果失信…” Also without and other Sol spoke the words, Ash on a face impatient expression, beckons with the hand expected frivolous saying to know you do make me taste the anger of gods? What can trade an excuse... your group of people also to be left over besides the anger? You feel relieved! So long as you are willing to keep the promise, I will not go back on word!” 还没等索尔把话说完,灰烬就一脸不耐烦的表情,摆了摆手预期轻佻的说道“知道知道你就让我尝尝神明的怒火是吧?能不能换一句说辞啊…你们这群人除了怒火还剩下点什么?你放心吧!只要你肯信守诺言,我就不会食言的!” Naturally the premise is he can keep the promise, but Ash is very clear, this is impossible, therefore oneself go back on word is also the matter in reason 当然前提是他能信守诺言,但是灰烬很清楚,这是不可能的,所以自己食言也是情理之中的事情嘛 Deeply inspires, Sol's numerous nods, slowly the revolutions is excessive the preparation to leave, however before departure, Saltoun, has turned the head to look that Ash light saying kills the Odin method, you could ask that head/number of people.” 深吸了一口气,索尔重重的点了点头,缓缓地转过了头准备离开,但是在离开之前,索尔顿了顿,转过头看着灰烬淡淡的说道“杀死奥丁的方法,你也许可以去问问那颗人头。” Speaks, Sol in without a trace that in intermittent thunderous vanishes, vanishes to disappear from the summit... 说完话,索尔就在阵阵的雷鸣之中消失的无影无踪,从山顶消失不见了… Gazes after Sol to leave, the corners of the mouth of Ash rise slightly, a face ponders licked the lip, Neil Fuhai... the country of fog? Interesting 目送着索尔离开,灰烬的嘴角微微上扬,一脸玩味的舔了舔嘴唇,尼尔福海姆…雾之国吗?有意思 Drew out something from Sol mouth, Ash is well satisfied, although without getting one makes Ash somewhat regrettable, but said no matter how has harvested on the line! Moreover deceived the feeling of gods to be possible killing them is more interesting. 从索尔嘴里套出了一些东西,灰烬已经是心满意足了,虽然没有打上一架让灰烬有些遗憾,但是不管怎么说有所收获就行!而且愚弄神明的感觉可比杀死他们有意思多了。 For a long time without causes bad Ash now is really refreshing, after oneself crisply , was also the time cares about that fathers and sons two 好久没有这么使过坏的灰烬现在真的是神清气爽,自己爽到了之后,也是时候去关心一下那父子两个了 Then, the Ash revolutions is slowly excessive, looks to the mountain peak, although here said that is not nine highest mountains, but after all is also the Midgard highest mountain peak, field of vision that is very good! Has turned the head following the Soul sensation, Ash looks at the direction that Kratos they were. 说罢,灰烬缓缓地转过了头,看向山峰之下,这里虽然说不是九界最高的山,但毕竟也是米德加尔特最高的山峰,视野那是非常的好!顺着灵魂感知转过头去,灰烬将目光转向了奎托斯他们所在的方向。 Passes on hot hero the travel of dimension 传火侠的次元之旅 Dear, this chapter has ended, wish you to read happily! 0 亲,本章已完,祝您阅读愉快!0
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