DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1023: Walking in

Ash lifted itself to put the head of ground slowly, in the small eye was full of the big doubts! Lies, in the ground looks that stands is hugging Atreus of Mímir head before oneself... 灰烬缓缓地抬起了自己扑在地上的脑袋,小小的眼睛里充满了大大的疑惑!就这么趴在地上看着站在自己面前抱着密米尔脑袋的阿特柔斯… Stared at some round of being afraid/painful Atreus to hit to tremble by Ash, looks that look strange Ash did ask „? You spoke words actually! Like this visits me strangely... scary!” 灰烬盯得有些发憷的阿特柔斯打了个寒颤,看着神色诡异的灰烬问道“到底怎么了?你倒是说句话啊!这样看着我…怪吓人的!” Ash opens mouth, the chin child top supports in Ash both hands that the ground... quite a while slow the god had come, slipped to stand from the ground, arrived at the Atreus front, circled this Atreus to turn circle... 灰烬张了张嘴,下巴颏子顶在了地上…半天才缓过神来的灰烬双手撑地,一个出溜从地上站了起来,走到了阿特柔斯的面前,绕这阿特柔斯转起了圈… Transfers while pinches the chin to inquire in a soft voice you said a moment ago... your also name was Loki... right? Then you are actually a giant... right?” 一边转一边捏着下巴轻声询问道“你刚才说…你还有一个名字叫洛基…对吧?然后你其实是一个巨人…对吧?” Was shaken fainted Atreus to nod quickly volume by Ash... truly is this right, my mother gives my name, in the fable on dike my name was Loki... me is half giant, half giant half god...” 快被灰烬晃晕了的阿特柔斯点了点头“额…确实是这样没错,我母亲给我的名字,还有岩壁上的寓言里我的名字就叫洛基…不过我是半巨人,半巨人半神…” Ash stood firm the footsteps, stood in the Atreus or Loki front, deeply inspires, the hand according to his shoulder, fixed the eyes on the small look that he is having doubts fiercely, opened mouth to laugh! 灰烬站定了脚步,站在了阿特柔斯或者说洛基的面前,深深地吸了一口气,猛地将手按在了他的肩膀上,紧盯着他疑惑的小眼神,张开嘴哈哈大笑了起来! Looks to laugh wildly Ash incessantly, has stopped the footsteps the Kratos revolutions to be excessive, looks that what Ash did ask you to smile? What incorrect place does this name have?” 看着狂笑不止的灰烬,已经停住脚步的奎托斯转过了头,看着灰烬问道“你在笑什么?这个名字有什么不对的地方吗?” Heard this saying, Ash quickly held in smiling, has turned the head to look that Kratos beckoned with the hand again and again, suppresses is smiling uncomfortable saying not... no, the good name, before I suddenly thought me , a person who knew, the fellow also called Loki... to remember his me to smile, hiss... also let alone, your son also really very looked like that fellow! Especially rampant time also has bad breath others time!” 听到这话,灰烬急忙憋住了笑,转过头看着奎托斯连连摆手,憋着笑难受的说道“没…没什么,挺好的名字,我只是突然想起来我以前认识的一个人,那家伙也叫洛基…一想起他我就想笑,嘶…还别说,你儿子还真挺像那个家伙的!尤其是嚣张的时候还有嘴臭别人的时候!” Oh, sounding that fellow also is really very loathful!” “哇哦,听起来那个家伙还真是挺讨人厌的!” Has turned the head to look at Atreus, Ash could not bear again, tittered one to smile again, is nodding to look that the Atreus present said you said right... that fellow was truly repugnant! However I estimated that your father corrected you, after your boy, meets and him is equally repugnant!” 转过头看着阿特柔斯,灰烬再也忍不住了,再一次噗嗤一声笑了出来,点着头看着阿特柔斯说道“你说的没错…那家伙确实蛮讨厌的!不过我估计要不是你老爹把你纠正了过来,你小子以后会跟他一样讨厌!” Atreus knitting the brows of gently, somewhat disgruntled saying I will not turn into the loathful fellow! If you are running into that pest named Loki you said that best make him change name!” 阿特柔斯轻轻的皱了皱眉,有些不悦的说道“我才不会变成让人讨厌的家伙呢!你如果在遇到你说的那个叫洛基的讨厌鬼,最好让他改个名字!” Ash is looking for anything, while nods again and again, thief said with a smile certainly certainly! I passed certainly on to him! Hehehe 灰烬一边寻摸着什么,一边连连点头,贼兮兮的笑着说道“一定一定!我一定转告他!嘿嘿嘿” Spoke this saying, Ash puts out a hand, pulled out from the backpack own cell phone, places backpack inside cell phone stemming from the time static window, therefore electricity, although here does not have the signal, but Ash does not need to telephone with it now 说这话,灰烬一伸手,将自己的手机从背包之中掏了出来,放在背包里面的手机出于时间静止的窗台,所以还有电,虽然这里没有信号,但是灰烬现在也不需要用它打电话 Gathered the Atreus side, Ash put out a hand to seize his small face, while opened the photograph function of cell phone, oneself seized came one to oneself and by Atreus who 凑到了阿特柔斯的身边,灰烬一边伸出手掐住了他的小脸,一边打开了手机的拍照功能,给自己和被自己掐住的阿特柔斯来了一张 Satisfaction is watching the picture in hand, the corners of the mouth of Ash brought back a pondering smile „are really interesting, then must watch to them this picture 满意的看着手中的照片,灰烬的嘴角勾起了一丝玩味的笑容“真是太有意思了,回头一定要把这张照片给他们看一看” Looks does not know why Ash, Kratos selected the eyebrow to ask you to do gently?” 看着不知道在干什么的灰烬,奎托斯轻轻的挑了挑眉问道“你到底在干什么?” Ash received the cell phone, then beckons with the hand saying that nothing kept as a commemoration! Does not need to care not to need to care! You are not rushes home walk walk, do not waste the time!” 灰烬收起了手机,然后摆了摆手说道“没什么只是留个纪念而已!不必在意不必在意!你们不是赶着回家的嘛走吧走吧,不要浪费时间了!” Speaks, Ash on hopping along toward reneging on a promise the Midgard direction walked, stays behind the Kratos fathers and sons who a face compelled ignorant also to have Mímir that slow the god had just come... 说完话,灰烬就一蹦一跳的朝着反悔米德加尔特的方向走了过去,留下了一脸懵逼的奎托斯父子还有刚刚缓过神来的密米尔 Looks at incomparably joyful Ash, Atreus rubbed itself just by Ash is pinching the small face, the doubts crooked head whisper say/way „was this strange fellow... up to mischief in a soft voice?” 看着无比愉悦的灰烬,阿特柔斯揉了揉自己刚刚被灰烬掐着的小脸,疑惑的歪了歪脑袋轻声嘀咕道“这个奇怪的家伙…到底在搞什么鬼啊?” Kratos helpless sighing, hugged the Mímir head in bosom to hang the waist Atreus, 奎托斯无奈的叹了一口气,将阿特柔斯抱在怀中的密米尔脑袋挂回了腰间, Tapped the Atreus head to say he said right, we should go home... to walk the child.” 拍了拍阿特柔斯的脑袋说道“他说的没错,我们该回家了…走吧孩子。” Atreus nod of gently, has turned away looked at an behind mountain finally, deeply inspires to say is father, we go home!” 阿特柔斯轻轻的点了点头,转过脸最后看了一眼身后的高山,深深地吸了一口气说道“是的父亲,我们回家吧!” ...... …… Without walking two steps, in the end place of mountain road, Kratos and Atreus looks to arrive before transmitting the gate, is turning away from their Ash... 没走两步,就在山路的尽头处,奎托斯阿特柔斯就看到了站在传送门之前,背对着他们的灰烬 Atreus this/Ben wants to run to ask matter well about that pest Loki, was actually blocked getting down by Kratos and so on children, matter some are not right!” 阿特柔斯本想跑过去好好问问关于那个讨厌鬼洛基的事情,却被奎托斯一把拦了下来“等等孩子,事情有些不对劲!” Keen Kratos is focusing on the Ash back, looks at the Ash back after behind the finger of rhythm, feels different imposing manners that Ash is sending out from top to bottom, Kratos gently narrowed the eye... 敏锐的奎托斯紧盯着灰烬的背影,看着灰烬背在身后律动的手指,感受着灰烬浑身上下散发出的不一样的气势,奎托斯轻轻的眯起了眼睛… Ash this condition he has seen, is not other time, the first time is he met with Ash begins to fight, the Ash preparation to Manny and begins... 灰烬这个状态他见过,不是别的时候,就是他跟灰烬第一次见面动手打架的时候,还有灰烬准备对曼尼和摩迪动手的时候… Jane single summary, is the time of running into the gods, Ash will have this performance... in other words, gods who Ash runs into now! 单的概括一下,就是遇到神明的时候,灰烬就会有这种表现…换句话说,灰烬现在遇到的神明! Kratos believes firmly very much, lets Ash shows so the facial expression is not or Atreus, but in another end of transmission gate, in Midgard that end! 奎托斯很确信,让灰烬露出如此神情的不会是自己或者阿特柔斯,而是在传送门的另一端,在米德加尔特那一端! Is protecting Atreus, Kratos from own behind extracted own battle axe, step by step cautious walked in the direction that the transmission gate is at! 护着阿特柔斯,奎托斯从自己的身后抽出了自己的战斧,一步一步小心翼翼的朝着传送门所在的方向走了过去! Arrived at the Ash body side, Kratos also had him to protect after behind Atreus also saw finally, was anything makes Ash stop the footsteps, who or... was! 来到了灰烬的身侧,奎托斯还有他护在身后的阿特柔斯也终于看到了,是什么让灰烬停下了脚步,或者说…是谁! Two person's shadows stand and wait for a long time impressively in another end of transmission gate, old acquaintance, was thrown by them in Hull Heym's Badr a! 两个人影赫然伫立在传送门的另一端,其中一个还是老熟人,正是被他们扔在赫尔海姆的巴德尔! At this time a Badr face manic paces in the side of another person about, probably is saying anything discontentedly! 此时巴德尔正一脸狂躁的在另一个人的身边左右踱步,好像非常不满的说着什么! Saw that the Kratos fathers and sons came finally, Badr quickly stood firm the footsteps, discontented will ok cover the solid big man to shout to his side that „! They appeared, did you satisfy? Can we go in?” 看到奎托斯父子终于现身了,巴德尔急忙站定了脚步,不满的冲着他身旁那个将自己捂得严严实实的高大男子喊道“好了!他们出现了,你满意了吗?我们可以进去了吗?” That big man has not paid attention to Badr, without the meaning of advance, on the contrary, he will also draw back two slowly in the future... 那个高大的男子没有理会巴德尔,没有前进的意思,相反,他还缓缓地往后退了两步… Badr yelled one agitated, then follows self-effacingly he, in the future will draw back several steps 巴德尔烦躁的喊叫了一声,然后摇头晃脑的跟着他,往后退了几步 In which meaning is not naturally no need to say much, had what words to come out to say! 其中的含义自然是不必多说,有什么话出来说! Ash shot a look at Kratos and Atreus that stands in own side, the corners of the mouth bring back slightly, crooked the head said that others are inviting us! Walks 灰烬瞥了一眼站在自己身侧的奎托斯阿特柔斯,嘴角微微勾起,歪了歪脑袋说道“人家在邀请咱们呢!走吧” Speaks, Ash then took the lead to start to walk the footsteps, walked toward transmission gate that side Midgard! 说完话,灰烬便率先迈开了脚步,朝着传送门那一边的米德加尔特走了过去! Careful, hides in my behind! Obeys my instruction!” “小心一点,躲在我的身后!听从我的指示!” Is father!” “是的父亲!” Speaks, Kratos also led Atreus to follow Ash to leave the transmission gate, returned to Midgard! 说完话,奎托斯也带着阿特柔斯跟着灰烬离开了传送门,回到了米德加尔特 After both sides stand firm, stands Badr in not far away extends the hand to point at present one group, they transmit the gate behind, very discontented shouted to shout now they to come out? Did you satisfy? I told you, they are immaterial! What we want is this transmission gate to Jotunheim!” 双方站定之后,站在不远处的巴德尔伸出手指着眼前的一行人,还有他们身后的传送门,非常不满的嚷嚷道“现在他们出来了?你满意了吗?我都跟你说了,他们已经无关紧要了!我们要的是这个通往约顿海姆的传送门!” The men keep silent as before, but static looks at Ash, does not pay attention to Badr who the side boasts... 男子依旧默不作声,只是静静的看着灰烬,毫不理会身边咋咋呼呼的巴德尔… Stood narrows the eye in Ash body side Kratos slowly, these two people without doubt were the Æsir people, their goals were behind Jotunheim, but in Jotunheim had the secret, cannot make them see absolutely! 站在灰烬身侧的奎托斯缓缓地眯起了眼睛,这两个人无疑就是阿萨神族的人,他们的目标就是身后的约顿海姆,但是约顿海姆之中藏有秘密,是绝对不能让他们看到的! Thinks of here, Kratos to Ash said in a low voice finds the way to destroy this transmission gate!” 想到这里,奎托斯冲着灰烬低声说道“想办法摧毁这个传送门!” Ash narrowed the eye, responded to you to determine in a soft voice?” 灰烬眯了眯眼睛,轻声回应道“你确定?” Kratos was only nod of gently, Ash then twisted the mouth sidewise the mouth, hehe smiled getting up this to really be... the dramatic transition! I like!” 奎托斯只是轻轻的点了点头,灰烬便咧开了嘴,嘿嘿的笑了起来“这可真是…戏剧性的转折啊!我非常喜欢!” Finishes speaking, the Ash then uphold hand fast, a fist hammer above behind stone door, with a loud sound, the entire stone door started to collapse, above transmits rune/symbol writing, the opened transmission gate changes to wisp of light smoke, in an instant on disappearance without a trace... 话音刚落,灰烬便飞快的抬起手,一拳锤在了身后的石门之上,随着一声巨响,整个石门就开始坍塌,上面的传送符文,还有已经打开的传送门化作一缕青烟,转眼就消失的无影无踪… Saw Ash to destroy the transmission gate, Badr could not repress thoroughly, erupted thoroughly, angry exclaiming they guarded a door to destroy! You hear not to have! They going to the Jotunheim only front door destroyed! What to do now can? How you must explain to the father!” 看到灰烬摧毁了传送门,巴德尔彻底按捺不住,彻底的爆发了出来,愤怒的吼道“他们把门毁了!你听到没有!他们把前往约顿海姆唯一的大门摧毁了!现在要怎么办?你要怎么跟父亲解释!” Wore the man of black robe finally some response, after raising the head shot a look at a Badr, saying that coldly now I decide, here was not one's turn you to interrupt!” 身穿黑袍的男子终于有了一点反应,抬起头瞥了一眼巴德尔之后,冷冷的说道“现在我说了算,这里轮不到你插嘴!” Speaking, the male revolutions is excessive, looks at Kratos fathers and sons two light saying of not far away transmission gate secondary, that child is the key is, holds that child, this is the opportunity that you make up for one's faults by good deeds, is your for the last time opportunity!” 说完话,男子转过了头,看着不远处的奎托斯父子两个淡淡的说道“传送门是次要的,那个孩子才是关键所在,把那个孩子抓住,这是你将功补过的机会,也是你最后一次机会!” Badr's discontented low roared, but is step by step also has the direction that Atreus to rush over to Kratos! 巴德尔不满的低吼了一声,但还是一步一步的冲着奎托斯还有阿特柔斯所在的方向冲了过去! Ash has not paid attention to them, but static looks that at present stands and waits for a long time motionless the man as before oneself... 灰烬没有理会他们,只是静静的看着眼前依旧伫立在自己面前一动不动的男人… Kratos and Atreus was attacked by Badr, three people go toward the mountain whereabouts, does not know, will have anything. 奎托斯阿特柔斯被巴德尔袭击,三人就这么朝着山下落去,不知道之后会发生什么。 But Ash as before static looks to stand before oneself the fellow, although does not know that who he is, but said no matter how, this man always gives a Ash probably very fierce feeling... 灰烬依旧静静的看着站在自己面前的这个家伙,虽然不知道他是谁,但是不管怎么说,这个男人总给灰烬一种好像很厉害的感觉… Selected the eyebrow gently, asking that a Ash face teased „, therefore... what is your name? You look helplessly I destroy the transmission gate that you wanted, gave Badr that child, you? Do you want to do?” 轻轻的挑了挑眉,灰烬一脸戏谑的问道“所以…你贵姓啊?你眼睁睁的看着我摧毁了你们想要的传送门,又把那个孩子交给了巴德尔,那你呢?你又想要干什么呢?” The big man lifted the head slowly, what kind of eyes revealed hid under the hood that gloomy face... that is pair of! Untender, only has one piece indifferent and cruel... 高大的男子缓缓地抬起了头,露出了藏在兜帽之下那副阴郁的面庞…那是一双怎样的双眼!毫无感情,只有一片冷漠和残忍… Men gently crooked head, looks saying that Ash ponders you should know who I am, after all... was you killed my son, not?” 男子轻轻的歪了歪脑袋,看着灰烬玩味的说道“你应该知道我是谁,毕竟…就是你杀死了我的儿子,不是吗?” Said that Ash killed his son, he sad feeling does not have, as if when discussing two strangers general... not, even the stranger, is producing the person discussed their death will have the fluctuations of some mood, but this person... did not have! 说道灰烬杀死了他的儿子,他却一点伤心的感觉都没有,仿佛在谈论两个陌生人一般…不,就算是陌生人,正产人谈论到他们的死亡时都会有些许情绪的波动,但是这个人…没有! Ash selected the eyebrow gently, spread out the palm to this fellow, grasped a long sword, partly narrows the eyes to ask „, therefore you were that god of thunder Sol... I truly killed your son, in other words... you come to revenge for your unlucky son now?” 灰烬轻轻的挑了挑眉,冲着这个家伙摊开了手掌,抓起了一把长剑,半眯缝着双眼问道“啊所以你就是那个雷神索尔…我确实杀死了你的一个儿子,也就是说…你现在是来为你的倒霉儿子报仇的吗?”
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