DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1022: Fable of death

Atreus transfers is excessive, looked that to direction that Ash refers, really... there also had mural together to be covered by the cotton material! Ran urgently, Atreus puts out a hand, pulled from the mural the cotton material! 阿特柔斯转过了头,看向灰烬所指的方向,确实…那里还有一块壁画被布料遮挡了起来!火急火燎的跑了过去,阿特柔斯伸出手,一把将布料从壁画之上扯了下来! With falling gently of cotton material, the so-called fable that this was hidden... presents in Atreus and the others the front... 随着布料的飘落,这块被隐藏起来的所谓寓言…呈现在了阿特柔斯等人的面前… Whole piece dike..., only then a picture, told a solemn and stirring story! Above the mural, Atreus kneels down, in the bosom is hugging... pours in ground Kratos! 一整张岩壁…只有一幅画,讲述了一个悲壮的故事!壁画之上,阿特柔斯跪倒在地,怀中抱着的…正是倒在地上的奎托斯 The fearful story, Kratos died, died in the Atreus bosom, Atreus unbelievable backed up two steps, covered being quiet whole body to shiver! 可怕的故事,奎托斯死了,死在了阿特柔斯的怀中,阿特柔斯难以置信的倒退了两步,捂住嘴浑身颤抖了起来! He cannot believe the present all these! In their fables, has his father's death to the fable finally unexpectedly, moreover dies in his front, pours in his bosom! 他不敢相信眼前的这一切!发生在他们身上的寓言,到最后竟然寓言出他父亲的死,而且就死在他的面前,倒在他的怀中! You looked that this is the destiny that you want? The destiny... looks like the shepherd to be the same! But you... the shepherd are stipulated by the lamb that he reared in a pen when the lamb can graze, when should shave the wool, when must die! But the lambs actually did not know, all these were arranged by the destiny. Now the small lamb, you knew this point, how do you want to do?” “你看这就是你想要的命运吗?命运啊…就像是牧羊人一样!而你们就是被他圈养的羔羊…牧羊人规定了羔羊什么时候可以吃草,什么时候该剃毛,什么时候要死!而羔羊们却丝毫不自知,这一切都是被命运安排的。现在小羊羔,你知道了这一点,你要怎么做呢?” Kratos is frowning to stare at Ash, then the anxious revolutions is excessive, care looks Atreus... stared at Ash spread out the hand, a face indifferent expression said that I told the facts 奎托斯皱着眉头盯了一眼灰烬,然后急切的转过了头,关心的看着阿特柔斯…被盯了的灰烬摊开了手,一脸无所谓的表情说道“我只是实话实说而已” You said that... all these had been changed, right?” Atreus lifted the head suddenly, looked that to the Kratos hand is raising Mímir, asking that one cuts irritable you me told that... this above fable had been changed because of the appearance of Ash, right? Yes such right! My father will not die, right!” “你说…这一切已经被改变了,是吗?”阿特柔斯突然抬起了头,看向奎托斯手中提着的密米尔,一脸急切的问道“你跟我说…这上面的寓言已经因为灰烬的出现而被改变了,是吗?是这样对吧!我的父亲不会死了,对吧!” I... I...” Mímir looks Atreus who a face hopes, somewhat rough saying I... I do not know, can only say this possibility, finally how I do not know can. After all although Ash changed, but most fables on mural realized...” “我…我…”密米尔看着一脸期许的阿特柔斯,有些磕磕绊绊的说道“我…我也不知道,只能说有这种可能性,我也不知道最后会怎么样。毕竟灰烬虽然改变了一些,但是壁画上的大部分寓言还是都实现了的…” The Atreus breath was gradually loud, lowers the head flurried about paces, while is talking over in a low voice to... said right, mother makes us come to here to let us sees these, to let us changes all these! I cannot... unable to make this matter happen!” 阿特柔斯的呼吸逐渐粗重了起来,低下头一边慌乱的左右踱步,一边低声念叨着“对…说的没错,母亲让我们来这里就是为了让我们看到这些,为了让我们改变这一切!我决不能…决不能让这种事发生!” Kratos shoots a look at that mural that fable died, went to front of the anxious Atreus present directly, puts out a hand shoulder that held down he to shiver slightly, serious saying child, calm!” 奎托斯瞥了一眼寓言自己死去的那一幅壁画,径直来到了不安的阿特柔斯面前,伸出手按住了他微微颤抖的肩膀,严肃的说道“孩子,冷静一点!” On that said that you died!” Atreus lifted the head fiercely, the tearful eyes sees oneself father dimly, bringing the weeping voice saying that I... I do not want to make you die! I do not want to make all these happen! I...” “那上面说你死了!”阿特柔斯猛地抬起了头,泪眼朦胧的看着自己的父亲,带着哭腔说道“我…我不想让你死!我不想让这一切发生!我…” I am also living... I also live well, calm.” “我还活着…我还活的好好的,冷静一点。” The Atreus deep breath two, returned to normal oneself mood, looks that my father serious saying I will not make you die! I...” 阿特柔斯深呼吸了两下,将自己的心情平复了下来,看着自己的父亲一脸严肃的说道“我不会让你死的!我…” At this point, Atreus transfers is excessive, serious looks at Ash to ask Ash, you said that... you are the person who revolts against the destiny, did you succeed?” 说到这里,阿特柔斯转过了头,严肃的看着灰烬问道“灰烬,你说…你是反抗命运的人,你成功了吗?” Ash interested crooked head, looks incomparable serious Atreus who the small face collapses, chuckle said this does have the relations with you? What do I revolt against destiny result... to have so-called? Difficult to be inadequate I to be defeated you to prepare to accept fate?” 灰烬饶有兴趣的歪了歪脑袋,看着小脸崩的无比严肃的阿特柔斯,轻笑一声说道“这跟你有关系吗?我反抗命运成功与否…有什么所谓吗?难不成我失败了你就准备认命吗?” Atreus numerous nods of you said right, no matter what, I will not give up, I must make my father live! I will not make him die in my front! Not!” 阿特柔斯重重的点了点头“你说的没错,不管怎么样,我都不会放弃的,我一定要让我的父亲活下来!我不会让他死在我的面前!决不!” The Atreus body no longer shivers, originally in eyes confused was also replaced by the firmness, looks at so firm Atreus, Kratos nod of gently, patted his shoulder to stand up saying that walked, your mother's last wish we have not completed...” 阿特柔斯的身体不再颤抖,原本双眼之中的迷茫也被坚定所取代,看着如此坚定的阿特柔斯,奎托斯轻轻的点了点头,拍了拍他的肩膀站起身来说道“走吧,你母亲的遗愿我们还没有完成呢…” Is father, “是的父亲, We walk! ” 我们走吧!” The Ash chuckle, looks that this fathers and sons two person light saying of that you go, I waited for you to be good here...” 灰烬轻笑了一声,看着这父子两个人淡淡的说道“那你们去吧,我就在这里等你们就行了…” I am also, I did not accompany you to pass, I also want to take a look here mural again, perhaps I can obtain any recent clue to help you also perhaps...” “我也是,我就不陪你们过去了,我还想再看看这里的壁画,也许我可以得到什么新的线索帮助你们也说不定…” Kratos nod of gently, the head throws in the hand is taking to Ash, leads own son step by step walks toward the summit... 奎托斯轻轻的点了点头,将手中提着的脑袋扔给了灰烬,带着自己的儿子一步一步的朝着山顶走去… After fathers and sons both leave, Ash looks in the hand was taking the head, grins hehe saying with a smile you should also discover! The mural that predicted the Kratos death... with emphasis at all is not their fathers and sons two!” 等到父子两个都离开之后,灰烬看了看手中提着的脑袋,咧开嘴嘿嘿的笑道“你应该也发现了吧!那副预言了奎托斯死亡的壁画…重点根本不是他们父子两个!” The Mímir golden eye winked winking, deeply looked at Ash is... I also discovered, you said right, with emphasis at all was not they, but was the thing that child mouth spat, that was... this mural truly important thing!” 密米尔金色的眼睛眨了眨,深深地看了一眼灰烬“是的…我也发现了,你说的没错,重点根本不是他们,而是那个孩子嘴里吐出来的东西,那才是…这幅壁画真正重要的东西!” At the same time is speaking, Ash brought the head of Mímir to arrive at that mural front, looks on the mural above, the bosom is suspending dead Kratos, opens mouth Atreus who put out the thing... 一边说着话,灰烬带着密米尔的脑袋来到了那幅壁画的面前,看着壁画上之上,怀摆着死去的奎托斯,张开嘴吐出东西的阿特柔斯… In the picture, the thing that put out from the mouth of Atreus present was divided into three, changed to a snake respectively, a wolf also had a woman! 在画面之中,从阿特柔斯的口中吐出的东西分成了三件,分别化作了一条蛇,一头狼还有一个女人! But part, is the thing that the mural wants to express truly! Kratos death, Atreus pain above this mural common... 而这一部分,才是壁画真正想表达的东西!奎托斯的死,还有阿特柔斯的痛苦在这幅壁画之上毫不起眼… Looks at the present mural, Ash chuckle facetious saying I only wants saying that... conducts these fables, it is estimated that is not that child's mother, if so, the layout of this picture will not be this, or... this dead female giant did not love their fathers and sons two 看着眼前的壁画,灰烬轻笑一声戏谑的说道“我只想说…进行这些寓言的,估计不是那孩子的母亲,如果是的话,这幅画的布局就不会是这样的,又或者…这位已经死去的女巨人根本就不爱他们父子两个” Heard the guess of Ash, Mímir hesitated responded to I to favor the former a moment later! If not love them, will not make them bring own bone ash to come here, discovers here conceals secret! Therefore leaves behind these fables, should once live in Jotunheim other giants right!” 听到了灰烬的猜测,密米尔沉吟了片刻之后回应道“我更倾向于前者!因为如果不爱他们的话,就不会让他们带着自己的骨灰来到这里,发现这里藏着的秘密!所以留下这些寓言的,应该是曾经居住在约顿海姆的其他巨人没错了!” Ash puts out a hand slowly, is pointing on the mural these three things that drill from the Atreus present mouth, somewhat curious asking Mímir, you know that what these things are? How I do not look completely clearly 灰烬缓缓地伸出手,指着壁画上这三个从阿特柔斯嘴里钻出来的东西,有些好奇的问道“密米尔,你知道这些东西都是什么吗?我怎么完全看不明白啊” Mímir helpless blinking, smiled bitterly to say „, although I had the wisdom, but I did not have the ability of fable, this matter has not obviously happened, how I possibly know that these things are representing anything...” 密米尔无奈的眨了眨眼睛,苦笑了一声说道“虽然我极具智慧,但是我并没有寓言的能力,这件事明显还没有发生,我怎么可能知道这些东西代表着什么…” At this point, Mímir has transferred the eyeball suddenly, is staring stubbornly Ash that is taking the head, did not say a word... 说到这里,密米尔突然转过了眼珠子,死死地盯着提着自己脑袋的灰烬,一言不发… Detected that the Ash knitting the brows head of gently line of sight, face disgruntled saying had what words to hurry saying that although I did not like others offending me, fellow but who I did not like covering-up!” 察觉到视线的灰烬轻轻的皱了皱眉头,一脸不悦的说道“有什么话就赶紧说,我虽然不喜欢别人冒犯我,但是我更不喜欢藏着掖着的家伙!” Oh... that I asked...” Mímir sighs lightly, transfers the head to stare at Ash asking one word at a time that child's issue, the destiny... can really revolt?” “唉…那我就问了…”密米尔轻叹了一口气,转过脑袋盯着灰烬一字一顿的问道“还是那孩子的问题,命运…真的是可以反抗的吗?” Shot a look at whole face serious Mímir, Ash nod of gently, actually shakes the head saying that I do not know..., although I have flaunted oneself are the resister of destiny, who knows the thing that I revolt against is the destiny? Like this mural, this is only the fable..., although majority becomes the reality, but you dare saying that this thing is representing the destiny?” 瞥了一眼满脸严肃的密米尔,灰烬轻轻的点了点头,却又摇了摇头说道“我也不知道…虽然我一直标榜自己是命运的反抗者,但是谁知道我所反抗的东西是不是命运呢?就像这幅壁画一样,这只是寓言…虽然其中大部分都成为了现实,但是你敢说这东西就代表着命运吗?” Mímir opens mouth, silent deeply sighed a moment later perhaps you are right, I hope that can result to the fathers and sons recompenses to hope...” 密米尔张了张嘴,沉默了片刻之后深深地叹了一口气“也许你是对的,我只是希望那对父子可以得偿所愿…” ...... …… Without letting Ash and Mímir wait/etc. were too long, several minutes of time, the fathers and sons two people from the mountain road of climbing mountains in the cave that returned to Ash and Mímir is at... 没有让灰烬密米尔等太久,几分钟的功夫,父子两个人就从上山的山道上回到了灰烬密米尔所在的山洞之中… Looks to stand and wait for a long time in dike beforehand Ash and Mímir, Atreus deeply inspires, looks that two people smile were saying made you wait for a long time, we finished, can go back!” 看着伫立在岩壁之前的灰烬密米尔,阿特柔斯深吸了一口气,看着两人微笑着说道“让你们久等了,我们结束了,可以回去了!” Has not related, did you say goodbye with your mother well? Do not be what regret!” “哦没关系,你们跟你的母亲好好道别了吗?不要留下什么遗憾啊!” Looks care looks at own Mímir, Atreus smiled, nod of gently „, I and father well says goodbye with mother! Will not have what regret, moreover... also has a more important matter to wait for us to do!” 看着关心的看着自己的密米尔,阿特柔斯笑了起来,轻轻的点了点头“是的,我和父亲好好的跟母亲道了别!不会有什么遗憾的,而且…还有更重要的事情等着我们去做呢!” Hears these words with smile on the face, Ash looks that the Atreus present said „, therefore... you did make the decision?” 听到这番话,灰烬面带微笑的看着阿特柔斯说道“所以…你做出了决定?” Atreus numerous nods, look that Ash face sincere saying I remember Ash you have told me, I can be a person of resistance destiny, you said right, I will truly do that! For my father, I must do that!” 阿特柔斯重重的点了点头,看着灰烬一脸真诚的说道“我记得灰烬你跟我说过,我会是一个反抗命运的人,你说的没错,我确实会这么做的!为了我的父亲,我必须这么做!” Looks at steadfast Atreus, Ash deeply inspires, nods serious saying that you to need to become is better! The resistance destiny needs... solely is not the firm determination anticipates your performance, Atreus.” 看着坚定不移的阿特柔斯,灰烬深深地吸了一口气,点了点头严肃的说道“那你就需要变得更强才行啊!反抗命运所需要的…可不单单是坚定的决心而已期待你的表现,阿特柔斯。” Afterward however Kratos that comes to Ash nod of gently, looks down Atreus light saying walks, the child, some of your also lots must study, some of your also many trainings must conduct, but before then, we first go home!” 随后而来的奎托斯冲着灰烬轻轻的点了点头,低下头看着阿特柔斯淡淡的说道“走吧,孩子,你还有很多东西要学,你还有很多训练要进行,不过在此之前,我们先回家吧!” On the road of return trip, the Atreus sudden revolutions was excessive, looks at Ash to speak such a few words... 返程的路上,阿特柔斯突然转过了头,看着灰烬说了这么一句话… Ash do you know? Atreus is my father gives my name, before saying to be him an adjutant called this name, but my mother, these giants called me... Loki! To be honest, this name I also like very much, after all is mother gives me...” 灰烬你知道吗?阿特柔斯是我的父亲给我的名字,说是他以前的一个副官叫这个名字,而我的母亲,还有那些巨人都叫我…洛基!说实话,这个名字我也很喜欢,毕竟是妈妈给我的…” Is raising the Ash direct left leg stumbling right foot of Mímir head, 90 degrees flat land fell lies on the ground! Head of Mímir also rumble rolling out of! Hit on the mountain wall... 提着密米尔脑袋的灰烬直接一个左脚绊右脚,九十度平地摔趴在了地上!密米尔的脑袋也咕噜咕噜的滚了出去!撞在了山壁上… Atreus has not managed to pour in ground Ash, ran to run to pick up is fallen seven meat eight vegetarian Mímir, if after all did not pick him, must roll to the mountain under goes... 阿特柔斯没有管倒在地上的灰烬,一路小跑跑过去捡起了被摔得七荤八素的密米尔,毕竟要是再不把他捡起来,没准就要滚到山底下去了… Is holding the head of Mímir, turning the head of Atreus surprise, looks also puts ground asking of Ash doubts how Ash you... you are?” 抱着密米尔的脑袋,阿特柔斯诧异的转过头,看着还扑在地上的灰烬疑惑的问道“灰烬你…你这是怎么了?”
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