DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1021: The arrangement of destiny?

Jotunheim, the state of giant, not only has nine highest mountain peaks, entire nine biggest territories! Passes through transmission gate Ash to look at present the vast mountain peak, cannot help but deeply inspires... 约顿海姆,巨人的国度,不只是拥有九界最高的山峰,还有整个九界最大的疆土!走过传送门的灰烬看着眼前辽阔的山峰,不由得深深地吸了一口气… Really is the beautiful scenery! No wonder your mother wish makes itself be buried here!” “真是美丽的景色的!难怪你的母亲想要让自己被安葬在这里!” Yes... was too truly attractive!” “是啊…确实太漂亮了!” Is appreciating at present the beautiful scenery, Ash cannot help but was happier, cannot help but to transfer the head to smile to Kratos was saying that brother you didn't come to see? But here the terminal of your journey! Doesn't publish some feelings?” 欣赏着眼前绝美的景色,灰烬的心情都不由得好了很多,不由得转过脑袋冲着奎托斯微笑着说道“老哥你不来看看吗?这里可是你们旅途的终点站啊!不发表一些感想吗?” Kratos looked at Ash, gradually arrived at the mountain ridge of standing tall and erect, put out a hand to download itself to dress the armor slowly in hand, then the start disassemblage bit by bit stretched in the wrist/skill, dirty bandage... 奎托斯看了一眼灰烬,缓步走到了高耸的山脊边,伸出手缓缓地卸掉了自己穿戴在手上的护甲,然后一点一点的开始拆卸绷在手腕上,脏兮兮的绷带… The small arm under bandage revealed that that was a pair of strong arm, but above each arm covered entirely the scarlet red trace, probably by the scar that above the wire rope winding of heat burnt. 绷带之下的小臂露了出来,那是一双强壮的手臂,但是每一只手臂之上都布满了赤红色的痕迹,像是被烧红的铁索缠绕其上烫出来的伤痕。 In light of that Kratos carries behind to the usage-style of double blade, how not difficult to imagine these scars come... 结合奎托斯身后背着的那对双刀的使用方式,不难想象这些伤痕是怎么来的了… Atreus deeply looked at a father's arm, nose sudden acid..., but he has learned anything to ask, anything should not ask... he will not open father's Scar to ask some pointless question again! 阿特柔斯深深地看了一眼父亲的手臂,鼻子突然一酸…但是他已经学会了什么该问,什么不该问…他不会再揭开自己父亲的伤疤去问一些没有意义的问题! After all his father untied at this moment the bandage that lays aside the scar, looks at the mountain range of distant place, on the face full is tranquil and gets over an emotion, necessity that has not talked too much... 毕竟他的父亲此时此刻解开了藏起伤痕的绷带,看着远处的山峦,脸上满是平静和释怀,就没有多嘴的必要了… Deeply inspires, Kratos put down the arm of opening, has turned the head to look that own son light saying of continues to go forward! The remaining roads were only left over little!” 深吸了一口气,奎托斯放下了张开的手臂,转过头看着自己的儿子淡淡的说道“继续前进吧!剩下的路就只剩下一点点了!” The bridge to above that highest mountain peak, Atreus looks curiously asked in own Ash „, therefore... here did have Valkyrie?” 通往那座最高的山峰的大桥之上,阿特柔斯好奇的看着走在自己身边的灰烬问道“所以…这里有没有女武神呢?” Ash took out the helmet obtained from two Valkyrie there from own backpack, after sizing up one, gently shakes the head saying that is very regrettable, here does not have Valkyrie to exist, but can have a look at such beautiful scene also to be trip has not been made in vain!” 灰烬从自己的背包之中取出了从两个女武神那里得到的头盔,打量了一番之后轻轻的摇了摇头说道“很遗憾,这里并没有女武神存在,不过能看看这样的美景也算是不虚此行了!” This is natural, the Ash little brother, Jotunheim is impossible to have Valkyrie, if Odin can hide Jotunheim to come Valkyrie, he does not need to take great pains sought to go to the Jotunheim method “这是当然的,灰烬小老弟,约顿海姆是不可能存在女武神的,要是奥丁能把女武神藏到约顿海姆来,他就不用煞费苦心的寻找前往约顿海姆的方法了” Heard the Mímir words, Atreus selected the eyebrow gently, curious asking „, therefore... the Odin goal was Jotunheim? Has he sent people to pursue us to find Jotunheim?” 听到密米尔的话,阿特柔斯轻轻的挑了挑眉,好奇的问道“所以…奥丁的目标是约顿海姆?他一直派人追着我们就是为了找到约顿海姆?” Said right, moreover... his action from the result is very accurate, you truly can find to go to the Jotunheim way... also truly to open it!” “说的没错,而且从结果上来看…他的行动是非常准确的,你们确实能找到前往约顿海姆的路径…也确实打开了它!” Before , the Kratos revolutions that guides is excessive, light saying he must make anything is his matter, we only needed to concentrate on our present things are enough!” 头前带路的奎托斯转过了头,淡淡的说道“他要做什么是他的事情,我们只需要专注于我们眼前的事情就足够了!” Passing through this does not know at present is in disrepair after many years or originally on the damaged bridge, the group arrived at the final key point finally, nine highest mountain peaks! 走过了眼前这座不知道是年久失修还是本来就破败不堪的大桥,一行人终于来到了最后的重点,九界最高的山峰! Above the present cliff is carving many figure giant giants, these stone carvings are lifting probably the present mountain range, seems like giving the people to lead the way... 眼前的山崖之上雕刻着很多身形巨大的巨人,这些石雕像是托举着眼前的山峦,又像是在给众人引路… The front door before mid-hill has opened greatly, whom as if in waiting for is the same, looks in the cave the countless statue also big pile of not being able to understand writing, Atreus looks at the spacious cave, cannot bear great shout say/way you quite have the person! Giants where?” 山腹之前的大门已经大开,仿佛在等待着谁一样,看着山洞之中数之不尽的雕像还有一大堆看不懂的文字,阿特柔斯看着空旷的山洞,忍不住大声呼喊道“你好有没有人啊!巨人们都在哪里啊?” Is... in the cave does not have except for these anything, without Monster, without enemy, does not have... the giant. 是的…山洞之中除了这些什么都没有,没有怪物,没有敌人,也没有…巨人。 Follows Ash sighs lightly reluctantly beckons with the hand saying that did not need to shout, here no one had besides us, but this somewhat felt strange... did not say the giants did disappear to disappear, returned to Jotunheim? But... why doesn't have? Let alone this mountain, I had not even found the Soul trail in entire Jotunheim! Where did the giants run up to?” 紧随其后的灰烬轻叹了一口气无奈的摆了摆手说道“不用喊了,这里除了我们之外谁都没有,不过这就有些奇怪了…不是说巨人们都消失不见了,回到了约顿海姆吗?可是…为什么一个都没有呢?别说这座山了,我甚至在整个约顿海姆都没有找到灵魂的踪迹啊!巨人都跑到什么地方去了?” At the same time is speaking, 一边说着话, The line of sight on the side of Ash having doubts went to Mímir, the answer of however getting naturally does not know..., if must ask that who knows, that probably also only then vanished the giants who did not see also to have that not to know Til of trace similarly! 灰烬一边将疑惑的视线投向了密米尔,但是得到的答案自然也是不知道…如果要问谁知道的话,那大概也就只有消失不见的巨人们还有那个同样不知所踪的提尔了吧! Is Odin and Sol, was they destroyed all...” What information Atreus did not know from the writing on dike obtained, somewhat disconsolate shaking the head. “是奥丁和索尔,是他们毁了一切…”阿特柔斯不知道从岩壁上的文字之中得到了什么样的信息,有些惆怅的摇了摇头。 Looks at the surrounding dike, putting out a hand of Atreus unexpected happening, stroking gently above rough mountain wall... 看着周围的岩壁,阿特柔斯鬼使神差的伸出了手,轻轻的抚摸在了粗糙的山壁之上… One bunch of golden rays put out a hand to bloom with the dike contact place from the Atreus present! The rough dike starts to collapse, the downward collapse, revealed hid in the following thing, a fine mural! 一束金色的光芒从阿特柔斯伸出手和岩壁接触的地方绽放出来!粗糙的岩壁开始崩坏,向下塌陷,露出了藏在后面的东西,一副精致的壁画! Bears the brunt, is a woman who is raising the axe, stands in front of one group of giants. 首当其冲的,就是一个提着斧头的女人,站在一群巨人的面前。 Atreus rubs the eyes, unbelievable looks that this mural looks! This is the axe of Leviathan, is your axe, therefore... this is a mother? What she is saying with the giants, does she... know the giant?” 阿特柔斯揉了揉眼睛,难以置信的看着这幅壁画“看!这是利维坦之斧,是你的斧头,所以…这是母亲?她在和巨人们说什么,她…认识巨人?” The time of speech, the surrounding dike also fell off, revealed the banner mural! Atreus hurried ran, looks at the present mural, looks at the thing on mural, face shocking saying looks! On this... is we? This is happened at our things, those who cremate mother... the light of the world... the world big snake... Thunder Dragon... the mason... this above to portray is our story!” 说话的功夫,周围的岩壁也脱落了下去,将横幅壁画露了出来!阿特柔斯急急忙忙的跑了过去,看着眼前的壁画,看着壁画上的东西,一脸震惊的说道“看!这上面…是我们?这是发生在我们身上的事情,火葬母亲…世界之光…世界大蛇…雷龙…石匠…这上面刻画的是我们的故事!” Kratos unemotional is staring at these murals, suddenly lowers the head slowly, looks at Atreus saying one word at a time „... this is not our story, this is your story!” 奎托斯面无表情的盯着这些壁画,突然缓缓地低下头,看着阿特柔斯一字一顿的说道“不…这不是我们的故事,这是你的故事!” What meaning but... is this? This on behalf of what?” “但是…这到底是什么意思?这代表着什么?” Looks at somewhat confused Atreus, Kratos deeply inspires, tone low and deep saying this on behalf of hidden secret continues I alone...” 看着有些迷茫的阿特柔斯,奎托斯深深地吸了一口气,语气低沉的说道“这代表着隐藏秘密的不止我一个人…” You do not know...” Atreus is watching the present stone carving, while said in a soft voice mother is a giant... I is also a giant! Why didn't she tell us these?” “你也不知道…”阿特柔斯一边观看着眼前的石雕,一边轻声说道“母亲是一个巨人…我也是一个巨人!她为什么不告诉我们这些?” Similarly looks that these dikes the Ash sudden extensions are excessive, looks at Ash serious saying „, because this is the so-called destiny, little rascal..., if she told you ahead of time, these matter will also happen? Destiny is really discovered interestingly, really makes one broaden the outlook!” 同样看着这些岩壁的灰烬突然转过了头,看着灰烬严肃的说道“因为这就是所谓的命运,小鬼…如果她提前告诉了你,这些事情还会发生吗?命运哈真是有意思的发现,真是让人大开眼界啊!” Kratos shot a look at one to look disdaining color Ash, deeply inspires, looks that Atreus light saying she made us come to here, knows that we will discover these, your mother had certainly her reason...” 奎托斯瞥了一眼面露不屑之色的灰烬,深深地吸了一口气,看着阿特柔斯淡淡的说道“她让我们来这里,知道我们会发现这些,你母亲一定有她的理由…” Hears this saying, Atreus deeply nods, looks at own father serious saying of „, if she has anything to arrange to us, then I believe her, I am also willing to accept, what no matter she arranges is anything, after all... so far, she has not made a mistake!” 听到这话,阿特柔斯深深地点了点头,看着自己的父亲严肃的说道“如果她对我们有什么安排,那么我相信她,我也愿意接受,不管她安排的是什么,毕竟…到目前为止,她还没有出过错呢!” Suddenly, was hung in Mímir serious saying of Kratos waist not... the child, all are different! All on the fables of these giants with the dike were entirely different!” 突然,被挂在奎托斯腰间的密米尔严肃的说道“不不不…孩子,一切都已经不同了!一切都与岩壁上这些巨人们的寓言截然不同了!” Atreus has doubts looked at Mímir, was asking of surprise different? There was different? How haven't I looked?” 阿特柔斯疑惑的看了一眼密米尔,诧异的问道“不同了?那里不同了?我怎么没看出来?” Mímir will look at Ash suddenly, serious looks at Ash to say because of him!” 密米尔突然将目光转向了灰烬,严肃的看着灰烬说道“因为他!” Because of him?” “因为他?” Because of me?” “因为我?” Atreus looks at Ash puzzled, Ash doubts is pointing at itself, Mímir serious blinking of „! Because the Ash little brother, he changed all these! Because this is you are guiding all the way, Ash not many interferes with you, therefore does not have the deviation is too many, but... the difference has! The little brother, you lift me, making me have a look at this mural carefully!” 阿特柔斯不解的看着灰烬,灰烬疑惑的指着自己,密米尔严肃的眨了眨眼睛“是的!因为灰烬小老弟,他改变了这一切!因为这一路上都是你们在带路,灰烬并没有过多的干涉你们,所以没有偏离太多,但是…差异还是有的!小老弟,你把我举起来,让我仔细看看这幅壁画!” Kratos knitting the brows of gently, then takes down to raise it in the hand, making him be able to observe this mural earnestly... 奎托斯轻轻的皱了皱眉,然后将其取了下来提在了手中,让他得以认真的观察这幅壁画… You look here! What here demonstrates is... the little brother you encounters Badr in the summit, according to the fable, where you destroys stone door that this we came in! But does not have... stone door to be perfect, we came in! Has a look here again... here is your fathers and sons two place that defeats Badr looked, he died, moreover according to the order, this should before you enter Jotunheim, but we have come but in he is also living... but this is not the key! Most essential haven't point you discovered? In this mural does not have Ash any trace!” “你们看这里!这里显示的是…小兄弟你们在山顶遭遇巴德尔,按照寓言,你们在哪里摧毁了这道我们进来的石门!可是没有…石门完好无损,我们进来了!再看看这里…这里是你们父子两个打败巴德尔的地方看,他死了,而且按照顺序,这应该是在你们进入约顿海姆之前,可是我们已经进来了而他还活着…但这都不是关键!最关键的一点难道你们没有发现吗?这幅壁画之中没有灰烬的任何痕迹!” Hears this saying, Atreus cannot help but one startled, quickly has turned the head carefully to observe this mural again, just like Mímir said, above the entire vice- mural does not have his Ash trail, the person besides him more or less has the appearance! 听到这话,阿特柔斯不由得一惊,急忙转过头再仔仔细细的观察了一番这幅壁画,正如密米尔所说,整副壁画之上都没有他灰烬的踪迹,除了他以外的人或多或少都有出现! Mímir... Freya... Badr... even the blacksmith brothers comes, only Ash, on does not have any mural has him to appear! 密米尔芙蕾雅…巴德尔…甚至铁匠兄弟都有现身,唯独灰烬,没有任何一副壁画上有他出现! The matter that not only Ash, he does, as well as that was Neet of transaction with Ash, their forms have not appeared, in other words... they are the person beyond this destiny, but their involvement causing reality and fable truly went wrong! 不只是灰烬,还有他做的事,以及那个跟灰烬做了交易的尼特,他们的身影都没有出现过,也就是说…他们是这个命运之外的人,而他们的介入确确实实的使得现实和寓言出现了偏差! After determining this point, the Atreus complexion ugly revolutions is excessive, looks that Ash unbelievable saying you... did destroy the destiny? Did you destroy mother to arrange to give our destiny? You...” 确定了这一点之后,阿特柔斯脸色难看的转过了头,看着灰烬难以置信的说道“你…破坏了命运?你破坏了母亲安排给我们的命运?你…” Also without and other Atreus present said, Ash tittered one to smile suddenly, selected the chin saying that to Atreus I thought actually your mother at this time all these demonstrations to you, to let you thought the means to destroy this destiny! Therefore... you should express gratitude to me for this reason 还没等阿特柔斯说完,灰烬突然噗嗤一声笑了出来,冲着阿特柔斯挑了挑下巴说道“我倒是觉得你的母亲在这个时候将这一切展示给你们,就是为了让你们想办法破坏这个命运的!所以…你应该为此向我道谢” Atreus knits the eyebrows tightly, relates to his mother, even Ash how? Why did you say?” 阿特柔斯紧锁起了眉头,关系到他的母亲,就算是灰烬又怎么样?“你凭什么这么说?” Ash had not answered, but raised the chin, toward mural most border, was hung in the place that the cotton material on dike blocks from says reason there, if you also treat as your destiny this, and is willing to submit to with it... when I have not reached an agreement 灰烬没有回话,只是扬起了下巴,朝着壁画的最边沿,一块被挂在岩壁上的布料遮住的地方说道“原因就在那里,如果你也将此当做自己的命运并且愿意屈从与它…那就当我没说好了”
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