DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1020: Front door

In the hand is burning straight the lance point of flame aims at the Valkyrie body, the speed of under foot starts to be getting more and more fast! 手中燃烧着火焰的枪尖直直的对准女武神的身躯,脚下的速度开始越来越快! Ash was launching the charge in the corridor to Valkyrie of deep place! The vortex of flame sweeps across in the narrow channel, stands in the entrance Kratos fathers and sons also has Guna to feel heat wave, as if scattered the heat wave of Hull ghostdom... 灰烬就在走廊之中对着深处的女武神展开了冲锋!火焰的漩涡在狭窄的通道之中席卷而过,就连站在门口的奎托斯父子还有古娜都能感受到一股热浪,仿佛驱散了赫尔冥界的热浪… Will unable to hear while Ash this, Mímir deeply inspires said in a soft voice said again one time, I feel the Ash little brother , if the god, definitely was the fire god, can flame that ignited in the Hull ghostdom, but also so scalding hot, this was really fearful!” 趁着灰烬这会听不见,密米尔深吸了一口气轻声说道“再说一次,我还是觉得灰烬小兄弟如果是神的话,肯定就是火神了,能在赫尔冥界燃起的火焰,还如此的灼热,这实在是太可怕了!” During the exclamation of Mímir, before Ash already rushed to the body of Valkyrie, the long spear/gun in hand under the winding of flame fiercely punctured! Hit ruthlessly the stagnation on Valkyrie in midair 密米尔的惊叹之中,灰烬已经冲到了女武神的身前,手中的长枪在火焰的缠绕之下猛地刺了出去!狠狠地命中了停滞在半空中的女武神身上 The powerful strength pushes Valkyrie is backing up to go backward, but also Valkyrie at readiness for action has not reacted with enough time, the sharp long spear/gun has gone against her to hit above behind wall! 强大的力量将女武神推着向后倒退而去,还处在待机状态的女武神还没来得及做出反应,尖锐的长枪就已经顶着她撞在了身后的墙壁之上! The scalding hot high temperature melted her armor, passed through her body! 灼热的高温融化了她身上的盔甲,同时也贯穿了她的身躯! The sad and shrill pitiful yell sound transmits from the Valkyrie mouth, the steel sharp blade sharp wing is swinging generally crazily, wants to shove open Ash, but grasps Ash of long spear/gun general like an iron tower, motionless, sews her above the wall... 凄厉的惨叫声从女武神的口中传来,钢铁利刃一般锋利的翅膀疯狂的摇摆着,想要将灰烬推开,但是握着长枪的灰烬如同一座铁塔一般,一动不动,就这么将她钉在墙壁之上… The long spear/gun has passed through jabbed into the Valkyrie body, Ash narrowed the eye, the corners of the mouth cannot help but brought back one to grin fiendishly... 长枪已经贯穿刺进了女武神的身躯之中,灰烬眯起了眼睛,嘴角不由得勾起了一丝狞笑… Gets hold of wrist/skill fiercely one revolution of spiral long spear/gun, the distinctive long spear/gun transferred in Valkyrie within the body, almost stirs her internal organs completely broken! 握紧螺旋长枪的手腕猛地一转,棱角分明的长枪在女武神的体内转了一圈,差点将她的内脏全部搅碎! The agitation of long spear/gun, the scalding hot high temperature wreaks havoc in Valkyrie within the body! Is destroying her body... 长枪的搅动,还有灼热的高温在女武神的体内肆虐!摧毁着她的身体… Guna who the entrance observes sees the Ash so cruel behavior, cannot help but swallows the saliva, before having turned the head to look at Kratos and Atreus rough asking that... me, is such pitiful?” 门口观战的古娜看到灰烬如此残暴的行为,不由得吞了吞口水,转过头看着奎托斯阿特柔斯磕磕绊绊的问道“那个…我之前也是这么凄惨吗?” Kratos has not talked, Atreus actually shaking the head of gently, then serious saying you may be more miserable than her!” 奎托斯没有搭话,阿特柔斯却轻轻的摇了摇头,然后一脸严肃的说道“你比她可惨多了!” Recalled the time of the chaos sobering sees the body that oneself are split up, Guna cannot help but sighs „... this condition we unable to feel what pain lightly fortunately...” 回想起自己从混沌之中清醒过来的时候看到自己四分五裂的身体,古娜不由得轻叹了一口气“还好…这种状态的我们感受不到什么痛苦…” The wing that time in an instant, Valkyrie brandishes crazily has drooped, lost the vitality... 一转眼的功夫,女武神疯狂挥舞的翅膀就已经耷拉了下来,失去了生机… Died, is only a spear/gun, world-famous Valkyrie died in the hand of Ash! The long spear/gun in hand pulls out backward, Ash the Valkyrie corpse is extracting downward from the wall the spiral long spear/gun in hand... 死了,只是一枪,名满天下的女武神就死在了灰烬的手中!手中的长枪向后一抽,灰烬将手中的螺旋长枪连带着女武神的尸体从墙上拔了下来… Looks to select Valkyrie above long spear/gun, the Ash chuckle, waved the arms about to wield the long spear/gun, Ash flings in the ground the Valkyrie corpse... 看着挑在长枪之上的女武神,灰烬轻笑了一声,甩手一挥长枪,灰烬女武神的尸体甩到了地面上… Handles to fire off stops work for the day!” Killed Valkyrie Ash to nod to the people who the entrance observed, is smiling beckoning. “搞定打完收工!”杀死了女武神灰烬冲着门口观战的众人点了点头,微笑着招了招手。 When the people encircle, poured ascends Soul in the ground pitiful incomparable Valkyrie corpse... 就在众人围过来的时候,倒在地上凄惨无比的女武神的尸体之中升腾起了灵魂 Freedom! I... retrievaled finally the freedom!” “自由!我终于…重获了自由!” Looks Soul that ascends, Guna cannot help but relaxes, approaches to say sisters, saw you again is really good!” 看着升腾起的灵魂,古娜不由得松了一口气,主动上前说道“姐妹,再次见到你实在是太好了!” The Valkyrie radish tower revolutions that slow the god has come was excessive, looks to the float in her front Guna... 缓过神来的女武神萝塔转过了头,看向了漂浮在她面前的古娜… „Were sisters... you saved me?” “姐妹…是你救了我?” One side Guna's shaking the head of gently, stretched out to point at to refer to receiving Ash of long spear/gun, respectful saying „, my sisters, were not this Sir Ash saved you, was he saves me... he also to save our other sisters...” 古娜轻轻的摇了摇头,伸出手指了指一旁已经收起了长枪的灰烬,毕恭毕敬的说道“不,我的姐妹,是这位灰烬大人拯救了你,也是他拯救了我…他也将拯救我们其他的姐妹…” Soul of radish tower heard that the word cannot help but stares, but nods to Ash slightly, serious saying is this... thanks you, Sir Ash, thanked you to be willing to undertake the Valkyrie destiny.” 萝塔的灵魂闻言不由得一愣,不过还是冲着灰烬微微颔首,严肃的说道“是这样啊…非常感谢您,灰烬大人,感谢您愿意承担起女武神的命运。” Ash helpless beckoning with the hand, face indifferent sayingdoes not need to thank me, 灰烬无奈的摆了摆手,一脸无所谓的说道“不用谢我, Saves you in any case is also part of transaction, I do not need your thanks, the words that must thank go to Cheny special! ” 反正救你们也不过就是交易的一部分,我不需要你们的感谢,要谢的话就去谢尼特吧!” Just revived, has not known that what radish tower had to turn the head, doubts looks at Guna to ask Neet?” 刚刚苏醒过来,还不知道发生了什么的萝塔转过头,疑惑的看着古娜问道“尼特?” Yes, Sir Neet, a truly competent god of death, Sir Ash is helping Sir Neet gain the authority of death, saving us is also part...” “是的,尼特大人,一个真正称职的死神,灰烬大人正在帮助尼特大人获取死亡的权柄,拯救我们也是其中的一部分…” Hears this saying, the radish tower cannot help but frowns, fixes the eyes on Guna to ask that gained the authority of death? What is this!” 听到这话,萝塔不由得皱起了眉头,紧盯着古娜质问道“获取死亡的权柄?这是什么意思!” Nearby Ash coughed suddenly lightly, interrupted two people dialogue saying that your matter did process with your time is good? Now hurrying leads us to leave Hull Heym, we have other things to manage!” 一旁的灰烬突然轻咳了一声,打断了两人的对话说道“你们自己的事情用你们自己的时间去处理好不好?现在赶紧带我们离开赫尔海姆,我们还有其他的事情要办呢!” Hears the Ash words, Guna quickly nods naturally, Sir Ash, my leads you also to have your friend to leave here... to come with me!” 听到灰烬的话,古娜急忙点了点头“当然,灰烬大人,我这就带您还有您的朋友离开这里…请跟我来吧!” Speaks, Guna to radish tower gently nods to say sisters, perhaps in your heart still had the doubts, but believes me, Sir Neet is the truly competent god of death, you saw that he will understand, now first makes me they take away Hull Heym Sir Ash...” 说完话,古娜冲着萝塔轻轻的点了点头说道“姐妹,你也许心中仍有疑惑,但是相信我,尼特大人是真正称职的死神,你见到他就会明白了,现在先让我将灰烬大人他们带离赫尔海姆…” ...... …… Under the leadership of Guna, Ash one group of passed through the Hull ghostdom quickly, bon voyage arrived at the front of bridge of curse, so long as here, they know how the remaining roads should walk. 在古娜的带领之下,灰烬一行人很快就穿过了赫尔冥界,一路平安的来到了诅咒之桥的前方,只要到了这里,他们就知道剩下的路该怎么走了。 Arrives here Guna the people belt/bring to Ash nod of gently, said slowly Sir Ash, I belt/bring to here, only needed to continue to enter Til's temple forward, my other sisters... asked you!” 将众人带到这里的古娜冲着灰烬轻轻的点了点头,缓缓地说道“灰烬大人,我就将诸位带到这里了,只需要继续向前就能进入提尔的神殿,我的其余姐妹们…就拜托您了!” Speaks, Guna brings the radish tower that was just being rescued to fly toward Hull Heym's deep place, should be sees Neet... 说完话,古娜就带着刚刚被救出来的萝塔朝着赫尔海姆的深处飞去,应该是去见尼特了吧… After waiting for both Valkyrie to leave, Ash deeply inspires, suddenly has turned the head to look that hung before Mímir of Kratos waist asked Neet said... Hull Heym's master, did you have what impression.” 等着两个女武神都离开了之后,灰烬深深地吸了一口气,突然转过头看着挂在奎托斯腰间的密米尔问道“之前尼特说的…赫尔海姆的主人,你有没有什么印象。” Heard the Ash issue, Mímir wallows the moment, blinking serious saying of was sorry, Ash little brother, such that just like I said before, I always do not know that Hull Heym had what master, but Neet should not deceive our necessities, therefore I do not know now...” 听到灰烬的问题,密米尔沉迷了片刻,眨了眨眼睛一脸严肃的说道“抱歉,灰烬小兄弟,正如我之前说的那样,我从来都不知道赫尔海姆存在什么主人,但是尼特应该也没有欺骗我们的必要,所以我现在也不知道…” Ash nod of gently, deeply inspires to say „, no matter how said, this matter first this, I also want nine to run in any case one, if later really ran into what Hull Heym's master, without... that me must say with Neet well!” 灰烬轻轻的点了点头,深吸了一口气说道“不管怎么说,这件事就先这样吧,反正我也要九界跑一趟的,之后如果是真的遇到了什么赫尔海姆的主人也就罢了,如果没有…那我就要跟尼特好好说道说道了!” Returned to Til's temple, after starting Rainbow Bridge, the group returned to Midgard finally! 回到了提尔的神殿,启动了彩虹桥之后,一行人终于回到了米德加尔特 Although said that met some all the way... accidentally/surprisingly, but finally is finally good, the thing that needs all got so far as the hand, troublesome Badr was also kept Hull Heym, now only needs to return to the summit, opened the Jotunheim front door to be OK! 虽然说一路上遇到了一些…意外,但是结果总算是好的,所需要的东西全都弄到了手,麻烦的巴德尔也被留在了赫尔海姆,现在只需要回到山顶,打开约顿海姆的大门就可以了! Kratos looked at the Rainbow Bridge key in hand, gave Ash to take away it again, we no longer needed this thing!” 奎托斯看了看手中的彩虹桥钥匙,再一次将它递给了灰烬“拿去吧,我们不再需要这个东西了!” Ash selected the eyebrow, received Kratos to give own key, saying that while teased „, although was all the way beset by disasters, but I hope heartfeltly this was for the last time, hopes that your time will not be meeting what is accidental/surprised.” 灰烬挑了挑眉,一边接过了奎托斯递给自己的钥匙,一边戏谑的说道“虽然一路上多灾多难,不过我由衷的希望这是最后一次了,希望你们两个这一次不会在遇到什么意外了。” Kratos light snort/hum, has turned the head to look that Atreus light saying I believe Atreus will not make us fall into the dangerous situation again.” 奎托斯轻哼了一声,转过头看着阿特柔斯淡淡的说道“我相信阿特柔斯不会再让我们身陷险境了吧。” Atreus shrank the neck, after coughing lightly, awkward saying I... I have absorbed the training, I will not make that matter again, I guaranteed!” 阿特柔斯缩了缩脖子,轻咳了一声之后尴尬的说道“我…我已经吸取集训了,我不会再做出那种事了,我保证!” Ash looks at the Atreus sincere expression, gently nods saying that best so, the little rascal, hoped you maturely really!” 灰烬看着阿特柔斯真诚的表情,轻轻的点了点头说道“最好如此,小鬼,希望你真的成熟了吧!” Through the transmission, returned to the top of mountain peak again, looks that above stone door had been carved good rune/symbol writing by Atreus, Kratos pulled out own magic chisel, walked step by step. 再一次通过传送,回到了山峰之顶,看着石门之上已经被阿特柔斯刻好的符文,奎托斯掏出了自己的魔法凿子,一步一步的走了过去。 Uses the chisel after on rune/symbol writing chisold several next, this leaf to Jotunheim front door finally in the front of people opens... 使用凿子在符文上凿刻了几下之后,这一扇通往约顿海姆的大门终于在众人的面前打开了… Finally looks front door that opens, after looking at the front door, that nine highest mountain peak, Kratos deeply inspires, looked own waist continuously cautious don't a small bag, looked to stand in own side Atreus, put out a hand to take off the bag gently, gave Atreus light saying it „a final section of road, you lead her!” 看着终于打开的大门,看着大门之后那个九界最高的山峰,奎托斯深深地吸了一口气,看了看自己腰间一直小心翼翼的别着的一个小袋子,又看了看站在自己身侧的阿特柔斯,伸出手轻轻的摘下了袋子,将其递给了阿特柔斯淡淡的说道“最后的一段路,你来带着她吧!” Atreus looks at Kratos to hand itself in front of surprisedly the small bag, surprised saying I? I really...?” 阿特柔斯惊讶的看着奎托斯递到自己面前的小袋子,一脸惊讶的说道“我?我真的…可以吗?” Kratos nod of gently, delivered to this small cloth sack the Atreus bosom this is you earns.” 奎托斯轻轻的点了点头,将这一个小布袋送到了阿特柔斯的怀中“这是你应得的。” Hears this saying, Atreus is looking at the small bag in hand, somewhat pulled out sniffing moved, to own old father sincere saying of „, the father... I takes an oath to mother, I will not disappoint you again! I will become a qualified son, a true soldier, making you satisfy!” 听到这话,阿特柔斯看着手中的小袋子,有些伤感的抽了抽鼻子,冲着自己的老父亲真诚的说道“是的,父亲…我向母亲起誓,我不会再让您失望了!我会成为一个合格的儿子,一个真正的战士,让您满意!” Kratos nod of gently, showed rare smile again naturally, I always believe this point...” 奎托斯轻轻的点了点头,再一次露出了难得的微笑“当然,我始终相信这一点…” ...... …… Looks at present this moving one, Ash nod of gently, looks that fathers and sons two light saying go quickly, you two, mark a perfect period for your journeys, this was really moving... this is the true proper family relationships!” 看着眼前这令人感动的一幕,灰烬轻轻的点了点头,看着父子两个淡淡的说道“快去吧,你们两个,为你们的这次旅程画上一个完美的句号,这实在是太让人感动了…这才是真正的父慈子孝嘛!” Hears the Ash words, Atreus somewhat embarrassed lowering the head, what suddenly probably remembered was the same, raised the head the anticipation sees the father to say father, Mímir and Ash can go with us together? I want to make them also be involved! They helped our so many busily, moreover..., if Jotunheim also does have Valkyrie? Perhaps Ash also needs to enter Jotunheim also perhaps!” 听到灰烬的话,阿特柔斯有些不好意思的低下了头,突然像是想起了什么一样,抬起头期待的看着父亲说道“父亲,密米尔灰烬可以跟我们一起去吗?我想让他们也加入其中!他们帮了我们这么多忙,而且…如果约顿海姆也有女武神呢?也许灰烬也需要进入约顿海姆也说不定呢!” Kratos looked at one behind somewhat surprised Ash, hesitated light saying you to make the decision a moment later.” 奎托斯看了一眼身后有些惊讶的灰烬,沉吟了片刻之后淡淡的说道“你来做决定。” Atreus joyful nod, has then turned the head to beckon to say quickly to Ash! Ash, we go in together! This is nine highest mountains! Jotunheim is no one can enter!” 阿特柔斯欣喜的点了点头,然后转过头冲着灰烬招了招手说道“快!灰烬,我们一起进去!这可是九界最高的山啊!约顿海姆可不是谁都能进的!” Heard this saying, Ash cannot help but titters one to smile, helpless shakes the head saying that good, I accompanied you to walk the last regulation! Also was finishes what one starts! Walks the little rascal!” 听到这话,灰烬不由得噗嗤一声笑了出来,无奈的摇了摇头说道“好吧,那我就陪你们走着最后一程吧!也算是有始有终了!走吧小鬼!”
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