DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1019: The lord of ghostdom?

When Guna prepares to mediate a quarrel, Neet suddenly swings the skeleton head to continue saying that „... you cannot be completely the living... such being the case, said also the no reason why not to you...” 就在古娜准备上来劝架的时候,尼特突然摇了摇骷髅脑袋继续说道“不过…你也不能完全算是生者了…既然如此,跟你说说也未尝不可…” Ash chuckle, satisfaction nods saying that I listen in reverent attention, the god of future death...” 灰烬轻笑了一声,满意的点了点头说道“我洗耳恭听,未来的死亡之神…” Saw the condition that Ash and Neet regain to live in peace together suddenly, Guna cannot help but relaxes... in the heart cannot help but the secretly thought, these two people, were really strange 看到灰烬和尼特突然又恢复和平相处的状态,古娜不由得松了一口气…心中不由得暗道,这两个人,实在是太奇怪了 ...... …… Neet has turned around slowly, looked that to at present by the Hull ghostdom that the ice cold cold wind sweeps across, is rubbing own bone, before the unique and hoarse voice said slowly I listen to Wolnir to mention... you repelled his one time,... or called the elf state in Jarhl Heym, right?” 尼特缓缓地转过了身,看向眼前被凌冽的寒风所席卷的赫尔冥界,摩擦着自己的骨头,用自己独特且沙哑的声音缓缓地说道“我听沃尼尔说起过…之前你打退了他一次,就在亚尔夫海姆…或者叫精灵国度,没错吧?” Ash nod of gently, before then puzzled asking me, somewhat is curious, you made Wolnir kill the entire Jarhl Heym's people, do you want to do something?” 灰烬轻轻的点了点头,然后一脸疑惑的问道“我之前还有些好奇呢,你让沃尼尔把整个亚尔夫海姆的人都杀了,你们是要搞什么名堂?” Neet shakes the head slowly, to Ash said that I have not made Wolnir do that, likely was he acts arbitrarily... I to make him collect the death of this world for me, but Jarhl Heym as the battlefield of elf, naturally in appropriate.” 尼特缓缓地摇了摇头,冲着灰烬说道“我并没有让沃尼尔那样做,很可能是他自己独断专行了吧…我让他为我去搜集这个世界的死亡,而亚尔夫海姆作为精灵的战场,自然是在合适不过的了。” Therefore? What relations does this have with Hull Heym in view of me?” “所以呢?这跟赫尔海姆针对我有什么关系?” Neet transfers is excessive, looks that after Ash light saying originally... I am preparation and other elves died completely, Jarhl Heym as my foothold, there transforms the new ghostdom, light extradition using the world wanders in nine deads, but... Wolnir defeated by you, I also can only back off, come here... you to know why has Hull Heym this ready-made ghostdom, can I also choose other world?” 尼特转过了头,看着灰烬淡淡的说道“本来…我是准备等精灵们全部死掉之后,将亚尔夫海姆作为我的据点,把那里改造成新的冥界,利用世界之光引渡游荡在九界的亡者,但是…沃尼尔被你打败了,我也只能退而求其次,来到了这里…那么你知道,为什么有赫尔海姆这个现成的冥界,我还要选择别的世界吗?” Ash gently crooked head, after looking at all around environment, asking that has doubts „, because you haven't obtained the complete death authority? Said... you are sensitive to cold?” 灰烬轻轻的歪了歪脑袋,看了看四周的环境之后疑惑的问道“因为你还没有获得完全的死亡权柄?还是说…你怕冷?” Neet's shaking the head of gently, looks at Ash light saying not, I do not list as the first choice here , because here before I come has the master, but I... I do not like meeting with anybody blade soldier!” 尼特轻轻的摇了摇头,看着灰烬淡淡的说道“不,我之所以不将这里列为首选,是因为这里在我来之前就已经有了主人,而我…我并不喜欢与任何人刀兵相见!” Hears this saying, the pupil of Ash cannot help but shrinks, fixes the eyes on Neet's asking one word at a time you to mean that... launches spiritual bombing in view of me, is Hull Heym's master?” 听到这话,灰烬的瞳孔不由得一缩,紧盯着尼特一字一顿的问道“你的意思是说…针对我展开精神轰炸的,就是赫尔海姆的主人?” This is impossible!” “这是不可能的!” Suddenly, has been hung Mímir on Kratos waist starts talking, opened mouth denied Neet firmly said... 突然,一直被挂在奎托斯后腰上的密米尔开口说话,一张嘴就坚决的否定了尼特的说道… Hull Heym is the state of dead, here is impossible to have the so-called master, from ancient to present, Hull Heym revolves, never depends upon anybody or god's control!” “赫尔海姆是死者的国度,这里不可能有所谓的主人,从古至今,赫尔海姆都是自行运转,从来不曾依靠任何人或者神的控制!” Heard the Mímir words, Neet revolutions is slowly excessive, not, because Mímir refuted itself to be angry, but gently shakes the head saying that regarding here situation... I now is also not very clear, but I was very definite, arrived here in me, and prepared with here death established the link the time, I truly discovered had... one to call it the ghostdom main existence.” 听到了密米尔的话,尼特缓缓地转过了头,没有因为密米尔反驳自己而生气,只是轻轻的摇了摇头说道“对于这里的情况…我现在还不是很清楚,但是我很确定,在我来到这里,并且准备与这里的死亡建立链接的时候,我确实发现了一个存在…一个可以被称之为冥界之主的存在。” In other words... is the lord of this so-called ghostdom is aiming at me, yes!” “也就是说…是这个所谓的冥界之主在针对我,是吧!” Neet shook oneself skeleton head I to say gently... had this possibility, after all I will not aim at you, Hull Heym will not aim at you to make anything, had the possibility only, was this ghostdom lord, as for reason, I was not very clear.” 尼特轻轻的晃了晃自己的骷髅脑袋“我只是说…有这种可能性,毕竟我不会针对你,赫尔海姆也不会针对你做什么,唯一有可能的,就是这位冥界之主了,至于其中的原因,我也不是很清楚。” Ash frowning of gently, somewhat disgruntled the master of which this so-called ghostdom said in a low voice? You said that is the lord of this so-called ghostdom is aiming at me, in other words you have not killed him, is this meaning!” 灰烬轻轻的皱起了眉头,有些不悦的低声说道“哪这个所谓的冥界之主人呢?你说是这个所谓的冥界之主在针对我,也就是说你还没有干掉他,是这个意思吧!” Yes, said accurately... I have not seen him, because since I arrive at Hull Heym, he left here on own initiative.” “是的,准确的说…我并没有见过他,因为自打我来到赫尔海姆,他就主动离开了这里。” Ha?” Ash twisted the mouth sidewise the mouth, a face surprise looks at Neet, “哈?”灰烬咧开了嘴,一脸诧异的看着尼特, The expression that the whole face does not believe said that you meant... the lord of this so-called ghostdom did run away in fear by you? Although you truly are quite scary long, but...” 满脸不相信的表情说道“你的意思是说…这个所谓的冥界之主被你吓跑了?虽然你确实长得比较吓人,但是…” At this point, Ash deep inspiration, beckons with the hand to continue saying that considered as finished does not say this, but the issue was your mouth lord of ghostdom, since had left Hull Heym, how he did aim at my?” 说到这里,灰烬深深的吸了一口气,摆了摆手继续说道“算了不说这个了,但问题是你口中的冥界之主既然已经离开了赫尔海姆,他是怎么针对我的?” Has this possibility, the specific situation I do not know, needs you to inquire about truth...” “只是有这种可能,具体的情况我也不知道,需要你自己去探寻其中的真相…” Looks that we do not know, we were only such a saying Neet, the Ash helpless length sigh, then helpless beckons with the hand saying that line the line... did not know at all, this you also want to work as the god of death I should not ask you, since you came, that helped, took away from here us, we also had other things to do!” 看着一副咱也不知道,咱只是这么一说的尼特,灰烬无奈的长叹了一口气,然后无奈的摆了摆手说道“行吧行吧…一问三不知,就这你还想当死亡之神呢我就不应该问你,不过既然你来了,那就帮个忙,把我们从这里带走吧,我们还有其他的事情要去做呢!” Neet's nod of gently, saying slowly naturally, I will then do that but before then, perhaps you can help me rescue Hull Heym's Valkyrie, there has a seal, I have not entered means...” 尼特轻轻的点了点头,然后缓缓的说道“当然,我会这么做的,不过在此之前,或许你可以帮我将赫尔海姆的女武神救出来,那里有一个封印,我没有进入其中的办法…” Hears this saying, Ash cannot help but selected the eyebrow, the surprise looks that Neet asks you to mean... Hull Heym also does have Valkyrie?” 听到这话,灰烬不由得挑了挑眉,诧异的看着尼特问道“你的意思是说…赫尔海姆也有一个女武神?” Also without and other Neet replied, Guna first step said „, I can feel, my sisters radish tower in Hull Heym, however the Odin seal blocked our way, therefore... Sir Ash, please extend the aid.” 还没等尼特回答,古娜就抢先一步说道“是的,我能感觉得到,我的姐妹萝塔就在赫尔海姆,但是奥丁的封印挡住了我们的去路,所以…灰烬大人,请您伸出援手。” The Ash revolutions is excessive, looks that Kratos and Atreus shrugged to ask gently how said that otherwise I first did make them deliver you?” 灰烬转过了头,看着奎托斯阿特柔斯轻轻的耸了耸肩问道“怎么说,要不然我先让他们把你们送出去?” Kratos looked at Atreus, looked at a Neet, gently shakes the head saying that doesn't matter, we can wait...” 奎托斯看了一眼阿特柔斯,又看了一眼尼特,轻轻的摇了摇头说道“没关系,我们可以等一等…” Ash satisfied nod, has turned the head to look that again Neet said good led us to pass!” 灰烬满意的点了点头,再次转过头看着尼特说道“行了带我们过去吧!” Then... Guna, asked you...” “那么…古娜,就拜托你了…” Speaks, Neet changes to black smoke, vanished in the front of people, only left behind Valkyrie Guna to float in the front of people... 说完话,尼特就化作一阵黑烟,消失在了众人的面前,只留下女武神古娜漂浮在众人的面前… Looks that turns around to walk, does not know that said a Neet of saying goodbye, Ash opens mouth, then helpless sighed to say considers as finished, I was disinclined to scold him, walked walks, earlier finished up leaves the place that this bird did not defecate earlier.” 看着转身就走,都不知道说一声再见的尼特,灰烬张了张嘴,然后无奈的叹了口气说道“算了,我都懒得骂他了,走吧走吧,早点完事早点离开这个鸟不拉屎的地方。” Guna smiled bitterly, then puts out a hand to hint several people to follow oneself, at the same time lowers the head to Ash expressing best wishes Sir Ash, you should also know, Sir Neet wants to give all dead to rest, therefore he is somewhat busy, please forgive...” 古娜苦笑了一声,然后伸出手示意几人跟自己走,一边冲着灰烬低头致意道“灰烬大人,您应该也知道,尼特大人想要给所有的死者以安息,所以他有些忙,请您谅解…” Ash follows Guna to walk, while sized up one up and down at present this by Valkyrie that the Soul condition has, asking of some doubts said that... I save you shortly after! Did you become Neet's little fan younger sister in an instant? What magic potion did he fill to you?” 灰烬一边跟着古娜走,一边上下打量了一番眼前这个以灵魂状态存在的女武神,有些疑惑的问道“说起来…我才把你救出来没多久吧!你怎么转眼就成了尼特的小迷妹了?他给你灌什么迷魂汤了?” „The Ash little brother, that grave king Nite is very brilliant existence, you really should not describe him!” 灰烬小老弟,那位墓王尼特是一个非常睿智的存在,你实在是不应该如此形容他!” Hears behind the Kratos buttocks is hanging Mímir to start talking suddenly, an revolutions of Ash face surprise is excessive, surprised looks at Mímir to ask is not... you what's the matter? What relations does this have with you? How did you also become the fan younger brother of Neet that fellow?” 听到奎托斯屁股后面挂着的密米尔突然开口说话,灰烬一脸诧异的转过了头,惊讶的看着密米尔问道“不是…你又是怎么回事?这跟你又有什么关系?怎么你也成了尼特那家伙的迷弟了?” Facing the question of Ash, Mímir smiles bitterly helpless saying I not to become his what fan younger brother... I am only heartfelt feeling, he is impressive regarding the attitude of life and death, he can be a very good god of death!” 面对灰烬的质疑,密米尔苦笑一声无奈的说道“我并不是成为了他的什么迷弟…我只是由衷的觉得,他对于生与死的态度让人印象深刻,他会是一个非常不错的死神!” Guna also echoes was saying that I also thought so, Sir Neet regarding the severity and benevolence of dead, was god of proper attitude a death... this is I am also willing to join his subordinate, became the reason of his assistant. I believe my sisters also to be able so.” 古娜也附和着说道“我也是这么觉得的,尼特大人对于死者的严苛和仁慈,才是一个死亡之神应有的态度…这也是我愿意加入他的麾下,成为他的助手的原因。我相信我的姐妹们也会如此的。” Ash looked at Mímir, looked at Guna, then a face uncomfortable expression whisper say/way unreasonable why his skeleton rack arrives in a soft voice which can be popular, I such graceful which actually arrives must be suspected? This could not convince!” 灰烬看了看密米尔,又看了看古娜,然后一脸难受的表情轻声嘀咕道“没道理啊为什么他那个骷髅架子走到哪都能受欢迎,我这么帅的却走到哪都要被怀疑呢?这说不通啊!” Who knows “谁知道呢” In a few words later, before several people follows Guna to arrive at a gate of secret room, such just as they said that is the Odin secret room, the seal before gate needs the chisel to open... 三言两语之后,几人跟着古娜来到了一个密室的门前,正如他们所说的那样,是奥丁的密室,门前的封印需要凿子才能打开… Looks at the seal before gate, Ash helpless shaking the head resigned-looking saying of this somewhat was uncomfortable... I also to think that Valkyrie in Midgard, it seems like... other world had! When this must find goes...” 看着门前的封印,灰烬无奈的摇了摇头一脸无奈的说道“这就有些难受了啊…我还以为女武神都在米德加尔特呢,这么看来…其他的世界都有啊!这得找到什么时候去啊…” This point you do not need to worry, the blessing of Valkyrie can direct your, so long as you rescue many Valkyrie, the direction is accurate.” “这一点您无需担心,女武神的祝福会指引您的,只要您解救出越多的女武神,指引就越是准确。” Helpless sighing, Ash pulled out own magic chisel, gradually moves toward the Odin seal, tries to untie the seal, while has turned the head to look how many sisters Guna did ask to say... your altogether? Do I need to rescue several?” 无奈的叹了一口气,灰烬掏出了自己的魔法凿子,缓步走向奥丁的封印,一边试图解开封印,一边转过头看着古娜问道“说起来…你们一共几个姐妹啊?我需要救出几个?” Guna ridiculed one, helpless saying is counted me... altogether nine Valkyrie, if possible... asked you to rescue completely.” 古娜讪笑了一声,无奈的说道“算上我…一共有九个女武神,如果可以的话…请您全部救出来吧。” Oh nine Valkyrie, we may really be a calamity!” The time of speech, Ash has used the magic chisel to turn on the Odin seal... “唉呀九个女武神啊,咱可真是个劳碌命啊!”说话的功夫,灰烬就已经用魔法凿子打开了奥丁的封印… Looks at the deep place similar float of cavern in the midair, the wing protects the body Valkyrie... Guna deeply to inspire, somewhat dignified saying „, my sisters radish tower... Sir Ash, asking you to extend the aid, saved her!” 看着洞穴的深处同样漂浮在半空中,翅膀护住身躯的女武神…古娜深吸了一口气,有些凝重的说道“是的,我的姐妹萝塔…灰烬大人,求您伸出援手,救救她吧!” Ash turned Byakugan, careless takes a step to enter the profound channel, while beckons with the hand to Guna said that is, giving me was good, fights a battle to force a quick decision!” 灰烬翻了个白眼,一边吊儿郎当的迈步走进深邃的通道,一边摆了摆手冲着古娜说道“是是是,交给我就行了,速战速决吧!” Valkyrie was confused the will by Odin with the magic, is defeated to kill it, can liberate their Soul, moreover what is interesting is that before they were attacked not active offense. 女武神奥丁用魔法迷惑了心志,只有将其打败杀死,才能解放她们的灵魂,而且有趣的是,在她们受到攻击之前是不会主动攻击的。 In other words... offensive belongs to Ash, sometimes, Ash only needed offensive to be enough! 也就是说…先手属于灰烬,有的时候,灰烬只需要先手就足够了! At the same time walking, one a spiral long spear/gun that is burning the flaming roaring flame was grasped by Ash in the hand, the sharp lance point lifted under the winding of roaring flame little, aimed at Valkyrie in not far away self-closing... 一边走着,一把燃烧着熊熊烈焰的螺旋长枪被灰烬握在了手中,尖锐的枪尖在烈焰的缠绕之下一点点抬起,瞄准了不远处自闭之中的女武神
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