DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1018: Felt oneself aimed at

The weak one who illusions, death time and time again, some lacked the strength to truss up a chicken probably was killed by mistreatment, but majority was killed with the fight of Monster during, Monster that even some illusions have killed obviously, was actually killed by other bewildered traps... 一个又一个的幻象,一次又一次的死亡,有的像是手无缚鸡之力的弱者被虐杀,但是大部分都是在和怪物的战斗之中被杀死,甚至还有一些幻象明明已经杀死的怪物,却被其他莫名其妙的陷阱杀死… But what is truly appalling, these killed illusion without exception, no looks at the clear face before..., illusion that Atreus kills, although is also one group of black fog composes, but that face clear can look, that is Atreus. 但真正让人毛骨悚然的是,这些被杀死的幻象无一例外,没有一个看得清楚脸的…之前阿特柔斯杀死摩迪的幻象,虽然也是一团黑雾组成的,但是那副脸孔清清楚楚的能看得出来,那就是阿特柔斯。 However Ash these illusions... on the face as if are covering one group of dense fog, in any event cannot look at that is Ash, Atreus recognized beforehand Ash to take to give the weapon that Broke appreciated, he could not recognize these killed person is Ash... 但是灰烬的这些幻象…脸上都仿佛笼罩着一团迷雾,无论如何都看不出来那就是灰烬,要不是阿特柔斯认出了之前灰烬拿出来给布洛克欣赏的武器,他也认不出来这些被杀死的人就是灰烬 Even if has recognized now, Atreus some cannot believe, these do die to think of the pitiful person are completely Ash? This possibility? 即便现在已经认出来了,阿特柔斯还是有些不敢相信,这些死装凄惨的人全部都是灰烬?这可能吗? First did not say that a person has many lives, can die so many times, however the pitiful conditions of these illusions keep Atreus from believing that only they are Ash... 先不说一个人有多少条命,能不能死这么多次,单但是这些幻象的惨状就让阿特柔斯无法相信他们都是灰烬 In the Atreus cognition, Ash very powerful, although is a mortal, but can actually kill by mistreatment the gods, even if the god of thunder Sol's two sons as if treat the lamb that butchers under the Ash sharp blade. Solely is this point, keeps Atreus from believing that at present these die in all sorts of strange and unusual Monster hand, the inexplicable pitiful creature of dying is Ash... 阿特柔斯认知之中,灰烬非常的强大,虽然是一个凡人,但是却能虐杀神明,即便是雷神索尔的两个儿子在灰烬的利刃之下都仿佛待宰的羔羊。单单是这一点,就让阿特柔斯无法相信眼前这些死于千奇百怪的怪物手中,死的不明不白的可怜虫是灰烬 ...... …… Deeply inspires, Ash returned to normal somewhat manic mood, hesitated a moment later, extends the hand to point at has been surrounding these illusions around them, said slowly does not need to suspect, these are I, this was my past, incomparable small and weak, can only in the hands of these Monster time and time again was killed.” 深吸了一口气,灰烬平复了一下有些狂躁的心情,沉吟了片刻之后,伸出手指着已经不知不觉间包围在他们周围的这些幻象,缓缓地说道“不用怀疑,这些都是我,这就是我的过去,无比的弱小,只能在这些怪物的手中一次一次的被杀死。” But... but this... this also were also too many!” Atreus opens mouth, a face shocking question said. “可是…可是这也…这也太多了吧!”阿特柔斯张了张嘴,一脸震惊的质疑道。 ... The quantity were too truly many! This short more than ten 20 minutes, many enough to are innumerable in the illusory image that their side flashed through! 确实…数量太多了!这短短的十几二十分钟,在他们身边闪过的幻影就已经多到数不清了! Sighing of gently, Ash somewhat helpless shaking the head, face bitter and astringent saying a little are truly many, what is truly pitiful is... this are not enough, these are also only I have experienced during the deaths insignificant.” 轻轻的叹了一口气,灰烬有些无奈的摇了摇头,一脸苦涩的说道“确实有点多,可是真正可悲的是…这还不够多,这些还只是我经历过的死亡之中的沧海一粟而已。” Heard this saying, Atreus opened the eye suddenly, has turned the head to look at Ash curious asking „, therefore... you were like Badr, the body of your also not dying? Do you have like him the ability?” 听到这话,阿特柔斯突然睁大了眼睛,转过头看着灰烬好奇的问道“所以…你跟巴德尔一样,你也是不死之身?你也有像他一样的能力吗?” Ash nod of gently, but actually shakes the head „, although is somewhat similar, but some are not quite same, the essence of his ability is the blessing, although is the blessing of approximate curse, how however my ability... cursed him unable to kill purely, but I was no matter died many time can resurrect, although effect Ais, but the process was entirely different.” 灰烬轻轻的点了点头,但是却又摇了摇头“虽然有些类似,但还是有些不太一样,他那个能力的本质是祝福,虽然是近似诅咒的祝福,但是我的这个能力…就是单纯的诅咒了他是怎么都杀不死,而我是不管死亡多少次都能复活,虽然效果差不多,但是过程却截然不同。” Atreus showed an understanding clearly look, after witnessing the surrounding death, he as if has sensed general raising the head, asked to Ash in a soft voice „, therefore... you became after this death time and time again so powerful?” 阿特柔斯露出了一副了然的神色,亲眼目睹了周围的死亡之后,他仿佛有所感悟一般的抬起头,冲着灰烬轻声问道“所以…你就是在这一次一次的死亡之后才变得如此强大的吗?” „It can be said that” Ash shrugging gently, showed an ugly smile this not to have the matter of means to Atreus, if did not stiffen, is unable to continue to go forward, did not continue to go forward, could not hold own destiny, these deaths, achievement present invincible I.” “可以这么说”灰烬轻轻的耸了耸肩,冲着阿特柔斯露出了一个难看的微笑“这也是没办法的事情啊,如果不变强的话,就无法继续前进,不继续前进,就怎么也抓不住自己的命运,也正是这一次次的死亡,才成就了如今战无不胜的我。” You learned anything, child...” In Kratos situated in silence has lowered the head suddenly, looks at Atreus light asking. “你学到了什么,孩子…”一直处于沉默之中的奎托斯突然低下了头,看着阿特柔斯淡淡的问道。 Heard father's inquiry, Atreus pondered the moment, then raised the head assured saying no one is inborn powerful, only then might become the powerful person after enough disciplining!” 听到父亲的询问,阿特柔斯沉思了片刻,然后抬起头笃定的说道“没有人是天生强大的,只有经过足够的磨练才有可能成为强大的人!” Selected under one slightly, Kratos light saying „, only then can grow stronger after enough exercise and tribulation, 微微点了一下头,奎托斯淡淡的说道“是的,只有经过足够的锻炼和磨难才能变强, Even the god is still the same, beforehand Manny, even expensive/noble are the children of god of thunder, even is grasping the strength of gods, they as before are the weak ones, before true powerhouse, was killed this road. ” 就算是神也一样,之前的曼尼和摩迪,就算贵为雷神之子,就算掌握着神明的力量,他们依旧是弱者,在真正的强者面前,只有被杀死这一条路。” Atreus lifted the head suddenly, looks at Kratos curious and asking of some anticipations father you? Have you also undergone such tribulation? Therefore you are so powerful!” 阿特柔斯突然抬起了头,看着奎托斯好奇而又有些期待的问道“父亲你呢?你是不是也经历过这样的磨难?所以你才这么强大!” The Kratos complexion somewhat cannot help but awkward, nearby Ash was teased laughs, after smiling enough, Ash helpless shaking the head, to saying that the Atreus present teased little rascal, can you hope that selected? That is your biological father, if your father died, but can also have you?” 奎托斯的脸色不由得有些尴尬,一旁的灰烬更是被逗得哈哈大笑,笑够了之后,灰烬无奈的摇了摇头,冲着阿特柔斯戏谑的说道“小鬼,你能不能盼点好?那是你亲爹啊,你爹要是死了,还能有你?” Kratos exhaled foul air, then gently shakes the head to say my past, although cannot compare Ash such... frigidly, but I also underwent very many tribulations similarly...” 奎托斯呼出了一口浊气,然后轻轻的摇了摇头说道“我的过去虽然比不上灰烬这么…惨烈,但是我也同样经历了非常多的磨难…” Atreus lowering the head of looking pensive, has turned the head to look that a moment later Ash somewhat curious asking Ash you... forgot, because these pasts, although makes you very strong, but also lets you very painful... right?” 阿特柔斯若有所思的低下了头,片刻之后转过头看着灰烬有些好奇的问道“灰烬你…忘记了过去,因为这些过去虽然让你变得很强,但是也让你痛苦不堪…对吗?” Somewhat periphery uncomfortable smacking the lips, Ash looks at the so-called pain, nod of gently it can be said that! Sometimes forgot something can make our live... is not so cloudy.” 有些不爽的咂了咂嘴,灰烬看着周围所谓的痛苦,轻轻的点了点头“可以这么说吧!有时候忘记一些东西能让我们活的…不那么阴沉。” After getting the affirmative answer, Atreus will look at oneself father again, showed an understanding clearly expression „, therefore the father you are also the same, although your past also made you very strong, but that was also to you painful, therefore you not agrees have told me...” 得到了肯定的答案之后,阿特柔斯再次将视线转向自己的父亲,露出了一副了然的表情“所以父亲你也一样,虽然你的过去也让你变得很强,但是那对你来说同样是痛苦的,所以你才一直不肯告诉我…” At this point, the Atreus look somewhat cannot help but gloomy, then, oneself questioning time and time again, made the father fall into the past recollection time and time again, oneself were really a little is too probably innocent! 说到这里,阿特柔斯的眼神不由得有些暗淡了下来,这么说来,自己一次一次的追问,一次一次的让父亲陷入过去的回忆,自己好像真的是有点太不懂事了! Sorry, after father... me, will not ask these things again.” “对不起,父亲…我以后不会再问这些事情了。” Looks finally to start the son of matter, Kratos nod of gently, put out a hand according to light saying on the Atreus shoulder past was the past, was not meaningful, in the future is most important, we walked...” 看着终于开始懂点事的儿子,奎托斯轻轻的点了点头,伸出手按在阿特柔斯的肩膀上淡淡的说道“过去的就是过去的,没有任何意义,未来才是最重要的,我们走吧…” When Kratos and Atreus just about to the starting to walk footsteps leaves, Ash puts out a hand to block two people suddenly. 就在奎托斯阿特柔斯刚要迈开脚步离开的时候,灰烬突然伸出了手拦住了两人。 Waits a bit, we have not been able to leave here temporarily, but also some issue processing!” “稍等一下,咱们暂时还不能离开这里,还有些问题没有处理呢!” Heard the Ash words gently, Kratos frowns to ask what do you mean, what issue processing but also there is?” 听到了灰烬的话,奎托斯轻轻的皱起了眉头问道“什么意思,还有什么问题没有处理?” Ash stretched out pointed at the illusion that periphery referred to also in the operation, then serious asking you did not think that... this thing were too a much less?” 灰烬伸出手指了指周围还在运作的幻象,然后一脸严肃的问道“你们不觉得…这东西有点太多了吗?” Atreus found out the head, puzzled asked to Ash may you not say that these were not many? These are also only insignificant 阿特柔斯探出了脑袋,一脸疑惑的冲着灰烬问道“可你不是说这些还不算多吗?这些还只是沧海一粟而已” Looks that suddenly imitates Atreus who oneself spoke, the Ash expression cannot help but one stiffly, coughed lightly helpless saying this is the fact right, but the issue was... is counted Mímir our here to have four people to come! Why doesn't the Haier ghostdom stare at me to suffer? What bitter hatred has with me? Although these things cannot play suffer my function, but looks that is very bothersome!” 看着突然模仿自己说话的阿特柔斯,灰烬的表情不由得一僵,轻咳了一声无奈的说道“这是事实没错,但问题是…算上密米尔咱们这里有四个人来的!为什么海尔冥界就非盯着我一个人折磨?跟我是有什么深仇大恨吗?虽然这些东西并不能起到折磨我的作用,但是看着真的很烦唉!” Is speaking, Ash while put out a hand to wield wielding toward the surrounding illusion, scattered, but quick also had the new illusion to present... these illusions surrounded in Ash about, digs, showed in the front of people his black history kept 一边说着话,灰烬一边伸出手朝着周围的幻象挥了挥,驱散了一些,但是很快又有新的幻象出现…这些幻象就包围在灰烬的左右,将他的黑历史不停的挖出来,展现在众人的面前 Although is not clear why own Soul obviously not glanced through trace, but these things look like read the appearance that own heart same kept, but the feeling of Ash instinct... these cheat inevitably! Definitely has anything to aim at itself! 虽然不清楚为什么自己的灵魂明明没有被翻阅的痕迹,但是这些东西就像是读了自己的心一样不停的出现,但是灰烬本能的感觉…这其中必然有诈!肯定是有什么在针对自己! Is the Hull ghostdom, either is... here master? 或者是赫尔冥界本身,或者是…这里的主人? Thinks of here, Ash lifted the head slowly, shouted to the sky in loudly Neet! Neet you in! In the words come out to meet I to have the matter to ask you!” 想到这里,灰烬缓缓地抬起了头,冲着天空之中大声喝道“尼特!尼特你在不在啊!在的话出来见个面啊我有事想要问问你!” As Ash several shout, Neet really appeared in the front of people unexpectedly, but in his behind, before impressively fluttered that by Valkyrie that Ash rescued... 随着灰烬的几声呼喊,尼特竟然真的出现在了众人的面前,而在他的身后,赫然飘飞着那个之前被灰烬救出来的女武神 Looks at the skeleton head Soul condition Valkyrie, Ash selected the eyebrow behind gently, hesitated asked Guna a moment later, I remember that you call this name, therefore you now were Neet's subordinate?” 看着骷髅脑袋身后灵魂状态的女武神,灰烬轻轻的挑了挑眉,沉吟了片刻之后问道“古娜是吧,我记得你是叫这个名字,所以你现在是尼特的麾下了?” Valkyrie Guna's nod of gently, to Ash somewhat excited saying „, Sir Ash, although stemming from you and transaction of Sir Neet, but I must thank you to save me, must thank you to help Sir Neet...” 女武神古娜轻轻的点了点头,冲着灰烬有些激动的说道“是的,灰烬大人,虽然是出于您和尼特大人的交易,但我还是要感谢您拯救了我,也要感谢您帮助尼特大人…” Guna is speaking this saying, Neet lifted the hand suddenly, stopping her to continue, light saying they were the living, as receiving and instructing of death, we should not contact with them as far as possible.” 古娜正说这话,尼特突然抬起了手,制止了她继续说下去,淡淡的说道“他们是生者,作为死亡的接引者,我们应尽可能不与他们接触。” Guna's nod of gently, what respectful saying you teach, Sir Neet...” 古娜轻轻的点了点头,毕恭毕敬的说道“您教诲的是,尼特大人…” Reproved newly subordinate who came, Neet revolutions was slowly excessive, looks to stand in his front Ash light saying Ash, why you will appear... summon me to come this here are so-called what matter.” 训斥完自己新的来的手下,尼特缓缓地转过了头,看着站在他面前的灰烬淡淡的说道“灰烬,你为什么会出现在这里…呼唤我来此又是所谓何事。” Looks that seemed some not to see own Neet, the Ash chuckle, then face indifferent saying spoke the truth, I do not want to come to here, this as for not calling you reason that came to here... you cannot look except for some accidents/surprises?” 看着好像有些不愿意见自己的尼特,灰烬轻笑了一声,然后一脸淡然的说道“说实话,我也不想来这里,这不是除了一些意外嘛至于叫你到这里来的原因…难道你看不出来吗?” Looks to linger in the surrounding illusion, Neet's nod of gently, then extends own skeleton arm to wield gently, the surrounding illusion extinguishes in invisible, the world was finally pure... 看着萦绕在周围的幻象,尼特轻轻的点了点头,然后伸出自己的骷髅手臂轻轻一挥,周围的幻象就消弭于无形,世界终于清净了… That is all?” “仅此而已吗?” Naturally is not... this somewhat unusual! Is the Hull ghostdom is aiming at me, are you aiming at me? Must give me a view “当然不是…这有些异常的吧!是赫尔冥界在针对我,还是你在针对我呢?总要给我一个说法吧” „The living should not meddle the matters concerned of ghostdom!” “生者不应该插手冥界的事宜!” Looks at suddenly acrimonious Ash and Neet, flutters somewhat cannot help but helpless in Neet behind Valkyrie Guna, she was put not, the subordinate who just joined Neet, although subdued to the wisdom of god of this death, but... 看着突然剑拔弩张的灰烬和尼特,飘飞在尼特身后的女武神古娜不由得有些手足无措,她才被放出来不就,才刚刚加入尼特的麾下,虽然对这位死亡之神的睿智所折服,但是… Ash after all is her savior, moreover later also needs him to save other Valkyrie, if this offended him, what to do that later should... 灰烬毕竟是她的救命恩人,而且之后还需要他去拯救其他的女武神,这会要是把他得罪了,那之后该怎么办…
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