DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1017: Past remnant shadow

That side Kratos races against time, Ash is also the time press, he needed Kratos complete all these before to block Badr, but must save from his hand Atreus, it can be said that the time tight duty was arduous! 奎托斯那边争分夺秒,灰烬这边也是时间紧迫,他必须要奎托斯完成这一切之前挡住巴德尔,还要将阿特柔斯从他的手中救出来,可以说是时间紧任务重了! However regarding Ash, this actually and has no difficulty, because Ash has discovered, Badr this fellow is a boorish fellow, depends itself to have the body of nearly invincible not dying, the forms of combat is a character, headstrong! 但是对于灰烬来说,这其实并没有什么难度,因为灰烬已经发现了,巴德尔这个家伙就是一个莽夫,仗着自己拥有近乎无敌的不死之身,战斗方式就是一个字,莽! Almost there is no skill, the strength said an honest remark also that matter! If necessary, Ash can get for three days and three nights with him and ensure makes him bump cannot bump into itself! However now the time press, does not put in order these detailed work with him 几乎没有任何技巧可言,力量说句实在话也就那么回事!如果有需要,灰烬可以跟他打上三天三夜,都保证让他碰都碰不到自己!但是现在时间紧迫,就不跟他整那些花活了 The long sword in hand without hesitation cuts, a steady ruthless sword, in Badr had not responded in the time, cuts his head, then flies a foot, full is the astonished head/number of people kicks this face on... 手中的长剑毫不犹豫的斩出,稳准狠的一剑而已,就在巴德尔都还没有反应过来的时间里,就将他的头颅斩下,然后飞起一脚,将这颗脸上满是惊愕的人头一脚踢飞… Lost the body of head also to lose the control, grabbed the Atreus hand also to loosen... Atreus to take advantage of opportunity to throw down on the ground, this... the hostage rescued successfully 失去了脑袋的身体也同时失去了控制,抓着阿特柔斯的手也就松开了…阿特柔斯顺势摔倒在地上,就这样…人质解救成功 Will throw down on the ground, rolled up Atreus of body to raise from the ground, Ash arrived was attempting the Kratos side, serious asking situation how? Stopped?” 一把将摔倒在地上,蜷缩着身子的阿特柔斯从地上提了起来,灰烬来到了正在试图奎托斯的身边,严肃的问道“情况怎么样?停下来了吗?” Kratos shakes the head hastily, a face worries looks at Ash to say not, I do not have the means to stop it, I do not know where Badr must lead to go us, I can only change a place! Therefore now...” 奎托斯连忙摇了摇头,一脸担忧的看着灰烬说道“不,我没办法停下它,我不知道巴德尔要把我们带到什么地方去,我只能换了一个地方!所以现在…” The Kratos words have not said, the revolving Rainbow Bridge front door was opened, a strong suction the people, attracted including Badr's body and head/number of people together! 奎托斯话都还没说完,正在运转的彩虹桥大门就被打开,一股强大的吸力将众人,包括巴德尔的身体和人头一起吸了出来! The strong suction ran out of Til's temple the group directly, throws into that world that the present was, in the ice cold cold wind, Kratos puts out a hand, before Atreus Sras arrived at the body, protects in the bosom! 强大的吸力将一行人直接冲出了提尔的神殿,扔进了现在所在的那个世界,在凌冽的寒风之中,奎托斯一把伸出了手,将阿特柔斯拉到了身前,护在了怀中! Under swaying of strong winds, after is dizzy, the group finally are falls to the ground... Kratos to look by oneself to be protected in the bosom, does not have injured Atreus, cannot help but relaxes... to stand slowly, the still shaken son will straighten up, serious scolding you shut up to listen to me! I am your father, but you actually want to change a person to be the same! Your too easy anger, causing you to be rash, does not obey! Too easy to lose control! Cannot this way! You must make your mother proud, must the road that gives up you choosing, now also with enough time...” 在狂风的吹拂之下,一阵天旋地转之后,一行人终于算是落地了…奎托斯看了看被自己护在怀中,没有受伤的阿特柔斯,不由得松了一口气…缓缓地站了起来,将自己惊魂未定的儿子扶正,一脸严肃的呵斥道“你给我闭上嘴听好了!我是你的父亲,而你却想换了一个人一样!你太容易愤怒,导致你莽撞,不服从!太容易失控!不能再这样下去了!你要让你的母亲骄傲,就要放弃你选择的这条路,现在还来得及…” Spoke this saying, the Kratos station, dispersed the arm that grabbed Atreus, extended the hand to point at his serious saying this matter not to end! We will come here because of you! Best not to forget to me!” 说这话,奎托斯站了起来,撒开了抓着阿特柔斯的胳膊,伸出手指着他严肃的说道“这件事还没有完!我们会来到这里都是因为你!你最好别给我忘了!” Ash will press in oneself giant stone lifts, while stands, to Atreus indignant saying you best not to forget, is your little rascal harms me to be pitiful, if you at that time listened to me, rescues your father, will not have so many trifling things! My this should start to carry out my work, now can also lose the time again? Really...” 灰烬一边将压在自己身上的巨石掀开,一边站起来,冲着阿特柔斯愤愤不平的说道“是啊你最好别忘记了,是你这个小鬼害得我这么凄惨,你当时要是听我的话,去救你的老子的话,就不会有这么多屁事了!我这会本来都应该开始进行我的工作了,现在还要再耽误时间?真是…” Saw as before wear a look of the anger father, had to look at dirty Ash, the Atreus present shrank the neck not silently, the nose also pulled out gently... 看了看依旧面带怒气的父亲,有看了看灰头土脸的灰烬,阿特柔斯一言不发的缩了缩脖子,鼻子也轻轻地抽了抽… Reproved Atreus, Ash turned own neck, moved a hands and feet, looks that the surrounding environment asked this place not to come, looked miserable, but also full was Soul of dead... this place is the Hull ghostdom?” 训斥完了阿特柔斯,灰烬扭了扭自己的脖子,活动了一下手脚,看着周围的环境问道“这地方没来过啊,看起来蛮凄凉的,还满是亡者的灵魂…这地方是赫尔冥界吗?” Mímir exhales white clouds, tone somewhat serious saying here incessantly is the Hull ghostdom, is worst place! Another side of bridge of curse... for a lot of years, the protectors of bridge of curse protect here not to allow the living to enter, but Kratos remove his heart, we can visit here, the circulation of causes and effects is really... helpless!” 密米尔呼出一口白气,语气有些严肃的说道“这里不止是赫尔冥界,还是其中最糟糕的地方!诅咒之桥的另一边…千百年来,诅咒之桥的守护者都保护着这里不让生者进入,而奎托斯撤掉了他的心脏,我们才得以踏足此处,因果的循环真是…让人无奈啊!” The pupil of Kratos cannot help but shrinks, 奎托斯的瞳孔不由得一缩, After observing an all around environment, serious asked to Mímir „, therefore... here was another side of bridge of curse?” 观察了一下四周的环境之后严肃的冲着密米尔问道“所以…这里是诅咒之桥的另一边?” Yes, therefore we must leave here as soon as possible! Otherwise, certainly will have not the good matter to happen!” “是的,所以我们必须尽快离开这里!否则的话,一定会有不好的事情发生!” Heard the reply of Mímir, Kratos nod of gently, looks a body side face curious is sizing up surrounding Ash, serious saying Ash, do you have the means to lead us to leave here?” 听到了密米尔的回答,奎托斯轻轻的点了点头,看着身侧正一脸好奇的打量着周围的灰烬,严肃的说道“灰烬,你有办法能带我们离开这里吗?” Hears the Kratos issue, Ash shaking the head of gently, resigned-looking saying is very regrettable, I cannot achieve, here is a ghostdom, the surroundings are proliferating the ghost, I do not have the means to lock any place, moreover I also from the future here, therefore I am unable to use move instantaneously bring back to Til's temple us, can only... walk by oneself.” 听到奎托斯的问题,灰烬轻轻的摇了摇头,一脸无奈的说道“很遗憾,我做不到,这里是冥界,周围遍布着亡魂,我没办法锁定任何地方,而且我也从未来过这里,因此我无法使用瞬间移动将我们带回提尔的神殿,只能…靠自己走回去了。” Heard the Ash words long, Kratos sighed, then has turned the head to look that Atreus light saying walked, we must continue to start off, but this time... you must learn to control you!” 听到了灰烬的话,奎托斯长叹了一口气,然后转过头看着阿特柔斯淡淡的说道“走吧,我们要继续上路了,但是这一次…你必须学会控制你自己!” Atreus nods slightly, response say/way of speaking softly is father...” 阿特柔斯微微颔首,轻声细语的回应道“是的父亲…” Just walked not two steps, two illusory images appeared in the front of people, the light judged from the illusory image, this was Atreus, before , by who his blade held... 刚走了没两步,两个幻影就出现在了众人的面前,光从幻影上判断,这是阿特柔斯,还有之前被他一刀捅死的摩迪… These two illusory images the process that Atreus kills, each few words that he spoke reappeared one side, in the front of people... on disappearance without a trace... 这两个幻影将阿特柔斯杀死摩迪的过程,还有其中他说的每一句话都重现了一边,就在众人的面前…紧接着就消失的无影无踪… Witnessed all these Atreus shrank the neck, somewhat uncomfortable asking in a low voice that... is that I? How do I... I possibly make that matter?” 目睹了这一切的阿特柔斯缩了缩脖子,有些难受的低声问道“那…那是我吗?我…我怎么可能做出那种事?” Saying that the Ash chuckle, then teased „isn't that you or we? You may be this appearance before, incomparable dislike, when particularly you said that you are a god, you can act in a self-serving manner, then your real acting in a self-serving manner time, I thought direct Palestinian slap on your face!” 灰烬轻笑了一声,然后戏谑的说道“那不是你难道还是我们?你之前可就是这副模样,让人无比的厌恶,尤其是当你说你是神,你可以为所欲为,然后你真的为所欲为的时候,我都想直接一巴掌扇在你脸上了!” Atreus some lowering the head of losing, look that Ash and Kratos said in a low voice I... I am sorry, I guaranteed, I will not do this again.” 阿特柔斯有些失落的低下了头,看着灰烬奎托斯低声说道“我…我很抱歉,我保证,我不会再这样做了。” Should better so...” “最好如此…” No matter how said, believes Atreus this little rascal learned the lesson, believes that he should change! 不管怎么说,相信阿特柔斯这个小鬼算是学到了教训,相信他应该会有所改变吧! Kratos knitting the brows of gently, looks at Mímir serious asking these... is anything!” 奎托斯轻轻的皱了皱眉,看着密米尔严肃的问道“这些…是什么东西!” This is the Hull ghostdom loathful place, not only will pass away the person who will also be sick dead to arrive at the Haier ghostdom, these criminals... Hull Heym will not differentiate us, therefore it will also suffer us with the past illusion! We cannot escape..., only if leaves here as soon as possible.” “哦这就是赫尔冥界让人讨厌的地方,不只是老死还有病死的人会来到海尔冥界,还有那些罪人…赫尔海姆并不会区分我们,所以它也会用过去的幻象来折磨我们!我们谁都跑不了…除非尽快离开这里。” Continues to go forward, the group went to above a square quickly, is an illusory image... is several Monster is besieging one to seem like the incomparably flustered person, finally... that person was struck to kill by these Monster illusory images, the illusory image also vanishes without a trace... 继续前进,一行人很快就来到了一片广场之上,又是一片幻影…是几个怪物在围攻一个看起来无比慌张的人,最终…那个人被这些怪物的幻影所击杀,幻影也随之消失的无影无踪… Witnessed all these Atreus flexure gently the head, whose illusory image asking of doubts „is this? I do not see clearly that killed person completely, does not see clearly his face...” 目睹了这一切的阿特柔斯轻轻的挠了挠脑袋,疑惑的问道“这是谁的幻影?我完全看不清楚那个被杀死的人,看不清楚他的脸…” Kratos shaking the head of gently, light saying this is unimportant, we need to concentrate on! By this illusion distractive, should not be continued to go forward!” 奎托斯轻轻的摇了摇头,淡淡的说道“这不重要,我们需要专注一点!不要被这种幻象分散注意力,继续前进!” Walks, these illusions look like haunted by the ghost to be the same, appearance when the surroundings of people, that person who does not see clearly the appearance, his dying time and time again, every appeared incomparable pitiful one time, was only heard him to be killed that sad and shrill pitiful yell sound, made Atreus be afraid... 一路走,这些幻象就像是阴魂不散一样,不停的出现在众人的周围,还是那个看不清楚样貌的人,他一次又一次的死去,每一次都显得无比的凄惨,光是听到他被杀死时那阵凄厉的惨叫声,就让阿特柔斯不寒而栗… Although also wants to ask the questions about these fantasies, but Atreus has not actually opened the mouth, because his father and Ash no one have paid attention to his meaning... 虽然还想问些关于这些幻想的问题,但是阿特柔斯却没有开口,因为他的父亲和灰烬谁都没有理会他的意思… Illusion emergence one after another, what was different from before, the leading character started to revolt, he started to grasp the weapon, he started to charge into these Monster, although to die to come to an end finally, but did not have before least, looks that pitifully... 幻象一个接一个的出现,但是与之前不同的是,主人公开始反抗了,他开始握起了武器,他开始冲向那些怪物,虽然到最后还是以死亡告终,但是最起码没有之前看着那么可悲… Time and time again...! Atreus somewhat flung the head uncomfortably, has turned the head to look that Kratos and Ash did ask this person... dead in a soft voice so many times? What's the matter? Are these he at the matter of Hull ghostdom experience?” 一次又一次…一个又一个!阿特柔斯有些难受的甩了甩脑袋,转过头看着奎托斯灰烬轻声问道“这个人…死了这么多次?到底是怎么回事?这些难道是他在赫尔冥界经历的事情吗?” Kratos shaking the head of gently, but responded to I not to know in a soft voice, I do not need to know, in any case that was not I, was not you...” 奎托斯轻轻的摇了摇头,只是轻声回应道“我不知道,我也不需要知道,反正那不是我,也不是你…” Atreus nod of gently, shrugs to say right, these illusory images at all are not we, we are also living, really does not know that the Hull ghostdom suffered us with the pasts of others is what meaning, I meant that... this could not affect us...” 阿特柔斯轻轻的点了点头,耸了耸肩说道“没错,这些幻影根本不是我们,我们都还活着,真不知道赫尔冥界用其他人的过去折磨我们是什么意思,我的意思是说…这根本影响不到我们啊…” Heard this saying, Ash has not said anything, but shot a look at these to keep appearing before him, dying, is trading the pattern killed illusion, deep inspiration , the expression on face was also getting more and more ugly... 听到这话,灰烬没有说什么,只是瞥了一眼那些不停出现在他面前,不停的死去,换着花样被杀死的幻象,深深的吸了一口气,脸上的表情也越来越难看… Finally before a illusion, Atreus stopped the footsteps, looks how many Monster this with is fighting, but finally killed illusion, gently crooked the head said in a low voice wait/etc.... I have the impression, where the weapon in this individual hand I good to see? Let me think...! This sword! This hunts and kills the ghost big sword the sword! Before is Ash, takes that sword!” 终于在一个幻象前,阿特柔斯停下了脚步,看着这个正在和几个怪物战斗,但是最终还是被杀死的幻象,轻轻的歪了歪脑袋低声说道“等等…我有印象,这个人手里的武器我好想在哪里见过?让我想想…啊!这把剑!这把剑是猎杀幽魂大剑!是灰烬之前拿出来过的那把剑!” At this point, Atreus transfers is excessive, somewhat unbelievable looked that asked to complexion ugly Ash „, therefore... these killed person was... Ash you? Are these illusions the Hull ghostdom are used to suffer your?” 说到这里,阿特柔斯转过了头,有些难以置信的看向脸色难看的灰烬问道“所以…这些被杀死的人是…灰烬你?这些幻象是赫尔冥界用来折磨你的?” Before , Kratos that guides stopped the footsteps... the resigned-looking length to sigh, why is this son intelligent or stupid... always cannot provide lodging oneself that mouth? Why can this matter say? Had not discovered that others aren't willing to raise? 头前带路的奎托斯停下了脚步…一脸无奈的长叹了一口气,自己这个儿子到底是聪明还是愚蠢…为什么总是管不住自己那张嘴?这种事为什么非要说出来?没发现人家都不愿意提吗? Hears the Atreus issue, the body of Ash cannot help but trembles, lifted the head slowly, looks at the surrounding illusion, deeply inspires light saying „, you said right... these are I, when is I was killed the scene. Very laughably...” 听到阿特柔斯的问题,灰烬的身体不由得一颤,缓缓地抬起了头,看着周围的幻象,深吸了一口气淡淡的说道“是的,你说的没错…这些都是我,都是我被杀死时的景象。很可笑是吧…” Got the Ash affirmative answer, Atreus opened mouth, unbelievable asking „, but... was this possible? This person to was killed finally, but you are also living, moreover... you are so fierce, this person actually...” 得到了灰烬肯定的答案,阿特柔斯张了张嘴,难以置信的问道“可是…这怎么可能呢?这个人到最后都被杀死了,而你还活着,而且…你这么厉害,这个人却…” Ash deeply frowns, low exclaiming of clenching jaws I said that these are I, is each death that I experience... that time I am that small and weak, can only times be killed, what opinion do you have?” 灰烬深深地皱起了眉头,咬牙切齿的低吼道“我说了,这些都是我,是我所经历的每一次死亡…那时候的我就是那么弱小,只能一次次的被杀死,你有什么意见吗?”
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