DC :: Volume #32

#3149: Big fish( this the hell coat color gloss shines)

Because of the invasion of collapse beast, in the city has been at the curfew condition now thoroughly. Fang Zheng and the others have nearby to look for close to the god city medicine construction peak, waits for arrival of curtain of night there. 因为崩坏兽的入侵,现在城里已经彻底处于宵禁状态。方正等人只好就近找了个靠近神城医药的建筑顶端,在那里等待夜幕的降临。 It is no doubt that this naturally was a dull and senseless action. 不用说,这自然是一项乏味又无趣的行动。 ......... Really is quite bored.” “啊………真是好无聊啊。” Takes back from the god city medicine the vision, Qi Ya Na complained immediately. But the thunder and lightning bud clothes patted her shoulder gently. 将目光从神城医药上收回,琪亚娜顿时抱怨了起来。而雷电芽衣则轻轻的拍了拍她的肩膀。 Qi Ya Na, do not worry, starts also some time from the action ........., do I have to make the onigiri ......... to eat?” “琪亚娜,不要着急,距离行动开始还有一些时间………啊,我有做饭团………要吃吗?” Must eat!” “要吃!” Hears to have the thing to eat, Qi Ya Na two illumination, then she seems like the puppy that the waiting throws feeds the same as look steadily at the bud clothes immediately, looks that the latter puts out the onigiri from lunch box on hand, quickly cheers a sonar, then eats to the heart's content. 听到有东西吃,琪亚娜顿时两眼发光,接着她就好像是等待投喂的小狗一样盯视着芽衣,看着后者从手边的便当盒里拿出饭团,急忙欢呼一声拿过,然后大快朵颐起来。 That ......... does everyone want to taste?” “那个………各位要尝尝吗?” But the thunder and lightning bud clothes after throws fed Qi Ya Na , the vision looks at to other three people. 而雷电芽衣在“投喂”了琪亚娜之后,也将目光望向了其他三人。 Here also has the tea ......... “这里还有茶水………” I am impolite.” “我不客气了。” Since some eat, Fang Zheng naturally cannot be polite, Bro Niya and small dark also puts out an onigiri respectively, started to eat. 既然有的吃,方正自然不会客气,布洛妮娅和小暗也各自拿出一个饭团,开始吃了起来。 Perhaps is because has the reason that the thing eats, Qi Ya Na also no longer complained, but is quick, she is eating the onigiri, looks to Fang Zheng. 或许是因为有东西吃的缘故,琪亚娜也不再抱怨,不过很快,她就一面啃着饭团,一面望向方正 Mr. Yuki, the light is waiting like this quite bored, was inferior that you told a story to us.” 结城先生,光这样等着好无聊啊,不如你给我们讲点儿故事吧。” Story?” “故事?” Yes, Mr. Yuki you did not say that you have passed through many world? What appearance are these world? Said to listen to us, I was very curious to this.” “是啊,结城先生你不是说你穿越过很多世界吗?那些世界都是什么样子的?讲来给我们听听吧,我对这个很好奇呢。” hearing this, not only the thunder and lightning bud clothes and Bro Niya revealed the curious look, small dark also looks to Fang Zheng & fucking ash ; After all she is also interested in the things of other world very much. 听到这里,不但雷电芽衣和布洛妮娅露出了好奇的眼神,就连小暗也是望向方正—毕竟她也对其他世界的事情很感兴趣。 That may too be many, some world are good, some world are bad, naturally, most world are normal, but some world have also destroyed, some world at brink of destruction ............... “那可就太多了,有些世界好,有些世界坏,当然,大部分世界还算正常,但是也有一些世界已经毁灭了,还有一些世界处在毁灭的边缘……………” Said till here, Fang Zheng touches the chin. 说道这里,方正摸了摸下巴。 However, I indeed have one with your present situation similar world.” “不过话说回来,我的确有去过一个和你们现在的情况差不多的世界。” „Similar to our situations?” “和我们的情况差不多?” Un, in that world has existence named Spirit/elf, they live in another plane, but will also come when the real world sometimes, when Spirit/elf in the real world comes will initiate the space to shake & fucking ash ; The might is not too weak, according to the history of that world recorded a fiercest space to shake killed several hundreds of millions people.” “嗯,那个世界里有一种名叫精灵的存在,它们生活在另外一个位面,但是有时也会在现实世界现身,当精灵在现实世界现身时会引发空间震—其威力也不算太弱,根据那个世界的历史记载最厉害的一次空间震杀死了数亿人呢。” Is so fierce?!” “这么厉害?!” hearing this, Qi Ya Na is startled immediately, but Fang Zheng also nods. 听到这里,琪亚娜顿时大吃一惊,而方正也点了点头。 Not only that Spirit/elf is also like law, is grasping the quite powerful strength, at least that world, they almost does not have the opponent.” “不仅如此,那个精灵也和律者一样,掌握着相当强大的力量,至少在那个世界来看,她们几乎没有对手。” „, How the person in that world copes with this threat?” “那么,那个世界的人是如何对付这种威胁的呢?” The thunder and lightning bud clothes also quite cares, after all listens to the Fang Zheng’s view, this species indeed and law named Spirit/elf is similar. 雷电芽衣也颇为在意,毕竟听方正的说法,这个叫精灵的物种的确和律者非常相似。 Un ............... “嗯……………” However, hears the inquiry of thunder and lightning bud clothes, Fang Zheng looks the embarrassment actually. 然而,听到雷电芽衣的询问,方正倒是面露难色。 Their treatment methods, I thought that does not have the reference value.” “他们的处理方法啊,我觉得没有参考价值。” Said that looks.” “说说看嘛。” at this moment Qi Ya Na also called in the one side, but Fang Zheng spreads out both hands, shrugs the shoulders. 这会儿琪亚娜也在一旁叫了起来,而方正则摊开双手,耸耸肩膀。 Good, is actually very simple, summarizes 16 characters.” “好吧,其实很简单,总结起来十六个字。” 16 characters?” “十六个字?” With its appointment, makes its charming. Seizes him to kiss initially, integrates the harem.” “与其约会,使其娇羞。夺其初吻,纳入后宫。” ..................... Yeah???” “…………………哎???” Listened to Fang Zheng’s introduction, the young girls to be shocked. 听完方正的介绍,少女们都愣住了。 What is this?” “这是什么意思?” Is the meaning in wording, that world has a youngster named Shido Itsuka, he has through kissing to absorb the Spirit/elf spirit strength Physique, therefore that side person aimed at this Physique to make this plan. So long as kisses with Shido Itsuka, then that Spirit/elf spirit strength by the seal, she will not have been harmed.” “就是字面上的意思,那个世界有个叫五河士道的少年,他拥有通过接吻吸收精灵灵力的体质,所以那边的人就针对这个体质制定了这个计划。只要与五河士道接吻,那么那个精灵的灵力就会被封印,她也就没有危害了。” This ..................... “这…………………” hearing this, a thunder and lightning bud clothes face compels ignorant, Bro Niya frowns. 听到这里,雷电芽衣一脸懵逼,布洛妮娅则皱起眉头。 This useful?” “这有用吗?” Many a little uses, because Spirit/elf was just born time is like the baby, almost anything does not understand. Therefore is not venomous to the world like law, is more like in the hand to take the child of nuclear bomb remote control, so long as guides appropriately, is not cannot convince it.” “多少还是有点儿用的,因为精灵刚刚诞生的时候和婴儿一样,几乎什么都不懂。所以不像律者那样对世界充满恶意,更像是手里拿着核弹遥控器的孩童,只要引导得当的话,那么也不是不能够将其说服。” Is saying, Fang Zheng gently chuckled looks to three people. 一面说着,方正一面笑呵呵的望向三人。 Therefore I said that this method with does not have to you, only if your world also has through kissing the absorption collapse can fellow ......... hahahaha ............... “所以我说了,这个方法对你们一点儿用都没有,除非你们世界也出个可以通过接吻吸收崩坏能的家伙………哈哈哈哈……………” Does not want!” “才不要呢!” hearing this, Qi Ya Na grasped the thunder and lightning bud clothes. 听到这里,琪亚娜一把抱住了雷电芽衣。 I will not let the bud clothes and unauthentic man kiss! It is not absolutely good!” “我才不会让芽衣和来路不明的男人接吻!绝对不行!” Qi Ya Na ............ “琪亚娜…………” The at this moment thunder and lightning bud clothes also reveals the appearance that a face did not know whether to laugh or cry, but during Bro Niya is lost in thought. 这会儿的雷电芽衣也是露出了一脸哭笑不得的样子,而布洛妮娅则陷入了沉思之中。 If really only depends on kisses can the seal collapse be able the corrosion, then indeed is worth trying. As the matter stands is not only law, female martial Shenmen can also ............... “如果真的只靠接吻就能够封印崩坏能的侵蚀,那么的确值得一试。这样一来不但是律者,就连女武神们也可以……………” Wait, Bro Niya, you have to discover that you are saying very bad matter? Do the academy girls want to kiss with that man are good?” “等等,布洛妮娅,你有发现你在说很糟糕的事情吗?难道学园里的女孩子都要和那个男人接吻才行?” This suits actually makes the book plot. 这倒是蛮适合做本子剧情的。 Looks at present Bro Niya and Qi Ya Na's exchange, Fang Zheng chuckled. If establishes by this type with the humanities, then can do male protagonist to be surrounded surrounding by female martial Shenmen greatly, harem class of intemperate eating and drinking. But in the strength disparity of both sides considering the reality, likely male lead receives, braced the bow by the female military god overlord hardly ........., this should be the issue that Eriri considers, listening to her to say setting that this female strong male received as if also popular is coming. 看着眼前布洛妮娅和琪亚娜的交流,方正不由呵呵一笑。如果以这种设定来出个同人本的话,那么大可以搞出一个男主角被女武神们环绕包围,酒池肉林的后宫类。只不过考虑到现实里双方的力量差距,很可能男主是受,被女武神霸王硬上弓………嗯,这应该是英梨梨去考虑的问题,听她说这种女强男受的设定似乎还蛮受欢迎的来着。 After this, Fang Zheng also gives the stories of many world the young girls spoke him to pass through, including, because fought the world war to project on everywhere the radiation wasteland world, because viral wreaking havoc entire planet turned into the zombie world of Risen Dead paradise ......... to hear these, the young girls were also face paled. 在这之后,方正也给少女们讲了他穿越的不少世界的故事,包括因为打世界大战打到遍地辐射的废土世界,还有因为病毒肆虐整个星球都变成活死人乐园的丧尸世界………听到这些,少女们也是面色发白 I have never thought that the company will develop this fearful virus unexpectedly on own initiative ......... “真没想到,居然还有公司会主动研制这种可怕的病毒………” Collapses in the world also to have with zombie similar person ready dead, therefore the young girls can regarding this sympathize, because of this, they instead even more do not understand this approach. After all the people ready dead in their world are because collapses to infect causes, however the Umbrella initiative manufacture of that world can turn into the zombie virus unexpectedly ......... this is also evil! 崩坏世界里也有和丧尸类似的死士,所以少女们很能够对此感同身受,但是正因为如此,她们反而越发不理解这种做法。毕竟她们世界里的死士是因为崩坏能感染导致的,然而那个世界的安布雷拉居然主动制造能够让人变成丧尸的病毒………这也太邪恶了! In addition, Fang Zheng also said the first coordinate point with them, is lets with great interest, they who the people listen have not thought after having human perishes, by the animal is ruled the planet world ......... also to have in the vat the matrix of brain, as well as went to war the entire world that hit only to be left over the death world of two live people...... 除此之外,方正还和她们说了第一坐标点,也是让众人听的津津有味,她们可从来没有想过会有人类灭亡之后被动物统治星球的世界………还有缸中之脑的黑客帝国,以及打仗打的全世界只剩下两个活人的死亡世界…… Fang Zheng wants with them saying that is actually relaxed, the world that helpless he passes through has destroyed either, either is at the destruction edge. The love world related to the personal privacy cannot say that ............... the Conan world ......... is unscientific, why a Bro Niya case can ask 100,000. 方正倒是想和她们说点儿轻松愉快的,无奈他穿越的世界要么已经毁灭了,要么就处在毁灭边缘。恋爱世界涉及个人隐私又不能说……………柯南世界………太不科学了,布洛妮娅一个案子能够问出十万个为什么。 For example obviously why the criminal has the crime techniques of confidence why these criminals is very successful this type not to conform to the physical law to own crime technique the crime skill how to achieve ......... 比如“为什么犯人对自己的犯罪手法这么有信心为什么这些犯人的犯罪手法都很成功这种明显不符合物理定律的犯罪技巧是怎么做到的………” But why Fang Zheng also wants to know! 方正也想知道为什么啊! Only can say that was studies. 只能说都是柯学了。 wū......... ............!!!” 呜…………………!!!” Until the rapid alarm sound resounds, this makes the young girls recover, they look up, this discovered that at present is night. In these world that because the immersion said in Fang Zheng, they forgot the time. However ......... how did this come about? 直到急促的警报声响起,这才让少女们回过神来,她们抬起头望去,这才发现眼下已经是深夜时分。因为过于沉浸于方正所说的那些世界里,以至于她们都忘记时间了。不过………这是怎么回事 They have not invaded obviously, why can the god city medicine sound the warning? 她们明明还没有入侵,为什么神城医药会响起警报? Seeming like some person and us is the same, wants to invade the god city medicine.” “看来似乎有人和我们一样,想要入侵神城医药。” Fang Zheng stands in the roof, toward looks at present, later says. 方正站在楼顶上,向着眼前望去,随后开口说道。 Then what to do? Can we give up acting?” “那么怎么办?我们要放弃行动吗?” Why? Isn't this good opportunity? Who although does not know is, but happen to we can fish in troubled waters while this opportunity, even was discovered can still fling opposite party to come up the pot, now the god city medicine wants embankment here intruder, surely does not have the unnecessary energy to care about us, makes these fellows cover for us.” “为什么?这不是好机会吗?虽然不知道是谁,但是正好趁这个机会我们可以浑水摸鱼,就算被发现了也可以把锅甩到对方头上去,现在神城医药要堤防这边的入侵者,肯定没有多余的精力关心我们,就让那些家伙替我们打个掩护吧。” Said till here, Fang Zheng also turns around immediately, is gesturing to the young girls. 说道这里,方正也是立刻转过身来,对着少女们打了个手势。 Ok, we walked!” “好了,我们走!” Just like Fang Zheng said that at present the god city medicine is busy coping with these mysterious intruder, simply has not thought unexpectedly some people while this opportunity secretly touch touched from another side. But after the person enters the building in the presence of everyone, they were also quick discovered with is not being others who guard machine armor of god city medicine fought, was ......... the female military god squad! 正如方正所言,眼下神城医药正在忙着对付那些神秘的入侵者,根本没有想到居然会有人趁着这个机会偷偷摸摸的从另外一边摸进去。而当众人进入大楼之后,他们也很快就发现了正在与神城医药的守卫机甲交手的不是别人,正是………女武神小队! Moreover ......... the blade of not extinguishing! 而且还是………不灭之刃! Hey, how were these fellows and on my bar?” “嘿,这些家伙是和我杠上了怎么的?” After seeing clearly the badge on opposite party uniform/subdue, Fang Zheng also complained. Before they must go to the eye of abyssal sea city opening abyssal sea, the blade of result not extinguishing on first attacked the abyssal sea city in the past. Now they come the god city medicine to investigate, the blade of result not extinguishing comes out to disturb & fucking ash ; How do this group of people and have a grudge? 在看清楚对方制服上的徽章之后,方正也是不由的吐槽起来。之前他们要去海渊城开启海渊之眼,结果不灭之刃就抢先过去攻打海渊城。现在他们来神城医药进行调查,结果不灭之刃又出来捣乱—这群人和自己有仇怎么的? However ok, just right that this time they come actually. 不过算了,这次她们倒是来的正好。 Walks, attracted the attention of god city medicine while these people, we go to check this damned place upside down!” “走,趁着这些人吸引了神城医药的注意力,我们去把这鬼地方查个底朝天!” Quick, taking advantage of the blade of not extinguishing shield, the group also arrived at the database of god city medicine rapidly, then Fang Zheng opens individual terminal rapidly, cracked the firewall, starts to search document. 很快,借着不灭之刃的“掩护”,一行人也是迅速来到了神城医药的资料库,接着方正迅速开启个人终端,破解了防火墙,开始搜索其中的文件。 Un ............ this is the medical prospectus of god city medicine.” “嗯…………这是神城医药的医疗计划书。” Fang Zheng glanced over, but the thunder and lightning bud clothes nods. 方正扫了一眼,而雷电芽衣则点了点头。 I know that this enterprise, starts from the second collapse, they proposed that must suffer the city of collapse disaster to conduct the humanitarian aid to the world.” “我知道这家企业,从第二次崩坏开始,他们就提出要对全球遭受崩坏灾难的城市进行人道援助。” To receive to collapse the resident who can infect to provide the free medicine ......... to collapsing to be able the critically ill patient to provide the free clinical care ......... hehe, this is really not the good gadget.” “为受崩坏能感染的市民提供免费的特效药………对崩坏能重症患者提供免费的临床治疗………呵呵呵,这果然不是什么好玩意儿。” What issue has? Mr. Yuki?” “有什么问题吗?结城先生?” Looking that Qi Ya Na has doubts to Fang Zheng. 琪亚娜疑惑的望向方正 I thought that they are doing the big good deed.” “我觉得他们是在做大好事啊。” This must look at how you saw.” “这就要看你怎么看了。” Fang Zheng selected the screen. 方正点了点屏幕。 You see, is their free medical treatment patient. I noticed that was their one cent does not spend to obtain big pile of white mice ............... “你看到的,是他们免费治疗病人。我看到的,是他们一分钱都不花就获得了一大堆小白鼠……………” Yeah ...............?” “哎……………?” Free is most expensive, always some people do not understand this truth.” “免费才是最贵的,总有人不明白这个道理。” Fang Zheng shrugs the shoulders, no longer pays attention to complexion pallid Qi Ya Na, inquired material again. 方正耸耸肩膀,不再理会面色煞白的琪亚娜,再次查询起了其中的资料。 Un ............... about the destiny patent anti- collapse can the research of vaccine HBA-0? Are this group of fellows want to make the generic drug? The stock is zero ........., Lisa said is this.” “嗯……………关于天命专利抗崩坏能疫苗HBA-0的研究?这群家伙是想要造仿制药?库存为零………啊,德丽莎说的就是这个吧。” According to Lisa's view, the destiny transported 30,000 vaccines to the god city medicine some time ago, now unexpectedly does not remain, indeed quite lets the person surprise. 根据德丽莎的说法,天命不久前向神城医药运输了三万只疫苗,现在居然一只不剩,也的确是颇为让人诧异。 But at this time, has stared at Qi Ya Na of screen to call suddenly. 而就在这个时候,一直盯着屏幕的琪亚娜却是忽然叫了起来。 Yeah, you looked, this person long and class leader seems like yeah!” “哎,你们看,这个人长的和班长好像哎!” Is saying, Qi Ya Na aims at the portrait of screen corner, above draws the young girl who an immortal is dressing up the appearance. Hears Qi Ya Na's speech, Bro Niya and thunder and lightning bud clothes also collected. 一面说着,琪亚娜一面指向屏幕角落的一副画像,上面画着一个仙人打扮模样的少女。听到琪亚娜的说话,布洛妮娅和雷电芽衣也凑了过去。 „It is indeed similar.” “的确很相似。” Should look like ......... “应该只是长的像吧………” Here also has, is the picture ......... yeah? With ......... this that Conan Dower travels together is the class leader?” “这边也有,还是照片呢………哎?和柯南道尔同行的………这就是班长吧?” Watches the present black-and-white photo, Qi Ya Na is confused, but the thunder and lightning bud clothes is also quickly makes noise comforting to say. 看着眼前的黑白照片,琪亚娜一头雾水,而雷电芽衣也是急忙出声安抚道。 „, Qi Ya Na, in the world has to look like the person is very normal fortunately after all ......... “只是凑巧罢了,琪亚娜,毕竟世界上有长的像的人也很正常………” „But why can the god city medicine collect the picture of person these and class leader looks like very much?” “可是神城医药为什么要搜集这些和班长很像的人的照片啊?” This ............... “这……………” Ok, this was unimportant.” “好了,这不重要。” Fang Zheng interrupted young girls' discussion, knocked the table. 方正打断了少女们的探讨,敲了敲桌子。 More importantly, we know which finally these 30,000 vaccines went.” “重要的是,我们终于知道这三万只疫苗去哪儿了。” „Huh?” “哎?” hearing this, the young girls quickly recover, look to the screen. 听到这里,少女们急忙回过神来,望向屏幕。 Stigma plan?” 圣痕计划?” Right ........., you saw, according to this inside record, the god city medicine thinks that the destiny is used to train the female martial God engraving way to be obsolete, therefore developed the fresh Stigma excitation mechanism ............... they to camouflage the destiny the vaccine to inject in own medicament the body of vault of heaven city resident, forced to activate Stigma in their body. Then causes the collapse disaster, beside person who as the matter stands has Stigma except for these, others will die ......... also are really superior win and inferior wash out.” “没错………嗯,你们看到了,按照这里面的记录,神城医药认为天命用来培养女武神的刻印方式过于老旧,于是开发了全新的圣痕激发方式……………他们将自己的药剂伪装成天命的疫苗注射到了天穹市市民的身体里,强制激活他们身体内的圣痕。然后再引发崩坏灾难,这样一来除了那些拥有圣痕的人之外,其他人就都会死去………还真是优胜劣汰啊。” This ............... “这……………” Reads the present prospectus, the young girls complexion is pale. 看着眼前的计划书,少女们面色惨白。 Unexpectedly must the person with entire city perform the experiment, this was too crazy!” “居然要拿整整一座城市的人做试验,这太疯狂了!” We must prevent them immediately!” “我们必须立刻阻止他们!” It seems like our ideas are consistent.” “看来我们的想法一致。” Fang Zheng nods, switched off the screen conveniently. 方正点了点头,随手关掉了屏幕。 Walks, we asked the chief criminal ......... to want this time by the blade of not extinguishing not forestalling.” “走吧,我们去找罪魁祸首………希望这次不要被不灭之刃给抢先了。” Quick, the people left the database, however, when they return to the hall again, the present situation, is to make the people be startled.( To be continued.) 很快,众人离开了资料库,然而,当她们再次回到大厅时,眼前的情况,却是让众人大吃一惊。(未完待续。)
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