DC :: Volume #32

#3148: Unexpected request( fat that this meow winters stockpiles)

However, Fang Zheng has not waited for Lisa's agreement, but is one ......... mission. 然而,方正并没有等来德丽莎的同意,而是一个………任务 Investigation about god city medicine?” “关于神城医药的调查?” Sits before the table, looks steadily at Lisa on screen, Fang Zheng is frowning. 坐在桌前,盯视着屏幕上的德丽莎,方正皱起了眉头。 Yes.” “是的。” Lisa complexion serious nod. 德丽莎面色严肃的点了点头。 I think that you also know, after law of emptying awakens, collapses the disaster to erupt again, although these time was not violent like before, but brought many troublesome and danger ............... “我想你也知道,在空之律者觉醒之后,崩坏灾难再次爆发,虽然这一次并不像之前那么猛烈,但还是带来了不少麻烦和危险……………” Wants the Fang Zheng words, collapses the disaster actually more like some large-scale nuclear fission explosion. Law is that atomic bomb, when collapses to gather the certain extent, will produce law, but works as the instance of law birth, will look like nuclear detonation such to erupt massive collapses to radiate, will have the influence on the peripheral environment. The symptom includes many wild animals to transform as the collapse beast, but human will also turn into the person ready dead because of the infection radiation disease ......... 方正来说的话,崩坏灾难本身其实更像是某种大型的核裂变爆炸。律者就是那个“原子弹”,当崩坏能聚集到一定程度,就会产生律者,而当律者诞生的瞬间,就像是原子弹爆炸那样会爆发出大量的崩坏能辐射,对周边的环境造成影响。其症状就包括不少野兽会转化为崩坏兽,而人类也会因为感染辐射疾病而变成死士……… Naturally, the destiny is not has not done, to resist the collapse radiation infects, they are also the collapse vaccines that developed to correspond, provided it to the people free injects, but the god city medicine was the destiny organization in the divine land partner. 当然,天命也不是什么都没有做,为了对抗崩坏辐射感染,他们也是研制出了相对应的崩坏疫苗,将其免费发放给民众进行注射,而神城医药就是天命组织在神州的“合作伙伴”。 Therefore they did misappropriate the vaccine?” “所以他们私吞了疫苗?” We are unascertainable, the news that but passes from the vault of heaven city is certain, that side as if had any big problem. Obviously law not there, but the vault of heaven city actually encountered the attack of large quantities of collapse beast, but quantity many unexpected of person ready dead, according to the efficiency of vaccine, should not present so many people ready dead in a short time to ......... “我们不能确定,但是从天穹市传回来的消息可以肯定,那边似乎出现了什么大问题。明明律者不在那里,但是天穹市却遭到了大批崩坏兽的袭击,而死士的数量也多的出乎意料,本来按照疫苗的效率来说,短时间内不应该出现这么多的死士才对………” Said till here, Lisa's expression became serious. 说道这里,德丽莎的表情变得严肃了许多。 Moreover, according to news that has not confirmed that discovered similar Stigma mark on the person ready dead.” “而且,根据尚未证实的消息,在死士身上发现了类似圣痕的印记。” „Is Stigma that? Female martial God that?” 圣痕就是那个?女武神的那个?” Fang Zheng knows actually existence of Stigma this gadget, the female military god of destiny can resist with the collapse , because has the Stigma strength. 方正倒是知道圣痕这玩意儿的存在,天命的女武神能够与崩坏对抗,就是因为有圣痕的力量。 However will the person ready dead have the strength of Stigma? 但是死士怎么会有圣痕之力的? Right, we had not seen this phenomenon before, associates to our vaccines again is missing mystically ......... “没错,我们以前从来没有见过这种现象,再联想到我们的疫苗神秘失踪………” Good, the situation I understood.” “好吧,情况我明白了。” A Lisa such explanation, Fang Zheng understood, but is quick he to ask again. 德丽莎这么一解释,方正就明白了,不过很快他再次开口询问。 But, the one who transmits this information is blade of squad that not extinguishing, can their words believe? Aren't this group of people Otto's faithful lackeys?” “但是,传递这个情报的是那个不灭之刃小队吧,她们的话能信吗?这群人不是奥托的忠实走狗么?” Hears Fang Zheng’s inquiry, Lisa's expression somewhat is slightly bitter and astringent. 听到方正的询问,德丽莎的表情略微有些苦涩。 Although I do not understand why the blade of squad not extinguishing has not been willing to return to the unit to the present, but ......... I believe orchid Miss Dell's loyalty to the destiny.” “虽然我也不明白为什么不灭之刃小队到现在还不愿意归队,但是………我相信幽兰戴尔小姐对天命的忠诚。” To be honest, regarding Lisa this is a very major problem, orchid Dell is the destiny strength most is also most famous female martial God, she is not willing to acknowledge Lisa's status to the present, even refuses to accept the order, is indeed influential regarding others, Lisa does not understand why orchid Dell is dead set on to Otto, she wants to discuss with the opposite party actually well, but obviously this is not an easy matter. 说实话,对于德丽莎来说这是个很大的问题,幽兰戴尔是天命实力最强也是最有名的女武神,她到现在都不愿意承认德丽莎的身份,甚至拒绝接受命令,对于其他人来说的确是有影响的,德丽莎也不明白为什么幽兰戴尔对奥托这么死心塌地,她倒是想要和对方好好谈一谈,但是显然这并不是件容易的事情。 Good, since you said ..............., therefore this matter does want me to lead Qi Ya Na they to investigate?” “好吧,既然你这么说了……………所以这件事要我带琪亚娜她们去调查?” Right, this is also examines law degree of threat in city, if they can successfully complete this time mission, then we can consider your plan.” “没错,这也算是检验律者在城市之中的威胁程度,如果她们能够顺利完成这次任务,那么我们就可以考虑你的那个计划了。” OK, I knew.” “OK,我知道了。” Since Lisa said was so clear, Fang Zheng also no longer said anything. 既然德丽莎都说的这么明白了,方正也就不再多说什么。 I can lead them to investigate to have a look at the situation.” “我会带她们去调查看看情况的。” Lisa asked Fang Zheng they to help, was helpless action. 德丽莎请方正他们帮忙,也是无奈之举。 Wants Fang Zheng, this world has many speechless situations. Originally according to truth, like collapse as critical as the disaster of entire human race life and death, generally speaking should be coordinates an international organization to coordinate, do a branch. The probably international police headquarters or the peacekeeping forces such structure mechanism is right. 方正来说,这个世界有很多让人无语的情况。本来按照道理来说,像崩坏这样危急到全人类生死存亡的灾难,一般来说应该是协调一个国际性组织牵头,各国自己搞个分部。就好像国际警署或者维和部队这样的结构机制才对。 However the situation in this world is actually completely different. 但是这个世界的情况却是完全不同。 The destiny is the resistance of origin in Europe collapses the organization, afterward gradually expanded, but has not ruled the whole world. Or the destiny now and all governments are also the cooperation, needs to coordinate respectively is coming. 天命本身是个发源于欧洲的抵抗崩坏组织,后来才逐渐扩展,但是也没有统治整个世界。或者说天命现在与各国政府也就是合作关系,需要各自协调着来。 Good, this is actually unimportant, disaster overhead request human worked as one really a little is also difficult, even after all the science fiction movie does not dare to shoot. 好吧,这其实也不重要,灾难当头要求人类齐心协力也实在有点儿困难了,毕竟就算是科幻电影都不敢这么拍来着。 However what most makes Fang Zheng not unimaginable is, the average person in this world does not know existence of collapse disaster unexpectedly completely! 但是最让方正无法想象的是,这个世界的普通人居然完全不知道崩坏灾难的存在! Naturally, that side Lisa has big bunch of reasons, for example, if the public information will cause the society to be unstable, or loses Order anything, but looks like in Fang Zheng, this is penny-wise and pound foolish simply. 当然,德丽莎那边有一大堆理由,比如如果公开情报会造成社会动荡不安,或者失去秩序什么的,可是在方正看来,这简直就是因小失大。 Is the tornado wind fearful? However hasn't the American been used to the tornado wind early? 龙卷风可不可怕?但是美国人对龙卷风还不早习惯了? Is the volcanic eruption fearful? Don't the Japanese construct the house below in the same old way? 火山爆发可不可怕?日本人不照样在下面建房子? Perhaps at first public time will have some influences, but after being used to it, dealing more convenient? 或许最初公开的时候会造成一些影响,但是习惯了之后,应对起来不也就更方便了? Where looks like the present, most people live are basically being confused, does not understand is completely what situation. Although collapses has also caused several disasters, but by the destiny organization by accidental/surprised disaster deceiving ......... this can be a head? 哪儿像现在,大部分人活着基本就是一头雾水,完全不明白到底是什么情况。虽然崩坏也造成过好几次灾难,但是都被天命组织以“意外灾难”给糊弄过去了………这能是个头吗? This does not pat Ultraman fights the small monster absorbs the piece especially, really thinks that the five colors corps can resist the collapse? 这可不是拍奥特曼大战小怪兽的特摄片,真以为来个五色战队就能够对抗崩坏啊? Does not mobilize the people, penetrates into the people , is the light better late than never is not useful here? Can you also make up for a lifetime inadequately? 不发动群众,深入到群众中去,光是在这里亡羊补牢有个鬼用?你还能补一辈子不成? Even cannot to the people explain that the detailed inside story of collapse disaster, you must tell them at least some universal dealing knowledge. 就算不能够对民众说明崩坏灾难的详细内情,你起码要告诉他们一些普遍的应对知识吧。 It looks like in Fang Zheng, the destiny organizes this robbing peter to pay paul means that brings about own destruction simply. When which day they could not conceal the truth, that will instead cause the entire society and does not trust their repugnance. Perhaps by that time what conspiracy theory and so on thing dominates, if really turns into this, then the destiny organization also wanted to summon that at that time everyone resists to collapse anything together, was basically hopeless. 方正看来,天命组织这种拆东墙补西墙的办法,简直就是自寻死路。等到哪一天他们瞒不住了,那反而会引起整个社会对他们的反感和不信任。说不定到那个时候什么阴谋论之类的东西都大行其道,如果真变成这样的话,那么那个时候天命组织还想要号召大家一起对抗崩坏什么的,基本就是没戏了。 However this influence destiny organization's expansibility issue, Fang Zheng and Lisa are has nothing to discuss that he after all is a bystander, is not internal member of destiny organization, that side Lisa also has own worry. 不过这种影响天命组织发展性的问题,方正和德丽莎是没啥好谈的,他毕竟是个外人,又不是天命组织的内部成员,德丽莎那边也有自己的顾虑。 In fact, Fang Zheng has an idea. 事实上,方正已经有了一个想法。 In this world, the destiny takes root in Europe, the counter entropy is located in North America, on the contrary is the organization that the divine land has not so far presented a similar resistance collapse. 在这个世界里,天命扎根欧洲,逆熵位于北美,反倒是神州到目前为止都还没有出现一个类似的对抗崩坏的组织。 But until now divine land in resistance collapse, what unexpectedly depends is the support of destiny, but all these were long ago agreement between destiny bishop Otto and some divine land immortals! 而一直以来神州在对抗崩坏方面,居然靠的是天命的支援,而这一切则是在很久以前天命主教奥托和某个神州仙人之间的约定! This how line?! 这怎么行?! Regarding „, even if Earth must first look after the family/home to discuss by the alien invasion again others Fang Zheng, this situation makes him be unsatisfactory. Europe has the destiny, does North America have the counter entropy, the divine land can only hold the destiny thigh?! 对于“哪怕地球被外星人入侵也要先照顾好自己家再去谈别人死活”的方正而言,这个情况让他大为不满。欧洲有天命,北美有逆熵,神州就只能抱天命大腿?! This situation he does not comply absolutely! 这个情况他是绝对不答应的! As gods, Fang Zheng may have nothing universal loves the spirit greatly, he never conceals oneself nationalism ......... or the racism tendency. 作为一个神明,方正可没有什么普世大爱精神,他从不掩饰自己的民族主义………或者说种族主义倾向。 This rubbish? He is god of the magical girl, can the non- racism, sheltered together inadequately that group of smelly man and magical girl? 这不废话?他可是魔法少女之神,不种族主义,难道还要把那群臭男人和魔法少女一起庇护了不成? Fang Zheng did not plan that after leaving here does not come back, what Tendoukyuu protection is human civilization & fucking ash ; Naturally, this human civilization is Fang Zheng defines, for example inherited high and low 5000 is the human civilization. 方正并不打算在离开这里之后就再不回来了,天道宫守护的是人类文明—当然,这个人类文明是方正自己定义的,比如传承了上下五千年的才算是人类文明。 Slaughters these of North American indigenous people not to calculate the person. 屠杀北美原住民的那些就连人都不算。 Now this world also suffers the crisis of human civilization, therefore he was impossible to stand by. But, Fang Zheng had not always found a right opportunity. However is now good, the god city drugs manufacture happen to situated in the divine land , Fang Zheng did not mind that if possible takes this as the beginning, does a divine land own anti- collapse influence. 现在这个世界也是遭遇到了人类文明的危机,因此他不可能对此袖手旁观。只不过一直以来,方正都没有找到一个合适的机会。但是现在好了,神城制药正好就位于神州,如果有机会的话,方正不介意以此为起点,搞一个神州自己的抗崩坏势力。 At least cannot always look at the destiny the meaningful glance. 起码不能总看天命的眼色啊。 Although Lisa is a good child, but the destiny is not she decides. Otto who in addition initially and divine land immortal made the agreement by Fang Zheng killing, later the divine land did not depend on itself, but also went by whom? 虽然德丽莎是个好孩子,但是天命又不是她说了算的。再加上当初和神州仙人做出约定的奥托都被方正给干掉了,以后神州不靠自己,还靠谁去呢? Therefore, holds such idea, Fang Zheng leads Qi Ya Na, the thunder and lightning bud clothes and Bro Niya, killed the vault of heaven city directly. 于是,抱着这样的想法,方正带着琪亚娜,雷电芽衣和布洛妮娅,直接杀到了天穹市。 In addition, his side returns many people, that is & fucking ash ; Small dark. 除此之外,他身边还多了一个人,那就是—小暗。 This is girl beside Fang Zheng after the conclusion that discussing draws, Fang Zheng does not know, after he is injured, Momo carried him to call everyone to hold a conference, in this conference, the young girls unified the opinion consistently, will decide from now on, no matter Fang Zheng must go to do the matter, must have the person on one's own side to look in his side is good! 这也是方正身边的少女们在商量之后得出的结论,方正并不知道,在他受伤之后,梦梦就背着他召集所有人开了一个会议,也就是在这个会议上,少女们一致统一了意见,决定从现在开始,不管方正要去干什么事情,都必须有自己人在他身边看着才行! This young girls do not trust Bro Niya actually not they, but Momo also explicitly expressed that Fang Zheng is they returns to the only pillar/backbone of oneself world, drew back 10,000 steps saying that even if they could not go back, wanted to start to live in this world, then Fang Zheng was still their backers. Without Fang Zheng’s words, then they will turn into what appearance, but does not say. 这倒不是少女们不信任布洛妮娅她们,但是梦梦也明确表示了,方正是她们回到自己世界的唯一支柱,退一万步说,就算她们回不去了,想要在这个世界开始生活,那么方正也是她们的靠山。如果没有方正的话,那么她们会变成什么样子,可就不好说了。 This point everyone also nods assent, after all before the destiny sent people to grasp their things, the young girls also record. Although Fang Zheng lent a hand to solve finally, but this was the issue is. 这一点大家也是点头同意,毕竟之前天命派人来强抓她们的事情,少女们还记着呢。虽然最后方正出手解决了,但这就是问题所在。 If Fang Zheng were not at side them at that time, what to do the young girls should? 如果那个时候方正不在她们身边,少女们该怎么办? Lala, Nana and Momo, although is the princess of Deviluke star, but their status are here useless. 菈菈,娜娜和梦梦虽然是戴比路克星的公主,但是在这里她们的身份毫无用处。 Has to run? 难道不得不跑路? Considering such consequence, the young girls will certainly not treat lightly this matter again. 考虑到这样的后果,少女们当然不会再把这件事等闲视之了。 Therefore the following issue turns, whom should let, when at Fang Zheng’s side is staring at him. 于是接下来的问题就变成,该让谁去待在方正身边盯着他。 Sairenji Haruna and Kotegawa only have Mikan first to be eliminated, their three are only the average person, no combat strength, went also to hold back. The Lala character bracelet, everyone does not dare to make her go, Nana somewhat is also childish, the load cannot handle the heavy responsibility. 西连寺春菜古手川唯还有美柑第一时间出局,她们三个都只是普通人,毫无战斗力可言,去了也只是拖后腿。菈菈性格跳脱,大家也不敢让她去,娜娜又有些孩子气,担当不起重任。 Although Momo volunteers services, but encountered Mikan resolutely opposes & fucking ash ; She may know that Momo has harbored evil intentions to own Elder Brother! 虽然梦梦毛遂自荐,但是遭到了美柑的坚决反对—她可知道梦梦一直对自己哥哥不怀好意呢! Otherwise can you often slide to the Elder Brother room in sleep? 不然你能动不动就溜到哥哥房间里去睡觉? Eve, although also raised hand, but was also denied. 伊芙和拉碧丝虽然也举手了,但是也被否定了。 Because they and Fang Zheng’s related were too close, if said any matter, cannot do well Fang Zheng to let their confidential, but related by Eve and Fang Zheng’s, their confidential was almost settled. 因为她们和方正的关系太密切了,如果说出点儿什么事,搞不好方正会让她们保密,而以伊芙和拉碧丝与方正的关系,她们保密几乎是板上钉钉的。 The young girls must send people to stare at Fang Zheng, rather than the plan does a two-sided spy. 少女们是要派个人过去盯着方正,而不是打算搞个双面间谍啊。 Therefore finally, they selected slightly dark. 于是最终,她们选中了小暗。 Small secretly the battle efficiency in this group of people are a row of front row, moreover east her also relative independence, at least not like Eve, Fang Zheng said them certainly not toward the west. If Fang Zheng must make anything, at least small dark can also stare lives in his & fucking ash ; She is also the assassin of universe level, this work she is specialized! 小暗在这群人里战斗力是排前列的,而且她也相对独立,至少不像伊芙和拉碧丝那样,方正说东她们绝不往西。如果方正要做什么,起码小暗也是能够盯的住他的—她好歹也是宇宙级的暗杀者,这活儿她是专业的! Regarding young girls means that consistent decision, Fang Zheng has not opposed, therefore he also has to have the small dark same place, arrived at the vault of heaven city. 对于少女们的“一致决定”,方正也没有反对的办法,于是他也只好带着小暗一起,来到了天穹市。 Then, what to do should we? Mr. Yuki?” “接下来,我们该怎么办?结城先生?” Goes out of the airplane, looks at the present city, asked that Qi Ya Na is eager to try, but Fang Zheng raised their brows. 走出飞机,看着眼前的城市,琪亚娜跃跃欲试的开口询问道,而方正挑了下眉头 „Very simple, in the evening, we sneak into the god city medicine directly the headquarters, having a look at them to be up to mischief is good!” “很简单,等到晚上,我们直接溜进神城医药的总部,看看他们在搞什么鬼就好了!”
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